HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-16, Page 4- N O OGLE .. ME GQLI?- irf3013Em lU OIiT111
, .(hjl.iit1H A►>l"r81 ',.
SEPTEM13ELi.16 1887. •A AFDUQTIo« F 3T SO . I3 _, _ _.
.. , ... ,_ , Preteens$ 4 09111-ding As* U641,
lIany former$ 41 itualiy ,9arrY too LIT141; ASECDOTEs T9Nnll,0 TO15UOW
tnup'll stock tbroupir tate winter, to THAT SOr> B PROPLE pA NOT
Jl ` their great loss, A W rm ought to be GET EXCITED. O lr O A N A D,A --
---- - - - - �� futo
(Lilly apked,'but nrver overstocked: CD J41.0 nit¢otu, t►ttt.
_ Yet it seems to be difficult to induce Our nteigliliors across the channel Psrnl,trsllxo isd1.
kRO.VILIING AGAIN6T hHORT some lti0n tO reduce their herds and �.. v le ASn ilutf,iu of duaintns and prores,:o:,al
are fond Of relating humorous little u,rn, hnvin for ,ta „1 a the
FODDER. flocks. The seen to be governed 1 '
_ y !; g iucideata of sanK-!tufo in Notch An
° There are large areas of Uutario in the matter by some such dislike as Englishman usually acts the rule of L't)lA.EC T1t►N ON DEL' 1'S;
this year in which the supply olfodder people have to tbhuuing fruit. But chief character, says Chambers' A:.d to Nrtt,ut.ts alun.hcr'. w..6h7l; Lad de'bt`4
everyone knows what sheer folly it is journal. AA for instance: A man by tarniyhino idem �StIYUy!a;,r garlics „Go do
tip .carry live stock through the tom- to have more cattle er sheepthan can p And
Ing slater T a ong periodt of gof drrave outb be well fed and otherwise tken care .Have you a ytold furniture 7 -'No.
sideration, The long p
of. At such a time as this, whets
_-. y--.---. sir ; but- we can make you "some , , 07
sl, -no. on y Been"ttiepau$e
of short* rices are yet low, it will be harder This reminds us of the Eoglishwart
age in bay, straw and coarse grains, F P
than ever for some farmers to screw in • a restaurant who called for stale
but the pasture fielids have, been have
their courage u to the sticking Point bread.
badly burnt that many farmer$ flava g P, 13 P ' W e have none my lord.'
been forced to feed from the mow and of reducing their herds and flocks. t Make some then ; I will wait,' was
the stack. Green fodder, which is But better make the sacrifice. Heroi• the calm reply. Instances of remark•
nowhere so generally grown as it cally look the situation in the face,; able coolness and assurance among
ought to be, has
yielded a ver light sae how many head you can carry '
i y g adventurers out west' ars only to be
drop; and roots give little promise of through as they ought to be carried expected, To begin with a small ex -
producing even a low average, unless through,aad get rid of the teat to the ample, A boy who comes of opchroni-
the fail weather proves to be more best possible advantage, but get rid of tally borrowing family went to a 'iii
them. neighbor's for a cup of sour milk. ` I 1
than usually favorable for their �__ ��� _ haven't got anything but sweet milk, s
growth. What, then, is to be done ? WOOD ASHES. e
The average Canadian winter is long said the woman pettishly. 'I'll wait
enough for the e.Unsumption of the prof. James, of the Ontario Agri- till it soura,' said the obliging youth,
store of fodder on most farms; lint si king into $chair. -�
when winter feeding begins five cultural College, has issued a bulletin gut in many of,the cases now under r
months ahead of the ordinary time it Op&Ct1Cal COthe , Cltt9 Otla are a9f0110wect of wood ashes. 18 consideration foreigners of several
must be allowed ,that the outlook is p nationalities will be found to Kaye
gloomy enough. 'true, we may yet 1 Ashes are very benefigial to all figured conspicuously in the matter
have good pasturage thoroughout soils more or lea% impoverished, ea -a of taking things coolly-
and October, and it is pee- Fechally to sandy soils. It is related that a lady and gentle-
that much green fodder may be 2 Allies are adapted to every crop man came to.a ferry,and the -boat .,'
thed offltpr. fields; and, on of a -woody nature, especially trust deputed his grandson to row theme<_e.
