The Clinton New Era, 1887-09-23, Page 14, . Z, .'_,�. . TWE NTT-TF94DNV-A,R. I NVAQ10 NU14604� J - � , , — I 1--_-._---____-__ __ ­---- ­­ _-111- 11 I _,,­--;­_­­­­-­­. ­ ------- --- —w-mr- 7-7— � "M — -- —__ I . I .1 . � . . I 1, I � I 1. . I . .1 . � . . . I � . I I I ", ­�..=,A­.­��,�,','tj ­�_��­�Z . . . . 11 . , -, ­ .� - ��;�r.=�C;�, il- r-1 .��,r . , - _: Ir ___:,�p 1. "_�. � �� e�!,;Z��,. ­­� _�:=­ ­,!. - , , - I . ;� . . , -, - � ­ -:-.1--'. ___ __ . . IV ! i - n. ­ ­t� . ­ 11,.-_ %. I - , _­ � (, I I I ?I I �; I � � . . I 1, . . . .. . .1. � I I :!, � . - " � I li ; .� , CLINTON, ONT., SE PTENIBER 23, 1887. : lto-U.V-�,"',,��tU,�-fi ,, � � - 1'011940 : � I . I . � I , 1, � I. ,. . � � M,401'. . � — - I . I I , . 1. � I . ­ I � � .,_F I �­ - - . . . . I I . .. I - � __ I . . . - - I ,_ , " ­` _' I - I —_ �� . I W � ' " L' - ,, ­ . I --.1.-1 .. I 114tri � Wrq.xOer, -G .&C Al -W I no, school will lie built Ili the vicillity . . � � Tr=­�� X - . , . ��. b WIRY" ,.. Go4terich Towilsillp. Golfllerieli. Hornsl'... .,4rJt.,AL1N . VII$ITIXQ.—Xr a4j�*,y%Albert Brown, ACMENT.—Mr. R. McLeod, formerly TEA MEETING.—The Base line Baptist Miss Austin, guest of Miss Downing - - 1"'ORE ArJER AT. ltV,$T; . _ - of Dunlop, and will be composed of tba�j 0 1 ! Of Kingston, are visl4ing at John Mar. organ manufacturer in London, and church was filled to Its utmost, on Mon. returned home on Wednesday, Mr H. 11111, of 1110lett, tile vivage ana the farms surroun — i i . tWP- Allas ElleakDa-da, of Arthur, is since for years engaged in the timber day evening, on the occasion of the an- A Fruit 80ciftl IWUS V ding it. De ,� � Ath's Dealioxigs Del)Ictotil., .. Visiting f I d ' - ,Ivan ill the in. %'Ictlitk this Time. I I rien 0,-J,p--.tIk­ lace. Mr An- trade with Messrs. S. C. Kennedy &Co., anal tea, meeting. Thepistorltev.John terests of the Y. P. A. Zf Victuria. St,on _ Mr. F. D. Hutchison, who latis ' taught in section No. 1, Hallett, for , During the past week Deittil .h dreiv Ri, ITHFIS Lizzie Rich. Toronto, while climbing a lumber pilp Gray, filled the chair, and good addresses ,Monday eve. I 4 ; . St4s, of Detroi - it Mich., were visiting at at Wroxeter last Friday a loose plank were delivered by the. Revs. J.I estle, E. On Priday last a young man, between upwards of live year,s, intends to leave claimed several persou� Ili thia neigil .� 1C the age of 28 and 32,aud giving the name at the'ena of the year. We understand borhood. The first was Miss Map the homestead ; bur Andrew returned to gave way, causing him to fall, on his S. Rupert and J. J. Crookshanks. Mrs D Morrow is moving into the . I . The ,Mail house recently owned by Mr It. of MoGray, arrived in Clinton, and giv- he has taken a larger school in Grey *cher, who died at the residence at I . Uncle S%m's any I'lleti4v 0 side on the hard, uneven ground, fractur- choir of the Clinton Baptist church fur. Ing Out that he was a horse buyer, pro- township, at a higher salary. Mr. br ,, .,y,to attend t At. , . I ! We duties its li�g6i!ge agent fit Detroit ing two ribs and otherwise badly bruis. felled excellent m.asia for the occasion, Radcliffe oil St. pataich's SC " cured a rig from Beattie 0L Ross (which other, on the 501 coll.,-of Halletf; ., i depot. . ugh the injury is not and all present spent- &-yary--enj ya Mr Walwin, of Victoria (,,a .,q , . . . ing him. Altho liege, has Hutchison is all energetic and pains- Thursday last. She had not. beeil -J. I . - o hie been hired as ,It supply for North fit, be never paid for) and went out into taking teacher who neglects It good health for a Ion � 1. . GRAVELLING.—The contract takell by serious, Mr. McLeod will be confined at time. ? othing . g time, and 4e4l "� Albert Tbwle of giavelling 140 rodH of home for three or four weeks. He wi; a church, until next conference. Hallett presumably to ba� horses. Fri- that will promote the advancement of was really a relief to or. I lin night brought him to the residence his pupils. � taken to Londan on Saturday by the Ur Btraitoii, station agent, is slowly 4 . Dtiingannon. of . r Thes. Mason, oil the base line,and . Mr John Marquis, of Goderich tOw4 feelinga able for the . a The semi-annual institute meeting of ' ' 'his week received a tiilegrelra Ili West Huron, will be him' of the death of hiseousin task alone, entered into negotiations proving his residence by putting a new Rev Jag Hannon,President of Guelph held in the'High School, Goderich, on ah'P a I our town line was completed oil Tues' London, Huron & Bruce Line. BUIEFS.-Mr. B. J. Crawford is im. taking the place until his recovery. and remained there all night.' 'Next the teachers of ". - day. Albert, not recovering. 'Art- Holme , of Acton, is he accepted of thin person's hospitality .. , for -in with Fergus Molnues,who bit; assisted Ifullett. . fence around; t. -Mr. A. Sproul is also Conference, preached Ili day among Other Places he visited the Ri.h.rgd Marquis, of Logall townsbip . lorth St. -iday and Saturday, Oct. 7th and 8th, Perth. . ­ greatly Ili pusbing"Cho work forill to BuiuFs.-Jas. and Ed.Tighe are home im roving hie house by putting anew (A N farm of Air H. Hill, oil the I Ith con.,and Fx , 1. .completion. Paramo, � uut can boa Mi Shar- cel ch morning and evening last Sab- after examining his sto�k agreed oil th 1887, beginning on Friday at lo -so. Word was received hero oil Manila I y � , nt of a front Bay City on a visit. ar Lqg 4ew'Isills 11 er it. -Mr. Wil. levelana lisinTThampson lieft o'Vednest(lay with 0 lig unar 1. 1. � ' _ _ 0 The following is the rogramme.-Call- I good gravel road extending to tile east key will return to her h6me in b It purchase of one, but paid no money ing roll, President's of the unexpected death (if Mr A. IV ::­ _ ' I batl�kof - Hopper, son of Mr Hopper, of Iddrpse, Reports of Nation, which I ­6nd west- of it fwveral.