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The Clinton New Era, 1887-09-23, Page 3
iD1SY, 'S] PACE I l R 2&,' 5 7, ' 1Qad: acid they, .don.,'t. I1> ice to g ire �EK.414 # KL4PTOXA$J , C ,• v I 771 but 1.,790 pQilnda of coal. t4 their ,- 1�OAxAIG STORY I1o1v wOlAlaw>1 I1•l goblTE soo;lcr suss .. __. �y k4tilel,•sfgl<kWt ' ... „".._ - , t , `' ' p TOP. 8F.f5T. fOF TRADEsAfAII . ',X Pott S4 e` des atoli ea s :-- A3otheraI If q r 4l shters ore In 111 dND F,itlEklA. P Ilealt4. ur trQutv(,1Qdat•h ur PalQneae that ---" Moo, Ethel Qroswell, formerly of seemalneutahlea�t;tl4rysuttorrrQptsepe The.world 1 this town, buG no.v an English ver- Ful deb#Ilty,uerYQuar�n+,lpgitQk, vy6gkueaa. now how m q outs be su�pC9sehd to . .r lora of al�petlte,p N•ure ,, epee , botUn _ .. a y k p man i . there Iety actress to Buffalo, W. Y, has pf JohpeO#i s TQpfo Bl Lora And you wtlt.net are in pal#te society. , A ive•l known ier,ret the outlay The Tonic aptt Rer,eral CASTORIA, >ta,leo heir to $I00,000 by ly at a,, o1 this inedlefrie is dry goods man Hays be has a cuetorner troy tiiltrveIle a, a0ota.apdZ6lherhutLle, who steals about as #e ularl as she he death of a near relative in Fang- g Y at v orthingtRp's DrYK store. urcliases. He makes out a roe h 'land. Nettie is her stage aanie,and ,_ _...- P g estimate of her pilferings,and the bill she is said to be very pretty, a A HUMAN ELECTRIC is never disputed by her husband, _,_ blonde,about 20 years of age. ,Her BATTERY. who knows too well ►hat the demands - for Infants and Childrenra story is'that her father was a weal- _ _ are just. There ii a young married th8 manufacturer of cutlery in Eng- Anton Saverne,s Belgium cabin- woman in one of the wealthiest fami- ,.,osgi3Olliitssowellada land. When she was an infant her g_ lies, who can end a fortune a year ptedtotlLlldtentbs{ Aa�tefrla c°'" Co1IC, Clownpatl • etmaker, employed at gen8ing P y fr8commepdiLgaenperiortAaaypirecrlptio>; sour Btomach,Diarrheas, >0ructatioa. soother died, and four or five years ton shipyard and living all alone in on little things, and yet she will pick �„a�1Kd." �,4•, Axousx, M,D,� Kut. �Atrarms. awes steep. and prams ai' IWILter hiss father re -married. The up and appropriate the merest trifles. 111"Oxford SLI Brooklyq, N. Y. WttiiWli wMiow mediaa" the little frame Louse, 062 Schlea- She despoils her friend's parlor of • step -mother took a dislike to Ethel, wigstreet has the wonderful )Ower' T= CmNTAva COMPANY, 77 Aiurray Street, N. X , [ small articles. A work -basket is a - And -in ,many ways made the child of producing electric sparks by rub- happy hunting ground .for her. On11 very unhappy. Finally Mr Cros- bing his fingers. Saverne is a little an easy calculation she mast have , _ well to secure domestic peace and swarthy follow a'cout 40 years old, one hundred pairs of scissors. In any . secure his child from cruelty,, sent with a bushy bead of black hair, of the houses where site habitua.ly Ethel across the oceanin charge of a keen blue eyes -very rare among I calls, if needles, thread and thimbles • trustworthy nurse. The woman and his c untr nlen-aril ver small are missing, the enquiry s heard :- 8 Y Y 'Has Mrs --been hese lits morning?' her charge took up their home here, hands. His motians prove that he A Broadway baker to whose shop it :and the father sent thein a sufficient is excessively nervous,and his senses is the, custom for Uies to go to lunch - I( sum -for theii living expenses. It of hearing, sight and smell, as lie eon, has the family of this -kelpto-HOW EAN HE D,0,1T g was only a stipend, however, -$6 or assured a reporter of the Daily News maniac among his customers. He $7 per week. When EcLel reached yesterday, are unusually acute. His makes out his monthly bill for all the age of sixteen and becoming he leaves at the house, and then puts Is the question asked b ever bod when the hear that Rob W. g , • o petrents still live, on a farm in Bel- in the mysterious charge: : `Lunch y y y y o n of Pott Ho )e g its is selling a tired of the Mon to