HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-09, Page 7_ --�_ �� - b . ,. - -- $even, Gine pteame s which Ntaie, ` - - �X,I � ..... 'Kxla�a, l.la4B>�R 9,1@Q7', sailed from (Aeenstoa. in the hist tt�o, . TThe:firet'Xfgatltclp. growing . out d:>< ,t . R., -.- - ..--.. dayo lip.olC a beard: 4,690'lem; rants r 1? • a- FA ]POP _ o the Chatsworth horror; Aro ed o,ut an: for America.; t _r g Thursday !a- the ,sbap+il, o� zibeteen � »` ..,,.�.-.. .- .. ,.m. _.. ZI ,WS NQT98. • .. -. - . dams a busts fI grp atilp 12T,b00, , ..,.s_ ._. _.:.... _ d'o%D Bright, is �u favor of intern It �' . � _R ., tioPi;t arbttrataloti . instead of war, in, which w.ereb6g0 ip tbeitUtrGtr tGourt �` opw4y, Typholdff ,to prevalent in lYxorttraal settlingdisputes:b tweet nr.tions. Vie' Ten are 4,Q.QRe;}tla,alldeatlxcases . _ There are{ nA tower than 70 cases in file believes Britain and the United.8tati s The ot4ers are for laaur es. gonaral hpyt►itai alone• '! he bad drain• should load off. These two countries. The death is announced of Mr T L alge:p:9l tlte'Ot�,y' 10da defeoi(ve plum4tng kill remain two nations, but the vote- Armstrong, an old resident of Strath- ' ,.: ars Ra..,td to blt'tbq causes. ran Liberal would thave thorn slava - roy, and at one time principal of the y S OUSE Iron and arft&xpe Merck Malcolm MaYicar, $til concession regard themselves as one people,' Public schools, at the advanced age. ,t ( of Afosa, had his baro and its con• Mow different his spirit from that of of seventy years: Ec was a member .~ i ° telpts burned on Wednesday, suppos• the average opponent of unrestricted of the Masonic and Orange Societies. .. �#lV�lt�'' �ltt7►it hl� the H. �,�-� t : 'to be from the pipe pf a tramp. reciprocity. members of which took part in the ! Warden Sweetaain of Guelph,, met funeral last Monday I_j'U1*'D]FS$ttl� CO. w�i � Stock u# J. $. 9.A'w�,a�i+��d with a var serious accident a4 hie Out is Syracuse, sixteen miles from D. C}. HVoTnish, who is in a gentg' , Y the Colorado line on the Santa Fee u h 1 Yon - - _--- - - - will la ]C1CtLQ►1' __PA�• owti pace the' other day: Ho was ' .--._ - f rnts Ing--estab iahment on- - 9Q��. IC at 1'e(1 a �3: - w - w Road; -0 town council"is compose street' .g - - _ _ _ ___. _ _ _ . i Toronto _ .._. ._ . _. About to descend a (adder in the laarn entirely of women. They are bright, ewes fired at three times lt3 t Jl8 tlf'. t0 FTQE.'i11'C' i when his foot slipped and he tell very active, energetic business women, and between 11 and 12 last Thursday _ heavily to the floor. Although, he men who com o ed e r y y g it has been said of them that they are night, on Gerrard Ftreet, while on his 1 C� 7C 7r y� g i dly hurt, no serious results are doing better work than the bodyof way home. Fortunate! none of the I Shelf Hardware, Y a 1 ey L1 — I ant of ated, shots took effect. He cannot account N p s tit p evious coun• I �,� j �! 1 e� e� , �•^� } t. for known persons who fired at h the Ol*P SPECIAr, OEE'1+:.13IIrTCx THIS �Vh'l;li �4'lhf. L'i? SeelJl � ly 4.JI 1�ASSy Paints, Thosls who believe tl at the Jews cil, It is the only council of women known persons who fired at him. ( will eventually be restored to Pales- in the United States. D E McDonald, who is reported to ( ' tine can obtain a tittle consolation Toronto Aldermen client 51,000 in have left Ingersoll with Svc hundred Q_ 1 e r ? from the statement lust muds by the ' cab hire and refreshments during the to one thousard dollars of the Bank of O[ 1 S up \ 1~ I English Lpiscopal Chruch at Jerusa• recent visit of Lord Lansdowne and London's funds, is well Wwn and • j' lean to the effect that there are now other distinguished ('ersons, and