HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-16, Page 51,e .j tOOO,Stet',, f rna stock. i aple;m ni,,&o on let 8 con, 14 Huth* C. A, �tlowyou, prop:, Jae Henson, 1Matiflueer, NEWS VOTES. ° Thirty valuable heroes were harped In al*ott the Sherbreoke Fair wounds en 41004ey. , SIr 'Charles Tupper is to leave for Canoga next Tuesday week, Mr Bowel. shoat 0."-‘44 -44 the mur4t1i �anf 113e W1'4'14,011 the 6th Ootcbm Catherine Wood, aCanadian,has begun 1$10.400 unit fat denluiles 401'0 the cotyy of .Detroit, baying been crippled by fal• Uog on s efeCtire side,�galk. • ikt: a genie of baseball in Campbellford on Monday Dr M•iCoiln, pitching, for the celnpellford team, broke his right arm above the elbow in delivering a ball. Premier Mercier, ot. Quebec, will visit Toronto, next week to make arrangements With Hon, Mr Mowat for the holding cf the,-;inter-rravinoial C,ofiference. man named Lynch, hailing from Boston, interrupted the Governor•Gener- al with question bearing on Irish matters, while D.is Excellency was speaking at Sherbrooke. • The Illinois Supreme court has delivered 'su opinion in the Anarchist ease, affrrm- rngthe judgment of the, court below. The executions to take place Nov. 11, between 9 and &o'clock. The Attiorney.General,Hon Mr Mowat, sailed frog i Lxy,•erpeel.__,,pp„, xhe ,2nd inst. "He-hike'been greatly benefited by his trip and will return to his arduous public duties with increased strength and good health. Wm. Nelson, the senior member of the great publishing nape at Edinburgh, Scotland, aged 72 Aare is dead. lie leaves a widow, one son and four dough. tom Hie sister, Mra Geo.Brown, of To- ", ' ronto, is at present in Europe with her rA family. Several farmers around Belmont have been swindled to the amount of $7,000 ;' • by giving their notes for the.Red lion wheat. It appears that they were to fhave the wheat by the let of August, but ;the day has Dome and gone, and still no wheat is to the fore. Mathew M. Ellett, postmaster of 'Brampton died suddenly of paralysis at the Forks of the Credit on Saturday. He left home in the morning in apparent health to transact. some business at hie quarry. Immediately after dinner he was stricken with the fell disease Stanley, the explorer, has -been heard II from, . Thanews is dated July 12th—later than;tha dime when he was reported to j bavfi.been killed: On that date, Stanley was,prooeeding up the Aruwimi,his com- mand. was in good health,they had plenty of provisions, and had experienced little tremble from the natives. 1 ` A farmer nailed Teese, who lived about ? a mile from Montrose, near St Thomas, was burned alive on Saturday night. .His house took fire, and it is said that he .'set it on fire himself. Teeee entered the : burning building for some unknown pur- pose; and being overcome with the smoke c. could not escape, and was burned to a ''. trier,. The Government detectives are push. • ing forward the investigation into the mysteriou Parkdala tragedy with what speed th may, and they believe they are 0/2 eve f important discoveries. It was learned from the Attorney•General's office yesterday that at present there are nofresh developments, though startling -.ones are expected in the course of a day • or, two. • Mr Gab D Raine, of Campbellford,died last week from blood poisoning. About ten days previous he went out for a • pleasure drive in company with- his wife ` and children, and, during the trip he ,; stopped and picked some hickory nuts, which he broke open with his teeth. He . had a cold sore on his lip at the time Which became itchy and gave him some 'Uneasiness, afterwards causing death. A. young man named Elias Moore, of Crowland township, died on Friday from the effects of g peculiar accident. Moore Van -standing !rear his horde -Yellen' -he touched it with a hayfork, and the animal kicked viciously, the hoof striking the fork, which rebounded and etrnck Moore IA terrific blow in the side. The unfor- tunate young man lived but three,days after receiving the ,injury. Two bills for injunctions against the '" Bed River Valley railway have been filed in Court at Winnipeg in the name of the Minister of Justice. Chief Justice Wall - bridge indicted ted o n Saturday that the • gowning case would be dismissed. The Manitoba Government;, have raised money enoigh to