HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-16, Page 2_ .�-,-- _
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r>v w'. X. lVozll�xs, , ..e;�ttraysgsnce upon a trot vory, ma - thou b loot, T. hynk on .ace l t , . gtepla0A pad U4b rne,E:ete o R
I $ 13 , t , out Of ';amort .its ad r[0_t, a A
g. ilpre _..i trs . looked .the mor, ,lE
---„ _ �•�raucl,, Blyt13, Oct. 11.12 1 -
nifloapca Calot roll, dye dpubtless said the esus. assi b t,' _ . _,.. -- _.. ._ _". �+, II
- , e gned, u. I ala very . yery $ of of'e_ act Ea t ETttY :�.. -W 1
C$AP� ER to h.ilxtseilf that soWle da a n �4J +t<plt tore! ig7y1, q_. _ . ort, $>! t001s,00t, -i-7, it . N
y Dt .9knela auto that ny ; Inotliex would have �. r o
Qu m r • y whoty :thergreat leyQ at tai eA Yt .,ly ...li, sail,, llf-lf3', . .. .. ,
lb' .1c _ .ly ty a wq .. a with n -ropy,, ,chosen that I should remain a bath- . S' T.Aiuberry, Wil, ham, Sli .t. ;27-2.8. - 11 _
8 pZ
rt i�,'ller -it, as, clearly as if i and `then lot would be all ri ht. elan to in din da rathe • than Court were gay with q ars, which East•WawanA9h,13e1 av m
g. Y y g y , h. n g e, Dot 4. '...."
l']Ii ued yesterday after..ngon... $Uel! was th0 ootirse which be had that I should full in love with Hilda there was nobody but the gardener t1. Stanley, 13ayfleld-Oot. 13 44, T
P, of the little scenes Ahigh, adopted, and ,t had answered ad- Turner. admire, and when our own humble Grand Centrgl,HamiltoIi, Sept. 2G-30:.;' sr M 1 d
2j. - & eci- ai loifigant Western Fair, London, Sept, 13-2'1. q + fN li,.l o y
P Y g mimbly. That is to say that be had I suppose that never since the domain was, as my mother i+ho took Provincial, Ottawa, Sept. 10-21, �y,, ' '^d '
cativo managed Somehow or "s!o P - y
a not, at the time of which I am world began did they live quite so immense pride in it, declared, 'quite Southern, Brantford, Oct. 11.12. �;x . it( 4 1
Q imprint themselves upon speakiog,reaehed the last shilling of poor a judge of character titan m show,' it came to pass that two young Central; Guelph, Sept. 20-22. �( . f•-olP,3 ' �� I d
gory,anil which re[nain therlt his late wife's fortune. ))Oct, mother. Partly from having people mire constantly to be seen rid- i _ s
y mapy buudreda fade away He was, at any rate, evidently seen very little of the bad aide of ilog a
i,1Sh,-its--ilia 3 oars g° on . f-ree from misgivings on that last human nature -for she had been a lases andwoods,together
tthe - - ' - - _�` 1 -
g Men Baby was Sick, we gave her Caetorts, '$ �V
-cloy@ uq eyes for amour- day of Bracknell's Eton life ;for be confirmed invalid, unable to put a said that they formed a very hand-
Ithe tybole thing conics back was literally brimming over with foot to the ground, almost from the aomecou le. Not that ourbi -boned When She. was a Child, She cried forCasteria, Ti T '
-tile Clark, musty stn@llilt t t p g tyh �'iil#t011 i�03t Offs
- t r,•,,;�. . , --------7
'7'r-.,t,a--,r_7.'.l� -,>� ' .
�1l',{T ... �+ y■ , ,.�ryy i(�� err,.
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1?RU1T ills OBNAtlJEN ALT `. t
X0dRVifi, X mv0E. '8.00TCU
... - ANA" 4$T1�4Cld'A,N` $INE',.... . --- . __
-all "ma QP wirigg wx MAKA} A,PKOt�GT;.
The above ornanitental Press and abrubbery wit
by sold at very low prices, and 'those waritin, .
anything in tills _9,04.0 w, will Snva.. ,Rota f .
TAY"Purchasing here.
Orders by Arail mill be promptly attend
ed to. Address,
JOHN STEWART, B+pnmlllor,
g con en melt and good will. $@ time of m birth -partly From her en 010 POCAU1e Mise, She clung to Caston&, will ...1119 up • pAGS, BONES, OLD RUBBERS, IRON ETO.
Willi glia broad sun beam Y P y broad -shouldered Jim, with his book- 11 —To all thea concerns. Those due subsoribor
shooks hands with u9 warmly when u.nqueatiooing faith in the wiadoIIl iVhea she hati0hildren, She gave them Cgstod4 Mails are due for delivery and close for despatch last year's accounts, are requested to prepare
qg right across it flour the the tiwo came for uS to sx n ed nose, his quiet gray eyes, and that . at the Clinton Post Office as follows:— their truck attar this notice, to ploy up when hq
Bracknell Jim and T r Y „oodby, and mercy of an overruling Provi- large mouth of his, which, upon the -' _ ` _:-i _Lose I nen tails, without pressure. I having been under
," , repeating to us
again and again that deuce which causes her to take an -- -- the doctor's hands, need all dale to meet liabili-
close 0-vather beside the althea_ smallest provocation, would widen , Hamifcon, Toronto; gtrat-, ties, and will take all so, of truck to settle, as
bh our friends path in life optimistic view Of everything, her p i ford, Scaforth, Grandl I wall as all eatables for ,%3An and hors. wM
mpty fireplace ; Old Lord would no longer be the same as our own constant aUl%r1IIg9 included ; Trunk east and interme-' MARTIN, Pedler, Clinton, June 14, lsb7.
