HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-02, Page 7' FAIAAY, 1S�+TIGB�'•, Mr 188T• 1807nud twice subse pent] elected out of 1?reath; but he will be more --IF%'on MPM
to all cases for the some,leat,, Ha1G.q.ta. apt to get ouC+of money., IT
In q y , r-rIT
lJ J �I
_10P ,
Tlle•.DlRritreal .Idrrild: x:;:uraed,?ri,ronet^ ou acknnwledgelaaviuACEY
out last rids ifight, en y
I;K , 0 no Bit R
r 0 Rabbias, a >1t)wn farmer, . What urged Y tion) this
e y a stolen several bales of hay
g �• rtftoeri persons wera.d'rowned in the g tleMap. you to Gum,
drt+ppp,.�d` dead while satin a tree a Br1a PlUllinnel on briday. mit -the crime?' 'Hunger, your t DrYGO'odsHouse'
' few days ago. r from Banff Mr Gladstoue'a League resolution Honor.'
A private vette fr says was defeated by a majority of 78. 'This beefsteak,'• said a boarder at
Hun, illy rtlagl;eurte is much Improv- Ameliasburg farmers pronounce de- a aecoud•class hotel in the mountains,
Iron and Hardware Merchant
e in health. cidedly in favor of Commercial Union. ' must be three weeksold.' '1 couldn't
r ;lune h Carson, of 1�'aterdowo, lust nig HenryTaylor, es -president of say,' replied the waitress, ' I've only I�"NnFi�IR"11 Co.
P. beet: here two weeks.'
a her last week from blood poison- the Bank of Loudon returned !_tomo HaVin >boXIL64 ill rile ►R� �
ing f.rorn nail wound in his font. on Friday. A 1\ew York paper tells how to get -- w A.R' h� rtpCl� l)f .T T. 13. S,%v lm-e,,�ld,
A seken Yi ar old Woodstock boy, Sam Junes told the people of Balti• ric: t, and the first direction is, ' Live
named Duke, hon; on to the back of more that they were "a silly crowd," up to your elpgagements, It ;ahould. will tell it eLt red,raeed liriees. Wow
have add d `especially i th girt
Ilave oracle tl'tlC1R' 11Ij T1 Clul'l�la t110 past few weeks. We
•t :Vuggon and fell, both of his lege the New Yorkers that they were "cut• you are en a ed to is wealthy ' e, g i 1 iter the time t4 plt-oexx re
throats,"and the Chicagoers that they Y !3 g Y, sale ClesirouS' of Cle' wring them out, and prices will do it.
hoThbroken. were "skunks," Sam seems to have a A prominent physician says dant.
The Mercier Government have lost varied and picturesque. , re eitoire of in tends to softening of the brain, Tlic
''l ►.,,)hellrd V V Ure Ll aIt'supporter Ln CuL. Moran, member epithfts, l q P He is probably in ercr, but there Ls %copiog
In �In11� pn pR N C �j i� i for Rimonyki who has filed in Court 'the Government of New South no dot bt chit softening of the l r in }fV' U+v'l 011 �Ilf L 16�11�AJ UU U�L�11�piipC�y� �,there the resat pr ct of hiS seat, n Wales 'have offered 300,000 acres of tends strongly to dancing. seed Oil Glass, 1 CA 1 nts
Iuitting illegal practices by his agent, land to any missionary society that A little bo playing, f
Mr John i3arrris, of Brantf;rd,eld• will undertake to civilize the natives. Y, P Y g, ell sono the >
est son of Mr Alanson Harris, and steps and hurt himself severely. His
The 1?opoh paid to
e o immediate mother scolded 'him for his careless- Vele are showing extra value in & Builder's S ]Applies
member of rite tvell•knutyu firm of A. ;tttention be paid to the offer in order Deas, and he subbed out : ' Mamma,
Harris, Son & Co„ died on Thursday to forestall ]Protestant societies: please don't scold me till Iget through n
' evening. He had been ill for sorpe The Chicago Tribune has a long hurting.' Table Covers, Linen Tablingsf
time. article on the dressed beet' rate and
/ William Henderson, formerly a bow it• is profiting by the lots price of `Johnny, is your sister in?' ' I TO ADVANTAGE AT
resident of Sarnia, was found trying cattle It says it is assumed in many don't know, Let me--What,s your and Towels■ r+
to kill himself at Adrian. Mich., on quarters that a beef famine is not far name ? Dir Barnes All, right, Towels.
