HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-03-07, Page 6LORD LANSDOWNUS V11WS
in the, lioUlte of Lords yesterday
Lord, Lansdoweie elatorated hie elm; presteeeteswegoteesee•tessesoteeasteseoetetawapeteeteseaaw..........eeeweetee
...„.....e.ateseeatee,.....setaaosesateaseo teeteateseereteeteataweeseweeeeseeeeteeeseta
OD the aat ettil on A .perace so en . partly softened. et
Horrible so the war is, His Ler:tette 0Matter, thenV help him. aluscroosie himself eqUatted
.„ e eat d 'In awake a The boy illuetrated his etary with
the graphic gesticulation of his race.
"Yesalay Mustfoosis not wake up at
all. I got shake him in his blanket.
Wake moch slow. Say feel Moat bad.
All tam sleepy. Can't eLan' up. Can't
'eat net'ing. So we put him in the
wagon and go.
'Baia -by say -atop! Say can't go no
furder. Wagon too nmeh shake. So money (three dollars) and we will soul
we lay hint on the ground in his blah- atile,tteVe etnet Vgrft;t,'
kets. We Wait a while, T'ink maybe et -tillage without any charge If yoU wflt
get better. Afternoon spell no better. el'iowevour Doll to your friends and get
He etty no goin' get better. Say to me 4,/,•lesittn't1.1:,?,f "Ira eel' a" C'''1"3 Lnid
go get Sam. Oteer boy Jack stay by Steel us your ini(4°.ii
him. So I come. Sleep las' night at agoyaothec'e,,sniteleirt
the erossing." your Doll and Doll
Vterriage quickly.
sam med before. Hint sorry. Want
Sane tali' We hand before he go." .
"Better go right bacle," seggeeted
Ed., with gelds eyeapathy. "The pOor
old guy!"
Sam debatod the inatter eeoviline
Musq'oosio heel made tint augry, and
he distrusted him. Yet he eould not
but be drawn to the quaint old philos-,
opher, too. Ito could not but remem-
ber that ettoefoosie had been kind to
him iet a time wheu he most needed it.
"How did it happen?" lee eked,
In the gerass, while Sam etood caress-
ing the horses.
"Then Yett mit .sald Mute,
tfeesie, quarter of an hotly later. lie
had epent his best efforta in vein,
Sam gloomily shook his hcad.
"I meet sorry," zaitt the old man.
"Did whe send you after me?" de-
manded -Sam, abruptly,
la ready and willing to proloeg the little?" begged Sam. "I -I Can't Sleep.
struggle until what he calls a "clean Got the hotrors,l. guess."
peace" is obtained. He heads similar ., 'Sure thieg!" said Eat. , Ile took
war views to those enunciated by
Prenlier Lloyd George and President 43'
.,11:1;11rOarsea LtialtiLlirit3otellaLt Ilell oil r,:gi
tta the door and looked out, greetaally
=scot. By 0, clean peace be metals yeevntng himself into eomplete wake -
a peace that ll be honorable anti feinese.
durable. Thle peace hAVIng been so i la' im- "What made you come, then?"
"God: what a night!" lie sa s
cured, ho revere a comblnatton et (Own te bathe!" "1 Oink she look too' mach at Mit-
PlY. "The lateen is like a lady eoming
hooley lie bad num to wBela
all the groat powere bound togetler '1 aate it!" cried Sam, shakily, ehe mu•'6, mit my daughter. 0111113U1 133,1.4
to i der all Internatioual disputee to , (La the the fleeter A horrible pain went through Pee -We
! Ed did 00 and returned 1 1 1 1
,, to a.s .ean- brat. He lailgIleil RR he thought
some international tribunal. Bat he
kets, `deet e have a smoke," lie :tug- blithely. "ir she wants Mahoeley
added that this international vombina- gested. cozily. 1,he'll marry him, You and 1 Moe
•I They lit up. Som's pipe, however, got nulling to do with it,"
Hon or eystemontott be in a condition
of natural stability to begin with. And i w e.nit out immediately, "You could come and tek' her 'way
suppose you thiuk I'm erazy„" he from Ithu mavbe."
there's. the rub, How to get thiS cdsall ! Said, deprecatingly, "Nothing doing," said Sam, grimly.
deratae peace without the defeat end • -oh, I've beeu young Myself," re- "elahooley maybe not marry her
honest," oiggosteil Muetfoosie,
dettrectiou ot Prusetan juelterdom ts ,plieti Ed.
I -it you don't Mind I want to talk A %peal paesed over Sam's race.
the pug,i.le, , about it," said $ane ?it's driving me The horses etrained back, etartled
Flee peace the Allies aeek, we be- eeere.,
from his hand. '00, for Clothe ealte,
net 0, can only be obtained hy the I "Fire away," aseented l0d. "Is it a I've told you a dozen times it is noth.
ing to mei" he eried. "Nobody -can
overthrow of the geezer and bee milt. : Walnall?"
replied Sam. "How did you. make Bela do what site doesn't wane
tau octopus, either by revolution. or I, lat**,:ye::' to do. 11 she goes with Mahooley,
force ef arms. There can lie ne Peaee I Ed smiled to himself. Oita's her lookout!"