itself into a smile extending from ear NOT ICE TO 'CREDIT ORS diate oCices ....., ... .. 6.30 a m. 2.50 p.m
`looking uncommonly smart own, for Bracknell was to join the partly, too, from the natural swept- to ear, was strictly speaking a hand. PultsunNT To SEG. 1 OF crl�P, s OF Toronto, Stratford, sea p m a a m --- _--- --
ce(as he always did in thasu Fourth Life guards jlnlnediately, ness of her dis disposition, which ren- 46 Victoria statutes of Ontario. -Notice forth. T. dna a east,,,. 12.30
p some man, but perhaps be;was near � Goderich Holmesvlue and I FAIt91S FOR SALE.
't flower ill his button hole while Jim and I w'erH t0 proceed in dors her, I d0 believe, incapable of : is hereby given that all creditors and others Grand flrlink ,vest .... 2 p.m. 8 a.ln — __.
eriOUgh belUg 80 a9 LO jU9tlfy l;he having clams a aiust John Miller, late of the Goderich, 8.40 pail. 1.15 13.113 " -` - —' -
llle of serene beatitude on due O')"I'80 to Oxford et we w n I township oP Hallett, yoemau, who died on or Hamilton, Toronto, 3.45 P.111.'10.45 aim Alibi ,N MOKILLOP FOR sALC•.—LQT 84
i Y were conceiving that anyone CtIII b0 in- above good-natured deacription,whiclr about d b 2,tstIllegal sly, 1887, are requested Londol,, L.,H. & B. south an,. P.m, u.m..p,ln i JL Con. 0.—Good place, good buildings and
jllcple bac@, rind my tudor on no account to imagine that our tentionally winked, Sbe habitually was uttered by many peraons,the Rey DlcKndbypostiirepainton,o , addressed toltiir Band I�erluediato otnces ,.30 3.45,16.436.40 good locality. Coma and sae It. Will be sold
thtougll 1118 spectacles fi'leridSlllp wa3 at any end. Cegat(19 others as she `x1911es then 22nd day of Soppt.,1687, astftte11orbeore Ir �v Ingham, Kiucar- Cheap. W,N.DfCJIICHAEL, Constance P.O. 4
Simeon Turner included. The Rey „aures ane addresses,,vith full dfue,Luckuow, L.,FI,9eB.I I I _
;Passing himself, after his `«'@ 910.11' all meet At Staines' to be, and by no means as they ac- Simeon was not ambitious. Aeon -in- their claims the Securities(iflj held nor,Offices and intermediate a Ill. 1) ul. a 15 p• ARM TO RENT—THAT WELL -SITUATED
',,�! Iil6]liOlt, t0 110 On@ in .lar= cow se before long. Well, perhaps tually are. by them; and after the day last aforesaid, the Summerhill; Tuesday and! 8 pin 1 Farm of 40 acres, on the 11th con of Goderieh
law with 5,000 a year, a high moral Executors under Cho will' of the said John. Friday , township, beim„ lot 3:., All cleared and in good
not next autumn,becausu I shall be I recollect that upon one occasion y • • • • • .,,30 p.ul, 5.30 P.m cultivation. Good barn and stables plenty of
Miller will proceed d to distribute the assets of British malls, Mmlday,N'ed_I I water, small orchard, Will be renteri at a very
SO spl't•, t° hexlose these three ill Scotland Until rather late Ill the p • character, and a malleable dispoaitiou the said deceased among the larties entitled nesday, Thursday . 0.30 a.m. reasonable figure. Apply to W COLOLOUGH
she gave me to understand, with a thereto, regard being had outy to the claims Slone • Orders issued and Deposits received from on tile says he, 'They ain't bad year ; blot Soule time, you know-_ was good enough for him- of which nonce shall have boon given as one dollar upwards. cpronilses, o[Holmaevllle P O. ,
you ' know, taking them some tittle. And Bracknell will good deal of circumlocution and hes- above required, and the said Executors will office hours from s ala. to 7 11..31. �-
I was then about to be called lathe. HOUSE ♦ DLOTFURSALE—TIIATVALU-
1 itatiOII, that &110 fGACed Hilda TUr• flet "be Ila le for the assets or any part there- Savings Bank and Money Order Office close
ti:' onnd, land I fancy they ruII down to Oxford and look ou bar, and was busy reading law, a' of to any Person orpersous.of Wiloseclaim'br at 6.30 p.m, Aare dna aonvenioptly situated property
r@dads-1xe,1],1ryth �� t , Y net was but an entirely strajglltfol.- alaim� notloe shal trot )z;tvQ,ppgl,,rgq _ . - )t11R1 s a4?Iyt Callundor, being lot 188 oil
OtT why riot join lis in the north study, whish I tlrough6atthetime,aTld themn,ptllgiingltofkuohaCstrib Qteerli,y m. - • ' - -:—' motif Huron St. Thr; ',
'r -""y ` • ward girl. ,What her gt Ounda 'were {,+ ¢t Clinton,this 22nd day of August, Dated TIIOMAS FAiIi;, postulaster, house has sult-
y stcceede(# "SOcY. T' lees, ; nth of you. Aro you fond of stalk- think now, to be amen the meet, re get, 188Z• Cliutm,`Au 1887. stile accommodation for large Inmily, with all
for formulating this tremendously ' g 'MANNING &SCOTT, Solicitors, g• conveniences, such as hard and sett water, ata.
