HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-03-21, Page 5, lorominlirow- Thursday, 1\tar.2tst 191R WINGIIAM ADVANCE 44',":.'27tr=t*.!! ••• " _"4-401%4444r.4.1,,,, ' 4090.1110111 .11 1 1 1 1 1 , 1111110110.1116/0401.141/WIP000401/000111.1100111100401110•01001611PIOWNNS01011110.1 . 1 11 1.1 1 J1.111.11 „11 11 11%1111 11 1.11: ../0010"0161401100/1614 I tJ.I.'1 r•Ll Pit V. oN 43,1/;tri ba* att)r. or 1.1Y railway, from trans,- porting or carrying latoxicatirig .1••••mt • ...WA* L After Aeril 1 ali Canada, With uor from being so carried. throUgla pro Mr. Lclitor IDA1 WOOD DIAL isasz \\a‘kt the extseettou of entreat and a few Whited area nor prevent a licoarsee ill • Dear Soo - alit' 407 Poor 014 Uncle Joh, will beater YOU Yct r "ra once, betied and listen to hint jilat thin ° ! munteipalittes in the. Proviitee of a prohibited area from selling Quoins., will he governed by a 'bone; liveriug intoxieating • • - 'dyeprohibition law. From that (late Metal, 1tri1, artiatle) itte-elra41a once, will you and oblige? You know Sir, ti\L' tAN4S Vek,A% $‘1,\N•S - We have just received our new Spring samples a Men's Suitings shown in all the le tdaus shades of Tweeds, Worsted and Plain Cloths If you want a ettit or overcoats that is stylish and durable we can supply your needs at very reasonable prices. QualhYt Workmanship, Style an it guaranteed Give us a cll. ekok\ws SaVs\adm For the men who like to be well dressed we can assure satisfaction at prices that are hard to beat, when he selects a suit from our range. Greys, Browns and Blues in Cheeks. Stripea, Mixtures and plain materials. We have them from $12 to 825 Look over our stock before buying, ° 0 -lava aliklzb Men's Navy Blue Serge Suitsall wool and absolutely fast dye, fine even weave and perfect in make and fit. Ae it is impossible to repeat on these we advise you to come early, special $20. Mao Navy Blue Cheviot. in all wool and fast dye Here is a chance to save money Extra value $16, A full range of Boys' Suits and Knickers of worsted and tweeds in pinch back and Norfolk styles. In all colors Blues, Greys, Brown etc, Many of these are laet year's mock and at the old prices from $4 to $12. Also odd knickers from $1.00 up, 1141asvi\coakz Men's Raincoats in great variety of material and patterns in tweed effects, Brawn, Grey and Green mixtures at 812 to $1.8 also Ladies' Raincoats from 85 to $15. Now is the time to buy, sTORE. oi.O.S.ES AT 6 O'CLOCK, AFTZIt A 13 Itna r - Produce Wanted the rh:pinent of liquor containing cM, ocientifle and medicinal puree. 7 : more than 2 aa per tent. of proof [Asir- in accordance with the tonne of his lecenve. 9 -If in any prohibited area there almald t c no licensee authorized to ltaTiN0 twct tfull intoxicating liqttor for sacramental, industrial, artistic, mechunical, scientific and medicinal purposes, the overnor-M-Counell may authorize one or mor o persons In such proluaited area to receive and sell intozicating liquors for such Purposes., and any person so author- ized shall be duetted a licensee within end. of the year. Atter December the meaning of these regulations. 6 --The eat riago of intoxicating liquor front a licensee or manufac- turer to a licensee in a prohibited area, and carriage through any pro- hibited area shall be only by 11104118 of a common carrier by water or by railway and not otherwise. ita into pros/aces which have paned prohibitory !awe and. municipalities which have adopted loeal option, will be illegal under to order -in -council just paseed by Federal Government nailer to War Measures Aet. Mann- : future of liquor, too, will be stopped on that date, except that hi Ontario the making of native wine and in Quebec the brewing of beer, now per- - '• witted by the Provincial Governments will be allowed to continue until the 1 k g has been prohibited and, the nutunfac- 7 -During the time any intoxicat- a ture even of beer, will stop on Dec- 'ing liquor is being transported or annber alst next. Consumers of alco- carried into or through a prohibited • holie beverages will, -therefore, bo area, as aforesaid, no person . shall - al - :: alependent for supplies upon to exist- open or lotealt, or allow to be open- -7...: Ing stock of into:Veants. pa or broken any pi:Otago or vessel Only 'for sacramental, industrial, containing it, or drink or Use, or al- : .7: lartlitile, mechanical and medicinal lowed to be drun4 or used, any M- I , 1 _ a purposes' -will liquor be manufactur- toxicating liquor 'therefrom . s 'eq. ata shipped into areas subjesstato • 8 -The harden or proving the 1.1 . provincial or municipal prohibitery 'right to make or manufacture in - a lawe. A method of selling liquor and toxleating liquor, or cause