�7 e
Mr Barnes. You just sit down and R M R i'i �• ��t
Thursday. Ile. has repeatedly re- away. During the summer, an ac. Pil ask sis whether she's at home; but T , ;` ; u 1
marked that he was the son of God count of the excessive drouth, it -is I don't think that's the name.' E HAVE JUST RECE, IVLD TILE FIRST LOT OF
and the owner of the world, etc. estimated that the loss in beef pro -
Hon. Mr Mew?f. isoOw spending.A _.Q51o,`�,113issonrlStates uIianB 9 ach as ndinme tile dre5sgapher has woman has cworn and'Hardware_..._,..,: I Send' .!i'hfa
4,S re, Clinton..,
�,,.___£dw•days Irtfihe. brZit-of.Irelanri Re •• , •, , ,I will wrtio her biogra >hq.' If a
.- . a. u o , q .tile tl. 111extco, I lefc9d ; Xellraskst, inaea� z '
sial] from-44mer o 1 nr - - , �.�
1- - M Store ..I
4 • ora and -Di kola «.III foot u T 50o• ereiety belle were to f�irir . .
` September per Sarnia. Hers in very ' P _ ,.. ' .� .__. _.
000 head, wardrobe there woltld be very little
go+:d health, and his been -greatly , . left of'13er i:na him to write about. � ��
Jantictted by the trip across rile At- Icople who complain- of the noise0 -�■ JOHN!--p-
cif the f^ugday church bells in Cana- l3irod man -Gosh! I'vo been Stung WHAT9
laptic' dian cities would find it worth their by a wasp. Farmer-Whv don't you
t. Last Friday evening a little son of while to spend a few weeks travelling ssearI .Hired man -Because the
11.ic John Fletcher London West, u V� e are now sllowin r some very attractive Suits at low �BiERE ,BRE YOQ COZNG"
p• in Spain, which is one of the most female _wasp is the only one that �) � �
set a burning, lamp. Mrs Fletcher devout coyptTies: under they sun stings, and you don't catch me smear- rices. hiri(ll f cull IL1aCl see tllenl. •
dttippt.§cr$a,n).At d (]pen 2311 tbedoors,. Ninety th(nsandbgllsoendforth their ing in the presence of a female. p }
` but promptly i3mothered the flames summons to, prayers from the steeples, The following passage between M
wvith a piece ofold carpet and probab• of 24,000 churches. Tile weight of encll;aud Bar occurred in a certain �=T O Ad a l 1 i s Emporium -
£ ly prevented a catastrophe. bells amounts to something like court the other day at the end of a �'y a are selling TEAS and SUGARS • at 1•'
All the hotelkeepers of Kincardine 95,000,t,u) of Spanish pounds, and I lengthened wrangle. His Lordship_
k have entered into an agreement not tile Ruck Bottom prices•e value to about 10,000,000 francs. Well, NIr Blank, if you do not know _.
a to accommodate anybody and to close c }tutu to conduct ourself as a
T1te repeal movement for the ticott � Y gentle-
? their Liotels to the public after Sun, P ' man I am sure I can't teach you
Act seems to be doing good service in Y
day, August 23th. jThey will soon•' waking tip the people of the county I C oun-iel !-That is so, my Lord. We can handle large quantities of first -
get � , ,
get over this,if they find other houses of Stanstead to the need for thorough ' Cume; Bobby,' said the old gentle- v Where ' I can get 16 LBS BLIGHT RAW SUGAR fur $1, 1G) Lai
of,accommodation opening. g y, g class Dairy BUTTER and will payd"the high
enforcement night lightning struck enforcement of the law. Wehupe that i limp, I'oti must go to church this � BRIGHT YELLOW SUGAR for $1,18 LBs GRANULATED SUGAR:
g before the question reacbes a.vote tho morning. When I was a boy your .est market rice either in cash or trade
a barn belonging 11Ir Robert Pat- p t for ti 1. I am also going to bet one of the JUEILLI'', OIL CANS and a
6 g fact that t than arg prohibits is will be ague, I had to s' o church twice curry • CxALLUNS OF UIL for 2.2n and OTIIEPt GOOJ.)S :EQUALLY
torson, J. 1'.,on tlie'5:h con., of West so evident that arguments from the Sunday.' I s'puse, I'd go to church
Nissouri, f'rr,tn which it took lire and failure ipf the Act will cerise to be twice every Sunday,'too,' said Bobby, 101V. IIAS HE AIVCH SUGAl i Yes, nearly FOU!.',; TOMS. You__
was burned to the ground, with the urged. There is uo method of educat- I beginning to {,ret ready, ' If I had to., � lois bet'.ct come along Flo r•iye, highest ],rices fur produce.
