HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-09, Page 5ArotM 4 ths*niotvi We are, informed:, ea of geed .au-. thorityt thg,t t q average rleld o! fall Wheat 1,11 Usborne :this season wilt be twelTe hashers to the; .acre. A 3P -- 14x d• RW414, ;4 Porter's Hill, has rested Mr Z e,rquis' farm adjoining kris COPt aa. he intends going into farming JAM 4,494PlYelY. R, P. Morrie has undertaken the con- t;act of summer fallowing sixty acres for fal%heat for H.Y. Attrill, at gode- yich,1 ,bp uown in 18.88. Air Robert Govenlock, of MoBillop, leas one of the largest grape vineries in this section of the country. He has over 150 vines of the very choioest va- rieties, and this year they are all load- ed with the very oholoeat fruit. Archie Campbell, con. 1, Morris, met with wwltt may prove a serious accident. He was leading a colt when it began some antics, and he struck it with a Switch he held in his hand, when a piece flew and struck him in the eye. Mr John Duffus, of Winthrop, an old and much esteemed resident of the vi- cinity, died very suddenly on Wednes- day. He took sick with inflammation of the bowels on Tuesday, and after the most intense suffering he passed away as stated. About two years ago he was injured by being thrown over a bridge by his horse, and since then he has been suffering from poor health, and his con- stitution .being thus enfeebled he fell a •ready prey to the disease which termi- nated his life G ,•.-13en--7. olerx ird°fiv &Zyt`-P._ shei"� man, was a `pa enger on the 'tl'nite-a Empire, on Wednesday last. Many Years ago he went to South Calcolina, and became a member of the State Leg,. islature, In 1873 he visited the home of his youth, and spent about six weeks in Goderich, after which he returned to his hoti e' in,•the South. He afterwards: moved, -ho New York State, and some seven years since went west to Duluth, where he has since resided, Recently bis wife died, and Wednesday he was returning to Duluth, after having inter- red the remains in New York State. At an early hour Monday morning Mi S. R, Briggs, of the Willard Traot De pository,'Toronto,snocumbed to a violent attack of typhoid fever. Iu the death of MI Briggs Toronto loses one of its' best- known and most zealous Christian work- ., ere. Amon the crowc'<s coining to Kingston on Tuesday were four couples, who enter- ed a Methodist parsonage and got marri• ed." .Two of the brides had no idea of a wedding until they reached the city, en route to the oirous. The attendance at the Commercial Union meeting at Orono, under the aus- pices of the west Durham Farmers' In, etiutte, on Tuesday, was good in spite of • the rain and the feeling in favor of Com; meroial Union was unanimous. Owing to the -partial failure of the pots• to Drop in Ontario buyers are looking to Manitoba for a supply. This will be an entirely new trade, as Manitoba potatoes —have never before been shipped to Ontario for consumption. BORN FOX.—Iu Clinton, on the 0111 ii t,„the MIL of Mr Robert Fox, of a son. \VILLIAMS.—In Clinton, on the l t. ittst., the wife of Dr, \Villiants, of a son. ANDREWS.—In Exeter, on the 1st inst., the wife of.Wajter Andrews, of a daughter. RUM L,—In Clinton, on the 4th inst., the wife Ir ‘Val. numbed, of a son. CLUFF.—In Brussels, on August 30th, the wife of Rev, W. T. ClutY, of a daughter. SCOTT.=In Brussels, on August 211t1a, the wife of Dir F. S. Scott, of a son. HEFFERNAN.—Tu Ethel, on August 29th, the wife of Mr J, C. Heffernan, of a son. • DIED DEirPSEY,-In Clinton, on the 5th inst., John -Dempsey, aged 72 years. HIGGINS.—In Exeter, on the 3rd inst.. Mary Frances, eldest daughter of Benjamin I. and Lucy Higgins, aged 20 years, 6 mouths —.