The Wingham Advance, 1918-02-21, Page 8eeeeneelletelrerrrIr
t' ; • A i'1 t
mr •CthAsr wcstaa' ? cier1 e3 last Sat-
urday -frit eisl vet. vete i'l'iteete war
Mt Forest.
Pte. A 0. Ii rrie of Tornntt., called cin
uncle undaunt,
Mr. and Mrs A� l3.
Gallaher, 9t1 Iiia last'eave prior to going
Mr. Dan elcTavielt bee sold hie farm to
Mr. laiuea Ilarris of Wreecter vicinity
for the ruin of tr8,300 pesecssk u 'to be
given March 15th, Mr. riecTevisll will!
hold a sharing sate on Saturday March
What makes Mr. Charlie lathers wear
ouch a pleasant etuile these days. A
little girl has carne to ori ghteu the Leuze.
�t otilechur h
Bliss R Wilson of Wingharn. spent a
tcw clave cit the home of her brother, Mr
,waxes W►lsoa.
RJ.C 1
u ery who spent t he sum-
mer in the West,
has returned and is
visiting elr.and Mra Cottle this week,
tiergt Duncan Kennedy has received
discharge front the army, and is now
in civilian elothe3.
Tile Guild meeting on Sunday was led
by Mesa Tena Laidiew The missionary
coiaa,ittee will !lave charge next Sunday
it i.: rumoured that the Bruce a3aitt'n,
it1 wlhieh etre about a dozen loot boys, is
Noon to ;roils to France as a pioneer bat.
Corp R a? Ferguson of the 72nd Seaforth highlanders, and who is shown in the
'above picture en the extreme right, has according to tt despetch received here oe,
Thursday last,beee:intruded the Military Medal "for special bravery in guiding am-
munition and rationpaart'iec through heavy continuous shell fire from beadquarters
rI S
to all, the different companies in the :front line without losing amen." ,He performed
this feat at the teking•of J'asselhendale Ridge, With Corporal Ferguson in the above
sticture atehis two brothers; Ptes John and Archie Ferguson of the 160th (Bruce)
Battalion, at Witley Camp, England, and their sister, Lieut, Annie Ferguson, mill-
i ary nurse at Brighton Hospital, England —Bruce Iiereld & Times, Walkerton.
Their father was forinerly .Chief Constable of Wingham and all the fourin the
,group was born in Winghathi; :Corp Robert A'Ferguson learned lets trade as finisher
in Bell's _Factory "here.
! rf ��1irrii►`jAtr� ise�Y:,+fCP:�Pr:.`jGP 44 i t,;11 .) 4a:Tj f , js l4., PI �M'l ,fit. 344 lR!
,1♦;ri♦ Ifr ♦ilii; i1O '44.A..XI - .. ♦ r ♦ i r . ,► 0 „• ., I o e► ..r ,r .' ,
q ,, � L p L. �♦.rA♦ rjs /Al si♦ il� dj•
;♦ ♦� *'I♦ i$ rti
tri rk
ere . tie". •
P r
L ry e1/41,411.
Ale ere
►ja nes'
Ole' ' cial
• .,. Cin account of h avmn
-;.winter Stocke offer the follow-
rti4 ing Bargains .for one week only:
doz. �
at Men's Heavy I
tie wclol, Utldel'wear" at $1.49
10 dog'.. Mens' Dress
i. Shirts, regular $150 to
►1 1,75 at $1.19
'IAr Men's Sweater's 20% off
Listowel,Penina11's and
• Warren's •make.
rA♦ .
it r few dOZ. foOteeai'nler
" Cashlinere hose at ....27
Watch our window for
rke 13a1'2 ain prices Oh !men's
C., . stein, and raincoats,
Al • 20',; off fancy .cloths,
10%;, off 1311.1C8 and
% 131at~ks.
rw:VVatch our windowssy •
3cl z
i7 girls' ; f
and scarfs
C iii
Children's Hats and Caps ;'
reg. 75c to $125 at X.
49c each
15 Ladies' Silk Bioilses `-
rIf♦ .
in fancy and plain col-
"ours , $2.59 each ai
wool cap..
