HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-03-14, Page 4Page. 1i +eui'
flpetlingbain 1,10nact
JOUN JQYi`lT, Proprietor
(i. SMUT., ,ld,snages
who can locate the latter There-
fore while you can exploit you explosive,..
the greatest in existence —I control it.
My price to you, gentlemen -• the lowest
I Can offer—is a bonus of two million dol-
lars and the Market price for all the mat-
erial with which I furnish you
"Gentlemen," asked. the leader, "what
disposition do you care to make regarding
Mr. Gwyn's proposition?"
"It is nothing! It is everything!"
Balterman shouting impatiently. "The
price Islay be ridiculous, but it is reason-
able --it is irnportant• There is no need to
dicker childishly with Mr. Gwyn It
would be useless, He understands our
situation, as he informed us. Ile knows
that we cannot secure cinnabar anywhere
in the United States—or anywhere on
God's earth, for that matter—except from
him, and he intends to charge us for it
accordingly I don't blame him He is
a business man. Moreover, he controls
our whole enterprise and its success, as well
as the nation's welfare, And, gentlemen,
Mr. Gwynis a man to depend on, It is
worth two millions of dollars to my mind
to have his support instead of some one
else's, I demand in your own interests,
thatyou accept this proposition. If you
refuse, you may carry Ant yourown af-
fairs—I shall withdraw entirely, and sever
my connections with this enterprise. You
may do as you please. Gentlemen, what
is your anwer?"
The effect of Balterman's threat to
withdraw both his influence and his capit-
al was astounding There was not
a moment's hesitation, The proposition
was accepted.
Balterman turned to Gwyn. "We ac-
cept. Are you prepared to start for the
West on the 41'4@d te-night?"
"I sirs prepared," he answered to start
19X8 MACH 1918 I
Balterman leaned forward impressively . possibly conquest for our country. Alone,
! c • , i 111 lt!s chair. 11 it is enough for me. You know, all of
iNr.b • Tue. b. .<ti,tot you,that we control.the greatest explos-
.--R-- --
.....1 � 1 "There is nothing further to bi, left
doubt, gentlemen," he said. "Only one' ve in existence; you were present when
t3 7 8 0 i i ithing remains; We must go ahead, the government tests were made and an -
12 13 1.1 its though the cost be millions. Do you Bounced successful You know, also, that
10 20 21 2Z 2'3 agree with me?" cinnabar is a necessary ingredient of that
26 27 280 30 The others about the director's table explosive. We must have cinnabar, and,
merely stared. They were afraid to an- ; gentlemen, I intend that we shall have
SUN, Mov.1 Tse.:
3 4
.10 11
17 se
24 25
THURSDAY, MARCU.14th, 1918,
Marriedwal..tebs `>
The marriage took place place in Man-
son, Manitoba, on Saturday, Feb'y Oth,
of Lena, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
C.. Rose to Mr, Charles M. Blackwell of
Kirkella, Man'. Mr Blackwell is a form-
er Wingham boy, being a son of the late
George Blackwell, who was a resident cf
Wingham for a number of years, where
he worked at his trade as plasterer, and
was:recognized as bee of the best, he af-
terwards farmed in Turnberry before
going to Manitoba,
swer, Men of millions, rulers in the it,
world o[linance, capable of hurling, the "The supply of California has been
Stock Exchange into furious panic by a worked to the limit. Spain bas emptied
``;Mire utterance, they feared to say the its mines. Every known resource has
words that would start the wheels of a been exhausted There is but one man
nation turning to carry out a mighty aim who can fill our orders. We must enlist
Still, as they stared across the table at the aid of John Gwyn. I do not know
Balterman, they shrank. Strong, wealthy where he obtains the supply and I do,
powerful as they were, Balterman was not care. I know that he can meet our
greater. Ile glared at them a moment demands, and I know that he is honest.
and spoke again. I am satisfied. Gentlemen, what do you
"I repeat, gentlemen, what I have just say?"
said." His words were quietly' spoken It took but a moment after the decis-
and calm, but they carried the whole ion had been reached by his confreres, for
force of his character He fluttered the him to pick up the telephone and call a
yellow sheet of a cablegram in his lingers number He did not delay an instant.