whole of the season's crop. The loss ing it community up to prohibition, 'I dont know what you mean i o 0 0
will be heavy, as the buildings were equal to determined law and order , by r
1 not h^ins :+n Irishman said a gentle -
'insured. -----o--
only plightly insured• work, -Montreal Witness.
i man Min was about hiring; a buy,
Dlr Alex 11Inors, llfechanics' Settle= Scan.e few -weeks ago Coo,
Hug `but lou were baro i n Ireland. 'C)e)t.
ment, Kings '•'o.; ?New Brunswick, Says: wood fi eel 20, a resident of Rid<•e- our honor, if that's all,' said tr.e boy �,,!
I I ry icing o, 7:, years of age, tail had .town, came to his home intoxicated small blame to that. SuppoSe your I ��i� ®��
very little lio�e of petting anything to' and severely beat and ill-used his cat was to have kittens in the oven
relieve my catarrh. Sos.in+� basal Ililui ,
1' mother, On. Wednesday the police would they be loaves of bread'" _- ---__- _ ..- -_-- _-.. -- ----. -•
.advertised, i sent to you for a package. Y
'i It has done pie a great deal of good. g I in lvindsor were notitied that Mrs I Rlggirt;:: 'Hallo, Scrabbles what's ■
enclose twh 0oliars for a further supply, Hogwoo.d had died from the injuries the can;e of your lameness?' Scrab- , A - ^�-v17
part of whicl, I ivten,l giving to an Af• receival, and to keep a sharp lookout I bles : 'A Marl dream.' F 'A dream ? ! 7
Mated friend. ' for the son. I'arly Thursday morning How so:'' c, '11'hy, I dreamed the
!' 1 he tyitsseen en aged working on Man -!other ni<*ht that Uatih W/�O.IEYAL RATA/L re
'! An Ottawa dispatch says; --It is 1g la's father was
unders od that M:,_ or -General Nis• , Cl
ntngs nen l uildinn, but not before dead, aur] 1 wu'.ce believin•r it %vas
dleton'.slenure of office as the general lie lmd seen the windsot, constable, true. Su I %vent u p shere and -found '
officer commanding the Canadian I a hn was accorr,panied by a constable alive.' _\live :'' 1'c• alive and
militia will expire in Notember next. from Ridgetown. very exciting kicking" b
He will then have attained the I ch'tse, follotve I, iu tvhieli Hogwood L'irdieUctlenuo,irt and her broth- We beg most rPs,ectfully to (Bisect tele attention of the public in general ---(•i l'•-
6 mas�ii ,num a e of retirement from Sot the best of it, and escaPerl across ! 1 g 1 1 h' ,
act47servicegas fixed by the Imper_ the river to Dotroit. Fr!dayYevening; thator Rl� exclaitre at uedsl;ir li�Ce Sae ���j, ee I that we.,aro strcll selling groceries at tho lowest possible prices for, pure
ial arm> regulations viz, G2 ears. Constable'•: 5loigithan and.Gampeau,! • i „oods. Dining the five years we have been in bnsines, in Clinton, Are
If g ' } observed lIogwund aboard a Gratiot I inquired the ,tolcal 4lolin. 11'hy, ; havo endeavored to keel) the best goods in the market; and have estaL_.