E as well. Bracknell, Wel] lug, Never tried it; Nell, w@]], severe charge I epuld not induce her Puleive that a moderately intelligent I'Ok Joan A1cIiNlea'r alta Taos. NORr,E, '— T y Good stable on the lot. Further particulars oil
6e what more could have evetytlling must have a bebinnin Exocutols. uppItcatioa to MANNING & SCOTT Clinton.
e g• to divul a but I suspect she call t human being can bring his mind to I>l>r>I��erme��t Agency
ed of Bracknell than that Bracknell is as fin@ a shot for his g ' p gh OTICE IS F UILTHER .GIVEN THAT L1ARD1 FOR SALE.—THAT WELL SITUATED
the young ;lady in au _unequivocal bear upon, One afternoon while I N the win be offered for sale by Public E, �� BNELL L' farm of 75 acres, being lot 21), cgn,2, Huilett,
I get into the el@van years as I ever saw; N°w,mind,we- Auction, at the RATTENBURY HOUSE, ill is offered for sole. Sixty acres cleared and ill
I betting into any serious aha]] count upon 9e@jug you. Good Sb. I could have told bar that that was sitting with Somebody's "Com- Chilton on the 17TH DAY orSEPTrD, 1687 Having accepted t1wagencyfor the Ayr Hanufac boos state of cultiratlon, fairly well fenced,
cilia is good looking, he is by my dear fellows,' was an uncommon occurrence, but I mon Law Prodecure " and I for of trio Sio'clock p.m „ the following property of turing Co., (Watson's) will open out an office in good water, frame house, frame barn, bearing
never did tell her such things when it b John being
deceased, with est- the premises lately occupied byb,rGauley'.Albert orchard, &c. Situated five miles from the town
6' whose Precedents of Pleadings" valuable farm being composed of the West- Street, Clinton; nearly opposite Fair's Drill, when ofeClintol. Will be sold on reasonable terms,
Ihe(,Rild £1'am time t0 time Then h@ hum@d Ofl' t0 UOOd WOOd, half of Lot 14, In the third concession of -the lie will be pleased to receive orders for the Apply on the premises to GEORGE WESTOOTT,
en observed Teams of-er takinn I could help it, because the only ef- open before me Jim lounged into m township of Hallett, containingcelebrated Ohutol P O •41 31
g b Bracknell with him and I feet of my so doing was to give her p g y acres cleared and uudor etiltiv00ac Thein
encs. jn. him ; Beticknell should think, forgot our existence den, and, Seating himself sideways oII are orected upon the prcnitiv agood new STEEL TWINE BINDER -_ NEAR CLINTON FOR SALE—THAT
l_nnece9aary pain, frame house, a frame burr And the NEW HUMMER MOWER and DAISY Fchoice farm of 70 ares
]e >H'lll 0.d01'n 1118 station. with great CelP.t•lt I L stable and dlev- RAKE, A full line of re , part of lot six, in Cho
g Y - • --U' she had some misgivings' about the table, remarked that he was the Ing house. The property will be sold subject pairs will also be kept in Huron Road Con., Goderich Township. Within
e'6 I4laynal'd. He i3 C18Vel', a to a rescrvod price. Terms slid full patticu- stock. Prompt attention will be given to all or- two miles of Clinton station. France house of
;te. 90 clever as he thinks I remember that, after we had Hilda, she had none at all about ber happiest fellow in Christendom, Or lays made known on day of Sao, fu upon ap- dors, whether by mall or otherwise. Also sewn rooms. (:god frame barn Go x 45. Two
Seen the last of them, Jim said with father, t!Ae rector of the parish, of something tG 1hat effect. plication toOHtheN said KNIGHT i '•cud wells. Farm in first-class condition: TERN."
hardly expect him to set a sigh, 'what a splendid fellow he whom she always spoke of as god When you know twat our friend is PLOWS ; STRAW : CUTTERS VERY EASY. This is a chalice seldom offered,
Jg.23, NOBLE, Executors.
as on fire, but I hope ]lib g y Y Clinton, Aug. 23, 1597 And all other Farm Implements klipt In stock. Apply to 11. HALs, Clinton, or to the under -
P is, and was quite ahgry at me for Mr Turner,' Good Mr Turner was absolutely bent upon making a foot �tT(.,.1 signed on the premises, w.FENTON, Clinton P.O
ill never have reason to be pretending to think that he alluded -not to mince matters -a11 ass. _ M' M' 0" 17MILL11 C•*l.1ZiV i"ON■ � ARM FUR _ - OR TO RENT IN MORRIS
if him, and I have Written to old Staines. I rider•ehared Jim's There was no harm in, him. Ue °f himself, the very stupidest thing in r01•C 51OUltl alld .Other (r111•ds -` - --•-- r—Far sate part Of x 1 7, eon 7, containing 50
ing her I consider him my enthusiastic admiration for Brack- ottered about the ariab did a lir,_ the world is to tell him so. I en- ---- - -' - _ acres, about 40 acres cleared, balance hard wood
p p , DIANNINC} saOTi', J.T. WESTCOTT and cedar. Good buildings, orchard and water.