69c each
20 pieces ladies' suitings },
and coatings at $1.49 per
yd. {,e
5 doz. Ladies' Winter
Underwear e9c garment 7Aa
t prices on curtain m t
'�� materials.
ori '
10 pop centoff all House
FurnishiRgs thi P.
& CO.
es' ee
it Mut 84 a G4 innii u�",
Wttireelo intsrmisalotta,.
"Thu other day," say a writer to the
Wrco utter
W. M. Rolthemc>1t• who reals boo i11
the past week li improvieg.
Mr and Mra 17. 'lack wbe het been
JCaft DiA aa*
rue. f
L a sono
! u+1 author visiting friends in ilarria'on ratyrnerl
watt telling tillmehow
tv '
tffelf �u
iti his,
halm !fret week,
first story'Vies accented. Iles d teat : sir. sort Mrs.
within a few uiinutea the tbougol t J bash. Norman i tbileiscit of
e*l across lila iuliid tiltlt iia could ti(Jt Hamilton, are visiting the iatterel mother,
etop, but must go"on. One game story Mrs. Henn" Smith,
must be followed by another and au. eller /dine Douglas le at present visit -
other awl another, else Ws reputation in l laamUton friends.
would tile, aid be would be humiliated.
He said that the feeling lues not ex- elobbe.of Seeton,vfeited at the home
.try comfortable; that the prospect of SandersoJi last weak
was in a way terrible. 'I3ein1; success. Mr. Will Sanderson of Toronto, spent
rule be said, '1s net easy. The sue. a few days with his parents, W, and Mrs
eorsful tunn advertises to tbo want Sander.en,
tont Ito tlo certain things. welt'111/ ;11rs, J, Thotnp' on who leas a eat tb
the tee; on niukfnat good oh° '• • - P e,
orf the map. It's a great sensation, a past live Sage,twith het• parents, x,
',teat experience, worth almost any -
and Wire.. Sage, lett for her some at 'Mo-
but it isn't n entre,' pipe$' last week.
• It is the same way 111 IJusixless. The • h1r J, Adams of Galt, was a Week••end
tio.n1Rn wbe sets a !high mark has to visitor here.
ro right out and beat that mark or
•uffer by comparison with itis own rec- Miss Sophie Robinson called on Wing -
ord. Ile can't sit clown iu a rocking barn friends recently, •
chair and devote the rest of eta life to `!`here was a large attendance at the
receiving congratulations, 1Yiethodist nburch on Sunday evening on
"Have you ever sat in a restaurant account of there being no service In the
anti compared iron job \Nix that of a ..•presbyterian church,
waiter? Try' it some time. No mat-
ter what your work Is, 1 am sure you The sewing circle willhneet at the home
will see the point if YOU watch the : of Airs, Gavin Davidson on Friday after -
waiter aucl think bow exactly "les jolt . noon of this week.
typifies. Yours,, Take, for example, my
loci • that of an editor. An edltr es • Belgrave
Joh is exactly like that ora waiter. 're
has to go acid get something goon and yrs. Herb Kirkby of itiorris. and Mrs..
lirfng, It fa. And after' ee has. brought Shortrefd of Peace River, spent "a few
ft in he I(as to go right out and get days. w;th Me. and Mrs. It itkhy.
something more and bring that in. The Joe Sproat of .Seaforth, is visiting at
minute Ile sits dott'n or steles to talk Digs, D, Sproat's.
unneeessarily with the guests, be ceases
to glue as flood service as before. '`'i licit 1VIr. R..lV enro was called back to hie
tot? guests who praised him a inoinent. °Id home• in Frontenac county on an-
ngo begin t(} arrow•. A.nd 90, almost " Count of the illness of his mother.
inllnealnfely, he has turned trent a good Dr, and hits, Kirkby spent Sunday near
servant into .n poor one: Watton.
"This tits nuy line o1! Inman netfv •
ity. A ((iJfinuons performance is what • Miss Mcelfchael spent Sunday at her
is wanted. Nothing else emints. "
it. Will Enable You to Seo In Several.
Directions at Once,
home near Seaforth.
