HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-02-14, Page 1Singk Copies Three Cents
ritociu-ee oreC
An Appeal to the Mayor..
Our boys have gone across the drink
To put the Kaiser into clink;
Our lonely girls with cheeks so pink,
Go unescorted to the rink,
0 Bink!
The editor's a crafty gink,
Ile gives his eye a knowing wink,
And says the cost of printer's ink
Has brought him near to ruin's brink,
• 0 13initi
fiteers get rich, by Pak;
wives drive out in furs of mink
ile ours fight the frozen sink
And watch the wasting woodpile shrink,
The government shuts off our drink,
The Kaieer's men our vessels sink, ,
The whole round world is on the blink,
But no one seems to care a dire('
0 13ink!
The farmer man gets all our chink,
1Ne seldom hear a quarter klinle '
Its up t you as mayor we think,
• To try to straighten out the kink,
0 Binkl
Jack Sprat can eat no fat,
• His wife can eat no lean,
Because upon their platter now
• No meat is ever seen.
Entrance and Jr, IV.
Examined in Arith Spell., Lit. and
Total 480 --lionoure 300 -Pass 288,
G Hartnett ... 452
VOSen$ 4 • • • • • • • • ••••• ....... *kik 433
M Arinetrong 393
XI Vanetone t4 00A 4 .391
II Wilton: ... . a70
X I tut toii • tell
N Varey .... • . 354
X Nicholls ....
G Bower • 351
M Redmond '• 347
Dinsley - • , ..... 345
W Blackball ..... . , -337
NLard 1,•••••11
VJoynt • • . • •14,0,014 4V•4 04 4114.
Johnston ••4•4 4••••114 •41, •
. -325
. -323
A Irwin • •• 4044 $20
S Donaldson .......... .318
Laura Ellacott, - . ... • s 3Q0
J- ... , . ....... „ -201
It Dyer. , . 280
I Watson. . 280
G Scott. ... .. t. . , ... , 270
Domildsora . .. . . - . 269
Lottie Campbell. .• .266
A Scutt.. ;. „ -261
• Harrison 262
G Bisbee • _ - 260
CRintotil 4ot `I" • 4r11.0 ••••4 1,4•4414t 425.1
Pilon .... 289
LilyEllacott ..... , . .......238
Eaterence Campbell -
Geo Fetter -224
A Fergie • „ • .. .. ... 210
Mjohns 201
WElldcott ............,... • .....108
F Piper ........... .179
Malta a cake, make a cake, my good man lV Amebtuy- • .0. - - .176
Make it of treacle and cornmeal and 411-%
Piper 1t1• • **140 n, 4• 0.4 .183
bran, E Rintoel • • 136
Tick it and pick it and mark it with B,
Jr. IV.
And eat it for breakfast, and dinner and
Examined in Aritte, Spell, Liter. and
- Total -386
V Robertson . ••• •
le ....
Bennett - .
Li deeds and mortgages,
le bonds and stocks,
Kelp amid financial storms
To keep us off the rocks.
Little loads of stove wood,
Little jags of coal,
Make our pocket books look sick,
And put us in the hole.
The% by fellow ex ie gored,
But 'tin a shameful sight
When men, around one Council Board,
Fall out, and chide and fight
Little Jath Horner sat jn, a corner.
Eating his whole wheat pie,
Ie looked pretty glum for he found not a
And be said I don't like this old. pie.
lenee1O1e SA LE -Of Farm Stock and Brune• ments, also a et entity %If bay and texts. at
Let 20, Con. 3, .Fp . Einloss, ea Tuesday, Feb.
19th, 1915 Commencing at 1 o'elock, lilst.
• Tterms, Prop,r. J. Pu.stva, A net, •
POWS FOR SALE -2 cows Sand'!years old fit
✓ calf, 1 cue to calve in March the other It,
April. 2 ROW of sleighs 1 heavy aud tho o
• Inedlum. Apply to V. It. "CrAwhIonvAig
1M11.34 FOR SALE -In East Wawaturh, about
I. miles el from gbam, of W lot 41
60 es, well watered and good buildings, half
mile rota 0,80.001. 24: miles from church. Ap-
plyt OUN 1JO;34 wiegbam-
FltOSALE-4 or .5 Milk COWS due to calve In
it month or 6 weeks, APPILto
ilfOR SALE -In the township -of Iforris, a4-
1.7 joining the town of Wiugham, 80 acres of
first class _pastureland, parity timbered, and
river rimming through property. Price 61,000.
