HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-09, Page 3w,_________,_.,____ __. „.,..-..-..._ ,.. -,-,.. ,._ -.-• -•-.-. ____ .... -,-- . - _ .___ _ _.. - .. - � , - x _-.. _. ..-- -- - _ _ _. v, -- •, -- -- _.� •-. - 1- _ ' 1- -. .. .. +. ... I -M...�^++;n•-Win,++•^r..a... ;=rw�-...v.•T, - * .. ,- „ ., s 1 ,, i ... s.rlf?l 4lA� n r ,laAt'fl 'i�!b.sl'o t niture alts 14e felt, a ra ,___,.. _. th�Ir,ass).,tI 06i,liwit Wal, g•.,,1 Q 11s t ' • ll'*lrio,, Sk�t".iklR'li fi g 1) of State tro ,s'b:a�d ).eft d t . Thv are on tits atet'l t11iog" C9vejed pYet•ythiug: held blot- , . f r . til a. I.:0 tiny p.i on ,o ., ii a) y �- - . _ - - T - - :.,q- T�itt,s stack ftlr t it, rP.,ent t>f t4Gtion `or i aYelt}ea. They wliilt tU g cecl Atit eyerytlTitil� with black ill..' Noto t, a & Bo!la0 rc tui' 01.;00 Doran took his departure, 1 ti ' ' "sS Ill t�Q1'. , thel]I c►itvap, The iiny,ortant Greltke Itall�ltble and sell pewit<lipg presence,, r N __ A 3illlabl� 1 ^ � About two Tears ago lie cane to , >y •- •r. few Ftli le t;r-,•afltltll,ly. -tl-ntl •aoitly as-4-,W,VR4 t _.__ . . . .aI U.A.-, .1 A ato en a ell -first A p tips! s11,1rtty al'tpr bl+cl,ri)e o �+ I e' +>. >< ,� Hot Sprinits, , fre;llis •n1•U entry •eel f'or the soa•son the light,04100 back agilill wt.h 110 intOlnt'tl in a'fell( withI'rdtnk Lynn, I a l+ r a ° , 1;srmal$17v Viii - N of al ler of that il,ice, row- I and lazy buys$ flit wooled, gittilts, started wonoor as to where I wits,, Ie ,,, i-•:vJXvn of huA;"., , and Prnr,:•a:,lfll kIl*., ly[Li.B A 11A[.F D{iI.I:N stk�N AND u noted g7.. b # 1 r;. Is WING D IllbtalSLi+. Inas Oat of this aingnrar state, of I-ets. I Bcook , l,I til ro jimiliel R, 0113 It)en fUl' Li}tilUt�t bef lrt3 iOtll l sl, <pe a tit ,, ha+iu}; t,r +t..•.ru,,...t ttlo •.It I STO� A � ; • +'i)nn ryas a prt,tt'tsional ganiblrr. Without Il torigue, and utile±r stall, thUn lit I.lustit,ct'vely "Pule bat a:+ongthe most res )ec•table of his te. l'lli_t.kl°1'[t1IrT t)1+' f)i,1;9,5, 1. b was tnaa of courage and ai'a oigurcl to appear at into: sal ,y p setts i and knew that tits 0l Ana to prulunt iw meml,crs maxipi bad gutty }NGTo, D. C.f Aug. 30•--'I cissa Ile a a g How are the , Is it ,1 >tlt•ablo 'litlOn tvus45'el'. The figures 111 the by furui U,u� 011.1nut payt•.,fI,,,liea nhudu �CV4Stt determination, and was greatly ad- I f4� �:�1i8:�t t\IId �iiN. ~:.,. Y 1 room grery distinct and clear. I zatitico,f liaid a•gentleman who former• mired b • his friends, Ids had soot t4 be a fr ok l Children- ) lived in Tennessee, 'that the dis- mol tet a Considerable amount of Fat mea and women aro teed as hal£ rose rap In fed, and then cher- Lleiwishiaaud others Lmember•s, byst mlitont andw9aliing to become members, LY remitting patches from Tort Sall1b, Ark., say property, ,aud was among the most cording to their weight. The ave. rible feeling of nausea and pain s7,toout k aagers,Hamilton, ont., will receive that a celebrated gambler named Do- .. y g by return mail, full particulare, certificate '"Castorfals*aweilildsptedtoeltilgrr4tLaR o cures C' lle, Cow-APAtion, • . 1 spirited anti enterprising citizens of I -ago a is about $30 a week. Very I rLtshed upon ms. I had lain down of me3nbcrnbll,, �e.trecomwenditarrupegiortoltuylpreW!l.4ort sour stomach, Diarrhoea;;W++Ictarow,4 . rein had barn ropent•y wounded in a IioG 5 sin s, Fie served more than. ,,�W v + g r, pay Kgls Worms, � es°�laep, anti pmmotetl xoa there, and that his recovery was ono to pu in the city council. re was heavy n'en_or women get as high as strong andyw011. I woke up weak J.O ,MILLS& Co Manaaere Hamilton. �°toale'" V.4AscMa,IL1P'' o°' X50. Beginners receive from $20 and throbbing with pain under my r Taa004QENTAUU COMPANY, urinysireet, �iiY. +b1fnl. 1 his mail Dorarl hue a Ba<oc>Qyn, ri. Y. R u uriouil medlt>tRioa. u man, however, of imperjous temper >I336orOsEosr}fiiyElis full name is Stephen and domineering will, and for a long to $25, and are advanced as .hey bandages, and with a sickness sash pr ti,JAs.Tiruntric*r, A;rut, Clinton.nder Pavan. He was born in time monopolized t+e gambling open- become heavier. Gircussian girls as I had believed could only be pro- - Keiji oky, and was about twenty p a I, I NT o v ' ations of the town, either under his are not profitable. It doesn't really duced in Alderney !taco on board ti -- - years of age when the war began. He to be a Circassian girl now. The cat 'TORE FLOUR & FLED STURF served as a private in bforgau's com- own management became or through friends. mend early in the war, and afterward Finally lie became dissatisfied with ma .ket is flat at $20 to $25 a week. `Splendid,' cried the surgeon, one Jim Lane, the keeper and man- 1 r. 1' The snbsmrJ s steer taught out the t e- compianded a company of cavalry. ager of one of the many gambling Tattoed nteu come a litho higher. , be - tarried do over, first rate , and same of air Jae strop, brauches. uoutiuuo the • . He was as ideal cavalryman. After houses of the town. He notified Lane They can be obtained for 1 15 a week, he turned down his shirt al'ceves uLtontfol>� io thewaa s of Lie net more ane thg war he went into business in At- that he must quit business. Lane l,ut the genuine article readily brings after tossing away the towel with. oourtaous treatment to all, he hopes to - !seta Ga. where he remained fora I which he had dried his hands. My merit and receive a share of pubilo patron- eolu'mbus � , failing to comply with his demec�, $40 per week. � ago, Ile will creep in swok few years, and at last, through the Flynn walked into his house one dA b Bolter Flour, Graham Flour, Oatmeal; Watc'hes, fault of his partner, ho foiled. His Y y ` It dont pay to do tattoo now,, first thought was to ask the time. ` ' creditrra had him arrested under the and threw all the gambling apparatus said one of these gentry. .' A man's `Not much more than a quarter of rolled and granulated, Barleymoal, Corn- into the street, kicked Lane out after , r meal, coarse and fine, Cracked Wheat, ' Georgia debtor's law, ani the Sheriff that be got to be way alt in the act or he'll an Motu user it, was the reply ; I Rolled Wbes,tFarins Wheat,l'ot Barley, . them, and informed him dare sa oti 11 o to slee now, stetted to take him to jail. Ua the should never open his gambling house be crowded out. I think Ill, by Y ') fi P split Peas, BuekNbeat Floor, AT way to prison they stopped in a drug again. Lane, being himself afraid of the India rubber act, or the pie eat I Good-bye. leasing my trance they &a., gut, store, and went into a back room for Flynn, Bought out Doran, who was ing racket` I can net x;100 a week f had out we and carved me, sewed ALL KINDS OF Clelorrry PEEn and some soda water. Doran looked the everytbing usually kept in a first-class ' w then in New Orleaus, and took him for eating twenty pies a clay. It's mo up and bandaged me without my store. Farm Produce taken in exchange. �'- door, drew a six- shooter from his him into partnership, with the under- great, pard.' oven knowing that I had been Goods delivered anywhere in town. Prices . - CHAT p pocket and forced bis captors to throw t D r paid o t h{rrl touched but 1 -Coupe- hard! feel .— a `s`;ry. rawest • _ . ' e = P standing that o antah g �`,; � ,, Iaas � gabber ua roc ... y _ R6BE> TII > AMI-st.. :_._- _ - gig_ -M u thea hands. Ee Bien took a pair Sprjngs and re -open business The :ore nit nnmero_us. - 'liey. e'ratefiil to _ ,e -A jaeg AlAk £or_thet _ r , _. - --... H p �� _ , Af ktandhutla from tGeint, Iaskeuesl th�th W Dorms a 4lice-diE# on- . --y__ . __ _ �- nausea it reduced was intense, ■ �eth-er', -WaWd" (it;-An$'-I`eft thein` Flynn aotifiod I]im that 1]o must close always good drawing cards. It Isn t P - o . ArA,�n �n�} there. Fl or fight it out with hem the first every one who can be a rubber ratan. My mouth, throat and lungs felt �j e U