HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-03-21, Page 4P.16e t our aftli ad am Ubanct TH.E FIGHTING TRAIL exampawararowas000mearoansomfarnams Aerameamoomoopia Iou 30Yter. Proprietor .&,O, SUITrf, Min Nter EPISODE 2—THE STORY OF YBARRA 1918 MA AC41 2918 1 sommeargoomatexaosoaaatao=searo==wasamoowsamanoaameat i Von Bleck walked hurriedly basic to be driven upwards to the former% aim Mon. live Weal!Tue. *yin 113.1e4 to his eillee, donned his hat and coat, 'office. 1 2 and etrocie out, leaving the others in "Is Mr. Gwyn in?" he inquired of --a. — 4 5 0 7 8 0 the Meer office, eonferring. That the secretary e Le entered. 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.G voula mean nothiug until they heard "I'ni Enrry, ir," was the robe 17 IS 10 20 21 22 23 front their superior. "but Me Gwyn just left a few miu- 24 23' 20 27 28 29 30 i Ten. minutelater, Von Bleek was utes ago. tor an indefinite stay in. the 31 walking into the building in which West. He was just to lear UP a few was located the office of john Gwyn. matterand left with his suit case. ,He had, mapped carefully out in his Is it something important? Perhaps mind, a proposition with which he la- 1 could help you. Ile has left me le to startle the young engineer. charge, and—" ,It was a proposition that would make "It is important" Von 131ecit broke Let None Escape Gwyn independently wealthy or the in. "and I can see no one but Mr. Eat carrots and onions, The .Food 'remainder ot his lite -and all that- Gwyn himself. When does leis train Board desire eel; to do so, and Chairman !would, be necessary for him to do leave?" "He goes on the Limited to -night" was the reply. Von Bleck was about to leave the office, when his eye caught sight of a picture hanging on the wall in the outer office, He walked over tie it casually and scrutinized it, In the THURSDAY, MARCH 21st,1918. Thompson also wishes newspaper editors would be to cancel the cinnabar con, to think up schemes for educating the tract, public to eat all the onions and carrots As ne passed through the revolv- they can assimilate, right away, The big doors and walked towards the *bery is that if yowfitl yourself up with I elevators, a crowd was surging to - Carrots and onions, you, won't need so Much bread and there will be se much more fiour for overseas; also that if onions and carrots are not eaten almost right away, they will spoil as there ie a surplus stock. The writer intends to eat all the onions and carrot e that come his way. You do the same. Tell everyone about it. ward the street. One at these, a Young, stalwartly built man, who car- ried a suit case, fairly rubbed arms foreground was a young man, pipe in with the agent of the Central Powers, mouth, roughly clad in mining attire. It was John Gwyn! Neither took Behind him was a stretch of typical particularenotice of the other, they mining country. leaving never previously met. Gwyn "Is this your employer?" he ques- went through the door to the street, tioned, and Von Bleck entered the elevator, "That is Mr, Gwyn" the secretary answered. Von Bleck took another careful look at the picture, and, thanking the young man, left the office. Again in the street, ho sought the nearest telephone booth and called the office. A Challenge Mr. Edison is admitted to be the world's greatest inventor. He says that -The New Edison is his favorite invention; which means his greatest invention:. EIXSON "The Phonograph with a Seat" has been compared in public before almost a million people with the living voices of thirty great artists, including many members of the Metropolitan Opera House. It has- been proven that The New Edison's Re-. Creation . of the human voice cannot be detected from the actual voice itself/ When both are heard in, direct comparison. MAKE THIS TEST: Some artists, whose voices have been Re -Created by The New Edison, also make talking machine records. We will give you the names. Hear these at the talking machine: 'dealer's. Thee return to our stare, and hear the New Edison Re -Creation of the voices of these same artists: Let your ewe ears be the judge. 