Offers considered. Address
joint S. DrOttatt,
Glanavon, Seek,
itINIC PEDLAR -BM ry Wordsman has
moved to lown from Toronto and will nay
cash for ell kinds of rubb -rs rags, horsehair..iron, wool, chickens old hens, eto. at his resi-
dence on the %travel near the 11 line. Phone 21,
600. Mr. ifordeman is a Russian.
WOOD WANTEu'-26 cords of good green
Ss hardwood 22 inehes long, to be delivered
at Methodist Church, Wingitain, Mail tend-
ers orforturther information apply to
S. Basinstr.
AllirltD-2 ate. Brown or White Leglierne.
as. Apply at Tug Anwistem.
Tenders for wood
Teodoro tootriply twenty (2C1 eards of grre6n
tc,rdwood 18 in. MI gi to be deliVered at. We
Wit 0am High Scheel, will be received by the
itheersigned up till neon on saturday, Feb'y
16th. Lowest or any tender not necessw
aileepted. Dinuttilt Dovsiss,
seey School Board.
. • -377
s. ,374
ESimpson. • . •,.. ...... R146,410,0 4.0 4371
L Hanna .. , 365
A. Williamson, ...... 361
M Crelkshatike „ ... 351
ILutton.. - 4•••9 0.• .9 • 4 414•• 40,11.0 'PO
V Robinson • .. t.t•ff • •• 340
MStratton A, • ••• • • ivnt • 4 4n 0,
A. Brown . . ......... 330
L Darnell •....
CHawk .4" 044/4".• ..... Of 4014• 323.
XMunrae.... , . . . ,314
Tenders for Church Caretaking
„Orsled tenders will be received by the
gned up to Saturday. February 23rd Until
`redo& for the fonowingi,-,
1st. For firing, cutting grass and shovelling
Strew in cum:Meilen with St, Andrews Presby.
whin church
rid. For Weeping, dusting and all essential
duties for the uplift of the interior of s I. .08 "-
draws Presbyterian church. •
Tenders will be received operator Or for
duties -cernbiced.
For further particulars annbe tO
T. C. EiNu, Cheritinati.
fee ateelimetilie essaiin lliiimus 11119
C Donaldson . 305
S Hutton 259 •
P.Pocoek 40 ••ft41 • .4 40 120
By Selling you froth eatables,
ftell of energy and teel food value
uch food white In appearance ex -
•/I •; *alp the ewe as others, may,
various corns have &toiler --
to swell an extent as to make a
isrenties Tea 1003 yon
-Sr HL
Examined in Arith , Spell., Liter., Hist-
Total 385.
L Holmes
Varey . .. • . ......334
L Zurbrig,g _ .... ....
R. Braien , ....... 290
C-Boyce. -..... 41 •• 4 ••••• .... n- 277
CMasen. • : . „ . .... • , -176:
RMcLeod .. .. . .. ... 276
RHolloway.. 414.4'44.0. ••••• 11•1•44944.268
L Bell . . ....... . he,* ....• 268
CHinSCliffe6A 4 4 444444." •4 • 1+. • .202
W Aimee „..., . . 256
Able M. P. P Appointed to Winghato
; • A. Musgrove's many friends will be
pleased to know that he has been ap-
pointed postmaster Wingham. lie
Was sworn in on Saturday morning and
has tendered his resignation to the House
now in session at Toronto Posellily no
more suitable appointment could have
been made, and all can rest assured that
the business be properly attended to.
• Mr. Musgrove is one of the veterans of
the House, having beaus member since
100f3, He WaS re-elected in 1911 and
again in 11514. During the time he has
been a member of the House he has taken
a promineut_part in all questions and wee
one of the first men to come out in favour
of Union Government, to which he gave
valuable assistance. As a debater his
ability has long been recognized and he
has been held in great esteem by both
sides of the house. Since the outbreak of
the war he has given a great deal of time
to recruiting and patriotic work, assisting
by all means possible those who heve been
affected by the war
• . , •
Previous to his election to the Legis-
lature he taught school for 34 years. For
18, years he was principal of the school
here. • During the remaining 16 years he
taught in different centers of the country
He was born at Pickering, Ontario., 00
years ago When he reached the age of
four his father, John Ivlusgroveemoved to
a farm in Turnberry. He began his 34
years of teaching at the age of 18
Mr Musgrove is the fourth postmaster
of Wingham, C N. Griffen his predecessor
held office for only two years. Previous
to the appointment of Mr. Griffen, Peter
Fiaher was postmaster for 50 years and
before that E. Foley was in charge. Mies
Fisher, who has been hi charge of the
office for some time deserves credit for Oleos, Huts, Homes, Hostels; in the 'Wee eeee't gee tlet•Ougle the thing "li-
the excellent manner in which the. has creeps, in the towns aud cities, at the . have node sonic remarks about the
tonducted the affairs, railwaya termini, at the bases- in men of these battalions being 'Moral -
Pere mate
Miss Norah Smith is visiting friends
in Toronto
Mrs. Mossip of Indfann, is visiting her
niece, Mrs. 0, Thompson.