at has always borne a good reputation. • 42,000 Jew resident in Palestine, the next meeting of the Board of Al- His trends will not believe that he � t against 15,00 a few years back. dermen objection will be taken to the is a defaulter, but think that he has s� y� /•� T O• ADVANTAGE AT On Friday morning S. P. Watts, expenditure as illegal. The objectors merely gone off a jollification, and Gyl.Ld of St•. Thomas, tilted 7, years, was claim that he is a poor specimen of a that lie will turn up all right and oeSL- ` found dead in beta. Ele ate supper public man who will not foot own -make everything straight, SQ R A n (� Ir ' before retiring, in his usual health. bills•for cab hire, drinks and cigars. While Henry Pletcher, of Elkhart,00S a �a fir/ o.* With his 'two daughters he came here gylre Doha Il ag;nes of St. I,caia,ion Ind., was blasting stumps 50 dynamite _.v __... to -reside six mouths ago from 81mooet Tuesday, while under the influence of ..cartridges that he had about his per- , ' P One of the daughters iz engaged as n son were by some unknown means' �' anestFtetics in a dentist's chair. The de- sex• Hardware fore,_ �I�r�t01�.."' ! teacher in the city -school. Deceased eeased,waa abort 45 years cf aoe,apd had plodad. .1'letcller was literally blown -� was a uiet, respectable citizen.• talren morphine in cousideiabla,luantities to pieces, parts uf• bis body b�eiQ� L . b and summer akoels; is completely shattered. Our s ,tin+� a ." still ve `Ilaf-i�''x'f Ahumber 'of' bildireu lines �1h!`-' is`To• - -------_.. -_- _ _ .- -. _ - -- _ ._�h.__ :M1•- "" of late years, which fact may have inHn• found over 1.U0 yards distant. ` �f� , , , SkTr Thos. Gowdy and Dr., Ileed,Y. • S, of •'ruel 'h .raturnAd frwii- Tien_ enced the fatal.efteot of the mixture of breast bone was suspended in a . tree sat•, elalit ur ten,,.paivs of a ccrgtain•-at.•le and ,c unlit 1, a. , __ P alcohol, ohlorofrom sad etherwhtoh lyse shout 50 feet hi h - g•_ _._ „.. T y _ �_ ._. __..L_.-� _,- _s r t tachy a few days ago, brinNIP ging with it en: Tt a lad called at the dentist's g . , while bis ton ue wit some sizes soli! out. W e intend c7earinb out all t1te:;P I �� . . J A. . , them several thoroughbred Gold Dust given., y was found near where the ekplosion llolcen lots before the arrival of the fall roods so thnt we ��J � ' O'i IV s .tp hones, among others the well-known to the forenoon and wished to have occurred. ' ar chloroform administered, but the dentist A'vcry un lleasaut state of affairs i ui:,y Commence fire fall trade with an entirely n0vv stool:. young stallion Lexington, for which J F Cosa, declined to do so, telling her I r, r theyy paid abotit $4,000.. On Friday, that she must have her family hfistclaan exist+ at Upper er Latchfteld on the sg,the horse'was being led out of the y p l p ��Si' �,i G��NG e to administer the chloroform. Iu the line of the Pontiac & Pacific Junction railways. The farmers are read ', s tataile he drooped over and died al- afternoon she caked again with Dr. h. A Y ' greatly i. most instantly. Proper, who administered the fatal ,tiro• dissatisfied with the treatment they � y'' "' have received from the company in Z\'e have g� thered to other tl,oso that are to be sacrificed Ada IrIn mOr,UE'9 JL .