.. fall maybe as trees and vines.• acro3s. ' Wby Ao you" De*t manage
the ot119r;,i?'i� �1 . our boat yourself, asked the lady,
untoward as the Bummer• The pro- 3 Hardwood ashes are worth to the t
dent, will not take chances when farmer, unleached about 20 cents perinsteadof letting this child do it ?'
d sure and safe way is opened to him; bushel, leached about 10 cents per , 011, don't you be afraid, ma'am,'
and a $13 ghln the present case there bushel. Soft wood ashes are a little answered the ferryman, 'the ladcttn 0
way be neither a aura nor a safe way less valuable. t
positively,•we think there are one or 4 Coal ashes contain little or no Equally indifferent to the fate of
at least. One of plant food, They are a good absor. others was one of the sufferers by a
more relatively so, bent, make first-class road beds, and
these ways is to gather and store up late railway accident, 13e was seen
every particle of fodder, grown or are well adapted for filling in hollow rushing axIOusly about, some ut nI
gioi, ng in the fields. The straw of walls, asked it he was hurt. ` No
wheat, oats and pease is clean and 5 Apply from one-half to one to can't find my umbrella.
white this year, and if well cared for of fresh ashes per acre, three to four About a year ago, when the upper
it .will, when cut and mixed with tone of leached aahes. part of an hotel was on fire, one of
grain foods, go far to make uWfor the 6 All wood ashes should be kept the servant girls was directed to
scarcity of other fodder. Then the under cover in a dry place. J awaken two gentlemen who were
corn crop, where corn is grown,should asleep in an up stairs room. She
also add to the store of rough fodder. A -NEIGHBOR'S OPINION, knocked at the door, and, with the
It is Iike,ly that many fields will not -- , greatest simplicity, said, ` I beg par-
te worth keeping for the grafin, and THE 11IUTUAL ADVANTAGESOF IIETTF-R lien gentlemen, for disturbing you,
NN in ordinary years Elio Cattle TRADE RELATIONS BETWEEN but the house is on fire.' This case
would probably be turned in on them CANADA AND THE STATES, of what may be called ludicrous
while the stalks were yet green and --- politeness brings to mind another,
nourishing, uo one -'tit the most With the abolition.of the cusioms Hi! you dropped,a brick up there!'
thoughtless of farmers {could dream line and perfect free trade, a common shouted' $pedestrian on whose should -
,f doing so this year. If likely to tariff against other countries; a com' ers One of those articles had fallen
mature early, it should be cut and mon coasting trade and fisheries, and from a three-storey scaffold. `All
gathered in goad time—all the better common participation in all commer- rigbt,' cheerfully responded the brick -
to be re the green side—and convert- tial advantages, there would be all layer ; ` you needn't take the trouble
ed into ensilage, if the means 'or so extention of commercial enterprise to brio it u
preserving it are available. But in and profit from the Gulf of Mexico to 't Wbat's the matter ?' asked a law
any cane it should be gathered in Hudson's Bay. It would open t,tie yer of his coachman. ` The horses
shock without delay atter cutting, as market for the products of;,the Cana- are running away, sir.' `Can't you
exposure LO rain and sunshine will than farmers and trading classes. It pall t11em up? I am afraid n'Ot.
epeedhly destroy its feeding properties, would give the Draminion a better ' Tben,' said the lawyer, afterjudicial
market for her lumber, minerals and run into 30mething cheap.'