y, t , ium, near Brussels, and he is the Loss 25. h i Co s 1 ng She s in h habit f go- ,$ the o g she ran away from her humble youngest of a family of eleven chil- ing to the Broadway establishment, I . home provided �oi herself anll nurse, dren. eating a couple of dollars' worth and and after many hardships, finally 'I kuow not how I do it,' he said, then greeting the, cashier with an in - essayed to earn d living on the v:i'r- the etler evening, as, the reporter ventory.of50 cents' worths She will . iety stage. In this she was fairly saw slat ka shoot from Saverne's fin- smilingly point out doughnuts and successful. A abort time ago the " l crullers and an occasional.' ginger WATCH g ger. The cabinetmaker rubbed his snap as having formed her meal; • stepmother died, and accordingly as finger tips rapidly.oup and down upon. . whereas, she has steadily eaten her 1 there were no other children, Miss his pantaloons' Then, holding his way round the shop, 'munching 10 2,75' Croswe)1jis 'the only natural heir t0 hand out, with the fingers widely cent tarts and 15 cent eclaires. It laer father's property, which will extended, jets of tiny 'yellow flames would never do to let her loose in the probably not fall shoat of the fi ores wine cellars, as the trusting Dublin11 p y g or long spluks slot out. They seem wine urlla keepers trusting with their That will good time. Call and be will ex ]lain. stated. ed pt,opelled by surae unseen force, customers. There are many places in P g } ten or twelve • inches into the air, honest old Dublin where • you take HER PATII&R'S WORDS when they vanisheJ. Tile right y°our glass and go by yourself to the SPECT®G O Fitted by'the latest improved set of test lensp, and to CAME TRUE. hand appeared more charged with moldy olds obwe bed cellar surround- suit Itny sight. electricity,if the sp•ir'11s ate electric, ed by, casks on whose bead you can . Leonard H. Wager, a well-known than tim left. The Inmp in Saverne's read the legend of their vintage. You young man of Troy, eloped from front roe there are only two go ba your selection, aelp yourself, New York with Nellie Nugent, the Y go back to the simple landlord in the r , roouls in the house -was put out,so little tap room above stairs, tell him pretty daugbter of a contractor of that the sparks umy be seen in all what you have drunk, have a settle - that city. The father, motber and their brilliancy. It was a wonder- ment and go your way. Our New R V \� C OATS Clinton. sister of Miss Nugent followed her ful sight. Again :and again (lid the York lady would spend an afternoon ' to Troy and tried to induce her to busby -headed Belgium rub his fin. sampling, come up plum full of return home with then]. She was at gess and holdthem out, while tiny Lachryma Christi, and tender the ,,Wager's mother's bouse, and Wager showers of bright sparks P arks darted out deluded Boniface the price of one g glass of cider. ,, , had introduced°her as his wife. Mr as if from toy firei'vorks. A dressmaker was selling of her Nugent made it charge of larceny 'I wits not always so,'said Saverne troubles. A wealthy lady was shown of a watch against his daughter, when lighting with his finger the lnnlp into a parlor, the other day, and left other efforts failed to persuade bev and his black pike, filled with vil. for a few minutes to herself. Just NEW w before this visit another customer• had to leave Wager, and went to the lininons tobacco, at the »ante tinto. , house with -in Officer. Wager, Who '`Vhen I was Sick ter] ears ago, it brought some rare lace t0 use in the ,,,•uaF was not resent at the first inter- 3' g manufacture of a ball dress. This P was I world die. I lay verywas carelessly thrown fnto'theupper -111 R view, then appease I and called Miss weak one night in my father's house, drawer of a cabinet. When a few Nugent out of the room. Wager and when there. catne up a storm. Such f minutes later, it ryas brought to the the girl then left the home b} a thunder and lightning I never knew I was brought to the workroom, the 11 . rear door, entered a carriage, and before. • And Illy body, had such forewoman sent word that the quan- _ ..... 