&T 1 b Three children, the eldest eleven pound. p h g H [ - f right-of-way settlements, wood con- and find about one hundred and fiftyairs, various kinds and the youngest t three,.ound a horse An 9lbsriy: grocer,tcLo was accustomed tracts anal other transactions, Notice and sizes, which will be offered it ,p ees t 1 it will astonish caught in a railroad bridge nehr,Pied- to ,Vice some of his wares outside the i i'• p has been posted up on the Bernard wont, Mo. it was to ward evening door as an advertisement, had among yon. Do not fail to call and see them, L"W1D1ES1'rC>y14C>f : ! and a passenger train was soon due;so diem an apparent bag of coffee which Creek bridge warning the company I , the little oneo made small bonfire of was indeed, but a coffee bag filled with that unless prf,mptsettlementis trade i brush on the track, and when the laud. The other night it was left out of the track will be torn tip and the train came in sight waved burning do -ns, al,d a citizen with little notal trains n'recke,l, I Where I can get IG' L' bs BRIGHT RAW SUGA.-Lt for $-I, !n .1,1r,a branches. The engineer stopped the sense Euo••it., and etraight-way ilirltrg a ; A roinf,litle «tory comes !'roan boos- . T BRIGHT YELLOW SUGAR for $1,13 a.ss GRANULATED SUGAL; engine, the horse was removed, the glares sill wagon stole thu bag and carried cul, . A young student 9yay Charged for t. I cru also going to get one of the JUBILEE 011,' CAlvi,S and rP r train event on, and"few of the aeaen- it home,,, Ila paid $2 for the horse and with attenipting to conceal explosives a r p wagon ani! 10,611 !1a found that his coffee in a private house.. A our girl was GALLONS OF OIL for $2:2fi and OTHER GOODS EQUALLY legs .cast, haw near tt.ey had been to P • ' young was sau_i wAs so mad that l,0 sent a compelled to appear ear a ainst him and LOW. HAS HE MUCH, aUGAW Yes, nearly M,UTI%. TONS.- You: an accident. P 1 P g threatening latter to the g�ocerymen tell- on her evidence he was sentenced to ♦ New International Qucstiou is anis• Ing him of the fact, and statin; that if he , lead baler come along. lie gives hi best )ries• for produce. a ing in connection with the deatraution of did nut sP.nd`! to him (he gave n Geti• 20 gears hard labor in the Siberian /� T T T T a e g 1 1 ' whales by Americans in the flndaon's Bay tions namt:) tttrcu'sh the limtnflice he mines. After the trial the girl sold V V . L. O L.J 1 M E . S T E a — P' The case ie exactly parallel with that of would eaposP lata dishonesty, The plan her jewels and bribed the Cossacks in -o- rte+ the seal fishery a the Hudson' 3e %y io del riot work. Charge of the Condemned man, who S R. ADAMS, LONDESBOR the exception that the Hudson's IS9y iN At a recent rafrtiagnf tile section allowed hint to escape. The COUple ww,, much more of a mere clausum than tete of the'I'oronta board n£ trade the follow• repaired to Switzerland, where they �OgV DE_ B�RQ Behring'N Sea,being more landlocked and int; resolutions were gassed vvL'ieh we ! gicavc ,Ittyt been married. heing entirely surrounded by Canadian I gladly publielt frr the beuctit of our i . --... _ -- _.__--__.- _-.__._---.._ .____----__-._ -. —_. territory, unless, indeed, the Americans ( The relit: price of unwashed wools to claim which vvu l,•ad, the haari as. farmer triands:—I'Lac it is tasentally' in Ontario this year (of Southdown --- - _,_.__ _ - ___.- _•_._,•______--__--_.-_-_-____ sorted. sent ropy at order : maintain ung pre I grades) hap been about 14, Cents perat I-R,K t sent reputation of y:owlnt; 1n Cthat only ! pound, while the same class of wool ]� �J l 1j S hour weeks a' ol'ar(r,c•rl!..Yan Horne "best barley on this contideot. that D (' I p ' f • N e V Y SV 001 BOOr15. i. of Mill Point, ti• Y,s W,(,r }!.S. V n H the the moat rl'e �'yyab!u matared send, nru 6r- in the fttr-west territory of Dakota — �,. wheat field with a sore throat, The sore, ly cleaned allould be fawn. That the has fetched l.! Cents per round. And neaeincreased thr throatewelled,atdurlth- I grain scotion of the board of Toronto urge yet sopie of0ilr