pay the contractors •$100,000 and to release the rails at Montreal, but efforts to floatthgbonda in NewVurk-and Montreal have failed. IngersQ11iSan : Last Saturday even'n, the Salvation Army introduced a novel and :attractive feature _ in their usual parade 'It consisted of young ladies arrayed in white robes, somewhat after ;.the oriental style of garments, and each 'carried a lamp in her hand. Five of tae Tampa were lighted and the other five ',were not. Toe object was to represent the parable of the ten virgins who went out to meet the bridegroom, as recorded • in the 25th chapter of Matthew, of whom f five were wise, and•five were—otherwise. It attracted considerable attention from she large orowd on the streets. The drew of a fishing smack in Nova Scotia, found another drifting and board ed her. They found the bodies of sever. al men floating in tbo cabin. '1'he bodies on board were in a decomposed state, _and the remainder of . the crew had either ahandonecl the Draft before or else , been lost. The latter is probably the ease, as it is not likely they would leave the bodies of their comrades in the condi. tion in which they were found. Tho flesh on the head of one man had been eaten neatly all away, and the whole presented a horrible' sight. The name of the schooner is not given, but she is believed to be the OceanBriclge,of Boston. In opening the Fall assizes at London 00 Monday, Hon. Justice hose thus referred to the Scott act:—" I confess, that without compensation I had some diffroalty in seeing the justice of the Act, but the increasing number of those who pass before me from' Court to Court in mournful array, passing from the police. men to the cell, from the cell to the.gaol, penitentiary. or the felon's grave, is bringing troy mind to the honclusion that the aim of society, or of those members of it who desire the enforcement of any law which will prevent ono citizen tempt ling another to hie ruin, is ohe which has ugh to defend it, and whether there ,ir1at to bo compensation or not is a ler for the legislators of our country v consider." }+ O.J..Camp lett St. Catharir.es on Tues• 'day for plats unknown, leaving behind him numerous creditors. Camp had made preparations for escaping Saturday night aad had a oar load of furniture at the '.tot. This was seized at the instance of we of his o editors,who bad hoard of his ;contemplated flight. Later on he settled with these creditors and obtained the le• lease of the furniture. All that was left ha his house and barn,the former of which was fitted up regardless of expense, was seized at the instance of the'other ored'• tors, who came flocking in with execs. tions from every direction. Camp wa City Clerk of St.Catharines some twenty Yeats ago, and left suddenly with bus no' ebunts considerably short. He came b: o'c ebvetal years ago, and hue for some time been emf.layed as bookkeeper for Capt. flim, 114utray, contractor, iiis name filidelcl bo shelled Scamp. IThe estate Late J. Are now- -sho-win the Largest, Cheapest and -best assorted stock they have ever offered. Special lines in SS GOODS AND FLANNELS. OUR MANTLE nEPARTMENT•, Is now open and again in charge of Miss Ogg, -who has given our patrons the highest satisfaction for the past two seasons. Our assortment of C2'2 -3s anal. ' 'TR=MM2N'G— Is very_complete. Intending purchasers will find it to their advantage to gave us a -look tiro, t s �6: �: v - '.ER CE ► ,� ASH. OHN WISE11MAN Manager. Estate J_ IIOaCEITB, Absolutely Pure: This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. ' More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test short weight, alum or phosphate powders, Sohl only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDea Co., 100 Wa St., New York. - The following facts in reference to the working of the Scott Act, in West. Mid- dlesex furnished by Jas Noble, police magistrate, will be of interest. Number of convictions made from Jan. 1, 1887, to Sept. 1, 1887, 173; total fines collected during same period and paid to County Treasurer,$7,000; total committals in de. fault during same period, 4. Of the balance of fines now remaining unpaid, neatly one.half will not be collected fn the meantime,as the defendants have remov- ed and some have left the country, the other half will no doubt be