Miss Mary Carley of Toronto, is visit•
ing her brother, Andy Proctor, and other
Mrs. Garvie Proctor is spending a few
days with her; sister, Mrs.. Walker Of
One of the most useful gifts otto• Brussels;
can Wave .is a good side vision. By Sorry to report hies, Dgge McCallum,
side vision is meant Ilteiltlly ability to bad to be' taken to Winghaln Hospital
see in several directions at once and last week to undergo ap operation. We
to know sbot Is going on in otherde hope fora, speedy recover. .
reetions. besides tbat upon which the y
gaze may be fixed at the menteut. :. The Patriotic Society acknowledges
Just try the next time you are read. with thanks the following donations:
In a rain e1 in+ g
g your pailr r iu tG' t ' , f Feb. is—)wast Wawanosh .council, 80;
sthtice, and you wili understand clear- . Feb 13 --Morrie T . Council $
ly whet is meant. i? $75; o -
weeds of ' from school section, No
still t eadiug follow the movements. awanash $35; Chas. Campbell,
those setting oppositeyou and of elf; egrs, WM, j• Geddes, $2• Mee. R.
triose at yoUr side, ere! Munroe$!; John Johnston $1,
With " a little practice the range of Owing to the weather and
your side vision eau be extended be number of peopledisappointed bad. roads na
hind you in. each direction to an were in
You can with little effort and whale concert r
11, >. W
f;1e Of forty -rive degrees, and you not getting out the herr the cancer that
see f ly every egt ement that fakes was given in the Forester's hall last
place on both sides simultaneously, Thursday night. For the benefit of !hose
were unable to attend, the concert
e repeated his
vision is not an easy `one to take by week. Admission 25c. 'Seats will be re -
surprise. IJlJ 1lsiness ho ends it a vett. •served for those hpldivg ,reserve *teat
uable asset, : especiallywhen. talking tickets. ...
with more than ono person at a time.
He can guard against -dangers from'. °
un Old
unexpected 1C
p ed sources, And when crossing .False Teeth
a roadway he can clearly see the ire! Bought in any condition. $1.00 per set
fie- comih
1 from or seven Sfo sib cents tet itper
d eeriest while footle. Cash by return
still lookingstraight ahead. - I,ondolt." hnail. a A. Copeman, 2579e Esplanacle
Answers. Avenue, Montreal, P. Q.
Meeeey-Harris; Quality and Service
Now, lust think what this means, who w u bl
Tilt' than in possession of a good side will b on Frith' night of t
LIVE CHIEFLY ON TURTLES«r-FARMERS_Iordered lo;tons of Binder Twine
(diads in Canada. last August for 1418 de•
• liver!. 1. r
9 wino
will a
1i scar .
reason, Olde! more eo and. deal next
ti vw art w I k,p,i io for you at the lowest
Of Ceylon • Find Plenty of Foal , !!rine possible when wholea(,le prfaetr are an
Residents of Small Islands Off Coast o a I it than you will need right
Near at Hand,
A: Correspondent of a Ceylon journal
g vee some interestinginformation
fibout the turtles on the coast in the
neighborhood of Jaffna, in the north of
the island, which are said to be In-
numerable. They are of three species,
Cailed sea, milk find pariah turtles, re-
The ordinery, or sea turtle, is genet:.
idly large in • size, end is met with
everywhere at sea around' Jaffna, Two
tiny islands, called Iranativu, are liter-
ally a iy swanning with the creatures.
The islands themselves are sterile.
and always exposed to inundation; the
ahftants are poor and ignorant of
agriculture, and live chiefly on the tur-
tles. They use the shells of the large
ones as seats.
In the town of Jaffna the ordinary
turtle is *three's proeurabie, en1 is a
favorite article of food with the peo-
ple. The milk turtle ie small in size
and IS 'to be found only in welts and
banks, It is not an article of food ex-
cept with the poorer elasscis. The
pariah turtle hue a High back, and a
Abell which_ somewhat resembles that
t e tortoise. It 1s' found in marshes
and ditches. it is not an article of
:food, i ut is highly valued by native
medical men, bemuse Its flesh and
blood are supposed to be a mimeo for
.:...,,Fits peculiar to children.
Burns tnoonsintelht itt t,ove.