Mr. Abner Coeens is attending to les
duties as auditor in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. John Netterlield of Kan?
Sask., are visiting with relatives in this
Miss yqrna Armour of Toronto, visited
at the home of her parents in Lower
Mr Nelson Rush (if Hamilton, spent a
few day e at th a home of his sister, Mrs.
Thos. Fields.
Mr. John Linklater of Teeswater, visit-
ed on Monday with his father, Mr. Wm.
Linklater, Lower Winehain
Mrs. Phalea and little daughter, have
returned home after visiting her parents
for the past couple of months.
Mrs. Fenn bas returned to her home in
Parkhill, after spending a week with her
daughter. Mrs Burman, Centre St,
Mr. and Mrs W E Norton and family
of Trenton are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R J. Spicer, Victoria St.
Mr. and Mrs A Hunter of Bradwar
dine, Man., and Mr and Mrs. j. T. Mc-
Pherson, of Amberley are visitors at the
home of E, Nash, Shute r St
Mr. and Mrs. P. Crank and Mrs (Dr.)
Golley and two children of Rome, N. Y.
are visiting at the home of their parents.
Rev. 3. F. and Mrs. DMgtrian,
Mrs John Wilson and datiehters, Pearl
and Marion have returned home on
Thursday after visiting at the borne of
Mr. and Mrs R J. Spicer, Victoria St.
Mrs, Fitt visited with her husband for
a few days in Toronto. Sergt Fitt has
'now returned home after undergoing his
12th operation. He will have an artificial
leg as soon as his leg heals suffeeently,
• Salvation Army Helps Service Men
In Every Way Possible .
Ever since the present war com-
menced The Salvation Army has aim-
ed at helping the service meest in every
'way possible, recognizing that our years ago, and deceaeed has been most. al -
specie 1 sphere lay In caring f or the trust YOU will allow me a. surell space, fectionetely cared for by het two' daugh-
moral- and spiritual welfare of the in your continue . Our battalion a. ters. Sarah and Lottie. During the ''past -
Mil Ili khaki, in caring for • the 1 long with several others heve been in two years it Was the custom of deceased
wounded, and assteirging the grief oe England now tor over a year and al- to _ se
perid. the winter hi 'Winghean where,
bereaved relatives though they have all seut &arta to her daughter is teaching. Mrs. Bentley
As the 'days went by and the nun:1-
'1)er of men eoiniug the forma ravell-
ed to many minleas, an additional
organization grew up -with The Army
which devoted itself Mere and More
to supplying the need--tomporaa and
slatted -of the boys Tents, Mare
A very' pleasant evening was spent at
the home of Mg and Mrs. Remy Di -
malt Bitievale Road, on Friday evening,
when about fifty neighbors and friends
met as a surprise party at their home on
to ettingly celebrate their 25th, wedding
anniversary. Mr. J. W. King called the
meeting together in his usual happy
manner and Mr J. F. McCrathin read
the following address.
To Mr. and Mrs' Henry Diment;
Dear Friends: -
On this the twenty-fifth anniversary of
your marriage, we your Mende and neigh-
bors have assembled to comineenorate
that happy and memorable event that
took piece twenty-five years to.day, pure
lag all this time you have lived Amongst
us, and we can scarcely find words to ex-
press our deep appreciation of the kindly
and benevolent deeds and acts that have
been so gratuitously performed by you
both for the uplifting and betterineret of
this community, We most assuredly say
that this vicinity has profited in every
way by your association with it, and our
most earnest wish and desire is that you
may live to see many, very many returns
of this your marriage anniversary. Now
Now, dear friends ass trivial reminder to
you of this good natured and well wishing
assemblage we would present you with,
these simple tokens of our good thoughts,
good wishes and good intentions, That
an all wise and ever gracious Providence
may watch over you and guide your steps
in the ways of, righteousness is the even
and ardent wish of your many neighbors
and admirers -•
Mrs George McDonald presented Mrs.
