HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-29, Page 1_ _ >w,.�
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ONT., SEP i EMBER 29, 1}:781 s
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vun �nuon,
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�' Morris.
Iii ell.
M.-mehester. It tt { • (1
Bnipk.-Mr John Mtlydoin has re- �en.trCL! � X ] �)1 U�Q]) ,
Mr Berry, of G derich, spent a few
BluleFs.-Mr John McElroy, of the
A GOOD SALP.-A� number of people
turned from vlaitinr; friends in Dakota.
days here recently. Sth
con., keeps about 25 cows, and runs
from here attended the sale of Mr Alex,
Mr John Ferguson is putting an addi- I
__ _
Miss l3erthac Pentlatld es isitirtg at year
cheese factory and creamery; last
he had about ,io head of cattle; he
McDonald, of the 10th eon. of Hibbert,
Mr James Oke, of Exeter, wielded the
tion to his blacksmith silo to acconimo-
date his increasing business. Coon
TINE DAY-1.A1tGL '1'UliN-
Whiteehureh. has
The Dungannon show hill be held tun done
a very fine colt that would have
credit to the Western fair at Lon-
hammer on this occasion very satisfac-
torily, And stock of all kinds sold well,
hunting is the popular sport of our boys
at present. George Tindall is nolo rush- I
, r , ,
the 7th of October. don.
Dir Wm. Clark, our township
'The entire sale amounted to ji1,500,
Ing the beef out in great style. Mr H.
Mr and Mrs Msi6tiu visited London ,clerk,
has just finished one of the beet
Mr McDonald has leased his farm, and
B. McLean, of Clinton Collegiate In-
last week, also B. ,�,,Cxawford, Dr.Case barns
and Ma'or Mallon h.
in the township, on the most im-
proved plan. Bush fires have been rag-
is about to remove to Iiensall.
BRIEr•,s.-Miss Cadmore and Miss G,
stitute, and formerly teacher in Col-
borne, was visiting friends in his old
The Fall Show of the Central Exh}-
, under lire auspices of the Hullett
Rev. Mr Irvine, of Nile, and Rgv.'Ir Ing
Cameron, krGsbytgrian minister of this
in different parts of the township,
and the country has been literally filled
Mellia retained last week from their
visit to Toronto, and both report having
seotion,Saturday last. Rev John Young,
M. of Drummondville, preached.
A vieuitural Society, was favored
0' y+
with fine we on both days
place, exchanged pulpits.last Sunday.
left Friday for To-
with smoke.
--�'—""'"+" —
-- -'---.---Exetel•.
spent a pleasant time, Mr S. t last
slid daughter, of Lucknow, spent last
g P
b the Rev Gee th church last Sab-
bath. Rev 14Ir Gee the -same time preach -
of show, and the result 'wag that there
wasp very large turnout of people on
Mrs W. Bickle on
ionto, where she will join her husband,
DEN risl`f:x RE110YAL.-W. E. Cart-
Sabbath at their old Dome here. M'r
Miller and Mia R. Hunt left this week
ed a sermon to young men in his chltrge.
Mr Dan Radcliffe, who had a short stay
the second day. 'isle gate receipts were
between four and five hundred dollars,
who has secured a position in that place
We aro coir to learn of the severe
Wright will be found on Main street
hereafter, to wait on his numerous'ous-
to visit friends in St. Louis, Mo. Mr
James Miller left this week on a visit
at his old home, returned early this
week to the West. The Presbyterian
the Doherty Band bein present the
second da y'
illness of the only child of Mr and Mrs
W, .Holland. We hope soon to hear of
to•friends and. relatives in the State of
Ohio. Our station master, Mr
congregation has made preparations for
the coming their new pastor, and
her recovery.
'evening Rev. W. F.
„ikon§;. SOLD. —Mr John Snell hae'dis.
posecd' of his pacingg horse, Barney
popular ,
Clegg, who recently joshed the noble ,turned
out well at the 'induction, ;4ion-
day last.
There has never before,been as good a
display of Dorsey, both heavy suet light,
Last Sunday
Campbell preached a sermon specially
Barnes, to Mr Joseph alph, of Forest,
for the sum of $2b0,
army of benedicts, has got comfortably
settled with his better half in the village. I PRETTY HARD Lmrs.—One day last
and thorobred and grade cattle,as there
was this year. In several of the classes
° to the young men. We hope that,they .
may be greatly benefitted by this ear
DIr A. S.. (lase, teacl)gr in S, S, No. 10,
, IIs is about to o en out a social
, week an old blind Iran lost his way in
Colborne, airs wandered into the river
the entries were quite numerous, and
nest appeal.
a very interesting lecture in Cavan
church. Spbjeot-"Why. , le %-Rome;"
store in the village of Cromarty, in Hib-
a e wamiles bloter was t here. Fortunately
judges did not et through with
their work until quite dark. Sheep and
i ea of the YA course of 1P.B 1 willunder the ans-be one of ape-
which was listened to by a large intelli-
' bBFATi ERrt SCniNIQIIY's LEC1`IIRF..—Fathe►
waded across, and was seen by some
pigs were well represented. 'There may
be ulat da much im lovement in this
l p'
cial interest, and those who may pro-
cure a course ticket will find a good en-
PEnsoNAL.=-Mr Henry Harton, who
Chiniquy lectured here to a large audi-
ence, in the Presbyterian church, on
boys who directed him to the base line,
and the started towards Clinton. It is
class, as the horses and cattle, but it is
As noticeable. Horses have
tertainment at low rates,
at one time carried o the cattle buying
Tuesday evening, He is a wonderful
possible that lie might have wandered
not quite
?wade wonderful advancement, many of
Dungannon eau now boast of hadiilg
business here, some el ven years ago, is
visiting relatives he a he has resided at
g #
man for his age, but has all the bitter.
g '
ness of a He told some
into a hole in the river and got drowned.
This is another instance of the necessity
the Canadian bred animals now seen t
three blacksmith shops, and we under-
that Mr Rutherford intends open-
Albion, Mich., ever stiles he left here.
des actin stories about his former co-
g g
of a poor house, bi a home for the aged
faire, apparently being as good as Ira.