11.11, , " '.. STOCK were driven to .a 'winister's house, queer sensations. While 1 lay cov- city ivas inuufiicient for the design, . where the were married. Airs and the owner %vas notified. The lady _ . • Y erect alp with bedclothes, my mother came promptly. She had measured' Wager then refused to return to ,yet holding }]t r face in her bends by the lace herself, bought it herself,and •1t;5'r RECEIVED A LARCF STOCK OF - New York, ant} her father left, tel my sidle, arc} I sftmed to feel a if there were five yards to the bad, it . her she would rive the day of thousand needles pricking my limbs had been taken in the house. Buq � � , .(0�b,COOKINGaii�H[iATING,�TOY�'s l .}1 r foolish• act. His words have gild chest and rules of toy feet. It that was impossible, urged thecome true. Savelal of het relatives dressmaker; as no one had been in the �was he so painful, for queer thrillsvisited 6i _syn. Fridqy at her resi- room but Mrs—, and not one of the �_ ---- came with-.e�'Hry prick, an when eanploy(•es: `,Say-nc-snore' laughed - Y -, , 1 ,�T dence, aril when flies left she ac- the thunder trolled away alit] the the owner of the lace. We know car THE RTST 'MAN1' 'MANUFACT'URE, RE AND LATEST i 1TTE' i 5 - eon arced thein to it hotel and stay- Y- ruin atoliped; I rose illi; leaned "baclr -where tate lace f�. ,'dt`Iv1rN-=baa been 11- " --" ed ove night. It is said that ar- and put on.t my band to take that in its neighborhood.' The poor dress- Also an immmense stock of LAMPS of all range were made to haveWager o£ Illy mother's. 3Iy eyes were °raker had her eyes opened to many a descriptions, t from 2JC. each 11IJwA rC1S; in- si n certain paper on Saturday, but petty loss since the kleptomaniac had rr g I F Y, closed, and I beard Ler cry: clttciin the L•elebr�tecl Rochester Lemli for when the party returned to Wager's 'Anton.' J I favored her with h,r custom, but she ' house he was not there. However, , had a good deal of nerve. She took W11iC11 NP, arP. SOIL; agents. What,' I gnsped. the remnant of lace and rode in a RCCNE8TIR. _ _ Mrs Wager and hot- husband agreed 'Your hand.' Fifth avenue stage to Fiftieth street. } _ . to separt-Ae, and she has gone back 11 lo'lked at'it. Tho .one nearest She, was admitted to the august pre- .tilso COAL and WOOD FURNACES.— to her father's house in'Ne•v York. to her. It -was aflame. God pre- 'sence on that August afternoon, and p Sole abent for Harris' Celebrated Furnace, The elopement and the subsequent serve. I was terrified. M cry she said site thought -in fact, she marriage was the result of a seaside Y Y knew -five yards of lace belonging to 1namift1Cturetl by Gurney c4L Co., Hamilton. g brought my father- and sisters to Mrs Smith had been inadvertently flirtation. the room. They looked at me in wrapped up with the piece of Mrs FULL LINE GENERAL HARDWARE HE WAS RELIEVED DESPITE borror. I took my other hand from --dress that Mrs—bad carried it __ HER SUFFFRIN'HS - ' shot from the fingers of Illy left: .1lathilde, her purcha'•e clerk, hid S. n�"' I:`,, - L,4 JE, ']i , Soon they died away; but I have I been in the room of the parlor and . THE AIAMMOTH 1I.'ARDWARE ANI). STOVE HOUSE. Over in Petosk,y, Mich.,, a lady lust to roti my )lands as ypu have seen lira—gather up the pieces of rubbed phosphorous on her bunion, silk and lace, of .course, wholly by _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ .- _.__. _ _ _ _ _ seen tend the light comes. mistake. So .the thief, rofessin • presumably to ease the• pain, and professing __ _ __ __ _ then retired to her Clown couch, Saverne told of the hardships astonishment at her carelessness,went - y - _. . brought upon him -by this singuiar ofl Aad found that: such an' accident -_ _ Along in the. night, 'her husband, faculty. The neighboring p who was a drinking man b the easants had really occurred, handed over the _ Y in Belgium avoided him and told lace, and there the matter ended. - thought he saw a fiery, eye -" - - y' g Y Y awful stories of his being in league New York Letter: - 11 - -- staring at bin, He imagined that with the devil. Alen would not hire. ..