103 e.) feeeeeeeee'ee'esee0,.eeeetee.'„eeeeie"e:.;,:e.. ,, .. .. As MR. GWYN TAB INC ADVANCE isted. "1'M $011714 out to rrisco" ho Paid. "illaybe you're bound for there, too. My names Von. Bleck; it's 'nice to know $(111110 one on tho train." "My :name is Owyn" the young engineer responded. glancing up from tts napes and fearing that he might appear impolite by avoiding covereation. "I'm not goin to Frisco, though. I'm on ray way to a place culled Loa Mine, in the wilds of the Sierras. Bartow is my geeing -off Point. Late that night, when the sleeper was black with darkness, except tor the fleeting rays of lights along the track that shone but tor the briefest fraction of a second as they priesed the ends of the ear, a shadowy figure, dad only en a dressing gown, quietly and cautionely emerged from one of the berth. It moved rapidly along until it was outside of Gwyn's com- partment: *en bent over and peer- ed in. A little pocket flash light eud- deoly illuminated the ear and reveal- ed, hand any one been awake to see it, the dark features of Von Bleck. He covered the encj ot the light with his hand to dim, its 'rays, and put it between. the curtains. Gwyn was sleeping soundly. Von Bleck watch- ed him. for a moment to see that he was not aroused by the light, and then, satisfied on that sore, reached across his body to a half -opened suit case resting in. a rack near the wind - OV. Slowly and carefully, so as not to awaken its sleeping owner, he lift- ed the suit ease from the rack and hurried back to his own berth. For a quarter of an hour, Von Bleck, in the seclusion of his sleep- ing eompartment, studied the cont- ents -of Gwyn's bag. A small packet of letters, which had been tucked carefully at the bottom, held his at- tention the longest. For the most part thee(' were of a personal nature. and contained nothing of interest to him, but finally one caught his eye. It was postmarked "Lost Mine" and was addressed in a flourishing Span- ish hand. He opened it: Dear Mr. Gwyn: Ani shipping your last order to -morrow. Yqu need have no fear of the supply becoming exhausted for some time to come. When am I to be honor- ed by a visit from you? Itruet be- fore long. Faithfully yours Carlos Ybarra. "Gwyn leaves for the West to -night on the Limithd," he'told his confreres over the -wire. "1 shall be on the same train. • I shall keep in touch with you while I am gone, and, in the meantime, you attend to any other matters that may come up during my absence. As mon as I am able, I shall wire you my address. I may need that five millions before get back. The Limited was rattling over the rails towards the West with a speed that was astounding. Outside it was already dark, and the lights along the roadbed shot by so fast that they resembled sparks flying up a hearth chimney from blazing logs below.' In the smoking compartment at the end of the car, John Gwyn sat, persuing some papers. The portieres parted and Von Bleck entered, He drew a cigar from his pocket and asked Gwyn for a match. The latter silently ac- comodated hira. "Pretty long and 'lonesome trip" the Central Powers' agent comment- ed. Gwyn nodded. He was appar- ently In no mood for striking -Up ac- quan.itances, But Von. Bleck pers- Income Tax Forms Are now available Returns must be filed on or before 31st March erHE De—minion Income War 'tax Act requiresyou- -to fill in Lille or more of the five spatial Forms profirided... before alst March, 1918. In order to *matt the publin to tutclorAtancli-fot what Is f thorn, information on each Itorm is given bolom irteA4 4':arefully, then g;tt three copies of the •' &inn' that fits your ease and fill then: in. A nrwer all nit4stions fully and *ecurately. For snaking Brise statement% a pmaity o $10,000 lr Ox months! • • Impriseinnionti or both, Is provided. Indlolduaks.:-411 