HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-03-07, Page 1T #7747.747,41 viitar‘J*47,7, V17A.J -.'•?`•••••••004021212224 Single Copies ,. Three Cents . „ -""'"---•—•••eeeesee--- " SPAM 5,,IPSK...101OW Winaliamis 2n4 Annual Show and Sale Sere Succesaful The second annual Spring Stock Show and sale held in Winghain on Thursday last was very succeesfut frcein a financial PotritenItIreater also of people but the Tnirebred animals were not there in as large numbers as might have been, nevertheless several splendid horses and bulls were shown. Many breeders signified their in- tention of being present with etock if the roads were at all passible, but did not wish to catalogue their stock because of the very uncertain weather. The sale rought good prices for the cattle, but at present the horse market is not as lively as it was and they did not bring top-notch prices. The prize -winners were: Best Clydesdale Stallion, under 3 years -I J. Wright Clydesdale Mare, any age D Clow, Alex. McDonald Road Mare, any age -W G. Gray. • Heavy Draft Team -D. Clow. Agricultural Team -Jas. Forester. Hereford Cow, 2 years and over -Thos. Taylor, Hereford Cow, 2 years and under - Thos. Taylor. Durham Bull, under 2 years -Maitland Henry, Robt Harrison. Durham Female, 2 years and over--John Armstrong. Durham Female, under 2 years -John Armstrong Oats Re. Wilton. Barley -R, Timothy-- Oliver Campbell. Peas -Thos. Taylor. Mr. John McDiarmid of Lucknow, Judged the horses; Mr Wm Moffatt of Teeswater, the cattle, and Mr. W. F. VanStone, the grain. -7c ew 'Music Store I SERIOUSLY ILL Norman Nicholls, Son of Mr. A, J. Nicholls We are sorry to report the serious ill. ness of Sergt Norman Nicholls, Wingham. Norman, joined the Arm Y Medical Corps of the first contingent and is now reported seriously ill in West Cliff Hospital, Folke- stone, having only partly recovered from an operation when pneumonia set in. Its many Wingham friends hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Messrs F. J. Hill and Jesse Button have entered irito partnership arid will Salvation Army conduct an up-to-date music store in the INV 4LI OD HOME et;ona-i; ant WINGHAM, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 71b, 1918 Miss Hilda Buchanan is visiting in A special meeting of the town council Toronto was held on Thursday evening last when Miss Gwendolyn Currie spent a few days la Turnberry. a deputation composed of W. A Currie b bane . . 7 COUNCIL MEETINQ lic School Board, advance on levy, 64 00; PATRIOTIC SOCIETY NOTES T J. McLean, work 1 23; J. Glenn, work 9 66; J. W McKibbon, larrips 6.56. Their report was adopted on motion of Coun. Currie and Fells. Court. Mitchell thought the Property Committee accounts should be designated to that Committee and not put in with Electde Light or any other heading. Clerk Groves said that would necessitate a great deal of unneces- sary work, at present the three depart- ments are handled in different hanks. Mr. Mitchell said the account for cutting ice would only be about half if ice was cut oftener, Chief Alien stated that no man catild do it for half the account. Reeve Tipling reported that the Petri otic money from the county, $248 00 was received by the treasurer and he would like to have the council divide it with the Women's Institute and Ladies' Patriotic Society. Moved by Mayor Binkley and Coun Spotton that the division of Patri- otic money be left in the hands of the Reeve, Councillors Mitchell and Fells to divide.- Carried The wood committee reported having purchased 100 cords of wood as the agree - Wood Boueht and Other Business Transacted S. Bennett and W. J. Greer representing Mrs. H. ,J. Thompson is visiting with Mends in Toronto. the Board of Trade requested the council Mrs. A M Crawford is visiting with to take some action in regard to the sup - friends in Toronto. plying of wood to the ratepayers and re- commending that they purchase Mr. W. Mr, Thos C. King made a business trip D. VanStone's bush for $600. to Toronto this week. Moved by Councillor Spotton and Reeve Miss Ruby Forsythe spent a tew days Tipling that the Council approve ef the . With relatives in Toronto. - corporation purchasing bush if it can be Miss Nettie Weiler has gone to Toronto had at a proper price and thus guard where she has accepted a position. against the shortage of fuel next winter- :B/1r% T. Brandon of Belgrave, called Lost - on Mrs. R. James, Francis St, last week. Moved in amendment by Councillors