collected by the date of the next returns, Before Judge Jones at St George the other day,two very improtant cases were disposed of. The two casea decided the question as to the liability of town- ship- councils _being._made_tokeep-reada- in proper repair. On the 10th of June Williaru Raimey, while driving from St George to Harrisburg, bad his horse, buggy and himself injured by the former stepping into an open culvert. Mr Haim. ey brought action .against the South Dumfries Township Council, as also did Mr Andrew Pepper, who also had him. self and outfit injured cn the same night. The judge held that• corporations wore 'bound to keep the road ways nnd culverts in safe condition. The were both jury cases, and a verdict was returned for Mr Raimey of $30 and costs and for,Mr Pep- per $20 and costs. CLINTON MARKETS. C,,rrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, Sept. 15,'1887. Wheat, spring, - - 0 75 a 0 80 Wheat, white anI red - 0 75 a 0 80 Oats . - - 0 28 a 0 30 Barley 0 40 a 0 50 Peas - 0 50 a 0 50 Flour, per cwt 2 00 a 2 25 Potatoes • 0 50 a 0 60 Butter - 0 I6 a 0 17 Ecig•s . 0 14 a 0 15 Pork 550 a 600 Hay • 8 00 a 8 ,00 Wot.l - 024a025 Sheep pelt • 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins 0 60 a 0 80 Clover, per bush. 5 00 a 5 50 SEAFOIITH MARKETS. SEAFORTII, Sept. 15, 1887. Wheat, spring, $0 75 a 0 80 Red and white - 0 75 a 0 80 Oats, • 0 28 a 0 30 POas, 0 48. a 0 50 Barley, 0 40 a 0 50 Butter, 014 a 015 Eggs, • 012 a 014 Potatoes, • 0 60 a 6 00 Pork, - 5 50 a 6 00 Wool, - - 0 2.4 a 0 25 Flout per ea -t, 00 a 2 25 BLYTH MARKETS. Reported specially for NEW ERA every Thursday Blyth, Sept. 15, 1887. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 75 a 80 Fall . new , 75 a 80 Oats 27 a 30 Barley— 44 a 50 Peas . . 48 a 50 Apples per bag . 40 a 50 Potatoes, " . 75 a 80 Eggs per doz . 15 a 15 Bnttor,rolls . • . . 15 a 16 Cheese 15 Lard . • 10 Flour per cwt. 2 00 flogs, . 5 I 0 Hay, . 7 00 Straw . , .. 2 00 3 00 Wool . 22 a 25 Hides -per 100 the. . 5 00 a 7 00 Sheep pelts M, . 0 75 a 1 00 Lamb pelts . . . 0 75 a 1 00 THE li'ARLEMARKET Kingston Sept. Y/4.—Sherman Bros. grain dealers, Buffalo, have written to 13. Mooers that 500,000 bushels of barley aro en route from the Weat at 62e and 65e, So long as barley can be got in the West at these rates grain from this section of the country will be shut out of the market. a 15 a 12 2,10 5 50 8 00 f'ir'st -Claw now lain! PALL WHEAT for seed. Sample can .be sten at the New Era Office. 1 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET There is an over supply of common and inferior cattle. The highest price paid was about 4c per lb. but more would be given for choice. Calves very scarce and high. Sheep and lambs in good supply at former rates. Good lambs advancing. Sheep from $3 to $4.75. Lambs fioni $2 to $3 75. The hog market is overstocked, with few sales reported. Prices from 4o to 5c per lb. The horse trade is pretty active.. During the past week there were shipped from here to the United States 85 horses, costing $9:979. an average of $117 40 each. G001) MARE, WITH COVERED BUGGY and Harness for sale cheap, or will be sold separately. Apply to J. H. COMIBE, OBERTSON' S Great Cash • Store Literally. cramed from cellar to garet Goods. Towelings, 5c. with Nice New SPECIALTIES FOR THE SEASON. GreyCantons, 8,10,12 & 20c A fine lot of Fancy Ribbons A big lot of Ready Macle Mantles expected this week which will be sold cheap, as they were bought cheap. A fine assortment of Mantle Goods to 'arrive this week. `n TRAY HEIFER—STRAYED FROM THE 1.7 river, on the London Road, a small two year old red Heifer, with white ring near the end of her tail. Any one giving such inform- ation as will lead to its recovery will be suit- ably rewarded. MRS, S. MORLEY, Clinton. FARM TO RENT—FOR ONE ORA TERM of years,'parts of Lots 4 and 76, Bayfield Concession, Godericl] Township, About 130 acres clearance, good buildings, bearing or- chard, abundance of water, One mile from Bayfield and 8 from Clinton, Apply at once, on the premises, Lot 4, or by letter to R. GAIRDNER, Bayfield. 