HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-23, Page 8• IID.r1Y , eEPTEMBEI y3, 1587 740 474 i T:ICE$. ' aes very eb n u t 4. T a Winter °aw sJaa cod Houses and I: of .for sale. Apply to TgwRj,L, §otici;tgr, 9l}at0u. . r lendid gouseand ,ot for Sa4,e dirt�,AhesLp 10150 g fl.00'04 Clings gooSl genera}, Servaant wanted, or smart jl Qieasy lob: 1 VRERRONaAE9TAURANT. ell W. for *2 75, issel cheapest watch ndid sever d, tali. W, DOIIEIITY'S pretty red Cow has ed away. Any person giving information ah"Rill 'lead to its recovery will be suit, ty rewarded,. DQN'T Is11SS THIS CHANCE. -,-19 Parlor te, an colors, also 25 lounges all new and st manufactured at the lied 'Rocker Store, albsoffered at wholesale prices for thirty yq.. 'abed 5t„ Clinton. Parties wishing to compete for the Special 'ead Prize is Clinton Fair—bread to be Ade with Breadmalters Yeast, and also for e assortment of Baking to be made with Ines' Baking Powder,(.can procure any of ase articles at I.QB8ON'9 GIIUCEIIY STORE. NOTICE. TO THE' LADIES. OW fa,' ,n, foot s 4 a ct „'a+aaon ' Tree Chancellor Protidfnot is here drat i l E e on a visit tQ his on Ifdi4sl iter K11t-,� good Airs iK. Ranee has.; one on a \isit and may be ex ec tel team thze terra to friends at tondo an ""elaewh pre: and may be expected to do well in .MiJoin r4nith fornerlXotiCliaitopa , the 'Peat .matees during the fall. -t ,alesestalie point tit death in h4ni 'railweee+ at t14440 iBrQs• haa l e.n'iwerle4 'tended the meeting tere on Tuesday_it- 'the nttactof putting -1 'Beaters for St. Paul's ch Ircb. air John Jarvis, of Stapleton, now in England, was expected to set sail for home on the 15th inst. Mr Wm. Core and sister have re- turned from the old country, where they have been spending sexerai menthe. Since his appointment as Nice Magistrate, Dr. Williams has made over seventy convictions for violation of the Scott Act. Mrs Edward Wise left us a sprig from a raspberry bush, on Tuesday, which was loaded witb berries, on wood of this year's growth. We understand that Mr W. Robert- son bas bought out pop business of OUR FAIR.—Next week the Cern. Mr D„jrwin. What the latter in- tra, Fair wilt be opened in Clinton, ,tends to do we hese pat heard. and merchants and citizens should By the., recent burning of a theatre employ the time in adorning and l at Enter., England, a nephew of Mr beautifying their premia^• -s. The town N'. H. Mne,. of Clinton, was among should be put in perfect order, bearer the 120 persons who lost their lives. and stores decorated. and a11 -made as Mr Geo. T. Hiscox, of London, attractive as possible. If the weather (brother-in-law of Messrs Isaac and proves favorable,there will be a large Joseph Rattanbury) is disposing of number of visitors here, and the his livery business owing_ to continued town should be made so beautiful as ill health: to impress all strangers favorably. Mr Samuel Crich and wife, who purpose spendiug the winter with .. Even printers will get married, 0C- their sun -in-law at Ontario, Cal.,have casionahy, the NEW ERA losingOne given up house -keeping in- town for of its staff of cotnpositars and the the present. News -Record another this week, in Mr Robt Cluff, of Midland City, the persons of Misses Erma and Frank Mich.,is here on a visit to his brother, Croll, .the former of whom goes to Mr Cluff,ofGoderich township. Some Galt to reside, and the latter to Park- years ago Mr Clut learned his trade hill. If they make as good wives as here with Mr C. Cruickshank. ZOO/ gopito. they did printers, their husbands will . Mr Chas. Copp continues very i11, The G. T. R. is advertising a ten- be the happiest of men. Both at •'though he is on the mend, and owing ay excursion to Detroit,Chicago,and ward tendered,. hemiandlth l p apart marrtions ied (aovithhis whomillness be was employed) bas re tber western points,on the ,40th inst. life under the most auspicous sir- been thrown very much behind with ,rad lat of Oct. The round ticket eumstances. his work. re from Clinton to Detroit is only The lady in town so familiarly and to Chicago O. SUNDAY FUNERALS.