HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-23, Page 5NEWS NOTES. Tipe.scarlet lever. epidepiie id. Loral don, Eng.; is sncreaaing, and there are now 422,5 cases in the hospitals. Fairs now in "`full blast" are the rrovincial at Ottawa, the We9tern at Laudon the Central at Guelph, and tit iillaald Central at Lindalty. n, 411 Pardee, Cpyrmissioner o E' 1,7rown Lands., has gone to New York to consult eminent medical men in re. Bard to hishealth, which is still far from satisfactory. The first shipment of cattle by the Aberdeen route has proved a compar- ative failure, owing to the high freight rates and the overstocking of the Aritieh markets. The Toronto World reports that three new judges are about to be .ap- pointed for this Province. Their names are: W. G. Falconbridge, Q. C. and Jas. F. Smith, Toronto, and W. P. R. Street, London. Winnipeg Liberals will push the petition against Mr. Scarth, who oply secured his election by a maj- ority of ten, and that, it is alleged, by a corrupt means. If a new election is ordered the Liberals should be able to carry the seat. The steamerWarwiok from Newport, Eng., reported that terrific northwest gales with mountainous seas prevailed en Sept. 6. The seas ,were making .a clear breach'over the vessel, sweeping the deck fittings before them. Oil was used with marvelous results. As far as the eye could reach where the oil had touched the seas were quite calm and unbroken,while outside they. were breaking in every direction. Never before has so much fruit been shipped from the county of Welland as this season, especially from the Vi- agra. district. The G.T.R. had built expressly for the Express Co.'s use, six new fruit cars, fitted with shelves and extra ventilators. Finding that with these cars they could not meet fhe demand, the company fitted tem - glory shelves in twelve of their ven- tilated cheese and butter cars. and these are ell for fruit alone. In contrast with good fruit crops in Ontario the Annapolis, N.S,, fruit growers now estimate the smallest, crop of apples for many„ years, and some experts who have gone over the Mile districts of Nova Scotia state t the crop will be apout one- urth of what it was last year. Ear - in the season it was expected that a good export trade Would gladden the hearts of the orchardists and store- keepers in the Annapolis valley, but all their bright anticipations have been dissipated by canker Worm and the drought, ' tireat Britain has been done in every possible manner, but a young American couple newly married, are about to undertake the tour of Eng- land in a novel manner. f.Tm. Black has done the °Id Country in a•canoe, Andrew Carnegie in a coach, the late'Col. Burnaby, in a balloon, and .*ousands on foot -and on bicycles. lite vehicle in which .this pair of ObOeymooners have chosen to view 'the# land of thee: ancestors is a London hansom cab. They start from St. James street,. Piccadilly, and will first visit the Southern cathedral *Owns. They are under oath not to write.a book about their trip. The Port Hope Tines reports a ter- rible accident on lot 30, con 4 of Hamilton township. The victim was a young man named Henry'F.Newton 23 years ofaga. Newton had mount- ed the machine, at the conclusion of the day's threshing, to sweep the scat- tered grain into the feed box. Mis- sing his footing he stepped into the cylinder. Its iron teeth literally chewed the limb, from foot to thigh, to shreds. The machine was hurried- ly stopped and the poor young fellow carried to the house. There he tossed in intence agony from one side of the sofa to the other. Physicians' were sent for to Cobol g, but death relieved his sufferings at about 10:30 o'clock that night. The ragged stump did not bleed''much,lthe arteries having con- tracted. He complained most of the pain he felt in the knee of the leg that was gone. A Lockport, N. Y.,despatch says: The first blow at a systematic smug- gling scheme was struck on Tuesday. Custom officer Cuddleback, of Suspen - sionBridge,arrested Mrs Abigail Rys- dale,of Drummondville,Ont.,for smug- gling feather fans into the State at Niagara Falls. For years past these fano were made on the Canadian side, and taken to the Falls in large numbers by a clique of women who disposed of them to the bazar at the Falls. The custom authorities knew what wart going on but seemed to be powerless to stop it. The Rysdale woman has been watched for months and was caught to -day with fifteen fans on her person She had brought over 115. They re- tail from seventy-five cents to $6 a piece. Mrs Rysdale was taken before United States Commissioner Mart McDonough and held in $200 bail for the United States Court. m Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured for 25c. by using Dr Chase's Ca- tarrh Care., A few applications cure in• sipient catarrh; 1 to 2 boxes cure ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes are guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c,, and sure cure, Sohd by all druggists. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There was a rather small supply of beef, mutton and pork critters on the marketa and prices aro higher all round. Moro especially is this the case with hogs,which owing to the small numbers en the market sold at 5!,c per lb. live weight. Good beeves are very scarce,nnd primeltnimals sell at from 4.1c to 41c per lb. ,with pretty good beasts at from .3:3 to 4e do. Common listen* were also higher in price selling at form $24 to $32 eacb,or from 21,c to 3ife per lb. Small and lean cattle sold at from $8 to $20 each or from 1,1,c to 21c per ib. Good sheep are in demand for shipment to Britain at from 3o to 4o per lb.; hatchets sheep sold at from $3 to $4- 75 eaob. Good lambs are in demand ag from $3.25 to 84 caeb; common lambs aro from $2 to $3 each. 'f he horse market .has been rather quint of )Me and during the past week theehipments to the United States were two stallions which Dost $770 and 31 other horses which cost $3,467.50 or an average of $111,84 each. The high- est priced lot were 12 horses which cost $1,440, and the lowest priced lot were three horses which Dost but 8105. When ]3aby wee sick, wo gave her Cartons, When she was a Child, elle cried for Caetoria, When she became Miss, rho slang to Caetoria, non oho had Children, she gave them Castorie Are now showing the Largest, Cheapest and best assorted stock they have ever offered. Special lines in RESS GOODS AND FLANNELS. • OUR MANTLE aEPART CENT Is now open and again in charge of Miss Ogg, who has given our patrons the highest satisfaction for the past two seasons. Our assortment of CI.OTI S arid. TRIMMIN'GSama- Is very complete. Intending purchasers will find it to their advAll e,,,,. to give us a look throug t. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR ASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. f� i. 1 w z LJ c„,-)YoW '=oo Wools and Yarns. A LARGE IMPORT ORDER NOW. TO HAND OF THE FOLLOWING KINDS Berlin, Zephyr. trewei, tcr3,a Fleecy, Pompadour, Gobelie and Andelusian. peacock Saxony, Baldwins Bee Hive, Peacock and Barker Fingering. TAMOSHANTERS, HOODS, CAPS. &O. DON'T MISS US W COOPER, -- Beaver Block Absolutely, Pure.. This powder .never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the muititude of low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders.. Sohl only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER' CO., 100 1Va St., New York. CLINTON MARKETS. porreeted every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Sept, 22, 1887. Wheat, spring, - - 0 78 a 0 80 Wheat, white and red • • 0 78 a 0 80 Oats - - . • 0 28 a '0 30 Batley Peas • • Flour, per cwt Potatoes Butter E gs Pork Hay ' Wool Sheep pelts • Lamb ekins Clover, per buss. - 040a050 050 a 050 200 a 225 O 50 a 060 O 1.5 a 017 O 14 a 016 •550 a 600 • .. 800a800 O 24 a 0 25 - 050a075 - 060a080 500 a 550 SEAFORTII MARKETS. SEAFORTII, Sept. 22, 1887, Wheat, spring, Red and whits Oats, • - Peas, Barley, Butter, -. Eggs, - Potatoes, • Pork, • Wool, • Flout per cwt • $0 73 a • 075 a • 0 28 a O 48 a 0 40 a O 14 a O 12 a' 0 GO a 5 50 a O 24 a 2 00 a O 80 O 80 O 30 O 50 0 50 0 15 6 14 00 6 00 0 25 2 25 BLS:TH MARKETS. Reported specially for NEW BRA erer,y Thursday Blyth, Sept. 22, 1887. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 75 a 80 Fall : new . 75 a 80 Oats Barley Peas , Apples per hag, Potatoes,' " Eggs per dol Butter,rolls . Cheese , Lard . Flour per cwt. Hogs, Hay, . Straw . Wool Hides per 10011.s. Sheep pelts Lamb pelts 27 a 30 44 a 50 48 a 50 40 a 50. 