.ported stock the animals shown b
ing out business in the store lately, occu-
&rRvesT, $,oafE.-Rev, . F. F. Davis;
Rector 6f' Th`orndale, wili give 'two els-
• rollglonists, but said he had ample proof
for them all. His lecture appeared to
and infirm. Phe county of Elgin has
bought a farm of 200 acres, and put a
Messrs Innes, Martin, McMillan, Izzard
red b C. Cr. Dgnovon. We hoe he
ma receive the atrona a of the
y p g people.
quent harvest home sermons in Christ
arouse the bigotry and fanaticism of
g of it, who
man and his wife in charge
and others being much admired. In the
roadsters, Mr T. C. Doherty took let
�_. f„-_.
eht}rph, on Sunday next. The church
will be decorated with fruits and vege•
the Orange element of the audience, by
his attacks on Roman Catholicism, and
Have from fift to sixty that have a
home here, an all who can are obliged
Prize with a pretty team of colts, 3 and 4
Mrs McLeod, mother of MrgThori son,
tables of the season.
by repeating the exploc!ed slander that
Archbishop Lynch rales the Ontario
to work and resp to take care of the
others who are helpless. The old men
Years old, bred from Royal George
dams,and s}red by John Howard, Ham -
Bayfield Mills, was interred Iu the Bay
field cemetery, on Mondrti . She was
F y
FIRR.-•tUn Saturday night last the
barn, gf Mr Cjleorge Blgt forts, ,a short,
Government, but the majority of the
, ] Y
of this vicinity are too intelli•
do the hoeing, wood cutting and ehorin
and the old women lt+Bit on the sick and
bletonian. The competition in single
drivers was very keen.
over 90 years of age.
We are ver Sq. indped to announce
distance north of t>1e e, was de-
strayed by fire, together with, the con-
gent to be lead b a demagogue of this
g Y
stamp. --Coat,
-do such household duties as they can
perform, Thus, by the able manage-
One of the most attractive features of
the death bf, bIr ;; M}ddleton, viWoll
tent a ha loader, 16 act a o# y,
aerTst o fill; wl eayt, tand�fivICore of
. - _
ment of .DIr Hunaborger, the farm is
to the running ex
the exhibition,was the driving by ladies
and the side-saddle contest. The ring
took place; frpn}.' li¢•e` 4tQof recent
• accident, on Th ivkdayy,i -fthieral
oats . uppoebd to be the work an
SUDDEN DEATH.—A very sudden death
made nearly pay pens-
es of the home. Tbey make their pwn
was continually crowded, but more par -
. -His
will take El4.ce,9# fiaf0da ;,utt.2t lt,m.
incendiary. Insured in the Hay town-
ship Mutual:
occurred on the Sth con. of Hullett, on
butter, raise their own pork, vegetitbles
ticularly .-so 'whale these were in pro -
Father Chiniquy preached- twice in
NOTES. -Business was brisk in town
Tuesday. Mr Chas Stewart, an old
and respected resident was engaged in
land fruit. BS man and a girl are hired,
the rest of the work is performed by the
gress. Those who entered as
were Miss Swan, of Brucefield ;Misses
the Presbyterian church, last Sunday.
'Th@ 1�i sp reel; p�c%iiw Rv7xter q ou>
leued men be.ocpgii}g sto the "upper
on Monday last. A large number lof
ur villagers attended the Western Fair
:est week, all coming Dome satisfied.
logging, when he suddenly dropped
dead. He leaves a wife and large family
inmates. This might be considered
such a good story that et would be filled,
but is a letter
Bay and Bawden, Clinton'; Mrs John
Gardner, Mrs Jae Connolly, Mrs W El-
Nott, tGoderich township ; and Mrs
te e' rf im ' ate ;. most of
� ��11ii�r 'r g x
r Ira Spicer, of this place, dug 16
(several of them being married com•
Portable circumstances. His son is post.
no one admitted without
from the proper officials. If any one
Swartz, Colborne. The prize winners
uSK Dfilk; ltiYii a deny good fnan, echo L
a few days must wear one of the riche
,.bushels of potatoes ]n the short time of
two hours and twenty minutes. Heavy
master of, Bandon; he was an uncle
of Mrs Geo A Sharman, of Clinton.
:feigns sickness, Mrs Hunaberger sends
for a doctor, who decides whether he is
were in the following order :-Miss Bay,
Mrs Elliott and -Miss Swan. The of.
crQQwas prepared for those who have
acEepted the.gift. He lectured on Mon-
opt Dura on Sunday last. Exeter fall
"how on Moeda and Tuesday next.
e Y Y
HORSE SoLD.•--Messrs J. L. and C,
ill or not, and }f lie is well and will not
work be is put on bread and water un-
feting of a side-saddle as a prize for
Lady Riders had stimillated consider -
9 .
Ls1.5u a year iu a
diss C. Depew opera;the key board
keys, A Weir, T Fear. Collect!on,
,nd demonstrated to the admiring crowd
Pigeons, F Beattie. Collection .
vho surrounded her the wonderful
fowls, F Beattie,
,plume of these organs and their quick.
I.ft•LEMBNl8--Display of buggies, of
les" of response to tile touch. Tiro
Joba Brunsdon. Two horsy buggy,ope
ollowiug letter re,litires no comment :--
S A C%ntelou. One horse buggy, cov
041tou, Sept. 2•r, ISSI.
llecognizing the escc'lenue of the exhibit of
ed, 'T Tipling. One horse buggy, o ,
S A Cautelon. Cutter, J Britti5 ;_
)roans Made by W Duberty d& C:o � we clulm it
nu• duty to award them a Oold Arcual, The rich
Fannin mill; McMurehie &Cit• fly,
one, the pleming desigDy, the perfect work+nan-
plow, S Beatty, VV Weir. Iron harro ,
hill and the' enterpike dlapla)'ed by the tion
:ulls forth Vpecial recognititi.
1 Zipping. Field roller, 4V
J. WAMCS, P111W.
et ho.