From Atlanta he went to Memphis, Eime they met. Doran accepted rise It is hard work and is a great strain coated with ether and dried with . where he fell among bad assobiates latter alternative, and upon meeting on the beginner. -Still, 4 is profit• smoke, and I could well imagine O lJ V � V WAT(_')'fft'k`*7` and into'bad habits, Two Georeia Flynn on the street vt once opened aule. Experts receive $100 per what tate month of a photographer's -'vHE LEADING-• - Cii officers wenE to • Memphis, and at- fire on him, which Flynn promptly tempted a et a re uisition for him P P y week. Hairy boys from Burmah boy would be liege after a prolonged g g q returned. Both of them were men of are also in demand. They receive debaueb on brown paper cigars soak - from the Governorof•Tenuessee. Fail- steady nerve and unerring shots, but y �111AL BETORA,T,ingi , this, they started about con• after firing some fifteen shots alto- 'p100 a weak. 11Ien who can'eat ed in eollodiul. Still the ether had, cocting s scheme to kidnap him. He gether Flynn took refuge in a barber glass aro not rare nowadays, and it I saved me from much F ring, and �1 heard of it, and at once consulted a shop, and to the surprise of everybody really doesn't pay to go into tho' what was of m0ro importance, had R®� W VO�a..T r' lawyer, the Hon, Casey Young, who, neither one of them seemed to have business. First class glass caters prevented the skill of ,the operator -: AN 1) !- advised him to take 'thehim bacfikersHad no been hit. But it afterwards appeared get only ,$20 per week. 0It's a great being balked by any flinching. Eve CALL AND SEE THF,M BEFORE PURCHASING ELSE, WHER notified them that if they made any that Flynn had to shoot with big left strain on a man to eat glass. 240rd rything had been done swiftly, skil- hand, owing to a recent injury to his full and with :10 fear of the patient MBALMER attempt to capture him he wo41d kill rj ht His aim was,therefore not so swallowing is m01,o profitable. .1 , y p SPECTACLES fitted on a scientific principle, both and advised them to le�tye town. g woman who can eat sword after wincing or moving. i'he knife is certain as usual. Doran insisted that They left. Subsequently lie gut into he had hit Flynn with more than one sword until site is gorged gets 840 gave and sharp nowadays, incl does . a difficulty with Col, b'rin ;is E. Whit- of his. shots; that he had seen balls per,week, and is in great contrast to not hon., . - Qf' (01int;0Yl. �( ]� % y� held, a wealthy resident'r,.1' Memphis' strike Il id clothes, and he. was bewil Chicago girls with big feet. Years - `�' _ R 0/ \t COATS, C l i n ton about a trifling mutter, li,e result of dered that Flynn did not fall. Later a o Buell wool tYei'U 1'arEi hilt Lha, 1'hn. \i;w 2:aa will ho sent tonefv l nLvmib- _ which was that Doran put a card in it was learned that Doran's aim vas '� -- I Memphis valancho, denouncing but .market in the staple has 1)cen + true, Rnd that three of his shots did e,w to rho rod of the vtfa"r, for';; of„ts eaaL T119 BEST �f EGYPTIAN fol. Whitfield and his son, Cant. Ed- strike ut be was encased in flattened out and tlea.1 can be htul I FLUIDS usedin EMBAUNIIN ' . win Whitfield, a highly respected and steel arinm, Flynn,'dud the balls did not I now for 512 weekly. The supply of i courageous young roan. The follow_ penetrate, though he suffered greatly i bridge jumpers excoeds the domand„I _kmording to it table recently )teller• Imported Direel .ing morning young Whitfield, necom for a au -tuber of days rfr-om the con- ! and can be had at .