75 a SO 15 a 15 15 a 16 15 a 15 10 a 12 2 00 2 10 5 00 5 50 7 00 8 00 2 00 3 00 22 a 25 500 a 700 075a«106 075 a 1 00 (10OD MARE, WITiH COVERED BUGGY • nnd Harness for sale cheap, or will be sold separately. Apply to J. II, COMM LTRAY COW, -- STIRAYET) FROM THE premises, Clinton, shout Sept 14, a small Red and Whits Cow, pretty in appearance. Any person giving information that will lead to its recovery tcill be nuitnbly rewarded, ROR'1' DOWN, , CITRAY HEIFER—STRAYED FROM THE 17 river, on the London Road, a small two year old red Heifer, with white ring near the end of her tail. Any one giving. such inform- ation as will load to its recovery will be snit - ably rewarded. MRS. S. MORLEY, Clinton. ATOTICEI TO DEBTORS.—ALL PARTIES indebted to the undersigned either by note or book account, are hereby notified . that if the same Is not paid before the 30th day of September, their accounts will be placed in court for collection. This notice is final. JAMES STEEP, Clinton, HOUSE AND LOTS F011 SALE.—SUB- SCRIBER offers for sale the splendid Frame Hoose on Victoria Street, now occu- pied by 131r E. Snell.. It contains plenty of roots for fair sized family, stone foundation, hard and soft water, etc. The lot embraces , three fifth -acre lots, and has thereon a num- ber of 'beang fruit trees. Terms very rea- sonable. A. DODSWORTH, Clinton, HOUSES AND LOT FOR SALE, — THE undersigned offers for sale her houses i on lot 212, Rattenbury Street, near St. Paul's , Church. One of the houses is a small,-com- fortablo cottage, containing four rooms and ' kitchen; the other house has two storeys,and contains 12 rooms.I Hard and soft water.— Lot is oue-quarter of an acre, with bearing orchard thereon. They will be sold on easy terms of vaymont. 31115, FORBES, Clinton. In .n ry D Estate J. I-IOEOENB ROBERTSON! S Great C ash Store Literally cramed, from cellar to garet with Nice New Goods. SPECIALTIES FOR THE SEASON. •d Towelin gs, 5c. Cottons, 3c and 5c GreyFlannels,15c,18c & 20c Table Linens, 2Qc Gents Furnishings in great variety Dress Goods, 10c., 12c., &c Colored Cashmeres, 25c A beautiful Wool Cretonne :for 45t Goods to arrive this week. DRESS& MANTLE Marking a hobby With:us GreyCantons, 8,10,12 & 20c A fine lot of Fai<1cy Ribbons A. big iot ui Ready Macre Mantles expected this week, which will be sold cheap, as they were bought cheap. A fine assortment of Mantl e Boluisou Great Cip Cash Store, C1ti Millinery - Opening. .T DETLOR ' CO. NOTICE—E. KENNY HAVING SOLD HIS \ stock of Groceries to J. B. Crossen,.In- tends going to California in a few days, and requestsall parties to pay at once and save expense of collection And any one that has any account against him, will please hand in the same for payment. N,B,—I will not be responsible, for any debts contracted in my name after this elate. E. KENNY, Clinton.'' FAR11 FOR SALE.—THAT'F11IST-CLASS farm, lot 40, Hayfield concession, Gode- ricli township; comprising 80 acres, of which over 50 are cleared, about two. miles from Clinton, well watered, good concrete house, good frame barn, stone milk house, fruit house, &c., large bearing orchard. Apply to H. HALE, Clinton, or to the undersigned on the premises or by letter, T. WIGGINTON, Clinton'P., 0, Sept. 18, 1887. "4i RUTCHERINO BUSINESS — THE L'NDER- _JJ'SZGNED wishes -to intlma'to to trio people of Clinton and surrounding country, that in order 'to suitably meet the demands of his very numer- ous custorners, he has bought out the business of illr R Fitzsimons, and will carry on the swine, with the ohoisest meats in season. No pains will be spared to meet the wants of all, and he Hopes to merit and receive a fair share of public pat- ronage. Lowest prices for large orders. • Fann- ers' trade a specialty. ALBERT MAY. -AR -1I FO,Lt SALE.—PARI' OF LOT 31, lith con. of Goderich Township, contain- ing 40 acres, and also 20 acres on the opposite side of the road. On the 40 acres is a good Brick House with all conveniences, good Flame Barn, Stables, etc. Bearing orchard and plenty of water. All cleared and in good state of cultivation, 10 acres fall wheat in, about 8 acres fall plowing done and 10 acres seeded down. The 20 acres aro mostly bush. Will be Rohl entire on reasonable terms, MIRS W. COLCLOUGH, Holmesville P. O. PmCK HOUSE F011 SALE OR TO RENT —The undersigned offers either to. rent or sell the splendid, very convenient and well - situated ouse on Rattenbury Street, ogeu- pied by himself. It is a welt -built brick, con- taining.five rooms and closets downstairs, and the same 'upstairs, with a good cellar.— The lot is oue-quarter of an acre, with bear- ing or'eharcl, hard and soft water, with usual conveniences. 