peatone unroarried; and oil widows or widowers without dependent chfidteni wheel* ineente is $1500 *year qt snook:nun fill in Form Tl. AU other persons whose ireomei is • • $3000 *If more, tho WW1 FOrnts Where any income is derived from dividends, list arneunte received from' Canadian jt Pottle, securities separarely. Pill in .pegea 1, 2 and 3 only. Do not mark on peas 4. Partnesships, *nth need not Ale returns, but the individuals ferning the part nereldpe tust. torpOi01160$411d Joint steak convotui,rto Metter bow created or organised, eine pay the neretta tot est htteeree etesailela $3000. De: Form T2 -giving particulars of incepee, Ms� attach a finential statement. 'Under Deductions, ee'eete. in detail amounts paid to Patieotie Puled grid Canadifue Red Cress or other approved War Fund. Trustees, Eneentteri, Adminlatiratont of Estates and Assignees u!.,e Form T3. Puli partitinani of the ilisiributioh of Intorno from if estakes handled mutt be alueen es well aa details of =Wont! dietributed) A *perste Form must be filled in for each estate. Employsra must Ilse Font 14 to give wanes and aroma:: of selarlet; bonuses; *utilitarian, and /Alter retntaneration std to all eroployeat during 1917 'Acre each remuneration iiineremted in the ottrefaste t*) $1000 gir over. eetrifSlefritarti of ihsrahoilderae-On rota IS Orporetloris than siva o stateinent Of op %moos, dividoiade veld tO filiareholders Cinada during 1017 stetting to whom to thaj and 41t tiniOunt% Maurer; eviefy gave are to 40,07 1917 Inteme-411 ItOrtn's must be Ated by Slat Much. NI neglect, at lint 0 dor oath daY of elefattit ettaY bo IrOposinl* In the east of Poems 11 and T2, keep one copy of the filled fri Porrn and file the other two with the Inspettor of Taaattese for your Inietrlet. In the case of T3, 1.4 tied '15, keep one copy rued file the other two, tetth the Gommlitionet of Taxation, thin. leitisince, Ottawa, r•rifeld 441_,Iintil *sot tho Markt tatotstort of 4"sisatilits and from tht Post4 tinestoti at ail 'wins moot, Pa,*orsatilot atioamelt staa to Taxation, Dpartoseet tittagee; 011aud, Canada Von Bleck smiled with triumph as he read the letter. It was the .same smile that had played about his lips when he had met with. his associates earlier that day. He folded the pap- er noiselessly and replaced it in the envelope. Then, as it realizing the length of time which he bad kept Gwyn's suit case, he put the packet of letters back into the bottom of the bag and stole cautiously down the aisle to Gwyn's berth, A glance as- sured Ulm that its absence had not been noticed. The young engineer was still sleeping heavily. Ile had been thoroughly tired by the strenu- ous events of the previous day end his hasty departure. It required but a moment for Von Bleck to lay the suit case back on the rack near the window, where he had found it, and to hurry back to his own berth. Gwyn arose early the following morning, dressed, and used several articles from his bag. He did not notice that it had been tampered with. In the wash room he met Von Bleck, who was attending to his toilet and nodded to him. The latter re- turned the salutation and watched keenly from the corners of his eyes to see if Gwyn should appear the least bit suspicious that hie belong- ings had been ransacked. He was greatly relieved to learn that he was not. Early on the fourth day after leaving New York, the Limited drew into the little Western town of Bar- stow, at the foot of the great range of Sierra Mountains. John Gwyn, his bag peeked and his wraps on, was ready to alight and start on his important mission. As soon as the train mine to a stop, the young min- ing engineer jumped lightly from the platform and proceeded to the local hotel, which was located a short dis- tance from the depot. As the Limited chugged again, starting on the last lap of its journey to the West, Vet Bleck, who had been watching alertly from his seat for Gwyn to depart, jumped fiord hiseseatee He defied