HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrand Bend Holiday, 1966-08-11, Page 1the joyous
sound ... .
Outdoor services at the
Grand Beni United Church
have come to be accepted
by worshippers as the or-
dinary thing. They come
each Sunday morning by
the hundreds to join with
friends end visitors on
the tree -shaded lawn of
the manse, north of the
church, where cedar hed-
ges screen them from the
passing traffic, beauti-
ful music comes from the
church and the service
proceeds smoothly with
the voice and orpnn sound
properly blended - and
many take it all for
Note speaker in tree at
"please see page five"
Vri3.4, No,ll
Grand Bend,Onterio,Canada August
11,1966 Circulation this week 5,000 homes
This is Hermon - n long t schurxi thet proves to he e
heniful for two of the Grenier boys,Johnny (left) and
Eddie, as they get ready for an official photograph
for the Holiday. Herman is a registered puppy, at
present owned by the Grand Bend and Area Chamber of
Commerce, The Labour Day puppy raffle is being held
as usual, and on September 5 the draw will be made
for Herman. Tickets are on sale now, from Rollie's
Sports and Cycle (Mr. Grenier is heeding the raffle
committee), end from Billy Gossmenn, Dashwood (the of
official summer -time Sante Claus et Grand Bend) and
from other Chamber directors. (Holiday photo)
Still To
Though it is now two
weeks ago, the excite-
ments of Civic Holiday
weekend are still e. live
topic of conversation a-
mong village people, end
with visitors coming to
Grand. Bend.
To the questions, one
can only answer that the
disturbance wes not as
big ns it must have soun-
the rea . For some ree -
son, big newspaper heed-
eed-lines and the rnetnserei
tones of radio announcers
can make vest� chenges in
the emphasis that should
really be placed upon in-
cidents of that nature.
However, we find that
teeny people a half -block
off Mein Street, slept
through the whole period
of f:•ime when the disturb-
ance could be saici to
have been in progress.
However, it would not
be correct to mi ni. ni z e en.
tirely ell that took
place. There mere mTenr
things .done, eed there
were problems in keeZ:in-
The HOLIDAY has at
hand a copy of a telegrem
which went from Lorne C.
Henderson, MPP for Lamb -
ton East, to the Hon.
Arthur Wishart, the attor-
aey general of Ontario,
during the Civic Holiday
Mr. Henderson had been
appealed to by residents
of Grand Bend with view
to having specific action
taken to proved increas-
ed police protection dur-
ing weekends when great
numbers of people were
holidaying in the village,
This telegram outlines
the action Mr. Henderson
took on behalf of the
people of Grand Bend:
"The Hon.Arthur Wishart
Parliament Buildings
"On Wednesday of last
week I conveyed a message
to your department that
there were rumours of a
proposed riot in Grand
Bend on Saturday night
July 30.
"The information ap-
parently was not passed
on to the proper author-
ities, as the local in-
spector informed me yest-
erday afternoon that he
has not received flay in-
formation in this respect.
"As you already know
Please Take One
ic of Conversation
there were several people
involved in disorderly
conduct in Grand Bend on
both Seturdey and Senday
night, July 30 end 31.
"1 have received a
verbal report from the
OPP inspector and it is
my suggestion the Grand
Bead detachment be in-
creased to a sufficient
number that the local
i..� :►r4?t'. 4.1111. , r`n leneee
be put in the position
where they have to stay
off the streets for fear
of their lives.
"I would appreciate
your early attention on
(signed) Lorne Hend.er-
son,MPP, Lambton East,
RR3, Oil Springs, Ont,
Since the Civic Holiday
occurreneee of vend.al.ism,
the police detachment
here has been increased
from 11 to 25 men. The
village has provided
extraoffice space, by
partitioning off a sect-
ion of the second floor
of the village hall. The
detachment: hes apparently
been taking e sterner
line with violations of
the law, and leet weekend
went, cff quietly.
Aren't summers really something?
This candid photo %es done very early
on Monday morning - Civic Holiday. And
the squirrels had been out and gone,the
clean-up crews were tidying the main
street - and this youth had crawled in-
side his sports car, zipped up the cov-
er and that was that; p(Holiday pohto)