"This message is decisive It means Time, at this moment meant lives. He
reached Gwyn's secretary, then Gwyn,
:, . During. convalescence,
:• and When appetite fags
brings.: oto the .hot, dry
that coaxes back the
mout a freshness
and � soothing balm
enthusiasm of health. -
' Thousands of soldiers
in Europe have cause
to thank Wrigley's for
its tonic effect. fighter
The -
"Mr, Gwyn?" he questioned. "This is
Balterman. We Would like to see you
immediately, on a matter of grave import-
ance. We shall wait for you. Good!"
Balterman hong up the receiver and
tarried again to the men about the table
"Gwyn is coming right over. Yoµ can
take hint absolutely Into your confidence,.
IIIIIIIt, ,i7,.1.+ t (,;z. ill. �:;milllllfi
iM1tFtt�>.'tif t5`,
r ern ,tit lifer" :ALM;
- I
Awl/65' e�
He is surprisingly young for the influence for anywhere in one hour. I am with you
which he wields, but the point to remem- to the greatest extent of my power, and
ber is that he is just as big as his job.
And he's on the level "
The others nodded.
It was less than fifteen ininutes before
Gwyn was announced. He came into
the room with a briskness that contrasted
sharply with the august dignity tit the
directors who were deliberating over such
a weighty problem, and shook Balterman
heartily by the hand.
Balterman lost no time in getting to
the point.
"We have been conferring about our
new explosive," he announced. "You no
doubt have heard of it. There are cer-
tain ingredients which are essential in the
manufacture of it and which we are desir-
pus of obtaining. One of these is cinna-
bar It is imperative that all our plans
and ops"rations be absolutely confidential•
for there will be much in our actions that
would be invaluable to the Central Pow-
e rs. We realize that our every move, de-
spite the discretion with which it is made,
is closely followed by the agents of those
Powers , You, Gwynn, are the man we
have chosen to supply us with cinnabar,
as we understand that you have an un-
limited supply and because we know that
we can rely upon your confidence."
"e thank you for the honor of taking
me into your confidence " Gwyn replied,
and I can assure you that it has not been
misplaced. I appreciate, however, as
yoti must, the vastness of this task to
which you are assigning • me. • Your de-
mand alone will surpass all others that I
have been receiving in the past—it will
necessitate improvements and enlarge-
ments at the source of my supply in order.
for me to meet it, and I shall have to
cancel immediately all 'orders for the
"But we shall pay you well," reminded
''however," continued Gwyn firmly,
sweeping the , assemblage with his eyes,
"since we are agreed on the most import-
ant point, I can supply you with what
you require. I happen to know, gentle-
men, no matter through what channels of
information, that you cannot manufac-
ture your new explosive without cinnabar.
I believe, also, that I am the only man on
you can depend upon me absolutely, I
need not say that I shall expect the same
from you. I know I shalt receive it. "
Karl von Bleck, chief representative of
the Central Powers in the United States,
laid his newspaper An the desk before him
and delved into thought.. His secretary.
seated at a desk nearer the door, tiptoed
quietly from the room• When Von Bleck
thought, he thought of grave and import-
ant things, and his secretary knew by
precedent that he preferred to be alone.
Von Bleck, left alone, proceeded to read
again the newspaper item which had so
perturbed him. It seemed to stick from
the rows of type in words that spelled the
destruction of his nation, of his power, of
his every interest; and yet he saw towards
the last of it a ray of hope—the hope
which he must make a reality. He read:
The terrific power of the new allied
shell is marvelous, It surpasses -anything
which the Central Powers have yet dev-
eloped and promises.to be the nation's
salvation in the present conflict. This
remarkable power is due to the new ex-
plosive which has recently been invented
and, with this explosive the munitions
problem of the country will he revolution-
ized. The only drawback—which is truly
a menacing danger—is the extraordinary
small supply of cinnabar the chief ingredi-
ent of this new explosive. . . .
He:rose from his chair, laughing, though
more with scorn that mirth, and passed
through a door at his back to an adjoining
room, There, leaning over a long table,
were his associates, ready to do his bid-
ding, reading the code translation of a
cable message they had just received and
• 'o. viscs Women
Tyneside P.O., Out, 114
1 r'(C,ve,1 your cowls: of GIN
lot atter mingthc,uI felt so
to tt
better ih,t 1 got a box at uty
den t t'., and now ,1 ant taking the
tltn.l .
the pain neh•oss my back and
t In.Y ; h,talnw,tentirely gone and
1 ut. l,,,tter than I have been for
yeor‘;. 1 1 t n skit anfTe,et• froth
tit hints• la trait it basalt left hie. I
.,.;e all women who suffer
a in the hack and weak
r,r .y.y•, to try GIN PIT,La."