If it can be stowed in the mow it delay, '
will not only keep much better than fish. It would open up a market for
in the. fields, but it will also be more. our own manufactured goods. ' Ill IT PAWS TO THINK
C for feeding; and if the would'greatly extend our trade area;
stal'ss are not Well loaded with ears bring about a peaceful and profitable t� striking instance of the extent to
the cattle wilLfare all the better .if commercial competition, and provide {which saving machinery is carried
stalks and ears are fed together. Run new channels for the investment of now -a -days is shown in the tin can
through the cutter, either before or our capital in -developing the resour- industry. Everybody knows -that all
after stowing them hn the mow, and ces of Canada. If the Canadians can Cana are manufactured by machinery.
they will take the place .of hay and undermake us in manufactured pro- One of the machines used in the pro-
° grain, _Another suggestion for those ducts by virtue of their cheaper labor cess solders the longitudinal seams of O
who have a scarcity is to bop up fed- they will have the advantage of our the cans at the rate of 50 a �iinute,the
der early in the season before tine of market. They can send their barley cans rushing along in a continuous
high -prices comes,as not unfrequentiy which is better for ourbrewers,and we stream. Now, of course,a drop or two
this season some localities have an can send :them our corn. They, can of solder is left on the can.. The drop
abundance, while others only a few send us their fish, and we can send on the outside can be easily cleared
miles distant are threatened with them our Yankee notions. It will be a"y, but it is not so easy. to secure O
famine ; bran may often be purchased a fair exchange all around, and in- the drop left on the inside- It would-
cbeaply and in large quantities, and stead of trading to the extent df forty n't do of course, to retard the speed of
it has most valuable feeding proper ,or fifty millions each year, trade can the work—better waste the drop;jt is
ties. But there is one other way to be extended to a hundred millions or -only .$ trifle, an how, and to 999 men
r guard against winter scarcity, and ore. They°would get alta ?l,R7eii4a.It in 1.000 would not seem worth "a A
with the mention of it we close. Se rices for their surplus a li,18, find -
off all the marketable stock just as P • • ninheet attention.
J ing a market in t4axe coin y.
At. The thousandth mag worked for a
soon astbey can be gotiuto condition; flreaent they get them less'[ 'e Amer- firm using one of these machines, and
you may get a little more for them lean tariff, which averages on their be set about de -Acing an ingenius ar-
later on, but in such a season as this goods less than 331 per cent., as rangement for wiping the inside of
there is great risk that they will eat they ship no free -list goods. Our' the can, thereby saving that drop of
their own heads off if kept until later own markets would not be apprecf- solder and leaving none, to come in
on. ably 'affected by their increased ex- cautact with the contents of the can. ! �� 0
ports -under reciprocity. With the He was encouraged -by his employers
THE F'ARMER'S B001L tariff averaging on our exports to to patent his invention, did so,- and
Canada about 30 percent. we should has already received.several thousand
There are scores of farmers all. over expect to sell more goods at prices. dollars in royalties for its use. As the
„Canada who bave .barely succeeded in very much the same as now. The machine solders 30,000 cans a day, the
making a living g the past five benefits of the reciprocity would be solder saved by his invention amount-
- years. There are a ores mgre who mutual--Cbicago Tribune, ed to about X15 a day. It pays al
' Ltaye been forced tog into debt,'tb---+.--- think as you work,=['Industrial
borrow money at high rates of ince- RAILROADING IDT FLORIDA, Journal.
rest, or to place mortgages upon their -----+-+�+--
farms, in order -to make necessary re- Savannah News: Bfin Rex is a A PNEUMTIC TUBE TO
and additions to fences and native cowboy living three miles from EUROPE
buildings, and to procure improved, Auburndale. He brought some sweet.
in place of worn out, machinery. milk in bottles to Aubu'rndule�Vednes- Coli H Pserce, .of Southington,
There are scores more who have been da and Ben was a pleasing type of Conn., who has been studying the use
driven out of�"th'e Older "provinc'es'ttr M P,
seek homes in the Canadian' -Orth- the cracker a� $milkman. Holding of pneumatic tubes, has reached' a
seat or in the United States. a bottle in one band and an old•fa- point at which be hopes to show that
s hundred or two hundred dollars shioned cow -bell swinging loose on a a tube across the Atlantic can be
Added to the annual income of these rawhide belt in the other, Ben let the ,used. The ththe current s will always f br in
1. men would have made all the differ "town folks" know -what kind of a couples, wl[in
encs between pinch and plenty, And cowboy be is, Ben Rex has learned one tube always 'moving in er cope -
a teat man Tittle things since the site. direction from the other. The
would have enabled them to avail Sopth Florida Railroad was complet• heaviest cannon will serve to illus -
i themselves of the improvements in r ”
machinery, to maintain proper build ed through these lonesome pine hills trate the tube. A car takes the, p aCe
lugs and 'fe'aces, and to keep their three pears• ago. He was seated on a of the charge,the tube to he indefinite-
1 continuous and the sliced of life
perty unencumbered, Wednesday
y front of Pattwh n's store P t4L fto
Unrestricted reciprocity will secure Wednesday morning, when with car to be governed by the rapidity
to every industriousiand enterprising twinkling eyes he related how, soon with which air can be forced through.
