HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-16, Page 3.- -__ -_ - .1, ­ - � ­ - _-_ I - � ­ - , �': ­­­..., -, - -, - ­ - T- - --� . . .... ­­­­­­­­� ...... 7-­�­�­­­!--7­1 . - .1.1.1',-11 117. ­­�­­. -1. _­ ­-­ I—— � . . . , . 4 . . . " . . - ­­ ,,.�,�,�"""-�,;.-;",�..--.,w I I . 1. " I .� I . I .. -, , . . .. I . � I I . I I I . . �`-� I ­*­ �% � '.. . I - . . I . I , I . I . � . , . . . . � . � I . , __7 . I I � I I ;:� � � . . I . . I I . . I I �, ,,, - __ — — . . � . . � - I . . . 1. I . . 1. . I I . . I � 1� mm=- __11__.1-_1 . I . .. . . � I . � I I 4 , � — ; _ � , � . . . �� ­%­ - . ," .. � v-9-1 I I ­ - ­ I . � — I . �, . . . 1 "t . � . % I . .-,- I - . �­'A�4-074r- patrQUIi . , I � I � I I . ­­ �_ _. � �'i'll.l.;,.—��l".��,�,�--,T--.", � r ,,, r I 111 11 .. ­_n� � "'!'.." �_ . I - 11 1. --_;-,1 h ii, w"i 11 -i ,,7-1�1. �­ _1 ­­ .1 � . !! .! ! ­ " , ­,­. __ . , � . Foott AVA AIPIR11�4!!� _­­ , , ,,M,�-7.,_."�71FT,#__1!. "' * �� 11 11 I— 11 . . .- t! I I I . � . - 017R LXTTX-Rl BOX in Clinton,,, tor �mioq , " . I 0 A., Yea, bee, — , , I - Ovoly in whiskey, O.AlTalaIN, W T144 CLANS, � I ptlay wo have nw:Ndo ! T _. 1.19wititt P01tiou'.purporthii.t, atuot sell Ae iducil of I.li , � _alIO 0610abp Ima � . I - A 140CA-1 ClItIA ,, ,vyg , I,kq to ­­ lag Twnbtill, D. M. U , all, �Cfiilbi;l , and . 0 .0 A Ri�iilr,ffo —TRVE TEMPER- . 4 Soul — ,rvh Q . .- 111ftel%. 1 voyment in the NIE41l, . o1gstroying. a 0. OlAripon, 8ev,61prth, have bi , o We 11mve E I I W41t, III order to m%kis it To $Ae 84ifor.of the 01111toll .Lyetv 91-01 . I e4 ap. ., ". sproe time been MA- be 0ge0d by ,about 5,000 olectors of , A,Nog. � Y, a5if three pergpps were grant PO4iteil a committee d Rev. A. StowArt.And family re I , — .. ed . with tile . I turlied , 04*411.04tioub4a -q P -t , fill, Me Editor, I Inall tall Ye submitted in uqatiom to t0vu on lVeclileod Is I . ribm t Ry il . Urom; bas.becit forward d gages, st,0300 or $�00 0, piece. id the q , oy. R JQO,ko. mu6b. or Aa imet: the expmee , of t lead 'Of the Secr . -a L p tbootile 7,,,,,, thing is abou lie game3 th 111#01's . I .�,,. in H , � . , A'dilorof 0Antofi.N'qmE?.,a, The gang to t 'A rawgr. improved by his Ad' ti iipl I ... .1 , I ixt,s,o far a , . at 110�80nt to the An 0 t - - aahh;, Sua.-Itla aosiligstraugethakthiop- 1AS14 will ever Rimy &kse 'us ta give thm first mentioned nob later than October- The Sunday servioes in St. John,s . otary of State. for C ra,s,li.cl Ito Sails tentperanca. ye'er ava. Ye Que.Atious mu Idel, 11 Illy a fow have rc- 'X0 TuJ,$ HQXa,HAcLX T"-' . &-,a- , 3pt such a compromise, reason for no' rs will be given on 0 ilrob, Holmesville, will commence at . ' . . ;?Imperarlce aboald,be ever What a few have said of the ,,high has I8,112" been a great adnarer a' what ds . Fri. h - . $,A�AZTAftr OF ponents of ga'an, as ye we'll ken I t4h. The anawe � C(T to oim� call' WQdlSl'kP dumling ST4,Til QX0'oANADA, Sin, -We, the un- desiriogs of representing themselves as licell$e" system proposed by a I Railway certificates, en- 5 p.m., instead of 6 . ,until furtbornotice. 01,01 .49 , Cali, but anyone , must I" dersig, - morning. � or. . _rled elgotigri of the aptiAiijr of Hot. the advocates of true t9mper nee. For "Tem " urelOquent are ca'd the games. We'll, I had a tit ' T. al P,rQm,tt p%ymerl 4 of all out- a er Co. , U 9 the holders to reduced fares, will a il al� great tackle wL' oar auld frien' Sandy, be f itruishe There will be no service. in Ontario lig LU colm a. We hope Our 34trons I ion of 0 evince of Ontiirio, Do- instance, in your last Issue, under the "w9at I� the difference between a d Oil application to the Sao - i , - &44, request Yoi to ts wile, was, as usual, rantin' round early retary. St. church, on Sunday next; the re . . . 'n 0 and tq this with9ut f2ier d I Ad, caption of Scott Act in Huron, "True prohibitionist and a W It U sist?,1 tha, morn a' Welensday last, w4, the opening exercises will take place on the e*- . � 'O' notice that we pr?,pose, prepen, . icen ; � . " � , pro " I ',b eve I] . �-- - - -B=- RQU�- - alto _ . ting 'the - Temperance 11 -I ves himself to- - J1Jg - licemeists be,%` u - - MODIAXATZBO--The following I - I --- . I .. _.. +Ipt ­ wing-patitiaoli td His'Excellenoythe- -be oife of thoseag.,ad-be-oalled temper. whi9key into a boy through a Putting - same suld 'Tam OkShanter adorn . - list- of t6th inst, . Governor on ea wiT the Xodelites now attending Clinton I 1. - . 01,00.0 and, 0, tha verre, b at pens, an, was Lingo, ,OouooL:_ � The Young people of Turner's olmrQh, W.41 . artr0svingats. . &I, viz.: ance Cecil, who, nder guise of true tem. funnel, and then putting the boy into ta'eir dean when I tauld him 1 w4dua - . I - for Sal � e -T Wiggi . ngtom, I I ,To RIbExokLLis�cy xHo GovEamou GE,;Y. porance seeks to oyerthrow the beat jam - the gutter ; the probilliti6nists believe gang. I was n . Fm"Rs. ZS. Tuokeismith, surprised Me J. J. Orook- �,,_ . m; AAL OR. CANAPa is COUNCIL:- perance measure that has ever been in.- in Putting the whiskey into the gutter trae the, early forbearing S,rice, as Brown, Sarah Ann Anderson John shanks, on Saturday morning, by the . , JI05 for *2,.75-R;b W Com . ta The petition of the electors of the traduced. We say beat measure ana and saving the boy.', many glorious gath'rin' o' the Crioh, Gertrude Bell, Jas.'Wyoliffe presentation of a purse of money. w 'W414tod-Mrs Gilroy - Gouilty of Huron, qualified and coulpe. Prove our Statement* from thefaotthat "High license for the privilege of whis. clans I has experienced fit Lucknow, I Campbell, Lydim Cessna, Abeakim, The Foresters of town expect to at- ­.