to the door, suit case in hand, and whits - pored into the porter's ear, slipping a crisp bill into his hand at the same time. The colored, worthy grinned knowingly, and nodded. With a jerk he threw open the vestibule door on Ithe side opposite the station. Von Bleck stepped. dowa, grasped the handrail of the car, and strung out. The train was Moving rapidly notv, and the lump Vias Perilous. The car was quite e distance past the station, Von Bieck took one Mahn at tho ground flying under the train, sprang into the air, and went eprawlieg to earth, - Don Cal loe Ybarra trudged up the last few steps to the summit of the moutitain beneath tele burden of two heavy 'Wooden cases which he bore upon his t,houlders, They were a heavy load for one eo old as the rug- ged Opaniard, but he vas strenuous and energetic, and his museles were hardened be years of rustle living le the West. The gray hairs were no symbol of feebleness, Doe Carlos Was a man, and sturdy, and would be until the end, As ho reached a elump of bushq beside the footpath on which he vas walking, he Palmed to look PlIbpielowly. about for a Pete ond, and then parted the shrubbery, revealing the entrant° to 4 ePtielotis eat e. IIA iNte. ht Ivey through the Whom, alloying thorn to dome be- hind him, doted tlrG two mon a- huraclay Mar, list 19(8 the dare torner et tee eilyern, and MMMIPMM MIMMIIMMIMIMMIMM1 mentg Many move that et ei c hidden in 1 NiliMORIES OF LONO Ano ummin eS.U113 out egam. Our° i'ior+ b look. _ Years Ago as Taken frorn (AO,. l'1111114FTDV15AKE., Mktrat 19th) 1903 le; 34o c.-3 ED' s ettutt 21).0111110,w: o hs(,teet:el T Sto.r OSeitY i, ri* 1115 it etion and then elate - On Nfonday, Mies Struthers receivedeti weenie hundrea yeards away. which word of the death of her brothee, Josephe• rn Stayner. She is attending. tip funeral. t 3 to 'walk toward a haeienda serVed as his mountain dwelline, Pre - el5eiy at tho momeut that lie tartlet], The death of Mr. nos, It Manuel oc- his back, two elerine eyee, tilled well nate, eppeared from. behind tile un- dergrowth, but a few yards form the cave's eiitraece. "eboeritring" Drant, a Lumen stalking Don Cellos, It was coyote, ever t1.11.1an Ll LI A Woman El. I Advises '11V07 ---`""n 1111 0 0 0 AK • TRY ti! m• um • c a ).11:*: NW+ - ref, .5 fttoiiiitt2,- u4ig tilt to 1 re inieli bettvr that g_et a 1, at my tirtIgg04%; nasi now unl, tailing the thir'IllfrOc rain novo.; ow tack and kidneys lia8 :Li I1Q iilii<I,-01te nod 1 no better thou 1 have 'been fur yeor4. 1 iv:;- 1 rot ;„Inferer ftom srthreo\tlignirt)t.in-itsa,121,111t from pain in the b teo and, Nvealt kidneys to try GIN Gin Pills sell for so cts. a box or s hexos for $a.so at ail good deaVrs, bautplo free if you write to National Drag & Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto; or to U. S. addrrn's, Na -Dr CO., Inc., eoa Main St., Buffet°, N.Y. 111 11 14 C.1 31S t3 1 51 re FOR THE51 filateleeete ELLIOTT &ddirffeld/ Toronto, docs not atik for a better reputation than it already posses‘tes. We sot positions for many students each year. Catalogue free. Enter at any time. W. J. Elliott, Principal. 711 Yong° st. Yongo and Charles sta., Old False Teeth Bought in any condition $1.00 Per set or seven cents per tooth. Cash by return mail. R, Copeman, 2570a Esplanade Avenue, Montreal, le, Q. 4111.1•011.[ISM.1.11•11.011•00.1.•••......1= MMIMMINIMMMMUMNIMI.M•32/1•••MOIREI,VCOMMS=9P-1. CREAM ‘,. WANTED Our service is prompt and remittance sure Our prices are the highest CO the market consistent with honest testing Ship your cream "direct." to us and save an' agent's commission. The. commission comes oat of the produc :r The more it cost to get the cream to its destination the less the- protium: is sure to get. We supply cans. pay all express charges and remit twice a month. Write for prices and cans. 0.011•111.1.44 -The- Seaforth Creamery Co Seaforth, Ont. currcd at his residence here Olt Thursday last, ebortly after hie arrival home