$I d day. Eire t ,ca the Emperor of Rns-sis reeeive5 518,- A Berge asaovtmen of e� elytbing __ )anted by a friend, went to IDorau's eua,l(m, Both Doran <.ad FLynn had caters are std X20 weeks 5ttake I lu0,000per annum; thesultanofTnrkey it) _ nd.3rtakina, line. a room and knocked at his door. Do- p �” $6,000,000; the Emperor of Austria, i$4,• � �/�/��� �/� /g �p/y/j�DQ�j • ran was still in bed, and, supposing it a nuruber of followers, and open war ' charmers girt as high as >$(i0, The 000,000; the King of pr1l ia, $3,000,000; �e. f/ C/T l p was tit once declared among the fac- to be a servant, arose and opened the Flynn was confined to his mail with the iron jaw N very nu- the King of Italy, si2,400,000; the (ween Rp6 flocloP S�(!rip CHUM. Cons. t1 IlUdt71 Sam door. r On dL6dOV9reh Ned t eld and room for some days after his encoun- met•OItS, lie ]3 quoted at 51 t0 1'' ' of gium,',;50O,000- How the ] rats friend he comprehended t11e situs- r, "' people twn at once, and opened the door i recoverc3iDoran. Rtheled arouttdahi n ! lvotttmay seen, f;;r;tn,rU that: djule� smile iii ]ua7 when they read that so RESIDENCE', '),P„A`GE ST., - , wide enough to admit Whitfield, and g n I much mons was aid in 1887 for so • some ten or twelve followers, among ww,eums can pav tho s•ilaries cinot- 1 little labor! The people of the United NEAR METHODIST CCHUItCII instant! closed it before he could be them two of his brothers, and made t when it i, considered I, States thou ht the were dair. ti wond. 10 -, ,--R LOADS OF (;GOODS CO_iIPRI` INU 1XF,RYTHIN+ followed by his it, Whitfield ed above, L:l g Y ea ' had a pistol in his band, and Doran ready for active hostilities. Doran that they aro open from morning ecful thing nhcn they increased the IIv' Tll UARDl ARE LINE., S _TC H s1S I edited together his friends, and held !: resident'ssalary from $25,000 a yearsprang for his, which was under his ttlitit night the sellmsr v a S de to 5550,000; aud et the lar er amount is 1 . them in readiness for the conflict, 3 CMill S ,,illoty. which he knew was inevitable. ,great. Most museums Ilavo a Side only a trifle over two days' salary of the Seven or eight ahots were fired in Each party kept tinder cover for show attachment in the form (if it Emperor of Russia, While at the same `✓ail; aac>t, 7Pla -M 2Zni o,d 1 •E Wiltl< d succession. When the door , time the United }Mates is really better (fo'6'V^ 4G -1a.3.* -1. Ci7-€l ��'ILxll/.f:(� ZY'oll �rLCt a g burst open by the police Whitfield some days, seeking, Fay Stealth or air zt prestidigjta•.e11v Or Panel] and Indy, able to )a the President the Czar's After bpi;, tl,nreu hty ucerhauicd dna re -fitted was found dead allot through the egy' ,cine advantage. Finally Dol ',rhe salarics, p;'till magicians vary ae- salar t1 an Russia is to a • the Czar pith NEW bmlls are: no of the most arunnintl � tlt(l ;'Tail Eg ]f`x'OYl1 )�ri(>Il iY'(�if 1. COiCtlnd to tLOir i'e Utati011 and I Y 1 y kings, tihcaemil o are now in splendid quality f heart, and hit in two of three other was uiformed that Flynn and his p the Salary. order, and will not be sny mill in the quality of places. Doran was unarmed: Whit- Party were about to leave one of their ability. Fivc dollars a day to hit e , what an evil it ma rove for a conn. the wort a„r e, by any mill !urns country. j1'E IfA VE - ALSO A LAI1G I+: S'l'O 11: Ol' Mops of resort in carriages, t•o reach s' P field had large and influential family iloz�n 0r ]Wore performances i5 can. ;try of populous towns to have toe much RISS t connections, and stood high i❑ public the Monte of Flynn ju the southern C ” �t,tNiNI �'I M to Gil!`) II�Gt v part of the town, So when the four sidered a good price For museum cfx- i tine weather is shown by recent news i ]I?CI,ti� , b I j 3gipyP •>;tt Tools, , Stove!r:, T�I117i1117i estimation, while Doran was a strung- carriages containing Flynn and bis hibition:y. Three dollars per d:ty for i from England, �vhero tt,e dread words, I'I�i i>twax•tta,Slieif Hax•(1vv� i•i-,-1'a i ni. er, and his associations were such as friend.-, had reached the centre 0f the Punch and .Incl spew exhibition { water famine' began to pass from c 1 mai �C'ii To(>,l d& -c-, AC � - a Y mouth, to mouth. At last accounts the C)Z.IpPlI1(, 1)ONE,ON . 