get tege higher ElO;esse °211usli walked away a few steps. 'When lie
and Gide followers. They can only
1 Working to caMe back his face was set.
to know thateand yet -oh, God! ahe'e 1 :N,Insee' emits „ern no,oir Iiie theire: le
be dIsPoseil of by a. cruelaing defeet. ,
sal:113,1u a
i . tug about her a minute, Sam wished with all his heart that
ggl 1110011 soerr'y lir" o 11 °Is o
Lord Lansdovlue said what we think right in my blood! I can't stop *Snit -
ie true, that the 13001)10 of Great Bei-
- e , -oometime-s I think she's a good he would go and be done with it.
tadn and GerniallY are maltitling Ill' woman, you know, . the real thing, "You say pin' tak' up land here"
gentle and true! Ws my Imagine- said Musq'oosts, politely. "Let nie
views el their COVer11111411t3. • But
at present the Gernean People are be- tiou makes me think that. I know
he's no good, but it's eriving me Sant,callin to /1 1 11
see your land."
g 000 1110 -boys to
Ing misled as to tre Attlee" aints in the :ram
I want her so bad, it seeinS watch the horses, led the way across
as if Pd. die it -1 didn't go back to her. the planted ground and over the genie
war. In. Greet Britain the Govern-
ment is eery.responsive to the public That's what elle wants, to get me to his own fair field.
Mind, although it retains undirainish- .under ber thumb. l'm a fool! I've
got no sertngth to resist her!" . . ey'es. q "Ali, intwasan!" Ns Ile cried,
ants 'oosis surveyed 'it eth bright
eti. its determination to achieve the "Weil, now," said Ed comfortably, "Beautiful! There is. no better land!"
ends it set out to achieve. On the "you're all excited. Maybe she ain't "Good ett011gh," said ;km, indiffer-
German .1sItle peaco'neaY come through i as„ride Iasi all thatt" ,,
She is! cried Sam. "I've ently.
"There on that little hill, You will
reveluti&t 9r,ittniay come through de- ! got good reason 10 know it." • build good house. there." ,
feat in •the field:: In any event, bet , " 'Taint the thing itself that drives "I suppose so,"
- .
you crazy a, Ed went on philosophacale will have porch lak Gilbert
fore we can have - the nattAl stabtlity
, ly. "It a thinking about it too much. Beattie got tor BMW' on, You eit in
ebt(haalt3e hi solit-oegOeteorlwust
under the conditione laid down by Von -See's no good!" went on Same bit-
ablo hism Sani
Healing or by Hindenburg, Tirpitz teetaleyhem"tli'bhisa„ tisyttavhastavhaurets,.
aniong the powere spoken of by tans- Your brain goes round eke a squirrel chair and leek up and down river ev-
dowee ce.nnOtteave a clean peace. in his little cage, and you don't know ery night. You build big barn. Have
evItere 3 -on are. Now if you could put mach horse and cattle, I guess. You
the whole business out of •your mind will be rich, all eight,"
^ •
a IIttle while,. shuf. a door on it, so to Sam lauehed mirthlessly. "You're
,.• speak, by and by, when you open it asbad
The 'Febrnaree;number of the'Cana- again, there's the right answer stand- att,"a a" .
What good e our richness do you
. • if you. all alone?" azked alusq'oosis,
lug there plain as a pikestaff!'
dian Magazine ites an interesting and
I "Forget it!" M•fed- Sam. '"It's with slyly. "You want a wife to malt' yoUr
arausiug. ifc:ti.cf0..,* Laura B. Durand,
me ni and day' If 1.letgo, Ill care heart glad: A handsome wife end
entitled 'Teat:Brown, Town Crier." tee Igtil go l'itaifilIng back' God help many fat babies There is ante one
sheitedllateettecially tnteresting to nle, if she evil!, ate hold of me; I'd girl for you.' dood face to see; good
be the laughengtatock of the whole hands to work; good heart to love. I
Iearelltenlatistebecauce it deals with a
! I 'CI 't
country, -emit n look a child in know her, and, I say so. There was
Matter WI' tiel.O'reated a great deal of the face! Net No! If you're my rower any glel so fine as her in this
deaf t wonder in this eity friend, keep me arom going back Have country. Will you let ot et man get
. 1 YoF,,sguoree, tablev, .
said 'Ed. "There In the heLm turned on him with extraor-
away .iatelt•tig.'1„e48. We are told that
to P of the denna.geebag at your hand. dinary violence. "I told you to cut it
the toten,of-littinilton harbored a. large
colone of- Afacens in the fortieS, Who What do yell want it for?" cut!" he cried. "By God. if you say
searchiltig foe, the book. He found it, another word- You make me mad!
"I'll settle it," S,am muttered
lent a •plcotresque element to Colonial '
OGnce I thought you were my friena.
I'll,,Itiwteanetteteatelt on it," he said t.