—Some time known to literary tame as "Carts ORANGEMEN.—The meeting of the ago the ministers of town resolved Sima,” and who is au excellent judge ommitanes from the county lodges that they would not officiate for tun•of fine arts, will act in this capacity f I1Tolth and South Huron, for the eral held on Sunday, unless in cases at the Goderich and 1 this c m ex- urpose of discussing the advisablility of absolute necessity. The reason for a tbftious. f re -dividing the counties for Orange this was that they wanted to bring The annual match of the 33rd urposes will be held in the Orange about a reform and do away as far as Battalion Rifle Association will be all, Clinton, on Friday, Oct. 7th at possible with funerals on the Sabbath, held on the range, Seaforth, to -day 0 a.m. A supper and a presentation which frequently interfere with other Friday.) Clinton will be represented ill take placein the evening. set exercises of that day. As some byMessrs Robson, John ton, Grigg, people appear to have forgotten this ad Contuse. arranbemeat, we are requested to re -Mrs Green, (widow)who was born direct attention hereto, as above. and raised her, purpses removing to INSULTING LADIES—Mayor White- the western States, where she has head tells us that ladies have gone to friends residing, as elle believes the him recently,complaining that young chances for her family will be better men standing .on the streets have there han h used insulting language to them. Be freight- business at this and liexing that it is done unthinkingly other stations between Goderich and and with no intention to be iusulting, Stratford has been so heavy for a the Mayor wishes us to caution young couple of weeks past that special men against a continuance of the trains have been run almost daily to practise (if they were men they would accomR o date-the freight out On thenot be guilty of it at all) because he A p will in future punish severely any lake in a small boat, the other day, against whom complaints may be one of the ladies being_from-this--place•,. made in this respect. had a narrow escape from' drowning, and were badly drenched, as it was. GOT OFF EASILY. —On Saturday It was a case of being very near cooked night a young man named Bernard by cold water. Watson, while under the influence of Mrs Vele, who has been visiting liquor, went into the store of Mr here -for some time, accompanied oy Evans, and used insulting language Miss Tillie Carsou, returned to Belle= to Misr Evans. A good Samaritan fontaine, 0., this week. The latter came along and took the fellow away, goes for the express purpose of study - but he was still abusive to others and int music, and will enter a musical came back to Evans'. and while try- college there. ing to press has way into the store was IN THE printed prize list for the hit a clap on the face_ that sent him. Clinton Shore the 2nd prize for road- into the road. Constable Tedford ster team should•be $2 ; in road and THE COhI1kiERCIAL UNION MEET- afterwards came across him, and run carriage class prizes of $2 and $1 will G.—There is every likelihood that him in, when the Mayor was called be given for spring foal, colt or filly, he public meeting to be held in Cain- up, who levied a fine of $1 and costs, and in the native or grade cattle clasp, on next Tuesday will be attender -by and this some of the youth's friends the line 2 -year old heifer occurs twice, very large number of people. The had to pay. He got off very easy. the latter one will be omitted. uestion is causing so much anxiety LONDON appears to be the centre n the public mind everyone is RAILWAY Mnenac AT BRUSSELSof attraction this week, as a great o the in indi thath alveryo can , On Monday last a Railway Commit- many from_this .neighborhood--_aren. ; neerning it. If, the day is fine the tee Meeting was Geld at'Brns"eels, to «taking in" the Western Fair. On „eeting will beheld in