'Perms, either to sell or rent, very reasonable. It. FI'I'ZSIMONS, Clinton. fj10 TIIEILADIES — WHILE„TIIANKINC MY -L numerous lady customers for their patron- age in the past,I take this opportunity to inform them tha' in removing to Clinton, r hope to be more central in my work, to have better train connections, and do away with the necessity of canvassing Clinton. 1 aur prepared to fill orders on very short notico.and satisfactorily,in Ladies' Misses' and Children's Corsets, Shoulder Braces • and Supporters. Children's waists a specialty. Clinton ladies, who promised fall orders,please call when it suits and hove better satisfaction. Ifensall ladies please give orders to Miss Ihinter. Remember tho place, over Mr Ttvitcboll's store. E. J.COULTER, Clinton, Ani{ 10 *lin Great CENTRAL EXHIBITION l oder the ansldvoa r. t' ;Lr I1n11:•tt .1�;rictll• lnrnl ti n r .11,1/1` „ held ill ei 1 r 0 N Tuesday & Wedllesday,Sop,27.28 Over $1,000 given in prizes. 0,1 the afternoon of the second day of show the Indy riders will contest for a. special prize valued at S25, which in itself will be Worth the price of admission alone, OTHER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS." Shote will be open on the evening of the first day until 10 p in, Ad1111sa•lon, A(ltllts 15e. children Ile, O en end Admission, steencl do v, 2'rc„' Children lee. JOHN MASON, fres. N. 1(O1BSON, Scry WILL HOLD THEIR D 11111\flRl' —0 N— OPE_� PNESDAY, , Sept. 2 AND FOLLOWING DAIS OF THE WEEK. The Latest FALL and WINTER NOVELTIES. Tho Millinery department is under the managemett • of MISS FERGUSON, the popular milliner. Theit assortment of Mantle Cloths is immense MANTLES Cat free of charge. Dress and Mantle Making under the charge of MISS NOBLE. C. DETLOR Bc CO., Clinton WELL WORTH YOUR TO TAKE IN OLrII— e, MILLINERY OPENING I. ---0 N Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday —01'' NEXT WEEK.--- . We will Le pleased to have you call, that we may show you our goods, which we think Sen will pronouneo ('OMPLETE in Variety and (;orality, and eller you at right prices. All the LATEST STYLES in HATS, Newest Novelties in Trimmings AND THE MOST ACCOMPLISHED ARTISTES TO MAKE THEM UP ARL IN OUR STORE. 1887--FALL-1,887. New -mall —Goody HAVE ARRIVED AND New Dress Goods New Meltons New Velveteens New Evening Shawls New Cashmere Gloves New Cashmere Hose New Woollen Blankets New Bed Comforters New Grey Flannels New Navy Flannels New Wool Yarns OPENED UP AS FOLLOWS: New Fingering Yarns New Mantle Cloths New Mantle Clasps New Dress Buttons New Black Broche Velvet. New Blk. Gros Grain Silt New Black Merv. Silks New Felt Skirts New Canton Flannels . New Colored Flannels EVERYTHING NEW TO BE GOT AT S. WILSON, - CHEAPSIDE NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER dt SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. TWO HIGH ,IMS ONE TO MAKE OUR GOODS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY, THE OTHER TO 11EAKE OUR F.t'dURES TIM STANDARD, : OF : LOW : PRIORI These have been our constant aims for thirty-five' years past. It is NOT - SPASMODIC - EFFORT$ Which have accomplished this, but it is continued efforts. We k4' pleased the people, pleased ourselves and AIE,,RIT CONTINU7 SUPPORT. Let us' have it and we will show you If TEMPTING BARG,A►INE From one years end to another. We have full lines in all kinds of Boots, Shoes, slippers, Rubbers, cQc. • Andwe are confident that at no place can you find such a carefully se lected stock at such CLOSE SHAVED PRICES. Come morning, n(e or night and WE WILL DELIGHT YOU. • ' JACKSO N. S BARGAIN SHOE HOUSE, Opposite Town. Hall, Clinton Clinton refreshment Rooms BUSINES6 01-1ANG1-E C. •COLE having bought out the Refreshment Rooms of Mr. J. Atlderao desires to intimate to the public that he will ,continue the same in all i branches. He has just added a fresh stock of Confectionery, &c., which tvi ' be sold at lowest rates. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS KEPT IN SEASONt OYSTERS KEPT rN THEIR SEASON AND SERVED IN ANY STY$t . FRESH CAKES IMPORTED DAILY FROM TORONTO. tar TOBACCOS, CIGARS, 'PIPES, POUCHES, &c., Ss ()lose .attention given to burliness, and alt orders entrusted to him will • promptly filled. A trial respectfully solicited, Remember the stand, ni door to the Grand Union Hotel. O. COLE, - -• CLINTON. .Boots & Shoes Large stock of FALL GOO D to hand. Good value EGGS TAKEN IN EXCiHANGE. FIVE PER 'CI.NT OFF FOT1. CAS] W.TAYLOR ;SON; Clinton and 1y't1 . Beesleys Millinery Emporium. JACOB TAY ,011, Manager for Myth.