to AlIei A barn, unlleiwith coof Fist Whitby, belonging °rt•enuecnrand %%erenot long cri catch waysee elet,hat little like al'ttinyttl flerlda%ncin`� i lishcrl a r,00,l tridcrbv so loin-. Our stock is large and well selected SU GOODS
ing up with it. After considerable ,
li was totally destroyed by fire on !'burs- o'er the scene, Olr, c„me ; you had r-1 t
ersttasion Hunn'nod, who was tins- r. :' -� ,T ^ 11'e want to catch our eye and brio to our !notice our latest and greatest offer
! day afternoon, caused by it =team p•;ire that his iuother had died was bcttrr _u out to lite ixun})let in the �.11+J A sP It JC1 i i 3JTY y' S 6 y' t
' thresher which was being used on the r• baeh vardlet and soak your- little ! in Money Saving Bargains. A woman's judgment is part of her fortune; we wit
induced to go bacl: to Windsor, where i
rove this to ever visitor with nnods and rices. To convince thejudgment that
remises. Tire lire i, said to have ht:acl!ct.''t.t,. P Y a p
p he is flow lucked ill), The charge t dollars brought to ns will, sage you dollars. TUAt you can save money and yet'
spread so rapidly that there Was no entered :t;*air,st hiui is intent to kill. i -- - - i':\TNA VALVE LVE AND ANY QUANTITY aur• secure the best, i� demonstrated in out• splendid stock of
time tr remove the thresher, which ]lie vutinY inaii who is not over'
was fiiso burned. The loss on Ilse 1,.�NlCt;1,UfS Ul\ 1;1t�I0\r_'. ! CA1\L�iiEfJ SaL�tDDS CROCKERY, GLASSWARE &C. , , ,r
bright-luokinm, dues not appear to I ' , , CHILDRhNS STRAW HATS
i, barn is notyet known. ]t o•asatigutly i '• - -- � ' ►- y
re'tlirc his pi„iti('n 4m,►: Aul•:S'r r•or, NEW Ell A, l,'AKINTlr POWDER. IIlutir•.ST Pitic'E L 7 ORIENTAL
) T
_ Julep i.n out of the -_ 6 an ant. EMBROIDERIES RIE1� T '� L LACEfi
` Advices rece]ved at Edmonton', N. D L, TTtllc: Byes un ,a f:uiu hear ``uyeuienf whish i� _Snow k, coming 1 P.itn r•ou c,n,n Buri r, A�u,Euc �\'r: ut-v Apt' gcAxziry or 7, LTn �`' t LACES,
I t y i Maple C:ruO w]11� es .mother and I popular among our'lively friends -ill ALT. KENDS Coon T'i all, GLOVES. HOSIERY, JERSEYS, - .COR.-
tis, L from the Chi )cila'an cnunir
j . in the far North, report a bad state ! brott:er, On 11'edt:csday, margin; � the l oiled States. .At the summer I
of affairs. The titt•vation of last when the brothers tvet'eabsentatiyurk ! reyrnts, where thousan<ly acid hon- I SETS �` PARASOLS
winter caused several cases of cauni- I te'a men called at the house and ask- I chord; of thousan(ts congregate W e-- ,A•ANG-�J'a3,
! balism, Otte old woman note at I erg for yornethint to eat, nlry Hiller j cape the heat and vexations o1'bu;i- I «'H1CIl `,�'I; \\ILI, CI,EXT', OUT AT A (tRE;�T ttF.'i✓•ZCTION IN PRICE'S.
GLtip,ewavtsrs adntila 1,.t�iag�_ki1-led l complied olio tt,eir req uest,and rv!ien Hess, ;tmu�ements of tlic hin1lest r uu•
rite lied %1]e+ ea inn one o t -'sin `lit ai`i_(• end i in i -u
and eaten her whole family 1aA win- j y g Y P Y 1-' -- - "-�
ter at Little I'ed laver, titaryatioai i Picked up a poker and threatened to furnished 'all ,the time. It F•eems to ' %�/y-r/�� �yr/�� -in
j /��%��j �+►
1 and cannibalism are also reported I
kill her. The old lady begged them be understood that the more start!iug N T B n O'B j�� R B�� t!W/�•f/ilns �l[i[r'VVo�2'e7t
from the Mackenzie River cotintr}, to share her lif'e.whereupori the brutes turd sen,:alional the lierfurn)ances the L 1 �1 1 L 1 V 1
i dragged her to the cistern and threw better chance the island or beach has j pont forret our CASH s_\i,E 01' RtBI;O\5 1 Eel' SA1'ti ftllA]', at hail
Farmer, be careful busy you let any her iu, 1'he cistern is twelve feel of becoming a special centre of atna(- . 1P R�IR113,Rre rll(1 o'tn-II(l.
machine oil or lubricator come into deep and way half full of water, but tion. The rivlary appears to.have '- t ,e vasal prier-, on that night gels, in order to reduce our stock.