--__- p - �- he ,saw a frightful winged mon him to plow or in harvest time. His 13EADACIIE BILIOUSNESS. - 8RGQ3 = - . stet with one blazing eye star- "Whenever I feel out of sorts, bilious, • ing at him, and after standing it as own family clung LO }lira, but the niv liver not worktngrigbt, orracked with 1 ' yon as be could he decided to kill farm was small and he came to this n headache, I take Dr. Chaae's LiverCure• g s There is more real benefit from one doseDoNd1COtlntry fire years are Hetes h© of our Liver Cure than in Mau bottles of I ic(lflb(pdacl�s.tl. lasses it. Slowly be reached under the y y Jlearne.rtbe cabinetmaking trade and some medscinea.' -John MoNaaaer, Boud bed till he found Lis boot jack, and b H!tad. For sale by Dr. Worthingtyn. n after spitting oil his hands lie whaled got employment at finisliing ship ill- • THE BEST I N U S E teriors. But, when leis companions awn Thenext moment his nor 74-1 � y' P saw his faculty, 01 infitrility, they "I LORIE S )pictacles ad Eyojlia-33 t C . ,,,� wife gave a yell that nearly lifted , PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. l 'f+� l �� �` V0at him out of bed, but when he found treated him coldly. His ignorant _ she true'state of affairs be was im- neighbros in Schleswig street regard Oscar, Wilde is a warn admirer of CALEDON I A Mineral Water Aerated. mensely relieved, even though she him as possessed of an evil spirit. Mary Anderson. has been- obliged to go on crutches Saverne's electric fingers are the Mark Twain will be 52 years of age eT,�1EFS H. C11 4c> 3�� )f'i. curse of his existence.-Philadel- in November. ever since. ilia -News 'JIiEN11ST AAD DHUGCiIST, CLINTON, ONT'. t — P Charles Dickens, s',n of the great WHY HE WAS BOUNCED. FACT:? FOR TE. IPERANCE, novelist, will sail for America. ,n Oc- __._ ___-__-_-_..___._______._... .._ ..-._--. _- __ _.__._ . • . 11 __ tober 9th. 111011. ,' said a Centre ave- At rhe-7ne6tim; of the. Dominion Rev. E. P. Roe, the popular hove- j'�� r 'WellU nue man, as he arrived home early Alliance in Toronto, last week,ll2ayor list, arrived lar_t week with his wife C E i V T RA L G R Q°C F� R yesterday' afternoon `Hver thing Howland declared that those who say and family..at Cornwall -on -Hudson, y y , Y 01 that more whiskey is drunk ander After two years absence in California. P• IR "-3B,S` "I"I �li�1J1(1. ,- seems against p3. Last week the the Scott Act than before lie. anti The. ll?80U raised fora cottage for baby had the whooping cough, and figures prove it.. Takirg the convic- Walt Whitman has been forwarded now Eliza Jane has got the measles tions for drunkenness in the counties to 'tile good gray poet.' Algernon The subscribe+• has bought out, the Stock of P.11 obi, consisting of and worse'than all, I paint got no in which the Scott Act %vent into force Charles Swinburne did not subscribe t , y y r , y job.' oil May 1, he showed that they nu:n- to the fund, GROCERIES,(�.k OCKERY,GLASSWA,RE+ tiered tibr,ut 2110 while there were 500 'How is that,' asked the wife, `I convictions for the same offence in 91iaa Kate F. Kimball, whose name thought you Lad a- steady job driv- 1884. This proved there was less is a household word among the 100,• Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to of at the very clos- ing Lightweight dt Co's coal wagon.'` drunkenness. The convictions whe a 000 members of the Chatauqua circles est pritea Patronage respectfully solicited. All ordetsd 'And so' I thought, ba;you can't the Scott Act was not adopted showed in her capacity as Secretary of the promptly filled. Rooms to let. , most always generally tell,' he re- an increase. In 1884 there were 22,• university, is still a young woman in , U48 convictiona in these laces while her twenties. plied. P _.,.�__ H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. 