Pills soil for 5o eta. a box or 6boxes
for Soso at all good dealers. Sample
Poo if you write to National Drug &
Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited,
Toronto; or to 13. S. address, Na.Drn.
Co., Inc., zoo Main St., Buffalo,
*Ingham 1$ Year* Ago its Taken from
THE ADVANCE, March 12th, 1903
A meeting forthe organization ti
an ofWing-
ham Football teams will be held in Dr
Irwin's office on Friday evening, at 8
o'clock sharp. All interested in intermed-
iate football will please attend.
John Shoebottom of East Wawanosh
has exchanged his quarter section in Mani-
toba for 60 acres in Morris Township, and
John Sheffield of Wingham has sold his
house and lot to William Dawson of Cul-
ross; both exchanges made through T, J.
Maguire's agency.
Howick Agricultural Society reports as
follows; Total assets $066,53; no liabili-
ties; 101 members for 1003; 1062 entries;
amount offered for prizes $388.45; amount
awarded and paid,receipts,
8253,74; total s,
8815.64; total expenditure, $319 91; bal-
ance on hand, $466.53
Rev, R. Hobbs is at work billeting the
ministers and delegates expected at the
London Conference, which is to meet in
Wingham, the first weekin June He re
ports success, and thinks he will be able
to billet the whole Conference more easily
than he did the forty members assigned
to him in Askin street, when the Confer-
ence met in London, Members of the
other churches in town are offering their
assistance most kindly and liberally
Wingham will sustain its record of accor-
ding a cordial welcome to visitors, .. > .
Toronto, t'acs not ask for a butter reputation
than it already possesses. We got positions
for many students each year. Catalogue free,
Enter at any time ,v..1. Elliott, Principal.
731 Yongo s@. Yonge and Charles Sts.,
Income Tax Forms
Are now available
Returns must be filed on or before 31st March
THE Dominion Income War Tax Act requires yoti to fill 1_l: vtie or more of
the five special Forms provided; before 31st 1Vlarch, 1918. In order to
assist the public to undtelsta, •-' -•' ytr - , --mired of them, information
on each Form is given b elor' 1 e,,;;a cal „gully, then ,,,,-,-t three copies of' the
form that fits your case and fill them in. Answer all cit stiolt8 fully sad
accura.tely. For making false statements, a penalty of $10,000 ar rot months°
tmpriSotmtent, or both, is provided.
individuals.—All persons unmarred; and All widows or widowers without dependent children;
whose income is $1500 a year or more; must fill iri Form T1. A11 other persons whose ineoma, is
$3000 or more, use the same Forme Where any income is derived from dividends, list amo'ont3
received from Canadian Ens Foreign securities aepararely. Fill in pages 1, 2 and 3 only. Do nOt
mark on page 4. Partnerships, .a such need not file returns, but the individuals forming till, part.
nerships must.
Corporation* end Joint Stook Cottpf z4las, no shatter hew created or organ?xed, ellen pay the
normal tax on income exceeding $3000. Us: Form T2—giving particulars of int}torte. Also
attach a financial statement. Under Deductions, b,.. • in detail amounts paid to Pathetic fund
and Canadian Red Cross or other approved War Puridb.
Trustees* fixecutonsp Administrator* of Estates and Assignees ut'4 F"orm'1'3. Full particu
of the distribution of incOme from,all estates handled trust be shoran as well as details of erno"d31ti
distributed. A separate Form Must be tilled in for each estate.
Employers must use Form T4 to giivc names and &Mount:. of .salaries; bonuses; comfit spied$ sad
` ether remuneration paid to all employees during 1419' tihere such reniuncratiOi'1 amounted in the
aggregate to 41000 or over.
Corporation Lista of Share loiders."•-On Fon* ''1'3 elarporations shall sive 2 statement of Ali
bonuses', and dividends paid t o
i Shareholders raiding in Canada during 1917 stixting to whom paidi.