Gurney and Fells that this council ap- Mr and Mrs. Wilfrid Reid and ' baby, point a committee to further investigate Dwight, spent a few days witb relatives in the cost of laying down wood in Wing - St. Marys. ham, inquiring into the cutting and haul- theMiss Ruby Stoddard of Clinton, spent • ing and also if men can be had to do the week -end at the home of her friend , work- earned. .. Miss Mabel Isard Moved by Spotton ancl Patterson teat • Mr. James Elliott of Ituna, Sask., was Coun. Gurney, Currie and Fells be a ment had to be signed at once. They a guest at the home of his br other, Mr. J. committee awned in previous resolution purchased the wood from Mr James K. J. Elliott, East Wawanosh to inquire into the purchasing of bush or McGee at 3.50 per cord delivered, part L Subscriptions: $1.50 per year. The society acknowledge:, witle thanks the following donations, Mrs. M J. Lougheed, 1 pr. pillows; Mrs Thos Bea - net, 1 pr. socks: Mrs. Thos, King, 0 pr. socks • February shipments -To National Ser- vice Co, 59 flannel day shirts, and to the French Relief 237 pr. of socks; to Canad- ian Red Ceoss, GO suits pyjamas, 1 pr. pil- lows and hospital dressings. Shipped to our own boys in France 118 pr, socks. Systematic collections for Feb. -Ward 1 36.40; 2, 31 00; 3, 37.00; 4, 37 35; 5, 6.30. Total $148.05. The patriotic tea will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Linklater, Turnberry, on Wednesday, March 13th. Conveyanc- es will be at town hall at 1.30 o'clock. Will as many as can, avail themselves of the opportunity of spending the afternoon in the country The society purpose holding a sale of home-triade baking, in the council chamb- er, on the afternoon of Sat., March :30th. Further particulars later. "JACK" WAS CANED — Miss Reynolds has secured the services wood and report at regular meeting- Car_ now and remainder the first of next winter The officers and members of the Huron , of Miss Hindeman of Owen Sound, as ried. Coun. Fells said that although they pure Curling Clubksent a small remembrance to milliner for the spring season. chased it he thought it very unfair to local their good friend, J J. Cunningham, who, The regtilar meeting was held in the Mr. and Mrs. Jas Taylor of Exeter, evening. -Carried. All the members merchants. , Coun. Currie said it looked has been confined to the house for some council chamber at 8 o'clock on Monday spent a few days at the home of tbei ees were good to him or he wouldn't -have bought time because of a broken hip. the result daughter, Mrs W. D Burke, present except Gurney. Mayor Binkley as he would not spend the town's money of a fall on the ice. The following letters presiding The minutes of the last regtr where he would not bis own. Coun. are explanatory.* • We notice Robert W. James is quite lar and special meetings were read and ap- Patterson said he did not think much of Whigharn, February 22, 1918 lame from the bad fall he had on the proved. the wood purchased, and" he was against Mr. J, J. Cunningham, ice near his barn last Saturday A • i • t' n from the Ontario the wood proposition from the first. Town PTE HAROLD HOLMES Pte. Holmes arrived at his home in Bluevale a couple of weeks ago He is undergoingn operation in Toronto to have shrapnel removed from his forehead Vort.01W.0•4"/"Vy *W." ..e1teft" 'Local Items i• Mr. Robert Burges e has purchased Mrs Darnell'e house on Shuter St, Mrs W. Buchanan is teachiog in Miss Bentley's room in the Public School. Word has been received in town that as number of the 1elst I3attalion has crossed to France frone England. We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. F. S. Scott of Brussels, which occur - ed at her home on Monday. Among the returned soldiers to arrive in London is Cameron Geddes, son of Dr. and Mrs Geddes, Lucknow, The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West is now in session in Chatham. Wingham will not be represented this year. Mr. Ed Nash has purchased the Knech- tel property on Centre St., and Mr. Jesse Button has purchased Mr. Geo Carr's house on Patrick St Remember the sale of homemade bale- ing, vegetables and produce in the Coun- „ ell Chamber cn Saturday afternoon, March 30th, at 3 o'clock, Mr John Helm has sold his farm in EastWawanoe h to Mr. James Carr oft Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Helm will move to town in the near future. We are pleased to learn that Leslie A. Grisdale has been promoted to the. rank of Corporal He has been successful as an anti -gas instructor at Bramshott. At a meeting of the management com- mittee, it was decided to close the Huron , ,?,..t2e.47?)