very patrioUc'1'oronto (1 pOre Clea r S . ing gave relief, '.Then the soreness die ui,onthedealenythrou,,huettha eount•y`dealers declare their ,hostility to •j OOO SCRIBBLERS just .received. � - - a ` appeared from tl:n°inai,le, aed a swelling and fnrmcros ,eternity to diac,+tntinne the Commercial Union beu;tuse, forsifoth, ' appeared nn the aataide of the throat,and growth ret b9ans,V•v, Yatsalan ur Imporial tine Oufario farmer could not get as i finally a few daysN o the cauee of all this + , A1,10 ALL THE WOES REQUIRED FOIL STUDEINTS ATTENDING y t; varieties c.f barle<. L't.at tleattention good price forhis wool witlxtb• free -- —4► p'- 'dieeomfort was apparent when the Avvell- ,c,f farmers be calitd to the neceaeito of market of the United'States opeit to , , ' Ing beuke and trom it came 1i wheat more care being e:ceroisedin the selection I hint as hIL. gets now. PUBLIC* BLIC* SCHOOLS, HIGH K( HOOLS, COE.L.U'GIATI; �; b a all inch 1suk. Van }torus, had of red winter wheat seed used teat it be IPd�TITUTES and TKODEL C.LA.SKES. taoa it tutu his mouth, it.had i..d ell ill well matured, and not misture,aithoagh \ cablegram frau, London says: I his throat, ' and then worked its wily Iroduoinp a sound healthy grain, makes A (;anadian importer writes to the WALL MAPS, LESSON TABLES: &C;. S U M M- E � :O C),D-S through it unlit irr gradin as red winter wheat London Times, calling attention to ��T ("�'�'7�'� -"//'� i,. A stabbing xtlldr occurred at what anti conael(uently di,teriorates its value. the clever way in which articles man- V V C OO.L 1.I R, Be ci ver :Block • n 'irr r - mice our latest and at NC.- : o e e ar I br! to vett. n rii . _ _: \ti-,• want t e1►tch_ your ............ °...._ _. _.... uf.wtured of iron and .steel-are.mized..'.... ..........._........ _.._..._...,._• ..._:................,. ..,.......... _y vi ai k ,....... oman_...a, :,.-.._ w .........-......_. is known Rs .f.`„ ns hctel,on the T,lora }fav bar 1`rAater, cf 4he Cl,uruh of LnA• + to fluney Sa>rmg $art aiDs. A vvoffian s Indgnaent to ,sari mff her fort©ce; we will road near C1xielph. i'he proprietor be- I land, has just delivered three prophetic ; up soil made !o masquerade as rough _ - _ prove this to every visitor with goods and prices. To convince the jadgment' that- ` ing abseu.t from 1,01ne; Mrs Burns au- lectures At Liverpool. There is noihing material of iron and steel in the Can- dollars brought to ns well save you dollars. That you can save money and ro swered a kuuck at the door,where she ! vague about this prophet. England is to whan Government memorandum in secure fire beat, is deffiCe3strated to oar dplettdfd stock cf found a rough -looking CLI%Mmer who , be separated legislative,y from frelatl - the Blue Book respecting thetariff� ! �y�-G--Uj S t. wanted loclr;ing for the -light', alai ! Iiltliaandher coh'•uies ; Lucien l;ouaparte I,juit pllhlklled. He saps : One 7 I &' CHILDREN �t•� A a `v A s T)eing refused hebeeanre uLry abu=ire , :.z to beeamo Xtng of Syria and later to j Canit ,t but think thRt though the LADIES CSI ILD �' �+J1�T►S ���' ti 1, .to 11 Burns_ A boardt:r who'lover 1thli:e irar.,riu t;' a to {,;in1illl�X and tile `voice iy the voice elf Tupper, the EMBROIDE�� S i)RIENTAL_ L�- CES hand k the Land of the Londonderry WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER hear{, ,Pie. tale. came coolly d and spoke 11•`rai,te in 1 #)4. Une hundred and forty- ' lr0n atd'ti feel Cbm tan 'Clle latter r T i� 1 `l C 7 to the stranger,who coolly drew alitrge 1 > 1 3 G�,O� IJ�,Ot��Et• JERSEYSt �10 knife and ave !lira an u 1 stRb iu four 1housautl watchful Uhristiane are I is the real power Behind file throne. __ -_._-.