-��4,�, . down. He then went and arranged jet- Committees, Report of delegate to 1,,. . ��hieh ne. next Nveek -, she will be, aticompanied by his little7 daughter Mabel who is both gave a circus ot occurred at Branilon - �. �, " doubt will be hi,­bly ed by tile ,lur. �!Tigs hit'li Reynolds. . deaf and dumb, forBelieville, where she tolv, 1 a 811`11 scale, the a . rounding public,! , II.L.-We are sorry to learn that Mr will attend the institute. I - there was married to �Iiss Shane ; iiist be -ill for Fintii-A barn belonging to MI;. Duff The Balloon . to engage. a horse and buggy, under the theitics, by Miss Blair; the Choutau. cousin of M -r (!. (,. It tnce, Vlint6a.' James Campbell has been quite I ,1,, tb, and, wilill : , 'Prb. 111itlNogs in Victoria Hall, last satur. T A., Music in Schools, by J. P. Navin, formerly Ili business Ili 1, Ile "val ­. 'purchase of othei horses, and in th Mwiftoba, of typhoid fe%.(-,.. , I ! day. . . afternoon wen t to. Lon4esboro and tried Literature Lesson for Entrai . . Biwrnn THAN" GAU.—HiAiCh 11 .Ice,�Calis' .. � several days past, and hope to hear of was burnt oil We ers Plaafore, Carter, J` name of Gill, but Mr Boll It AN" his qua Movement, by W. H. Johnston � . I .1 the unspoken seatinlent of inaity peo- , driesday, it is supposed F. Cord, Todinan Jane MoLeod, Rol- . . ing .1 � his speedy recovery. He has not been the tire was caused by the threshing fage'. and CI)arli , suspicions aroused, would not hire him Salle ; I a Idillves no Linily, ,11� I , pie in this secti6n`Of the codutry on . a Marshall were Ili . ol Management, by Inspector I wife. ii , account of the drought, which . has last- tibia to leave his room. Machine, almost all his grain wastotall . harbor the latter part of last week. a rig without letting a driver go with Toni; Be entitle Experiments, by S. r. ,her than h . I . I y . it, and this Gill objected to; he would' . I ad for ihe past few months. Water FAIM Sup).-Ou Saturday last tile 00 destroyed and also part of the ma6l.line. If a horse call trot anything over Halls, D. A.; Election of Onicerg, Alig. Alp J. Ell%ttartl !)ohertv, W110 hasbool � . . . ate of the The sympithy of the peoplp was malli. miles an hour, you may -find it any - - - - - ,-h -4 gellaneous business. . ailink with consaillptio!I,- died ratilej !� has become exc4dingly searce lit this acre farm belonging to the eat 11 ve have the rig - alone or not at all. - Failin - - � 1. �'-. locality,'most of the Wells having gone late John Miller, bei to get a rig . ere,'he left on the evening � � � . . rig the eat balf of .eated forMr. Duff by a number assist- , ovenin packing down the cinders of our train for Blyth, where lie thought lie , unexpectedly at Ilis bb,l.tllljl1*h6ase,'Ar . , . , dry, but not so wiih Burnside creek, lot 14, Z4rd 00% of Hallett, was put up lng him with his ploughing. I new half mile track in the Agricultural could hire one; but t� telegram to the T111E SUOTT ACT. , Clinton, Oil Fridav Iast� lie � had beer 1-1 I which takes its riue here, its ]lead being by auction, aTA bid Ili. It was subse. linnsoxAL.-Mr. C. .T. Pentland and J. , park. . live, ir . i employed fit the bi-gall Factory at 011( I . two living springs; which disch4rge (lueritly sold to Mr James ,Miller, soil of MoMath visited Toronto during the We bear that CaptBabb has closed his t.. , and they, too, refused to hi A Ifoiltsixig I Collventlorf r5 stable there pat them oil the* several thousallf! gidlons daily, and as tile deceased at 02,750. im re 'w It 11 , time, but failing health vompolled hity its limpid waters wend their way . toVanEgitiond's � , to quit, and for several months, be hill � week. -Mrs. Caution, of Clinton, spent boat house, for the season ; if this be . rig. Going then Lots of Elittliti4asin. , not been able to (10 anything, true we regret it, for the season -has by he is said to have H 11 . to Dow'T TnAVEL Mucii-About 35 years a few days with her neice Mrs. W. Beg- represented bimself — out drivino a couple of _,veeks, sine .:. � Lake Huron, quenching the barinno ago Mr John Brown, now one of the ley. -Miss Sanderson has gone to Ter- no means closed as yet ; we regard Sop- M a f iond of the Mr Hill previously If the friends of the Scott Act lit although it va§ evident 4o could no I ', I � r I thirst of man- n,�jd beast, N%,[I.o will pr; sterling farmers, of the 12th con., came onto. -Mrs. England, of Alingham, has t tember as one of the best months for mentibited, and said he woiild like to Huron have had any disposition pre- live long,- his death, go soon, was entire �.�, . nounce of its valiid.' into.this county by way of Toronto, but been visiting friends here. -Weare sdrry rowing and sailing. , got out there that night. Knowing that viOuslY to grow faint-hearted over the unexpected. Having been a mernba I . DxATIi.-It is with feemigs of horrow from that time to this he has never to report Mrs. T. Smylie as being very The High. School. Literary Society Mv John Morgan, racer, had lived in intereat taken Ili temperance matters, I.yf the Doherty Organ Band, the me�ln � ;� . , . ! that we.record tiie death of another been baok to the capital of Ontario, &I. low at present, we hope soon to be a�le held all open meeting last Friday, at Hullett, in the kingness of bis nature the convention held in Clinton,on Tries- bars therefor attended Ilia full1laral In. I ; young woman Qf thili,place. .� I led Mag- though lie has travelled' some distance to report her better. -Mrs. Barbour and which a net of silver was pruentza t,, VanEgmond went over and borrowed day, should fill them with fresh courage. body on-Sattirday afternoon, . . . . . I gle McMillan, who has for Illonths past east and sonth. This year he mentally little daughter Susie left'Monday morn. Mr H. 1. Strang, M. A. Dr r (3, Morgan's horse and 'buggy for the There has not been a more largely at. . , . , , � , . been gradually sinkiiij�ui-AL-r that fp ing for Alymirrm where she will visit her pied the chai I r ; the addrdas was read by stranger. Sunday morning Mr Hill was tended temperance gathering since the Mention-w6s made last week of t . ,11 resolved he would go down during exhi- . '.. . disease consumption, W&F� Visited by the bition wvek, but the night before his In- daughter Mrs, YOUng.