Burns love afteere were both the
product and the inspiration of his
gentile. Although he had Written to
Clarinda of Edinburgh that, cots
pared with her, Jean Armour tuns as
thn eltptring gliinnter of it farthing ta-
per beside the glory of the nhei'Idient
nun, he married ,7enb within ewe
menthe, Laet year at Sotheby's n let-
ter written a week After els marriage;
vindicating dean entirely, 1'etclhee
$550. Later a curiOes .Burnes letter
was offered, dated dune 26, 1788
( was marriedAugust 8, 1788),
Itat Which he states,: h ,,`fates. ,, I have waited
Ott Mr. Auld about my nharringe affair
and Staten that I was legally fined for
an Irregular marriage by a justice of
i7Ca .a Ile Bays if i bring all nt•
testatton of this by the two wItnesees
there Abell he. no more litigation about
it." The "legal" marriage whleh fol
lowed August 3 was altlinrentiy the se
n of the r
e t aultic+. Detubts melee
in the nlu'tlon room as to the nnhen
Wily of the letter were dispelled:-•
Len don Telegraph.
!reit week the toltaors Wotiien's In*
etttute Cent t'o the Pied Crtyas S*ditty a
belt editsietitlg of **Idiom cotntortrs• 24
flannel er1ttette. 22 peer melee, 18 e'er Wee.
tnae, 2 poittreeffis Joker*, 15 *retake
cep*, 1.peir it*4 teal, !axle* f'107•0iit
!;wort, You do not have to pay for same
until October Tit. 1818: • • It you -pay cash you
get egged discount.
Come in On Saturday and got a Calendar and
our new
4asol n
ceeletou'Your wants in themahininu d go
prices. Second hand machines and cream
separators sold at bargain prioes,
T. R. $szofe "1•.
Notico la Hereby given pursuant to section
50;chanter 121 of the Revised Statutes of On-
tario 1314, that All persons having claims
against the estate oa Margaret Johnston Iato
of the: Township of Morris, in the County of
the twent •8 died on or .D 1917
p ecOtid day oDecember ;Q�.I) 1'J17
at Ihet,aid'township o1 Morris, aro require(!
to send to the underrianed. the Solicitor for
the Executor on or before t}•o second ley n f
Mareh A. D.1018 their names and addressee,.
with fu llpartiouiar:i of their claims In writing
aid the nature of the securities (1f any) lio:d
.And farther take notice that after the said
second day of March A.D. 1918, the assets of
the said estate will be distributed by the,Bxe.
tutor among the parties thereto, having re.
Bard only to the claims of which they shall
liable far haver
ytclaitatiusnot the 'estate
the time of
the said distribution,
Est rd at WI) ghthmthis first day of Febru-
ary A. D. 1918.
DvnL ut Bos hvas,
doIici'x,r for the Executer, Albert Sanderson.
is hereby �y
tt pursuant' •.
to seerrond0 chapter 12t ttbe
Revised Statrtes of On.
tario 1911. that alt porsoba having Olaints
ownsiif hoofatTur of in thief` Countytof
I ur0n,ontlolnan, deoeaeod,who died on .or
about the 25th day of December, A.D. 1917 at
the said'r'own•+hip of Turuberry.are required
to send to the undersigned the Solicitor for
thO Executor on or before the twentysoventh
of 1 ogruary .(i,D, 1D18 their names and
addressor, with full particulars of their
ai s
in wrtinx, and thenature Gf t1 securities aHyl field�yttom
.And furyur take noice that After ihe said'
sNth day oflebinaryitl, 1018, tlb assetsof
the said estate will be distributed by the lE;;-
oentors,ytnobg the parties, thereto. bavt'.g e'e
earl only to the claims of whioh they shall
then have notice and rho estate will not be
liable for any elainx not filed et the time of the
said di'tribution
Dated at Wing'ham alis26th day of 3anvary
17ttnrhov llloltine.
Aoltcitort for Bxeoutor, li'rancis I1onry.