after the railroad came, he stole a Time is required to establish a current
farmer in the Dominion at least X100 of air flowing with great swiftness 01
•• 'ride art of the way home. He said: g
additional income every year. In t, P
I of mi the car step and the train through a tube perhaps thousands o
many cages the benefit Evill be much g miles in length, but when once creat-
substantial. The farmers now lit out. There is a big crook in the g
road about a mile frolic town out I ed the motion will be nearly uniform.
r recognise this important truth Every- flowed they would check up goin' The speed of the current may be made
where they are becoming clothed and routed that, and I could jump off easy as great as may be desired by using
in their right mind, In consequence; enough. Instead o' that they got the steam driver fans employed in
the Reciprocity boom, without Push' g blast furnaces. Niagara Falls could
ing Gr coddling from any interested faster and faster, A .litWe furder on drive blast fans and furnish motive ,
uarter, is carrying everything before there's a trusse a and I was certain
' q t g y K • the would sorter stop, but they kept Power to keep in motion the trains to
It. As sterling'old Abraham Lincoln y connect .this continent with the Old
remarked :—` You can^fcol all of the gittin'faster and faster. I had a pickle World. The temperature within the
people some of the time. You can dish in one hand, and says I, I must tube may be regulated by passing
fool some of the people all the time. go home to my wife and children blasts of air entering the tube through
r But you can't foul all of the people shore. I steadys myself and jum
P P square out from that car. I didn t rnaces or over ice. The speed at -
all of the time. q tainabl,e may reach 1,000 miles an
-�— _ know much for two hours. I got up y
100 feet from where I first lit, I was hour. The tube lin' and car -ex -
WHAT IT COSTS. > terior would be olished steel, with
all tore up. It was �a raisin some it
white sand and'oak leaves when I left corrugated sides matching wheels
One of the most interesting reports there. I lost my pickle dish and it provided with anti -friction bearings.
yet published has been made by the never has been found rt. I will al. The speed, owing to the curvature of
Michigan State Department concern- never
s be bow-legged, and I've got a the earth's surface, will tend to over-
ing, the cost of producing and market- y " come all wei ht and the ressure will
Ing the wheat, oats, and corn cropof mind ter, sue the railroad for it, g t p
-� be upon the upper part of the tube ;
1885 in this State. The average yield PERILS OF JOURNALIST. thus there is scarcely any limit to the
per acre is given at 21.98 bushels of —_ speed attainable.
wheat, 40.65 bushels of oats and 70: A sullen looking man with $horse — ""'•"-■
87 busbels of ears of corn. The yield whip entered a Nebraska newspaper WANTED MAMIIIA TO KNOW IT ,
thus indicated applied to the coat per Office and asked the boy where the
Here shows an average cost per bushel editor was. The boy `sized him up' Little Willie had -had the subject
t f At 20 cents for nd answered,
'Gone to Ohio;won't be back for six Of anew brother a slater mentioned
to hien as a probability in the near
onths.' future. One morning the nurse called
`Where's the foreman?' him and said:
'lie's gone to Washington with an , ' Willie' here is a little sister the CD
vitation to the President. Won't be angels brought you last night,' '
ack'fore cold weather. What do 'O let me see!' cried Willie in
ou want•• -want to paralyze 'em?' great glee. '*
'No, no; I owe $4 and thought I'd 'The angels never had any parasols, V
coo •. �, pay up., did they T
That so? hold on a second; perhaps t Why, what a question. Whydo
On almost .every farm there are the editor hasn't started yet.' ou sao?' l
waste places where trees might be He whistled, a long dark form P t t y
earning dollars for their owners,grow• g Casae, they let her get sun -lural.
ing by the brook. or the tiger, or on crawled out of a wood 'ban and the Shea quite fed. Take keer, let me ,00
hill -sides and overhanging cliffs, too editor was ready for business. by, ynick.'