8 g
and 1 -he -Amounts,
Vtguresy itt every case Are to cover 1917 income—all rants Must be filed by 31st March. hail
neglect, a fine of 000 for each day of default may be IMposed.
Tri the ease of Forms Tx and T2, keep one copy of the fisted M 'Poral and file the other twoidth
the Inspector of Taxation for your District. In the case of Tat T4 and T5, keep one copy ande
the other two, with the Commissioner of Taxation, bept. o4' Issuance, Ottawa.
Fet'rna may be obtained trete the District Inspectors of Taxation and front the 'Pett+3
Masters at arts hawing control*
1444p moor be or_s Qll Ullors
and diesarknls rad by mail
14 InsprWrrl' of Mels,
,Oe arfinerit of Firiayvei
01tax4, Clctnada
Every year from Consumptions
111:illiona could have been saved it
only common sense prevention had
been used in the first stage. If YOU
ARE a Sufferer from Asthma, Bron-
chitis, Catarrh, Pleurisy, Weak
Lungs, Cough and Colds ---all ,Dia•
Eases leading sip to Consumption -•3
Tuberculosis, YOU ARE interested
in Dr. Strandgard's T. B. Medicine.
Write for Testimonials and Booklet.
263-265 Yonge Street, Toronto.
On Saturday last Walter Rose aiitd:.W'
H. Green were working at the ice at,;,the
Electric - Light dam, when the loaner
slipped and fell,into the water.' He 'etas
in great danger of being drawn thrQugb
by the tremendous rush of water. Fpr-
tunately Mr, Green was able With-theeaid
of a pike -pole to rescue his assistant
from his dangerous position- It was ail
experience that Walter does not care to
repeat Besides the unpleasantness of a
cold water bath in March, however he is
fortunately none the worse.
The meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge
of Ontario West in Wingham this week is
a matter of interest, not only to members
of the Order, but to the public generally.
Pursuant to adjournment, - the inquest
on the death of the late 9 J. Smith was
resumed on Monday evening last. The
interest appeared greater than ever, and
the attendance wa. much larger.
• The hardware business of the late S. J.
Smith, conducted under the firm name of
Smith & Pethick, has been sold to 'Mr.
Fishleigh of Hagarsville, who is expected
to take possession this week. While we
regret the sad event which has brought
about the necessity for a change, the Ad-
vance welcomes Mr. Fishleigh and family
to our progressive town, and trust they
will find it a pleasant place of residence,
Old :False Teeth
Bought in any condition $1.00 per set
or seven cents per tooth. Cash by return
nail. R. A Copeman, 2579a Esplanade
Avenue, Montreal, P. Q.
deciphered. They greeted their superior
with dignity and relief. His mere pres-
ence and his austere mien were comforts
to them.
Von Bleck was handed the cable, and
he read it carefully. Then he smiled
His associates knew the meaning of that
smile—they had seen it often on previous
occasions. They knew also what the
cablegram contained. Von Bleck spoke;
"The most important thing to our ene-
mies, at the present time, is the perfec-
tion and supply of their new explosive.
Therefore, naturally, the most important
thing to us, at this moment, is the destruc-
tion of this explosive; we must render it
impossible for this to be made. The easi-
est and most effective way for us do this
is to cut off the supply of cinnabar', 'which
is the chief and- scarcest ingredient used
in the explosive .It seems almost impos-
sible to obtain it. I learned but fifteen
minutes ago, through a confidential agent,
that the contract for cinnabar has been
given to a young American engineer
named Gwyn. He has been receiving
shipments of it from the West by the
Santa Fe Railroad. If we get Gwyri, and
buy him off, or get his mine, we shall have
accomplished our purpose. This cable as
you know, places at our disposal five mil-
lions of dollars to be used to this end.
Gentlemen, I am going out to locate this
engineer and offer him'more wealth than
he has ever dreamed of You shall re-
main here until 1 return or you hear from
me Good day."
(Continued next week)
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to
remove tan, freckles, sallowness
Your grocer has the leptons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
you with three ounces of orchard white
for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two
Iresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the
orchard white and shake well This
makes a quarter pint of the very best
lemon skin whitener and complexion
deautifier known. Massage this fragrant,
ereamy lotion dailp into the Lace, neck
arms and hands and just see how freckle.
tan, sallowness, redness and roughness
disappear and how smooth, soft and clear
the skin bccotnes. \Yes! It is harmless,
and the beautiful results will surprise you.