Utah" thetrt011agecterletic traits, theer 1 e
t ou to hear it. Because et out of here before. I forget you're
extraiagence oft attire, their feativals led.
sere toehimself. Listen!"
rettehed• Harallten by evhat Was known _
a faint effulgenee filtering through tit oath, It is ended!" '
Muetroosis shrugeed. "All right!
as tlie einderground railway front the the canvas revealed him kneeling on
T. go back!"- he said, dully.
Southern- States. We are told that his blankets, with the book in his
Willitenteliller, an Ameriean religious He said solefenly: "I swear on this r*.
fellatio,. was the principal cause ot the holy book axle 6
, leeway to get out of an eld and helpless! For the last time, 1
and - superkittong. These • iieople a man can frittlY
(ell you I will not go! I have sworn
• oath he swe
la my honor that Iewill On the second morning after, as the
tureet, -11e,' having predicted the never go baOk to 'this woman. And if walls of Ed. Chaney's house were be -
near' approach of the end of the
me! So help me God. .Amen," ginning to rise from the ground', the
I break this oath may all me ndespise
partners were astonished to see a lit-
•, "That's a good strong one," re.
world. t The eperiod for the end was
"Yes, a maxi could hardly . break the river bank, bearing o. rider.
September of that year, and Miller's. ,
that," murnmited Satg oddly calmea. It proved to be the elder of the In-
eouverte we:re:numerous. The aegroes 1 ..Light up," said Ed dian boys who had accompanied Mus -
Were "emotional and were captured bY I No, I think I can Sleep note" q'ooste. His name was St. Paul. His
'ete '
Sam did sleep until moping. He smooth, brown face and bright, fiat
the Idea, Colored Baptists were swept 1
arose, not exactly in a jcivial mood, eyes gave no hint of the nature of his
by the hopes -. and fears excited, and nevertheless calm. He mieht have a er•ratel. The horse had ridden hara.
their ,churehate on Rebecca street and dui] ache in the bottom of his breast, "Whales the matter?" demanded
but the wild struggle, was over, The cam, frowning.
Bay 'street became the nightly scenes
matter was disposed of for good.
' ' • t - g 'eltlusif oosis sick," returned the boy.
of great' exatement. The s ort goes After breakfast he and Ed hitched without a flicker of expression. He
on: to say: . , up the team •and went to the pine
ridge to haul the logs Ed had cut the spoke good English.
The s.unintee of 1841 was an anxious
day. before. They had returned with '‘'‘Where?"
One for the eresitilotin sinners. The
a load, and, were throwing them off at "Jus' Little Prairie, I geese
Militate 'tabernacle on Main otreet
tile site of tbe promised house when twenty miles from river."
was crowded daily and nightly by those , - 0 . "What did you come to me for?"
Ed suddeoly cocked his head to lis•
Who eame -to pray, M no day bad '1 "Horses," he said, "and wheels," nearer. 'I don't know anything about
been appointed for being "caught ue," "Some of the natives," suggested doctoring." , .
the excitenient rose to frenzy as the sem. "Musgtoosis say want nobody come
weeks passidi The Africens bought ,, led shook. his head. "No occasion but SaneVanswered the boy. "Him
new clothei and kept lu perpetual pre- for timm to bring a Wagon. They say doctor got nothng for htm, Him
Paration for m surprise journey by come uorseback." say time has come. Him say want
wearing all their finery. All through Sam scowled, dreading, 'hoping _ friend to close his eyes. Him satemak'
first aosigned . between Meech and marked Ed. cbeerfelly, tle black' horse appear loping along
Who 'came to !scoff as well as those said Sam. "There were white men
Thie Big 1)(41 le
15 Incite* tan, Ilse
joiated less and
emus and Wilma
heed, !lanai, and
feet, The Doll 4`tir.
rime ham steel
frame and 'whethl,
44141 the/ bdelCo
and hood are made
or leatherette It is
24 inches, high, and
is pet the right
size for the WI
Just send us yew
uttme and address.
,and wo will send
yon 30 pa,?,ltages er
our lovely emboss-
ed Easter tiostenrds to sell at 10 cents
.i.ackane lovely ords each vacs-
airel, When they ay?. gala send us the
The leery was detailed and cone
vineing, and Sam's suepielous were
partly lulled.
"You and the boy take my team,"
Fetid graNely, "Leave the black
horse here to rest up."
A few minutes later they wore on
their war.
St. Paul had' made an appointment
with Soliers to come and get them in
his (gum, anti tbe trader WR$ waiting
when they got there. They swam the
horses across. On the way over Sam
dieeussed the case with Sellers. The
trader, in addition to everything else,
wan often obliged. to be a doctor.
"Sounds like general collapse," he
euggested, "nes over seventy.
the leminous rummer nights the. what he knew not.
hynene alid'afaYers and fanaticel case By and by the team and wagon dat-
ed. tile liElletites of both. colors re- *tared into vieiv from among the trees
mantled in; the vacanteetreete. Many along the river.
"My horses!" cried ant, Involun.
resorted to the fields, evOaring their
tarilY. -with a' kind of panic
"aeoension :robes" of white muSlin,
•the material for which was freely dis. las eyes sought the hills,
A second glance allowed him both
tribitted. Othe figeres visible -in the wagon -box
Finally October 181h was petteleemed , were of men. Ile Wined down,
as the day on which the Lord would Whether his principal "feeling was of
leave the mercy seat, and on the 22nd lbelief or disappointment, he could not
eve said. Ed was looking at hint
of. that rateeth wottid positively “a1)• , curiously,
pear visibly In the clouds or heaven, I "Net Mine," said Sam, blushing.