from the North West. W. D. Pringle, formerly of Wingham, has moved from Georgetown to Sarnia, where he has charge of a large tannery. He likes Sarnia but says -"There's no place like Wingham." The congregation of All Saints Church, London, has, through theChurchwardens, extended a call to Rev. Wrn. Lowe of 0-- Wingharn to become their Rector. Mr. Lowe is highly esteemed by the people of, re- Wingham, and popular with his congre- ee'ea gation, who would deeply regret his re- reee 10.4, E- APRIL STILESfor you to visit ••••••• Vet. OW, 11.9.44 14[10,440VICIOM FARM FOR SALE We offer this week, for quick sale a fine fent of 110 acres, With brick veneered house (new), large bank barn with cement stables, all in good order, only a mile from schools and churches, and within 5 miles of three good markets. Good wells, orchard and garden, and situated on well travelled road Owner going west and will give a snap it sold this. month. Hale & Conn Wingham, e.) "Ifj..6e-e-e_e"sr-21 SYNOPSIS Or CANADIAN NORTH- WEST LAND REGULATIONS The Kotheadof a 40.11111F, or any male over 18 years old who was at tho eerunterteentent of the preaent war, and ha:: Mateo cunt Tutted 10 be, 13vitt8lt subject or a -,utte t ufdu .1111 (1' nen. Val country, may homestead a, 4, tut rt (I. section of available Dorninionland in .Atattitoba,Sask- atchewan or Alberta. Applicant 1111.1, apeear in person at the Dominien Lanus Agency or Sub-Agnov for the District. Entry In proxy may be mottle on eertitin conditions. Dtrrina-rix months rehlenee noon and cultivation 01 tho land 10 each of throe years. In certain districts a Itenn,teader may se. telloirne, anpraidertsti3inoos ertlarrtearasee.ctim.41:11 pre-enro. Six mouths in melt of three e .1,VR after earn. Ing homestead p,,,tent and 01117i1MO 10 acres extra. May obtain preampt Ion patent 44 R000 se horeeateed "lit '41 PcigianiAlTeliddijite°tiriit, ilAheBreettelicireagetteti;in\et'tLitgrigent, lion, may tome purebased homesteat1 ta certain distrieto. PrIOO $3.00 per sem 11.1t.i. reside 4.ilt months In crielt of three year -4, Nadi i v Ate A aei ti and erect a house worth et,;00.141 Holders (deal ries mai 1,114i01 t 44I1110 - meet as faint taborets in Canada, ilurit,g511., tAs resit' tsn IlittleR touter PO.,t Ain MOO look. tli'hOtt Marlton Lan& ctat'..•.i,(41 or posted for entry, mime v,i,o ha A o r.erved ow vital and lisAr he, Onward, reeelve one 47,Lay 1,,,,0o%y in applying tor entry et local Agent'n ,0 Aro ,,,,,t ;inn Agency ) Discharge pspeta, tea< oeis.yented to Agent. Ontari moval, On Thursday last, Mr. E. 11. Raiser met with an accident in one of the fac- tories, which nearly destroyed his right hand, elle was working 'on the shaper, and by some means his hand carne in contact with the knife. The sad result was that the thumb was split and pieces were taken off tbe fingers. Wingham Football team organized for the seas= on Friday evening last. The officers were electedi-Hon, Pres., A. H. Musgrove; Pres. -Dr. Irwin; Vice Pres. - A. M. Crawford; Sec. Treas.-Garfield VanStoee; Managing committiee-Elmer Moore, Fred Rush, sem, Wes. Allenby-. The boys report bright prospects for the coming season. Wingham will enter Jun- ior and Intermediate teams in the West- ern Football Association. W. we (ewe, reirouteece the Miler tanr of the Tiut ti nimi.hort tvaat hist valentine vua not eM tesela 0.44 es* 5 Woo* Jarnestown Mr. John McDonald of Bay City, Mich., is visiting his brothers, Donald and Alex., in this vicinity. It is twenty- five years since he was here before, and he notes many changes in that time. His brothers did not know him when he called at their homes, Miss Pearl Payne hri has gone to Blyth to continue her work at the millinery Mr. James Ballantyne has sold his farm to Ben Hislop, Howlett bdy He intends to use it,for a grass farm and gets possession thts spring. Mr. Sam'l Burke had a clearing auction sale last Friday, Mar, 8th. Everything went at good prices Mr. F. S. Scott of Brussels, was