Groceries and other orders deliv.
erect in the best condition,
if e y in the Country a ant
r astke tits
patrouage of all tiie' citizens of
FIelp to are Man and
Horse Power,
J. Hen Christie
1.1. . Th on
l r Mraap'
Rite & Thompson
1 Bays*
John QMbralth,
Cutrosg ' vu>gcit
4ottbteil atgt to Towu Hitl . Teesw,rter
Feb. 11th. The wrathurS ell then, le,
The minutest of the poke l,,us mewling
were a b read
McRherson—leetfer••--Thea that !maxi es
at: now rod sed found cornier be kciupi.
ed*.gr Artist!. The Auditors thea present..
ed their report,
Thompson•,�Arrnetrong�•-That an the
auditors have heeded in their report of
the Treasurea's hooks aiid .accounts and
found them correct that the report be
adopted .-Carried.
Keffere.eloPherson--That the following
suras be relended; Chris Hetherington,.
$7,08; S, D. A, A, Stobo, 7,40; Chas.
BenniJger, $3 00; Fred Geddes, 81 cents;
Wm Lindsay, 1.20 error in tame; Car
elkPherson.» Keifer- we appoint
1'athmesteh's at ttext meetiug of t. outwit
and any changes Wishing to be .made in
I*athmasters to notify any member of the
Council before nevt meeting —Carried
Finenciat Report -.Robert Moran 130
yds gravel $18 00; Formosa Electric Light
14.7 John Bannerman work with sur.
veyor, 13,75; Jas Edgar, work with sure
veyor, $ 751 Wm Bannerman. snore with
surveyor, 13.75;. Thos McDonald, Auditor
0 00; Kenneth McKenzie, Auditor 0 00;
Jno Clark eatery am Trebt,urer $5 00;
Chas . Button pt salary as Clerk itQU.u0:
Armstrong -.-Thompson,. That the Fin.
encs Committee having examined all ac
counts and .finding them correct recom-
mend that the same be passed and Orders
issued on the Treasurer for payment of
the accounts and that we now adjourn to
meet again on'March lith or at the call
of the Reeve.
Chas. Button Clerk
(Correct up till Wednesday noon)
Wheat •... ,• 2.10 to 2 30
Flour, per cwt„ patent... 5. 35 to 6 25
Bran, per toet.... 32 00 to 36 00
Shorts, per ton.....'.., . 37 00 to 44 00
Oats, . 95 to 1 05
Barley . ... 140'to . 1 60
Hay, .... , • ... 10 00 to 12 00
Butter, per Ib, siairy-.... 39 to• 43
Eggs, per dozen ...... 50 to 60
29 to 30
Cattle, Ines!., butchers.. 9 00 to 10 00
Cattle, butchers choice -10 00 to 11 00
Hog% live weight 17 50
Bacon, ms,per lb.. , . .... , 37 to 40
long clear,45 to 46
Sheep skins. ••.75 to• 80
Hides . ............ 09 to 10
....17 to 18.00
Cream, per lb .. , 49;
Potatoes, per bag:...,.,. 1 60 to 1 80
Poultry..'............ 11 to 18
Wall Street • . journal Coinateats
on Cost to Canada
".sen r•t;'hated the taxpayers
e :h •. `,,io en years have
lir::,.. a ,;:;;tt .,i operating the 1,786
nonce of road :known as the Inter-
co ounti and Prince eldward Island
lines, without any ellowanee for taxes
collectible had they been privately
T sisihid io
awl ik n to1.1.2
000,000 officially given as the eapitat
cost of these roads.+ The thirty-two,
mite Witirlsor branch -of the pubite
road,. tinder Canadian Pacific manage,
menti from 18"0i to -1914 earned $$62,•
net e0 �attningsece more
he Inte colon;al since
1 7, •-
Determined' by the attitude of sue-
t essive governments toward pubtie op•
leration, it would seem the craving for
•control was rathersharpened by - a
record' of twenty-five annual deficits.
Certainly there has been no marked
development toward a change to pri-
vate management --not even of the
portions of the. Ihhtehcolonfal contigu-
ous to the Windsor Itranch. The re:
sults of inefficient service may prone
harmful to shippers rind burdensome
to taxpayers, but no Government has
yet shown a disposition to' relax op.
orating control. if the Manitoba, t
3T11 i111erry Council'
Minutes of Coin! Mee.tiing held in
Bluevaie on Fab. lith, 1918 All the
members ti
utoc of fact reg.' meeting were road and adopted on
motion of Scott & Moffatt Mr Robt.