Dintent with a beautiful silver cesserole,
with ivory handles, and Mr. W..1 Henri-
exson presented Mr. Diment with a Gill-
ette Shaving outfite
Mr. Diment, although taken completely
by' surprise made a suitable reply and on
behalf of himself and Mrs. Diluent,
thanked their friends for the hamlet) the
presents. The remainder of the evening
wae pleasantly -spent in games and music,
'Blight?, e'en 20th • 1018.
Deaf Me. Editor...-. -
Being a. very interested reader
of. your bright and newsy paper, I
LOWAltr) 1./11VAlle
• Mr- Edward ErYans, an old resident re
thh 4th line, Morris township, died in his
00th year, on Friday, February 1st. He
has been in failing health for some time.
His brother William passed away abort a
year ago. , The brothers are survived by
teat asters, Misses Mary and Jane. Fam-
ily came to Morris over 50 years. ago,
being natives of the Emerald Isle. Mr.
Dry= funeral took place on the follew-
ing Sunday afternoon. Rev, Mr. Hawk-
ins Of the Anglican church conducting the
Service. Interment was made in the Mc-
Crea burying ground adjoining Bagrave,
Xneurrionia was the cause of death.
• William Webster died in the Wingham
General Hospital on Saturday at the age
of 70 years, He was taken to the Hospit-
al about three weeks ago in a very weak
condition. Deceased was born in Scotland
but came to C.'anada sixty-eight years ego,
and for the past thirty-three years was a.
resident of Wingbarn. He is survived by
a sister, Mrs, George Addison of Londes-
bore, and a brother, N. W. of town.
The funeral was held on Monday after-
noon frorn. Curtiers Undertaking Rooms,
and interment made in the Wingham
cemetery Rev. D Perrie officiated
Early on Sunday morning, Feb. letle
at her home on Francis street, Wingham,
Margaret Greer, relict of the late James
Bentley, passed to her eternal rest. Up
to a few days previous deceased had en-
joyed excellent health, when a severe at-
tack of pneumonia developed which prov-
ed fatal The late Mrs. Bentley wae born
in the County Armagh, Ireland, and
when nine years of -age came to Canada
with her parents, settling at Prescott,
Grenville Cotuity. Here she was united
in marriage to the late John Currie, and
moved to Merrickville in the same
county. Her husband having died after
ten years of wedded life, the widow with
her two children came west to Coale
where her relatives resided. In 1864 the
was united in marriage with the late
James Bentley and took Up her residence
on the farm4 Con 6 Turnberry
In no, havliee disposed of their farm
the family moved to Blyth, where they
•since resided. Mr. Bentley died three
'local Items
A rink ()cereal curlers composed of A
M. Crawford, W. 8. Mitthell, Chas
Elliott and Jim Murray are taking part
in the Owen Sound Tournament.
Crawford's rink won the casseroles as
first prize in the local bonspiel and. .3. A.
Currie's rink won the jardineres as the
second. The consolation is being pulled
Miss Annie McKinnoa daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John McKinnon of Celrose,
who has been attending the High School
was operated on in the Wingham Ilospltal
for appendicitis.
The ten year old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Harry Leiganan was badly scalded
when a pot of boiling water was being
taken off the store. We are pleased to
learn that she is getting along nicely now,
Mrs. Ed. Diermertleft on Saturday to
take a two month's treatment at Wings
ham With Dr. Fox, osteopath, Her three
children will stop. during her absence with
her sister, Itirs, MeYers of Hoover-
Walkertem Times'.
unitsin the field some ot us -were
DOOMED to stay behind and our beet
wasn't broken 111) but viii filled' with. , WS. .I. A , Hamilton; Geo., Los Angeles;
is survived by three sons and four claugh-
moil trom other units that have come W.- D•1 Salt Lake City; Mrs Alexander
Oyen. Alta., Sarah and Lottie at home
"rE°Irsisdreenctelyiltlsyo'ine Penile at bottle , Mrs, Mrs WmCampbell, Toronto
Bentley was always an active and
. .
whe- know nothing about Military af- earnest worder in the Methodist ehursch,.