il. More than I ought to deavored to- look delighted, and said, Four miles from Belgrave end five from Blyth,
g . Hell but then I am not ofan enthns- tie work,pleaohed us a sermon once Terms to suit purchaser, If not sold for next
perhaps, for there's no iastie ten.perment, and have a quick a week,which had at least the m0rit `Has she accepted you: - era13 will be rented for a short term to mt actual
rdiabellevingme. As for r Barristers, Solicitors EXETER; .. ONTARIO, resident of thetownshir. F'orfortherparticulrrs
To _ try tudor took s few eye for any blemish that may disfi- of brevity, and was .benevolent in a Well, no, he answered, she hasn't r - ,ply on the premises, or address to ROBERT
pure the characters of my friends, passive way. Hilda ruled him --I exactly accepted me, foi• the reason CONVEYAN(`ERs,, &C, Collect Notes and Accotn,ts i)r slop/ part cCORKINDALE, BOgrave. •in.
and and patted Jim on the At all events I thought I had dis- won't say with a rod of iron, for no that I haven't asked hc,r ; but I think Con,utissioners for autarlo and Diauitoba. bf the toorld at the 2110»
'what i3 t0 be said about ' 1.7Prr.40u(tlrlr• rales ARM FOR SALE—THE SUBSCRIBER UF -
covered some blemishes In Brack. Such formidable weapon COUld 09- OFNIEE NEXT DOOR To NEW ERA, CLINTON .L' PERS for sale that most eligibly situated farm
G In elassics,you are but p p it will be all right, karry, old chap, b on the 2nd con of Hullett, formerly belonging to
Hell's charactee,'and that selfishness sibly have been required for so nen• ONEY TO — the McMullen estate. It consists of 50 acres,
in mathematics, I under- e I don t know what I have done to de- Bought. PrivatoA ltnde I MORTGAGES CORRESPONDENCE SCIhIG'!TE'D nearly
e ion.alFcleare a d in a spliendid stat of cultii-
was one of them and fickleness ane- tlo a creature; but anyw she rl}led , olNuC0 over J Jaokaon's Store C1ittRIDOTJT, beneath, good orchard, se, barn er failingit wells, and i1,
you. are also moderate ; ther. My impression certainly was him absolutely. serve such luck.
; in the eleven ; you're not that he would trouble himself very Our neighborhood, not being a ---- every respect a god farm. Situate only 3 miles
Nor did I, I am quite sure that be At�aARIAGE LICENSES. — APPLY TO from Clinton. AFill be sold on reasonable terms,
;bt ; I doubt very ,much little more about us from the mo- very thickly inhabited one, the 'few had neves done anything to d08erve file underalgned at the Library Rooms, wah or without the crop. Tull particulars oil Ap-
'on would be in ,110 boat y g JAMES SCOTT, Clinton.J T WESTtCOTT, plication to ARTHUR COUCH, Clinton.
melt that circumstances ceased to families who lived within a nijl0 or it; but the things had come upon him, __
ill hadn't so many friends. throw us together and I have much two of each other, were naturally AlS WRITT,—TEA"BER OF DIUS[C, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, ESE'PER, ONT. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE.—A FRAMFI
nevertheless; and, after all, one 8008 of Rostdence at Dire R. H. Reid•rt, corner House, witlktao lots on Victoria street, near
' Leith, you're mediocre. pleasure inadmittingthat therein very illick. Hilda and Jim and I many prisoners who hug their chains of Hurou and Orange Streets. _ ----- L'ine's old hotel, belongingon V uta Victoria
tate t, the
e the best fellow of the Jot, I did blur an injustice. We did had town a together from child- '��• ONEY TO LEND IN -LARGE oR late John Stephenson, is offered for sale. The
tae. And that being' so' S P a contentedly. And why, I gnquired, 1C1L glttallsuwaougood.mort n�gosecurlty, hire InsuranCie■ hours fs comparatively now, with nine rooms
b , not, of course, take ,advantage, of hood a3 com anions and when the gg lona stone cellar. On the lots are hard dna soft
ti1tOC, looking, up with a g P , `haven't you proposed to her.' moderate rate 0r interebt. HHALE,Clintau All kinds ofpr»p�rty iusurod lot low'eat tariff water, .stable, &c. The property is advantage -
that s0mewbat vague invitation to Henleys were at Stainea Court, We los First -slays a ously situated, and will bo,eold oil reasonable
adly, smile at the young become Lord Staines' guests i❑ the also saw a good deal of Bracknell Jim laughed. 'I'm such a duff@r,� D> �P"_'Ao talo gcreet, ClAtutonEo I- mICIiE tn"allles, ter,» s. Apply to either JOHN STEPHENSON,
towered nearly a head and be replied. 'It takes me along time �µL`te English C'hurell. Eutruuce by 1 IC WINNIPEG APD ALL LAKE 130 Ss Cli- _ Or (i. S ------ K, London Rond.
Highlands ; but a few months later and his Sister. However, atter Lady ARM FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIBER OF -
'aUovn him, `I should be Bracknell redeemed Ifis father's Staines' death the great house was to get under way, and when I am ALSO by all rail linos over the GRAND TRUNK
o prophesy, Leitb,` that -----____ and CANADA PACIFIC to any point on that ]FARM
lot• sane his farm of 163 acres, bell;'
i promise that he Sl1011ld 100k us'up enerall empty. coming tai the point 8110 always man- B. PROUDFOOT, CIVIL ENGINEER, lino, Winnipeg, Brandon, &c., Dakota, Kansas, lotAb 47, Maitland cell„ d, audich township.