intoxicat- r. !providing for 'direct deliveries' in lag liquor -to be made or manufae- . .1 ' Ontario in spite of the Ontario' Tem- tured, or to send, carry, or deliver 1 1 . perance Aet will be no longer °free- intoxicating liquor or cause Weal- tive, Hitherto dealers outside Oat- • eating liquor to be sent, carved or . . a ario have been able to hold "to theirarea reran be on the person accused. Phone 89 : - order' at °uteri° distilleries and lafrattion o$ the the regulations lua- 31st next, however, the drought will be noticeable even in the City or Mon- ' treat and the aforementioned distriete of Quebec province. The Quebec pro- hibition law does not become operat. ive until May lath 191a. Import- ation of liquor into Canada, however, - breweries stocks of whiskey and boor. poses liability 'told. a penalty for the upon receipt of orders from (Wail() first offence of not less than $200 a .1a 1.1 0111,11 dleilimniP -.,-.4.ctatEagi0=g4sraraaairoarimigarksturasomarsonswgri.,,. ,14.11mi110.#1111m0110 ..11,iLe ;11.107 cuetomers smelt dealere have boon and not 71,101'0 than $1,000. In do- ..a...ntroznErananiemessantsmzentomectquannordnomsomeremnsweamemeninmereemi I able to telegraph the' distilleries or fault. imprisonment for not less than 11m:work% to deliver, the goods direct- ly to a tarter for removal to the pre- mises of the,purehasers. Transac- tions of this kind have been made by the Ontarfo courts to be legal under the Ontario Temperance Act, They will be illegal under the Federal Or- der-in-Cottucil which, enacts that Olo person after the first day of .April 1918, shall either directly or indir- ectly sell or contract or agree to sell any, intoxicating liquor which is in, or which is to be delivered In any :prohibited area.' I Other provisions In the regulations !roe: • • .1;.....•••••••.....1.41.==g5•11ikra.Mkt 1MatanatM11111,711,11, • •.11.1.1 . 61, .1. I I,Ya.,1 ••• I I I. ' m;1.., Salem Mr. Chas, Westlake left last Saturday for the West where he intends spending • the sttnuner. Messrs. Thos McMichael and Edwin Bennett shipped a car of horses to the West last week. Mr, McMidiael went witb.the car and Mr, Bennett following , him a few days later. Mr. and Mrs. John Bush visited friends near Teeswater last week. Mt Thos. Jacklin'e sale last Friday was well attended. Eeerything brought good price. Mr. Jacklin sold 'the tarm to Mr. Wni King who takes possession immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McIntosh who spent the winter with their son, Fred and other friends left last Saturday for the ir home in the West, MILLI . , I 4 , , r NS . m I I .1 -I ... 14 4441.4 0; M4.11,14mal1.411,4414.14.74.41. ' livery year from Consumption, Taliliona could - have been saved if only common sense prevention had been used in the first stage. If You iteRa Sufferer from Asthma, Bron - °lilt's, Catarrh, Pleurisy, , Weak Lungs, Cough and Colds -all - eases leading up to Consumption, • Tuberculosis, YOU ARE interested in Dr, Strandgard's T. B. Medicine. Write for Testimonials and Booklet. DD. STRANDGADD'S Barnum Co., 263:66 Yonge Street, Toronto. ili14:0014,1Weigagga, Mr. Roy McKersie went through an Logan, one of Seaforth's prominent pion - operation in the Wingham Hospital last eer merchants, and is one more of the Saturday for appeneichis. The operation boys who have come to the front in the was successful. We hope he may be all leading centres of Canada during the past right soon again few • . Frolit a emalt beginning he Forel' 4.s.e has become one of the most prominent - dealers cl* 1 printing Mr. and Mrs Jas. Leaver ot Wingham, machinery in the province and is recog visited at Peter Leaver's on day last nized as the leading expert on book -bind- - ingmachinery in Canada, to -day and he Miss Amelia Leaver entertained a few has many friends in Huron who will ex - of her friends one evening recently. • . tend every wish for his continued succese; He has one fault however, which is point - Mr. Evans Haines, who has been out . • ed out in the article accompanying the West for a number of years, returned to sketch -he is a bachelor and should 'know his home here on 'Wednesday last. We week. are glad to see Evans back again looking better. fine. Mrs Haines and family came home last fall. • LEMONS MAKE SKIN The stork called at, Alex Havens last WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR week and left a little girl. . Mr. Leo. Kelly is working at Robt, Make this beauty lotion for a few cents Coultes'. Belgrave. . and see for yourself Misses Amelia Leaver and Edna Mc• -•What girl or woman hasn't beard of lemon juice to remove complexiOn blemish - Neil of nast Wavianosh, visited with es, to whiten the skin and to bring out their