...X. Mire, . f .16.114,114.111 al /lilt • 410.0.t. •! TO THE PUBLIC Atattifftwoortre We have received the following -1 threatening letter which we feel ▪ should be made known to you. Somewhere in Canada. j J. W. McKibboo, Rexall Store e . • _ A I have learned through my • secret agent e that you propose hold- ing another one cent sale, and I wish to warn you that this must A lc stop. I cannot maintain my pres- -I ent standing and influence over the 1, public if you persist in these -price- lowering sales. You have the corn- munity now anxiously waiting for all the bargains you offer, and I do not propose to be bamboozled by any such actions You must call off this sale and mark your goods higher instead of cutting the prices in two, or your old Rexall plant will be torpedoed within five days, as the ammunition is now ready. I await your answer before proceed - Mr. Jack Naylor has returned to his Government Fisheries asking that places Coun. Mitchell said when the wood Friend Jack Skating 'Rink for the winter. Probably winter with hie sister, Mrs. Butcher. be secured to sell Govt fresh water fish. question was first brought up neither On motion of Councillors Spotton and wood merchants had any fuel. We have pleasure in presenting you Old Saul purposed doing so anyhow. home in Wilkie. Sask,, after spending the Mrs Thos Forbes has returned from Patterson a committee composed of the Reeve Tipling mid the wood was al_ with this cane, not that we are glad that We understand that Mr. Archie Patter- * ' h f you have to make use of same, but as a b h Id e liked visiting with her son, Mr Chester Hogg, Mayor, Reeve and Coun. Patterson wt. g token o u app at Oakland, Cal , the land of flowers. sec which merchants would be in the best to see better wood purchased modation that you were the means of of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church and h ted the position. " f theccom, son has resigned his position as caretaker Miss Lilla E. Breen of Toronto was position to handle these fish and forward Coun. Fells andCurne were not anxious giving us this present season. and arm, home last week attending the funeral of their names to the food controller under 1 g e , , G. her grandfather, the late Robert Breen. the corporation seal, titter stating that he could sell 45 cords heavily laden hand -car at Cargill, on Sat- MissesA letter asking for a grant of $200 to Huron Curling Club. urday afternoon. The hand -car was assist in buildiqg the new Salvation Ariny at $1 50 a cord, therefore he thought it L. (23.1 clic: lirtsidpetrietsident smashed to matchweod but no one was Bentley moved to Blyth on Wed - L d fil d. was not too bad after all. Coun. Spotton nesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Armour McDonald block, 'in the stand recently Special Revival meetings during March. will move in to their house as quickly as rescue home at Capt. Martin asked the council on be- said no one wanted to compete with wood L. F. Binkley, Sec'y-Treas hurt. occupied by Frank 11/IeLea n ' The new Sunday services at 11 a.m., 3 pen , 7 p' possible. half of the Salvation Arrny War Service dealers, he was sorry that the council had not acted on the wood proposition in a The employees of the tinshop at the different spirit. Wingham, February 26, 1918 Western Foundry presented Lloyd Hing - they will carry a full line of Pianos, Vic- with God and Man." of Montreal, is visiting with her parents, up e total contribution from Wingham th t Moved by spotton and Tipling that the Mr. L. C. Young, ston with a Gillette safety razor on Wed - r, in France and England for $20. to bring trolas, and other musical instruments, Week night Evangelistic meetings, 1VIr. and Mrs George Taylor, Lower to $50 Thirty dollars being collected at council accept the report of the commit President, Huron Curling Club Winghatn, Ont. Wed- nesday last week, prior to his enlisting for also a large stocic of Victor Records and Mon„ Tues, Thurs., and Sat., at 8 p.m Wingham. auspices of the Ladies' Patriotic Society ,cords of wood purchased by them for the Mr. Chas. RintouI has purchased a :Wit next week. Tues , Wed., Thurs afternoons from 3 to The many friends of Mr. Caspell, who His request was granted on motion of town.