Turnip cutter, W Weir. fast 1lOT
W G f3a0ADFOOT, Vrc'.-PRss. .
shoes, T Tipling 1 & 2. Wooden ptini
N, Itosso.r, SRc'v.
J Ross. Lumber waggon, J BE lined
Plow, T Tipling, W Weir. Horse h
trade a fine exhibit ofparlor furniture,
or so°ffier, W Weir.
beautifully- upholstered, on. which he
GRAIN AND FRULT.--I'1'hito Wine
was awarded a first prize.
Wheat, J Salkeld, Thos Colo. .
Winter Wheat, Jas .Lilids:.y,, SPri
exhibited specimens of their leather
Wheal, A Johnston, J Salkeld. Wh.
Oats, A Jolieton, J Masco. Bruisey
goods and here both prize winners.
Salkeld, fidpi,dsay. Small peas,
Cooper, J Lindany. Larg+e peas;
showed an assortment of parlor and
Cooper, J Salkeld. Winter apples,
Elford, G Crossman. Collection-;
cook stoves, cutlery, etc., Which appear-
ed to good advantage and attracted
fruit, W Wise. Golden Itussets,L Cr',
considerable attention.
Robt Martin. Northern spy, . Wo
L Crich. 20 oz Pippins, J Alison,
Diehl Lk Son. Srtow apples, 11 H Sc,
made.an exhibit of cabinet and life-size
A Innes. Rhode Island Greenin a
photos.. People will look at pictures,but
Salkeld, A Innes, Baldwins, J Sal;
when they are so life -like and finished
L Crich, Fall.Pippins, G A Cooper,'
in such excellent style as those turned
Wise. Strawberry apples, J Sonthcom
out by this person, it is no wonder that
T Fear. Clinton grapes, S'Cook
his corner in the exhibition building
Rattenbury. Concord grapes,M Soiiw
was continually crowded. In the talc-
S Cook. Aogers' No, 4, J Ratteubu,
Ing of life-size photos, wondarful pro-
Hartford Prolific, J Rattenbury. V
gress has been made, and few, if any,
reties of . u, a, T Holloway, T' F .
artiste, do better work in, spec.
Collectioa(of pluma, T Holloway ..
'line than Air Foster. In his show win-
cher,; A Johnston, fx Cooper. WIn
dow, on Albert St. is a large family
pears, Jno Mason. Fall pears, J' •$
group which has been freely spoken of
keld, W WIse. ` ''
as one of the best likennesses of a family
MAsunwTunEB---Home made. clothi
.that has even been taken.
Johnston.-Home.made.flannel A,. ...
ston, Geo Nott. Factory -made al
Made a big display, embracing Team
D Graham. Factory -made° flannel;
Graham. Pair Blankets, A Johlilii
Harness -Stade up with 1 inch trace,
round edges, all through, pretty heavy,
MI's Wbite, 'pe n
coach pads, full -Scotch collars; with
get single b
le buggy
A Sharman. SetSidglleman' so
G A Sharman. Gentleman's se
rounded lines and hip A fele
set of Double Carriage liarnees, (sold to
boots, C Cruicksliank, Taylor,& S
Mr W, C. Smith, for $70,) made of En
Gentleman's pegged boots, C Crui
shank, Taylor & Sons. Parlor set'
gush oak tanned leather, solid nickle=
A Bennett, Marble Work, WH Coo
silver trimmings, niokle hams, close
Grape wine; J Worsell, A Johnatoni,
plated all-over, coach pads, housings
trimmed with red and white, Half -pa-
VEGETAaLEg.—Collection garden v
tent leather, case collars, and very fine-
tables, J Allinson, A Johnston.
reties potatoes,.) Rattenbury, S C'
ly finished throughout. A set of Single
Eaxly rose piftatoe$, J Rattenbutlly;
Buggy Harness, made from English
' h 1'd ill
ollow{ty. ;Beaus of 4ebion, TI.
da evening. Iie is a grand old man.
In movieH911Jete-of thanks, Dor Hill,
MBtliodr6nt$ryapoke tntesix"est
riliseof 1ier+C `niquy andlldsibork.
Pf,'t, . Al 5�-�
};.. _p'
ACK i'ROM MANITOBA. -Mr Nicholas
r, of Usborne, returned from a
tri'lamonths' visit last Thursday. He
spent the most of the summer m the
Oak Rivek' Di met and reports the
orgpq ian,tli6 iR lement, as really excel,
lent. Mr Shier states that lie never saw
wheat in Omareo anything like as good
Y g, , g
as;what he save in the Prairie Province,
cluii the set summer. He tells us
ng'r P
that he. gs+ammense tracts (not ,fields)
that will' yield, at the least calculation,
40 'bushels to the acre. The other crops
were equally abundant. Mr Shier is
q Y
of , the 'opinion that wheat raising in
Manitoba at 50 cents per bushel will pay
a better than raising it in Ontario at $1
P bushel. There was no front this
aeon to do any harm and he likes the
cl}mate all through first rate. At Gres
wold State west of Brandon,wheat,from
the threshing machine, sold the day he
left, at 45 cents per bushels.
_.�. _ _ p - •
HORSES Po UaD.-Mr Benjamin Case,
•who had a valuable team, democrat
;waggon and harness stolen a week ago,
has qct track of them at Sombre, in
county, One of the animals
died there, And. the other -is not expected
.to recover. 'The were overdriven b
y y
,the thieves. No trace of the thieves
has been heard of, Mr Case has gone
after his stolen property. w ,
-� ---�++—
:' • Blyth.
`, Don't forgot the fair on October 11th
,and 12th.,
MR A. M. Emigh, of London, 'Vas in,,
town on Weclnesda Y
Mr Alex Munn is indisposed and un-
able to leave the house.
Mr George y Phillips retuned home
from Strethroy on Saturday last.
A large number from town attended
,the exhibition in London, last week.
Last week one of the large plate glass
windows for Miide'sblockwaa accident•
, ads broken.
Mr R. W. Dunbar has removed luta
his new premises, one door north of
.. ,
Kelly's brick block.