-We understand Miss Raise, and the presentation was surprised to find that 'one of his horsed Act came into force, I . - was missing,and quickly concluded that holding the proceedihp Ili the school resided art the 5th Coll., of Gnh.,Vr;f1.60,i I- . angei aeath, on Saturday inortliog, at tended trip it rallied pretty heavy, and Miss Annie Treleaven is at presenO made by Air D. McGillivray,after w1lich and instead of serious illness of Air ri eo Westo 1, . 6 o'clock, which relieved'her from her he concluded it would not be pleasant attending school Ili Chatham. a first�class programme was given. it bad been stolen, a snapicion that was room of Raitenbliry- gt., 6y1iie-ji, ii was 'I'MMITIP, �n lot 84, ft ( I., �' sufferings. Agacitizeriandachristian, walking about, 86 lie d d not g . 1 IV _�%�_ Two "crack shots', one a visitor front confirmed when it was found that the found necessary to use the 'church ineut of his death will not take People I I 0 is I'd the unuoune she held a high position among. as. It says he has heard so Ina h . bout ' - Aslifield. England, staying With our respected stranger who had ,borrowed Morgants proper 4 litirprise. �-* 0 a Ito .1, will riot soon be forgotten, the christiall ronto, that it Ilia life is spat horse, had unhitebed it from the buggy, He hag been a resident of -t -ad until INrinera are now busy with their townsman, Mr E. D—, and,the other Mr i).D. Wilson spoke at some leligth, toWnAbil) almost eversitioe it was Op' �; fortitude dis�lmyed by list- to the last. next your, lie will go "down if it raing - I q ! When friends would call to see her, sawlogn." . apples and potqtoes. I a well-known gentleman, who was and apparently replaced it with Hill's, reviewing the progress of the Act, and etl ill), &lid Nvas Well- and widely kno .. . . , ' We have had no heavy rains for over "cracked by a shot" oil Jubilee day,w as Morgan's was found in a field near the object of calling the corivelitioll to- For souiLtinie lie hag been Ili declinin �, ' very,often as they passed olit the door TheNiiw maA will its aciltto lie'A' Hillistil-ib- t , out.for a day's shooting on a ant by. The fellow then drove down the gether. health; he l4cj atta .� would murmur "poor girl," Site' WO monthe and In consequence water is fa filed the age of 7 , I would ers to tile ('1111 of tile year, tor,2.) cents cil.4h. ,,,letting very sqarce. I the lake share so . rm on base line to Thos, Mason'stand attempt. Mr Jae. Scott, Solicitor for the .S(iott YLRI'S and 7 months. it, p . - sister, orally thatm.re Ili me time ago, and re. ad t olities he WA ., the room, ,, I dow't think so," or -1 why 31CH11101). hing but the hind legs 9f a a Conservative -eligion, a ' �. reply to bat -a I turned with not o steal two there, cutting them Act Association, tban read Over the Ii t , and in I mem f . As Mr.. D. Hunter lath Coll., wascom- a big grass hoppoi, lea.. Ili the stable, and. taking a of obj3ctions wiliall had been lod� bar Of tile Episcopal church. - His wif '; tile rest of tile ant- bridle and line, but the bayking of with the Secretary of State ,ad Farvives bini, His remains Warta in � do they call me poor girl, I amliappy;­ ciluill if NOTE's-Rev. A. 1). AlcDonald Ing home from Lucknow last Saturd mal got away, . against tile of Whic lietery, oil Sunday . The deceased was stffeen Years of age, c(pidneted services ill Duff church. off he stopped at tile sprin ayt _________ -, the,dog frightened him away mod awoke proposed repeal petition -all , � . being the sixth to yield to the stealthy Fiiday last as Mr, J. W. -Clarke was not "the village to give hisg creek,south of ___ AIr R. Mason, who found the imprint appears 1, terred Ili Payfieldoel: . horses a drink, WINGIIAM DISTRIC111 d in our columns last week -lie M very lal-ge number showing their sym ��, disease, the mother, two sons and three able to be present. Sacrament was dis. when they took fright and threw hi "_ of the fellow's boots Ili tile road-& farge also reAd a letter frojt.11 the Iloa�. Air patby by following them there. I , . daughters having died Nvithin the Past pensed oil Sunday and Jae - al I heart in the sole of Ilia boot having been Scott, of Ottawa, who is ctilIg fo. t I . I . � . v. Mr, Fleicher' under the buggy where he received some Strou.&, groiinds takeil agaill,ilt . a I lie 'All, 11, Clidnio '. ten years. The remains , seriousinjuries. There were a lady and the 18wott Ac -t lRell,teal P Association, who stated tha , were interred of Kirktou ofliciated at the services o�, lev Ay noticed, and fresh tracks of The death of . t 110 had emmith, oil .9 `W,� IT vll.or� I . in the Hope bernietery oil Tuesday. Her Monday. sorne children in the buggy at the time 11110velittent.. Ms Iloung plainly visible. After leaving waited 'upon the Doplity-mini6ter of unday 11101,11ill", I . f uneral sertion: will be preached at Hope - W1119 were thrown out, but received littl I � I 1. ­ 11 . Mason's he drove oil to Clinton, passin State concern it nexpected indeed, �Itllough fie has be - . next Sunday evening, by the Rev. W. . 0 9 ing the objections, and c.011filled to his -room for some month ,�- , . 31orris. injaries;the buggy was badly smashed. The financial Ineetiag of this district over the London road bridge sOuth Of wO111d set a titne for their hearing. All' Ile has been a sAfferer front both rheum 11- Mass,' 'Mr McMillan and familY JUST Tot) LATP—Last week for, Jos. ­­.. — _ this town between three or four o'clock Scott also stated that in his opinion tile � have our sympathy., � 1 wa" "aid ill tile Aletho'dist Church, Sunday morning,being heard by parties Government could not bring oil a repeal 'OPsY . . .. . Proctor, of Goderich tomniship, who is _%V'_1T1_,"ff_af1T Z'_01_1i`mZfi_dr1ig at 9 ft ill., on I,., this vicinity. 