- Carried. I was profoundly touched when you so farm near Bluevale, and will move to it has been so ill at the home of Mr. and ' - kindly sent me the beautiful gold headed sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Rintoui as EVERYBODY'S COLUMN Young People's meetings: Directory hear that he is improvg. A letter from the Hydro Commission wood committee be a standing commi e . Class orf Sunday. at 10 a in. Company in my affliction and a daily reminder of to pass the wood off on the council, the Si n d On behalf of the members The A G T. passenger train crashed into a overseas service. the Lecture by Capt. Caswell under the tee on wood and that we accept the 100 . Dear Sir; sheet music. Watch for their advertise- Cottage Prayer meetings on Mon., ' 4 p m. • Mrs. James. Francis St , will be glad to Councillors Patterson and Mitchell Moved by Tipling and Spotton that the cane. It will be my constant companion about the middle of the month. We are my friends in the Huron Curling Club, and goes to prove that "where good fellowship exists, life is worth living." Kindly convey my heart felt apprecia- tion to the Officers and Members of your Association. Gratefully yours,, J. J. Cunningham residents of Wingham. .. Y • Miss Emma Hardie, con. 9, Turnberry, asking that a delegate be sent to their to look after wood --Carried. The rumor that the London train 111.10TION SALE-Parnf Stock and Implem Classes on Sunday at 2 p m. Salvation The plumbers' bylaw was, at the sugges- n mite at Let 13, Con. 2. lVforris, on Wednes- Meeting Monday at 7 p m Life Saving entertained about twenty of her friends meeting in Toronto on Tuesday, March would run through to Kincardine in place day. March 13th, 1918. No reserve on ft/wine le en. 12th was read. Coun. Spotton kindly tion of the Mayor, left over until next W. F. VANSTONn, Prop, guards, Wednesday at 7 15 p.m, All are on Friday night. A very pleasant ev of the late train was not correct There T. R BENNETT, Auot. ing was spent in music and games. Offered to represent Wingharn at this regular meeting . 1 VOR SALE -O. part exchange for a fi.rm s lli acres. fruit, good water and buildings. Mr and Mrs Henry Owens left last Moved b Couns Mitchell and Patterson dent at the plant recommended the pur- leOR SALE -In the township of Morris, ad Monday was the last day that the order Sask., and visited with friends in Toronto Fjoining the town of Wingham. 80 acres o' in -council closed theatres and places of and Detroit on their Way home. that the council do not send a representa- chase of hot water heater and two safety first °laps pastureland, partly timbered, and • .:, tive to Hydro meeting in Toronto unless valves at a cost of possibly $660. Also river running through property. Price Wee. amusement. According to a Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Caspell appreciate all the Offers considere4. Address dispatch, Fuel Controller C. A. Magrath, kind calls they have had from so many of Coun Spotton sees fit to attend free -of that Engineers Bowden and Petermart cost to the town. -Carried. . Jowl' S. DTJOKETT, asked for raises of ' wages. The former ion Gover merit on Saturday, following a illness. Thank you, Call again. Mr. J. A, Currie appealed to the coun- receives $3.00 a day and the latter 2.76, Glenavon, Sosk. made the recommendation to the Domm- their friends during Mr Caspell's serious E and large lot in Lower Wingham. conference with his assistant, R -C. Har- d 1 that h • charged $10 license for Moved by Couns Currie and Fells that Hem ,oe FOR SALE -Good dwelling with cost tI n if he Mayor Binkley reported for the Elect- is only the noon train up and the 3 p.m train down front the north. Seventeen -year-old Stanley Hayes, son of Major R. 5 Hayes of Seaforth, was killed at Fort Worth; Texas, on Sunday afternoon, when his plane crashed to the ground, a distanceeif GOO feet. Come out to -night and spend an hour and forty-five minutes of the best enter- tainment. Beautiful Jane Cowl will be seen in "The Spreading Dawn" at the Picture House, Wednesday night. Some- thingfine for 20 cents. An all round squire deal will be the re- sult, if you will bring your cream, butter and eggs to us. We need thern-we pay highest price in cash. The Wingham Creamery invites you to 'Pay them a visit., Phone 135.