Smart's Grove, ference to sendingder e ea delt egation on with the Wednesday morning over 200 tickets conr if more desirable, in the Curling ` g were sold at Clinton station alone. nd Skating Rink,the largest covered CPR. officials, to see if they would The special train to London that day uildireg in town. The speakers ex- not locate their proposed extension carried 1,200 passengers, and the ected are Messes Goldwin Smith, from Guelph somewhere through the regular 800. alanee9 E. Fuller and T. Shaw, northern portion of the county: Will J. Edmonson,representing Dr e'have much pleasure in :anroou'nc• istowel and Brusselshaerelalargely represented at Chase's Liver and Catarrh Cure, was Blng that the chair will -be taken .„by the meeting; Seaforth was re resented in town on Wednesday selling .and r John:Ransford. - by Messrs Coleman and Wilson, and advertising their medicines. He re - ng in SCURRILOUS WoRL.— For some Clihlon by the Mayor and Reeve. pales orts land congratulated he Liver Cure as ahim himselfonon me past several of the active workers Considerable informal discussion took being able to secure advertising space .one of the town churches, have place, but when it was proposed to in the advertising columns of the een receiving anonymous letters con- send a delegation to Montreal, Mayor popular NEW ERA. ining the most scurrilous language, Whitehead informed "them it would m cli circulation continuesb to nd criticising.very unjustly - the be noose whatever,as Mr Van Horne u and Our ciritwask our friends so climb b otives and actions of the receivers. had told him quite recently that he P a he presumption is that the letters had not time to receive delegations, d word for can conscientiously do so, whenl re written byan attendant of the and they would exercise no influence they . t with him. No resolutions were passed, won't cost you anything and will help arch in question, eao for somethe us and also prove a benefit to the new �ason has becollie zealous of and after further discussion,the meet- subscribers. \Ve have added about theca and has taken this method M ing broke up. iving expression to his feelings. It one hundred new names in• the •last a mean piece despicableof business SCOTT OCT CASES—On information three weeks, and would like to swell P paid by Inspector Sprague the follow- our list still larger. nd d the persons who have been is in cases for violation of the Scott lied hereby will take our advice � g LITTLE FEL1.o\vs.•-TWO weddings ey will pay no attention whatever Act, were disposed. of by Police in town last week, and two this, is their traducer nor allow the letters Magistrate Williams, at Exeter, on keeping up the record well, and still alive% a them from solaria they con • Saturday, Mr James Scott, barrister, there's »t(o)ore to follow soon. Mr de`r fel be`the path atlas!, . Clinton,appearing• for the prosecution: Jos. Copp has put a stone foundation , J.. Reynolds, Stephen; T. Hodkens, beneath his house. Mr Jas. llearn PROVINCIAL DETECTIVE. — Mr Centralia'; P. %Haall, Ofla, and Jos. is confined to the house by illness. array, a member of the Provin- Brenner, Grand Bend, each fined $50 Mr A. Knox is very materially im- dl'ffoli'be force, was in town on Sat- tied costs. Charges against J.Cuning• proving his house on William street. rday, having been sent here by the ham, Sarepta, and W. Holt, Stephen, Several light rains have moistened ntario Government to see if any- •!were adjourned for future Jlearing. the earth, and gladdened the hearts iiig tould be done in :ferreting out Charges against W. Moffat. and W. of our farmers ; a week's steady rain e thief iivho recently droveofrwith Mitchell, Crediton,will be dropped,as would not be too much to soak the e _horse and buggy belonging to both have skipped out. At Wroxeter ground properly. Mr John Boles is essrs Martin and Wiltse. He gath- on Monday, R King, of Wroxeter, still improving ; he has been very ed what facts he could, and said he and Messrs Sage and