__and14-days- M- orris. orris. on August 31,t, Sarah Bates, aged 73 years, 3131011ti1S and is dads. GET YOUR PHOTOGRAPH, TAKEN AT ROSTER'S, • CLINTON. The Estate of Late JOHN HO]JGENS Are opening out New Fall Gods daily, their stock will be very complete in a few days. Just to hand, 1 Cast MELTON DRESS GOODS, ALSO ONE CASE OF GREY FLANNELS. - EXTRA GOOD VALUE ---v-- FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH.•f�:•w�ir.M1e J,aw ttM. ;'.-x.0 FJ Vt�:A7'•.+C1f..Pi .i3t•,:'al:✓,p CL-^'�'- ISEMA manager. ES a' • CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected evert' Thursday afternoon, Thursday, Sept. 8, 1887. Wheat, spring. - 0 73 a 0 78 W neat, white and red • 0 73 a 0 78 - 028a030 040a050 • 050a050 200a225 050a060 013 a 016 014a015 Pork • 5 50 a 6 00 Hay •" 800a800 Wool - - 0 24 a 0 25 Sheep pelts • 0 50 it 0 75 Lamb skins • - 0 60 a 0 80 Clover, per bush. - 5 00 a 5 50 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Oats • Barley Peas 'Flour, per cwt . Potatoes Butter • Eggs' SSP',AFORTIII, Sept, 8, 1887. 111 FALL AND :WINTER THE SEASON 1887 Wheat, spring, • $0 73 a 0 78 Red and white ' • 0 73 a 0 78 Oats, • 0 28 a 0 30 Peas, 0 48 a 0 50 Barley, 0 40 a 0 50 Butter, • 0 14 a 0 15 Eggs, - - 012 a 1) 14 Potatoes, - 0 60 a 0 00 Pork, - 5 50 a 6 00 Wool - (1 24 a 0 25 Flour per cwt • 2 00 a 2 25 BLYTH MARKET;'. Reported specially for Ntw Eas every Thur..,lay Blyth, Sept, 8, 1S87. Fall wheat, red, per bush. 73 a 78 Fall " . new . 73 a 78 Oats 28 a 30 Barley . 40 a CO Peas 48 a 50 Apples per bag40 a 50 Potatoes, " 75 a SO Eggs per dor 15 a 15 Butter,rolls . 15 a 16 Choeli0 . • • 15 a 15 Lar( . • . 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. 2 00 2 10 Hogg• 5 50 6 00 Hay, . 7 00 8 00 Straw , •2 00 3 00 Wool 22 a 25 Hides per 100 lt,s, 5 00 a 7 00 Sheep pelts 0 75 a 1 00 Lamb pelts . 0 75 a 1 00 .1r-iTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKET The supply of butchers' cattle is still very Argo, but the best butchers complain that they cannot get really prime beeves at any price, and oven pretty good animals are rather scarce, Four cents per til. is about tiro highest' price paid, and very few brought Over 34e, With common stock from 2ie to 3e, and loan beasts down to 110 per ib, live weight, or an ordinary sized cow bought for I?12, Calves are scarce, as they are being bought up for shipment to the United Status, Shoop and lambs aro still plentiful, though not so numerous as on last Thursday, and prices aro rather better than on that day, though not so high as they were a week ago. Sh0011 told at from 83 to $4,50 each, and lambs at from $2 to 83,r0 each, Tho Morse trade was rather quiet last woolt, but this week opols With a brisker trade in horse flesh. The shipments from hero to the T'uitert States last week wore fifty horses, cutting N4 725, or average of +04.'6 each, ESLEY & CO. Clinton Refreshment .Rooms. BUSINESSORANGE 1887 -FALL ---x.887. New - Fall - Goods HAVE ARRIVED AND OPENED UP AS FOLLOWS: New Dress Goods New Melons New Velveteens New Evening Shawls New Cashmere Gloves New Cashmere Hose New Woollen Blankets New 61-'erarrccrtzleiS1' New Navy Flannels New Wool Yarns EVERYTHING NE C. COLE• having bought out the Refreshment Rooms of Mr. J. Anderson, desires to intimate to the public that he will continue the same in all its • I �� f branches. He has just added a fresh stock of Confectionery, &c., which will o be sold at lowest rates. New Fingering Yarns New Mantle Cloths New Mantle Clasps New Dross, Buttons New Black 13roche Velvets New Blk. Gros Grain Silk New Black.