was a great reader and remarkably wel
informed on all smbjects . One sister
•Mrs, Win. Moatgomery, Goderieh. eurviv-
•, .The appointment of Mr. Musgrove
makes four vacancies iri the Ruse, the
others being North Oxford, Lennox and
Addington, and Manitoulin. They' will
be filled. under the friendly arrangement
to be entered into asa result of the
Government's acceptance of Mr.' Pond
footle extension proposal,
Carr. ... .. 14410.11114410: 11•/•• ••••234
.4A MitChell 44 4 n4 • 4114•• 0 0 V4- t • ••• • lv 410 4 • 232
LSanderson...1,0 •4444-44.04.44-•••• 225
13rooks.. - • • • • t• t •• ••• •••••411
" Sr. III.
Marks obtainable: -672 •
B Boardman-.
D Snell .. .508
D1410•0••af ..... 41.t4 . fn .. 4,60,1,4411.505
Casernore• • - • A ..541•*144•44.•S, 144602
T feud- . . . .. . .... 469
EBlackball. • . • •••, 1110••.••• 449
C Lockman - . .. . . • .448
PJohnson . • ..... . . 44 44•4 * 442
Angus (.4 va • • • • 464'44404,6, .. .4:35
IIINeight .... . ........414
EAMSbUrY 6.6166w...a ..... • • 4 • • AIM
D Armstrong.... - ... 405
Carruthers . 303
EAllison - . • 0.46.•.144.0 • 4.4v4 0.0 375
A Williams-. ..... . -313
M Schaefer • , ... . -280
C Wright ..... ............. ..... 187
Jr. Section
Marks obtainable 507
raraVia•ewo raw* ••••ro rsr*V**4 -606
L Hartnell . • .1.,6e • .. • 400
W Kew ..... 436
MHolt -ries 4.4 11,•414140•4• ..... 1,44•••485
JSCOW,••• •• .4 • .... V . 14••11,0•114111•432
41 Adair 04 • . “dy•orer o 398
C....... 607
111 Holloway .... -382
VCampbell . •• . .... ' •••• ••••t•Itt369
B Fergie. . • 366
C Pattison.... .860
W Sturdy...• ••••.••••••••• 1141 ..•360
IV Casemate •. 0 333
Hendereon e00
••••,•••141r*** 0.** ..... •";.7011
G 266
K Cater 272
MttirrieY ••••••••••ra •B Williams•1
•••••••••••••••• ••• . .. 4•470
RMcDonald.. - . • • ,4 4*rn4133
CEilekS011 *1 • 1, • 4 • • • • • ;1462
Marks -643
IIBowden ... ....... .535
CLouttitt .........
PoIxtimp. • ........... ...523
A Corbett 512
if Boece 802
R Carr
I Heeler
493 A Lticheie„. ...... * • • Los
Penniraitort, . 459
ICDitSley. • .*..i., "V1,0.444,445
Lynett . .. ........... -437
FAngtis............. .. d ... r•rr*..ro 432
IN/1 Vanaiatle .41 •.corrrorod. iro .112
lel Swanson.... ... . -4.4. -408
EMcLean • . • . , ... ...... •••-••••••• 4406
Chettleburgh...... .... -388
0 Are "All SR ....... ••••ff382
NeClarke, ••••••• ••1 .. ...... • 378
H Wilde ..... •••••........ ...... 377
I Ellaeott.., 64144", ••••••• 367
H Aitchison s„ 4444,..319
BBrowne ... • . • ...... •••••••200
FiStitt9n4604 11,44,444v 0414 • ••••••••1•4204
CHardy-- ........**666.treatwevie•o**6.200
W Levis. i1
0,64•4,• 4 4.9 ...... -••• ..261
BCoats. 6.6.4..s ..... *or erzortvrroo223
Ci .. ,189
G Lediett • 164
... . .
F310441444 .... ; . 146
I......... 9.44, 131
Second Book •'
Totaf 330 •
Prence-wherever there was need. and le" unlit tor France'e. 1 wage
according to that need . Sera hem. to say that the MORALS of the men.
lug, and comfortable, at nights; dean here are just as good it not better
than those of the Persons who made
such insulting remarks abeet men
who seceificed them all to come acmes
and fight the battles of those who re-
main at boom
•Ffireddri•r1.116or410 •rr 32$
A Irwiri . •3e7
T Robertson- - ..317
NWilliamson arA .61 irirelgob“,,Ilti*6314
R Lockman-- ...............312
13 Huntley
M Snell...