friend, Victoria Champion last the roses the freshness anti the hidden week , beauty? But lemon juice alone is acid, therefore irritating, and should be mixed Mr. John Gibbons sold a very valuable with orchard white this way. Strain horse to Mr. J. Foster last week, through a fine cloth the juice ot two fresh lemons iuto a bottle containing about Mr. Ted Haines sold a fine 3 year-old three ounces oforchard white. then shaka colt one day lately. We presume he well a.nd you have a witrio quarter pint of got a good price for it was certainly a fine skin and complexion lotion at ab ut the cost one generaily pays for asmall jar of one. ordinarily cold cream Be sure to strain Huron Blood Will Tell the lemon juice so no pulp gets into the ......-..--aa , ...... ---- • bottle, then this lotion will remain pure 1 he February number of Printer and and fresh for months, When applied daily Publisher contains an excellent cut of Mr. to the face; neck arms and hands it should Ilugh J. Logan, of Toronto, and also of ItlitPt bsiac..11',dear, smootheu and bestu- ltis extensive show molts on Adelaide •kity druggist will supply three ounces street in that city. Mr. Logan is an old of orchard white at very little cost andthe Seatorth boy, being a son of the late • John grocer has the lemons, are: 1 -Nothing in the regulations shall or ananufacturing intoxicating liquor for .sacramental, industrial, artistic, • mechanical, scientific and medicinal purposes, in accordance with the • terms of his license, 2 --No person. after the first day of April, 1918, shall send, take, trans- port into or deliver in any prohibited area. any intoxicating liquor or cause any intoxicating liquor to bo so sent, . transported, or delivered. - 3 -No person after the ist day of April, 1018, shall either directly or In directly sell or contract or agree t2 sell any intoxicating liquor which in or which is to be delivered within any prohibited area. 4 -Nothing in these regulations contained shall prevcrit a licensee or manufacturer from selling, 'sending taking • or traneporting intoxicating liquor to a licensee in any prohibited area, •or prevent a common minder three month nor more than Mx =tithe; for a Second offence im- prisonment for not less than six and not more than twelve ntonths. Pro- visions is unto made for the issue of seareh warrants, The regulations continue in rot co during the present war and for twelve 111033.11tS thereafter. IT SHOULD MAKE A MILLION FOR HIM Cincinnati man discovers drug that !omens corns so they lift out gists here are kept busy dispensing freez- • Mrs. Dougald Simpson of Denfield, is of late there has been considerable critic- ism passed upon the town's wood deal. At the regular meeting in February, the council thought it wise (owing to the scarcity of fuel) to try and purchase a quantity of wood which could be sold in small lots, to any who were completely out of fuel. . A committee, comprising Coun- cillors Fells, Gurney and Currie were ap- pointed to investigate and report at the next regular meeting. At the regular March meeting, Convenor Fells, stated that the committee had bought 100 cords of mixed wood at 83.50 per cord, if the town wanted it all well and good, if not they need not take it, as they already had been offered $4.50 per cord for 45 cords of the seine. It was very evident, that the committee did not want the town to take it as they tried to withdraw the deal; before the council had voted upon the transaction, On motion of Counciffor Spotton they were not allowed so to do until a vote had been taken. It was then moved by Spotton and Tipling that the council ac- cept the report of the committee on wood, and that the same committee, be a stand ing committee for the disposal in small lots to those who were needing the same The next day the said committee sold the whole lot to Mr. Cantelon. 1. Did the committee betray their trust? 2. There has been times this winter when our dealers had no coal or wood, then if the town had a little to fall back upon in case of emergency, 'haw would they be competing, with that which did not exist? 