-Mexv,. d '- �'- . New Felt Skirts New Canton Flannels- New Colored Flannels W TO BE GOT AT CHEAPSID FRUIT OF ALL KINDS KEPT IN SEASON; { NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER & SON'S GROCERY, OYSTERS KEPT rN THEIR SEASON AND SERVED IN ANY STYLE ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. OveltieS in Millinery FRESH CAKES IMPORTED DAILY FROM TORONTO. WE ARE SHOWING THE LATEST IN HATS, BONNETS, WINGS, FEATHERS, R1 B - BONS, PLUSHES AND TRIMMING GOODS. Stir TOBACCOSIGRSPI A PES POUCHES .g C, , e., c. Close attention given to business, and all orders entrusted to him will be promptly filled. A trial respcctfully solicited. Remember the stand, next door to the Grand Union Hotel C. COLE, - ▪ CLINTON. A stock that is' wonderful in quantity, quality an ces yle• iNew Fall lJress GoOds1 The best of everything, but no high profit NI -1:W 'FEATHERS, Exclusive Styles, Unequalled Bargains will demonstrate beyond the shadow of a doubt that it, pays to trade with. --JUST OPENED AT C_) T ETILOR tic co's Beesleys Millinery Emporium. SEW PLUM aad DRESS TR —5 T— COMINGFiAIRS. HULLETT,CLINTON,SEPT, 27-28 West Huron; Goderich, Oct. 4-5-0. Tuckersilith, •Seaforth,Sept. 28-20. Stephen and Usborne,Exeter,Oct. 3-4 Morris Branch, Blyth, Oct, 11-12 • East Huron, Brussels,Oct. 0-7. Hay, Zurich, Sept:' 15-10. Turnbei'ry, Wiliahaul, Sept 0T-28. East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. 1. Stanley. Bayfield—Oct, 13.44, • Grand Central,Hantilton, Sept. 20-:10. Western Fair, London, Sept. 10-24. Provincial, Ottawa, Sept. 1'O-24. '0 I ern Br: ntford t1 't, 1-12. Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 5-17. Central, Guelph, Sept, 20-22, Mr Fitzgerald, of Lucan, suffered the loss of one 'of his imported Clydesdale stallions, valued at.8'2,000,from- an attack of in (lamination. First -crass new WHEAT for 5cc(la- can be seen alt. the Office. lrtiiil:I'A�,L TOWN HALL, CLINTON, 4a ni()1C' 114'\' Era I QTRAY HEIFER --STRAYED FROM THE . I., rivet', on the London Road, a small two year old red Heifer, with white ring near the end of her tail. Any one giving such inform- ation as will lead to its recovery will be suit- ably rewarded. DINS, S, MORLEY, Clinton. IMMliIOEZ rT C DETLOIR. ,Sic CO's • TRAY CATTLE—CARIE INTO SUBSCRI- NEW 1. BEE'S premises, lot 34, Oth con. Goderich Township, about two week's since, two year- ling Heifers and 1 yearling Steer, all red, The MANTLECLOTHS, NEW JERSEYS, NEW EVENING SHWLS, at ownei is- hereby notified to prove property:.i • A _ pay charges, and take them away. Also. strayed from subscriber's premises, about n. mouth since, 4 yearling Steers, all red. An i 0110 giving information that will lead to their recovery, trill bd suitably rewarded. \VM.H, . STB' EP. • '. A lot of HOSIERY at a BIG BARGAIN. tl► 117E TWHITE QUILTS TUWELS at JobWPiices. The al...ve popular lecture will be• _ • delivered by . ItevJaQ-kmo116Wrayr' J1 C.DBTLOR & Oa, e D C 1111Err i_.40+ Sc € O' S • (11 \\'HI'I'F11 1,1) TARsnNAI LE, 1JoxnoN, i;NO., IN THE a FL -IIOSTUDENTS CAN C.J;T ROOMS and board, and a sitting room entirely to tlreinselves. Apply at the NEW HIM office. TEE NEWEST VARIETY SEED WHEAT —the Manchester — now in stock. Als), Timothy Seed for sale. FITZSIMONS' Flour and Feed Store, Clinton. NOTICE.—f WILL SEEL A COMPLETE aet,10 Vol, Chambers' Encyolopedia,.in Cloth, good order, for 510 retail price is µ26. Do not delay. Call at 1lo. 6, Grand Union Hotel. APPLEETON'S GREAT AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA on easy terms, P. R. HOUSE, IL D. FARM TO RENT—FOR ONE 011 A TTER.\I of years, parts of Lots 4 and 76, Rayfield Concession, Goderich Township, About •130 ,acres clearance, good buildings, bearing or- chard, abundance of water. One mile from Hayfield and 8 from Clinton. Apply at once, on the premises, Lot 4, or by letter to 11. GAIIIDNE13, Bayfield. 