'Was it because you didn't work in 1886 there we -e 23,011. He could • IN.not understand the marvellous weak- T . - nese of men who believe the misstate- �F,STING FACfS RF,SHLY labor day, when you joined in the grade with the rest of the boys,' GLEANED. �} P �' 1 merits made by the liquor men. He _ t r: �+, �$ continued she. V bad a belief that when he had :ess of By a stew process a thousand shades k� r ,JI ®IVI ! ST. THOMAS 'No 1, notl0ng of the sort. The a thing he had less of it. (Laughter). of color can be printed at once, - ��� He could not see Low men could be- y �WWHITE BRONZE MONUMENT CO � firm said I was a f,iithful driver,and The business of Savannah has fall 'A.;'P they hadn't one word to say against Neve that there was more litluor en off Id,000,000 the past year, _� 0, the services I rendered.' drunk when the Government returns - abowed a great falling off in the con- An immense number of rubber ( . t, � wf `'i'Len how camp it abort that euriiption. The consumption of beer, trees have been discovere,l beyond the �- �� ,,t ST.THOA[AS, ONTARIO. they discharged yon 4 wine and spirits in Canada was 3l Carabaya Valley in Bolivia. ,t, V` �)"T� "They said they couldn't afford gallons per brad per annum, the In 1841 26,000,000 Britisbers used ^t'r'Z;';'' R.�1i - to kPPp me -that they were losing smallest of any tlountry in the world. 23,000,000 pounds of tobacco, Now ", ' E`j;`,`r. I The mllyBrouze Fohhll- . the price of two or three toms of The people'of British Columbia con- 87,0)0,000 use 53,000 000 pounds. r tc. a ��ir 1 sumer] 7$ gall'�na more than twice P `I� v. � �� r , c.al a day every day I stayed with The peanut harvest in Virginia is I . � rf dry ill the i}omlillioll. the average for the whole of Canada estimated at 1 600 G0' .. r_ '"� them, and that b°siuesa was Susi because the were a ru n ridden cam- , bushels, and r.,,,+ ness and the couldn't afford to eat• Y nine peanut factories clean and sort I ri"t l' �4.if Y munity In Ontario the average was 1 . ,,�. �,. er to any sentiment or nonsense.' 4} gallonQ. In Manitoba and the the nuts for market, ,a*,1ili1 - 'Well, I don't see what they northwest it was 2,1 gallons the north- • John Hill, the Norwegian King, %_ " ..;";..,;- . t _ could be driving at,' west being subject to a prohibitory of Grundy county; Ill., cancelled his • . _1,. , 1 ' rod?' Oar material is endoreed by lead - Yon see it is this wn Moll law. 1❑ Quebec, which was largely contracts with farm tenants at $4 cast N u fi ^ `11,1 inyl acien•tists as being practically ' y' y' under parish prohibition, it mus 3 rent per acre, and will take in lieu p p j imperishable. 'It cannot absorb c�,tl is going to rise pretty quick. allons, In New Brunswick, where half of the corn they ^ raise, which , g nnist•1re• and c'inserl'lently is not Well, then old Lightweight weighs 10 out of 18 e,unties'h id adopted the will not be much. affected by the fr0et. rile on the livor s seat with a load Scott Act it tvaa II. In Nova Scotia, , colony of negr0es is going to . of coal, I dept ro: "h only 112 lbs., still more largely under the Scott Act, Shasta, Cal,, to sett'e on 7,000 acres Send For Designs and Terms to e ,rntnds (n it was 11 gallons, and in Prince Ed• of land above Shingletown, which has a Id so hebas.to put 1,Qb1, t,- ward, wholly under the Scott Act, it bean purchased for that purpose. The ,,, the cart to snake the scales balaut,l "4 a little over three-quarters of a co'a�1st3 will go under the leadership �'V .M. GIFFIN, for a ton, an(,] so he's gone and hired h"' . of a minister named Petty, . b, f a new drivHt who weighs 230xfounds gallon. --it- - r*,ry for Piteher's Gastoria: C LIN �3M And they weigh him with every Chiidrork �,.. .. 0 - . . et 1 rl fit 'q1,.y., , - ,.� _ ..:.,. ..... , .. .,.. •4,.. Y, 11-11. -_. -11 .11 1. . �i► INK11,114 H INIURSrEit i1T. +'r ra R vI a t.tsr. ,, <, .. That is to vAy, your: ludko, A ;BR>T1T At,U*O;IA k7L'1�7'FAF.'I'IiEEb 14040. your breaThlDg �macbtnery.