�,,.,. Y� COW. -H, Downs tent to vote at thck election of a member drunkenness hae decreaaed under the key -selling means that the devil will _fo,,,Id ardly refrain free, givin' in. I Duncan, Isabel Fowler, Howard tend the Town Hall in a body on Suit. . a .,� ft.g-s Wilson Of the Houqe of Coramons, in the Court- Scott Act regime, and Also from the strike higher game. It tands also to t'. thm games upon tha green, tha � . Jessie H. Fowler, Frederick day, the 2na of oat., . - 01110be.ap-Jacksomi Bros . fact that liquor men and ititemperates make an aristocracy of tbrillin' strains a, the surd mou4ta,u Dewar, when a special see , . vil. The man Farquharson, C. Gemnall, William man will be preached to them by Bev. . ty of Huron, respectfully shewetli, That e airs, an' Gillie Callum raise every lad HiSlOP, Maggie H. Hen , Thomas R. John Gray. q 000,46 -Estate J Rodgens Squirm, rebel and complain more than ry # - , I ; 0 your petitioners are desirous that the who can afford to Pay a $1000 for the an' lassie, Auld an' Young, ta' their feet. Lovell, Joan Hod 1: . ,gene, Robert Me Clark, of Seaforth, (ROV A. D.Mo. I listook-S Davis ,nice any other temperance measure. privilege of helping the devil Ili his Ance a year they wiled us f rae oar com" MOB wen, Addis Lamont, John G. Order in Council, dated the 20th day of Wh rebel and complain if the Scott murderous work, ought to have a seat man c res a, life, ta meet thegither. MOCOn Donald's assistant) preached in Willis .4 Q484 ,St6rQ-J Robertson J%nUary, IS85, passed, bringing the oe, Y � A" excursion -W Jackson -� Act is not restricting the traffic? 9, nall, Annie Landoborough,jas chur , I oond part of the Canada Temperance in his front parlor." (Roger's Shot & But, as I tauld Saaidy I wadiia fal in Montei � - 1 . -----. - I all on.sunday last. It ill expected I Act of 1878 into force Ili the County of There are severq,l reasons why intem. Shall). Will Temperance explain how wi' sic perversion a' the national life o' bh, L zzie Morrison,Wm that Rev A.- Stewart will reau. . . Huron, on the Ist day of May, 1885, be peranoe devotees wish to pass as advo. it is that, underhigh lic�nse in Chicago, d cotl Moffat, Annie McIntosh, Alex.W "pe his , alit 5 a44, as I had seen latel li? Morrison, Maggie McFadden, Uriah work on the �5th. � revoked, under seotion 97 of the said cates of temperance; some of which we, beer is selling at three cents a glass,while oar I rien's might has ken't we'el eryie'ugh Me Kenny, late Superintendent of the linton NIm Ou Canada Temperance Act of 1878. mention: First, these devqtses know full under low lioensQ it sold at five cents a that by Partin' th M . � Blogison Morish, Alfred ' well that the cause to which they are glass ? a gath'rin' tile), wad rd,� Mary J. Baptist Sabbath School, being about to �X?Ay,'OEPTEMBER 16, 1887. Wherefore, your petitioners humbly But no one will waste much a Lin I a 13 Mary Martin, David - , p . h a e been th an' spirit. Is there s M. Purvis, George devoted is a thorou t . . Nash, Kat leave town, it has been proposed to hold � Pray, That Your Excellency 'will be therefore msb�ame . ghly bad one, and are time in arguing a question that is before no' a sign a' hg nee glorious meetin' Pollard, Graqe E. Wattbra, William the reheat services in the morning here- � pleased, by an Order in Council, under d to' own any relation. the public. The issue in t1Ii%CO1111tY is be'an turn'd ta an occasion ta bring a after, and Rev John Gray wiiY have : EfQh Liceirise it Reiiiiedy? - section 97 of the Canada Teraperalk ship to it. Secondly,'they desire, under "License" or "No License." .Most 9f crowd ta oar toons? Robertson, Christie I 11 �� I . Ce nomen Of true temperance,to mislead the the counties hAve said, ,No licen qe, an Rae oar crithers Taylor, Mary L. charge of them. ,, correspondent "True Temper. Act'of 1878, to declare that the second ignorant and blindfold the intelligent Ili d lie' yielded ta the, overbearance a' some Taylor, Anpie C. �, I Anniversary- servioeq in connection Part of the said Act, so far as it refers If 'a Some lOC%1itig8 the Scott -Act lies wha dare ta rin oar Caleden tall soci , 0 regard to temperance principles, land not accomplished all that we desired; no an' a 11 the Scottish pride for filthy The Acillowing modelLtigo, jaeb week suggested High License to tile said Coixnty of Huron, may b Sties with the Base Line Baptist Church, will ... l� .. 6:. %�C:­;' -, dare workable scheme to repress yel-oked, and your petitiotters will ever I thus-Seoure more potential influence on true temperance mail -is disheartened luer,% in the, shape o'runners all' warst- structed to attend the bad�pi',3yeeg -LW�-';��hel&-A,n­-Srriiday and Monday; Sept. ' . . . . h Model � 11 I ... pto. , thereby. The -liquor men said, 41t jQrs? '% ja, . -� V_k..�t�.;,,.=,;4=1.ptW pray, �. the side of intemperance.� . .,,a,_ on. � . . 1�0 V��,It,,a�the=tA.,Ct. A ' - sama­pr .8 -- -, - - ---. .;L;;�"7' - -z' �' '26ff�IT;a �wtlfpria�h, �ud at 0.30 tl � 'tll woAderfut wauld,lte S nakS, -Mathew Y, .� _ A�;A: a _ Is . _ ,.AA � � �Ll T ,�" , �_ -a that the.v&os Of all ,Trhe TorapprAn Lm, H4&Ji0t ,tham, iae.-beel ...Q.4*01-7: ­'­- - .: v. W. -0MA& , , __ ,., he ..I t And we .desh � qj_g no-good, jtwould,ha,&laWd," '�woop&f"by.. petty lealotisies? , Alas! I _ y . ' I ease'Jajvs adliFi fiio'p' , i 'opin'of High Lt. ete.,mnd I think all arelk-reetl f1till'tfid'k .aWfu I Me Editor, until I bee seen oar Fenton, R. L. hinfield''Alary Rev. Mr. Kestle. 01, Monday e - ainly 6116 electOrK Of tile 8"id Collilt7of Huron ense. He would Its, , Matheson, A i 3red al:4049 the thougbtful,.edu. e t ve the people be- honestly tried to make tReir prophecies a tea meeting will be held, to be ad - ll of 11, ,,b,i.,.or ,, Hogg, John gan, B. , , a re -I - , _� ­ ... rippled, will gang it& mail-, altho' I lament ill Shortreed, George Struthers, Kate pert, and Kestle. Suitable.music will and, intelligent, are very decidedly e la "fe"llst tile mdopt'on lieve that he has found a remedy for.the true,but their traffic"s seriout;ly c societies clea d a' sic' irreverence I Re. �, petition. I dressed by Revs. Messrs Sperling, Ru. � baseful disease, intemperance. This and w D oil Ili ihe Scrip- doonfa,'_ a' tile (Luce proud spirit cons Casey, Mary -Johnston, Lotti . I a e purpose to gi 4 tPRO04sing that which they The 1�011011'illg objections to the peti. rpuRedy. h,% � - 0 be I urnished by the Clinton ch . I . ,I -a been tried -!before.- Now, 4ural liale an& prohibit the wrong. Let ia'in�;di' the followin'lines: Durin, Teresa Watson, oir,uzkder . I'. Mild ., I tic '. � its remember _As evil, -RAd evil only. Hence illianying evidence have Sir, as many of your readers are not in too, that oar measure has Marian the leadership of Me J. C. Cole. been forw�trded to the ' Secretary Of a POsitionr to obtain possession of facts only had a short John I � I - and difficult trial. Aliho' nee son a' thine, Fell, Isabella Stuart, Petow Cliultell Ri-OPpaNG. - Services fit bitude of many who cannot coil " 011 Canada, I We ye weel; Ester, Zillah McRae, l; high license. The principle of State: I in re High License, %ve give a few facts Maine has been 35 years fi.ghting this Within thy wide domain there beat, McNeil, Ellena Stiles, Aggle conneotioii with' the r6 -opening of the . ' Copse may appear to be restrict. 