' Where are you going?'
,t steep for cultivation ; and there are Mr Horatio Collier, Woolen'. Manu- t (,}cin t0 toll mamma, She don't
kw at least A half dozen odds days in faeturer, Callierontown Oat., states : g
every season when the planting work Nasal is the only positive reme- know it yet.'
might he called on—when no other dy for catarrh that I ever used.
ork of equal Vitlue is crowding the
husbandman, Children Cry for pitcheft-Castorla'
to our Managere, Hamllton, Ont., will receive —
by return mail, full particulare, certificate
of membership, Sc."'OaotorlsInsoweu*",itedtoabllQreiitpa►t UYtOri<a Corea Clone, Cionstivat,
trees— ndltiiosupiriortoanypieecidptiop �y W �,t'tiveaa a%R' and I
B. HILLS & Co.,Usnagers, Hafit ilton, txlratiame," H.. A..A•aaaas,>1LA„ seer on,
f3f 8 , K, Y. W>wgtit injWtltlw metlkaitioo.
17a t3o. OiitorA , rotlt3�a
Or to JAs.TaamrsoN, Agent, Clinton. Tom C>�xwira CoxPAXY,77lit gray
CLINTON -- - --
Tho subscriber haviuM bought out the bus-
nees of hIr Jas f3teep, will continue the
awe in all its branahee, and by allose
attention to I'll of his eustomers;and
oui•teous treatment to all, he hopes to
merit and receive a share of public patron -
He will keep In stock
Roller Floor, graham Floor, Oatmeal,
olled and granulated, 'Barleymeal, Corn• Col
meal, coarse and fine, Cracked Wheat,
Rolled Whea,tFarina Wheat,Pot Barley,
S '
._ - 0
umbos - Watchc�
pit Peas, :Backwlueat Flour,
&e., &o k
usualXy ;_} w,�Gaaes , ,��a., ^ r• -
store. Farm P'ro, ,4 taken'in e7.chauge.
C.l* I"'w,sliS*r a anywhere-invewas town. Prions . R O B • � T. GOA /�
the very le{vesb' W. i� J. f` J111L11
AN 1)
®F Uli 12tola
A large assortment of evetything
in the Undertaking line,
Red Rocker Store, Clinton.
.--AT '
SPECTACLES fitted on a scientific princ
�IImporteci e Dir
From Liverpool.
Rolled Milk � ]Plate, Tixl< P12LCO
. Ca><>, ad�
After being thoroutrhly.overhauledand re -fitted dew �Glasta,"Galv��>�lzpd ron
with NEW MACHINERY of the most approved and NaYl frollJll Moiatreal.
kinds, thesemills are now in splendid running
order, and will mot be surpassed in the quality of
the work done, by any mill1nthe, country.Vl E HAVE `4LSO A LARGE STOCK OF
Spec►�I lAtteolion liven to GRISTIi�G, �ar�ect ;�iaol�, Stove, ,� Al.
—• Tinw'are,Shelf I�arc�wari.,Y _ _
Satisfaction guaranteed. Parties Ranting any
tuingwhatever in this line will And it to their
interestto give IU scall• Agent for the Celebrated 1hrriS
E. I!L'BER, Proprietor. ■ the .
Loan .& Investment Co'y
This Company is" Loaning Mohey on =
Farm Securityat Louest Rates,of ric
uterest. . ' D V I S, - ' C'` LI N
8, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allotted
on Deposits, a.cordin9 to amount
and time fejt.
