HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-01-31, Page 1007 . , . ,, ditlesdie 'impieee 0 ' Wed (elite tit Spring Stock and Seed Shcw and Auction Sale at Winghatn, BoARD DF IRADE Wingluera Churches Asked to Unite to Save Fuel. A special meeting of the Board of Trade M JOINT EIJER PROPOSED Institute and Agricultural Society Grants Refueed Huron Coluity Council is in a penurious Mood. The executiVe committee of the was held in the Council Chamber on Friday evening and wafairly well atCouncil, with George C. Petty of fiensall, s e tended. W. J. Greer occupied the chair as chairman, recommended the lopping off The minutes a fanner meetings wenumerous grants that the Council has re been in the habit of granting, and the read and adepted on motion of C Council to some extent concurred in the Smith and A. E. Lloyd. corn mitt e e' s recommendation The A suggested booklet advertising Indus- , grante to the aericidtural eorieties and 1 "' tc) tiA'ts nicc'e" wonteres inoisates were eee e'en ;eel de. - he Mr ;James Baattia lie purposed motion to grant ern@ to the Y.M.C.A., reettite.e, about 25,000 copies and the cost for $ of gettita; this advertising out would k/As soldiers' comforts was reduced to 300. the motion to grant $3,000 for the pur- chase of a shelter for the Children's Aid Society was refused. However, the Coun- cil decided to approach the councils of Lambton and Bruce to see if arrange- ments could be made for a joint shelter amount to about $60000 Mr. Beattie thought the'Board of Trade should bring the matter before the council and ask for 8230.t 0 to help to defray the expense of publication This form of advertising was nut thought advisable at present, when with these counties, or one of them. if not • the town could not give any more power to both, and a committee, consisting of the eme-oe-seeletirwrildustries and the matter was left 1 warden, clerk and A. Tipling, was ap- over • pointed for this purpose. The probability of securing hydro was The roads and bridge committee's re- discuescd at some length and a committee port recommenced the taking up of the compodel of W J Greer, John Ritchie, good roads system in the county and Mr and Frank Howson were appointed to Hubeer, of the good roads department of looksfurther into the matter and report , Toronto, was present to advise with the at the next meeting of the Board i Council on the details of road contruction The question of measuring all wood The committee recommended the equaliz- sold in town was left over to let the coun- 1 ation of the amounts spent by the differ - dl deal with at its next meeting, , ent municipalities every five years A The scarcity, of fuel was discussed and special committee to take charge of the the following resolution unanimously car - i matter of good roads construction was ried . named, as follows: Reeves Harding, Gov - "That we the members of the Board Of ' enlock and Brock Mr. Beavers of Exe- Trade here assembled strongly request ter, was informed by long distance phone the churches of our town to. consider the that a rumour was current in Exeter that advisabitity of holding Union Services ' that another train on the London, Huron both on Sunday and for mid -week prayer . and Bruce was to be taken off, making a and to unite in one body for the Conservn- l I train each way • every other day. The ti, e of fuel during the severe weather, I The Council passed a motion vigorously at., that the secretory of this board be I protesting against any furhter reduction instructed to w.ite the secretaries of the of the train service. different churches to that effect."' 1 It was also resolved that a district agri- The annual meeting of the Board will cultural representative should be secured be held in the council chamber on Tues- for the county, with headquarters in day evening, February 12th at 8 o'clock. Clinton. By-laws were passed appointing EVERYBODY'S COLUMN I have a q amity of oats, would do for seed, "The 'more% al American Banner." Ai.= 'a Ross 2nd line, &orris ARGAINS I CIGARS—As I am going out U of the Tobao o busines. I am Offen ng 3 3 plugs McDonald Smoking for 25c 3 plugs T & B. Smoking for 25 cents. 