� Y, .'tOf11Vas. Si'ItL't l?. St t)TOI Aonderful machinery It ill, $ oR AND )�tiT1iAl:11A,N VIN.1% the lhrger air -passages but the t;L(1•, Tn& L,AUP4 Or Wniqu WE MAILS A gPE4lALTY, of little tubes Anct e4vitleale LARGE STOCK ON ing__from them. ' Wit 11R. 91Q en these are clogged AndQluils with matter wbfab ouglit #nut. to The above ornamental trees and abrubbery wq there, your lungs cannot half del tli be avid at very low prices, and those wailtiu, ,work, w AUd what they dQ they QRnl anything hr Chia connection will nave 140110 by her well. purchaemg Gall it cough, croup, pneumo" Orders b ltfail will a ro7n tb a¢teftd y p y catarrh, consumption or any of. t ed to. Address, familyi of throat and aoi a and be JOHN STEWART, Benmillern and lung obstructions, all are: . All ought to be got rid of Ther.. IMPORTANT NOTICE just one sure way to get rid of aha. That is to take Boachee'e filer R1,ZONES, OLD RUBBERS, IRON ETC. Thosedue . Syrup, whicrh any, druggist will a oallthlsconcerns. subscriber last year's accounts are requested to prepare their truck after t'ie nvtioe, to pay up when he you at 75 Cents a bottle, E.veIl everything else has failed you, y calls, without pressure. I having been under may depend upon this for certain. , the doctor's hands, need all dues to meet liabill- ties, and will take all sof is of truck to settle A for horse. well as all eatables man and ilrM MARTIN, Pedder, Clfntoo, June 14, 1887. THE MERCHANTCs' C FARMS FOR SALE. �_ P10t6dir8 & Co118ctiog Associati FARM IN FOR SALE. -LOT 34 — OF CANADA — Office, Hamilton, Out. Con. 0. -Good place, , good buildings, and good locality. Come and see it. Will be euld ESTABW8118,,B 1834. cheap. W,N.MCMICHAEL, Constance P.O. 4 Is an ARsociation of buainess and professic men, having for its object the JOARM TO RENT -FOR ONE OR A TERM -' A of years, parts of Lots 4 and 76, Bayfield COLLECTION OF DEBTS Concession, Goderieb Townsbip. About 130 acres clearance, good buildings, bearing or- And to prevent its members nrakin r 1 b lad d by turn[shing them with fiats chard, abundance of water, One mile from of part les wh Bayfield and 8 from Clinton. Apply at once, not pay, . on the premises, Lot 4, or by letter to R. on .the re Bayflold. tit Merchants and others having nec•Ouilts to eel andwishingto become members, by remit• IIOUSEANDLOT'FORSALI-TI,IATVALU- St ,to our Managers, Humiltun, tiff„ w•itl ric by return mail, full particul,ua,certiflcat ABLE and conveniently situated property of nlenibenhip, te.---_.:. owned by'Mr Jelin Callander• being lot 188, on the north side of Horan St. The house has suit- - - • I.B.HILLs tSt CU Blanu :ta, Hsoli It able accommodation for large' family, with all conveniences, such as hard and soft water, etc. Good stable on the lot, Further particulars on , Or to IAS.THuh(p:UN, ? _crit, Clint application to MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton. - ___ - _ - CLINTUN FA RM FOR SALE. -THAT WELL SITUATED farm of 75 acres, being lot 29, coil. 7, Hullett, 1, ULOUi� `fi �; E t'. R) !; TO 7 is offered f(1J• sale. Sixty acres cleared and in V good state of cultivation; fairly well fenced, good water, frame house, frame barn, bearing subscriber The subscriber having vin bought out -the. orchard, &c. Situated five miles from the town of Clinton. Will be sold on reasonable terms. ineaB of Jan p, will ematinue, same 1n till its bratio es, gild by C Apply on the promises to GEORGE WESTCOTT, Clinton P 0 •4i 31 attention to thewanis of his clistonlcie, courteous treatruent ro all, he hope merit and receive a share of publie pat; FARM NEAR CLINTON FOR SALE-TIiAT choice farm of 70 aures, part of lot six, in the Huron Road Con„ Goderich Township. within age. He will ke0 ) ill atcck Roller I9our, Grabs i No r, Oatu rolled and granulated, Rarleymeal, C two miles of Clinton station. Frame house of meal, coareo andfire, treatYacked �trh seven rooms. Good frame barn 60 x 45, Two good wells. Farm in drat -class condition: Also a Rolled \Irhea,tFarina 1Z h of Bar large and choice young bearing orchard. TERMS Split Puns, Buckwheat four,. VRRY BABY. This is a chance seldom' offered, dye., &o