--1... S. 13eninger, J. O. vtoGes..00n Last Heatless Monday Saturday for their home in Welwyn, ric Light Committee that the superinten- was in the city on business at that date. Another Viewpoint The editor of a western paper speaks livery and an additional ten because he engineer's salary remain as they are -Car- thus to his delinquent subscribers: The wind bloweth; the farmer soweth; the placed an auto in his livery. Councillors ried, subscriber oweth; and the Lord knoweth Spotton and Reeve Tipling moved that Moved by Mayor Binkley and Reeve we are in need of our dues. So come • by-law re license for auto livery be Tipling that the report of the manager of . a-runnin' ere we go a-gunnin', we're not J 1 1 Mr. an Mrs ames Green w lave isk- Apply to Atm. DAMIELL ns, at Toronto. Both controllers decid- been visiting- with the latter's parents, -flOUSE FOR SALE -Two story red brick ed that fuel situation had eased sufficient- " house, well situated, 10 rooms, tow • water , , Mr and Mrs. Alex Forsythe, returned to and electric lights, and all modern convent ler to permit the oper ation of theatres on their home at Ashville, ,Manitoba on anew and a_good garden.lox 261, win gham. all week days, and it is thought quite Wednesday last. . likely that the Government will act upon ;IUNK PEDLAR -Harry Wordsman has the recommendation and rescind the Messrs W. J. Breen Grand Rapids, C U moved to .own from Toronto and will pay A. Milwaukee, Geo. H , Dighton, T. A . cash for all kinds of rubb4m. rags, horsehair, order. The order now reads that the iron, wool, ebb:kens old hens, etc., at his resi• Sault Ste Marie and J. Johnston of Sault donee on the gravel near the B line. Phone 21, theatres shall close each Monday until 600.• Mr. Nrorcitrnan is a Russian. March 25th, but in view of the mild DOCKET BOOK LOST -Between Wingham Weather it is not considered necessary to their father, the late Robert Breen. tient Looknoee on Sandy evening. Own. close the playhouses until that date. Ste Marie, have returned to their respect- ive homes after attending the funeral of er's name engraved in gol letters in book , Brunswick ROW, Winghaco. The Women's Institute Galt Kiltie Band, we notice the names of Among the newly elected officers of the Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at lk ANTED -A book.keoper with SOMO expert- Regular monthly meeting of the Insti- two former, citizens of Wingliatn as Presi- * butter -making and to infante a ono ton Ford tute was held in the council chamber Feb. dent and Secretary Mr. John Hewer is MI once; also a good reliable man to assist at motor truck, Apply to 28th, about one hundred and twenty-five elected to the former position and Mr Wingham Creamery ladies present Two hundred pairs of W. S. Sheppard to the secretaryship Mr. , L. s. tele mein, socks were received, one hundred seat to Hewer only left Wirigham about eighteen ROUSE FORSALEour soldiers. After the business meeting months ago, and Mr. Sheppard was for a the quarterly tea was held, later lunch was time leader of the Citizen's Band and is q story frame house in fIrst-class condition good served to the public; the proceeds now leader of the Galt Kilties as well as With double Parlor and Dining room, s bed rooms and good Bath rolto complete, amounted to eighteen dollars and fifteen secretary. fall sized cellar, Electric Lights, Town Water This property is welt s tuated on a first-class cents. tat. There also a good hen house on this Three pairs of socks were donated by property, will be sold reasonable if sold quick A Splendid Record Apply to J. G. ateWart, agent, Office in Mrs. W Buchanan. Anyone desiring to help knitting y p from ..Miss Jean VanNorman and Miss Ber- th° Town Hall.• tha Blackball graduated from the Central Massey -Harris, Quality and Service NI iSS Struthers. The quilt presented by amended so that either livery be allowed the'Electrie Light Plant re the purchasing to have one auto for hire without paying of heater and valves be referred to the license.- Carried. Electric Light Committee to report at Mr L. S. Beninger asked the council next meeting -Carried. if they could not reduce his electric _power The committee also recommended the bill. He has a 10 horse power motor and increasing of the casualty insurance on only uses .5 horse power at the present the boilers from $2000 insurance now car - time, but the town rate is 31 per h. p. for ried to $5000, and thus in case of an motor. Moved by Reeve Tipling and accident they would not be liable to an Coun Spotton that the request of Mr expenditure of two or three thousand 13eninger be referred to the Electric Light The rate paid now is 320 per 1000 on the and Water Com to deal with or to sub- 