1. The said petition does not set out taken from Home Review published by . traffic, white the liquor men have.'spent Nee truer heart than mine; MoKefizie, Carrie Johnston, Sanittel Ontario street Methodist church, will i F unk & Wagnells, of New York. The their money, and used every means , Shortreed, Christm be held as follows � Sunday, Sept. 25th,, ; suchfact or facts upon which the prayer But when a day like this comes ratin Taylor, Rebecca , : extract below is relative to the Hai -per without avail, to induce the people to Morrison, Mathew Dickson, Jennie d some well-meatilng people who of the Same Cali rest, or upon which His Law which was enacted by the State of go back to licpn,�I% I Auld Scotia has her claims; sermons at, 10.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. by �t lis,JF red Sharman, Alice sets, of the Toronto Con. being no by is, in Jane 1883, and went into of - In regard to the Scott Act and its I gang to see tile games." Hartley, A Finlay, Beatrice ference, and at 7 p.m. by Rev. J. E. i the Scott Act and pr.f,,S to hold E,cellency in'Council can proceed, there Illin09 The thistle aye comes uppermost lug Rev. E. Bob - 11 ,ance views, at once assume that -law in the County of Huron, feet on the first of July. proceedings in Clinton on the clay of Your auld frien' Ni'll, Guil.. Snell, Edgar Allen, Marion Howell, M.A., Chairman of the District. :., rmer will accomplish what the which Cali be repeated, under the pro. "It fixes the license fee for the sale of the races, we. might say that the scum A teameeting will be held. on the Mon. I !os not, without inquiring deeply ferred to therein, of society is drawn'together oil such oc- . . . vision of section 97 of the said Aot re- all kinds liquor at not less not less than - _ - McIntosh, Alex *Killman, James L ' ' $400; and for sale of malt liquors only, casions, and if it be true that,there was EdUCIlltiOlial Note,%. Davidson, C. 1). MoCall, Alex dy evening, at which addresses will be is subject. Our correspondent 2. It il; submitted that the prayer of . — . Allan, I. J. McKee, Hannali det'ver.d by the above, speakers and not less than $150 Some months.since a collcerted effo t to put the law at de. Teachers ;ylll oblige by coutributla, -itows Robertson, H. N. McKee, MA -010 . resident ministers. The choir of tile . . 'asserts such a law "would stop said petition does not comply with the the editor of "The Voiod" sent a series fiance,so much tvhe worse for the traffic. of tll&(JrOSZ LO thiS CD1UlnIl,) Wltilleii, S. J. Govenlock, RE IV. � provision of section 96 of said Act, . church, augmented by other talent, will - i better than this wretched Scott of question to ministers inall partsof A commercial traveller said to a Clin- It Is reported that the recent 15�part. Boyd. Clare. A Assist in the services. �19 wherein it is enacted that no Order Ili the State to learn the effect of High toil liquor -dealer in regard to the scenes I . .. of the building fund. Proceeds in aid . � 'That asseXtion goes for nothing Council, issued under .the said. Act, License Law. The names wer mental regulations are again beind re- . The Paris board of edu 0 ' bringing the second part of the same d select- Of'that day: "You are the biggest fools vised. I . cation have Pur.sBYTE11Y or Hunoz;.-Tbe Presby- � �naccompanied by proof -of any' ed at random, iiith. no knowledge of the here I ever sa-4, in thinking to hurt tile . I adopted resolutions regretting the fact . pd while we-havo the.greatest into force fit any county shall be revok- solitioal -attinities of the person ad- temperance 6ause by such a c Mr Waddell has been re-engagea im that a large nutAiber of children of school tery held a regular meeting in Exeter, . � � ed until after the expiration Curse. I age, are not Att4ndi oil the 13th inst. Dr. McLeod, of the f I ?f three ressed. was not in sympailly with the -Soott S. S. No. 3, -Niornington, for the year . ng school, and urg. I for'our correspondent's word years froin the day of the coming into Question I-Is there any evidence Act" but now if I had a vote here, I 1888, at a salary of 5500 per annuill. 1119 Lipoti parents and guardians their New Zealand Presbyterian church, was � �Iieve him to be sincere ill his force under it of the second part of the that the Harper High Lice . rise Law has I duty ill the him'tter. A copy of the re. received as & rafnistei of the church. �; would come all the way to olvit it tit its Me Frank CrLssweller, a well-known solutio � Rev. R. Y, Thomson, B. D., tendered we cannot accept them as correct said Act. The said three years, in the decrease e unt of driu)�ing, by favor." I ns was sent to every' family Ili I case of the County of Huron, will "Ot - kliown Huron teacher, intends to leave town. Paris is not alone Ili the matter. the resignation of his charge at Hensall. . b some further evidence than as. decreasing the number 'of drinkiQ - , The scenes of that day proved nothing, the profession, to study law fit the States. Clinton The resignation wW be disposed, of at . 1. ex re until the first day of May, ls8% places? and "Temperance NY-, put to use such has it� due proportion Of. . He may have facts and figures .uT the proper prayer would be for the ' 1. Miss AlcGowan has been ongaged again Arabs, and a truant officer would find next m;eting, in November. A call , � . issqe of all Order in Council for revOca 2. Has the law decreased the num. evidence. to teach in tlxe,.I;th line school,Ettst Wa- employment for a time, There are was sustained from the congregations �_redent' in support of his views, - bee of saloons Ili your locality? It is high time that tile self-Ilamed wanosh; site is one of the bedt lady many children in the classic town grow of Manchester and Smith's 01, to Rev. - tion after such date. 3 . Is. the saloon under High License "True Temperance" men, prodigal of teachers ill the couiltv. I lag up in denso ignorance of everythirig 'At r McMillan, recently froni E dinburgh. . 