41' 'TRAY HEIFERS—STRAYED FROMTHE 17 subscriber's premises, lot 34; 9th con. of Hullett, about the end of June a dark red 'two-year old Heifer, and also a light roan two year old Heifer. Any one giving information that will lead to their recovery, will bo suit- ably rewarded. WILLIAM MAIR,' OTICE TO DEBTORS. -ALL PARTIES 11 indebted to the undersigned either by note or book account, are hereby notified that if the same is not paid before the 30th day of September, their accounts will be placed in court for collection, This notice rs final, JAMES STEEP, Clinton. H OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO HENT.—Subscriber offers the premises now occupied by herself, on Victoria Street south for sale or to rent on very reasonable terms, The house .contains two bedrooms, dining room and kitchen. Lot ono -fifth of an acre. Particulars on application, MRS FISHER. H OUSE AND LOTS 'FOlt SALE.—SUIt- scnrBEn offers for sale tho splendid Frame House on Victoria Street, now occu- pied by Mr 1;, Snell. It contains plenty of room tor fair sized family, stone foundation,. hard and soft water, etc. The lot embraces three fifth -acre lots, and has thereon a num- ber of bearing fruit trees. Terms very reit. stumble A`DODSWOliTH; Clinton, HOUSES AND LOT FORSALE, — THE undersigned offers for sale her houses ou lot 212, Ratteubury Street, near St, Paul's Church, One of the houses is a small, com- fortable cottage, containing four rooms and I kitchen; the_ other house has two storeys,and contains 12 roosts. Hard and soft•water.— Lot is one-quarter of am acre, with.beariug orchard thereon. They will be sold on easy terms of payment, MRS. FORBES, Clinton. NOTICE—E, KENNY HAVING -$OLD HIS stock of..Groceries to J. 11, Crossen, in- tends going to California in a few day0, and requests all parties to 1tag at once and save expense of collection. And any one that has 1 any account against hill!, will please hand in the same for payment. N.H.—I will not be responsible for aily debts contracted in my mune after this site, E;^ KENNY, Cliutou, (QTIIAY CATTLE—CAME INTO SUI4SCRI- 17 0101'5 premises, lot 34, 9th con. Godericlt Township, about two week's since, two year- ling Heifers and 1 yearling Steer, all red." The ()Valor is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges, and take then, away. Also, strayed front subscriber's premises, about a month since, 4 yearling Steers, all red. Any 0110 giving information tliht will lead to their recovery,•will be suitably rewarded. WALH, STEEP. Cottons, 3c and 5c GreyFlannels,15c,18c Table Linens, 20c Gents Furnishings in variety Dress Goods, 10c., 12 Colored Cashmeres, 2 A beautiful Wool Ci for 45p & 20c great c., &c 5c Cie r DRESS & MANTLE Making a hubby with us Rolortmis Griit g11 - Cash Ztr, C1iiti New Fall Dress Goods BUTCHEIIINU l3USINFSS — THE t-NDER- i_e s1GNan wishes to intimate to the people of Clinton and surrounding country, that in order to suitably meet the 'demands of his very nunlcr- ous customers, he has bought Out the business of Mr R Fitzsimons, and will carry on the sante, with the clioisest meats in season. No pains will be spared to meet the wants tlf all, and he hopes to merit and receive a fair sharp of public pat- ronage. Lowest prices for large orders. Farm- ers' trade a specialty. ALBERT MAY. • 'i1i AIIM FOR SALE,—PART OF LOT 31, 11th con, of Godericl] 'Township, contain- ing 40 acres, and also 20 acres on the opposite side of the road. On the 40 acres is a good Brick House with all conveniences, good Frame Barn, Stables, etc. Bearing orchard and plenty of water. All cleared and in good state of cultivation, 10 acres fall wheat in, about 8 acres fall plowing done and 10 acres seeded down. The 20 acres are Mostly hush. Will be sold entire on reasonable terms, MRS W. COLCLOU(;H, Hohncsville P. 0, 1tICIi HOUSE FOR SALE OR T` TO REN B—The undersigned offers Dither to rent or sell the splendid, very convenient and well - situated house on Rattenbury Street, occu- pied by himself. It is a well-built brick, con - mining five rooms and closets downstairs, and the same upstairs, with a good cellar. -- The lot is one-quarter of au acre, with bear- ing orchard, hard and soft water, with usual conveniences. Terms, either to sell or rent, very reasonable. R. FITZSIMONS, Clinton, TO THEILADIES — WHiLE THANKING MY numerous lady customers for their patron- age in the past,I take this opportunity to inform them the' in removing to Clinton, I hope to be more central in my u•orkt,to have bettor "'train