Apply to H. HALE, Clinton, or to the under- signed on the premises, W.FENTON, Clinton P.O ALI. KINDS OF CHOPPED FEED everything usually 11011t; in a ftrst-c ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT IN MORRIS F store. Farm Produce taken in excha d a Goods doliverenywlioro fn town. Pr -For gale part of N l 7, con 7, containing 50 acres, about 40 acres cleared, balance hard wood tho vory lowest ROBERT FITZSIMONS, and Cedar. Good buildings, orchard and water. Four miles.from Beigrave and ave from Blyth, Terms to salt purchaser. not sold for next A crop will be rented for a shoo rt term to an actual �IBenne res idontofthe township. For further parLfculars ft i on tbb premises, or address to ROBERT ylil ' M(; RKINDALE, Belgrave. •11x4 .M FARM FOR SALE -THE SUBSCRIBLR OF- SERA for sale that most eligibly situated farm . —'1•]l E LI:A DING-- on the 2nd con of IN lett, formerly belonging to the M.11.1len estate, It centrists of .50 uerts, nearly all cleared and in a splendid state of ci ltf- vation. Fine brick house, barn with stonestal,le orchard, failingwells,and inL Mhbeneath, good quer every respect a good farm. Situate only 3 nn:ee from Clinton. NVill be Nuld on remonable terms, w'th or wfthotut the crop. 1^ull particulars un ap- . plicatiun to Awrimlt COUCH, Cliutmi. -: P.X D 'Ll OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. -A FRAME L_1 House with two luts on Victoria street, near Cane's old hotel, belongfug to the estate of the late John StRphenson, is offered for sale. The EMBALMU house is comparatively new, wttb nine roomsand stone cellar. .On the lots arwhard tmd soft water, stable, &- c., The property is advaritage- 1 • ously sftnated, and will he sold on reasop,ahle terms. apply to either JOHN STEPHRNSON, C01, tililitton. Clinton, or G. SWINBANK, Londun Road. h,ARK FOR SALE -SUBSCRIBER OF FF.Rs for sale his farm of 14,3 acres, being — - _ ' lot 47, Maitland coil., Godorich township. The BEST.' of EGYPTIAN About 125 ncres cleared, and in hood atate of culuvati011, b,Llanre gond hardwood FLUIDS used in EM .hush, well fenced, stood orchard, plenty of water. Frame house nod baukbarn.stable, &c. Situate about six" miles from town of Clinton, and convenient to church and Alar a assortment of ever thin g Y sebool. Will be sold oil reasonahle terms. in the Undortuking lino. bull partieulars on application. D. BAS- KERV ILLE, on the premfaes orUlinton Ro " FA ors for Alo )its iE m. bean IGNED for sale hiB farm, being lot 67,E Red Rocker Store, Clmtoa offers Maitland Concession, Goderleh, township, eoutailliug 73 acres. About 65 are cleared," t. and uearly free from stumps, in good state of cultivation. The balance is good hard- RESIDENCE, ORANGE S wood bush, mostly beech and maple, On NEAR METHODIST CHURL the prerolsea are a fraule house nearly now, a Sauk barn, a good supply of water, aid also an orcharli. The pi•uperty le eitu- -ars ,R jjj��� ,aiies--foll.thlltrtremi ekl�i foil par ticulara a ply on the pt•emisca, or WM. BAKER, Clinton P.O. �JJ J{J ty--.1�� U hARA FOR SALL.-'t•IIAT WELL-KNOWN — . Whitely form, lrciug nut Iii, con, 17, Goderich toweship, Buse fine, Suuunerhdl, four miles Prom Atter being thoroughly overhauled and'ro- with NEW 11LACiIINF.HY of the most aper Ctintmy qn glad gnivel iv.10. -'I'tie•farm contains Cgo 1 "t'll" 70,:.Lar,•U:,nd in g6'1 tz tEef cultlVatletl, kinds, these inilly are nnw• in splendid run older, and will nm be surpa•sed in the quali the remainder gm,d hardwood hush ; there are 15 acres of fall wheat and all (fill ploughing done; the work done, by any will in the mount there are two wells and rat ever -flowing spring, good orchard, frame�'iffi71F35•x 55, stable 16 x 35, frame house 18 26 five I ^^ jjff (n�}} (n1 Spec SpUUIaI 'ril'tEil'li(I11 (�(i�'�ii to GR1ST1 new x with rooms up stairs and 4 rooms down stairs, and -a kitchen 14 x . . 