auctioneer. Mr. Burke has sold his 100 acres to° his son, Tom, who gets immediate possession and has rented his 50 acres to Mr. John McEwen for a year. Mr. Burke will be able to take a well earned rest. Mr. Matthew Moses, who has been making his home with his brother, James of Kincardine, is visiting with friends here A sad and fatal accident happened on Tuesday of last week, about five o'clock, as Benson and Gus Wheeler were chop- ping in the former's bush, a falling limb struck Benson on the head, crushing his skull He died early Wednesday morn- ing, never having regained consciousness The funeral took place Friday afternoon to the Brussels cemetery, Rev. W E' Stafford the deceased's pastor, conducted the services. He leaves a wife and two children. The bereaved have 'the sym- pathy of the community in their sad and unexpected sorrow. Mr. Ed King has hired with Mr. Brownlee of Unity, Sask., fer a year, and will go West this week. His brother, Russell, is out there and has been en- gaged by the same man for the coming summer. They are both getting high wages; we wish them well. We understand that Mr. David Breck- enridge has hired with Mr. William Fras- er, Reeve of Morris, for the year. He will live on Mr. Fraser's farm, which is unoccupied, and will move his family there shortly. Mr Fraser did well to secure Mr. Breckenridge, as he is used to farming and is a good worker. Mrs Anston Rattan of Howick, was visiting at the parental home last week with Mr. and Mrs S. A, Snell. Mrs, Thos. Strachan and children ate visiting at Mr. Wm. McDonald's for a few weeks. Mrs. Strachan is not enjoy- ing the best of health; we trust she will soon be quite well, RNTK RAILWAY SYSTEM The Double track Route Between. Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicago Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars 015 night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains, Full information from any Grand Trank Ticket Agent, or C. H. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, W. P. Burg - man, Agent, Phone 50. e now ready our Store, Spring is Here a WM1/ and a new seas- I on means new ono. needs for you 5. Dress 9091 and nw estocks Dress 9092 That chic, distinct appearance that is so often envied in the dress tor us, of some women is always the re- sult of using row* war *AO No Merchant ever New Idea Patterns won Success until he a L---• Each pattern has a seam al. h diagram. had first given Service !mance and a most helpful cutting • in full measure. We believe that, and we base our own business success on the quality and the unfailing character of the servide we give. wog, We are always glad to have the pleasure of a _a visit from you, and there's one thing never mis- sing— A Welcome whether you wish to buy or not. .0.0•11 wow .+010 *MP Come and InInspect;our Excellent 4. Values in Women's Wear. - ▪ MO H. E. ISARD 'CO. aw• Agency for the Popular, New Idea Patterns. rzi'. Wingilamt Ontario Fa iiiiii MM. rIMINIM•••••••••••••••11.16. I Li -Arrr -&-kb heeetie'4.2.1.-41! Ital.001114•111.0.M.110r DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN CHIROPRACTIC (hiropraetio I)rngless Iloaling rte,Nt ately locates and removes the cause 0, disease, a1Iovhsg nature to restore health J.A. PO* D.C.A D.O. Pleetririty Member Drugless Pbysicians Aesociee tion of Cstruicia, -Phone 101- (3steorathy 1 1 GUNNS LIMITED mis5 gitsb' announes JiUiiter OReninv nit Ebutsbay, Itlatt 215i follotving si #.441;0ftpowsoiftokoomitmotsid,t3 125 N.S 1141' Lirecel No '78 litegistratioe-RO,:1023 erritilfzenl Guaranteed Analysis II '' Arntnenbi -.1, to .,..,, ,f,7104, • „, - roOsPhodo Acictl: '7: _-, p9%i !I. row', .,..,..,.5:..m3,./.ry.--_,..1 .'2, GUNNS LTD. t WEST ToltONTO Yows164rinrkolooftwmedkvemii Do you not pur- pose en- riching your soil for next seas 0n's crop, Order now and you will be sureof delive r Cream, Butter, Eggs and Produce Wanted. E. R. tiambison, Branch Manageta Phone 25 Wingham, Ont. 4440014" 1