But "I Inean the team I used, to drive."
when believers Would be- taken." As the bOrses mounted the rise, Sam
itothing happened. Vet it Must lia,ve railed in a softened voice: "Sanibel
been a stirring time in the old town, , Dinah!" -
The little black pair pricked.. up
Who waa or What became of Miller
their ears and 'whinnied. Sam went
we do net know. There waa a Man t� Met them. The two-nien he dimly
who went by the tiara° of Yankee remembered as breed -boys around the
miner low lived in eitteentee matey ttettlement. Scarcely reconizing them.
he pulled the horses eara and rubbed
their noses, while they nozzled him
capricieuely with dentate whickerings.
, "Old boy: Old girl!" whispered
F -am. "You haven't forgotten me, eh?
.111.)11)13 you miss me just the same as 1
• "ICeep chickens" is a slogan that nifeli YOU!
yeata ago, bet we hardly think that
he Mild be the same man.
gee!) Chickens,
sbould eppe.1 to nearly "HOW did you eome bY this team?"
everY he demanded ol the driver.
houeeholder in Canada. The scrape As lie looked upr he saw that a third
tem the table of an •average bowie- head and shoulders had' risen above
Lold wilt provide meet of the food tee eedge of the box, Ile saW a. face
neceesary to hoop half a dozen 11011;1 . itieredibly wrinkled, framed in long.
in flourls'aine; contliaon, and the, -e, 1 etraggling gray hair. The twilit eyes
if properly housed and e ared for, , twinkled merrily.
will reelpreteate with a surprisinely I "Hello, Sam!"
terse number of uice ireah eggt , "11=1'm:isle:" Cried Sane recoilin11.
for the Write table. Fifteen dozen ' PEartul of other surprises, he hasten-
esse per bee per eau. is by no , ed to look in the wagon -box. Them
I Vas nothing tnote in it save their bed-
il ininOssibla production.
ding and grub.
Nearly every back yasti is big 1 einsrfoosie cIaMbered down altd
enema ti to areemodate half a
.. *hook hande with Sam end Ed.
04zen herel, "CI they e" fly -In!' 1 "Tell them to unhitch," said Sam,
cheerful and .4(ereeable backyard ; mindful of the. duties of hospitalitY..
lenante- The fiar-eaeing -11"ele- 1 Musq'oosis shook his head. htlot
holder Will put up his little hen- go bear he Rale. 'Got deep tonight
boas* Ai snen as the now Is gone, on Little Prairie. Home to -morrow
rad will make arrangements for his night."
........-0-e.----- e . 1 Sam felt relieved. His ordeal WWI
' not to be long continued then. What -
Keck cf Ilene at once.
Pores-r-Vetir tieughter. Ingotareo is ever color might be given it, he knew
enftellia's f"' 71 tenetituannil itertia• What Masorete& bad really roma for.
The OW -There. tua! And you'te Ed, out of a sentiment kd delleaty,
is.en saving 1 /vat FilunlY WY- -T1 s- retired to finitili unloading hie wagon.
ItteseCootiii stet Ike Mu bread -bin% to
toe Trapeeripe
4 ..4,4:..440W4.`4,%,.4.1.14W,4, *,...::,,X4.:!:44,:•:•>:44.44,14,445%::4.44::444%4 • •
Address -
Dept, IL
Said to Be Geed for Mettsles
cad in Read.
In a recent issue of the British
Medical Journal, Dr. W. a Drum-
mond. describes his experience with
Tliat'a the way they go at last. 'Under cinnamon In the preventive treatment
a bush beside the trail.". of German measles and urges that it
be tried extensively in the endeavor
to prevent epidemics of the ordinary
variety of measles, which is more se-
vere and fatal then German enetteles.
He writes:
"Cinnamon is a drug whose therea-
eputic virtues are not sufficiently re-
cognized. The eseence of cinnamon in
25 -drop doses is one of the most et-
tective remedies in cases of acute
coryza (Cold in the head). It is cer-
tainly much niore efficacious as well
As more pleasant than the popular
ammoniated tincture of quinine.
Some years ago an article was pub-
lished in The Journal strongly advo-
cating cinnamon as a preventive of
measles. The writer stated that it was
his practice, when he met with a case
of measles, to prescribe a course of
cinnamon for any unprotected children
1 nate family. He stated that M. most
cases the. child who was treated eith-
er failed to contract the disease or
took it in a very mild form. 1 myself
have had the same experience, but I
was able to try the experiment only
in a few cases, ae I gave up general
praetice. •
"Recently T have had an opportun-
ity at trying a course of einnamon as
a prophylactic in German measles.
One of our 31U1*.12, wheelies charge of
the most 'delicate children. developed
it rash one Thureday afternoon. She
thought little of it, and continued her
duties, which included bathing put-
ting to bed a considerable number of
young cbildeen. On the following
morning the rash was more pronounc-
ed, but she did not go off duty Until
she was seen by Me at 10 a. m. Be-
. •
"I wish you'd come with its," said
llcan catch as soon as T cacatch a
Sam ewung himself on his hone
and clapped his heels to his ribs. St.
Paul lingered to tighten girths. Look-
ing over his shoulder, Sam saw him in
talk vvitit Sellers. He had. an impres-
sion that both turned their heads as
he looked around. . •
'When the boy evertook him, he de-
manded to know what they had been
talking about,
-"I say to Sellers better bring some
pain -killer out of the store," the boy
answered readily. "Sellers say all
Reaching the flat country above at
the end of the long pull, they halbid
for the briefest possible time to eat
and let the horses feed. As they pre-
pared to mount again, Sam said:
"Funny Sollars hasn't overtaken
"Guess can't catch his horse," -seid
St. Paul.