XItQA. '�
Our service is prompt and remittance
Our prices are the highest on the
market consistent with honest testing
Ship your cream °cdirect" to us and
save an agent's commission. Tho
commission comes out of the producer
The more it cost to get the cream to
tis destination the less the producer is
sure to get.
We supply cans. pay all express
charges and remit twice a month.
- Write for prices and cans.
Seaforth Creamery Co.
Seaforth, - Out
Chiropractic Drugless Ilealing occur
ately Ieeatea and removes the caeso o.
disease, allowingnature to restore health3. A. FOX D.C., D.o.
Oat *apathy Elect Hedy
Member t rergie s Physicians Associa-
tion of Canada,
We offer this week, for quick sale
a fine farm of 110 acres, with brick
veneered house (new), large bank
barn with cement stables, all in
good order, only a mile from
schools and churches, and within
5 miles of three good. markets.
Good wells, orchard and garden.
and situated on well travelled road
Owner going west and will give a
snap ff sold this month.
Ritchie & Cosons
West Wawanosh Council
1 buradap Mar.. 14th X918
How We Can Afford
To Do It.
The secret of our success
with the Bachelor Suit is found
in the turnmer, We are con-
tent with a very small margin
of profit in order to be able
to sell the
ST: $20.00
"The Suit with the Guarantee."
The profit on each suit is.
small, but we can afford to
do it because we sell such a
big quantity.
If you want a suit ,that
will wear as well as it looks,
don't lose any time about
coming in here.
Municipal Council of West Wawanosh
met on above date. Members all present
and Reeve Mallough presiding.
Minutes of last meeting were read and
passed on motion by Messrs Johnston
and. Watson.
Financial statement read by Treasurer
which shows a balance on hand of
82076.91, This statement was filed on
motion by Messrs Aitchison and Pur -
Treasurer reported the return of Col-
lector s Roil for 1017. Motion by Messrs
Johnston and Watson that Collector's
salary refunds and postage, $73 14, be
Auditors Taylor and Pentland submitted
their report which was read approved on
motion by Messrs Watson and Purdon.
This report shows a balance on hand of
82978 68 on Dec. 31st, 1917
Communication read from Collector
Rutledge, in which he declines to act as
Collector for 1918 unless a material in-
crease in salary is allowed. Motion by
Purdon and Watson that Robert McAllis
ter be appointed Collector, and by-law,
No 1, 1918 be ammended in that behAlf.—
Treasurer Thompson asked that one of
his former Bondsmen be relieved. and
submitted the names attached to his pres-
ent Bond which were 'satisfactory to Au-
ditors and Council.
The following were appointed Path -
masters, Pound -keepers and Fence -view-
Pathmasters--Geo Rutledge, L, Tay-
lor, J. D, Nivens, T. McPhee, S Young,
J. Huston, R Cousins, R. Medd, M. Lock.
hart, A, Dirk, W. Bailie, N. Ivictarty, H.
Hutchins, J. Gibson, R Reid, F Finleon,
A. Feagan, W. J. Andrew, Geo. Ander-
son, Geo Caldwell. W. Smith, D. Hen-
derson, C. Fowler, A. Jones, W. J
,Thompson, H. King, '1', Leddy, W J.
Wightman, W. Farrow, A. Stewart. W•
Bray, Geo Henry, J. Cranston, W. M
tvtcAtllster, G. Graves, J. Redmond, J.
Craig, 3, Plowman, F. Thompson, A.
Alton, 8 Lasenby, 13. Harper, D Erring-
ton, W. I. ,Miller, D. 13. Murray, W. J'
Foran, M, Devereaux, V. Gibbons, T.
Foran, E. Haines, J. Bowles, I. Grant,
N. Campbell, W. 3. Humphrey, F. Todd,
D. Todd, A. Aitchison, D. Ferrier, E.
Taylor, J Webster, J, Martin, J. J. Tay-
lor, J. Carro.e. M. Greer, E. Gaunt, A.
Anderson, J. Barber, F. Webb, B. S.
Naylor, 'T. Inglis, A. Emerson, vty Pat-
terson. G. Greer, J. Shetriff, D. Gillies.