8 pookages of Senator. Rex, '1 & R or Orineco tor 25c. 7, of any Se ingo.rs for 2 -ie or a box of 50 for $175. BarristiY. Peacemaker, Vontederation, Soda - dad; El Fair, Harvester, all regwar 100 cigars at 4 for 25e or $2.75 per box of fifty. pip below cost. Box= Btuits. Barber le'deIe-Be$ FOR SALE—Owing to my not havieg, received exemption, I am dfering my Resitiarant and Cenfeetionery Business for quick sale at a Bargain. E. C POND pASH OIl SEOURITV—Mutib accompany all V orders for coal or wood. R. 5'. OANTELON at.TARA.NTEE—I fully guarantee the Cans U dim Booster Ha ir Tonle d Dandruff Rem. ds to cure Dandruff, Itching and Eczema afferqed scalp in their worst form, if applied 'Ohba to nireoilons, and will refund the p lase price in any case in which ii, fails to satis y the customer, 6 or. bottle, 511o, 12 or. bottle 75c. BILLIa IttnEn, Barber. :MX PEDLAR—Hairy Wordsman has moveo to own from Toronto and will pay cash for all kinds of rubb re rags, horsehair, iron, wool, chickens old hens, Ode., at his resi- dence on the ,ravel near the B line. Phone 24 650 Mr. Worasman is a Russian. ITOTICE—On and ober February 1st, 1018 I 43 will oontruct:iny ha,idware business on strictly cash baiss. Poaitively no credit given. A. .1. Ross. NOTICE—On ono after February 1st, 1018, we will conduct o.r Hardware business on a strictly cash basis. Positively no credit given. Itsm TuoursoN Vetionais ee Miss Hazel Little is visiting friends in Toronto and Hamilton. Miss Eva Greer of Lucknow, spent a few days at the home of Mr W. J Greer. Mr Rae wterned to his home in St Paul's, after spending a month with hie son here, Miss Edith Campbell of Toronto, is enen-iinea r ev deer% whh her sieter, Moe W IL Rioeoul, Mr. Basil Blackball of Toronto, in visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shuter St Mr. and Mrs Albert Stein of Ayles- bury, Sask are visiting at the home of Mr. C. J. Rintoul, Diagonal Road. Mrs II P. Chapman and Miss Verne Chapman of, Ripley were guests, at the home of Mr E Corbett during the past week J. A. Ford and Clerk Holman as criminal justice auditors, at a salary of $4 per day and 10 cents mileage, one way, also ap- pointing Abner Cosens and Peter Cantelon auditors for other accounts, at a salary of $25 each The Council concluded its session at 12 o'clock. The County Rate will probably be 8 mills this year instead of 3 mills as last year -- TENDERS—Will be received up till Feb'y let A for 20 cords of green wood, beech or maple, for Lower %Ai inghom Schooli Wood mu -f, be cut 22 ineher, and delivered before March 1st. Apply to Jens* Amtorn, . Secretary. -- .. Macsey-Harrie, Quality and Service --.—.......... paint sitS --I ordered liaonsi of Binder Twine 1: Made in Can ,da last Augu.t for 1018 de. livery. Twine will b. scarce and dear nex, season Order more than yoa will need right now and I will lt,..ep it for you at the lowest price possP,le when wholesale priom are an- nounced, You do not have to pay for same until October 14. 1013 If you pay cash you get a good discount, :line in on Saturday and get a Calendar and 4otir new Gasoline engines. Let us know , r wanth ts in e in ,ehine line aid get our 400 1 prices. Second ban 1 machines and cream eeparater s sold at bargain prices. T. R. ligNIMIT. merioneer. MOH•i....11001_, NOTES Ptes George and Will Casemore who have been training at London were home over the week end. They leave for over- seas on Tuesday. Mr. W, D. 1VIeDanald, formerly of the Bank of Commerce staff, spent Sunday in town He enlisted hi the Aviation Corps at Toronto on Monday. Mrs. Robt, Arbuckle spent a few days in Toronto lazt week, where Mr Ar- buckle has secured a position and where he intends residing in the near - future. The first meeting of the W. H. S Liter- ary Society for this term was held last Thursday afternoon. The President, Harry Armstrong occupied the chair. After the reading of the minutes by the secretary, Hardy Geddes, as one of the auditors of the 1917 books, gave his re- port. He stated that the