Black presented the .Auditor's report for
the year X91;7 showing a balance of
$1353 45 This report was adopted on
motion of Wheeler and Adair
On motion of Scott and Moffatt the
Worm's Institute of Wingham, Bluevale,
Wroxeter and Bcltnore each received a
grant of $50,00 for Red Cross Work.
Lot 20 Con 10 was put in road division
Ne. 15 on motion of Wheeler and Moffatt,
Any ratepayer wanting a change .of Path.
mestere will notify some member of the
council or the clerk before next meeting.
The following accounts were paid;-sj.
Black and B Cruikahank;t, auditors, each
$14 00; 'I' K :Powell, attending audit, g3;
C. Button, Culross Bdyr Account, 80,2;
B. Elliott, supplies 4,65; M. Smith,
rent of hall 200: P; Powell B Al, and D.
and Express, 11,80; Miss E. McKee, Mrs
J. J Moffatt, Mrs J, ,McNaughton and
Mrs. C, Tate each 50,00 for Red Cross
Work; F 5, Scott Brussels Telephone,
Moved by Wheeler and Adair that the
next Council Meeting be held in Bluevate,
on Monday, March 25th, 1918 at 10 a
F Powell, Clerk,
Mr, Wtn, Montgomery of the B line,
Howick, haa'disposed of !tie farm to Mr.
N. Louttit 01 Turnberry he 'given up
possession November.
Mr. Ie. McTavish. Lowick bdy, north
of Wroxeter, has sold bis fine farm to
Mr. Jas Harris, who takes possession
shorily ()wing to poor health, Mr Mc-
Tavish Was compelled to retire from act -
Mrs. John Darroch of Lakelet, is stay
ing with her father, Mr. S:' Nay, in order
to be convenient for medical attendance,
She Is not improvineas. her many friends.
would wish to hear.
The community was greatly ,shocked
on Sunday when it became known that
James Beewitberick bad passed away.
lie had not been well for a week or sg
He was going home from his shop about,
11 o'clock on Saturday. and suffered a
severe attack of heart trouble. Medical
aid Was summoned and everything was
done that could be, but to no avail.
and he passed away about noon. The
funeral will be under the auspices of the
L O. L on Thursday afternoon, "Jinx"
was a good citizen, respected ey all who
knew him, and Will be greatly missed.
Biy th,
2'he remains of I rs James Elentley of
Wingham. arrived Saturday morning and
were conveyed' to the Methodist Church
at 2.30 p m. 4 very impressive memor-
ial service was .held, conducted by the
pastor Rev, W. J. McCormick assieted by
Rev C C. Keine of Londesboro. De-
ceased wateone of the oldest and highly
respected members of the Methodist
Church, she floral. tributes hue f
t e o respect were
Thursday t�talx 'tet 1018
any Lady in Your louse
Who Wears fi her Rize 2 1-2 or
We still have a considerable
number of•
fhest� sizes in both
high and low shoes which we
are seeding. at st+$ ?ru
i at which
tbt'v cannot ht bought' r�� whole
sale. [look illi north winds,.
Also• a number' of size.
6 it1men's
fr..hoes for good wear at
very low parities. !(south window)
Sete Agety
For The .ixsr. /rair� FOR
LADIES e57/0ke mmussuranamissanommanzassommammil
many and beautiful. The following
gentleman were the pallbearers, Messrs
C Beese, Wm, Johnston Robert John-
ston, Isaac Cowan James Moody, George
White. Interment in Union cemetery,
Among those who attended the f0neral
Miss Qreer of Toronto, and Mr. Wm,
Greer of Wingham and Mrs Salkeld oe
The smoke stack on the flax mill was
totally demolished by the storm on
Thursday night.
a+i ori , r ar �i"a�. r i � i ajr a / ,ri , f . c., r ti,� . r r
s .,..rr • ..►�► .,► .�► .r�:a:rrr.,.rr. rr ., ► . ,r ,r ,►� , t arA
rj♦vi` >rw{rA♦vjy11 ire>i1 s.,♦r �i .1,....aj4 i
�r� # a LR v$r�♦ +Iv r�♦ rLv vev rL► iij�iic7Ls
ire*LS ( . /�
.+ .1 ti
►fie �•.r .V.