0 this is done those who differ 3. It is submitted that the said peti. made more attractive and therefore words and miserly of dee a, did some- stipend 4800 and a manse. . in are-perfeotly justified in main- tion does not comply with the provi.. more dangerous, in order that the Sal. thing to co-operate with those who are Me H. k McLean,'of Clinton, has re- good, and likely to graduate Il Provisional 'their position. We will present sions of section 96, wherein it is enacted ocnists may meet the increased tax by laboring for the overthrow of the traffic, ceived,a large number of letters from thingbad. Here is an excellent outlet arrangements were made for his ordinal. - e of incidents that may alter the that no Order in Council shall be re- incre"ing his customers? or at least incorporate their views into teachers, commending the plan and for that surplus-philai,thropy.,-Nvliiah,.ii- ,'.tiow and induotioll, on Monday, 26th I I revoked, until a petition has blaen pre- hie plan that will commend gen occupied III. reclaiming the distant bee,- _155_f,_it_,9iiif0WRt'lI,' the Presbyter I � of �ig� license admirers." * John sented to the Governor General I 4. Does High License, in your opin. some feast seat get up of his text book. ­._ . _y to � . Wrote his views on temperance oil, praying for such revocation, inas- liquor traffic Me O'Hagan the new teacher in the liable, to neglect the ho in we are ordination services to take place at 2.30 . . n Coun- ion, tend to delay the d6struction of the itself to the good sense of the people of then, ill our solicitude for who meet at 11 a.m., on that day, and the . much �s the said betition, does not pray by lulling the public con. this county, and thna give evidence that M. itchell High School; is giving 'general I me product. p.m. nadian a few day'w since, takinad science to & enormiti There is certainly a mild inconsistency ea of the traffic? they inean what they say. satisfaction,and is already very popular apparent in thq benevolent effort which RAPID I'llooRrms.-Perhapd no church for the revocation of the Order in Coun- 5. Does your experience coincide Like a mortally 'wounded squirrel, with the head maoter and teachers. . h. license -round, and comment- cil bringing into force the second part with that of Neal Dow, John B. Finch fRIling,from the top of a tall hickor - . . , imports yearly hundreds of unfoitunates in -the Guelph Conference, and. certain I 0 I � Mr Alex. Watson is re-engaged in the from the slums of business centres of ly none fit the Goderioll Diitrict of this' �eon the Montreal Witness says: of the said Act in the County of Huron, and Dr Herrick Johnston, as expressed tree, the whiskey Devil in Ontar 0 is school oil the base line, Hullett; at an Great Britain, while we 11have. always conference, like made more progress it . A license, Says Me Bet I ght, will but prays that the second part of the on enclosed slip. The following are the catching at every limb as it goes down I . the number of places where Ii- said Act, so far as it refers to the Count- opinions reforred to: increased salary -, we are glad to see that with us" a firat-classarticle of a similar every department, than the Victoria: I . to the ground. First it was delay in the trustees appreciate his services. . manufacture. Time presses. Precocity St. Methodist . sold. Our experience in NoWreal ty of Huron, may be revoked. "It is my Opinion thab. High License the legislative committee ; then it was I is a . church, Goderich. Two . ' the rever8e. The higher the 4. Section 97 of said Act refers sirnk)ly here, (Chicago) is not at all working out filibustering in open session;'then it was , Miss Dunbar has resigned her position 'inarked Characteristic of Street edu- years ago, when the present pastor, Rev - "'y more licensed liquor shops on. * the bugaboo of compensation -,then it ivas in the 10th school, East Wswanosh.- G. F,§alton, took 911firge, this, station the to the -,repeal of by-laws passed under a sentiment Ili favor of Prohibiti catiou. and its rewards are stirei that, . ge - a by High Li- a clip by the miserable old Senate - but Her place is supplied by Me Anderson, I paiing its pastor $400 --Ur 9, which is� not altog ther units, ll The Temperance Act of 1864 11 and * * The saloons close those of the schools. was a mission but, WIlat is airanger, the Inore . makes�provision tber9for, but Ass no cerise are chiefly those connected with the squ-Irral has now reached th�:)nd from near Londeaboro, a very -good sub. per amium, half a which hmd to be ob. �d once 180. reference to the Canada Memperance a an accommoda- last limb. Give him another Scott Act Btitutc- . tained from the Mission Boara, besides I 11 . . . i have neve"one-ii,nything. - Act as in force in this county, and no tion to customers, and probably the least 5hot, electors of Huron, in the shape of The Executive Committees of 'the - — . . a The licensed via groceries And kept a TORONTO EXHIBITION to . I which it was"embarassed with a debt of via the unlicensed. authority is given to the-Goveruor Gene- Toronto, Sept. 13, 1887. 65000, for which 8. per cent was de! i� .. I I Oil, the coil- harmful, the least patronized and most a ballot, and the probibition ballot will North and the West Huron Teachers' THP EXHIBITION OV ON'TARIO, for all inanded; only 60 members - could Ili ! dieir sympathy can always be eat, under section 97, to revoke by Order decent of all. All the vilest saloons are soon strike him, 'and then lie will hit Institutes met !it the Model School here, others held in the province are but see- found, and only a few pews were, rent. ., toll the side of the law -breaker in Council the second part of the ,said in fall blast.. The great arteries 6f the the ground Nrith a thud, and tile good last"Saturday, to arrange for the Insti- re nearly all Iiiw-breakers thern' Act, so far as it refers to the Cqunty at city show 110 closed saloons." -Dr Her- people of this county will kejoice. There tube meetiilgs. - and class compared with it, was open�d ed. This year4hechurch has -declared -f r6e. Me MallOch inspected the two lower continue till the. end (including three month's Supply) 6814 . -The worst of high license is Huron, or ally other part of the Dol�m- rick Johnston,in Voice, April 25th 1885. are plenty who will bury the thing in Toronto oil the 6th inst., and will itself independent; payi; its pastor makes governments partners ill ion. Neither is there authority under "High License is only a buffer inter. TRUE Tmiri.m.t:%cl; of this week. - . 