32000 insurance where 35000 insurance mit to council at next regular meeting - would cost 315 per thousand. The in - Carried, crease was granted on motion of Coun. The finance committee reported favor- Currie and Mayor Binkley. able to the passing of the following -ac- The matter of Mr. Stokes' salary was counts, dealt with. Moved by Couns. Mitchell Electric Light Dept and Patterson that we give Mr. Stokes his 1. J Brooks, salary $67 50; W. me- usual salary with the privilege of doing Lennan, salary 07.50; F. Bowden, salary any other work as long as he does his 84.00; E. Peterman salary, 77 28; J Fin. usual work -Carried. ley, salary 25.00; J F. Groves, postage Moved by Couns. Mirchell and Patter - Business College at the end of February 5.00; Bell Telephone, tolls 4 05; Advance seri that the clerk's salary of 31e00 per ORM iCRE3-I ordered10:tons of Binder Twine • • and took a creditable grading in all sub- printing $5.; J. W. Dodd, insurance 39.80; year be divided and that Electric Light Mrs I Stewart was handled by a coMmit- season. Order mere than yoc will need right ceeds amounted to 353 05. Miss Mary jects considering the fact that they were Canadian General Electric Light supplies, arid Waterworks. Committee combined Mao in Canada last AuguA for 1918 de- tee of ladies and sold by ticket, The pro - now and I will keep Jill for you at tho lowest Lamont held the eminning ticket, number only five and a half months in attendance 58.43; Goldie & McCullough supplies, pay half fhe same. -Carried. livers+. Twine 1.). scarce and dear nem funnin'; this thing of dunnin' gives us the blues. Winghatn District institute Meet An Epworth League and Sunday School Institute in connection with Wingham District was held in Ethel Methodist church on Wednesday, Feb 27th. The president presided and addresses given by Rev. F. H. Langford, R I. Watson. Rev. D. McTavish and Rev. II. J. Uren, at the session opening at two o'clock. The evening speakers were Rev. C. R Durrett and Rev. Mr. Langford, the pastor in the chair. Mr. Durrant gave an illustrated address on Mission Work in Newfoundland. Each League and Sun- day School within the district sent dele- gates. Provisioris were made for their entertainment. Mr, Langford is one of the church's Young Peoples Secretaries, and Mr. Watson is Missionary Vice President for London Conference. A SOCIAL EVENING price posSible when wholesale prices are an• and wrote ' resPeetivelY 48 and 56 net 2428; Garlock Packing Co supplies, 20.96; Mayor Binkley and Clerk Groves both until October lst. 1918 If you pay cash you • words per Minute on the typewriter in Western Foundry Co., 1 23; II Davis, favored the change. . A social evening was spent at the home nouncea, You. ao not haVo to pay roe eame 37e, get a good discount. 'duty on coal 43.85; j. A, McLean, coal Chief Allen asked for an increase in sal- of Mr. John Deyell when a few friends Come in on Saturday" and gel a Calendar and Former Whigharnite Passes accordance with the Iniernational Ruleee see our neW GasOline engines. Let us know This is a very creditable showing for bah 245.63; T. Deans, teaming 20 98. ary and a $50 increase was given him on met prior to the departure of Mr. Isaac separatera sold at bargain prices. away on Monday, M the person of Dr. Waterworks Dept motion of Couns. Fells and Spotton Deyell who left Thursday morning for your wants in the muchine line and get our A well-known medical man passed price& sowed han4 machines and cream the young ladies and the college .which • T. R. 131011MT. Louis G McKibbon, of the Western Hos- they attended Miss Blackhall also re- J. J. Brooks, salary $12.50; Geo Allen Moved by Couns Mitchell and Patter- London. _ _ pital staff, Toroato. Dr McKibbon stiff- Gaiety 28 83; W. McLennan, salary 0.00; soft that we the council of 1018 do Wingnam, Feb. 25th, 1018 Auctioneer, ceived the Underwood Diploma in tYPe- mom sgo ered a paralytic stroke on Thursday last, writing. John McLeod, work 2 00; T. .1 McLean, establish a market for once or twice a To *Mr. Isaac 1)eyell and death followed on Monday at his /CHRISTIE'S° home, 196 Spadina Avenue. Dr. McKib- - bon was born at Teeswater, Ont , 52 years ago and was a son of the late George cutting ice 10 75; Fred Hogg, cutting ice week as the council sees At. so that farm. , Dear Brother: - 1116H SCHOOL NOTES 5 75; Percy Hogg, cutting ice 5 75; Edgar ers can bring their prodUCe, and that we Prior to your departure from our midst Pattison. cutting