0 t i -, , Btisla and lit -the latter being . 11.01111esvilh.. CftIIseOfdPAtII.' OnSundmyrrierningh , all the vote before next May, but several inern- got u 1), but it V. March. -k to be , - ma� trace that has been geoui!ed. 1"Ihe aiii. bers of the Association thought that an lime Ot feelillgr very Well, weli I - agent. for an insurance compall Wednesday, .Sept. 14.1 .Rev. 5. c 'S (Lil- 11 8 7 y, was Arrs. , . Dowell, presiding. All tile ministers a I � *,' TtieRersmith. seat for by three farmers on tile 3rd con. Martin, from Thornhill, near I . I Toronto, is the guest of I inal stolen is a light brown inare Shortly �fter a member -a . MRAN Vit.mxx-As two yomig ILL- of this townsbip,,to effect an instirance It is'reported that Al I Pat Ofl,t - a and lit coming they had done .so in Halton they might tIIO fnluilY wcat lip to take him hi . t. A ,!VIC JaYnlen appointed were 3 years old, -two white hiud feet-alul, jl�sojlgaili ill HUI-Oil alld I t NYorild be as breakfast, but was shooked to find hin dies of tdie Sth coil. on their property. He went there ". Elias Potter * presen, , - were roturpin I* ligaments were made for - 9 . as about to open a four and feed a�toro it, holding the missionary I leafing and ap. part of one front hoof, wlilte ,&trip oil Nvell t - o - be- prepared. for I � t, -_ ­ - . -_ dead. "He-iVas one -'of flij jmIz1y-de-ttWf, , V - - home one evening last week, thev were soon as lie could, but found that a run" the village. go mote it be. oils tol addregs each face; will stand about 15 hands high, 11 .- ­ I . �s Afessrs Sprague of Tuckersynitli, having locat 1 114 attacked by a burly trump, who �Iiased ning fire had destroyed the barn and I . pointing deputati rather clean, not very heavy. [ . . � ia�oetiiigs, Which is � 'tY Years ago, oil the farm now owns them right into Mr KvIe*s kitchen. Ee contents of Mr. J. Ellece, one of the Air. David Prouse ilas, we learn, meeting; also for hOlding educational It has an( ill'r, Ilia ectorg--for the South fOl ad Ab6u . since Iranspired that tile thief had all( I &at idings " is about medium, size, had no coat and "'an wariting insurance, and the fire was routed a farm Ili Goderich township, I , - Illitially done by local ,, , gave settle informa- �, . . aid. I purchased" quite it nnniber of hol-ses, tion concerning theii -by j�;'-RoI)t-Plemma--After-seRiiig-,th I was barefooted. He has beerl prowling 80 close to the farm of. tile second that near Lake Huron, and is about to itiove . . I - work, &lid the ftirn) lie bought the one on Which h . - I �, around in the neighborhood for several Proctor would not take the rishr. lie there. about here, but paid nothing oil therrij n any di Icultiest they had to overcome has been living tip to the Present tim ' I weeks, &lid should he be seen again lie did insure the third man however. The following are the aniounts requir. -- � - -----W- 41, - so . Ili securing convictions. A resolution He was a quiet, industrious mail, b � � will be arrested. About forty lashes I � Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Cantelon and Mrs. by assessment fl -0111 OR011 circuit for the was unanimously carried, ptedging the Ilia illness has prevented him gebtin I 13ray are siieliding . superanuatedAlinisters' Fund: Will Tho . Outario St. U441104116t members present to stand by and assist . with the eat of rane tails would be a , a few days at Mrs, hain, $66.64; Teeswater, Sr,l.c,o - WI g' Church. around much Of late. lie was a Metho suitable punishment lot, such a mi- Seaforth. T. C. Pickardio. The two former hail rox. the oflicers Ili the p�arforniance of their d ., ,ere- I Walton I . -_ (It .. . ant. Seaforth is still the place Mitchell, tile latter from the North $47 -, Londeaboro', $60.57 ; Blf file eillft"g-lolits and improvements , . Turner's cemetery oil Tuesday. Htj .., I of attrac- from oter, 546.41; BrnsseIR, $57,83; ' . - ist, slid his remains were interred it Blimpa.-It is rumored that one of tioll ; a good many strangers are ill town West Territory, near Qu'Appelle. yth $59 21: It" leng,thy and animated discussion wife is a sister of Air Henry Stevens . Auburn, $i-).5.53; 1301grave, 5.10.tj� .1 nl,�,,, to the Ifetbodint church oil Ontario St., took Place over the fact of persons who 7 our most popular young mail is going visiting- AN.Nivmts.kitv Sritricts will be preach. vale, fl38.2,') ;. total, $1,_),&�,11. we most heartily Clinton, and his e'ldesl, son, IV-fr W . . arc tiow complete'and had been fined more than once being Cullmore, I . to join the glorious army of benedicts Mr , R. Willis has commenced tile all in Holineaville Methodist Church, congratulate the congtregation upon has been a resident of Clint : I next week. A- large'dancing party was eiection of a large frame building oil a on Sabbath, Oct. 2nd, at 10 a. m. and At 3 1). in. the financial provision for tile very fine i)ppearanc-e their edifice filled every time as for a first offence. for a number of years, Police Magistrate Williams stated that � I , field at Mr P. - Dayman's last Monday lot in the rear of IiiFJ'- present residence, In. by Rev. Writ. XoDonagh, of the college 'federation .scheme was dis. 'low presentH. The addition to the ballad nothing further todo witlithis Wordwas received beratilis weeko - ,, evening; dancing-. was kept up till six 4&& cussed, Of the $450,000 re4uire '- . . Afessrs D.. D, Wilson, John Beattie Oct. throy. Tea meeting oil Monday, was apportioned to tile Guelp d $132,000 church, kvith tile gallery, which will 110 than act as a judge;, lie (lid not decide the death of -Mr W. Copp, eldest son I early hour. A large,mumber from this Noble Cluff and others here, a .3rd. Tables will beset and supper It Confer. longer be required for the choir, will ac. whether were first or second Of_ MI' S. Copp, of Clinton, Wit ich sad ... eve . served n given. the old ace, t 'ey . ttended district hall bee coninlodate about 250 more tban - fen 11.11e,. the information laid go took place at Eagle Gro,�.