books had been found correct. and that sixty six dollars had been collected for the Victory Bond, purchased some time ago by this school The following program was given;- Trio Gladys McCallum, Jeanette McKee, Geo leryfogle; Solo -Weir Elliott: Piano Duet, -Mary and Rhea Currie; Recitation - James Allen. Besides these numbers six impromptu speeches on various sucjects were given Mr. Anderson acted as critic The meet- ing closed by singing the National Anthem. TPNDERS FOR WOOD _ scaled tenders will be received till rob, Dui inst. for the following Green, Hord wood 40 maple =ind beech body wood, 13 !newI ng 10 cores, maple sad beech body wood, 22 Inches long. All wool to be delivered to W'invhant to our Order by March Mb, MS. Tenders received for all or part. lo tender riccesgarilyaceepted. KING 111t0s. Om* Eseasarosseuten meteasto orsiessoisevies ova le I C 11 RIS T I 1E9 51 1 w**,....ealiosia.**apileora.sco.....*..110•••U 0. ptioNE WE'LL SAVE. YOU MONEY I By Gelling you froth eatah es, full of energy and real food value Health Considgeation IMuch food white. in appeartmee ex- - actty the name aa others, may, freed eevious causee have deterior- ated to ouch han cm at as to make a Try Chreatiees Tea with your DIG VALUE DePPISRENCTI next Grocery order. * 10111011111.11101115110 Oat* CialtiU\ILATION WINDHAM, ora,. THURSDAY. Jr Thurs., Feby. 28th. HURON CURLING CLUB Local Donspiel at Wingham Creates Interest The following draw has been made in the local bonspiel Two excellent prizes will be given, viz first and consolation, prizes to each member of winning rinks. The rinks will play their games on date mentioned below thein. A; G. Smith akle. leirkett J Cummings M Telfer W Mitchell D. Rae .1, (-eat ice el, e,..o A t. 1):Jact• Leo Feby 5th Re Farm Help and Conscription Dear Mr. Editor In a letter written the other day by a farmer to the London Free Press, the said farmer asks this question; "Why not conscript men for the farm at -the same figure that they are conscripted for the army, viz $1 10 per day? In reply would like to ask, would the farmer be willing to pay his help, the same as paid privates in His Majesty's Service? If so will gurrantee he will get a mighty holt of willing workers, if he will hire them by the year instead of by the month Kindly note the following figures for a bachelor private without counting three days leave every two weeks with no lost tune $1.10 per day per year, .... $400 -10 2 new suits per year, 50 00 Shoes per year, . 10.00. Underwear per year ... 5.00 Overcoat, per year . 20.00 Razor and Cap, 3 00 Single men with board.... ..... 400.40 If married add thereto Separation money per year.... .... 300.90 Patriotic 60.00 Supposing two children ..... 120.00 Picture House Notes Wednesday and Thursday "The Velvet Paw", featuring House Peters and Gail Kane, also "Gloria's Romance" on Wed- nesday only. Friday and Saturday Don't fail to see "Stingaree". It's great! Every Fri- day and Saturday "Baby Mine" featuring Madge Kenne- dy, in the famous stage comedy "Baby Mine", by the same author as "Polly of the Circus". Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 6 and 7 8480 00 F. J. Libby A Gregory A I hardy V. VanNorman, skip Feby- 490 40 R. Wagner Dr Deans Carr • L, BinkleY, skip Feby A. Tipling W. Monk D. Fortune J. Mason, skip Jan'y C Somers J. Davis C. P. Smith T. Fortune C. Elliott, skip 2nd H. Blomfield T, Fields j. Murray Hardy, ehip itt II Ross R Williams 3 Phalen L. Young, skip 31st J. Madigan H Fothergill A. Carruthers II. Shane I Pattison J. Currie, skip E Small, skip Feby 4th The daps are allowed in case of neces- sity, to substitute any man who is on any other rink. in the same position as the one needed to complete their rinks, L. Young, President. Mirried men with board $970 40 Now sir; would a farmer care to give his hired man (if single) in cash and its equivalent $490 40 per year with board and counting Sundays, 78 days holidays, or if it is married help $970 40, board apd the afore said 78 days holidays? The same farmer speaks of a cow being worth $150.00 Who is it that raiseth the cow