- villas -Herd returned -to towel-tDlswveek
.to take charge of the millinery depart-
meut of Messrs Anderson & Elder.
Howson, of this township, have sold
their splendid L stallion Honest Jim, to a
AIr Henry Lynn, of Ailsa Graig, fora
good Iotmd sum. IL }s a good horse and
the purchaser has a batgatn,
GARDEN PARTY. -The garden art
which was gotten u b thForesters on
g P Y
Tuesda evenin assed off'ver sucess-
Y gp y '
fully. The first part of the programme
was a game of baseball played between
the Brussels and Belgrave teams, result-
lire en a v}dory for the former, While
-till game was going on the ladies were
very active in preparing aheartyrepast,
to whish all id ample juatice:a This
being over, the crowd had the privilege
of listening to some ver good selections
g v g
of music, both vocal and instrumental,
and several speeches on Forestry by
men from 'Win Liam, Blyth, Brussels
g Y
etc. The Brussels brass band being in
attendance acquitted themselves in a
very liberal manner, and about eleven
o'clock the crowd began to separate, all
g P
being satisfied with the evening's amuse.
ment. •---
j, s j�r�l�;y�YYa4h: -- -
' There were four'steam threshers with•
in two miles of each other, on the 0th
til he I.Now, Mr Editor, why can- able practise,and there ,were six entries
not a home on this plan be run in the for this, ling only four resented hem•
P Y 1?
county of limon, and not allow such selves. The amateur riders'haturall
poor unfortunates as I have mentioned thought it was unfair that they should
above to roam at will, and be at the be itted a ainst a rofess sal like
g p Z,o
-mercy of the public. Few will care to Miss Swan, but as no restric ions ap-
take such into their homes, but all patently had been made as to who could
would be willingto bear a share in pro'. enter the lists,there was no alternative.
viding a home or the unfortunate poor. The contestants were,, 'Miss Swan,
Brucefield ;Miss Laithwaito, Goderich
township; Miss Bawden, Clinton and
HUlute3ville. p s
NOTEs.-The people say that butter- •Mra R. Ferris, Hullett, and prizes were..
nuts should not be gathered on the Sell- awarded the. three Arst named in the
bath Day. Remember the anniversary order written.
services on Sunday -and Monday next. J. Brunsdon, Londesboro; R. A. Call-
GOOD 'THRESHING: Messrs J. and A. telon and T. Tipling, Clinton were the
McLeod and Mugford threshed, on the. only exhibitors in the carriage line.
farm of John R. Holmes, Huron road, INDOOR, DEPARTMENT.
1 400 bushels of oats on the afternoon With the single exception that the
of Tuesday, Sept. 20. Good work, boys. quantity of ladies' work- shown was riot
EARLY SLEIGHING.—It was very cold equal to last year, the inside exhibit
here on Monday morning last, as was was splendid, There were a couple o!
evidenced by the fact that one of our beautiful collections of ladies' work,large
villagers was seen passing along the exhibits of dairy produce, and fruit and
street clad in an overcoat, accompanied vegetables that -would have done credit
b horses and sleigh.
Y g to a much larger show -in fact the vee-
LEG BROKEN.—While DIr, William etables, considering the dry season,were
Gregg was digging a well one day last wonders in their kind, and the roller
uceek a-poltlon of one side-ofat .caved in foto •-i-siloR`n b -M'r�os Alianson was
about 10 feet above him, striking him on y
g spoken of by several, as being better
the leg, breaking cite of the bones. It than any exhibit at London.
is astonishing how he escaped instant
oak -tanned leather, wit so i etc e
trimmings: The pits is made were En
gliah leather alurtmgs, leather covered
tree and jockey, Burlington hook and
turrets, round edges, well finished and
was made for a man_ at Shakespeare.
also showed a single track harness,
the first of the kind he had ever made,
from English oak leather, 'crooked
breast collar, with traces sewed on. In
the key pad a special feature of it is tlis,t
not a single stitch ill it can be aeon.
The turrets are low on the saddle and
can be brought higher up, if desired, to
answer for a, buggyharness. It has a
cin le bell ba, and can be driven
g Y
without traces or breeching. This set
was sold to Mr L. Kennedy.
The following is the prize list:-
HonsEs, IMP.RTFD,-Brood mare A
Imtes, R Martin. Spring Foal, Jae
ROSS, J Mcillillian. Two year old filly,
W Rinn, Robt Martin. One year old
filly, R Martin.
draught team, A Innes, E Butt. Brood
mate, J McMillan, A Innes• Spying
foal, A Innes, Thos Fear. Two year
old••gyear ; A -illy, ee Sid-riot-knaw;z
Two year old filly, Geo Dnle. One year
old gelding,Jas Southcombe,.JStanbnry.
toll, sited by Lincolnshire Tom, Jas
loway. White E'lep,fint, T Fear. M
gold Wurtzalfl, C Spooner, J W on.,
QQy low Globe Mangold Wurtzels, A In
C Spooner. Alttingham estrous;
H011ovvay. Long Orange carrots,i
Hollaway, J Salkeld. Early Horn
Tota, T Holloway, J Allanaotx. w
Bel i&n carrots, J Salkold, C Spodr
Swede turnips, J`°Southcombe, J O .
Nott. Grey Stone turnips, J MAsoi
Allanaon. White Globe turnips, J
on, J Allanson, Short Garden oars
T Holloway, A Johnston.. Long • b1
beets J Allanaon, S Cook. Blood
nip beets, for table use, S Goole
Johnston. Parsnips, S Cook, T k%
way. Winter cabbage, J O Elliott;
lanson. Pickling cabbage, l Allan'
Cauliflower, Allinson. Uuipiis, f
seed, Cook, Allinson. Potato oni
J Rattenbury, J Woon. Ear Corn,
Elliott., Adam Weir. Water Melon
Johnston, J Allinson. Moak Melon
Johnston, J Allinson. Citrons, W .
ter, A Johnston. Red tomatoes, H
way, Allanson. Pumpkin, A Johns
G Cooper, Squash,J Elliott Allan
Celery, Allanaon, J O Elliott. '
--- , Alx•�RRonvc�i. W adetu .
ter, J Townsend, W Robinson.RGb}usTen;
crock butter, �V bale, W Robin
Creamery bntter,Londesboro Cream
The new moon about 2 miles cast is
( )
Dlisa Tena Morgan, who has been
this week.
death. The fracture is, progressingLindsay,R
Butter, rolls or prints, W Robinson
neer1y;,,two,Qwoek%,V1dv. •
visiting friends in Bay City, Mich., for
Mr, D. Scott has added a stone root
favorably. exhibit was, at t e entrance to
AGRICCLTPRAL HoRsEg.-Brood mare,
Schwarz. 25 lbs. Crock Butter,.