(ii Iowa, an ­ I - -a taking Ili the Western t1le Scott Act coil van tion he] (I i 11 ,the basement of the. church 62,020 to raise, which was sub -divided church , an I - township at . . -fire-fitmorter Clinton from 5 Ili .-Addresses.-will- be, ence, and this - - The inside has a very I 11 -'MU­T-u�s-dAy.--- AQ,1_4). I In. - licat'. specift Insped iii, Spiag lie �Nft - I ... Latta-Brintrioll law suit was concluded delivered by Revs. Win. McDonkgh, of *wf ulir7T.----l�vtnghmw,".3.'i',-It,awntiw; - - . , , ad . . ittold the Times of that place, thus refers I VAill, . . Rev J`ohn Smith, of Toronto, arrived Stratbroy, end J. E. Howell, Al. A d 0 11 lur. _Wlat fie had used. his own judl last week at Lonaon, not, however, un. �281 ; Brussels, $290 ; raliged with two aisles insten f ill -ee. I'll --- I lit to hearth ... . $2,55 ; Wroxoter pnent id 9 via nity w i ,. ill town oil the evening train last ,Von- . this matter, and thought some latitude pained on Still( my mor I i . tilseveral of litigants were put in the da chairman of the .Goderich Districi: Walton, $240; L'ondesboro, $202; Blyth, The choir lOft is Immediately behind ' . cooler. The inany friends o! Mr Dun- - Appropriate F3electi I 'd theInspectors. A reso- Wn'. Copp was dead. It was kno ; , y, and spent the night NVith his 8011 .295; Auburn, 52J40; 13elgl-Rve, * . teller Ili the BAnk of Commerce here. . ons by the church v $205) ; the Pulpit, antl has accommodation for can McLean will'basorry to hear that choir. . I" .., Bluevale, �5190r. I latiOn Was subsequently passed asking that he ivas very sick with -malaria anorganandfortypersons. 'Tbe-rail- thatin faturethe spiritofthe lawbe fever, bill hopes were all mloug enter . . big health'is not improving. We are Dr B. J'. Fairfield, of Battle Creek, in __ - --- - � Aw �__ . The above apportiolillielits -were all.- inginfront of tho' choir is 6f a'very adh(.'re'l "n, ill ihaking the cases first, tained that lie wcaild recover; but, &I& . , � . ., '. . . glai. to learn that Tiles. Sproat has expected to give his popular lecture, � .B1.11cefleld. . ftni'llotislY accepted by the r9presenta. pretty deiign, and adds greatlytotbe .I- againrecovered. FatherCbinequy and "The man that ru!ii makes," here soon. I 80MI'd al)(I thirt.1 offences. . it was not to be. Sal,�dav, ii-lortling,'p, . PE'llSORAL.-Mr Gee. Baird has again, tives. The subject -of federation was appearance of that end of the 'church. The PI`(­`Qe`llt J--'xVcIItive Contraittoe, al- about 8 6'cloc�: he quietl� passed awn, ; Rev. Mr. Simpson were visiting in this The'leaturer will illustrate with crayon returned from St. Paul. - He left here though asking t,j be relieved of tb6ir leaving a devoted wife Aittl five sinal ;. . neighborhoodIduring. the week. Tbose drawings.. . . then tborougbly and clearly presented Oil eitlier'side of the pulpit arc 'the . for the purpose of improving his health by Dr. Potts, secretary of educatio . Minister's Vestry and a new a trance auties,w6re-unaniinously re -'elected with children cag"16wri by this great sorrow � who represented Tuckeramith , at the One ofthe Iran posts NO;tich but a that it has' Rev. Dr. Dewart, editor of Ch 11; to the church. I - I supports we are sorry to lear ristian )Frori-��tliWentrllalilce is the addition of Afr'Jas. Thompson, of and to mourn'h' � , . Toronto exhibition have returned and thp balcony in front of the Commercial not sufficiently improved to induce him -diall, and Rev, J. Hannon, prosid. also the entrance t.o,tfi' Its to, com . I Gnal I the motitils to, coin . the river faims are again it, working hotel, was pulled down last a choir loft, so Clinton, an 14t Vice -Pres.; Air W, J. .their irreparable loss. . Alr Copp W." .. � order. �P;4,i�;,'�) -Monday to. remove Ili's farilily to St. Paul. We Out of the conference. . . I that the membf-rR of, tile choir do not Clarke of Exeter,as 2nd Vice-Preg',; and Man who made and retaine ! . . , . evening by a horse being tied to it. Tile understand lie intends remaining in ' 'require to epter tile church at all to Secret& d' friend :_ The Ni,,,W EjBA A Moved by Rev. A. I,. Slilith, w.condod. reach their -places, Two li�ndsome IL Holmes as associate ry. because of- his aillimble quali � � 1,4Q sent to newlilitiscrib- horse escaped unhurt. , Brucefield during the fall. ties, wa -'�,ettrjor art cuatt; catill. . . It was decided that each fininicipiflit highly respected by a]), and byids dem . y I ers tothe end nhiel. i 0 by Andrew Morrison_ ­In View of the stail Imes windows -adorn the choir should be responsible for whatever our town has lost a w6rthy citizen, H .. .. . .---- � Di, Mackid, wife and child, took their Bitxr�r-­A ,'number of our citizens fact that steps ard being taken to ropeal .. . - - ., , " '. , '- d. I dGP&r1t.urr!6f romilere, last Tneaday after. are attendingthe fair in Londbn this the Scott Act lit this county, w loft 211"11, furnish light to tile'ahoirists amountof money was .apportioned to it was born in the town of Morton, Dove , .. 110'. ic neon In a, the lay- linister. Six 4 -light chandeliers by the Executive Committe 'T I . , bar of : Blitors,-The funeral of the late Gee. - and some single brackit lamps in a which shil-0,T ngland, Ili the Year 1857; move :, . . X ..., � , a any. A large num week; artiong others Mi D. McIntosh, mail and ministers of this digtrict, dti� and n ake tip I friends Assembled at the station to see V.S.,--Nvbo is acting as judge of light sire to express oiir very Btrou.-P repr6ba- the lighting apparatus, .lid'. was instructed ,to levy the full'arnount to Clinton, Canada, with his parent � Weston took,,place.