..e• /./...... . . .... .309
Wtecleibbori „....- .... . . .......307
IV! Sanderson, ..... - ......... . - .307
3 Adair ... , ... ....306
G leintoul .... .
ALatindy. ,... - . ...... ., ...... ....30$ .
✓ Naylor .... ,..., .. . ... „.,... 304
B Ilertriell 300
E Swanson- • ........... ... .... 209
Cflingston . '......... -204
F Allan . • 203
.1* Young-, .203
ANicLean .. , • ..... .., .......... .200
I> Me:Ewen .. - ........ - ..... ....Mt)
IVIThuelow -. -,- ........ , . , 280
recreetionsaud homa•like rest; heart-
ening counsel and substantial, yet
cheap, meals; letter -wilting and
sound reading facilitiee; cheery meet-
ings and the ever-reatly,Peniteeg perm
The interment will he at the Blyth
cemetery, the funeral being delayed
awaiting the arrival of 1 daughter front
the West.
Mr. George SIX)ttell has returned to
town atter spending sometime visiting his
Canada Business College, Toronto and
also looking into the methods and busi-
ness systems of leading commercial schools
in various American cities.
After installation of officers at the last
regular meeting of the Lady True Blues,
two applicatiens for -membership were
received. Sister Beckwith inVited the
members to her home where a dainty
luncheon was served and a most pleasant
evening spent,
Lieut. Vernon Ross was borne from St.
Thomas for his last leave before going
overseas as he has to report on Friday
He is the youngest son of D. C. and Mrs.
Roes, of town and goes with the Dental
Corps': Many old friends wish him God-
speed and a safe return -Brussels, Post,
Next Sunday the services in Winghain
Methodist Church will be as -fellOWs:--. Will be held at the home of Mrs le.
Buchanan, on Thursday of this week at 3
P• M. -
A Wingham Roy Reads Poll
el which many hundred latve knelt; the army Y°1 g° by °nig" 'alla
ambulances at the faint, hospital it You 'ere ordered to lerango Yon go,
visitation; Chaplains at hOMO and a. it not you don't and tvitlieut any -nixes .
obvreolayd;Dreoavilysiaotnion(orfotrhotebioodsyo_ulati aanad. ttloo lame v.• slutchtspeeopdlierm‘rveitduitiatuo:bitroorinii*,
be el'Ab seen raelinng o8peevryalteleonwilloi ebbe itruseopulirlaYgettlabsurd °aries, who e" *Ink °;" 444' 44°
things of the men of her ' Wu'
and aided. The selfless devotion of battalion . If thole people are -so
the Officers'who toil amongst the anxious to eee es In Vance why don't
lads with the colours la the athlete they 011/0 oittr theinselvee? 1beboys
ation and marvel of every boy who over bet° aro "17 indignant that
conaes within its influence • Hero is such a reilection is elated on their
nocast-iron system, he says, hut kind- ,character by a few persons, if, whoee
brains were ink they wouldn't have
to dot an (i)
ness which goes straight to the heart,
Dees boy tamp need the meth- ellatigh
Orly touch on a pair or seeks which Huron might well Peel proud of
have gone bailliegly-holey, lie knows tlie men who represent, her both, here
that "Mae as he often cans the Heit and at the front satee of the record
OfPcer's wife, will negotiate the task her battalions has set up and She
In next to no time. Ito 'moil% too, may 4151° "St ttli"rati that Whell this
Mitt she is an exceedingly busy we- battalion does go across they will give
man, but he has soon limited lov-
•a. good acount or themselves •
lug interest behind her acquaintance, Now, Mr Editor X nittst elose thattle-
an interest which enables her to do a fug you in anticipation tier spate.
Vi5COtt rotdrtod*r1 .......