They rode forward through the as-
pen woods, and across the open spac-
es. Haviag crossed the widest of these
that goes by the name of Little Prai-
rie, Sam began to keep watch ahead
for evidences *of the camp. Every few
minutes be asked St. Paul where it
"Only a little way now," was the
toy% invariable reply,
"You sail twenty miles from the
"Maybe. I mak' little Mistake"
After an honr of this, Sam turned
sullen. "If it's a trick it won't do any-
body 'any good," he said. "I shall
ride back withoet dismountine."
ett. Paul merely looked blend.
Finally Sam looked at the Sun.
"Four o'clock." ha said, "If we doe't
arrive in half ite hour Ihil turn back
an'lTwuas37' s'llttle way nowt"- said St.
"Dent say that again!"
"Ogee side tats muskeg, then piney
ridge and little small prairie. -It is
This -time St. Paul proved to be tell-
ing the truth, As they lamed out on
the meadow Sam saw the wagon
standing under a tree on the other
side. Coining deem- he made out a re-
cumbent figure under a willow bush.
The other boy and the other horse
were not visible.
It was elusq'oosis. The bush pro-
tected him from the sun. With the
first glimpse Sam had of his face, re-
morse attacked him for his suspicions.
In truth the old man was far gone.
His Skin had taken on a waxy, yellow
consietency. He looked as serene and
unearthly as if he had already passed
away, His eyes were closed. Sam
epoke his name in alarm.
(To be continued.).
A lack of patriotism is also foolleh
No men should try to step ou the war
tax in his bare feet.
Chant Canopus, the Blue Boauty
of the Southern Hemisphere,
Star gazers. of northern hernia often
overlook the fact that some ,of the
moot brilliant and beautiful aeers and
finest nebulae and star elustere in the
heavene belong to the eouthern Ilene
isphere Ana ere vieible in our late
Magnitteene blue Canopus, the sec-
ond brighest star In the heavens, lies
Plat below our southern horizon in the
large and important ittatthern celo
stellatton Argo Navle, Peened for
the tumult ship of the Aronauta, It
Is usually • divided into three cou-
stellations-Pupts, Carina and Vela.
tianopus was the chief pilot of the Ar-
gonauts, but the star Wait known and
worshipped an the banks of the Nile
Jong before it received its name trete
the Greeks and has been called -the
Star of Egypt. It has also been a
guide to many tribes in Africa. ,Slouth,
.A.merica and Australia In their jour-
neys through pathless wilds.
Although Sirius appears nettrlY .
twice as brilliant as CalloPtiS, this Is
due only to the fact that Brill's le
comparatively near to us, not Otte
nine,light years distant, while Canopus
has 'been estimated to be at a distance
ot 400 light years. It is, tar as we
know. the greatest of all the gient
trans', 0411111 111 light giving power 11
65,00 sums such as our own Slane
with. a brilliancy estimated at forty--
eight times that of the sun, shrinks in-
to a pygmy when contrasted Walk
Canopus, -New York Sun.
The Nova Scotia "Lumber King"
"I 'consider. MINARD'S -LINIMENT
the best LINIMENT to use.
I got my foot badly jammed lately.
I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI-
MENT end it was as Well as ever next
Yours very truly,
fore that she dressed it number of the
children, aud was therefore in close
contact with them while in an infec-
tious stage of the disease. I diagnosed
the case as a very typical example
of German measles. To make quite
same feat before. .
sure I telephoned to DSm
r. Sydney ith
who informed me that German mea- "It is well to remember that the
-very greatest mon died learning, like
Bacon and Pasteur. The greatest ben -
elections to humanity, the greatest
services to human thought, have not
all been bestowed or rendered by men
under twenty-five or even under forty
The stormy, blustery weather which
we have during Febraary and March
is extrem.ely hard on childrele Con-
ditions made it necesSary for the mo-
ther to keep them in the house. They
are often confined to overheated, bad-
ly ventilated rooms and aatch colds
welch tacit their whole -system. To
guard against this -a box of Baby's
-Own Tablets ehould be kept in the
house and an occasional dose given
the baby to 'keep his otomech and
bowels working regularly, This will
not fail to break up colds and keep
the health of tate baby In good con-
dition till the brighter. days come
along. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr. Williants' 'eledicine
-Co., Brerckville, Ont.
Keep AlWays in Touch. With Nnw
Ideas and New Methods.
Increase your egg yield
by Purchasing a choice
cook ox cockerel of our
high record Bodo,Wy-
Itndottes, Legitorns or
Iteds. 101$ Mating List
eontalians. OS photos Dr
itock, Veed
And tonic forntulas ft ee.
Our 332 Egg Eind, Ilex 6$ Pieckwood. Ont.
The "rorth" Bridge.
There is au aumeing story going
round the British. Grand Fleet; Jinn
the kind of joke which Jack Tar likes
to give and take with his friends. It
Is quite seriously affirmed that when
an Aznerican squadron consisting a
the (a S. S. Delaware, New York, and
WYonling, with destroyers and other
craft, came up the Pirth, the 13ritish
flagehle eigualed to them: "You are
to anchor west of the Forth Bridge."