-.., l , g g y to sornd frnm r:erth to heaven.., rhe ! S ^fir '� the ftrm,and then beat a haste retreat, ' inil't nainm i+ :: r,ulruve on sprit 11, , ,.\t flee Mercer fair, 1Ia., on ► ��' i.%ib�Ot ' and so far has not been arrested. 10DI, 'f he It ur„r Chaii6nged anyulfu. 1Lttrsday :afteruouu Laudall };laekes- \\"e big most r,'attfnlly t0 direct the attention of file puLlic iii �;enerRl, Tiers is a story given on the res- i later or indiv!(t:aal ;.e show that he hurt gee, a halt -breed Indian, made a bal- that we aro sti-ll sellin; groceries at the lowest- possible prices for pure WHICIH NE, ',PILL C1,1.& 4)tt'L' A I' c\ (aI;L 7' It l(IC"1'li ,t I1 1'i:Ii!.tr' pouatiaili:y of 'Elie St blary'i Argus:" I made ally miatalce. 'No elle as yut ilas goon A?ccnsiou flanging to a trapeze goods. 1)u►•i•na tics live years we have been in business in Clinton, we �rr_t,.l-nia i__t,(_6 1 e;t •' 'take° "r=theslialieugt*t,n�.. mrilily.•J...e'ivat b:ir. In tg a ascent the ballc)ot, shot _ c:" * -� •' y irk-,-aged--tc,-lmrlr-tire-Best goods irrtlre tnxtrket; 'ancl 3ta�.o estal - -a' • - _- ”' teak ti y0uua� wo�nair to 4a minister everyone is convinced that too ani take ; up yuddeniy, giving Blakeslee a /y/ /y� �, r �p�y�j has been made, r,a9lbl forothar masons.: v.r ic•h, :and; lie wRScullablC to >ul! lishecl t ,good tr•,.+hr b. s0 doing. Oitr stock is l:n.;e and wall selected, �2� .1�' ams '19L'i,' . '1J'UtT/ r►ne (l:w. ln�t` wee?c to got married. N y I . . He ha,1 ,11"led the ;,Shinn up gor= 1 Truth i,+tranner thiol lietiun, but i hitmelf its a luno which lie I AA �^, oasis ant! supp?icd•her with tunrls, ' ocC:t+it,u tits ficl'tr'u i',' reprncluced Aa' around llis wri9t. After travelling 1r:.J_!' 8 A ,SpriC.11ALTY Don't forget cur C'ASbl SALE 00 1:1B1 OXO EN-11hti SAT'VitDA1•, at lint but lla,l forgr.tten to ^et •<a liet-nae. 1 :t tiu•t. The old itc,ry of the soar who . about. a wile aud�A half, reaching the t"e rsaal rr;r cq that night Orly ia•r:re?erto re(1ncs-oalr stoarc., . t. tut h lie went to tl erllute aces zags had bee+! s^rav tl, no+ke hi: fhruat,e xltltudc of 2111 ►( feet, the balloon be- f A I Mull (fit .%NTITV •It-s'r Au{ ivi•'t, - ' ' ' document the woman rued 'Li,r bar- ! cnininrr, Mali;• to iiia parewi and bPina � g4n if, de9Cel1(l, belt the poor fellow's ! 4 I�YIT � � ll!.f S .4XIr AY1 QFAK'1'1'1'i' OF __^ a gain and left the parsonage, and des- it uiurdeit`tl by Lhant tin• t1w salve ui'Lis; ,strength ;;rtve fait, anti vheu witlrin W • . pate his most diligent search he leas I ,veal.lt, Its.+ 1,,•,•,I Carried Otut.ill Yell I •,00 feat 4.1 th,o earth hey grip relaxed, CANNED GOODS, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE;, -&C: �'� nut best, nine to rl•.�cover leer where , lifr. 1 tcltgr;irt tr0:n I:.0 _.staUrz ;aril he toll to lLaearth, alighting on Si,r.► .\r,l:� r act>f; \ I:S\' I':(.t.A BAKING: POWDFR. Ilu:ut..y'�Pr;ti:t:.- ," ��'S��. ;� �I �'�� �'�� arlu abouts. lite poor lover ii nearly 1 that a youm;,: van;ard let; hunte,aud 1 ilia lee, i4, a cornfield. Elis thighs � . [<eart-i,ruken, z; _- I after ?tune .scary rFturne(l a cnnll Ara- were.broken aus.dliv�u into the trunk �7,II, Illn ,lur,l! til l l'I:It A\^J,»L/:(;5..\-): }a'1" AX i' ,,r l'.\�'1'I'1'�' UI' 'line yalvatiKn Arnty it tua ring re- j tive;y wealthy man. Ifs to a. leaf re• of his hotly. AI,i, fct�u Gooi) L t:r; rr __ y. ___. _ - . - - ct,;,rizod ii ilia agent, Lot Neeurpd . Tl,e '0)1,ado Made has interviewed t-_Y_N • .N • newer, effort= to gain a footing in v p , leraeany. lt9 Or�ftn) The Heilaruf, tl•tot- h•wl)itallty. iiia nlr,thel' % ava• ltotler5 i,irculn i„ t.dxrd to thevicc•pre• �-�+ -�•'��•�i �- -p �•7 c itlu . t1 c rice wrc-zcitetl by file .atrativer's - sidcntial gF.isihf.ltea 1lr l.1nC0l" says he A.AlV V 1�t .