that nets her owner the $150 00% He also speaks of the high price of feed Who grows the feed which fetches the high price either in its raw seeete, or in pork beef, mutton, fowl, eggs or butter? We do not begrudge the farmer the fruit of his toil, for surely he works hard for alt that he gets, but yet we feel that to -day he is better off than those of the city, town or village. Our brave boys at "The Front" are also earning, all that they are getting, but it is unfair for our farmer friend to imply, that they are getting less than those on the farm. hied In Flint, Michigan A former well-known resident of Wing - ham, passed away in Flint, Mich , on Friday last in the person of William Cas- sels, who had been in poor health for some months. The deceased gentleman was a son of the late Mark Cassels who resided on the gravel road south of 'Whigham for many years The subject of this notice spent his early manhood in this section and learned the bIaclosmithing trade, leaving here for Michigan some thirty five years ago. He will be remembered by many old friends here who will regret to hear of his death. Mr. Cassels is sur- vived by his widow, four brothers and one. sister, vizi.-- Thos Cassel% Wingliam; James Cassels, Flint, Mich; Geo. Cassels, Fresno Cali; Robt Cassels, V.S., Roches- ter Mich; Mrs. James Golley, Morris. Standard Bread Is 00 K. The good oeople of Wingham need not give up in depair because of the food con- troller's announcement that millers must only manufacture standard flour for bread making purpose. On Tuesday even- . Respectfully yours, Uncle Josh, it...-spc.a•MMWolormegensol. ..... PAIR1011C NoIES NIJARY 31st, 1918 .ramood•kowirramospiasamaftataxas....-:-.:,r,-r, rlramaytearersee., Subscriptions: VA per year. Mass Prayer and Praise Service in the Town Hall, Sunday afternoon. FUEL FAMINE Discussed by Special Meeting of Town Fathers At a special meeting of the Wineham Town council held on Thureduy monneg 'pen the 'Water and Electric Light Corn- inittee recommended that etepe be taken, to reduce the consumption of the current. Considerable discussion arose from the suggestion Moved by Mezers Spotton and Patter - eon thet i hie vouncil of the cormration the •=1 V. eieloaa regaeet, the fooa controller to extend to our council the autherity to requisition surplue coal, if any, in residences or other placee, the fuel famine being very serious. Carried. moved by Mayor Binkley and council lor Currie that the day power be reel acted to the notiv.;; 7 a. in. to (i p m until furth- er notice Carried. The Society acknowledges with thanks a donation from Mrs. Goy, Turnberry, of handkerchiefs. The patriotic ten will be held at the home of Mrs Jas Porter, 10th of Turn - berry, on Wednesday, Feb 13th, will as many as can, strive to be present. Remember the regular meeting of the Society, which will be held in the Council Chamber on February 1st at 3 30 p All interested in patriotic work will be welcome Will the collectors for syeteni- atic givings get their work done by the end of January. Mrs, Jas. Thompson, Shuter St, one of our most zealous workers, has made one hundred shirts for the soldiers, doubtless there are others of whom we are not ap- praised. 141.1,•••!,r1VMNIONOI Wins Military Medal Corp. Robt A Ferguson, son of Chief Ferguson, of Walkerton, and who went overseas with the Canadian Highlanders has been awarded the Military medal Two brothers, John and Archie are with the Bruce battalion, and their sister, Lieut. Annie, is military nurse at Brigh- ton Hospital, England This family were residents of Wingham before moving to Walkerton. Deserving Special Mention Wingham Citizens will note with a good deal of pride that Lieut -Col Evans' name was on Sir Douglas Haig's despatch of Nov. 7th submitting names deserving special mention Mrs. Evans resides with her mother, Mrs. Jesse Smith, Patrick St., Wingham, 1 Woman's Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held in the Council Chamber on Thursday, Jan 31st, ; at 3 p.m ladies interested in Instil ute work will be made welcome. There is still a great heed for socks at the hoot, Volunteer knitters wanted Yarn cart be procured from Miss Struthers. Baffles' Presbyterian Church The Annual Report of the Eadie `Pres- byterian church has juet been issued from this office and shows total receipts of 81235 07, all of which was experaled ex - DF4311 ROLL. 0,....1 4:., ,,,,,,,..Mert."