Ways have plentyof frienda P g y p y' H Provincial and DomhllonLand Slit or any point reached by rail, local or foreign. •n, AhoItt 125 acres cleared, and' in good state
at Oxford,'aud,fallin0 in with many Lord Staines was always in Lon- ages Somehow or other to ut me Off y 6 of culuvt,tion, balance good hardwood
on will always be-er- P or, Architect unit Drau^husinan, PEvek'
other ole] Etonians there, bad such don or in Scotland or in Newmar- Well, it doesn't matter ; there's no B,,ocit, Clinton. Collo and see me before bush, well fenced, Rood orchard, plenty of
B981m )088d upon in Our _ _ _ you buy=tieketR any- water. Frame house and bankbarnrstable,
l 1 y a gay and uproarious time of it that ket, or at any other of the resorts hurry..' .I.
ir (Igen nuc anBloch eaidon doors
s,os t of Clinton, and convenlout to church and
floes broke into a laugh- -- school. Will be sofa on reasonable tetmR.
S his visit at an early date. Indead, and it was only at rare intervals to myself that, Fi long as the fatal Army Barracks, Huron St, Cliuto� Otllve f r Full particulars on application,. D. BAs -
rather ,cynical prediction. during the following two years lie that quiet little lady Mildred would words reulaine(1 unspoken, there was hpurB, a a m to 6 p lot. J. 1 HOl1TP80' Clinton . KI,Rt lL1.E, nu :he prenitseaorOlin ton P.O
after him,' said he ; 'we during
g , -------_._._ _ - . - -• --- _- - -- ---- -------
used to make pegiodical descents come down for a'week or so attended AMES _- - 1 -- " ARNI le,)ItbA1.L•--THEUNDERSrGNEI,
alivays just a ghost of a bop@ ,left for J HOWSON, LICENSED AUC- I nffcrs Por Salo his farm, being lot 67, '
t you arn't imposed upon u )oil Christchurch, where s band of by her governess and accompanied ]ljr;I TIONEElt for the County of Huron. Saes a 4�1 • 1�1 DIa111aufl OnIl(CR9iell, Goderich tuwuahip,
attended suywhore ill the county, at roe- S. W1. YI �,�li •coutaiutux 73 acres. About 65 are. cleared
c nice spirits' was every ready to by one of her aunts who looked af- And then lie threw himself into m su"able rates. .Resideupo Albeit Street 9 and nearly free front stumps, in good state
of wood
iii.9h, m Thebeech
balance d Rood . Ol-
are say that be thought w@!come him, and where Ills arrival ter leer. She was a demure little arm chair, lighted a cigar, and began - wood hash, mostly beech and maple. On
to capable of so doing,al- was invariably the signal for a beer mouse of a thing, with bright brown R STANBURY, GRADUATE OF Par HURON STREET, CLINTON. the premises are a frame house nearly
to rhapsodize after a fashjon which it D' Medical Department of Victoria Uui- •new, bank Baru, it good supply of water,
own career might not fight upon an , unusually extensive eyes, which'saw a good deal more and Di, pe saris formerly of the ides teals Ropairng of all kinds promptly attended to at and alga all orchard. The property is situ-
him to an im- scale, On the ensiling day' Brack- than was commonly supposed, and w°old be as tedious to: write about ae and Dispensaries, New Yorlr, Cnrou ri for reasonable rates. A trial solicited, ated six mlley from Clinton. For full par- .
to read. the County of Hurou, Baynela, Out. }} rr-__-.—..----- ___ -- titulars apply on the promises, or WM.
son as b@jug the fittest Hell would return to Londbn,leaviug all kind a heart �' ever beat but . RTE - �O Q0o t� Loa at 6�r BAKER, Clinton P.O.
World to undertake that poor Jjm t° face the college author- 'she was rather sh and had a way CHAPTER II. N. WILLIAMS, I,. A., M. D. GRADu• r P C��t, --- ---_ _.____ _____
It Was at this somewhat critical ofToronLoUulvereity; inemberof T.1AItaI FUR SALE.—THAT FVELL-KNOWN
ad. always taken a good- hies, who, however, generally tat _.o£keepingher . °pini°nio-hersel_f,no•--•— the Collegez oP Pit siciaus and Surgeons, 11' Whitely faun, being lot 15, con, 17, Goderich
3 somew a pa ronlzln�rg, -iii off' easy; !r fans the knew body lune-M-Af'Lor tames too it in- E ii�E1'CE the house for- township, Ba•c line, Summerhill, four miles from
y y y noticed her 1ntiCll.' 5118 and lnorly occupied by Dr I{eeye, Albert Street Clinton, on good grate] rood. The farm contain,
Jim, whose father and pretty well that he -was sure, under Hilda were by way of being is to his heart to come down to Staines 4ltnten. 80 acres,70cleared and it) goodstateofeultivation,
Why pay others 1 , 8, '0 and 10 per the rernaindcr good hardwood bust); there are 15
.,110th dead, whose small all circumstances, t0 be made the although it is Scarcely possible that Courtf with the avowed intention of R WORTHINGTON, — PHYSICIAN, cent, when you can get money from Ila acres of fall wheat and all fall ploughing clone ;
'oined his more extensive scapegoat • moreover -it really was there c:►n Lave been an Peal 9 111 d• $' D Surgeon, Aceoueher, Licentiate of the at 0 per 0. there are two wells and an ever -flowing spring,
t o y remainin there for a considerabl0 p ,,00d orchard, frame barn 35 x 55, stable 16 x•'35,
y y p College of PhyStcialls, and Surgeons of First-class loans 5:l per cent. Large new frame house 18 x 2c with five roo11,s up
kShire, and who -above not in human nature -no, not even pathy between them, time. . His arrival, which had been Lower Canada, and Provincial Licentiate
"boy's friend. in donnish nature -to' be hard upon and Coroner for the County of Huron. Of- loans 5 per Cent. stairs and 4 rooms down stairs, and a Kitchen 14 x
p Waen Hilda was in her nineteenth preceded by that of his French cook flee and residence,—The building formerly 23; there are two churches, school and grocery,
t very well of the lad,and Jin. Leith, ' occupied by MrThwattes, Huron Street. TERMS made t0 suit borrower, re- all within file minutes walk. Possession giver, .