A unique and;ihterestin service was
some time returned home last week.
house to his already capacious stables.
AV✓AR'ARD, FOR THE cow. -On entering the hall, and consisted o an 8 -foot high
T Izzard, J He VIil}an.. Spring foal, cost
Schwarz, Geo Nott. Extracted bei
coeduo;t�ed iIi the al2ethodist church last
Mr John AicH}anon attended the fact
Farmers are be ronin to a more at-
beginning pay
his stable last Wednesday morning, Mr, Church Organ, with pip top, 0 octave
y, J Izrard, R Meson, L r old
or fill ` -y
'H Elford, W $ Fbtster. Acne .
saw Ab evening: A 15 nr20 -minute
lin Clinton this week. Rumor says that
tention to stock raising.
T. Pickard was surprised to find aneigh- key board and'six full set of reeds, in
filly, G Christopher, E. Eaddie. Team,
combe, H R Walker. One cheese,
address on a practical theme bythe'pas•'
there are special attractions for John
Mr W: Ross is spending Afew days at
bar's cow there in.a rather unenviable walnut, finished with polished ash ven-
R Magon, Jeones'lair. Entire colt, C
toiy made,- T Cooper. .Homer
tor, enforced by scriptural passages
in that town,
home before be returns to Toronto
eer. A No 1 Parlor organ, walnut case
position. During ' the night she had g '
Dale, jr. • awl 3 J Mason. Yearling
cheese, A Johnston, G Nott. Bread;
which were read by several members of
the congregation • a severe piece of .inn•
The adjourned Scott Act case against
University. He looks'well and says be
the he appointed to
evidently entered the stable and in at. trimmed with black ask,polishedveneer,
6 set reeds and 6 octave., A Cottage
stallion, W Rill ti. 1) McGregor, W Dale.
Yearling felly, 1V Whitmore, 2nd not
with breadmaker's yeast, Mrs Ro
Mason, Mrs John Worrell. 5 Ilia c
see b te oir, and then two excellent
Mr John Bennett was r$sumed on Wed.
nesday, before Police Magistrate' Wil-
enjoyed work was
take charge of.
tempting to turn in the feed passage had
broken through the floor and was there Organ, walnut r ase, finished ;with. oil, 3
but er,, Wm Robinson, James Lincs'
addresses the same theme mem-
Hams. His Honor Mound a conviction
- Mr WDobie`and family, -Miss Robin-
suspended between the stable and cellar, set reeds and .> octave, and a pipe top
Assortment of bakingmade from Jai'
here of •the church. We thought, it d
cod 'sea to see the pew engaged t, well
g ? Pg
against Mr Bennett.
son and Mr Robinson left for Wisconsin
on Wedneada The former will take
parlor organ, walnut; finished in oil, 4.
She was with difficulty extricated from sets of reeds and 5 octave. The promi-
her '7 his is
mare, John Avery, A Gordon. Roadster
team, T C Dohert W Grieve. 2- I
y' Y
Baking Powde•r', Mrs R Mason,, M
Worsen. Home-made' bread, Mr
• as the pulpit, and we believe that such
On Friday evening last the grand ball
in honor Mr J. W. Shaw held in
charge of his'brother's farm, and the
perilous position. not the
only cow that his lately needed- human nent features in these organs are the
gelding'or filly, C Avery, Jas Broadfoot.
Worsell, Mrs Jas Ross. Baker's Br'
a service again would be well received.
The morning service was an open Sun -Milnes
of was
Hall. A large number were
litter will enter a tradin store for the
metal sheathed pedal, which prevents
aYNP�Thy and owners beware 1 the player's feet from wearing out the
3- x old fill , W Cnningham,. ?iyndall
Bos. Bu y horse, R Fitzsimons, Jas
J R Evans; W Young.
LADIES' Woux.-Collection 'L• a
day school meeting. Singing by the
present, and enjoyed themselves in trip:
in the light fantastic.
The roof is nearly completed on Mr
ED Stat A few days ago balanced cylinder, and
Mr, AlbertHalstead on visiting his barn carpet, perp with
tori bot.
Beattie, E Smarts. Saddle horse , D B
work, 'Miss Nott, Mrs Hove Fa
school, a Scriptural reading -and an ad-
.dress on "The S. S. Pledge" to the ohil•
ACCIDENT.—What might have been a
W. Scott's new stone houue. It is one
the best in the township and presents
all Sited up I pre absolutely
was surprisedtodiscover What purported
the barn. On toms, which prevents the entering of
y, A Cook. colt 1 and
Kennedy, ,
John Stanbury, 2 Robert Autteraon.
Breeding Miss Nott, ti, ;
Tatting, Mies. Nott, Mies MoE, '
dren by Mr Rogers. Mr Braithwaite,
serious accident happened to Mr George
a fine appearance. We wish r Scott
to be a tram sittin near
p g mice intro its works. This' speaks for
beingaccoated and questioned b Mr.
q Y
I. r old colt; Robt Beacom. J T Carter,
I y
Crochet work, wool, Lonis Crich.
Superintendent, presiding.
Martin, clerk }n Hamilton's hardware
store, oli Wedrieshy last: It appdais
may lou live to enjoy the fruits of his
Y g j Y
itself :
Halsted be homplaened of being hungry Clinton. Sept. 2s, lee7.