Lamonby, of low. Miss Mary Norsworthy left for ould try and see what could be done, Belmore,were each fined $50 and Costs. Winnipeg via. C. P. R, taking her ut he was afraid that the clue was so The adjourned cases at Blyth came ticket from the G. T. R. agent. Geo. fight, and the time so far past that up on Wednesday,when Messrs. Milne Martin, son of Mr Robt. Martin,Lon- weuld•be.difiicu,lt to effect recapture. and VanEgmond were each fined $50 don road, has left for the Dental irea'ltbgetber likely that be will sit and costs, the charge against Mr Ben- College, Philadelphia, where he has nee be detailed to work up the more net further adjourned.and that against already put in a term. cent case of horse -stealing on the Mr Emi6h discharged. EFFECT/VP:, EVEN IF SEVERE.— aeser line, alluded to elsewhere. A CLINTONIAN IN CALIFORNIA.— Farmers have been so often imposed ere is any chance of catching these Mr Geo. Beesley, who recently went upon by strangers, that some of them peals) Murray is as good a man as to Ontario, Cal., writes to a friend are growing desperate, and are deter - to db it: . giving his experience there so far. -mined no stranger shall tome within HORSE NoTis.—A few days since He is much pleased with the climate, , their gates, if it is possible to prevent r John Gorier; of the base line, lost the sky being clear every day, with it. The other day a certain farmer, splendid mare, valued at over $200. warm weather, but cool nights. The who had recently lost some property e also bought a good one from 1lr building trade,he claims is just boom- by a stranger, was meditating on his ohs Leghorn, of Hul]ett. Mr W, ing there. Fruit growing is so pro- loss, and feeling just mad enough to iso, of Goderich township, sold a fitable that men, with a small capital do anything, when he saw a stranger lam of heavy draught fillies last can soon get into comfortable posi- coining on the place. Going out, he eek, to an American, for the mag- tions, and he instances the case of Mr ordered him off; without asking his ilcent sum of $500. Mr Thomas Robt. Gray, late ofTuckerstnith, who business, but the stranger refused to arqubar, of the gravel road, sold a a couple of years ago landed there lease. The farmer told him that if eats, at a good figure. Mr Dan with $250, which he invested by he didn't "git” he would knock him hanahan, of Mullett, lost a valuable planting peach and orange trees, and over. Still the fellow refused, rend it lack mare last week,the last of a he now bas a property worth at least was not until the farmer bad raised a Air for which be refsed $500 for a $3000. George also says " you can mansard over the stranger's eye, that ew years ago. Mr Jas. Reynolds, of have some idea how large the peaches he acted .on the advice. This may be 4th eon. }lullett,sold his splendid are here when you know that the not be the best way in the world, still orrel team to Mr Eli Bateman, of women have to cut them into quarters we have often wondered farmers have Muriel' township, for the handsome before they can piit them into the not resorted to fore:' helnre, for they urn of $450; Mr Bateman offered Mr sealers." Rev Mr McCosb, late of have so frequently extended their eynolds $900 for 4 horses on his Wingham, preaches every other Sun- hospitality to strangers, who haye arm' but the latter refused it. Mr day, in this place? and a nephew of only awaited an opportunity to Swin- en Churchill sold a horse to T. Mr J. Inwood, Clinton, is the Metho- die them in some way, that it has hipley and purchased another from dist minister stationed in the place, been enough to test the patience of ohn Bayley for $I80. Mr Bateman Altogether, George seems to take it the most saintly farmer. Anyway, ftered T. Brown, of Tiullett, $500 very well, and the probabilities are the uerson who refuses to leave an - dr a pair of Boreland Chief, entire, that when lie has made his fortune other's premises, after being ordered hree year olds, which was not ac• and t'•e