year, Mildred's aunt Lady Petworth, his house steward, his groom of the . Cttntoll,Jan.lo,1871, at any.timc to suit purchayer. For particulars
kind enough t0 ERy u9 On attaining the age of 21'11e was __ _ gardiug payment and period of, loan. enquire at NEN' ERA 011lae arof MESSRS.MAN-
b g very good ❑aturedly InV,1tCd the CCC'- obRmber9, and heaven Only knows to,INTON DIEG'HANIU'S [NSTi'1'UTP], NTNG &SCOTT, or of the proprietor, on the pre.
an( then. As for Jim's duly -teed Ill p09S0SSi0n Of his eA , IlON mar other domestic fULLCtlOtla- v Library and Reuclin anises, L. SCOTTMAN, :r of the proprietor,
Summerhill P.O.
:9t of the Tut,' that of • tate, together, with plarsopal proper= tors danght.er to spend a season with y R Ruows, I erriu Apply to _ _ _- _!
bI,tie downstairs. About Leading
nly'a joke. It i9 not ty which,I believe, made an lucerne her in London, and prep@'rated her at ries, for his style of living had always lu' Cho Library and all "the Leading News• It' �ILILLi T r' 112 Farm of 100 acres, being Lot 37, con. 2,
ikely -that Lord Staine u) to something court. been far in excess of. that •Warranted tal)10- Weli , (31.81 iers and l, iioket $i0 say °° ulo 1 c J� i ISDALL, L. R'. S., Of Tnekersmittt, is offered -for sale
1 0 over £�,OOU ayear; I s per annum. oil reasonable torms, with good buildings,
eon angry with anyone so that he was, in.all senses of rte I rej.ojce, Mr Turner used t° say, by his income, caused quite a little Ol'0`l from - to 51' no.. and from 7 to D p• , frame barn, 4ox6o,. stable 2;x36, sheop and
ur. ,Applications for membership received BANKERS, CLIIVZON.
have seriously declared word, independent. At his request, in his placid, deliberate way, that stir in the vicinity, Rud set everybody by L'o Librarian to ttto room. carriage house, 16x46, good 1'.5, story, 24x3G
. - - _ _._ _.-_ _ - -_ - ..- _..-.__. . e souse Saul kitchen, 70 scree under
Bracknell's superior.- however, his uncle and aunt who, dear Kilda ills kept up her friendship conjecturing as to its causes: what MONEY! MONEY! MUNE1 ! r , ° (ill; 1 acre.2o good
b rdwod but not Well -
fortune enough to be lie(! resided at r'Imhurst throughout with Lady Vildred. I have-et'tcour• tVcciutmake a fewboodlounsrOmprirato rhe blolson Banks 01% 1oaCres good hardwood bush, Well- "
these wer,i was soon revealed' to U3 , watered, having thre0 or the boat wens in
a Derbywinner one is his long aged it • I dare say he thou ht his 1•uude lot low rittes and moderato expense. • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1855. Huron corral Good bearingorchard,
o minority, consented to re- g y g the next mottling b Lad Mildred Ternlsinadotosuit borrow•ers• p — situated 2Y ii,nes prom the illage of
silly as to lose one's main there Until lie should marr encouragement might be a factor in y y MANNING & SCOTT, _ - Clinton CAPITAL - $2 000 000. Brugenold, and 6 from the Towne of Clin-
the u who lost no thne in Walking to see ton and Seaforth respeetivety, there 1R a
a mall 'for proclaiming an event which I had reason to think question) both because refined DP;INTM', ',. - OOAT8 BLOCK, — splendid gravel road past the frout of tlt(,'�
y' useful roadster to b' alight not, be very remote. Taut companionship cannot but be benefi- my mother. FlEAD OFFICE, WONT GeII,. prem ses. Particulars and torms given on
Iuable animal of the thiii was a profound sectet. 'Papa bas been very ttrlucky this' ]� T4� 1�� E 1L. applicatiop to, APPLETON ELCOAT,
Jim' Clal t0 the l'OLLIIg, and because I feel THOMAS {VORRDIAbi,. �.....Fresidmlt, Brucetteld P.O., or SAMUEL CRICH, Clir-
had let me into it because froul my that it is desirable that She should see year, she said, in her geu•tic, matter- J. II. It. HOLSON............ Vicc-fres. , ton, P. O„ of NEW EPA OFFICE. DAVM,,
of•courde way, 'First of all,hi5 horse ('HARGE i 41-Q,U 1 A'T1': --CLI. TON, F. W°LFERSTAN.THOMAS, General Stan ger ELCOAT, Ontario P. O., California.