�°�.ZB iR .L i7� r• a �,. 7 e , says that C .,alvatian Arfny !s no- wtrul:i not ou auv acernnt take the Hemi• vruere trr•r. urgently tlt•edec! thaat in f ,v, •1 lr.. staff shr. ilierl hit, Instils; ': t+ �P,• uia ii tO I. atrman'> :a Cattail' cit 90x100100 ! ui!_� t, evOlim, l.i,i hra,l jr:,tn tl.e' nation fr,r'taaonn(1 glace on the 'National ' ---- , C • , ) 1 11,1, 1: l' ,oft ?9ntlilt'� out that the ticke,. In regard to beim.+ a noa,lueo for . - . /� +� �s =1=39 ���` highly intailllgeiv :trr itulu,41rbitliiE ` I•resid(vr; hexad '•\','llfle t aniurat,l!"tl --�. vM►. a "� E,T,�, yr=�?a! T+ ' �p 1 t'irti/l, wn, ilei' ii'A ,ha L.... 1 _ O. r �' People, vrl:;, are a1Jve'rtl,e,e•!s '=.eeped t ) ; by the Sin,! flail• r f themlerenx,v to ill). rl-I[It,, I. U4 C>1. jJ� , � �" gar dnrkurs, ean,l tlCbe!:a:.' 1kil ill i seri, d that it wlice hii U1C Ii `t;9111t Ai lee � yVlf a+ If"Iet.w1oltrlt lit t1,0 Inatfer, I re- . I. order to?aw_ til nliLla'r,- :. , v c+'.. I duet: t :r, hxvc• U'Ale hint -elf t-noxii. i gattl,c aa,+ ,i :,:� :+ant iu cuuuectiou lisps' Dt_a�l TO TRE Ci'1'1 ItJ'aIS �1�,rT:1'. CLI I,TI�N. over to inlitle-li"y -it, : c!..Ul ,:codes.,, .% 110. , g,ilei,uftrHnttl cutidi!inn of t+'itis any l,nhlie attic,• whist ever. L have Harness c� �Yocery D t L onatesboro B ES . P i. L muelt ale ney is requirt t.l. ural this,the stl:.r in r:tattion to the recent hot' seen too uluch of the wear. and tear n[ ✓ , ., Heiliruf L t''c, doou t,� r100 fl,rthco:n• r,, to!,. ; WA, discovered' ill Ili, 1,J. (ffiee life t:o carer have a desire to rc-enter � - In•/g", The City of % 1•rlt,: 1+'n Ile hP I ;A!A'� .:„11, Peterboro. It A•'t�n18 tlint 110. 1 rte nt.t think thrr,e la ally lilCehh,u,d _ - , - SIDEBOARDS CHA � l W my ree(.friit; h nomination.. The f, >r' �� ` first obi�ct r,.f'wt.wl ,irtl 'v" other I fir ,c. „i j!: i,! ;r(zen up solid dli,rir'g u,Pu ",Lf) math• filo l;tktt 1vould baldly (Jt v' at0rl: of (..1tUl'I:ItIf:S i, now cunt ,lets •• , e station:+ on,, in \Vurt,:vnu urs, t, 1 !t: l- !L•c : .c:,l to the - rrirg it 1t:ts //-�' //` I '-Nr 1 r't 1 ! al.. -u with„at t;Xdc•tiliv ue!rliirl le,l� s, �/ 1 /L S �,XN. P.Ar. .�(=nT,T tr> T 1' tr f iII:�T r.\t,i. 1'� iult# 1' r l' 1 MIT11lly ;-A ?' ,e. GROCERIES t T('1;1; A -r I ;, +-t+N.et i'_n,:l J er in Nin.;, 1, trm:u,y, a, t.! It„1 '1”. 1,;,,=,-,: „ul. it, :ill its .hrauChes, I boyo n lure t; stool: of I'I ae:ll t!r'•,- 1,1,•t9itP+ 1 annl,l Ilbt givN, I n to ; u_r•11 ?' , ,11O very un•atlsiac,(cily' t' 1 { CANNED FISH, which t am Selling at 1., ceui, pec can, two cant; for- tovraways il'ouble I:;n„li.ia s ail- ni!:. l' ,aoll!' s,,,•n m all tali: of CT1 allege• ;'a i+}'var t11ai1 r -ver bc•forc. tiioa_ .,., it n,t't,uliU�' tl(I lwoer. �Ir J 1Ltarlf:” 23 cents. t.'all apfl bOC i11V StOCi:OtttllhO.ljl'.1) (iI.A`�\\-a�lil'. bef01'e is fin, t.:n ur fifteen of than; i, :i j tit`111i'.rl l :: dPtennhl 1 t•1 :!!;d out fr!'the llriti,ll tvht:!t crit, the Ltu: ptuehtising elsevihere,and eunvine0 yourself that the, prices are away clown •���'�• � '' �'• er)rin!ol+ :1,11.''• 'I'll(: make trielllls : • .au•.• 1-1: rue zrl-11U1!0, �I t-r+IR' 'I (lou 1'int,s w+y, that, While it is the \t richt :u,d 1':aytott u11rd u , the' 1 t t itrll S�LtiCNINE OIL - A have a lag's t al• oE, vial the roan c:L.I lase! th'! ve-ie;<•;unl ! ! : brst ora' ` nl'the Fear it is nn' zoo e „ ncl: of Alachin0 (►' - - - nn :ova 1'1!tnd tits in to he ll, Cd : put a,t',c 1vl:rres-1, they '' V, 1,.' i l art ( I . a Crop a, souls• enthu inst expected:-. difii rent brands which will be sold at a small arlvlmc0 on cost. r°,,:retch. f , Vve t:'!