The to
Sin le carria a horse, A Forbes, T Ti
g � P
ling. Year o d, road or carriage colt, A
Work, A Johnstan, Miss MCEwan.
broidery in Cotton or Muslin, Miss :
. ,S]tanley,
-1 ,, ;1 .•
BIG']Eifilct•: lMr W ti2offatt, of'tbe 3rd
that George was engaged in displAyin
en `the
A base ball match between. the Inde-
and wished to be kept over night. We, the undersi;;ned, feel it oirr duty award
latter wish Mr Halsted said he could,not Air G. F. Oakes a gold medal for his superior
display of Oigans at the Central Eshibaion,
Gordon, J Stanbury. Lady rider, Miss
Swan, Miss Leithwaite, Miss F Bawden,
Ewan. Lmbroidery in Silk, Miss
'Ewan. Bead word, A Johnston.
con.,•of Stanley, old, a 6 -year oid,borso
to Mr John McMann, of Seaforth, fpr'
some revolvers, and while act oo
doing so he discharged one of. the wea•
loaded. The ball
pendents, of 6th line, and the Belgrave
clubs• came off at'the latter lace,, on..tQ_satiate
comply with, but invited him to the house Sona AlA60N, YAsg.
his hunger, which invitation w Q 1;ROADFooT, V'C'R-PRas.
Lad driver, Miss Ba Mrs W Elliott,
Y y+ ,
S4ian. S tin foal, J r Carter
p b +
ting,fancy, Miss Nott, Lotto Cr
Knitting, cotton atocltin s, A Johns
'the large sum of $250. Don't it a to
pons, which was
passed through his left h nd,•and in-ade
Saturday, and resulted in a VIctory for
the Independents by a score of 28 to 25.
e r. Halstead then repast: N. s,of c uelp
ed to the ]souse for victuals and Ott re. Mise (xettie Johns, of Guelph, an ac-
ed to the
A Angus.
Coolest work, cotton, si Rose;
Pitch in or
ruse good horses.
n ugly gash A doctor was on hand
Owing to the ball being used up only
turning found the object of his sympathy compliahed musician, manipulated the
TuonoBr,Rn (i:1TTL$.^ iIilch colo, W
J Biggins, A Elcoat. 2 -yr did heifer,
Nott. work silk vel
Miss Rumbell. Patch Work quilt,.
The work on the new dwelling ]louse
of Mr D. Smith, has been at a stance
and the wound and George
g g
doing well, although lie is Suffering con•
seven innings were played, the Inde-
Pendants refusing to play with a useless
had left and he seeing him in the distance keys of these some
followed him with a plentiful supply of of her own compositions and was lis-
H Snell & Sons, W J Biggins. , 1 -yr old
er than Log Cabin, 1 & 2 DiisaMcEt�'
Berlin Wool raised, Miss
still for the last two weeks. The sisters
who took the job failed to do theif work
siderablr from the wound.
---� - —
ball. Had there been a good bat] avail-
able they would have played the nine
bread, butter and pie. To big surprise the tened to by an appreciative crowd,
would-be tramp refused the former but shouting the capabilities, of these organs.
heifer, Snell & Sons, W J Biggins. Raill
calf, W J Biggins, Snell & Sons. Heif-
Ewan, A Johnston. Braiding :
in the time agreed to.
hinings and made a better score. They
readily consumed the latter. Mr, Iia]- Mr Oakes has opened a wareroom for
er calf, W J Biq ins, Snell & Sons. -Silk,
Female animal, W J Biggins, Snell &
Misfl Nett. Twine work,
''wan, W Ii Forster. Flowers Si
PEnSOVALa.-Mr and Mrs Lowrie, airs
An interesting servers was con
have reason to be proud as at the former
the sale of his organs
stead now concludes that whenever Joe t,ans in the store next
to C. C.. Rance & Co, Huron St.
Sons. 'Herd of any breed, J Biggins,
wire, A Johnston. Farmer's Wre
Mrs Erwin, of Blanshard, Perth Co„
were visiting friends here last week ;
. among the children last Sabbath.
Mrs Ii. A. Cameron his been visiting
match they were beaten by Ill to 7 in
favor of Bel ave.
wants anything to eat he will act the
pert of a tram much better b raisin
Snell & Sons. herd of Polled Angus,
Jae McFarlane.
W B Forster. Woolen stockings,'
Nott, Miss McEwan. Gent's . Li
they were the guests of Mr J. McCully,
]ler sister, Mrs A. W. Sloan, in Blyth.
- _-___1,',-- _
at the house to get it, "
represented by their Clinton agent, Mr
NATIVE on GRADFs.2- r old heifer,
Shirt, handmade, Mess i4Ihirts, le
of the Bra con. Mr Thos McDonald and
On Sunday, Oct. 9; Rev C. V, Lake
fiolborLlP. 1'. C, Edmunds, had several of theex•
W Elliott, Jae Young.Milch cow, W
Nott. Gent's. C,ptton Shirts,
wife, of London, are visiting, friends
?lore ; ivlr McDonald is a member ofthe
will preach a ,Missionary service in the
Methodist church,
BItiEFB.--•DIr John Linklater is put.
ting quite a large addition to hie barn.
Dvow-mD.-Mrs. Ilavier P,aechler, of cellemt machines runninq,and the opet-
palls Reserve,left the house last Friday ators were kept busy attending to the
Cooper, W Dale. Pair 2- r old steers,
J Stanbury, C Dale. Pair yearling
bosom, Mfss McEwan, A
Gent's Fancy flannel shirt, Geo N
police staff in London. ,•
We are pleased to see Mr R. Stephen•
Mr and Mrs W. Cook, from Goderich
night to get a pall of water, the men wants and answering the questions of
steers, John Dile, J McFarlane. Year-
,PL Johnston. Plein Iland Sewing,
Metwan, Miss Nott. Berlin wool wi
son. who was ill for a week past, able to
be about again.
township, visited relatives here
week. Mrs B. Hogarth is home again
thinking that the was unusually ]g the crowd who watched their operations,
away went to look for her and i I i i i ;: The were kept busy doing
ling heifer, W Dale, J Stanbury, 3 -yr
old steer, I and 2 J Stanbury. `L -yr old
tl'af, Miss McEwen, A Johnston. W
Simon Vannorman and his son Jack
ieft for the Bruce mines lastweek,where
Miss M. J. Snell is at Harriston this
after spending a fely days with her
parents. James Linklater and Alex.
lying in the mill race where the water some beautiful eresene and etchingwork,
was about ten feet deep, it is supposed and showed the utilit of the machines
steer, C Dale, Jas bort. Heifer calf,
W Grieve, T Carbert. Fat cow or heif-
len socks, Miss Nott, Miss MOE*
Woolen gloves, Miss McEwen, A,Ta
tea will work in the. woods.
week visiting •her brothers and $ester,
Mrs J. M. Taylor.