411ts of the sale and in a large section -96; ft-elseNyllere, whereby the -posed.betweonAllie lilquor.-traffic Mild. the Hulls rooms of Clinton Model School on Fri. When these exhibitions were first in. on salary, has not a pew down stairs to , I % Governor tt, Sept 13_1 M, -- , - -day, and was favorably impressed with atigin I . e ciependent oil It.,, Obneral Ili Council can grant popular indignation against it.- -Ron . . I 'ated they were not only small, but era, and . . . the prayer of such petition. 0 - - I— ______ - - -_ the evidences of krogress and good mail. rent, counts nearly 200 memb I is a direct contradiction of True Neal Dow of Portland, Maine. " * . . were almost exclusively agricultural in with assistance rendered by the Trust 11 I agQnjont he found there. their character, but now, albi & Loan Co., has reduced its debt �3000. .. 5. Provided a vote of the electors of- $,I now know I was terribly mistaken NUTS FOR TR - lough. Mari. � the Claunty of Huron were take . nee, who alleg9d that the li. n upon ill my theories.' Nan y of the delusions H.MoPhee,formerly teacher at Kings. culture, with all tile great improvengents Vast vernents have also been' . I . the matter of the said petition , the said � TO CRACK. inventions 0 it, made . �� ..I . . frappe d era, through self-interest, urgedindefence of Iligh Licensehave b e,bas been enaaaed to superintend and in connection' with I in mild arourid the cliurch, a ne%v Act provides that Such votes -be recorded been exploded by a trial of the lm'%�,."- To the L,;t1ijor of the �Nr(.Jot &a. ria" rbment in 9t* Jeromes college, occupy a prominent place and spice in fence has been erected, and we beliew, themselves against the unlicens. as for or against the said petition; there- . - d. . their various departments, f ' ming is efforts are being made to place a new I heoretically, one would expect fore the vote on this petition could only Hall. John B.Firich, of Nebraska, Head Snt.-After reading that letteri . Beillim. This is his second year in coil. ar . of the Order of Good Templars. in your nection -with that institution. almost Swallowed up Ili the multitude of pipe organ in the church, . opinion Now for the result of the' ance" I . me to spend . - I � inquiry. was surprised At the Signature, and re. Urikh McFadden, of Brussels, who �otie day in viewing the exbibition, with Farrang Mitepliersoli & Hovey , , � ,appears of the electors of the comity, and could We may state that the questions'were commend to. the considerdtiOn of the r a 3rd class all - its attractions, was thouaht to be -_ o do so; practically, it . be taken as an expression of the . last issud signed "True Temper other attractions. At one ti ____._ - . not. A current news item. says: form no.. ground for executive action sent to -ministers in cities and towns. . passed his examination fo . I I lbr low license in Minneapolis toward the revocation of the said Order writer the following lines of Abraham teacher's certificate, is attending the quite sufficien�, but now it ' Alessrs. 'Farran, Ma6herson & I lovey, a I takes days . To question 1, sixty-four responses Lin all : "You can fool all the Clinton High school; he has secured a even to give a passinga notice to the I in. o 'lin n, show,their "Monarch" three- - J�ses were issued. Under high I' Council. were received, thusly, nays 60, yeas 4. some of the time, you � can fool some of - -113611 - 1888 in McKillop township. berless displays her a machine, I . -�(01,000) $30 he 6. A 1�rge number of names, plarport- - people Be 00 6r I in the various d ) r . -entirely new in prinei Is * I ve been issued, ,Question 2, 49 were received, nay 24, the.poople all of the title, but you can't Me Neil Gilmour, of Stanley, has merits, and to �..:ivc anything like c . and ver simble and convenient Elhe ifications are daily making." ing to be signatures of petitioners, 'are yea 25. To 3, 54 answers waereceived, fool all of the people, all the time." He been engaged to teach for the balanc6 of tailed staterneiii; of them is out a 0 Monarch has been thoroughly tested in . I e I a& instances at least, high If not verified by ther signature of ally wit- may 10, yea 44. To 4, 67 ans�vers were Sava that the Scott Act is rative, the year in' S. S. No. 4, Usborne. BfT question in a weekly paper. all kinds of grain and has been pronouno. . .. 9""_ ? . .. mesa, neither are the declarations at- received,,nay 16, yea 51. To 5), C4 re. ai;d sets forth as are =nk can ed by many of the b Hammers ' ' h to have accom- tached evidence of the signet res of Mon th Jones, who has taught in the section for The best that is in the country of eat- as I 't - , "True be got as usual' I'll admit thatIliquor Ij years, is going into mercantile bilgi. tic, sheep and hogs are here, but as a de. ,,h.t f,7,� -:7,1,,port I u sponges received, nay 9, yea,154. and old. � , . , era clafin� foe it.. parties, as the mamew.4ye not mentioned Temperance" would have saloon license ' _ .estthreabertnen in the countryas the '- e North Americati Review for iiitlfedeclaratioiisof*jPtnesses. Neither � is -sold under the SoottAot, Which only ness., ' . serftition of them is quite unnecessary, filstest andbest soperator,moat thorough - * . ... r David R. Locke contributes a to be -6500 at least. Thii Harper LRW proves that the liquor sAers and drink. Ur Jas Wilson,. Of West Walvallosh, they being well known, we pass them by. Pleaner, lighte8t'dratight and abilleat run. rd they otherwise identified, 45 ivill has ille very same rate, with result as era are violating tile law, and that there has resiped the position'of principal P ultry is now largely shown, there � b;. ning machide, they have ever seen. The- - I . ' tfh appear upomi-eference to said petition 'given above. . . is a stronger liecessity,for rigid . I . . Q# is very