� that wil:g „err , lvith ! It•t', wi'i; a rarrow pR=+:v:^ in ' The rtualiay of the grain will be high, - - LriC?: t!;e :o „irr, 1Vi11 Imiill :1P .a I +( o i it •til.! i,onl:;'.i ir"e to aditlit u1 a',n1n11 ,curl 1Ve u1:�. 1., l;:' it for granted 111m a �LC)�•!/`T1 lI ,fly It>trno.,l ,loch is oculi lt'te as u,;nal with all YUI,N . ,JI, "A•Q ,.r ;L11•t.e Il c.. ..1 :.•I !Il 1'{!1.111,,,1v nI r. ,, t,•I' heli, 1;' f1t111i11C1T up (.I•a�p of alp,ot :i•+ loi-dw!s of ret) potiwk HARNESS 1 ,PreraI V.1 fli• �1 :'btu: !Limy ft.tt tit>c - sctisonnl)lr' bo0,ls, such its 1L� ti1(EI:'C5 and lWhat T 11 & � , ire irl,nl A I. U%''li i , 1lCu • P• etlell will lee �uti'errcl Irl, \Ve +t 's, S � !;Its ll' I i i L )ESE ' , i`. and I _y '' 1 l �'1'ili• ',� •+'l�rtu! ,t,uP u( :l!f;tir.� '' Nl`"I'S, LAP 1, J(„ , J)C. f 1 C 11 Hl ICt)i �N CO\'l+l a doves 1;,� 1.:"IV(! . ala i,r'^o -1 (-'.Otc-d. - nlnv ,ill wrleat :r, n'oducil, a Cru•` o! RUN KS „tu!',:.r,;;:ue,r.uo ., (;',.t nn'v r,ul;t,;:t ,fast?:;+nn.;tadrr,l!`ably l., I•• Irnu;r};Ila r I T;iNI►I;It 11'T1IPS..1`have fa few 71tt\K` and �':11,iS1';S left. i i N 1 1 Ilttl rte ., n,utCr, >rl, L11,^tily k-i,,Jlt I1lau•a1:d Doll:tis 1 i at, :olce :.-:1 toe tl.:• teuowl,(,d tt• remain !'t thri!' hidlrl; i•!:tc•:l '.ill 'Ike , .',t.';. . ? „1 3,.,I '• givens a crud tu,t ll of a liitic uvt`l i- \CIi H'S, ,'!' Il14.S'CO�I ItS .LICUSILI';S ;uul all :pods tlsuaily lcc!111 iris 1 1 tli - i ve�.+el ; !veli '.lac t l -i r,, when 'h1 1 1';IP \':: ( :,.1,;•;, til, ur :ul of t,ItUt.Un, ,1,,tu'te!=. Thi, ,viii 1hAve us this line :also on hand. Also till kinds of TIN\1'AN1? on hand. Pro- !inq Lot sr I +ucaa;t• g rev nix rxr•,.iurf'.,natl so fair n)►tce ;!;^ir:tl,t,r:lr:tnC11 tube ,upport-' the, g 1)11 '11,i'.11 x; o•Crwi,l't!t !n ltritlah rlel)Cnllent fru fi•r Agit snpplic, fin• at r1nCc tak(•u in oxchan"e. I'haul:in!; my cnstomei:5 for Im;t ftt4c,r;.tnill . ell clavi _ '`,: Y':at of til! v'l;'agt• I l;olurobia. '_„r rl uch +Lrt,d over its' Ic:tat li,,U011fn111 and gtrubahl.y !!I,lllf(J.• solicitipg tt Cnutinn;_tno(•` frf the same. ��tai������ ��Z�� �t�#� (�Itit�C'• nf, �,�,,1 t 111 i ,! Till- r,•u„t:k;l'o!t' ]nei'.,;tlt k related recent acti-m 'on'nrdi that city, It j 000 quarter+, tar it moat not he for- I by tht, 1•i., !'•,x ('11i -lick•: -.\bout I CwWli le, a l C„t,t trl!icle thu•:- I g4ttell that the 9hurtoessot'the potato GEO. NEWTON, - LONDESBORO Opposite the Yost. loilice. truly ;,•.rave its�1Ipvrirmity oc,:r. ;t.l!, ol.pusitf I twenty 1•,`nr< :t,•:, the pteoplo of Digby i "Whist wolf dip tl!elo glen want, If I crop will came a greaterdemand than ".`,jeer ; ,irr• u; ,rnfnL�. ±,lapel a man on I they have• n.i� •^curt l tin• whole earth i usaul for breadstuft's. The demand .... - in ,tyle ttttll 1?! i, it .. h?ati thein n11, nate? the. Ilinrr• at 11lyh wm,-r tl!ark, with 1 they have _"t a Very hirge v11nre of it , fur corn fur cattle feeding is also like- bnlil Ice;- ct.' oil' :t L, V” :Le knet-i I in tilt, Nluv 1,-W, ,t, on,1 Yet, like the I ly to be great, especially if' lot• pricey t (� Leading SUIT ''"�' 1'll,: nla.l c, 111d !,r•: - •::11' a tcorll oFt hr:r,c Ireeh', il-mighter, thev still cry, prevail. FI S �' 1...