ice 1 23; Joseph Pugh, petition the government to allow the use to take your place in -the ranks of the In order to conserve coal the High cutting ice 1.38; Alex Porter cutting ice of the armouries to sell the products in Canadian Army, we 'your friends and School was closed during Thursday after- • M. • , noon and Friday of Feb. 21st and 22nd. Wylie, cutting ice 2.75; Advance, printing committee to see what can be done to you with this wrist -watch as a small token this end - Carried of our affection and eeteein, Literary Soci----, eld On TuesdaY the hig 1.25; Can. Allison Chalmers valves, Mitellell eXplained that he learned Since your boyhood we have always PHONE: 59 • • • • •• rO• Bert and that the property committee be a relatives here assembled desire to present . Trinity Medical College in 1886. After Because of this the regular meeting of the 64, 1Me.4 printing . , • 1.) en e5kAt ed\Neese - MeKibbon of Wingliam. He attended Kincardine school and was graduated from , cellevnot.to,Jousi,tiktrey it. titialiece I some very fine cheese the We've just cut into Aflavour of which is ex - With your next order. , .1tr you wit)vr A Itztikt, COOD CVP OF ISA WZ"V.0 -GOT 711Th rzA. rmAr wrz,z, Nit xt zr. 1: practising for a number of years at Black- stock he earns to Toronto, 20 Years ago. 7 He was a prominent member of the Mas- onic Order arid was Warden of St. John's - Anglican Church for a number of years. - His widow and two daughters; Mrs. ' McCausland, wife of Lieut. Alan Mc- - Causland, and Mrs. Fred Temple of Cal- - gary, survive; and also three sons: 1-1_ George, of the Dental Corps, who recent- ly returned from overseas, and Harold and Hugh, at school, Mrs. Edwin Quigley of Toronto, and Mrs, Arthur Pampon, 7 North Battleford, Sask., are sisters. Dr. E McKibben of Victoria, B C., and A. G. McKibborr of Toronto, are brothers Walton McKihhon, of Winglunn, Is a - cousin, Dr McKibbon's father was an 38 to 75o per lb. .N eltNitiYOr Witigtgair t114 foomplospoosimomiarol, Ikt"viel; Uotd 16114' following weekw 13 13; W A. Currie, bars Occupied the chair. The programme was John F. Groves, salary, Postage $06.16; the duties of each committee be defined, hers of your own family and we feel. sure that Listowel Arrnouries were now being found you very affectionate, kind and The Vice President Miss Lena Coultes, General Account used by that Own He also asked that thoughtful, especially towards the mem- as follows:- Geo Allen, salary 3%83; Ed Lewis, salary oleo the duties of the clerk and town con- that when we are far apart our thoughts Piano solo -Stella Jetties, Debate -Re- 43.12: W Stokes, salary 48-00; II B. stable Moved by Reeve Tipling and will still be of each other, as they have solved that Ireland should not have Home Elliott, expenses re Mrs. Garniss 4.30; Conn. Spotton that the executive commit- been for so many years in the past, Rule, affirmative 'Form II -George Fergu- Thos Deans, teaming wood, Mrs. Garniss tee be a committee to report as to tho We feel confident that should you ever son, tildene McLean; Negative, Form V 35c; Alex Reid, bite and baggage, Mrs. duties of the officials and committees at come in contact with the German foe that -Lottie Johnston, Steele McKenzie. The Gullies, 75c; W. J. Greer, ehues, Me. the next meeting of the council -Carried Youv conduct will be such no to cast no judges decided that the affirmative and Gentles 1,75; 3, A. Mille, dry goods, Mrs Three uncertified accounts vis, Morris, discredit on the glorious victories of the negative were equal, and as the burden of Garnlee, 8,21; j. A. Currie livery 2 00; share road work $18.75; Lake Erie, Coal Canadidn soldiers who have met and con. proof rests with the affirmative the de- A Sanderson, snowplowing 14.,30; R Leg Co. 3227.47; G N W. Telegraph 5Y "..ents; quered them in times now past. cision Was in favour of the negative gatt, work on street 10.25; jos BaileY, were ordered to be paid when Properly We trust that God in Ills merciful Selectkm Harmonica Band As the weik on street 3.00; Municipal World :certified to, on motion of Councillors Editor, Steele McKenzie wag debating the Assessnient Rolls, 6.50; Bank of namilton Spottori and Currie. journal was read by MarY Colidll:Arter coupons 316.00; Advance, printitig 41 50; Since the council 'meeting the wood the meeting 0404 by ranging "Qua S.ivi:1 fumigators, 0.80. 