subjboti and under and declarations. .Then if a Hil;h License Law were ment of the sartio. If the Act enforce- $not is attendhig 1119 now many er�;, Sfl�ql]g I . . . fancy chitken )ants�dlaimed. for the Monarch 'k, " Of the Saltford School, . rais , Ing " High License n6 rema�y,t, 7. The material presented as evidence liassed, W116 went -is imper, the High School,'Goderich. Me Wilson" who not only take great pleastire in the are that it ieparafes. the griiin fro the �. I .. I - I d in reality pay the fect,who is to blame, not thd supportGI79-- holds a Second A certificate. We be- � ' in I , . . � , ,of the genuine signatures of a large higher tax, Why the con4nn'iers would of business, bu; make it also a nleans of straw withant aDy waste whatever, runs 1. numbei'of alleged petitioners is in via. it, but those M.P' 8 wile did all tl1bY lieve he intends taking a itniversit gr litiroly proper to ,of course.. The saloonists would devise col � y " eat PrOfit- perfectly still on the floor, is easily nian-' . " reatilate" by lati6n of chapter 141, It. S. Cl., and ild to'make it As unworkable as pos- course. Agricultural implement inaim aged, never winds or clogs, feeds very � I means sell tbe'cursed drink so that siblo. Will True Tomparance tell us tactur- I . �Lthbi'.­s, whi(j), in tli'e liAnds 6f therefore ou.-lit not to be received its he woiltlod net only meet his license bill, Me Robt Stowart, Fullarton, lias been ci's occupy it large space oil the ground, easy. is belted perfectly and lies a shoc- �. . . . 4' 1 which requires no attention. -Globe oxbi- I are liable to abuse. The law- evidence. - What stattite there is that is 'lot violated engaged for three inontbs to tuke chill'. 10 and as tile machinery is kept running, . nd law -enforcing, power may but also make wealth. Better that sa- more or less. lv;lhot the law against , bition report. - S. There has been no publication of loan doors were Shut ah(T the hard murder, and he of the head department of the Publi, inspectors Can thor;uglily tinderstand . � ply invoked to regulite trans. notice of w niany escape juBliee . I deposit for PlIblic examination carried wagos of the tippler taken to rc- through Sonic little technicality-? tlellool, Mitchell, at a salary of $uo. tke workin-of them. ' . I -.----------. I . __777==� 1 by raij or ivaterj�tlle law may in the office of Sheriff Or Registrar of lieve the distress tit home. I 'allot The gentleman has ha .. IHARRL[�D . 1, . the law against thidvhl,, and bollse. d dome expert. The different buildings for the variolls and at, what point interest n enbe- as 'it teaclier, and holds a 2nd -class tfades , &c., ire so I XNIG11T-I-1,LL1O11`T,- in 00(loriell Lown- . upon to declare wbat is proper Such a petition, as is reqnired EY section Then again Trite Te�xperaiice wishOs breakill-? Is noti, the customs law ? . 96, And Its provided in, section 4 of said be be known as a tempetance worker,and Are no 0 . non-professional certificate, and .'led ground contains a minerous that the i'llil), Oil the 7tll 111.9t., ftb-11110-re.Sidellce of the . .. And usury begins, and tile law, Act. -_ - . t the town by-laws violated? Yet Small city within it. brides father, by tile itev G. w. Racev, Are j, .4 I _ r think 6f repealing them . . � ,to Bfi.,q A , ( ghto; Air I 'regulate the sale of necessary 0. It-is-zlrb I all io,l.y ts. )P 210 fe tcen8e( , 1n,-i4tOx1- who would eve Class professional. self. Tile restaui@ants, booths; dining C. Kiliglit � T lary U. Ian ir of . eby the Execut' . ? ?9 I a- for that reason. It would be mord in T.L.wimits ExoAow.-At a rnectilly of halls, refreshment stands, oto., and tile ItIbt V1116tt. . . ! - exists wher Ivo Cali pro- lh�ed. T are's, a name for a man ho . FISCHER-LAUNDY.-At prevent their misuse by car8 Call ortil, or bad men. ceed under section 90, to have a vote thd, line of coninion sense to amend the Tuckersmith ,School Board, h6lo' multitudes 'that patronize 'them, -are Sea-fort1l, Oil tilt' not. l4th illst,, by tile liev J. 1!1,. ljol%,ell, Art. �)[. . . . - them, but T.T. knows that nian calinot oil the3rd inst,, the following teachers v sI- Fischer, Cli6toii, to lirl.qs LLIlie, dallgiltor of � , with reference to Again,under High License, the liquor make A perfect Itl6w, a law ill wilicil tile wore engaged for it tor, and tbobenefit that results farlolibnvIlle AIrE.LMtl11dy,ofHnllett, . I - evil, a knownD marked, admit- taken ill this count) profes@,es to be wbat he is toll (Illite an attraction to the obser An evil which bar no admixture said Act, tintil allpnditions preceelent tr to year 1888 at tile I Ail evil which ' ads becomes a monopoly. Monopolies devlisli' ingenuity of man cannot pick Salaries opposite their respective names: prohibition of anything that ,vill illtOXi- DRO1V11LrE_,A[0F,RTSTI­Aitlio residence tile sense of the set forth in such statute have first bee" are a curse.in any business, especially ilited World has branded as a it fulfilled. . some flaw. It would take a large vol. Benjamin Smillio $360 ; Frank Scott pate, is a noticeable feature. So far tile of the bride's fatJle,l.,(,,illltoll, ell theMli inst., no more b . I .. is this true in re the liquor business. scribe d t4od order, and respect for the right'; Of by the nov ivAv. spariing, :%re,yos. 13rowillet., . e ,- regulated" thall The Globe, referring to these The men who obtain license under High time fonnian to do ifferent kinds ; Andrew Scott $460 ; A Cozens . , lflullctt- to Aliss Clitra, dangliter of Air Jolm . of stealings, but the Creator puts it in $325 ; Mary Dick $360 ; Limis M K others, has been well observod, d or 'of powder Cali be fired off by objee' License System are men 0 Ry. tronble occasioned. all 110 rish. . . t'ons' wl"ch tile Execllt'vc Of tile t Skilful in tile the simple words "thou Shalt not Steal.- $325 ; R. Hicks $460 ; Assistant, Bella DIED "' (tit I'MIS Act Association of this count deep pursed and capable of wide Spread- - 'I that needs re, ulp,ti "' 8'00tt trad , able to attraet by display, hence That' is prohibition in earnest. if wo Barr $285 ; Henry 11orton $500, to teach The greidest of all attra�ti()119 on the I3rNNFTT­Tti Slieppa dton, oli'Holit,3ed, . . !