But the Americans passed under the
badge and sailed on. Shortly the
British admiral made another signal:
"We signaled juet now that you were
to anchor west of the Forth Bridge;
why don't you stop?" And the Ameri-
can flagship immedie.tely signaled the
reply: "Well, I guess we have 0111)'
one bridge as yet!"
A Prime .Dressina for Wounds --In
some factories and workellops carbolic
acid is kept for use in cauterizing
wounds and cuts sustained by the
workmen, Par better to keep on hand.
a bottle of Pr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil.
11 113 just as quick in action and does
not scar the skin or burn the flesh.
There its no other Oil that has its
curative qualities,
. Senator Lodge in an address deliv-
ered at the 'Massachusetts Iostitute of
Technology coined • a remarkable
Phrase in warning thetetudents to
"beware of the closed' a gentle
reproof of the cocksureness of the
newty graduated. Senator Lodge said:
"Beware of the closed mind. This
sounds late a paradox when. addreesed
Lo young men, yet it will, I think, bear
examination. It is a truiem to say that
the danger of maturity, and especially
of age, is the closing of tho mind to
new, ideas. Habit, most powereul of
influences, hard -experience, the very
passage of the years, all alike tend to
stiffen the muscles and to harden the
arteries of the mind as they do those
of the body. It is a misfortune with
which. advancing age must struggle,
and the effort le severe and too often
either neglected or fruitless. . •
"But the sanie peril besets youth,
although not for the same reason.
The greet mass of young mon go forth
from our universities, our institutes
and schools, prepared to teal% and
eager for the knowledge which ex-
perience alone can bring. Yet the dis-
ease of the closed mind lurks all
about them and, curioitsly enougn, 113
moat likely to affect the cleverest, the
ablest and the most ambitious. This
comes from their very talents, from
the high confidence which youth
ought always to have, and font the
somewhat hasty conclusion that be-
cause they have thought for them-
selves nobody else has performed the
sles was very prevalent in the nelg -
borhoo.d, and kindly called ' at the
institution and confirmed my diag-
"I then ordered every child • who
had been. exposed to infection (20 in
years of age, a fact solnetimes worthy
number). to have as much powdered
of renlumbrance. 1)o not, then, fall
cinnamon as would lie on a sixpence
victims to overconfidence and close
night and morning, The powder was
administered in food, and the novel your mind. Tbe injunction is as inet
flatter seemed to be appreciated by porttant for youth as for age -easy of
attainment for the former, difficult
the children. Whether propter hoe or
for the. latter, possible for both. The
merely post hoc it would be rash to
say, but the fact reraatns that at the past and the present, youth and age, •
new and old, all have their place in
end, of four weeks no second case of
the sun; all are needed for the widest
German measles had occurred. The
learning for the highest achievement,
for the best developmeet of man-
- ._-e•-, --a-ea. - - .
Lt.- Col. John McCrea, author of "In
Whore cannon spoke, mid carnage dire,
A. strange sweet cailenee woks thy lyre,
To challenge gage for them who lie
Beneath the cress and alien sky,
And Iift the torch of faith. still higher.
Thou'rt with the dead:
Seeger and Brooke of thy po5tie fire,
Rna 1<eats who earlier sweet the
Kings of thought and song sublime,
Who never knew .life's fullest 9r1me,
,greet thee in the immortal choir.
So near the Adrian hills was Shelly rent
To sing hits swahe great la-
Thaniteion•titsed all England to the cost
Of the 'Young 41.4081118she had lost.
Thenaontet\tv.from earthly scenes e'er -went.
Alt: soldiers poet, thy words aro few, •
But Z01' thy song, we give thee gage
And hold it high where lilies wa-vo
in sta.tely whiteness o'er thy grave,
To carry on till victors we may view.
Our Flanders field.
And that thy death -song be not vain
Withwstairane ining hands wgrasp the torch
And hurt it on to flame and flash,
Amid the shell's wild SOM11.111 and crash,
To live or die, through mists of pain.
At Flanders field,
WA. N T -- VROB.,? riONORB
train ter nUrgeib Well4tulra
leoestal. kit. Catharines, Otlt.
w +In -my+ .•
WANTED -Loom laxmi ON Cleeette,
ton te hooeles helot:" loom*, tan-
ning ou Heavy woollens and blankets;
gocl steady p.4=11441E1 fur tight man. Act -
vie dgeilt, and full particulars to idlingiby
Mfg. t`o., Ltd., israuttord.. oat-
p AY 'k'or ari,7-0E-TOWN AC'.
counts by Dozninian Express Money
Orders. telve dollars vestal titres cents.
pec: to thy ashes, John McCrea,:
Dest"hear our legions onward day on
'So -they may sleep where ponples blow,
Between the crosses row on row.
Till• Morning breaks and shadows
Prom Plande;:s
cInnatnon treatment :Was contintted
for slightly over three weeks.
"German measles Is net a serious
disease, but it is certainly a great
nuisance, particularly iti an instittt- PU r NA M'S FINE r OR
tion. The chief object of this note is
to suggest that cinnamon ought to be CORNS THAT ACHE
fairly tried as a prophylactic, nbt so
les itself. The latter disease is res- Even a drop or two of Putnam's Ex.