connections, and do away °°tivvith the necessity of canvassing Clinton, i am prepared to fill orders on very short notice.and satisfactorily,in Ladies' Misses' and Children's Corsets, Shoulder Braces and Supporters, Children's Waists a specialty. Clinton ladies, who promised fall ordera,pleaso call when it suits end have bettor satisfaction. Hensel) ladies please give orders to Miss Hunter. Remember tho place, over Mr Twitchell's store., E.J,COULTER. Clinton, Aug 19. *1m Great CENTRAL EXHIBITION Under the auspices of the Mullett Agricnl- tat•ai Society, to ho held in C7 14 [ N 'I` , O N Tuesday & Wedlesday,80,27-28 Over $I,000 given in prizes. On the afternoon of the second day Of show tho lady riders will contest for a 535)12151 prize valued at 085, which In itself will be. worth the price of admission alone. OTHER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Shdw will be open on the evening of the first dayuntil 10 p In. Admission, Adults 150, Children Imo, General Admission, second da% Ole„ Children lee. ,roil'- MA5OI 4Pres, N. 11011SON, Seey .a r ,T-U-ST--OP-1rN-EI)- AT— UrIIILA()14, dSd CU'S' NES and BRD33 TRIMMINGS —A T— ,1DETLO . •tic CO's NEW MANTLE CLOTHS NEW JERSEYS, NEW EVENING SHAWLS, at .T () 1110E 4€ r c: 's A lot of HOSIERY at a BIG BARGAIN. WHITE QUILTS & TOWELS at Job Prices. J. C. DETLOR & OO1701inton NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED A LA4GE STOCK OI'' COAL,COOKING and HEATING STOVES OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE AND LATEST PATTERNS. Also an ilnlnlnense stock of LAMPS or all descriptions, frond 25c. each upwards, in- cluding the Celebrated aRochester Lamp, for which wo.are sole agents. Also COAL and WOOD FURNACES.— Sole agent for Harris' Celebrated Furnace, manufactured by Gurney & Co., Hamilton, FULL LINE GENERAL HARDWARE. S. A -VIS, _ C51.I2V OICO T, Ti +, MAMMOTH HARDWARE AND fiKn HOUSE. IDE! t88T-FALL-4887. New - Fall mi. Goods OPENED VP AS FOLLOWS: INew Fingering Yarns New Mantle Cloths New Mantle Clasps New Dross Buttons. New Black Broche Velvets New New New New New New HAVE ARRIVED AND Dress Goods Meltons Velveteens Evening Shawls Cashmere Gloves Cashmere Hose • . -New -Woollen Bl'alr b&-, ' `. New Bed Comforters - New Grey Flannels New Navy Flannels New Wool Yarns ew- Bl -k. Gros Grain-Sifk6r New Black Merv. Silks New Felt Skirts New Canton Flannels New Colored Flannels EVERYTHING NEW TO BE GOT AT S. WILSON, CHEAPSIDE NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER dt 'SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. TWO BIGH AIMS' ONE TO MAKE OUR GOODS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY THE OTHER TO MAKE OUR FIGURES THE STANDARD : OF : LOW : PRICES, These have been our constant aims for thirty-five years past. .Tt is NOT - SPASMODIC - EFFORTS Which have accomplished this, but it is continued efforts. We have pleased the people, pleased ourselves and MERIT CONT'TNUEI, SUPPORT. Let us have it and we will show you TEMPTING BARGAINS From one years end to another.' We have full lines in all kinds eof Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers,- (Pc., And we are confident that at no place can you find such a carefully se-• - lected-stock-at-sueh—CLOSE S -HAYED P-RIGES: ---come morning, n o>a or night and.WE WILL DELIGHT YOU. JAC KBO N' � BARGAIN SHOE HOUSE, Opposite . Towif Hall, Clinton. Clinton Refreshment Rooms. BITSINA-11SS OI A-NGE 0. COLE having bought out the Refreshment Rooms of Mr. J. Anderson, desires to intimate to the public that he will continue the same in all its. branches. He has .just added a fresh stock of Confectionery, &c., which will be sold at lowest rates, FRUIT OF ALL KINDS KEPT IN SEASON: OTSTERS .KEPT IN THEIR SEASON AND SERVED IN ANY STYLE FRESH. CAKES IMPORTED DAILY FROM TORONTO. 11+x' TOBACCOS, CIGARS, I'IPI+S, POUCHES, &c., &ca Close' attention given • to business, and all oiders entrusted to him will. be promptly filled. A trial respectfully solicited. Remember the stand, next. door to the Grand union Hotel. C. COLE, - - CLINTON. Boots & Shoes Large stock of FALL GOODS to hand. Good value EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. FIVE ICER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JAYLOR & SONS Minton r tot Blyth. JA0013 TAYLOR, Manager:for T31yth, • fi