-tiast Sunday, and theta off, and bid them bell Voyage. The horses. Mr Will. Dixon was judge of tion of file repeal I-novement, &lid plo Gurney required and collect the satne at once. when fourteen years old; was marrie , go, furnace, put Ili by S. Davis, will furnish . � . was largely attended, the road from the doctor will spend some time Ili the Ger- horses at Zurich show, oil Friday last. ourselves to do Our utmost, n6f only* to the necessary beat.- Alt6gether the in.' A resolution was passed eulogiArg to Miss Margaret A., daughter of Job cemetery to Pollock's,cotruer being f till -niall Hospitals. Mr Wih. Cooper, of the Mill road, car. hold the ground which by hard labor -we the Women's Christian Tam erance and Mary A. Cowati, in 187.7, and the I of carriages; we tbluk it is time Sunday , We notice from the list of Officers ried off several Prima at Zurich fair, for have g6bled, but also to,push forward to ternal arrangement , of 6�� church are Unions of the county for t air T funerals were get aside, when possible. such as to secure comfort and co 11 0 orts in continued to reside at. Clinton anti riven- the past, and asicina for their c-ontinnell I 883, when t1joy rcirto�,od to and settl i r � . Many of our townsfolk are takin i eleetbd at the meeting of the Ontario gattle and sheep. Rev. J. H. Simpson much more stringent legislation, with a ieiioe wbilst adding largely to .tile RP- assistance. . a the Western Fair, at Pondon, this,,ve*, I -_ ; 9 in Unde taker's Association, held in To- is visiting Toronto during tile latter view to totally suppressing the traffic, ricarance, inXilgleGrove, AthisdentliMrICOO P _ 'feeling that . Tile convention expresged its appre- was about 110 yearsoca"e. Thefunera Afrs Bewse and her tb:Jrd husband visit. rO)AO last week, tbat,AIr M. Robertson, part of this week. .Air P. McGregor is tile so-called failure of the The needs of it J)"o,'ressivo aiid in- elation of the action of the Cntario exercises were at tile H. Church of this place, was chosen President, and exhibiting Ilia imported stallions at �dotb Act is much owing to weakness i tinday sgiloorhave'beef"I carc- Government Ili appointing Dr.Williains Monday afternoon, ti pa ter, :Rev."' 1.� � ad our borougY�i'his Week ; 91le looks as also selected as delegate to, the United London. 11 fc,reasing 8 1R. . . hale andliearby As sfie did-tweirity years "I tile act itself as to inefficionc� Ili its .11 , 1i -ran ement of the as Police 'Magistrate, thus recognizing B. Winter, preaching aii approprisit , States Undertakers convention to be enforcement*. At the sarne time b y . till ad in.the at a IC A � , ; she had been on a .visit to one of ' Cilmulcy-Rev. Father Chi. we It" t. lit tile oddid'on are tobe the claims of the temperance people, digeourge, and the remains war the �nl, rATIlF "I 1: BIT da'aghters in Alklijolan, who is tile '"'a niquy prRachad Ili the Union oburch oil er Pro. found ali'llifallt (A 6 I I. � held ill Pittsburg next month. gratefrIllY, acknowledge the beft ass room, a Bible i her iSf 14 livilig boys, all doing well: * a our townsman upon the 89,bbs a vision wMell hati lately been made for more especially a,t others )ill(] the pro. taken to the Gol�lfleld ceuietery .,fo .1. 3not 0101, I'll at'llat 1. ,th. morning. IiLpt, and Ili- -11OSS' the carrying out of t Class rottin and tin excellent accornmo. . 11, i I . that hi ;tlle� kind of-'%vorilaii to' lift 11.111,P)II, confoud, 1114011 hini. church in the evening, and on oftch oc- lie law", Cerried dation for tile Library, whilet tile re- se - of the Position - The conventio)i burial, many frie, Va. . )(IS accompanying th .. unanimously. also endorsed 'the Police 'Alarlistrate's bl�reaved relatives oil Oleir. Bad Bad � I Both of 0-tir teachers will ,give up teftell- � __ c1slon wits listened to by a large all(,] Inaindor of the basement affords ample . i ing�thiq year, their certificates having , . a teniive audience. Ile lectured Ili th . ' . I J , I A large meeting waq addressed, in tile course and pledged themselves to sus. mission." I I . B1.1-th. a evenin room for the various S. S. classes 'tail, 11 I'm in every possible way. expired. AVe are glad to learn that Mr Union church oil Monday evening, and 9 On college federation by Revs. usually formed. The basement is well- I Just an we were going to press yester- P Middl eton is pro�ketsirig -,-ery favorably rs present pledged themselves (Ifty Aral.k Copp, all " Vednesday evening. i and ai,ry, and has two eniraric other soil of Afr's. . Fred - Tanner is Ili Alvinston tijis in Ross' church oil I Drs. POtt% and Dewart fill(] Rev.' .J. Hall - liglitetJ Aliniste r since his, act"ident with.the borne apil week. He is collecting funds for"his college in rn),ne1t1,111s1 tile -Ovem(nit reavived a,fpegh and exits. The large as to bringtbe matter of qu%tainipg the Copp, (lied'. The sympathy of- the - .--,- buggy. Air 8- "Alancer was presented -11"q- Curtis is visiting frie,ids Ili Kankakee, Ill., U.C..),. ire stands igh . � P'llarg that so Scott Act prominently befor' . It -- . � much obstructed the view are being re- gregations. a thP.lr coil- whole community in extell decl to Mr with another 50,000; it's a boy; a in the estimation of the people here, at; _--*-%-� --' . Copp Ili his double bro,eavements. " ., good Wffighalit, this week. — moved and smaller ones take their place. A resolution pledging the convention . luck to him. U), ' Dolly Slla%%,, of iii-Ils.sels, a lecturer, and will, no doubt, be favore(I Local Clitirell Clijilles. The basement and. the surrounding tosapportonlyte I ' The.Nn,w 1"AlA il-ill be mant to o( -w qaz,s(.r ;Nlisg � , mperance mail for the Afro Anti Briglia.in (relict of the lat . -of tile Year, for 2! t:ents uasn. - brother. . . a ers to t1w 011d visiting bet .1'n wit], a large audience, should he agafn -Rev. Mr Stewart will resume his own roonis are also well-silitell- for otbor position of Reeves, CouncillorR &c.,was Richard Brigham). of Hullett, passed I . ­__'. . ­.. - . visit our villoge. 