I contact with a cut or scratch on your I nIiy Hiller clung to the lead pipe of developed a new Style of ballooning. ' „ ht u,.rt the ,tock of P. F1ub1,, conai,tin of
Hand or arm, , In the manufacture of I the pump and managed to keep afloat , The ;•ley sailor goes up in the air iu j I Ire subscribe,' 1i,1, I.,uug 4 ( o
some oft liemnchine oils fit from dfy• until noon, when her Con: returned, an rn•+tin:u•v balloon %with a cont•iv- ! , • y ,. •, i t i , ,`v
eased '".111 decrnipo-ed animals is , and she w•a, taken out'l-11 on exhau.t- nisei c;01etj a p:rt<gchute la;tened to I GROC. E11 I]'a�,C/ , OQKLR 1 ,�'.rl�l�t1'1'a��"ARE �+ •
used. All p,hysiciani know ho%y poly. ; ed cond'itiut,. All in restia'ationshow-.; its <idc, not very far fruiu thecal•. I Be�s'le. �' Milliner Emporiums
onous such matter. iy: The only safe. erg that the.t.rafiipsiiad ransacke,:l theWhen ;trvay up among the clouds, .i, i Which, beim; bought at lois ratc;s, lac is rna'bled to offer at the very clos-
I guard is not to let any spot where the bous ( and abstracted $170 in eos!i and hi -.h thitt his muvenleuts cal only be ; ost pi-i'Ces IPatronap respectfully solicited. All ordeisi
skin is broken be touched by env ma _1,'50 in c rtificates of deposits on I ul>.<ervcd though n good glass, this I ] t'oml,tly filled. Bogota to let.
chine oil or lubricator. I the First National Bank of Jlinnea• pian without fear, takes hold of the I
Creisbert Nultaieser, of ('!tica,rci, is pol 11rs 1111ler is pi•; yearn of age, j bottom of the parachute and ju,iips I -
dead fit the age of 78 lie %vii, the I and it is feared the shock to her sys- i from the carr. iiia aei-lit breaks the �� WALKER, ��i ��t��v' l � T a ,1 ]��)Ui lL.� e , Stock
oldest saloon keeper in the city of Item from the brutal treatncnt she re• i cord that holds the attidr•to tite bol• I ! Jl. 1. a
Tyrian Purple. lie q•ent to C,ticago I ceiy_ed may re<ult fatally. I loon and the shock opens a valve in
in 1842 an opened a ;incery and i E) to the Pt;d of. June, there had i the top of the gas bag Co that it may Ope'=Qd out is ELLZOT'TS BLOOM
bar. Beside his distinction as the been exported from Canada chee;c of descend at its leisure. For fi second i i•- -
�oldest saloon keeper in Chicago lie this season':; make to the value o1'$2,• or two the uian drops through space' rH� � I���-
., also enjoyed the reputation of being 597,000, an increase over the exports at the rate of about Iifty ini}es a urin. \EXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON.
i the he:n;ie5t man in that cite. 7n tion for the same period of 133f, of oto. Then the par:tchule, which is ��r /gyp %� /�
`l ?G9 he tveighcd •I(t0 pound:: 11 is •~;l,lu$;OnO, of 133:, $797,000, of 1881 shaped something like a hugeumbrel• ffv l ess W r, oceq Db .., onaesboro BEDR00> SETS, PARLOR SETS,LOUNGES,
weight decreased as lie grety older but of $399,000, of 1888 of$871,000, and la without ribs, spreads itself', and the
of .13,9•3 of $1 123 000, The export remainder of the descent is made at �- SIDEBOARDS CHAIRS' &'c.
• �tillisterPd oyer`xi0 pbuucla at the j , , E� I t f t
time,af ils deaih, Ile leaves a for- I this year, as a matter of quantity,• is such a gentle speed that the aeronaut -
tttne-i a "'it
(0 to Ili, wife and not $o exceptionally large, but the strikes the ground with hardly more ( i1Iv stock of GIt(Jl'l:ll1 {;� i.� Hary couiplcte As>F •c r,r:Nr•.r.k As:ort'r�rr:a'r or rcn: t Fr,t Rr r arAnF I'TTNI-
children. i price is remarkable high. Of itself' force than a feather would. This i3 � ?O FRIES ( ill all its ]tranches. 1 have a large stock of TT'PF. AT IIF,AeO:CABi.r PRIc'1:=,
�Itev..L)r. Iia% ,lass, of 1lontrettl, his the nifllion dollars in excess of last easy to talk .about, but it must be a 'AN ED F11,411, which I ani selling at 13 cinf p+tot• can, two cans for
daughter,and Dr . ngliv.of Kingston, � Year which the Canadian fanners nerve•taxing thing; to accomplish:. _'•5 cents. Call and see my stock ofCOLOREli C,i,A.S8IVAPE befm•c �)<t'�`• A
were fiyhintr near hnusand I;land ,have obtained for three months of _ _ - �iHILI r- �C
park, near Bing inn, 'hug+da ,%•lien ! their make of cheese, will do much to _ • j ptme]iasin;g elsewhere,and conviuc( yourself that the prices arraaay down
y' ; make the country prosperous. The, i l.-I(►11' To' HAVE A HEALTHY
the boat was suddenly Qpsized and `I'AB1,1S. AtC,A,C�3ZNE OIL -T have n large tock of Machine Oil of -
threw then; into the water, �'1'he blind I high Price which now rules for butter I
as we.l as for cheese will make this a j -- different brands, which will be sold at a small w1vanee on cost.