23; there are two churches school and grocery, all within flue minufee walk. Possession given at any time to suit purchaser, For particulars CHOPPING DONE ON SHORT NOTIC s enquire at NEW ERA Office orof DIESSRS,DIAN- NTNG & SCOTT, or of the proprietor, on the,pre• Satisfaction guaranteed. Parties w•antitig raises, L. MANNING, Summerhill P. O, _ thingwhntevcr in this lifts will f rid it to interest to give u4 a call. FARM FOR SALE --THAT SPLENDID Farm of 100 acres, being Lot 37, con. 2, E. HUBF.R, Proprief L. R. S,, of TnckersmiLb, is offered for stile _ Oil reasonable terms, with Kood buildings, HURON AND 'BRU frame barn, 40x60, stable 24x36, sheep and Carriage 11 11 11Be. 16x46, good 1'.¢ story, 24x36 frame house and kitchen, 70 arses under i 0 ,11 Ci p, Inve,rtmeut L 111 cultivation, 20 acres cleared but not brok- — an en ; 10 acres good hardwood bush. Well- watered, having three of the best wells in This Company is Loaning Money' Huron county,Good bearing oreharo, Farm S,•curity at Lmre.st h'ate's situated 2% miles from the Village of I.aen-4. Brucefleld, and C from the Towns of Clin- ton and Senforth respectively, there ig a splendid gravel road past the front of the Premises. Particulars and terms elven on application to, APPLETON ELCOAT, ,11OR1'GAGES - , - PURCIIAS Brucefleld P.O., ox SAMUEL CR1CH, Cllc- _ ton. P. O., or NI:w ERA OFFICE. DAVID ELCOAT, Ontario P. O., Call fornia. SAVINGS BANK BI'LANC -- --- --- -- 8, 4 and 5 per Coa. Interest A11 PROPE.IZTIES FOR SALE, on DrpositN,ac,:e,rding to a.nnount Thd rut criber is desirous of retiring from and tine Irft, — aetive work, and offers for gale on eery reasonable terins, the following excellent properties in the OFFICF, -Cm oer of Df ar4et 8.1nare,wid Nor HORM E HORTON, town of Clinton. Five and one-half nereR on Victoria Terrace, all DiANA Ooderich, Aulrtlat tib 1.85 planted ont as a market.garden, in.splendid.on er. ---.-- Good house, stable, three cellars, &e ,au excellent place for its purpose. Just across from the above, one and one-half -• , ____ Q 00:W ncres, with frtlfttrees, hr,use, barn, &c., thereon. co Also two-fifths of nn acre on Tetorin St., with house and stable thereon. *_ , = Also small house and one quarter acre lot on f Dill Street. Full particulars on application J ALLANSON, Clinton: - .Z I.-4 ROBERT ]DOWNS, CLINTON,Z 111111111111111111111111� W . �:. CA Manufacturer and Proprietor fair the beet Anw ill Dom in uRe. Agent for the sale and appll(,atlon of the AWFISUER PATBNT AUTOMATIC w beM n= ' 00 'BOILER CLEANRR. STEAM FITTINGS furnished f M C and applied oil glr)rt notice Boilers, Engines. and rail hinds of I , . Q . L1J rZ MPMF- Machinery repaired ewyeditiontaly andIn a sarisfaetory manner.R --- - n Righ t t`l the Froil Farm implements., mnnufactured and repaired. " Steam and Wnter Pipes furnished anti put in pnsftmn. Dr}, Kllns fitted tip on spplieralon. CHOICE SERD OATS anif CLO* Charges moderate. and h'IAiOTHY !TEED FOlt It' L I C)1, T -1-V0 .V Parties A,anting such should call early, I also prepared to pay Iflh' Rt market price in Planing A Mill for putnt,(s. He 1, Rtla to be found , I the aid Rtnnd, >1�URQ1N ST., CLiNTf>i W;tll a (ill' late of —AND—. Floirl Feed aid Vwtabl DRY R I L N I I'(IIiF SUBSCRIBER HAViyG JUST C0D1• Of the bent qualities, whleh he will sell at lowest rnnnniornticc prlrr R to nil who may f nlm with a call, Hfa at,,ek brcludea FLO L PLBTED and (urni4ed his new Planing Mill witLmachineryo4 the lntestim�rnve<ipntterne, tg now prepared to attend to all orders in his CHOP, -,]toll BR.1\, 0.1T3 PEAS, I rrLgD,GRAAA,NI FLUI'lt,CitAeKED WHE ',Ell , line in the most prompt and satisfactorymanner, ORA$ULATED 31.1,! and STAND and at reasonhble rates. Ile would also retort OATDItIAL ani] CORNY K'R, all kinds of V tables, TURRET, Sit LI, alt of which hetwill thauks to all who patronized the nid firm before they wore burned out, and now being in a bet. for ensh or vmr" grafi s. IlRAN, $11(" for positimi to exeeuto orders expeditiouRly, F11013 It by the ton or .,t. rind at mill prices, All nrtle# feels ennadont ho can give Rntlsffietlmi to all, charttn within the eor� ' FACTORY' -Near the Grand Trunk L•o"Grorl trnn.ls ' Railaray, C,lintr.il. THOMAS 1ieRENZ1E