_ the Nvorld ac- 11 Y lies it be all evil, if aised against ti are to ropeal laws.because they are beck. a WhOlO Year without an assistant; Will ground is the fireworks, and the taking Richard lielillett, agect Upyearti. es Allot regards it as all evil ie petition for repeali ing influence. ell, we might Bay tothe Creator -Repeftl Doig $410 ; Isabel Forest,$350. of Pskin, which consist of a military VOLVY-In L1.31potile oil tile 5th hwt., Mrs I it been doings " I ,the only remedy, 1*9�les that R tactical mistake bar, Trite Ternporanco speaks of the your laws, giveii to govern mail, as lie Me Win Doig, teacher of S. S. No. 10, Sham battle in front of a FOlev, Aged 71� ould be thought of a propo,li- recently on the borso race rizig ill town. ,,,,, not obey thom." This would be Tuckeremith, find a fovnier gradutite of 11i8l1lay alill I . niade in raising such objections, stating ... III, painting of a Chinese city, -with __.4_.___-_ ske After a brief description of 'the wick- red motintains fit the r&r. The wl;ole was I . that the Ottawa Governme ,arded As aLstird, I know, but no more the Clinton Collegiate In wrot regulating adultery, tit will grant edness, he meekly pushes the whole so than the propoSition to repeal the at tile recent second c assatitil e I a vote oil the petition, though bristling affair under the' Scott Act, i i I �' a well done, and received land chears from ulating burglary, 118"I'la- examination I . , with o I ting that the Act was to Scott Act for similar reasons. T.T.says ill Clinton, but owing to some bungling the immense crowd that stood'soveral egulating argon bjections. We (to not think that blame for all that his church will not vote for the of tile examiners, his name was am tted the Globe has conceived properly 'the the evils of the day. Who wore the men Scoit, I hours to Witness it. egulating lsree�v, I S ,Act. 3. (to not agree with him for from the'published list ; lie however, ap. There is one feature ill tllo exhibif inii egulating Iiigbw' causing trouble oil the occasion ? Cer- I believe there are many liable settle in pealed,and his appeal has been sustained that Some think would be better if left my robbery, a lating forgery, . (111tY Of tile Executive, It seems to us tainly not Scott Act men. Nay,but the his church who are willing to give up by the Central Committee of Examiners out, and that qs tile athletic display.- 91 (41-,'T VIDI'll. . .6 Illating assault and battery, their duty to p�int alit all defects in veriest filth of the county were there their drink for the good of others, car- in T . oronCO3 Ad he has received his non. r, or men to be in flesh -colored tights is, ' . Pli(IT001UP11.14 I ulatin&wife beating, the L)etition to the Government liered-the scum of soeiety-to exude ould professional certificate. TAKF,N AT 11 . , and gat the words of St.pan), "I W not thought indecent, but when,it cornea 1`08TER'S, . its moral malaria, mob in 9, common . We congratu- lylake known to tile country that Such r"i'lloolilything that would Comes Y late Me Doig oil his 8110008SAS lie taught to be 8, wOrnall it is thought Shocking. WANTON. ? ' .at ritneg are not to be regulated. t canted, and that Centre happened to be brother to offend.?) In the words 02 school up to big exRminatioll and had On th 9 occasion there were three ni�n I 11 may, under .y L 0 11tiOns, (10 these things ;" but . objections, Act$ upon the petitio" Pueri,i,i,tyl and is at'the same time a re. those that mourn and lament because itably. through ber lintics with tlie freedom "of ,I - the ruffianism of the races, is the veriest to plead oil Sunday or week days for of whom sticcooded Ili passing crect .. I forbidden. The law does not , d , "any church that is too good four pupils taking lip entrance work, all and One woman,' and to see her do defec a appear in tb8 Petition, 'and if Clinton. To charge the Scdtt Act with noble la y i -certain rules ,the Go Ornment, ill the face of these It as "eat n a boy of ten in bathing, is not very at. . . OtOOtd6l' Of SOCietY it BRYS, good And valid, then the wrong . of needed intelligence. There pf this great Wrong in the land, is of no Tile applicants from Wawanoah who tractive to the modestly inclined; .ill . . � �Uot. . lies at are ;nen in Huron slid contifLuous colitij.' - made it their business to visit School . v ", their door, 'lot at that of the Exeotltiye, ties low and debaubhed enough to em�.. 'Use to Christ nor to Christianity in an Sections Nos. 3 and 5, Morris, fit the fact I think that if many who look calm. - I 6 iptarposely abstained front 'hour like this." Will T.T. toll its if lie I gage in a miserable roiW, v*d�':jllo,'Y ever stood where he could watch the hope of gaining a situation for next — I �:,.,. . or the temperance people of Huron , vain IY at the athletio feats knew that one of r Al - - - n of tile question 10* And door of a gin pajace, and saw, for in. the performers was a woman, they would ' - , , 4=0010 tile country will know it; bu ., and meet, mild there are smIoonipb#',,, , year bY saying that they beard the pre, - , �fdbdntlinj -billy t do not lot turn away in disgust. A (4.V 1 . a couple Of . unprincipled enough to violgii Uw and stance, a form Ili the slie,pe of a mother, sent ,teachers were not giving very good , nu A avertioem-ents, a the question a a parti it agine that the temperane give Ii uor to the debatic —_ J I 0 - the Globe fin a beg until �e be. with tattered rags, her infant in her satisfaction, And that they had better The display in tile mail, building is - GENERAL SERVANT WiiTrD AT People Of Huron purpose wasting their devil incarnate. .. I e in I one, our columns are wide come;1ower than 9; debanclied man -a arms, And the little ones by bar Sid i change And Secure the services of a good grand iirt, science, mechanical skill, Gol'ice. rorcon�Retentl)er,.4oii$71tmolittI .4. Invenj7 . .1 '; � ' tatters, clinging tb'their drunken pile. teacher for the coming year, will n to ", rigenuity and patient industry grid. Apply to M S. J. C. GILROY, near Is presentation of arguments strength in It vain struggle. The tom. True Temperance should' have their sorrow that they are alightIfyl a is here set forth in all kinds of ways, so 916" r' act0ry,,_01iI`t0lI. ,. the ent. Did lie never seea drnnkenfatbor . left, side, but anonymous writers perance people