1I011T`O'110E. to give him little social standing or town Doran and his followers sallied influence. There was great excite- is about the aCBrabe salary --:hosts•,' I supply in Manchester was about ex- out from an adjoining house, and ", Ci l satisfaction gueranteetl. Parties 3van,ing any- Inent anch.talL of lynching Doran, lint f GJates In )e I)sma Cat. halt6t9d, and the public analyst was ex- thti, rhatn:tr in this line will find it :n ", he met the danger cooly, giving no- opened fire on ;them wi h Winebester ..,� atnining the supply that can be drawn g` intcr,:.•tt„ give usac•an, s•s , * � i �• rifles. 1'liecarrisges here ndlad wjth from wells: from other Lancashire � �[[t ��� the Celebrated ��il i-ris 110 tics that if the sbexiff would furnish I1EADACHr 1311.IOvSNrS?. r. 11UCER, Proppictnr. him with arms he would undertake to bullets, the driver of one was killed •'whenever I feel out of sorts, tali„uA, I towns similar tales aro heard. Accord. _ - _ _, _ repulse any assault that might b9 'aud another wounded. Tile moment Inv ISver not working right, or racked with ing to the•London Newsofthe 12th Aug,, alt• ��nrl,�tce g a headache, I tako Dr. Cbase's Liver Cure •,the Blackburn firebri brigade have had to HURON AND 13RUCIE made on the jail. I•Ie remained in the firing began Flvnp, follower! by rhore fs more real benefit froru one Hose g • prison without an effort to et bail his two brothers and tale remainder of your LiverOare, than xn manybottles of lot a farm house burn because there + g ' ' of his escort, sprang from the carie- comp a,ep,clnsn.'-Sohn lttaxaitser, Hund wnsnovvatel. TheDarwencorporation Lgan & 1111'e`5tillent Cn'y .for some two or three weeks. Then head. Percale by Dr. LVorthing(Ou. are deciding that Yo large consumers -- . ' ages and began to return the fire, .The This C'vai a he went promptly to. trial. After an they can only dols out limited supplies, ti -ray (a Loaning .VonPpJ on r r y exciting trial of twenty-seven days, fusilade lasted some five or ten min- I UNDER RTITER, and people are'being thrown out of em- Farm ,S"•io-df at Lnwe,t- RatFs 6f � �:)� `T I ` .. - � TSI �I � �� g y y ' utes. The result was -that three or 1 p ./ `• • . '` I , elle .fury rethrned a verdict of acquit- four of Flynn's followers, including ployment in consequence. Yorkshire t',atrrr.,t• THE MA31XIOT11 RAIIDWARE AND S rOVE I1CIUSE. tel without leaven their seats the t ; t » upetlt,t•rtONs aIle 141MAtdt_ I loins in the lament, Bradford being in a plea of self-defencereliedupon �bav- the carriage driver and one of his bro.ft 1 v. , serious plight for lack of rain. A licnl- -- _ _ _-__ ext g_been fully fide otic. As Doran there„were .killed, and Flynn IiitliQelf i i) !iN PATIENTS will) 1'.lnl•: INTO v �g valol]g felt -the inconvenietzee- _ _ _- is t the court a ter his acquittal and. '„ rad"• i A DREA31. ' of the drought, but now a special crI�y}' of �'LOtt'fUAGEfi - . - PL'ItC[lasf:p _ _ - LLw�$ walking, a t n the street beside This fight created great indignatio'h apprehension is heard from Kent, tl'bnt n --- in Trot S rias and the eo le.finally- whose cls and chalk soils' the water SAVINGS, B ANIC BRANCII. _ big counsel, Casey Young, Rayuer P g ' p P 1 tt•t'iLei ill the I.7ndLll I�allllall y y y. nnrl P ' organized in sufficient to drive has so far -retreated that even the bale• v r er Cult. Intttest Allowed -- Wllitfield,Ryounger brother of Edwin, Gazette tb;iH describes the sense lets are threatened with thirst. The took a lost in a drug; afore across the all the parties from the place. Flynn cn Depusue,a•xordiag to umou'At 1 g went to Chicago, where, he still re- tions of etherization :--The doctov Isle Of Wight echoes the complaints of • and tine 1,ft, I �'- � • t treat,. and leveled a double-barreled sides and Doran went to Fort Smith] got out his ether apparatus and soon the mainland, -and an influential inhab- • • --- - - - Eibotgunuponhim,but, was prevented flitantof that urges. the building oi`rIce-r'nrnprotJtarbe0onareami Northst .