-clergyman Ainwed wonderful presence very profitable season for dairy fart,- The requkitcs of a stable are mani-
of mind, and managed to keep afloat I P full. ILealth nifd comfort must l e J lis I1 trness stuck is comply a as usn:tl with all h�j Sa
era ins spite of the drought, and if it HARNESS y
until the doctor drew the pally, to the I encourages both cheese and butter secured, if rest iy to be had for its in- seasonable goods, such as T'1.S' SIIP.ETS enc]
bont,wh'ich:+hesei% d. 1lethen ledlhe y -
makers to improve their product it mates, and and no domestic N f�.'1'4, HAP I TJG,, DUSTE.i;S, 11U1;BER H.(:►11SE C OVEPtS and
clergyman, who usal his legs freely, ; will have :t lasting influence for good animal can thrive without are I;IN1)P 11, WHIPS. I have a fow TRUNKS and VALISES left. I ,
but not his ams to the boat also,after
which rescuers arrived and towed the on the cnunir stful feeling. The city stable too fie. , , , , 1 1 %ri'nty c i"lt: '1'hc„tsaiirl ll )hats paid at aucuon for the renowned riot -
i j Y• quently i, :e tortures chamber, full of WHIPS, ,suis Iti'GC►,11Lti BLUSH li4 and all goods osnaily kept in i
skiff ii{lime. \!'bile titrngglinz in the ,rhe authorities in Sicily are find. , j tine h nsr 1, uu'oast, i%rose-d itis excicnce, and so the
water lh.11ou Ia�y asked it'hisdaugh. "' it a serious task to enforce quay, pestilential, narrow cells; the average this lino also ou hand. Also all kinds of ff �\1'A[jI; on hand. 7 ro•
ter tuns safe, and tieing told she tea;, aurins regulations Rn the preventinrr country stable is a barn, where tto duce taken it Pxcbange. 'Thanking; my costomevs for past favuts and f p
he would not :dloiv h s friends to ,all of ill(, spread of cholera. In a riot farm animals contend for shelter with soliciting a continuance of the some,��(ril��l'l ('iQthiw lioiise of FISCiiLR'
P resultaut upon un attempt farm implements, and where poultry
11im bac]; lulu the boat lest another 1 I i'n that j
capsize should occur, He remained ! direction two gendarmes have been not mil'regttently resoft, !'hese ex- GEO. NEWTON, LONDESBORO i op,-osito the Post (►Ili ,r. truly proves itssnperioriiy over all opposition,
killed. Even on this continent . it tremes of misery are modified, and in Style rural Fit it beats them all. ,And
in the water t i l! th e share way reached. ti
has at limes Leen a dillieult matter to
comfortable stabligg, can c found;
The Scott Act lags been in force in j also are there sone veritable palaces
the County c1' I.redi for about fifteen i persuade people, during an eliidemte SUITS, c
of disease, to obey..needful sanitary, !for favorite studs. With such the tam- . I• IS C I" � E R � Leading ng V U I T V,
months, Burins which time feeling per, not. A good hot;;se k worthy of T� YotfrGi
b3ween tlse advncatcs of the vet and I regulations, and the suggestion of" the best that man can Bestow upon j ll �rAnP,� {�& �� �� 111compulsory vaccinatiot, %,hen small• jj JJ `L ` `J V,_'' 1 L
the Anti ,'coir men has inn %cry high pox was razing in Montreal some tinte , him. I Arc •,vnrr, front one ('1111 of the county to the other. The Spring Stock,
in FarmersviPo. The tri hotel- j aryn, brow i►t fibuut a riot in that city. I When a horse get, back- to his stable � uas at rivr d u d is one of the finest in the town and vicinity. A discotant•
keepers there, a Wether with the one It is a du y of a municipality to con -1 after his clays work is over he requires, I I ' J