..... 4 .-:.. .,-,*.f.,...4NriNelsi,e2 Iocat Im tee A good chance to have your eyee teeted. See ad on P11 -les. The Allied TC(111ifellielitti for wheat, un- til next crop teems ia is 430,1100,000 bushels. There weie over ei00 ehown at the Huron County Poultry A Ki)CiatiOlfS Show held in Goderich last week. The annual congregational nicotine, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church will he held on Monday evening, Feb. 4.th. JoUN JEFFERSON On January 21st, W. John Jefferson, a highly esteemed resident of West Wawanosh died at his home near Donny- brook, after suffering greatly for the past three weeks. A few months ago, gauger - Inc develueed in his foot and he had it amputated in the Wingham Hospital with the hopes that it Would cure him, but al- though he etemed better for a time his affliction come back about three weeks ago. Deceased was born in Dungannon near- leo50 years ago When quite young he moved to Donnybrook where he carried on a - wagon making business for several years. AS few years ago he moved to Lot 26 con 7, West Wawanosh where he con- tinued to reside until hie death. He is survived by his wife, formerly Chrietena Cameron of St. Helens and a family of eight boys and four girls viz., George, who teacho school near Fordwich, Gordon, teacher near Gorrie; John, overseas; Cameron, Charles, Joe, Samuel, hfiergaret. Irene and Olive at home; and Gladys, who is training as nurse at the Woodstock General Hospital. Three brothers and two sisters also sur- vive viz., Gordon and Richard ei North Dakcta, Mrs. Wallace Hough of Wing - ham and Mrs, Simon Dow formeely of Wingham,. but now living near Fullat ton, and Robt. who resided with the deceased Deceased was a =mime of the Donny- brook C. 0. F. and the Methodist church, .and the funeral services were conducted 011 Thursday afternoon at the house and grave by his pastor, Rev. Mr. O'Kell. In- terment was made in Donnybrook ceme- tery. The pall -bearers were Geo. Wallace, Syllib, Chas. Robinson and John O'Coemor neighbors of deceased and' two brothers -in law, Mr. Duacan and Mr. Ineleinan of Morristown The eympathy of the community is ex- tended to the widow and --family in their loss of a lotaing, husband and father Sports In Wirighain Brussels hockey team played here on Wednesday- evening last and the local team defeated them in a close contest. The score was 4 to 3. Currie Wilson was the referee. The line up for Wingliam G Damm, Goal; Dr. Deans and M Telfer defence; B. Abell, Rover; J. Morritt, centre and defence; R. Cruikshank, and W Morden wings The High School played with the Luck - now hockeyiste in Lucknow on Thursday night and were defeated by a -Well, the score was at least one-sided. Lecture in Town Ball Col. '1'. II. Race the Field Secretary or the National Sanitarium Association, will give a lecture in the town hall on Sunday evening, February 3rd, at 820 p.m., after Church Services, orethe subject of Tuber- culosis, it's nature, treatment and preven- tion, illustrated with instructive lantern views. Col. Race is an old journalist, a travel- ler of worldwide experience, and a speaker of unusual ability It is worth while hearing him on this Scourge, known as the "Great White Plague", besides his side lights on the present Wir situation. Only a collection taken for Muekuka Free Hospital for Co nsumptives, breIad made from standard flour and it Celt $83 13. The church has a member - tasted every bit as wholesome as bread ship of 101 and is connected with the made from the highest quality of flour, Bluevale charge. Rev. Crawford Tate ' and we venture to say that it will be just is the popular pastor, The Eadies con - as healthful. It is of course, slightly . gregation have been very generoue with darker in color but the difference will