ord Staines was a fond earliest boyhood he had had no Pea- sour@thing of-well,o!'the best society — ----
atbor, no doubt. I have Son to keep secrets from. lite; but to , lost the Derby, by a head,, as you U�rII-►N SIIAVIN(i PA.LtLU.Li, Notes discounfe 1, Collections madr,Drafs ,PROPERTIES FOR SALE,
so described -with sucl'i root another soul hied l.e spoken of of the day. -. issued, Sterling lull A»tvrir'ali ex- —
p Doubtless Hilda felt the latter re- know---, e4xn a bought avid sold American
ZotL'eet Tho sulmeriber is desirous of retirim, from
,egtlency ttiat-I should his hopes -]east of all. to the lad SHAVIN0,-HAIR CUT1'rNO ANY, Nir:1Dt- 9 f1 activew•ork,midmr,:rsf,rrsalaantcryrea nrabla
Y cult of her Intercourse tviLli Lad 'illy dear,' interrupted illy mother, 1'001NO dune very treat and to suit current rater. terms, the following excellent propertiep ill the
like t0 contradict the who was the object Of thell.. Y 'I 8m afrilld. I 1LilOw nothin abOUt JO,[?r liAllES every perdou, lutcru,t at 4 per cent allowed on depi,;its, town of Clinton.
I could. , That being I should bfl very brad to be shit Mildred to be highly desirable. As g - Sinith's Bloch. — Five and one-half acre, ml Victoria Terrace, all
for refined companionship, I dare say the Derby, except that it is a race -' `T" - - -- -- - F A131VIEFt 1. planted a,taRn market garden, in splendid order.
will Only venture to to write of Hilda '.turner with per- BIBLES & TESTAb1ENTSAT COST ll wicyadv:n,eod to farmers on their own note, Goodhouse,stable,threeccllars,&C.,anoxcclle»t
were excuses for hjm. fact impltrtiality, for were that in she might have made Shift to do With. Which takes place every spring,' —_ rvl•h one rr more andorsers. No mortgage re. Phwo for its purpose.
ends me to for
that my power I should probably convey P ° The Clinton Branch Blblo tiociCt.y have for rl,Qre,l as aurtty, Just arross from the above, ane and one-half
Out that °} a ]nth. 'No, you wouldn't. but papa knows wale at Dlt WORTHINGTON'S D1,U(1 11. C. WWI% Ell, Manager, acres, with Ir dttrees, h6uso, barn, &c„ there,.n.
n as handsome, as mug- afar better idea of her to the read I can't tell whether mt was atter a great deal about it,and even I know STORE, Albert street, a fine assortniout of ' Ja11uary lbt:7. Clinton Also two-flfths of an acre on victoria St., with
Bibles and Testaments. — — ------ horse and stable thereon.
C desS brave and jolly, something. Tremier must have won TESTAMENTS FROM frets. UPWAttus i Also small hoose and ono quarter acre Tut on
j y, er, Who, if he had elle, her in flesh, Miss Turaer a introduction to the g BIBLES FRO -11 2,308 UPWARDS. Midndast,•ect,y care asBracknell was 'would doubtless have been fascinated `best society of the day,' that Jim 'if be had not been interferred with, COMM AND SEE. .DR WORTHINGTON, De• No Ewdsw OFull particulars on application J ALLANSON,
s I should be proud of with leer, as most people were, and discovered how desperately in love be It was nobody's fault, but it was poor pcsltm•y, Olintm,:
attributes ma •--
y Or lolly mrglit have fallen in love with her,
e a legitimate cause far as a great many did. But the Sjm-
was with her • but it was about that
papa's misfortune • and since then be
r p
J. T.1V1L1.IE S
r '
e; but I suppose it will pie truth i9 that I never could en=
time -to .my sorrow, though Dot, to
bas been unlucky at Ascot also. So
Holds thoexclusive right for the county for
After severest teat at tate into
nied that they Usually dare the girl, and so my evidence
my surprise -he made me acquainted
there is to be no archin this sum-
y g
Cho Hard prucoe8 of adntlmeterruR choull-
caly pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the
fair in Clinton,(it was universal! ad-
t the same time it must must. be taken for whatever thitt Of
with the state of his feelings. It was
mer, and we are g
, going to remain here
safest and beats a
system yet discovered for
milted that FOR ,T'ERFECT AND EASY
DtanuL,eturer iuul Proprietor for the best Saw
that Lord Staines was a prejudiced witness may be worth.
not, however, until more than a year
quietly and ask hardly anybody to re.
the paiulesB extractioh of tenth. Charges
moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Office,
NES, oF• •reNr the EXCELSIOR was
11liti Dog in uRe. Agent for the sale and
application of the AIrl"181MR PATENT AOTONATtC
utrageous in his crowing I have, at any rate, no hesitation in
later, when we had both bidden fare-
main with us, and Bracknell is com-
ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, over Rance's Tailor
Shop, Huron 5trect,utinion.
away ahead of all others, and destined
and applied on short notice.
g fund one can't wonder allowing that she was extremely
well toOxford,that matters approach•
ing down in a few days, so that all
to be the popular instrument of the
f hig friends laughed at pretty,althoug'l.h r beauty was not
ed a crisis. Up to then, Jim s atten-
will be quite like otd times again.