Clutton have gone on a trip to Hamilton.
Miss Hume, who has been s endin the
as the night was darn and the path nar- in doing the finest kind of fanc work.
g Y
row that she made a mss step end fell
er, B Hunter, A Elcoat.
SnEEP--LEICESTER$.-Aged ram, ram
atom. Log Cabin (,)niit,'`Miss MoEv�
g Miss McEwan, i
L Crech. Ra Mat,
4 �Mr 'Govenlock, of Seafortb, shipped
4k hogs last that feeding
DIr Robt. Campbell is having the
summer with her Sister, Mrs Clutton,
A number of handsome panels and oth•
over the bank. Mr. Baechler and fam. er articles were shown,the eresene work
lamb, sbearling ram, pair aged ewes,
Nott. Rag Carpet, A Johnston, WH
is week were at
the cheese factory here. 'They were dna
work his handsome brick house
returned to Galton Monde We under-
I hill have the s m nth of the entire
i Y sympathy Y of which was done entirely by the Sin•
air ehearlin ewes piir ewe lambs, 1i
P g , 1
king. Hand painting, on silk or vel
Cruickshank, Mica Nimmons.
and fat.
oohed on as rapidly as possible.
Miss Bella Schoales returned home
stand Lhut`Mre McLeod has rented the
house on the farm of Mr John Shaw,
neighb6rhood in this sad bereavement. ger. Acouple of fowls in a p}nsb back.
PRF.SENTATION.—On , Friday evening, round, attracted considerable notice,
Snell & Sons.
COTSWOLDS. - Sbearling ram, ram
Pmt, ARTS -Pencil drawing, a
The Mountain Goats of East Wawa•
nosh, played a game of bass ball, on
from elmore last week where she has
beer, visiting her sister, Mrs Rainton.
and will shortly move there. R. Stuart
has been engaged to teach in S. S. No.b,
Sept. 20th the Sunda sebool,con re a•
P ' Y g q and looked so lifelike that many thought
tion and choir of Zion M. C. met in the they were the work was
lamb, air Aged ewes air sheariin
p , g P g
ewes, •pair ewe lambs, 1 and 2 John
Cruickshank. Painting in Oil, Col
line Hoare, Master Hovey, Photogre
Saturdayldsthere,a against Be] rave
g e
} club. The game was not finished AS it
Miss H. M. Caldwell has returned
for the first Six months of 1886. Master
Hillary Horton is ver sick at )resent
paibyt Si
church to show their esteem and attic• 'etehin ' done b the Singer also. Those
g Y g
to Mr. R.• H. Morrish for the
Curring. Pen of Sonthdotvna, Robert
Marten. Pen of Oxford or Shropshire.
H. Foster. Penmanship by boy nn
16,+ Jas Stanbury.
became too ark. Alex. Scott acted as
from an extended visit to Toronto, New
Castle, Sault Ste. Marie and other
with congestion of the lungs.
elation who intend to buy a sewing machine
interest which he has taken in connee. should look at the mechanism of the
downs, J McFarlane, W Cooper.
I`IaWEng.-Ten Weeks Stocks,
Robinson. Verbenas,
_-,M A � '.
Gotlerich Township.
tion with the church especially as leader
P Y Singer, as it appears to be of superior,
of the choir, they presented him with a and we understand that
LARGE BREED Pies.—Brood sow, Thos
Tipling. Boar, littered in 1887, George
To, lor, W
Ro inion. Petunias, W J Biggins
Hill'fl Green.
Mr Geo. Frown has disposed of his
handsome peer of heavy draught horses
At the recent Western Fair, in Lon.
chair, silver water pitcher and goblets, Mr Edmunds has sold a ver large
Plewes, Sow littered in 1887, T Tipling.
Taylor. DRh1iaS, T Fear. Geraitiu
in flower, J Wortants, Hanging Bea1
NFivg 1TFtfa.-A number of our young
visited London fair; the report
people Y P
McMinn & Dickson, for the
don, Mr W. Herbison of the creamer yy'
before him in the
together with an address. number during the past season.,
Mr. Morrish, who was completely
oar E Bell, T Carbert. Brood Sow
filled plants, tu J Bowens, J q
having had a very pleasant time. Mies
handsome sum of $42b.
carried neverything,gan
butter line, getting three first prizes
surprised leis under deep feeling when THI: DOHERTY ORGAN CO.
having littered in '87, J Izzard, Jas
Solt• Boquet of natural flowerfl,�V
Bennett,of Vawn township,Yorkcounty,
:firs Wm. Snell has disposed of an-
and the sweepstake.
he came forward to reply to the address. Showed a Double Bank Pipe Top
Lindsay. Boar, littered eh '87, E ]Kell,
lor, W Robinson. •
is visitingat her uncle's, Mr Jos. Hud,
--A Last week J. E. Tool inspected
other ver fine heavy dram ht two year
Y Y g Y
old colt, to Mr Geo, Brown, for the
fast week Mr Ben Switzer, and three
Ile made a Short but ver suitable reply. Or an, with pedal base. This instru•
Y P Y• g P
•rhe remainder of, the eveningwas spent ment in Gothic Style iseminent] ads t•
T Wallace. Sow, littered in '87, T
Wallace. Berkshire Sdw, J Mason, (/
Hravv Hint Fs° W Grainger, (lull,
the schools in sections No. 3, Hay, and
handsome sum of $i25.
other members of- the family, picked
and packed one hundred barrels of ap•
b a few remarks b membrs of ed for churches sod ell, ublic hall a, &o.