@ad i 1 t S V Enalkli ter I ti) i1- :11, 1 1•0' a I(,n„ I 't livo._ive:' Thi• r liplwidjii to ilia Im ' Q11evn Victoria 1vx, pre.teuted with Ll T�r�11�aG1a0�%��h�L'A"� From ;•ri:,! (leer, ruluonr hzvC been in vain t �`tiaaP id iva 'ia1., at1r; 1;1,.x, camp t IU 000 as a Jubilce t)re.leut the ( 1• LLere. ( 1n eS:;u:!tl'a'i-l:, it 01;1- fa•und i al d %%;11 e,n.tlnitr 1,1 bo in rain until . leaders in the movement heing women v ills worn f!u-n one end rtl til, c,st it; t0 the nand hnit Spring o that tLc 1, L- :;, 11'e': a r; Ct•n'.1c-t•vrr• 1 *flim• •1''` p,. ;rnr: ,l ;o .ion nn agree•' ut' llu!!itiun who tvt•rc• not tau discreet has arrivCd, crud Is clip c'f fife fSnost cn the town and cicistity. A }h+eat e+1 crom tilc bol:y, but why, where or l n1, Ilt ulrtt• not to Victoria that in their methods of influencing their a 7 a �Q I of ICJ per Ccnt Front the; I -Ph of 1 ch. till tht• I"bli of �,'d:xcll,will ) r,,.,. 1 t ie;irn, Ile i,ju•tic,- ill tv!lfcit •Lr i, entitled. The \1 Thomas Cooper �� .Jon i fur crslt. 1'lice: kilo un11 Nvol :tllanchil, uusurra.',soa,l. terms (•'aslt. holy', t1.e i t:,,1''C r•uuil n, ! sn11411, antes to cmttribute, lic•• ,Ila- , e wai take:;.c:u', -Irby ilio amboritie+, , ralllva. rrnup;nly'� at.nlo'�i t ridicules I jeaty accepted tho money, nnli an- rtllal 1lttilic' 4� C' 1:.I"I0!, , r a- po-ible, the irl(•1t -f :t b,-,.( et! of the aailwny 1110tinced that the fir -o thing..4le would 1T TT)\``' T , i), ,lr T'��[. 1 1� �..,�t\l� being NIt on :i,t „(' U:ul•;ir.,t',t ! roinlinnv ON t.,( 1'iviorians. The nCcorr,l,li•ll by it.4 azeney would ho to \\ I? 11.\1' 1•'1 '1'111', T,A N01 I+,ST, 1'1,FA N I .'T ,\ N (► 111•:�'I' .\S- 1 FIS-11Ili1l 7 1leti(Iii1t.., CL _ .i RI �E HOu eC o pauper=," Au li,l':f lr. •ailnr, hearing j S111-0-1:11 1'rrific hallway (2041pany , ereeL a sUttile tI) tllc uu`Inory of the S01Y1'I',P `',T( !K Ire' -•- of the arse-, vktol !:;e nt:tn a1n,1 found ridlpol(d ti,o threnta of Seattle and Prince Consort. The balauue it 'was j -- 1K to be a natio•(• of gunny Italy. went eoi steaaliiy in the endeavor to expected, :,Ile wutilrl devote to her oven - �'` � 0 , .� _C.! -•LZ+ ..1: t ghil,buatrl, which neec�­itn!ed the uniphec at last, as the Victorians will Queen has disappoiuled her critics, 6 0O,�EVERY �J euttilig of both litllbs, A surgeon, surely do if they be true to cacti other who have been tudglrt by expertence In town. Our prices are as low As the lowest, anti we warrant who w:is a paiSenger on Loartl, per- and p-mient a bolt! front to the coin- I that she is a dome,tie financier of a form- the operation. The crew mon enerny. The C`anftdiarll'aCifie very close character, She hits°'asst evorythiuglirst-olftss, Soloagont.•.for thet lebrateds'l''O(7PJt:li'SjIAI{• Sl,l;t'1.\f, :\'l'C1,N'I'I(f\ ]'All► 'IVa ltltil'1'l�il.' Ni;\1'I?SI' h:\L1Y p j l IN(1 PO 1)I'U." Tlest brarul of NO by the llox or Thousand at found the nlftla to be n burt'.ell to them, llailwa. Crnup;ll+y were not rery well trade it known that the remainder 0f' _l I,TD'I,E.-4. W E. MA K 1? A ` PECI A 1,TV I N , zu they landed him on the chore, to informed a!{ to all the Catlie9 tbat {.lie nlolley Pt ill be used to fol)nd 1111 ::\1amifaottirors Pr1CeP. `I'll•'\` a sp0(9alty, Give Its a call, perish or to be cared for, Vii the fates have led to the regi tuncc at \1'lnnipegal iustiuilion for nursing needy sic!: decreed. Ile would not give his nan•c to the yoke of monopoly, but if the women in tl!e ltriti+h wctropoliy. ° 11.1111- Pnpe', Ceiling De coratlQllos choicest or even the name of the vet�Cl, anti people dwro have been to badly used I'1'h!s iv a 'very suitably dkooanl of the i,as alway? been regarded as not b, inry as the p0q-le of Vietorio, we do not I final. tCl'115f Bn�1�� a� �1�T�v� l•eilt trill' ft it+hlsrightmind. Ile nl,ic 1lVit, wonder that that country i+ nn the �� ThO®O�y�T 1,�'1';1IS'I'I1TNC ;\'I' {'t,llaltil' Pllll'1?S, l':\IJ, :1\i)l':\r11kI] y :at l",.at4Can , , lli,Ly count}. i vclgC of reuetlion.' '' Children Cr or �•-� k '1 _ Children Cry for ! PitCher's+Castoria. j pitcher's Ca-koria., �T��.-- -TO. , -I' -T - -T07-N . ixZ�;,t� .