s Has the reputation for square. dealing.We 1
g 'slue this reputation more ,L♦
„sure than we value your patronage, and this is one of many good reasons, why
i you stiould take your course in the "CENTRAL" esIe
••' zi n BE RELIABLE is ..
a and Evening 4
Y g Ciasse, Std tie
•' TELEPHONES: orrice 166 Ilouse�2 r+♦
art 33
5. Students
admitted any time
IAS ►9
.j� D. A. McLachlan, Pres. A. Havilancl,Prin ar,
i>•� ,0 �► wi�� **** ll i �t tit igit a ,► ar/ 1r ♦ r 3
" ems,.-..bfr .r ,►i►w►+.w1 it 1,Tji yr/arI
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7M 1
And Save Moneyj
payers got nothing from Intercplonlai, C et$ Rugs, Lino
the Quebec taxpayers viil get leothin p s' i Cloths, Crta>i s and
front a heeon Bay Rafiw g
a ie Clea
girl r Cleaners,
Y is ese t
aliveCarpet �9 Sweepers, etc.
Canada. has highly '
rind responsible form of Government,
at least est DJs amenable to orderly public
opinion as our o .. n, Its oldest public .X
railway originated in circumstances of
apparent general interest, having very
much of the argumentative force tin•
der which public bi
now enlarged on thiideocontrol
s she line
over other things beside railroads.
There is one moral for both coon.
,tries. Political operating control of
any fern] of business or finance is
melt easier to grant than to resume.
When it becomes neer ary to confer
neither a parliament nor a congress
can afford to measure the extent of
, ,
the por. ere cr, t. ea by the intentions,
no matter hats - nod anti unambitious
of the (lover• sift for the tithe being.
►�-Wutl bee.. Jou' oh
D1'uuev ,te
1YIr and Mrs. 'Wm. Thornton
turned Home alter spending
weeks with friends at Gerrie,
, Mr. and Mrs, Ab Elliott of 1Jxford, Sack,
are visiting at Win Oarless.
Rev Mr, Armsfrcng of Wingham. will
preach in Methodist church next Sunday
Wedding bells are tinging, so they say.
Rev. Mr. Thompson has been seffering
from an attack of appendicitis but he is
improving we are glad to say,
have re.
past fete
Air. George Raney i0 .visiting relatives
at Toronto and Pickering,
Mr. and Mrs. Witt tsarniss are at Itin.
cardinc this week attending g she tunOral of
lite latter's brother
Mr. Morris Bosnian has purchased the
Eliza Dinaent estate,
llir. Mex, ,i►fe c
McGee is on
the sick list, and
wo nope lie will soon be o.k.
Mr. Win McMichael, sr., was home
over the week end,
Mr. Gee Burgess returned to Toronto
on Thursday *Per spending the past few
weeks here,
Mist Agnes Aitehion has been ill but is
Mr. 701m Stewart purposes moving his
fht•retly to Sbell rook,, S,tsk., early nest
Electric °
�e Vacuum and Hand Sweepers �
The Eureka stands for perfection in Vacuums, it has all, the 719,
latest attachments for cleaning Furniture} • Mattresses,
tains, Floor Coverings, etc,, let us demonstrate same to you.
RUGS—Wilton, Axminster Tapestry
and Brussels.
Oul stock was never so complete, wei
are showing the very latest patterns, in
all sizes, at prices must below 1 ilei ifc-
ttii'< i'S quotations.
N wow. Rugs, L,inoieums
and 011 Moths
Printed and Inlaid Liili, block
and Floral designs in 2 and 4
ydwidths, also CC1
in all sues, come in
and let us
show you.
Curtains and Draperies
Voiles, Nets, Scrims, and heavy
Bungalow Nets in pretty patterns,
'tvitll fancy insertions, etc. Prices
25c to $1 a yd.
C L1
11 white 1tG and ecru
made from line Swiss, 'Voiles anti
&rhns, Prices $1.5() to 7.50 pr.
Complete Stock of Brass Curtain » _ ge
�in .rids, Poles, do
Shades, etc•
GENERAL DELIVERY- Orders deli, red at 9 and 11 *.m, oind 3 a