'ern ttighty slick work Putnam'a
much in German measles as in races -
tractor tikes the sting out of sore
ponsible for such a largo mortalitY
that anything that promises to dint- hetet. - In fact, all fo Lanvin's skirts -
erity of the disease is well worth a PUttlair'S Shrivpls the corn up quickly, ate at best ankle length; d t
an as o stalled, a nuisence an
, ti a necessity. fife
• 1
does on a crusty old corn. You see .
inish either the incidence or the sev-
pick it off, roots. and branches,.with gan plaits; which showed last season. .name is an abridgemento of kataude-
bensht and means moving -picture
trial." . transforms it to a hunch of dead skin, their width they are quite. full. Or-
Putnam's is so popular. It does really ing dressee, arranged in elusters onspeaker. 'rho katsuban followe every
action shown in motion 'picture plags
` 41- 410 ' ', loosene it froin thr toe, sir yeti' can '
If one be troubled with corns and are still in evidence in several even-
warts, he will find Holloway's Corn your fingers. It's painless -that's why
Cure an epplication that will entirely the hips. Worth shows the Tuteose mid interprets it to the audience. He
-,----.-......--. take a quarter to the drug stere today under hem of melts, of his evening and but lute° the ability to !innate prefer
trouser finish, or the turned -up -and- must not only have a fluent tongue,
relieve suffering, eure quickly -that's why you 'should
HIGH. CLASS. i al actors of both old and rib
(Washington Star)
"Disbere canal-bont business is loomln.
up right Important," re.naelted mr,
Erartus Pinkley, "1 specks dare gotta
be some scussion 'bout my employment."
"'What's the matter with your job:"
It's all right, 'ceptin' Jo' ills. I don.'t
want to be called 'a main driver no ml.
Iferrafter 1 Wants to be 0111(10,1 to 'a
pilei.' "
Note-"A.donals", Shelley's Elegy to-
ats, written just before Shelley was
drowned near Pisa. Italy.'
fiXt 4imatizzLe
furniture. Asserted size% Never
uVIM a sed, be sold at bargain. Ad'
prints; finishing a specialty: frames
and everything at loweat pricos: kuleit
screlee. United Art Co., 4. 1,3run13w11{
4.sentie. Toronto,
Arial-BRED PrAI TAN BEL'S WANTed in le.fratne Langstroth Itives for
sprlzig deliverY. Must be frve front dis-
ease. Thu Root Canadian House, 70
Jarvis street, Tmonto.
We will glire 'this beautiful priaz free
of all .charge to any girl or young lady
who will 40 packages of our lovely
embosSed Easter 'Postcards at 10 cents a
po ckage.
The • :Extension Braeelet is of rolled
geht.plate and fits any arm.
Send us your name and we will send
you lite pictures. When sold, send us
the .trioney and we will send you • the
Briteeqet, ,A.ddress
Some Tips as to the Paris
'• ... -.• - • 1- ^
p' Ott SALE- 110 Acmes, te UNDE'R
4. cultivation, rest good timber: good
loeaticn, ii0iI clay loam and sandy loam,
well fenced, on Lake shore and main Tine
C.P.R. All frame buildings; house 20
kitchen, sumer-kitchen, woodshed at-
tached; barns 21 x 44 and base -barn 24
x 4;0: poultry house,. Snap if sold noVI'.
Equipment and smelt at valuation. Price
54,000; part cash. rest to suit. Would
rent or sell adjoininglot partly 41Pared.
A.pply, owner, Box S2, Dryden, Ont.
V free catalogue of 710 farms for 6310.
Willoughby Agency, Department MI,
ileorgetoun or Guelph, Ont,
and4ve5etable farm, 25 arras; ex-
cellEnt imildings; ittrAe greenhettses;
good soil; 2 iiifront city. Also. brick
house and store doing good grocery and
meat business in city; 100 feet ftontagei
central. owner WiSltin...t to retire. _v., -
Ply at once. Wesby Birdsall, 241 Clearge
Street, Sarnia., Ont.
Paris now says that the newest
sleeve must stare from the normal belt
line. Curious, isn't it, comments the
Woman's Home Companion. Wide
and full it flows out, and then gradu-
ally fits into the arm at the wrist.
Paul Poiret especially likes this sleeve,
and -it is also known at the house of
Bleude drapean, which is flag blue,
Is an aceessory color that Poiret uses
in combination with chamois and also
with gray.
Very little mourning Is worn in Par-
is. «rays and, purples now serve for
mourning and very dark shades are
replacing the black charmettse and
satin that have ruled ever since the
beginning of the, ware -
There is no hard ard fast rule about
skirt lengths In Paris. Martial et Ar-
mand Show extremely short and ex-
trentely scant skirts, while LanVin
goes quite to the other extreme atal
makes many ekirts that touch the
100 x 12; 2 fine show windows;
nearly opposite "Ortilla I/OtiSiir" M108113
saga street; best growry stand 'in town,
Aipply, Box 335, °dine, Ont. '
rent, at Essex; being leading loca-
tion of town, Atith only one other dry
goods store in di:A.1.W. Allen, 1721/2 Ouel-
lette Avenue, Windsor, Ont. .
A.hrE PAY F011,
lig all kinds of poultry, 1Yrite for
Dtiotations to the trarrls Abattoir Co.