at Charleston bake five utile: distant, st+ntJy urge that all citi%ens m;, co- to keep him in health and full of eif i• I � ! of R, per Cent front the kith of Feb, till ahc Nitli of M,,rch,will i(n given,
have been twice hauled up for selling i operate in the carrying -out of sani• clerics, a home feeling that comes of I Tho/ as iJ ool_)e Soil for c,:.ai. 1, tees lug and wusl:mnnchil unsn, ] a.5r.tl. I'erni5
During, the Ia;t few clays, absolute rest. Po secure this, he
tary measures ; but the muniepality r T
i therefore, the feeling ha, been very must have a dry,cican beri in a roomy `� � ! t
must itself set agood Pxamplc. Little i j1 I,,�I'� r 'll�lll('� CLOTHING G He,llse�'�111 011
bitter, and Monrlav night the excite- ! box, which mast be woll ventilated, , LCt
will be gained if it shall not have \1'I? HAVE THE f,:11.1(.I';`'I', ('I,l:.\N I;. 'I' \ \ I> 1:1•;4'1' :\4- I
at was intensiRctl by the explosion clean streets and pure water, and if it and free from the annoyance (if!n;ccts I 4(11;'1'1•;1) 4'I't It, K ()1�
l'r was
cartridge shortly before The box must be cool in summer, and �.,,,,,•....�.�� """��
1 shall allow garbage to, accumulate
midnight in front of the residence of wamn,but not hot, e s feels The , G-t..�.+ 0 C Il • • R T � !�..�
Richard f 1>armersville a until it becomes not only an eyesore farmer of moderate means feels that to � NEWGOODS EVERY WEEK
� Arnold,� but a promoter of disease. Once let
leading temperance man, breaking erect new `stabling is out of his power, the health and police authorities of ,,
fill the windows on the south an What then , `'1%y look about and a
soy city co-operat.e towards public In town, Our )rices are as low as the lowest and we warrant
west sides of the house,but fortunately see if by storing things more closely, prices o ri , „ ----
no one was injured. Had the cartridge cleanliness, and the good example and with mores ace they could be evorything first-class. �+olo agents for the celebrated C,O07?F.tv.� iIAIG SPI;(' I A L .AW I.: )N 1'A i I ► TO (I E.TTIN C. N F,i\• I':N'I' FAN Cir
j 1 il thus set would gradually penetrate space, • o ,
been placed nearer the building the every ]]Dore. more apart,and thus enjoy letter rest, I NG t''f)VV➢I:R•. Best brand of GIC�A1.5 by the Box or "Thou..aticl At ,\ ]t•I•f(li,l?S. �\'I? \iA l� I': A 5P1'a'I A i,TY (N
results would have been more serious. - If a new stable can be built,much has . fanufacturers Pricey. TE.�4 a specialty. Give its a call:
AIr Wm Bnrber,of Streetsville, ex- HUMOR to be considered before beginning the
Ah P. 11, for the county of Halton, __- work-cost,though it serious question, Wflill. Paper, (.)oiling ne(`orn,tlons,' Choicest pot•'
diedFriday morning at Streetsville,of '!site perspiration jtyt pours out this is not the most important. Location �, iCi'11S I10�j1,� ,� ��tt�TlU.�'j'ij\ 1, til'Cilt 1 arlet3'•
heart disease after an illness of two and ventilation, with perfect drain (�'' ('�"� ,Q,
weather. Thos COOP-,•---, & s O N '
months. Mr Barber was a Ilalrlwitr age and no crowding,are the requisites; �-✓�1 1',VEIiI"'I'.1ii:'(:.\T CI,CSE.S1' PINCE,1S. CA LI. AN1)1'; Ai11T*KV
Reformer, and early tool: an active `Crass widow' is a misleading term. design and interior subdivision follow
interest in public afl!tir;s. ,1{e was Such widoivi are never green. asmatters ofcourse.--American Agri -
tr �� ��- r -t�T-
`` first returneto the 'LegWiltnre in I A m:tn running for office may get culturki for September. g' • CIS• N TOIN! . � .�`TO� i rL���.L_1�I � 1 O. - ,Clinton s
•,_, -- c