41- ( ITRAYHEIFERS—STRAYEDFItOMTHE 1J subscriber's•l I .Ulises, lot 31, 9111 con. of Hullett, about the end of .June, a dark red two-year old Heifer, and Also a light roan two year old Heifer. Any one giving information that will lead to their recovery, will be suit- ably rewarded. WILLIAM MAW, HOUSES AND LOT. FORSALE, — THE undersigned offers for sale her houses olflot 212, Rattanbury Street near St. Paul's Church. One of the houses is a small, com- fortable cottage, containing four rooms and kitchen; the other house has two storeys,and contnius 12 rooms. Hard and soft water,— Lot is one-quarter of an acre, with bearing orchard thereon. They will be sold on oacy terms of payment. MILS. FORBES, Clinton. ATOTICP E. KENNY HAVIN(+ SOLD HIS 111+ stock of Groceries to J. 11, Crossen, in- tends going'to California in a few days, and requests all patties to flay at once and save expense of collection, And any one that has any account against him, will please hand in the saute for payment. N,13,-1 will not be respotlsible+rot any debts contracted in my name after this date. E. KENNY, Clinton"' B7�� C'TCHERINO BUSINESS — THE UNDER - 11 SIGNED wishes to intimate to the people --of Clinton and surrounding country, that in order to suitably meet the demands of his very minter - oils customers, 11e has bought nut the business of Mr It Fitz4imots, and will carry en the same, with the cllolsest meats in season. No pains will bo spared to meet the wants of all, and lie hopes to merit and --receive a fair share of public pat- ronage. Lowest prices fir large orders. Isilil- ers' trade a specialty. ALIIElt1' MAY. RRICK HOUSE h'OilSALE Olt TO HENT —The undersigned offer's either to rent or sell the, splendid, very convenient and well - situated house on ltattpibnry Street, occu- pied by himself, It is a wall -built brick, con- taining five rooms and closets downstairs, and the same upstairs, with a good collar. -- Tho lot is one-quarter of an acre, with bear- ing orchard, hard and soft water, with usual conveniences, Tering, either to sell or rent, very reasonable. 11. I'ITZSIMONS, Clinton. TO THE:LADIES — WHILE: THANKING 11Y numerous lady customers for their patron- age In the past,f take this opportunity to Inform them that in removing to Clinton, I hope to be more central in my work, to have bettor train connections, and do 'away with the necessity of canvassing Clinton. I am prepared to fill orders on very short nottce.and satisfactorily,in Ladies' Alloses' and Children's Cosots, Shoulders Braces and Supporters. Ch1'di-en's waists a specialty. Clinton 1ndies,.whn promised fall ordors,ploase call when it suits and have hotter satlsfaetion. Housall ladles please ghte nrdnrs to Miss Bunter. Remember the phew, over 31r Twitchell's stem. E. J.C""UI'TIPEit. Clinton, Aug 10 +im 0x' • TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 13Tt+, The Rev ,I,tc11non Wray is authorlof the fo1- lnwiug lvo01t, : "NestleLoil Magna," ".Mat- thew 5Iellowdew," "Simon Holmes," ect. 'REV. C. H. SPURGEON, Pastor of the Metropolitiall Tabernacle, Loudon, England, writes: • - Westwood, Bsii1511 Hill, Upper Norwood, June 22nd, 1817. L'o Friuds in Canada: DEAtt l3111Tn10N,—I beg to commend to you our esteemed friend, ltev Jackson 'Wray, who frequently aids me by tilling my pulpit whet f 5111 ill, It is a great treat to hear him. Yours heartily, ' C. H. SPURGEON. ADMISSION 25 CENTS, PUPILS OF HIGH A-N-Ia-P.UnLIC SCHOOLS lit. R 0B E..R 7C O 's Clinton 9 ONINS GOODS ARRIVING DAILY AT. NOTICE To CREDITORS • PURSUANTTO SEC. 1 OF CHAP. 9 OF 46 Victoria Statutes of Ontario.—Notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against John Millet-, late of the township of Hulett, yooinan, who died on or about the 2.1111 fay of July, 1887, aro requested to send by post prepaid, addressed to Mr Jno McKnight,at Cliutol,Ontario,onor before the 22nd day of Sept„ 1887, a statement of their naives and addresses, with full particulars of their claims and the securities (if any) held by thein; and after the daylast aforesaid, the Executors under the will of the said John Miller will pr0ceed%o distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, regard being had only to tho claims of which notice shall have been given no above required, and the said Executors will not be liable for the assets or any part there- of to any person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Clinton, this 22nd clay of August, 1887. MANNING, & SCOTT, Solicitors, FOE .TOHN M('KNI(HIT 511(1 THOS. NOBLE, Executors. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT there will bo offered for sale by Public Auction, at the IIATTENBURY HOUSE, in Clinton, on the 17TH OAY"OP SEPTEMBER, 1887 at 2 o'clock p.m., the following p• erty of the said John Millar, deceased, That valuabple farm being composedhalf o., west - towns h p of Lot 4Hullett containing 11 .05f 1145 acres cleared and tinder cultivation. There are erected upon the premises a good new frame house, a frame barn, stable and driv- ing house. The property will be sold subject to a reserved price. Perms and full partieu- lars 1111100 known on day of sale, or upon ap- plication to the saki 'executors. JOHN DTcKNI(4RT l:eecntnr.v. 'PITON. NORh1:, ('baton. Aug. 23, 1887 Our stock this soasou will for surpass anything we have hitherto shown. Particulars with prices will be given next week. Watcil the papers, closely and we will give you quotations that will astonish you. Call,and see our OTIZI':MISS`F St- aSkrL.AY�IE� rrT-i, M MEI) S. ILcortS, JUST THE THING P'OR THIS ',VIME OF YEAR. Bolartses Greet Cheap Cash Store, Cliato: To be had for the asking• Great CENTRAL EXHIBITION Strictly Pu1 e Spices t ii�l�i i�����'i �Hoei�[��[o��i�a l�nl�irl�� A �� �� i'ml r li, nnspiees of the 1(n11e(1 Agrieul- ttu•al Society, to be held in cr.=lvrc>iv, CI LINT<)N, 0 N Tuesday & Weduesday,Sep.27-28 Oyer $I,000 given in prizes. On the afternoon of the second clay of show the lady riders will contest for a spacial prize valued at 325, which in itself will be worth the price of admission alone. OTHER SPECTAT, ATTR 1CTIONS. Shown will he ni1e11 on the evei'ng,of the first dayy, until 10 p 111, Admission, Adults Ile, Children 10e. (+micro! Adtuissiou, second do v, 2)e„ Children 10e. JOHN Al \SON, 1'1e4. N. IROBSON, Soev. AND -.H OLD RELIABLE "ST INEG�.R S. PALLISER & CO, C7LIiQTOI+f. TWO- HIGH: A1MS C. ONE TO MAKE OUR GOODS THE • STANDARD OF QUALITY,, THE OTHER TO MAhE OUR FIGURES THE ” STANDARD : OF .: LOW PRICES, Tjlese have been our constant aims for thirty -tire years past.. It is I,,,: NOT - SPASMODIC EFFORTS Which have accomplished this, but it is continued efforts. We have . pleased the people, pleased ourselves and, 11IERIT • CONTINUED SUPPORT. Let us have it and we *i11 show you TEMPTING BARGAINS From one years end to another. 'We have full lines in all kinds of Boots, Skoes, Slip'piers, Rubbers, dc., con - place can you find such a carefullyse- lected stock at such CLOSE SHAVED PRICES. Come morning, noon or night and WE WILL DELIGHT YOU. JACKSO 11.- BARGAIN BARGAIPJ SHOE HOUSE, , Opposite Townliall, Clinton. FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW FALL GOODS JUST RECEIVED ONE CASE OF THE LATEST English and American Styles • of Hard Hats. ALSO A. FINE ASSORTMENT OF AME,RiCAA.N NECKWEAR, REGATTA SHIRTS, SHIRTS, SUSPENDERS, &e., Se. CALL AND SEE US, IT WILL PAY YOU. W'HLTE G. GLASGOW, smiths Block, Clinton. 1 oots Shoes Large stock of FALL 'GOODS to hand, Good value EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, F'IVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. W1TAYLOR & SONS Clinton and. E1yth, JACOB TAYLOR, M'dnagot' for Blyth.