Belgian and Armenian Relief giving% they never be noticed by a hungry hart having subscribed 1,251 to the fehner, and I. The lady who baked the bread could $30 to the kitten The elder of the church easily have taken a red ticket at any of are Messrs Tim. Aitken, Joeeph Grey, . . . initial esti:bin= against most Wilmette John Smith anti David Fortune. tors even though they used 'Five Roses" managing emulates, me Mere (i1C0 and she the standard flour. Mrs, V. J. Fortune, Nelson Underwood, Win Mitch- WI)posiblrhas the dialotttootit tti1441 a,alualorM4:441alliveuttarywow. ; dour Art hi \Yin basil g lure, redesnaerare*er,romm.Framaorsmaztr.v lelige Norma VanStenw had the miefor- time to fall at Huron rink on Saturday afternoon and break her tight arm at the wrist. The auntial meeting of the County ol 1'4:nth Mac ni LO,L, ',NM be held in the Wiugham ()ranee hall ou Tuesday after- noon, Feb, 5th. The Methodeet Church is doing its share to ette ki fuel, le- ',tell Sabbath morn- ing 'mistime sere la the basement W- idow I of in the auditorium. The Huron township Council pay $100 a year for printlug, and we know of a township council that think the $60 is even too much for the prier printer. There is a poteibility that all moving picture hotteee and places of amusement will be closed three days each week The war couaeil are considering this action. If a soldier were built like a profiteer, he would lay down, say, ten par cent of his life for his country. A request for more than ,that would conic uuder the head of "conliecation". - BORN Theme -4n Wingham, on Sunday, Jaau- ary 27th, to Mr and Mrs M. W. Tel- fer, a daughter. BRESN—in Turnberry on Wednesday, January 23rd, to Mr and Mrs James V. Breen, a daughter. XXXXXXXXXXXX WAN10.0411XXXXXX7A1 7,0 Oe The Secretary of the A. Y. P. A , Miss Maud Fluety, has received word from several of the boys overseas, stating that they received their boxes of Christmas cheerand,in good condition. An inquirer asks if "Okoker" is dead or has he left these parts.' No dear -read- er, "Onlooker" will, we trust, return to the ALMVICIL in a week or so with a re- newed vigor and vim. Everyone has holi- days. "Starvation on an unparalleled se -ale must face the nations of Europe" is the latest statement made by Food Controller Hoover of the United States, "tinle.es the moet strenuous efforts be made in Canada and the United Stales to meet the situa- Union Prayer Meeting The Methodist, Baptist and Anglican churches have consented to hold Union Prayer meetings on Wednesday evening of each week, the first of these to be held on the evening of January, 30th in the Bap- tist church This is a splendid move and' a ill mean the heating of only one church where otherwise three would need to be heated, Goes to City School Mr. J. Stanley Elliott, who has been principal of Dundalk Public School for the past three and a half years has accepted the poeition of principal of Victoria M- lle School, St. Catherineee at a salary of 81150, per annum. Mr. Elliott has had splendid success and leaves Dundalk reconunended. Ile is a son of Mr John Elliott of East Wawanosh and is a former \Nivel= High School student. Huron Council Committees The standing committees of the council of the County of Huron. for 1918 in e as as followet EXEctinv8 COMMITTEE-Meeere. George C Petty, 3, N. Campbell, R W Livingstone, James A. Ford, S. '1'. Plum sPncut COMMITTEE Messrs. A E Erwin' M. Armstrong, John Douglas, W. II Fraser, Joseph Hackett FINANCE COMMITTEE -B. W. le, I3eavers, F Harburn, A Tipling, J. M. Govenlock, John Laporte. EDUCATION COMMITTEE -John Love 3 C Laithwaite II Chicle j. McKinley, T K. Powell. ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE -W. Lobb, Gordon Young, N A, 'raptor jos Dalton, John Manumit. COUNTY PROPERTY W F - mos Brod., J. McNabb, W 3 Spot - toll, R. Harding, MUSE OF REFUGE -4 C. McKinley Thos. Brock, 3 C Loathwaite, 13, W Fe ation. The live stock situation in Europe shows a decrease of 113,000,000 head. Canada only produced six per cent of the British imports in -bum Canada's production of bacon for 1916 was only 123,000,000 Pounds as against the Allies' requirements of 1,260,000,000 pound. Capt. Weliwood in Hospital Mrs. William I,Vellwood of town has re- ceived 'te oid that her eon, Capt. J. A. Wellwoud, de.A.M C., has been ill and confined to the hospital since berme Christmas but as Loon as he is able will be transferred to a convalescent home in the eouth (if France Capt. Wellwood has, been in France for two and one half years, being attached to Stationary Hospitals, No's 1 and 2, locat- ed at Rouen his surgical operations some mouth -s have averaged from twelve to fourteen a day. The Methuaiet, Sunday School is evid- ently not the only patriotic Sunday School in Wingham On Sunday last the Bap- tist Sunday Scloiol took up a collection for the ,Seemenian Fund which amounted e50.30 and the le, V P U. contributed $10 to the same came hi the eveuiug. Sergi. K W Fitt ie.at present in Milne aryl loeidtal, Toronto, where he underwent wailer operation and had another part of his leg amputated The wife received word from the hospital that he is very weak, his many friends in Wingham trust that he will soon be about again. Mr. Charles McClelland of Blyth, har, iii hie posteseion a book, "A Review of the Bible," which ie la) years old, remaining continuously in the family during all of those years, 'being handed down from gen- eration to generation. He has also a copy of the Edinburgh Review magazine, which is one hundred years old, The Services in Wingbate Methodiet Church 'wet Sunday will be as follows; i/ 30 a in -Junior League; 10 a. m Lo ye Feast and Fellowship Meeting; Ii a. at. Sacramental and Reception Service, Sub- ject, "Spiritual Transfusion" Wee Sunday School -Baptismal and Reception Set vice 7 is in. Subject, "Man's -Eetimate of Christ. All are cordially invited, The Wingham Woman Citieens' League met in the Council: Chamber on Monday. evening leecellent addressee were given by three of the members, Mrs. J. A Mom - ton explained the Qualifications for Women Voters; Mrs. C. G. Vanstone out- lined the Probleme arising from the War; and Mm's W H. Willie described the Work of Women in Pub ic Life. Watch for the February meeting. Saleatiou Army Citadel. Sere icee zee tteuel on &melee, at 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 SaStPc'd2c,lii Seettuliliddaayy evening a medal Illustrated service, cml- titled the "Life of Moses" in 3 iiarts, will be given by Capt. Martin (who lute now recovered limn eicloweei, illuetuated hyume aleo used. A hearty invitation ee- tended to an to Ude eery ice.. avere. WARDEN'S COMMI-ItEE-R flat d- ing, George C Petty, T. K. Powell, 3.; M. GoVailotkiti, Aun5trot4. New Town Snowplow The Street Committee of the Town Council have given a test to a new Street snow plow. “The Economy Snow Re- mover" which looks as though it would prove 000d It is a new iavention, the peoduet of the Dominion Road Machinery Co. of.Goderfch, The machine is some- thineemt the variety of the 'wheeled -scrap- er. but of course has runners, in place of wheels, and inetead of tilting' up to dtunp Ilw load has a movable I sOtt9111 C;111 he draWil out raid allow the fl.141‘7 to &Op, ill kill& or eenal: quantitiee where wanted, This bottom ie manipulated by a lever which the driver can control A second lever lot so Or lower the edge of the.CCr,: t;i1 as to (Nes tic tak tto the load. The ra.Alir41 v; ill take up two cubic yards. ot aLow out) loud, It 1tsUL fey leleei, Mr. Bertram Abell and Mr. Norman eiLonehotto, who have tide week, received their Diplomas from the Stenographic -Department of the Spottoa Business Cole . selut:e and a border of neatly painted ad- . logo, left on Monday for Toronto to join verbe.ements decorates the wall. The en - the Royal Flying Cops, Thew. young a,thellener and painting was One by Fred men are aleo Commercial. graduates from s le the attietic sign - painter, The the eame teeekie! Mr, but teeott enr-er, ehoo is now a credit to -the town. Mass Meeting Ptit'y •3rd Every loyal citizen of Wingham and vicinity ehould attend the Mass Meeting Mario Aneli. an Chnrch oronto, hats toemoni the tedeesoip