11VOrk in Willis church, on Sunday next. chorch services. passed, after A livOlv discussion, which Peaceful away oil the Igt hist.,.at tile GeO1790 Philips, the obliging a9sistant _.-_*.J§­ft­__ � - . , Tbe entire building bas been repainted Z111.101. post master, is away oil Ilia holidays to Rev. R. J, ,r,loody, of Olivii, Afich. t 'd and it), and a movement is oil brolight the collvent'lon to, a close. advanced Rge of 77 Years and 6 months; I FALL 11'Aln.-T& 'Any township fail', London andStraillroy. A'arna. (brother of Mr. E'. Floody) Clinton, Oil 81 a - She was born near Manchester, Eng . held oil Friday was, a all The choir of the English church here attend c0llege this w") foot to cushion the church throughout. While enthusiasm and a large atten- R' a year atAlbion, Mich lid about 36 years ago came to Callao ocean, being fa. Mrs. Tatiner, of Alvinston, has rent- held their annual picilic at Bayfield, oil Ilev. A& Robot. .. For the accommodation of those who dance characterized the procee'dingsof with her late husband, remaining for I vored with very fine weather. The all. ad Scott Bros,' house, and intends be- Saturday last, and spoilt a pleasant ingeol-Inon,i, Ispreachestlicro-open. cornefromilie country,% arg all the conventions, these features, more one year Ili Chiliguacousy ; they the tries were about'the same as last year. coming a resident of our village, liffitit Ili boatllfi�, �roqnet p1syting and Sand Ontario 9t.. Chin -ch, on commodious abed is to be erected Ill tile than predominated at the publice- came west with the tide of emigration I The inside department was good, the ", Alias Annie Shaw, who has been oil a .�ther amusements. gy next, 'It 10-:10 a -ill, and 2.30 p.m. rear with slidingdobits,soth theamme - . meet. fruit first class, and the rpotn - ng in the Town Hall. The building that was moving to Huron, d and daikf lengthened visit to friends in Detroit I and Rev. J'. H. Howell, at 7 p.m. may, wben occasion require. Ile closed 'was more than filled, and many who Oil lot 15, Oil t1;ie 12th coil., of Hullett. � produce good. Grain and seed were and London, came hom There was no Sabbath School 'or The captaill and cadet of tile Salva in. � fullY 111) to last year's exhibit. a on Monday- (Aervice held Ili the Methodist church _ The Building Committee is certainly wished n could not do so, if the Like many ot the other pioneers who . outside department was alpo first-cl Tile Ali-. A. Murdock, r here oil Sunday last,'on account of ther4 tion army, togath er with R )lumber of ltomleltli copted . 'ass large It present may be ac done so madi to nrake Huron the mag - I to be congratulated upon the succesAful as ally as f the Act, � 'and was fully t6fif ' *16eing three meet in beldintheMetho, tended a jubilee at London, ol arm y ' at* nificent county it is, she helped bar hus, elfbated Ill all branch' has gone intobusiness in Goderich. A� soldiers slid frion dq of the eviden � is. The receipts were iii ' Alex. is 0811s I Ara, termination of their labors. Two of its then the're is no doubt whatever about hand Ili securing It comfortable. home4 )out t1le same . a mail of push &lid enterprise lidist church oil G an Line oil that day' aday. ; I , as ]list yenr. . he will encased. ,. Mr. James Armstrong is painting fill 4.1 Mr. AndrewCallander, fornerl Mombers especially-Alessra Whitebead it being sustained. AUD.D. Wilson oc. being awaman of perseverance and a I .. --.*.-- Will Emigh bad the misfortune to .,Otherwise repairing the house in which Clinton, isevidently as zealousa sa�%mtobf and Tiplady-have devoted a, great deal cupied-the chair, find the first speaker pl ck,and amid the many carei incident. * , . of time acting al; inspectors, and have . u . saw tile end off his finger, on Saturday ,Mr- Berwick and family have been beou elected Superintendent of tIaB just Is. f a youll" family it now, s tanley. sobool worker as ever, for lie I was Rev J. fqmith. Presbyterian min to the care o , . while running tile saw in. Bawl, ' 4esiding, and is fitting it tip for 0111. faithfully attended to overseeing ,the ter of Toronto, Who ma(16 a stirring ad. coniltry and the work da farm,'sho al� Mr. James Butchart left this we .Jea-a " clan licath Sabbath school. lie Lot'. job. The committee speak in highest f I o" for planing mill. tenergetic tailor, Mr, Proudfoot. dress of all hour and a half, carryin ways found time to help and comfort thd Cincinatti Where lie purposes to pro. I . ,, .. terms of the contractor, Joint Scott,who 9 d - . - -edit by satisfaeto illustrations, a few of which, however, years ago, her 'husband died, - slid from seente tile study of tuddicine. III,. 11. Rally Wellt to �Xfanitoba this Tile Brudefield boys ref aged the chal. There being no service Ili Ontario St. lifts done himself at home Ilia points by very appropriate neody an distressed. About eleven I Mr. Holmes iina Mr. rord have pill,. Week. ire purposes bringing home ten a of oil r boys to play a game of base Church, on Sunday last, a union service work. We sincerely wish the chur,Z might have been emitted. Closing his that time to within six months go, ibe ge nirtriber of Ilia rolle -1 several var loads (it wheat for I -day next. Title challenge and congregation increased proq �'ty remarks, lie advanced six specific objec. continued to superintend the work of chased and shipped a lar With bill , Of on Saint was held Ili Rattertbury St, Church in .pe a cattle from the 2ad and 3rd cons.of Stan. r mill. !h1so of our boys to Hensall wall never the evening, the choir of Ontario Street Ili their new building. tions against a licenge system, elaborat. the faim, doing an well all (Lily one else ley duting the IasUtwo m6nths. Alf r. Amdrew Sloall left oil Tue answered. Are our boys not going to