S Sankt 0* 4'1
1-SM440,410*. t • • •
geMatnift13 PP •
• soilf•288
hundred and one such jobs fnileor as • •1 TenI SiecereI Yra y ell .0
many other lads whilst 'carrying on' ' . , 'ONE OP Tilt IIOYSe
her own elzare of actual lint duties,
Is there trouble at home? lie tells Valentine Social
the Officer about it and advice Is A pancake social and homemade halting
readily given; etnnotimee a letter Is , kite wilt be held by the Wonteresenstitute
written for hints and all so naturally in theCouncil Chamber, rebreary 14th,
that, it he hadn't noticed the many to conunence at 3 p. in Anyone wishing
things which the Salvationist has to totoinribute belting, please leavethesame
do, he might have thought it was a at the hall anytime after 1.3a p. inreb
casual fill- uP of an odd moment • It 141h. Come and, enjoy the Peologifie. _
he expresses his gratitude mingled
Mitre 110010Notes
with ab, apology -for taking up al-
ready overcrowded thee, he wins Educational monthly film now showing.
some such hearty reply RS this:- "Canada spreadater war wings." Won -
'Quite all right, my son; If it islet derful aeroplane scenes taken at one of
lliingiitt'h,st_tuanother, rlOnlyotobtehre,andittoo ali .Canada's Aviation training Ages. Royal
Plying Corps in action views never be -
glad. to help you any time you like; fore shown -taken with Permission of
that's what we're here fort tlod Mete Military Authorities for Educatioriel put,
: ',owe Aviators and rtiechaeire in *eine
them where e on will, the boys ,uigmadtata gult Practi'll'4fita"4
always toll you that ia the chief char. , signalling by Mashes of litifite-eiteWlie
aeterietie of The Salvation: Army 'views of a war -plane flying at. mild l'i/g154
scenes *
Hut or hoetel-qof the country Velem- ring
the heart they ' -
put into it!' IS it any wonder, there- with another aeroplane -a thrilling 1,000
fore, that the service lads want to . t dip -circling over the aviation field -
enter those Inetitutione. - , down to earth at a terrific speed.
•.,?..„..........................4...... Don't miss these interesting pletures
two nights only, Wed. and There . Feb
BORNintn and 14th. Our regular &met hat -
_•tire will also be shown. The "'Web of
Nat.r.T-In TUrnberry, on Sunday, Feb Desire" with Ethel Clayton and Rock -
10th, to tete ate estrg es,e4 1,xy, aligiffe Fellows, in IS talk 4 leery you ell
tf will like. 2 rilighta sail?,
.1 -
• 1,60 -per yeer.
:re iti11.1,ar Stvr c
• -,%1 • %.• I r‘c•I.11i OVA'!" ,*10$!1 r,
Send her a box of "LIGGETT'S"
These chocolates are made in the
newest, most up-toelete and &M-
ary Candy plant in Toronto.
The boxes are dainty.
The Candies are pure and whole-
some. '
• The price is reasonable
A box and a price to suit every-
Phone 53 C. P. R. Tickets
W. C. T. (I. Notes -
Owing to fuel conditions the W. C. T.
U. has decided to postpone the medal
contest until milder weather, ..
The regular meeting of the W. C. le- U.
1.0 a in. Junior League endclass Meeting;
in Public WorSifip. subject, "The
International Christ"; 2.30 p. In. :Sunday
School; 7 p m., Public Worship, .subject,
"From Pit to Power'ethe'man who -made
good; 8.15.9, m„ Epworth League M-
are cordially' invited.
it is up to you and us to help produc-
tion. If you are willing to do your share
we will help you by doing our part. We
need the Cream, Dairy butter and eggs,
you may have it. If you have bring it to
us end get the big priceiti cash, 'We have
the feetilities for handling all you have.
It will be profitable to you. anclewe. will try
and Make it a benifit to the country The
Wingham Creamery is at your service. • L.
S Benninger, Phone 135. •
The heatless dies ordered by the fuel
controller were observed by all the busi-
ness pieces in Wingham The rinks and
Picture house were the only places doing
business on Saturday eirthing. On Mon-
day evening the Junk Social in St Paul's
church and the Illustrated War Pictures
in the Methodist church were the attrac-
fions The weather greatly assisted the
people in the saving of fuel The long
looked for thaw is now here aud evidently
it ie going to be a big one.
maul NE1VS.