oi SE, poen • in the town 1)11)1 1)11 Sunday afternoon at This it a pal& call to prayer church Lieeloe, succeedipo Very Rev. ;4,15 P mo' Evaile Davis, demi (of 'Imola rho is re- and thanieth'ing iseued by the Mayor tiring. Rev Atraitiese V,113 born in the and Council of the Oen. Theee .meetings %aloeof Einlo.o, 'Rowe tenuity thete, will be held on the lit -St Simday of -each eiehe eeats aeo Hee pereate wee. leaddls [he ineetilfes on Sunday altar dant of Lueleasee, mad the death of he; ' ation„ Fulfs-' u'iil he adthe ded toque a few yea., aeo. Deao Davis is a Kit • notace AV. :141cli. he massed thoirt; iwther of wr•ulc.,aud Cmitoms °facer will Conduct the Inivieal Pruilrana and Il Davis, M *or Binkley lhll act asthairman`j e6Avivz "Made in Canada" VNZ Al,,Z= C,V YiNOIV-- °gra*, We believe "THE BRUNSWICK" to be the Final Phonograph. Becausa it is DeSiglit., ed not adapted to Play all illeCOrds. If it really is "All Phonographs in one" you ought to know it before you buy. It should be worth your investigation. But we ask you, please, not to take our word for it -----use nobody's eyes and ears but your own, Harold Jarvis Harold Jarvis the noted Tenor, .de - dares that the Brunswick plays his Vic- tor Records better than he ever heard it On any other Pnonograph. tioacucons.mosommemeler 4...11110011 Find out for yourself. Submit it to your come, listen, then ask the price and marvel. —Easy Terms Arranged— Vg) lkizzort4.4. a tests— Reproduces musical instruments with all their IN brilliancy and amplifies the vibrant riches of vocal numbers. Come in and hear the latest records. W A1BB N, Phm. B. P, tonitaillikffewecaNntownwnnrefenomammos DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN "aerie -1 4.-; A PVccgeqsk, eea • .,tv 47#01ZIVAM-41,6vateM Eye Specialist at McKihbon's Drug Store, Wednesday February, 6th. The Western Foundry has dosed down for a week owing to their having run out of pig iron A rink of local cut hers are contesting for the championship at the St. Thomas bou- spiel this week. The management of the Huron Skating Rhik i'eiele to announce that they have made arrangemente whereby there will be bloating on Saturday afternoons from 2.30 to I 30, Admieeion 10c. Mr Bert Scott who left the Whighani litteineee College the end of last week ii emit to Toronto on Monday and secured a poeitioa Tuesday Ills havine the com- mercial amid stenographic courses was a bio asset to him in securing work. The Electric Light Committee have been baCieStilUI lii eecueing a car of coal from the G. T. R and thus the light anti power ie named again They also have the promiee of a another car from Palmer- ton and we understand Mr McLean has a couple of cars across the lime for the weer houee. On Tuesday night I he I haw Skating Club had a most tAtcarnsfill cVellitig both from a social and financial standpoint, owing to the number of visitors Coining over from LuchnoW The hand tendered a few new . selection, eeldeh am eery much appreciated. Owing to the coal tit- uation the light- were not as brilliaat asI usual; the managenreat having doei tied to teduce the lights 50 per cent, Barber Shop Remodelled Billie Butte haw remodelled his barber I shop and put in two new white enamel ! hydraulic chairs, pedestal basin with hot I and cold water taps, large marble framed mitiore and large heating boiler. The interior a the shop has been enamelled in .taraoher of the tae.tes,ful graduates this wee% of the Stenegtaphic Department. Rev, W, L. Armitage, B. D„ rector of air! Clearing Sale of Men's and Boys' Felt Lined Boots. 11111aa.e...a.411 10 pairs Men'sChrome Split Blucher, felt lined. Regular price $4.75, sale price $3.50 9 pairs Boys' Chrome Grain Bals, lined, re- gular price $3,50, bale price 0.50 4410.• 1 I Also a few pair c)f. , Women's Pelt Boots At clearing sale prices. - W. 1 Greer Boots and Shoes rwaft simemsessis oliiiMiesigs Oraaliate ofea,no.dianIilin boarders Association R. A, CURRIE I We tarry a large and Brat - class gook of REQUISITES A. large stock of everything found In a modern furniture store tore Phone 51 Residence 155 *MI6