enstde is ready, Clinton will off, leaves himself liable to summary epted. lose another of its residents. punishment. CIA account of illness bliss CwtEeiLr. has ienobliged to quit work, and we, therefore, kw.. been under the necessity of securing 'other to tdke her place, and after careful nsideration, we have engaged MISS HUNT, Arantfordd, who comes to up highly recou- endedby one of the leading Anne; and also r the ladles of the city, and whom we be - We to, be the -equal in every respect, of ,her edeeesspr. We krat for a continuance -of' ltberai Patronle$a bestowed ugou us in ro paat,;aat~d vu will sgek to prove it is not merited. $•Five or xis young ladies wanted to learn so business LEAVE'Tort - rumens FOIi-. D11ESEEe'AND :ANTLER EARLY .'P- 11.OBE11TS0i3'S -GREAT Asa STORE, CLINTON. night, to arrange for the transport Of these whp wish 1'o go:' to California thia, fall. was. decl.ded that AU, party would leave•Clintail on tate Ord of October, and those Who wish .to join it, •s iould send their nauaes to Mr E. `Kenney, Clinton. WELL, DONE, SANDY. —" Ur A. Itinis, of Stanit y, exhibited at the In. dustrial Exhibition a Clydesdale mare with foal at her side, against any imported or Canadian bred stock,, and secured first prize, and first for the best Clydesdale mart of any age, also the American silver medal ,for but Clydesdale mare of any age. Mr J. P. Brine, of Seaforth, passed Brough town on Wednesday, on his ay to visithis grandmother at Kin- ardine. In conversation be men• Toned the• fact that he had not been ueh outside the county for many ears. Forty years ago he took a risoner to Toronto, and from that. $y;;t'o this he hes never been in the leen City since, CYceoPIF.DIAS.—We are pleased to earn that P. R. House, M. A:, agent or D. Appleton & Co.'s American `yeloptdia,•has left with our reading n„ct lettered people •not less than inety-four enoluanes of this justly eIebrated monarch of Cyelopiedias, linton now boasts of haying in all 43 volumes of this work. The value nd preference of this work may be udged of, when considering that Rev 'lex. Stewart has exchanged his neycloptedia Brittanica" for that of ppleton's, as also has Mr George lasgow. May we now hope to see his great work in our High School n the near future. Mr House bas a rittanica en hand which be. will sell "t 20-yer-eent -discaunt. - BOOKSTORE,- OLINTON. x X FullStock and Prices. Low Look out next week for Advertisement. —CHRIS. DICKSON, 0 CLAIN 7rON. ---WH .T IS IT ?— DRESS— DRESS GOODS Is what we are better posted in. We have -: ade that a study ; we claim to show the Largest, Cheapest and Choicest Collection We have ever attempted to show the people of Clinton. We bought them in the right markets. The price we of- fer them to the public will prove that,. Come and see. We won't talk any more about them just now., .-.. 000— ---- Ladies MANTLES This, you know. is a specialty with us. Our department is under the sante management as last season. We show w POR ,A Choiee- Goods, 1Ellegant Stylus, l ndle f , Variety. DOW 'RICES INSPECTION AND COMPARISON INVITED Low Priced FLANNELS, Low Priced Mens SHIRTS & DRAWERS, Low priced Ladies VESTS, Low priced BLANKETS, Low priced TABELINGS, Low priced . SHEETINGS, Low priced GLOVES and HOSIERY, Low priced TWEEDS. GEO E PAY & CO.` THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON Mai Furnishing Goods B -BY' - FITTING SUIT C.C.RANCE & CO, THE HUB CLOTHIERS A FINE SELECTION OF . Canadian and Imported Goods Always in Stock. C. C. RANCE & CO 'DUE 111723 Ci OTIE M SZIS, M ANV ,i. ©iV Our stock of New Goods for the fall season is now fuli and complete in all the New Styles, and we are safe in ' saying no such stock of new goods has ever been shown in this 'place. - HAT Department. 1 All the the latest New -York Novelties in Stiff and Soft Goods are now in stock. It will pay everybody to make their selections f'rom'us, as wo carry an assortment time is not equalled outside the cities. .JACKSON _IROS., iL INr.[:` 4 )N.