Limited, St. Lawrence Market, Toronto,
" and light sewing at home, tykole or
spare time, good pay; work sent any dis-
tance. Charges paid. Send stamps Or
particulars. National Manufacturing
Company,. Montreal.
— • •
A. • writing show cares at home. Eas-
ily learned by our simple tnethid. No
canvassing or soliciting. 'Vre sell your
-wotk. Write for particulars,
801 Yonge Street, Toronto,
Limited -Horse Deptu tmen t, Waiter
lIarland Smith, Manwer! anction Wed-
nesday; private: sales; (tally; large stock
always; consignments solicited.
sell "Coal-Savc" the only genuine
saver of coal, formulated fuel ex -
Veils; every coal user will buy. Menu-
tacturers. Agents 'Co., 34 ROE0 A.venue,
Toronto, Ont.
Old Jewellery, Plate. Sliver, Curios
Miniatures, Pictures, Needlework, ',nee.
Old China, Cut Glass, Ornaments, Watch.
es, Rings, Table Ware.
Write or send by Express, to
28 and 30 College Street Toronto, Ont.
Nies, Eczema, Asthma, catarrh. Plmptos;
Dyspepsia, Epilepsy, Rheumatism, Skin, Kid-
ney, Biood, Nerve and aiadder Diseases.
Call or send biliary tor Pee advice. Medicine
furnisi red in tablet tom. Pourt-10 a.m. to 1 p.m
and to 2.m. Sundaya-40 a.m. to 1.
Coasuitatioa Free
25 Toronto st,Totonto,Ont.
Please Mention This Pape0
The Motion Picture Interpretr.
The katsuband Is it nittiVe and ulti•
que product of Japanese life aurl tie
and get a bottle of Putnant s EstractOr
Pugnacious Earwigs.,
afternoon dresses.
Pagin is resenensible for an unsusual
striking combination of black and schools as well as ;being able to eet. '-
coat • itryati.le varione characters in lie
The profession by no Medids
White expressidein the an ,easy one, and tee skilled inembeis
The skirt of black velvet is lined
are almost as poptilar as the actIrs
Simplex Little Giant Typewriter
ties an letters, figures. Period And
trauma. 1tubber type, 541 ('8,1 end Mir -
able, iron body, and a perfect feed l'011..
or. Mtn be used tor wining letters, ad-
dressing envelope% hillitett3s, togs, rte.
Send tot your ria:no and mbiress and we
wdi send you 30 packages. of our lively
emboescd Easter 1'04041430 ft} We at 10
et lets a leafage. When told end us the
money (three dialers) and we tend
you the typ,mriter, ail charges prepeid.
IselketirritileNT et, TOttoNTO.
Earwigs are quarrelsome creatures
and are always ready to use their nip.
pered taile against eacir 'other on the
slightest provoeation. When the light
ot it lamp falls upon theta congregatdd
at the auger, some are ' there seared
than the 'others and scuttle away,
when ea:eh earwig whicli they nearly
touch in flight will savagely ming
back its tail and nip in, the air with
fury. SoMethaes the blew falls Open
a neighbor, which instantly retaliates,
and half a dOzen furIOus nips are. rap
Idly interchanged, But fighting weight
quickly *settles the quarrel.,the smaller
earwig actittlhig of and the larger our.
toting him for severel incliee. running
backward and reaehing etisegely to
right and left with nipper& Yet
these same earwigs, se viedictiVe. at
meals, will be crammed, all sites. to.
Other. Into any hole or Cra0( by day,
-London Globe.
"Pop" said the small bo Y wile was
studying his geography, "what 18
strait?" "Five eards of ---that is. a
narrow strip of water tonnecting tiVo
larger bodiek," replled Pojj.
themsele-es. -
tvith white satin, while in the
with because of the introductiort of or
eign films in 4)110alt. It Is necessintyhe
to explain t, action; otherwise tete
picture wo
ula be unintelligible ;to
most of the :twill we Even in Site
case Of native pletetrei 11 114 saki *it
as yet many 3f the actors are not seet-
.ficiently clever to enable the nuntake.
ment to dispentio with elie tervicee,of
the Itatenbatet-rs epittsbuChronlble
(1381t111V)11, .A.1.10r14:t11) „
Mit -"I eau.; taeoe-pi. )'Olt*' affrait)11.
1' t bejilil 545 11•111 9:abated tut
you will rt,t.urtt it.
..1‘,1:0ia01iteixeDalont;onnintst ought to be
e cotablsitur:tgioeritati
Montana. hh
Irma IC to $12 for four to litt bettre'
work, but refuee to get Out the coat de
11141114511(1 tor market because the dig.
gers retiree to work long enough t.)
produce 11. Los Angeles Titnefie
The katsuban cannot be diepenied
part of the eostume the order is re-
versed,„the blouse being fashioned of
white satin lined with black velvet. A
big collar of fur tops the costume.
want to help you if you are suffer-
ing from bleeding, itching, blind or
protriiding Piles. I tan tell you how,
in your own borne and 'without no -
finely 'assistanee, You can apply the
hest of all treatments,
1 promise to send you a FREE trial
of the new absorption treetinent, and
references from your own locality 11
yeu. will but write end ask. I assure
you of Immediate relief. Send no
money, but tell others of this offer,
MRS, M. SUMMERS, Box tt,
Windier* CI%