ERA rr n`r
NE VY Elly. Dili K Ely i ,
day. This, along with the fact that a
Bwl,ertl, Rugines. and all Uiinds of
Machlriery repaired expediti.rnsly
others found him rather of a regular order,and that her man-
henover ,Lore
tions had been of the most modest
But I am afraid ire will fine] it too
Tho Rubso il,er would Intiulato to no
special prize was awarded it, certainly
a f)eaks volumes for tl)e instruments,
and lit a satisfactory manner.
was a oars were charming, although the Y
h on he WDLlId collect did not happen to charm me. She
order. He had a poor opinion of his
dull to remain long. _
people oY Clinton that he has bought out
trio baking business lately carried on by
Mr. 1>unlo}p,
and parties purchasing should see the
Farm implements manufactured loud repaired.
steam and Water pipes furnished irk
hies as lie could induce was on@ of 'chose vet fair leo )lo
3 people
personal charms, and perferred the
ants will oouthnlo the same
at t
at tn0 eta ,P still ten etas had a inn
EXCELSIOR before bu ing olsetvhure,
and put
position, Dry Kilns fitted up on applicattol.
iy him, and would drag whose comj,lexions are of the clear- -
agony of suspense to the risk of re
oxpm•icuco, and h y giving close par-
Sonat attontiou to the 111181"oss ill a its
Charges moderate.
to Eton to watch his eat white the bloom upon whose,
> 1
and Ito
let;tion. I am Rfraid that I must
]'lead guilty to baso encouraged •his
�t Devoy,
branches, hopes to merit and reeetvo it
share of phhlic patronage. .Brnail dnllvored
Factory three doors west of Mulloy's
Pump Shop, Rattenbury St.,
c” L, I N �• V N
g slogging, checks iy one of the most dolicate
m on corner of PiecadiI-
at nRnai prices. A largestoelc orcitkp8anrl
.or tVt al'1Cd Of this de and exrlaisito piulr, and who seldom
.tatle, and could not uu- become before
diffidence. To confess the truth, I
thought it was upon the cards that so
ly and Wilfjilm `treets, told me nearly
two years ago of the virtues of Bark-
supll(3cl forParties.-y nicetyJoii LVANS Ce (.ream
------ -` T - -- - --
pla.nln Mill
wiilikl(!d they leach
Bronchial Balsam. I had
at it might
„ht ovidentttally extreme old age. I don't inNi91 on
captivating a young lady as
wells been
working in a drain and caught a
1)O YUl' 1Vei\'I A (LOOT)
hers. Ho kept Bruck- that point.
d with of Hilda
ler might chance .upon somebody in
London her
very aevere'cold. I got n bottle of
jjUSlvLtiti 1'/DL (_•el'1'IOt�'„ ?
Latch.&'Clock Maker
plenty pocket had golden hair and blue
whose claims to regard
that celebra'ed Balsam, and it io ;
hing'good-humoredly at eyes, and if everybody bac] tooth
might be greater than poor Jim•$.
quickly and completely eared me of !
q'i �n arranix to s ,end nt most tine
JEWGT,I,EIt, &c.,
With which it was spent. like the dentist ould be dl i'v-
osothat ho even minded on to find
But such did not prove to be the case.
that acute attack, that have never
oeen without it since. I have recom• I
ninliths at tilt
opi,osITE THF, SIARKL r SQUARE, t r„t,.n,
another occupation. To
eo.tain longish bills be sure when you began to er.iteise
Five thousand a year is not a colossal
mended _ it to man and the all
t t
r { ry` r r
CO 1lSliledollele,IJ�1dtfol
Where lie deeps it select asRortnlent of
rLRTF.n and furnished his new Planing Dtbi
the Incest im,rovedpatterns,
' to him by the Windsor there were plenty of faults to be
income, yet if you will take the trout
•agree -with me that it equally good
i. 1� pCi($, Jewellery, is
Watchn Ci J y, lino
”°w I'rafarad'cC attend to all orders to hey
in the moatpromptandaatisfactorymanner.
desmon, some of whom found with her Elco. Her nose, for
bre to run over the fiat of your ac
for adults and children, pleasant to
telco slid never known t0 fail, h0 I
A Rchool whirl, excoTA ill its raolhtfeil f6r
.ractiom work. 1 tR patrons are outhusl
Silverware■ ani,
at eoAwnabio rates. Ile would Rtso return
intifnated that tlioy had instance wris too Short, her jaw was
d for three 1-10,
quniutauco�, you will find that the
bachelors who possesses as much are
matter how severe the cold. JOHN
astir a rte preiRn• Next tont 1foR}n8 ou-
Monday, 9npteluhpr 5th, 1987, For eats-
which we will RMl at rnaRnnahle rates, they
to all w•ho patronized the old firm before
were burned out, and now being in a bet -
pootion to execute orders expoditiowtly,
years. too Square, and a lis were a trifle
lays been open handed, too thin.
Ill a small minority; and it seems
WALT]rnli 41 Bathurst slrmt Lon-
togtio pnntalning run inronnittinn, nddrese
confident he can give satisfaction to an; •
I remember onto pointing
extravagant ;probably out theSct defects to my ltOtltel,wh0
Children Cry for
W. H. S[[A1V
Pnrv(tl,}f,k,L, SITATFOkD, ONT
repau•lind�or every promptly
attont(:ll to,��ao11 aFtt, Rzttt�rCO F3;.
FACTORY -Near the grand Tru
Railway, G'lirtton.
- •
(!i;ntol, NOV, I6it2.
if y
-_ i o
.Jr V