• The annual report of Ceavin Pres-
byterianeChureh for the yeer 1917, is-
sued recently, shows total contribe-
tions for the year of $871.21, divided.
as f oillows i --General fund, *5 83.3 3 ;
Cbureh Schemes, $ 2 0 7.08 ; Sabbath
•school Tor schemes $4.51): Y.P•S.0,E •
for schemes $33; eV .M . Society $5.-
45; Y.P.S.C.E .for General Fund
$8. 8 5; Sabbath School genert fund
$26 • The number of families in the
icongregation is 23 and the members
fs 68, The congregation is doing a
splendid work under the pastorete of
Rev, A .let . )3oyle. -
The annual financial report for the
Belgravo Presbyterian Church for
1'917 has been Issued and shows to-
tal receipts in the general fund. of
$06e.22. and balance of »31.4
from 1916 . The exPeuditure for the -
year was- $1.04.0 .3e leaving a balance
of $134..3.1. In addition to the above
the Young People's Guild raised
$1 6 , 21; the Ladies' Aid $23 . 0 6 ; MIs
sionary Committee $5 47 . 70; Mission
Band $1.36; Adult Bible Class $10.85
Sabbath, School, $200.1$; W „le . M .
Societe' 1-0 4 .0 5; Session •$1 6 .7.1.
Rev. A .t.t „Boyle, the pastor is meet-
ing with eplendid success In his work
there and best wishes go out to him
and the congregation for the present
"Son of Mr. and Mrs. 'John Johnston
who died from liver trouble in Bath Milt-
tary hospital onlatuary.20th,
Unsinesis College Sold
Mr. George Spotton of Wingham, who
has. been 'conducting the Canada Business
College, wasin town on Friday, and. sold
the achool to Mr. Loren Hewitt,. principal,
• Would Yam. Absence Mare
'Up in Ripley a certain matt ass such a;
regular attendant at church that the eight
of tee seat vacant caused alarm, and,
knowing that he lived alone, the pastor
not ttee sextonlurried to hit:. home and
foliar(' him lying un the floor uncouecious
• front coat gae. Ile was resoled in the
nick, of tine, which shows that -constant
attendance at worshile does save Si roan,
• for tad he not hikulged to the regulars,
the eoal gas would have got himflow
many men in Wingham would have been
rescued ender tinnier circumstances?,
Net over a thousand we pietiume In the
?war Onoe hall ottbam *oukln't be Sus-
pected of having cool, so the preachers
would not be etsamed en that *core, while
of the other half 50 few go to church
legularl;* that they wouldn't ring the fir o-
beli g they 4414 t9 rep04:t.
The contest_ for the electioe et a Coun-
cillor for the south ward to fill.thevacancy
caused by the resignation of Peter Mule-- 1
neck took place Feb 9th. L Brendon
furniture dealer, headed the poll and was
elected by a 'majority of .31. 'rho vote
was as follows; N. L BrandoieS7t Prattle
Wilson, 50s Arthur Deeiney, "
A Pianism* 'Evening
A Pleasant time was spent it the home, . •
OW Wm. Robertson's -Diagonal Road,'
on Friday evening last, when abet fifteen' .;
girl friends gathered and gram a miscel-
laneous shower in honor of Mies Mary G.
Currie,. It being a total surprise to the
bride to be. The evening was pleasantly '
spent in music and games. A dainty
luncheon was then served and at the close
of the evening all joined heartily in sing-
ing "For she's a jolly good fellow." .
Card Of Tkanks
We are requestedon behalf -of A • W.
Webster, his aged sister, Mrs. G. Addison,
and her son. William Addison who came
here to attend the funeral of the late
William Webster- To thank the matron
and nurses of the Wingham Hospital for
their extra care and kindness shown to.
Mr,. Webster besides the may friends
who extended their sympathy. To Rev.
D. Perrie, Mr. Willis and the family who
sent flowers we knew he loved so well to
cultivate that others in life might enjoy,
Motlity In Pigis
1*}‘Niten agi Son of the 2nd of Tur
fniery.reeently delivered to a Wrorete
diVetoraerty=five togs which •averaged
230 pounds and the price was $17.60 per,
ewt realizing the sum of 81,076 40. The
cost of feed 4:mutinied was $8.13,35 mak-
ing a prat of $1,163.15, Tilt bogs were
cross of the Poland China and Durec
Jersey breeds.
JoItnslon-Rostarsorr-At thee:\ nee,
Bluevide, on January 23rd, by the Rev.
C. Tait,, 3, Stanley Johnston, of Wilkie
Seek., to Agnes M. Robertson, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W Robert -
• Clearing Sale
of Men's and
Boys' Felt Lined
10 iairs Men's Chrome
Split Blucher, felt
lined. Regular rnrice
4.75, sale price'0.50
9 pairs Boys' Chrome
Grain Bats, lined, re-
gular price $3.50,
sale price $2.50
reie +
Also a few pair of
Women's Felt Boots
At clearing sale prices,
J. Greer
a Shoes