&TWITS �_ --- find eras afterwards employed by the compounded a bell like a photo- HOW E 11ORTON. 1 • from firing it for the moment by sea- of storage water tanks." Itis steers three o.,,Aors, United Rtates JIarshal in that district ar apher s shop in olden clays,• while months since there was anything n i r eon of her Young being between him al' Y > p• Owl,:rie':,.august"Lt, le&5 to assist in arreatin a number of des And Doran. Before he could get an g out of thn corner of my eye I. could proaelling, a lle:tvy rain in En;dlaual.. I.. - - rp p 1 {' fU K spetaolhis ,j unobstructed shot a police officer lead peratecharacters in the Indian Terri- gefon, who lead taken off' I (, RA _N 1) - ` ���e VViVRJ� IU Ulijvgjm� for 'flus dui •it is said' h'e er- sec toe stirreified his gun. •Doran, undisturbed Y• y+ '• P his coat anti pulled some guards ovct I �y� rajtt Q�p {pj,�j y "' n i by this, continued down the street bfllnndtwoorhis throeDusual f the edoes Iris.wrists and<arms, atlaliginb, his ---'-..' Dolnioloa dlt 111 �sllt,al L'dhibl u$ '1' H E B EST I X U S f: with �Ir Young, until he reached the g When Bsby wa■ tick, we gave Ler Cattoria, - steps•leading tO Young's office, w.l]ere and arresting the remain er, Rod weapons in a neat row on the dress wlieneLonssaChild, ebb forCattoria --1-48i "11 turning thelxf over to rite civil art in<r table. When the doctor lied i D L�IiRANCE S SDactacles and Eyeilaws at Costa leencounteredCol,>JugeneWhitfield, g e When she became Miss, the clang toCastoris, �ODC�TQ SEPT 5th to 1�1h � . thorities of Fort Sntitl]. 'i Then came another brother of Edwin, who the got l,i machine rr adv ho placed it moment lie saw Doran coming, drew hj&last difficulty .with the rambler over. my mouth and nose ,with in- When she had Children, the gave themCaetorin a. jstol. Before he could resent it Tagg, in which, it appears, the latter y i w:ic►,tt4o i=v ]'7LI7.F�• CALEDONIA Mineral VV.a.t AC1"Ilted p P , stt•uctiais to breathe deeply two ori � accomplished b • stealth and coward- J)uxan had a Gulf's revolver levelled jce what,so malt brace men pad fail- three tinges. The apparatus used !. -1 F.NTRTE;4 Cl/)SE, AUCUST ]vril uirectly in his face. Mr Young again y 'rlf,s, l,t:ing the Doxnitli011'and Indnt:tl•fal -}�/r�-y e,e ed between the Cantestal,t', and ed in before that js the waundin for givin<, (,tile l con fists of a box in i:�hihitioils euu,t,u,en; wiiT he the great I itT � :� '• i�1.-13 l��y tlireeted Doran to go oil into his office. Perhaps mortally, nf�Doran. g' which the compound is ,lace,! and v- : exl,;lfltinn rat t,da agricultural gnat elf- t The men had n ,erre! in F Rg 's 1 -11 ! ,lustrlal produpts of thus country C1I1;11IST AND DRUGGIST, ChI )'1'0\R, UN'.L'. tg an oral f radia-rubl)(w n)ask very ever tela. l After these incidents DUran'S counsel I �` ' � i GP IN' FTOCRAMAIE or NPT.,ritr-A'ri f: w- ■ — `' k. °ly19C•d him to leave the cjty Rt once, (,;;ambling bouse, and the latte,r, p°r; pliant anal flexible, pro ectillg froni rn - Eau I'h)V I8 I3EISd, PREPATiLn. - • , r_5 i he remained he would either be haps not liking the danger of attack- it, tvi(Il st tap which allows cOnunil th', rtetnrn tickets at Fingle fare i:la,t ('110,11 ,killed by Whitfield's brothers,,or be � ing Doran, while he was looking at 1 I e.na3r.nm9 on all railways during the f ]tjC:ttiOri betwe,;tt t}'lo two parts t00 onto of tiro F.xLlbltlon. C E 1 �1 T R� L G R O G E- eompelled to kiH them. This h9 re- 'him, waited until he had left the .. C'HIE (MATEST EVENT of the Jl'iIILEE _JJJf����I11 111 "`111 :sse! Lu do, declaring hi4 purpose M'� house and lvai stab'l`ing on the afreet. be cut off Or este► lislu)fi'at will. Thr; 0 ' __ remain, and if forced to do it to fight •Fagg approRched froth behind and mask part,was placed over Ivy face '►EAB � P, W , C.J ,tier,, 1,:Fts :,nil fn11111fortilatthn, :ad- T?.' 11O."13'r7 OI(l .