3. Did the committee sell for the same figure as was- paid for the wood? 4. If the wood was of good value, wily not have reserved the same for heating clerk's ofiiice, hall and library? . The profit accruing from the sale of 100 cord of mixedavood (equally divided) would riot have caused a very big loss, either to Mr. McLean or Mr. Cantelon, when the town had no intention especially of establishing a permuanneeniet Josh.voodyard. . Yours respectfully, Belgrave •Ales. McLelland of Blyth. is calling on friends in*the village. . Mt Robert Armstrong of Seaforth, is ' spending a few days in the village. Good news spreads rapidly and drug - on e,the recent discovery of a. Cincinatti viaiting at R. Munro's. • man. whii?li is said to looseu ally corn so Me David Scott is spending a week it lifts out with -the fingers. with friends in Milton, A quarter of an ounce costs very little at •tny drug store, but this is Feld to be Mis (Rev.) Davidson has a lady friend sufficient to rid one's feet of every hard or from Montreal visiting her, soft corn or callus. You apply just a few drops ou the. ten- der, aching corn or toughened callus and . instantly the soreness is relieved, and soon the corn or callus 1.5 so shrivelled that it lifts out without pain, It is a sticky sub- stance which dries when applied and nett- er inflames or even irritates the surround- ing skin. This discovery wilt prevent thousands of deaths annually from lockjaw and in- teetion heretofore resulting from the sui• cideil habit of cutting corns. • East Wawanosh Louis, the young son of Mr. Fred Cook was operated on for appendicitis on Thursday last, and is doing as well as can be expected. • . as. Mr. Chas. Wightman made the first maple • Luis di t ict this season syrup in sr • XXXXXXXV4)1WMUMMWMIXXXXXXIAILIX:s1XXX' X.,7,47,f,XX XXXXXX,M4,1.7!,43XXX.XWXXIXXXXX XXXX' XXX , r ,::-1. ----, ..1' ix .,, „:„...„. .. ,e... 14.• -.75,, , :- t ZP,,•• ' -tt ......:::?i, .,.,.. „., Ke* v. ,,f.,:.,..,,,:.7i..: elg ..0. , ........2 • .1 ...',..... n!. 1'i;.........• "14.• ' '...... • ,...1:•' .4'1`...• '.;' . •••,...t:1"..“,7.3.,......2.•....e.': .. 'IVN•WaNtatintiMaildia111111talikkig.Abiili.1111.L 11 1.111A.11111 111118”11111ZINEEMMIMINN kri , x x ,, ...,,,," 1,1 m The Balance of the stock of R M Lindsay F, and Metropolitan Clothing Co., Kingston, %.41 consisting of Men's and Boys' Clothing, k Raincoats, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Skirts', Waists, Dress Goods, Embroideries, Etc. Commencing at 2 p. m. shaPp on Th sa, riday Mar6 the 21st nd Saturday nd. and 23rd. • Linistis former Sind Don't Miss the Bargains WINGHAM, ONT. Your Opportunity to Save XXXXXxXxxionotx xxxxxxXXX MoOtxXxxxx )txxxxxXitoiXxXxXxxxxxxxXxXXX ear. Do Prisoners of War The German Authorities have issued a memorandum to the effect that parcels for Prisoners of War interned in Germany must be addressed to the "parent" (or With the land forces and with the fleet WRIGLEY'S 0041.64r • -„--91. gives solace in the long watch, it fresh- ens and refreshens, steadies nerves, allays thirst, helm appetite and digestion. The Flavour • Lasts KeeP Your boy ' supplied MADE IN CANADA 1 m ; as, .,, 0 .,' • „_, s,omnsfrr/,NirItierirr? si . 11111CY PRUIT APrPgttij. f1 : . ...:etee‘ •riAl, ah ' - .. i • ( / ' '"'' • - e" main) camp to which.the prisoners be- long and must not bear the names of any branch or working camps or of any other place to which the Prisoner might be de- tailed for special services. The memorandum states that prisoners who have been detailed for services out- side the "parent" camps. have been en- joined by the German Authorities from the very first, to inform in this sense any relations or other persons from whom they expect to receive postal parcels. Parcels for Prisoners of War in hospitals also come within the meaning of these regu- rations. In the interests of the Prisoners it. je therefore essential that *thee regulations • should be strictly adhered to a§ otherwise the German Authorities will not delivee the parcels to the Prisoners of War fiir which they are inten ded, and it is seg.. gested that persons in Canada When writ. ing to Prisoners in Germany., should ati. certain definitely the name of the '1)=04 (or main) camp so that they can CoiriPly with the regulations of the German auth- orities in addressing parcels to Prjeonere. .4.:41,4•;•;,` Necessary Farm Equipment MORE and more the Ford as is keeled upon by progressive farmers as new,. sary farm equipment, the same u the plow, the hay -rake, the drill, the mower, the harrow and other labor and time -saving machinery. A farmer with a Ford ear can dispense with one or two of his horses s.nd make the tti$ to town, railway station, ,creamenr, or to the neigh- bours in one-third the time. in fact there is se tarn machine made that will Itiv6 the but" farmer and his busy wife so much valuable as a Ford. And it's so easy tattle Ipso easier than a horse. No bed to make. or haY oats to get, no harnessing and unharneeglig, no stables to clean. The Forel practically t care of Ask any farmer who owns a roni if ine "egg ever again try to get along, without it als MOW'fl bestial!, your decigram to own one. \s, VIVIVERSAL CAR Touring • * $595 Sedan * * 070 gunabout 0 $515 await $535 Coup 0 $770 Ona‘ton Truck $750 ,Poi, orn A. M. Crawford Dealer W* ham