furnighing tile ninsic for the occasion, _... _ _ . . I . Via tile C. P. R. sday, have the chance of playing with and Ali-Crookslianks preaellin.g. Ing ench point, tile objections being aR could. This spring her health began to to gee Ilia Ron in those clubs who boast and play sowell Owing to tile fail, starting next Tues- E,eliteatiotial Nlotf anteracits the belie ' On Friday evening last Imbile Mr. Dan- Manitoba, who is lying lit the hospital -4. fOI1OW6:—IHt. It CO i . fail, and she took tip her residence with clh- McKenzie and big son Hugh were sick with typhoid fe oil pap(,r if )lot on ground ? vOlent designs of society, 2nd. It was )ter dallighter; Mrs John 51ills, where . Vkir- (Jay, Fill(] tile annual meeting of the We- - contrary to the principles of preventive she remained until hAr death, whicilt, returning from Brubefield, their borse — Mr. Thais. Joblistoll, teachi'l, at became frigbtenel at the bridge slid, Our bicycle riders are Practicing hard . men's Foreign Allinti ion Society earn i le 1119 Varna, lifts beenre-engaged for 1888. ,agg.islation. 3rd. Wecnni�ctt enforce a wandneentirelytoold ago. Sbowasm . . backed up, breaking their bug for the race oil the Fair day. Be care- Hellsall. , off at V, iteliell the following Tuesday, I rise law, 4th. The whole thing wa;t member of th� Arethodist church, Was ,gy badly. full boys, Ol- some dark horse may come Aacar load of lambs wag shipped from tile regain" meeting of tile Women's Mins �-vlary J. Elliott has bisen all most Of the orchardis can in 9:17a get ,r * im"1101S). 5th. It was wrong to derive cOnmiolls up to the time of her d t , NOTES -111 Irnf Place, ad tI, 11 th r , am 11 be seen Old and young picking the lus- it 0 1� Ls here oil Saturday last. Christian Temperance Union has beat, gaged as teacher in S. S. No. 3, Stanley, a revenue from the vicei of the people and died .t- in. a fall assurance of 1. Will be trouble among the tailors. A large amount of grain is ' . for the coming year, at a -salary of $800. and fith. It in trying to regulate an evii faith." Her rarnaino were interred Ili cions fruit and utting it lit Pilea or . I)ciag Indefinitely postponed. . . brought to mQ,rket now. * Ili the ne-ops,ning servireg of the oil' On Saturday a Prominent teacher of that shovald be suppressed. Londesboro coinotery, a very large num' . . stowing it away flor the apple -packers, The many friends of. Mr. Nation, of The brickwork of Ali'. Wvstcott's tario St, "Methodist churell* nil Ile was followed 1) who sometimes come when they say Brandon, formerly of Blyth, will regret Sundft�y Howick was brought upbefore J. D. (ii Rev Fathor bar following them there. j3heleaves � house is nearly completed. Monday next, a spet4ial fail Smith, J. P., oil the charge of riaininbir g Chiniqny, who a firqt (I )lot want to two sells, William Who resides in Lo they will and sometimes they Jet not to learn that lie died there of and I ture is I 11. tyyboid Work oil the extension of the 0. T, to be the part taken by flit, choir aq. a -child too severely, On tile facts (f roceed, as he thought it wha too late, dogboro, and.7olin, -,iders, Tile cLoir the cftqe becoming known, tile .7. P. lit the audience insisted, and lie went the Hallett conneil ; also three dauglf,. . come at all. In this townsbig apples, fever on Saturday last. Mrs. Nation R. frei,�bt sheds in being purilled for. sisted by several out wbo is a niomb6r of plums, penrg and grapes have eop very (forvierly Miss Sbalie) has the rp I I El I I I I ") th, " , w� .n . I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 at s, I I plentiful, but 'peaches are very rare. of the coriltrinnity. n"IfIll-thY warA. has been specially Pro"I'll'i rig for these decided in favor of the defendant, (in(] on, He gav'e a minate description of ters, they bei ng If r.- %V. Sanderson and Pome farmers intint think that it pays A fine shower of rain yogtel-da tervicesandintend to 110 t heir patt, as the complainant was forced to pay the the effect of liquors oii the Iniman sy Mrs J. Ariilq " . y a- ., of Ill lAtt, find Airg J0111) I . Afr. R. .T. Al.cGill left this Week 1014 (Thuanday) made vagetatioll amile- if they always do, Ili it 11111"ner that will costs. tern, and broadened out into all excellent Searles, of Alorrig. ()f tile deorajad it � to raise Wheat, an some of them have Chicago,.where lie han a prospect of a notthose attending tile Western Fair. briri� , credit to them. 'Nigs Johnston, Ilia Honor Jndge Tomq, County temperance AddroRa, lasting for nearly may truly be said : - . put in between 60 still 7-1, anreq of fall I good aittiAtion. While we are yet, 6 � y sorry It it-. JamesSlitherland han treated his of IN oodstook, a Well-known soloist, find Clerk AdmmAon, find School Inspector I Fill hear. At the plose of tile meetilig "' They'die ill .Toslig and are blest- , whent. � to ]age ,Mr, McClill Its it citizen, We hope house tin,# office to a freqll coat of %vlio haq already mad many friends Torn, to WIT0111 waft referred tile Col. I the colleation, amounting to 114). Wa(4 [low calm their qlumborc; it lie may ]letter himself. Airs. Ige(.ill is paillt, tile P re . ,! � � :,. The New PunA Will 1)(1. R,,nt to new sab%crib- ,Pcob"y' addill'o P'.-Qlltiv to its here, will take a prominent part Ili tile borne school Reetion dispute, have I banded over to 'VIr Chiniqnv, i 1) I if I ern 0 the ent) of the year, Mr wemta cash. Visitin� frierldg In London, . . ('14 Prom inliTeringand front wot,q r"ll, ! I 7 I ii l!" lasodf,i � appoo;I�Ace- �, ., musical eNercises at all the P,ervicep. decided in favor of a new seetion. The I of his clittroll at Rank,blice. 111. And f­�-("l frml (very eftre. i � . � . 1; I ... . A . . , . � % � I I ., . , .1 - tz"",,�,,,..,�wkiL�.,�,.,—,�,,�(�..�:1.9.z�I "�,,�"-��",�",-.-,�,,��."�L�...-I -41, 1.b.­­l..­_­,..­­ �V­­��".­ ­ - 4 1 "­, - �, — 1. � , . . 11 . . . -_-..11.--__. . . gia"Wil'"