are prepared, under all probity to own hie rank -9, poor plead- coming to his once happy home, but now as the prosent teachers are both re -en- anytbing is wanting that TRAY COW, - STRAYED FROINI THE 11 I . A P circumstances, to maintain the right for ah accursed trafte gaged. We do not want to di that searc?'y making lip the surn total of S promises Clinton About Sept . . gainat personalities, when er -or else forever a den of misery, with his starving child. � S a COW, I Pratt 14, a small letters that Appear. . alit 'go Any person giving informat on that will maci conrl goes towsr . I ]told his peace. Thanking you Me Editor renwantingfood. Snollacenceasthese any such beginners, but we w balm. article. bi�%'ght into daily me by out, Red mild Wilit .T in appearance I , to 'Its recover will lie Suitably I PrIsoxii Labbir. main, Yours sincerely, ICON-OCLART, lation of the liquor traffic by license? Henry 'Cannot get Ili there, and hoping On Monday niglit there was a gran ROBT DOWW ginning to end, and if the Government, - a regii. form 6 era ti t every Tom, Dick and nd Cultured civilization. And fight fol th'sir Principles from be. for space in your valuable, paper, I re. are common. Do they call fat 11 'It enlightened a — . notwitlistanding the serious objections - I that they will not be at all lill-ath(y) Illumination, AlITthe in hnildin 0 No, eniPhatically no. Men who sell g w doting of tile National 111-ison r liquor for money to eaake it living, bad about it, would now advise them to seek ablaze with the elecmtrRic light. The . aiqed against the petition, declare it THE SCOTT ACT IN HURON. ' as the business another hunting ground where they mlay used to talk of thousands of wax candl . "r 11, held In toronto, last week, vote upon it, the tomperance people are those who call tl1i.111;.selvo8 temperance trap or snare unniolested.-Coli. in a royal illumination; it would litt , With'was one of tile Speakers, prepared to labor and vote for the Scott To the Editor ot, ti-l-vanton New Ara. )"en, and profess to be members of some NOTIT11 HrrtoN TE4�cnrns' INSTITUTE.- taken 200,000 wax cand lea to produce ill Ing to the old story Of prison Act, and to show that they belong to STH -111 rOPlYto the article of "Tom. Christian association, yet do all they Can The qenii-annuml meeting of the N.H. same degree of light as was witnease I oting with free labor, he said: tile army marching to probibitioh, perance" Of last week's issue, lot in say -to encourage tile drinking habits of tile T.I. will bb hold in the Central School, that night. In the machinery hall is ght that Some plan could be ' , that he undertakes a %vork in which 1;� day. Yonra, Brussels, oil Thursdayand Friday, Oct. witnessed the generation of tile electric . At would reau& to a minni. . 1.*040— , utterly failg-vio" "to suggest angbing TvnfV1`1nANrr, W81,L-WISlIft, 13tb hild'14b. The following pro. power for the railroads,aR wellas for I Competition of pr , it ison labor,,, better than the Scott Act." I ad lie gramme will be presented: Uniform all the lights. � at some of tfiese bileoric.t.c; Tim MAil of Saturday intimates that I After seeing this exhibition most poo. . . I , a ' . said, "total prohibifion," the question 'A corrospondont asks us for solne In. otion examinations, introduced by PIC Will 001116 to tile COVICIVIRiOn that to """" of decreasing il'ri Sir John may yet talIe up the Coninjor. would have been afiswered, but Ili pro. formation concerning the relative tilim. W;0m.-Droves; Interest slid attention, 6 I'll- gand !'o'm','1,etition 7 F or tile cial Union Issue, In its fullest go-nse, He posing "High License," he falls to give bee oflarrests for drunkennossbeforo and F. D. Hutchison; Written examinations, see others is a work of supererogation 0, that . It is Ail utter im one fael to prove where that device, by S. Y. Taylor; First Steve ill mild a waste of time find money. Qrlz' WID111peg alld Return. ' . . prisoners arc. employaost has done stranger things than that, I - ___ since the Scott Act came in force, the writing, ­� .1 I - I — , � � _. I , � I I I , ' I X I ( I-, , I .1 'I I .1 , 'I I I I I I I which the traffic purposes to lengthen relativommountoforime, amollrit Col. Miss Catley; Prime factoring, J,Thom, .0. .- --0-------...,....'_ -0114- . I I - . I I I orenters into Alld � ft1thouggh he has expressed hi Its days, has been fit 1611 satisfactory. lectod in lines, OXPOnse of worldn� the I . I b%tent t icir ab I son -, The teacher fit society, G. Blact Stephen Speak a well -to do But Plain. TUESDAYe SEPT. 201h, 1887' . I maelf . t! Ivith otherA. A Inall AS as 'at preAent oppogeCl to �,it, We would And even if lie liltd—temporande people a6t, influence the Bet has had on tp,xide, well; How tokeep pupils constantly at boro'farmer,was in Hamilton on buginess I . I Ill lalitioal economy mA will not be Aft fled with .,License,, work, It. Hioks -, Delegate's raport, A. Ion Saturday and went home in his usnal G,,,, to, I., inyTARE $25.Tt)4 . leifth 1�iould know that tall( not be, afraid to WAM' h 'low hat that highoi,low. mt9%1l License is design med &a., &c. We are not Ili A position to M. Burellill. Dr, MaLaIlan will address turn till Ndv, lotli. ror Ail line. I I give tile information, Which implied coil health. After eappot lie jolnod, the f-leillars npply to . thre abollit. priF,oll lallor iq before llis present topil, of office ex. by one of the Americans, (who lies wit. alderable work fit preparatiom, but wili I tile meeting on tW6 flubject5i of interest Township Council Ili an fnsp�otinn of tile . I . gollgo. pireq, he will be fn1l"d AJI))J)6ptiIJg it, I 110ASOCI its operatib%) "The monopoly gladiv pliblish the information if flip to the profession, mild will deliver a pill)- mad neor his house, but was sadiloi.ly W. JACKSON i. I . I . Of aberrillittlell-" Iff A IlIftll IlAvA �1060 I%iSb6d ll.q.- _Ep. NC,W Erik. . % I lie looturo on Thursday evening. Messrs taketi Ill anA died im half an hour. AGENT, — CtANTOX. . i . I . I . . . I . I I I I to . . �. . - . . $ 01 I I - UL, - I % � I �, , , . - . 1 L- �. , ,­­ ..'"diii,W&I�.�1'..'_ . ........ __,", I I I ....­..­:­�­�'_ 1,�-.."dmm.L.,.�,,,�i�v.lfiv,,%,,-,�,,&,�.."�,�id,�"im,���1.6:�,,�k,..,�...�,11,11I "Ill",-- �, I 1; , ­­­_.a_*6��