Y Y e p
Sooner. Berkshire Boar, I' Bell.
Tas;(#atnit, St Helena; W B Hit
Wroxeter. .,
No. 7, Stanley. If report be true a
double wedding will shortly take place
Mr John Fowler intends leaving this
week for Brandon Man., with another
plea. This if; ood-work, but Ben iq a
I q
church which was interspersed with The design is Ornate and of pleasing
music by the choir, proportions, with a striking boldness of
SMALL RnFRn-SbFFOLu-Aged Bohr,
Geo Plewes, J Govier. Brood Sow,hav-
LIMIT HoRsFs:-A Young, S. aftl.
ai the residence of one of our prominent
lot of horses, Mr Fowler is doing a
hustler when'-�H+s o be. -
Bnmrs.-John Levy has renter} the form and outline. Everythinpi apper-
ing littered in 187, Geo Plewes. Boar,
W •I iVlcCutcheou, Wren, m.
CATTI,F —n Mer.aren, Hullett p
farmers. Mr Will. Hill returned from
large bus}Hees en horses. We wash him
house recently occupied by Mr. Morrish taining to the instrument is in every
littered in '87, Jno Govier, Geo Plewes.
')meth, Maple Grove ; G Nichol:
York State last week after an extended
every possible success.
teacher at Benmiller, who has accepted way ti to the universal] recognized nized
p y P y g
Sow, littered in 1 & 2 G Plewes.
visit among friends there. Mr James
Turner is repairing bis kitchen this fall.
Mr Wm.MOIntosh has returned
e ned home
from Sheldon, Dak„ where he has been
NOTFs.--The sevexe.frQst ou Snnday
night left Some of our gardens desolate.
g q
a position as traveller . for_ a Chicago standard -of merit, not ozXly i�u material,,..
publishing house, and intends mov constructive woikmanal.1 . aril A -iii,
_IOULTRv-Black P Plush, W Lliott,
`N Orieve, ligIA-Milim-U, T"RAt�;
BnFr4---PTWr=-,, Proctor; b-51gre
J Cowan,
- Mr JDa. Foster's hbuse is rapidly' ap.
proaching completion.
sppending the Summer with big brothers.
Mr McIntosh likes the
Mr Weatcxitt ]las the bile fivork of his
new residence completed, and the car-
Ing tiler. ghoi•tly, It will be more but also in the quality, depth and rich-
convenient for hie business, -Messrs. ness of tone, the ease and facility of
1&2. Dark Brallmas, F Beattie, Jolm
WOrselh Grey Doi -kings, PXenttie, W
wLanr JI G'Scott • Soaforth r
+ •
country very
well, well, but not enough to induce him to
ppenters are busy putting on the roof.
James Mumling and John B, Durst manipulation, and in the character,
Grieve. Black Polands, F Beattie.
Yonnti LondeSboro.
Porter's Hili.
leave us,
Afessi•s McArthur & Bali have opened
have been awarded the contract of power, airs range of its harmonies. An
Golden Poland$, F Beattie, J Dfaamu.
i4IAxUrreTUnxs-1T Plumateel, Cleft
NoTFs.-Mr John Black and Sister of
,•lir John Williams, formerly of this
out a complete stock of hardware, etc„
in the
building the new school house to be ][;ethetic Organ, walnut, with cel finials,q
Spangled HAmbur s, F Beattie. Hon•
F Beattio. Plymouth
VFVr.T0r,Fs-X 0irvin, WbStWAV
G Middleton, Ooderich tpwn
shop recently occupied by R. &
erected on the lith coilcesaion.-Mr. revolving fall board and panels veneered
dans, 1 & 2
osh ;
Paisloy,and DIr Robert Richmond and
place,but now of Sault Ste.Mar,e,Mieh.,
1v1. Ball, as a millinery store. On Bat-
Nicholas is erecting a neiv verandah en and iiigbey finished. Also two of their
Rooks, I * 2 F Beattie. Buff Cochins,
L. Plumnter, Clin t,:n.
sister, of Cbealey,were the quests of Will.
is here viSiting his daughter, Mrs S, S.
Cole; Mr Williams has large
urday afternoon last the jubilee of the
front of his house.--Cnite A number of beautiful Boudoir organs, five and six
F Beattie. White Leghorns, F Beat-
DAIRY PRonx-m-i T Stanbut,Clih
Sterlinglast week; report apples
a farm in
2nd toll,, and a number of our "village
Colbornites tool: in the. London Show Octaves respectively, walnut ease; oil
tie. Brown Lepghorns, J Worael], F
11. Plumsteel, Clinton. Jas 1'11Diibi
a total failure in that part of the coon-
that part and likes Uncle Sams do-
sports'' mot on the school grounds of
last week. -Mr, Ilerman Maedel, of finish; revolving fall board and panelq,
Beattie. ('''nine Fowlq, 1 & 2 J Beattie.
try. Messrs Alfred and Japes Sterling
mains well, and many of your reftabre
No. 10. Hay, for an afternoon's fun, and
Owen Round, returned W.kt Satin'day to brilliantly polis}red. The organs of this
Pantamq, I & 2 'Aeattie. Diieks,Pokin,
LADtr•.s' Wnnic--•Mr8 Dr Young, t
and deters were visiting friendA in Alor.
will bp plcaged to learn of hiq doing
spent the time at foot ball, quoite, inn
Spend n few dnyq tinder hiq parental eoin parry fire so well known that little
J Mason, W Grieve. Rnuin Dnoka, F
desboro. Mrs G ;]fiddle'tOn, dA#
ris last week.
ning, throwing the stone, ete.
; roof. re'luures to be said concerning them.
Beattie, (ices», 1 & 2. W Orievo, Tnr•
toWh*.)lip. llrq J McTXiehaoli
.,,-.*-,-,-.--_-11 ..vx ,X2.cn� "..,_�_....-.,..
_. { ._ . ... __ .
_-._-_--1-.-__....._...,. _ ."