- 1!„RCTTS
OFFICE-Conterof <iarketScnareaudNurihSt
' h1AI7A0RR. '
Goderich, Augst nth 1S95 f
_ __ _ S �ctacles 8� E
' . I �l�o Celebrated ARG�S V
p d
Dominion & NOW Exibifiny THE BEST I N U s E
-t sv-
QRONTU SEAT 5th to 17l$ B. LAURANCH 'Spcclacles and Eyeglasses at C
$30,000 iriCALEDON I A Mineral `'''Water Aeras
This, being the Dominion"andgrr:a�.F� TVL]~+.S � COMI IE
L•'xhlbttians eonabineci, will be thehe great -t- 9
est exhibition of the agricultural and in. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, div.
dustrial products of this country
-ever held,
Return tickets at single fare {and cheap
CE + �.,T RA L G R O C E.
excursions on l the Eays d ion g the fulltitue hv!
YEAR^�•� �^+40id ;tniltd
For Prize I.ists and fuil'•irlfornuttion ad- �� JC1 ���'►7
Preeldent.31gr. and see, Toronto • Tke subscriber has bought out the Stock of P,11;obb, consifi
LO\DON, CAN' ADA' Which, beim bought at low rates, be ISenabledto offer at the VC
19J,11 To 24Th SErTEMBER,'1s87. est prices Patronage respectfulry solicited. All ordels�
promptly filled. Rooms 'to- let.
Liberal 1'remiume for Live Stock Machin-
cry, Blildi&e. R WALKER,,,.,CLI NTON
New Grounds, New Bungs, New Race H.•
Track are tieingrovided for the forthcom-
ing Jaw lee Exhibition,at ancstlruated
cost of -• -
$1!30,000,00. u�2 1tttrrr M
se; tP '�lIffi I Ie Li D Stock: will - repro- 69 M q �f� `
eeptetiIiy.-tiYe I.ivo Stock;dispiny. Grand �t j�YapYp v/1rCY s�, fiH4A
Extribfts.in TAW101k, statuary and Sculp-
ture. The committee oi&Attractions are
preparing a el ld our
programme. Better
than ever, Send your address on a postale WHITE BRONZE MORON
card for Dopy o Prize List For all infor-
mation write to the Secretary,
A W PORTF,Pres. GRO, MCBR0011f sec.
PP, ��-� ST.TIio,%%s, 0NTA'
Right 'to the Front, t O
CHO� E BI3Eif OATtl and ULOVE11 r,�``5`� v� ftl
FOIL BALE. I, �� Cq/ � fd T� a onlyBronze l
Parties wanting such should call early. I nm 1`�� T'c" Try 111 the Donn
all) prepared to pay highest market price In cavh '+lf, 1 11
for potatoes. IIs• Is stilt to be found t:.rt`�
at the old Stand,
with a,full'llne of . 4
'100\1 9sgd i' Our material is endorsed
Flag, teed Ld . Vegetables. t<{���5 ing scien=tists as being pt
imperishable. SIt cannot
Of the best qualities, which he will sell favorgat the * p all moisture, And oonsegtl0ttt
lowest him with remunerative
ucall. Hillstockncludeto all s FLOUR, 014g 14% t r ,' ll 16,p�Q@�r0`' affected by the froE
CHOP, SHOUTS, BRAN OATS, PEAS, IIEN Elk 9. � +$�. der 'f ;-
FF.ED,GRARAI`f FLOUR,CRACItED WHEAT, &� q,{ "fti� a yt" i t{1 il: �yai3
GRANULATED ROLLER and STANDARD a �'r r� Send for Deaionet and T<
00%1EAL and CORNMEAL', all kinds of V090 -
tables, BARREL SALT, all R N, ch SHORTS
sell • iva, • GIF)
for sash or coarse grains. BRAN, SHORTS and
FLOUR by the ton or cwt• and everything sold ��, _, �. -
at milt prices, All articles delivered tree of tit. oft t
clrargow[thfnthecorporntton. 1119 motto will f yip :Lultti 4('ulrtw.f'`' ...'
be "Good goods, just wei ht and ono rico:" ° , .:_ �• r� ���.a.tr��,ht
TE109. WATS6N,
l IIurou street, Clinton e