3 3. //viz, fumigators cords of rood which they purcha-sed for -Ite ring." the Critic's Remarks, by Mr, BUteiler• TilTleSs printing 24„0; J. W. ItIcKibbon, comMittee have disposed of the 100 600; Dell Tedeplivile. CO., tolls 1-60; Dub. the tout to tir, R. 3 Cantelon, ing. Yours to be boss, HIGH COST OF LIVING We shall defy the gentleman not- withstanding his threats. J. Walton Mclil bbon THE REX ALL STORE ' 97-•711111 ; TO THE PUBLIC Do you endorse our reply. Winghain, Ont. \ Mr, High Cost of Living, Anywhere in Canada. Dear Sir: " Your threatening letter of the 7th received, and duly noted. Permit us to say that we have been in' the m. habit of protecting Huron County 1. twice each year in these great mon- 1 ey-saving sales, and so long• as we .- . i , have the unlimited purchaeing : '• . --e power of the United Drug. Com- e pany back of us, we clo not propose I 7 N. to be intimidated. The torpedo :- TJ has not yet been devised that can j scare us from our purpose. The 4 goods have begun to arrive to -day, • 3and the original date planned will 9 ever consummated. m this town. see the biggest motley saving sale Wise people will plan accordingly, as for you, you big bluffer, you can take a back seat and try your blowing -up talk on someone else. You can't scare a Rexall store. Yours to the finish 3. WALTON MoKIBBON 1J : &Walton Meltibbon 1 THE °RE? X A .LL trronn traamiliailia The Woma.nis Patriotic Society intend. holding a sale of Home-made baking in the Council Chamber, Saturday afternoon March 30th at 3 p. In. They will be very pleased to receive donations of Baking, Vseervgeetd.ablee and produce. Tea will be Up to the 1st of February five hundred and fifty-five Canadian Foresters have made the supreme sacrifice in this awful war, and the amount paid in insuranea to the dependents and beneficiaries of our brothers who have died that the Empire might lege, is $409,294 88. We are pleased to learn that Pte Wil- bert Pennington is again on duty after spending some time in a military hospital suffering from the effects of being blown up by a German shell at Paschendale. Mrs. Pennington and children are with her mother, Mrs Copeland, Shuter St. ..vTwo of Winghain's popular youtig people were united in marriage at Toron: to, recently, when Miss Rachael Rintoul, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ab, Rintoul, became the bride of Aviator Harold Ross, only son of Mr. mid., Mrs. A. J. Ross The AtivANcic extends congratulation/ The Services in the Wingham Method- ist Church next Sunday, March 10th, will be as follows: 10 a ni. Junior League and Close Meeting. 11 a in. Subject: "The Gospel of Ontifort." 2.30, Sunday Scheel. In., Subject: "The Power of a divine discontent." 8.15, Epworth League. All are cordially invited. Reception and baptismal services were held in the Methodist church On Sunday morning last. Six milted with the church by certificate, viz., Mr. and MrS John McCallum and Mr. and Mrs Adam Schaefer from St Andrew's Presbyterian church, and Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Smith from the Luc:know Presbyterian Church. , Miss Glenn of Glenn -Charles, Toronte, Canada's Hair Fashion Store, will be in Wingliam Friday, March 15th at the Providence will spare you to return again, Queen's Hotel with a full line of Ladies' in health and strength to your friends and and Gentleman's Hair Goods, if you, are relatives who love yott so well. not satisfied with the appearance of your Signed ori behalf of your two sister -in- hair consult Miss Glenn who is an author- MrRobert Deyell itY on Hair Goode and indindual Hair Mrs John eyell • Style% free dcmontleation. Zxv o XavA‘xs 14.A3Mnots s MARCH— Slush and Mud. , APRIL RAINS---LDe.:• mand rubber to protect your health and save your shoes. The most trying mon- , ths of the year are here - —the hardest On health and footwear, if you' try to get along without rub.' • bers. See that- everyone at home has and wears rubbers. We have a style and shape for every shoe for Men, Women and Child- ren. W. J. Greer !Boots and Shoes mei sweeepeestossesse PROPERTIES FOR SALE As the dune of elefoet met he wound up, tee fo31owin properties Will be 1. Let XO. 270n the West We Of Edward St, In Town Of Wilighatn, property le faitat6 &i 1 *Leroy Munn MAW, Woe tOutula- tion With kitchen attached. 2, East Part of Let al On south Md* Of I* line in teWrt lea Of Willow, mat:wining nerds. UPoil the lot is situate a brittle bailee. Mal debt.. Thee are desirable PrOperties. Vence end peice ii 111 he tuftliShed. by tine td1. dealgried. D1,014tY Z 301411011.