��f :fILIIQf. :he .entire lVhitfietd f:unily, either fired at his heal, but 1.>or,in, turn. and 1 inhaled alcoply ()lief; of twice; d1'P5R ' ,in; l.y or collectively, Finally, how- Ing at the moment, the shot took Of- with tll+: o111y ,.,,,alt thrtt I w,)s nc;i•r.• , J t %I' dross it .I 111r Ljnroifv,. + S feet in his 'face Zug he at once fell. rn A Z I r The SLOAcriber has bought out the Stock of P.JF.obb, consjstjnp ever he was Prevailed a ion to leave , ' ed with it cifol<irt r C ru« h tvhiC,h _ _ �v`� A•�-�� a_ad souls ❑gootli., litter he event to !:vera then hit natural courage did }totyeyer was Boort followed by 1 ..� ,� 'r a <` It' �'j� T 7 y t ' 7 YV1i C11, f -rid ,is, I not fait him, Ile drew hii pistol and IVI., T L a1�a• FA R ' GROCEI-tirS,CROCKERY9(�ti1AI�,i . I continued Erin at Fa until the pleas:uttfnl tool restful Arn5ati0n. I -n Soon after his arrival etherie he be- g Fagg, t�nt:sTRrar, tsn .tl'I l;xrirrlTi(IN., I came jnvcI II another trilgic. affair, latter had fled out of ]'ante: both felt Rs if I wa-S "i"I ly dozing ofl' on , i.,)t I10�', C'''vAlg4' 'Which, being, bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer abAlle very ell fwo pe)licemeiAntered his room and Doran and Frank Flynn, hitt most a warni sntnnter', day, So i closvd � :0 101•„ ro 21.rn srci•n:.imER, 158;• 1 est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. Ail'ordets) kttempted to arrest a sick friend who noted antagonist, pns,esS many cum- lily e.�es and placed lily arms by my = -- promptly fillet,, Rooms t, let. mendable traits of character. Both Bid" that they illio, Ul,cral t reminms for Live Stuck Miiehin• 1 ' P Y i was stopping with him. Moran, find- �t not ilxterfcre I tag theylhad no warrant,ordered them are said to be honest and upright out- with lily !scathing, 'rho doctor, 0 � (ry' de's de” 1 d t side their calling sincere in their R WALKER,' CLINTON. \nf\ t:roliudit, Few liuildmlru, law 13, i r R. 'crack ur,, tieing•ttirovided i•or tlit; fnrti,rum- irig Ju1,ilce rAlibltion, at all estfnlnt, rt i__ Cost of . - M l •2(),000.00, 17.11.1' :t .•Irl.mon DQLLARa \vill iie relirc- i . ( � "�s' .y � �' scntetl lfy the sAve Stoek'display. Giaod b, -' � C k I�. �' U iv ST. 110A'lAS Exhibits in Panting,SttfuatyandSe"110 ,;.,•,y l '��` ed�666( ture. The commitleo on AttrRctions are {t pre splendid programme. Better than ever, Sendyoar Limt. ova postal '�� ' WHITE BRONZE MONUMENT card for popy of Prize idst. For all Infos- �If , matimt write to the Secretary. A w PORTE,,Pres. (aro..WBROO1r,See. ------.- ---- 1,.% 1'' r2: .a - 'f.rhtlom.ls, Oi`i'IAR10. Dight to the Front. V %It � rr�e �� C!ilOICEs SBED OATH and ULOVER % (' rt -' and 1031OTlIV #,4EED FOR 5Ai.E. �`�� �� a% Cjy�e�� � Tho O111y�31•BlllO FOIi An•ties w:mt0l, such should call early. rant 1� pt, al. la•ppared to pay highest mnrketprlee in i•a•h r-gl\ S . fi14,,i dry 111 the n0Illl11;t f,,r potatoes, lip, is still to be toned C t' -•...�_.� rat the old stand, `�t��� �7,Qg�. HURON ST., CLINTON- P "' "9' With n. line of .4 -- r Flansrood and volotablos, MN0, ,ac``b`� ��A� j`t, our tnaterial is endorsed by 1 ! �aa�� C' ing scientists as being practie OFthobestqualftles, which he trSll sell nE ilii gad ( 8to�"�.,t,. imperishable, ZIt Cannot ail ll lowest semmmerattvo prices to an wlto may favor fir pr, I ' moisture, and consequently i9 hum with a coil. Iles stock inc,ndes FLOUR, E}1 1{J% I by �', affected by the Essar; FFRDCliop�OR49AM rT,OURCRAC'1{I D WD FAT, 9eBRAN OAIT9 PEAS HEN �Jg pg� ;l 01, 4&J. Ie! __ GRANULATED ROLLER and STANDARD �yd1' sir i dr,, Send for I)osi;na and Ternts OATMEAL dna COILNr1EAL', all kinds of Vege- , - , ` ” tables, BARREL SALT, all of v iiieh hetwnl sell -_ for cosh or eonr%e grains. BRAN, SIiORTs rand , `i, P ,rl ,a jlj (ry yy r X T , A !1 , ^ (� f �` FIAUR by the ton or cwt • and evorythinx told 1X r? 1. �1�t j� j �-,,l I j FL at mill prises. All artoos dolSverea free of .,1. • ,,,- .