R. Thompson, H. Fowler, Dr, Case.
Pourtdkeepers—J. Taylor, J. Feagan,
T. Derge, C. C. Brown, J. Walsh, J,
Kernighan, Al, Humphrey, W. Miller,
P. Surma zer,
Penceviewera—A. Rivera, S. Johnston,
II. Xing, J. Durnin, W Armstrong, W.
E. McPherson, G A. Greer.
Accounts to the amount of $190 69 were
passed and paid.
Council adjourned to meet at the nail
of Reeve,
The sole ]read of atamily, or any male over
18 years old who was at the commencement of
the present war, and h•.r, pines continued to bo,
a British t,ubject or a subject of an allied or neu-
tral country, may homestead 0. quarter seeti••1,
of available Dominion land in alanitoba,Sask-
atchewan or Alberta. Applicant must appear
in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or
Sub -Agency for the District, Entry by proxy
may be made on certain conditions.
1)t, I d --rix months residence upon and
cultivation of the land in each of three years.
Iii certain districts a horn eteader mal` so.
cure au ad semina quarter section tta prn•emp-
tinn, Prim) $3.00 nor acre. Durih�s •Ilesi o
Six months in each of three years after earn-
ins# ltomevtead p.tent and cultivate 50 acres
extra. Stay obtain i,re•ontptton patent as soon
as homestead patent r,t1 certain conditions.
A. setter atter obtaining henlostead patent,
it ho (0.11110i, 4ecure a pre-emption, mar take a
puroha,ced homestead in certain districts.
Prier) $t (0 pother(,. Must reside Aix months
in each of three years, eultivate 50 acres and
erect a hoti4n worth 1300,60
Iloloer4 of entries tray count, i (me of employ-
ment as fain iah„rcin itt Culotta during 101'1,
as r.'.l1ouer dot les under eel( eondttlon rt.
When D.aaininn Lands are adverti.erl di,
posted for retry, returned soldiers who have
trrveiover-,,i and 11arnbeen hnnoraitiv dia•
charged. receih e one flay priority in applying
for snit y nt local Agent's Oilict1 lbw not . nb
Agenry i 11Iarharge papers twist be presented
its Agent. W. W. Coal"
pepntyof this Minister o the Interior.
N, iLca
13.1Jnx here ed pit tions of this
,Rlvettlartgat *Illat trot is sex
125 ;His:
G U•.s.-.., N.
No. (78
LReaistratiork. i023
Guaranteed Analysis
Ammonia -x r;. . _ 1,N, Ill
.1 Phosphoric Acid j: '< 9%
Potash 2% 'I
Do you
not pill'- ,
pose en-
your soil
for next
seas o ll's
Order ,
now and
you t +ill
be sureof
deliver y.
Cream, Butter, Eggs and Produce Wanted.
E. Manager
Wingham, 'Ont.
..+IF.. aw,s+www•-or~.00eta3.
R. Harrison, Branch
Phone 25
W, A. Wilson, Clerk.
How To Keil Titles
Irvin Cobb writes n story relative how
hew tot t'elv¢rted mien, of the pelt of
World Renowned English Violinist
am • Sat., -in hMurch 23rd.
Seats 50 cents. On sale at McKibbon's Drug Store
Secure your tickets early
as only 200 will be sold.
No Reserve.
Great European
Musicians claim that
is the Greatest •
Interpretative Violinist .
of this age.
Australian Artist
At the Piano.
t he newspapets of the tJtiited States a
certain United States congressman who
was blocking the war machine was "killed
off," At a signal which reached every
daily paper in the country Itis name was
onnnitted from the papers. That ended
him. The hopers could not check hie
career by criticism but the conspiracy of
silence turned the trick. The story is
written as fiction, but it i significant that
the name of Senator La?ollette has been
sektoni seen in .public pttjut tb$$ nianY
Is there a item in the Cobb clary tot
the Canadian press? The newspapers of .
Canada are almost a unit for the suppress
sion of the title evil. unionist, Liberal,
Tory and Independent, almost every
journal has spoken its disgust and dilap+
proval of the orgy of the hestowel of the
little tin crowns. But the evil still pro,.
ceeds. now would it he if the newspapers
simply refused to print the title of a
Canadian, but persisted in referring
hint simply as Max Aitken, Adorn Reck,
,Joe ;Iacono or I$lrgia ;',lass is the
MY le Lea ,ally the "di,
i tile= ever heel. 4 -Inv ~