-�^^ chargge within the corp nation. rats motto will Y ,. �� 11.1 ,�, he''C+on.l ¢n,dv,Jngttitel htnndone rice." v e ..11 , re, t;��� ���„yytiy,:T'IT(�. WATSON (r� 4 t ,{,ylriilV - MirnnStrnet.,(1hifpn .4, . • ` l_ 11 • h' I . t0 leave the room, A fig it ensue abent (;lose quarters, with six-shooters, at friendship, of generous nature, and OyCI me and raised ,in eyelldl, but I was wide enough awake to say: the end of which the two policemen neither was ever accused of filar. .�' 4-_ ' Not yet, doctor.' I was rapidly were both dead, while Doran was again ut]tdUCl)Pd. For this lie n'a9 6 ---' --- --• •- 1lfoillem! if ear dangliters are lit ill hoalth. or trout;led with a inoeness rl,nt going ithotlgh, and I felt I was I -,l'1- , arrested, and remained ill jail for aeetnsincnrabloor if they Finger frotu gene- idly losing consciousness. The light nearly a year, but Upon trial was again rat debility, nervousne99,langer, wealinese, or less of appetite, procure at once a bottle seemed gently to fade away, giving acquitted on the ground of sel f de- of Johnson's Tonie Bitters and yonlw•ill not placo to darkness that was not hot• - fence. Some ]months after this he rerret tho outlay. TheToulp, and general• tr strengtheningeffectof this medicine Is retie but soft and restful, There' , •)Pbecame involyed in a desperate street fight in Shrieve ort La. with a noted p ,, t'''Ilyymarvolluns. hosts, and 4t per battle, at wurtLingWn's Ding stair., was no giddiness or singing in the but silence and darkness tact - - gambler and desperado 1n that local- Py. In this encounter Doran shot ..--- TH V, MARK 11" F011 F11 1',',' KS. ears, tled down over me, and then a red i his antagonist through the head, kill- _ -_ - veil seemed to colno from between ing him instantly, wblle, as usual, 4 t',gl.r,E:,•rlu.-, nF 1,1%'[\(; vk:R[08 IN my eyes, and to float away into the three shots fired by the other failed to touch him. Ile was again tried and .1.111; >n,;1,1101,01As-- )s IT I `increasing bloom, gvadnally dimin- 6bing to it red spot, the only speck acquitted. 'then lie made his appearance at rnorrrABIX - I of li light ]9f(. Slow! this fadOd awn y Y � '4K• b3ilyern,Arkansas, on the Iron Noun- lie The Bowery is a great leveler, is and sight, hearing, volition and 1 sense With it, "I had a dim tain Railroad, Here it was said The Q;hinese giant of no moro every was, the leader of two or three gam- Importance than the womali who consciousness of existence, but my blers and adventurers who were play- has not spoken a word since the dry very life seemed far away, bitried ing their vocation to the injury of the town. They were iu she was weaned, To be sure, the latter is, a' good deal of a rarity, but g y, under n)nsses of softda'kness. 1 do not ktkow wheth • spoke, 11tt illy d toleave.y, ,Arkansas style, notified to leave. This blTrnk, thought Doran refused to do, and defied the legal authorities of the town, as well until t)ie bedianloned and oleaginous dime museum dealer appears, and brain was a and net a crossed, lily mind. All was diGib, as the citizens. Final!y a mob Both- him his friends, by the freak signs his or her contract dead and still, the silence of the but faint, indefinable eyed to expel and for the next season, all are on an grave, with a force, if necessary. But Doran, arm- ing himself with a double-barreled equality. ConsciotlstlCss tiomewliere that this . shot gun And a'brace of six-shooters, The mana>rerII flock here in droves a during July. They conte from Osh- wok not death, but only the snspen- cion of life. I)arkn9ss was all defled his assailants. Finding they unable to cope with him, the kosh, New ,Jersey, Bilffalo Boston, around; not a darkness that might I were authorities of Malvern requested Gov- Children Cry for - j ` I etchers Castortsa.. ernorCiarland to send a military force I Y r , F• e , . y ,,