HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-02, Page 2'7 wo, to l!A14 in Qatario. mo, Immoblo, form. ot tile Itime length as the, AffItUff =%Y- Stft Tf tile ItQot of the 9ontitino is. r v! c PURYINQ A MAN TWI-Q-14. r Aso, which table ilito is 104.6orted W v r. If thle, AbNoi er it to purchmilars Uluo 4o a family of,child- Xpg VQxl4 P.041ora A 111clortolcler Uel XON, X*
aaof lob, a. ran, IN. numborpt crlip),01ilt or Small ell, 14 - A MY ILWONAIR T49tv ii a 0 , 1,9 _NT
114tM Q.d at9olo.4ro kept willor the foruis for their I �qix s is'. I plizzu Dwt Nm compiiAnev with U L-upwil by thatithl, of 0 ue,I T 1 i4xAmilly cxpolono9p years ago," re. Ong I will' Solid You a property is. from §�50 feet,' whou sittilIg on the forms at the . qti4I;,pA4 4.0 "Ift A $1,,O.OQ CASE, �lx�rt 00count of this colony Ana st, few other per "ro nil. Town lots fro'm ��00 to 6100() table or for lsili boyo,lid, it Jo. a coulAry-undertakQr, ill Vt pay
of o"Obts concerning this part *of the f CQldeu each. Imprved property from 57,q to �GWQ Qua or tw till# -ply in.44bitqd pro, wo fur buryip,-,a man twice, t.ti Was tliS-,K ,xy: re of t4o plainest fix4o are wbi, ... usaQ.Jy ii this X00m, Near to one Goreml tboemtroli and colalcort; 6- e. a in ibis 'It D440 Uls I'llitant !tt boa 116 A 11*11 1144 bevil Ashed up Out of the 4 -er ell may not be x1al4tereatip found, i T S to I?Or move district,. Ili whii4i beer -drink 'jE%ges, on along cailq4 tilie Illoo4th or ik hllight side of the obluluey or 114aplace is to be seen and opt to Our 1104 ��o numerottaeaders of �6ur valuable paper, AlIll-Wb OF coil 'with the afid Qq§. 'o- to bury. 14ituatipa oil the soixther what is calle very 4 about n slope, $I. a settle, which looks It Was Xfoot att'd Ift � 10 ol�lock came twQ omen, a of the PU4 Ton paysonger express trains Stop at the much ii4e U, tell be !A libe Wud* of mt okcaso with one shelf I uros oftho Place is the Sausage vender. He and da por,0911 WIL9. Imem a baskot On tile soilth si(fe.. They W*g4 to W
a Madre mountains, at a point about we depots daily.. Telegraph and telephone about the It I t of a chair, which it, used i P01"Plit9tio .ughter, 114me4l Smith, livbz from Zile Pacific 06 sqx, Ile fire" for two or three per� ' lilled with '§iiCes . 0 tile
lientlivp an drowned mail, and as quick --as I lifted the
. d, aryp brogd, _p*4
c7qally distant from and between tho'citio4i iLgA QXWIL ventie, where W the _q xxisawl lot. for a sit, Ulth FUCI. uutis. This settle Stands facing the fire at nil toiled sausages, each its blg'iis y6ni finger. palaces cloth that covered big face the old lud tbrew 4ugelos and ban lernardino, and angle of about 80 degrees. Over the top of Ono of t hose sausages between two Slice; ol millionaire there is one owned by a up both hands and screamed, 'That's him; Aeor w.bere two of tile greatest fruit produl- I The f ruit crop, so far th6 seation, has traeu the li� bread spread with.1orse radM citallp five from the Facitto slope who, after th't"I my Poor husband.' T 9 young lady U0, P(u itics in the State (Los Angdolos and an estra good one and the prospects for the ist Settle tire two or three rooeptaolea so and it is the most popular dainty t4a , t allowing It fortune, C41118 to this city to enjoy Id ... titled lit , 0, ut di , 11
Un Bornardiuotjoin, is situated the of Model orange and lemon crops at it. called cupboardi, hersmall wares not re. i cent tile luxury which great wealth put all his dis- at to to dn t beein to feel y"of6oxxt artioolifornim,Qutarill., Although t1tiq iiii, t4 -a excollei quired daily andther small nick-nacks are' I know of lit the town. Vosal. Beyond the parlors, which are filled very bad. The next morning the family
'by e dtql o - price it pt.
, poilbou tile 0] 0 The wandering sausage mamilaabeeoul with a -are obj a from gll.overthe lawyer came to me au4,r ii colony vor the Cha of land Still coritinues to- rise at all a8tDlilsfi. . sets rb ,Ave ordero. for thil, as organized Behind the settle is the wo'd corner a, 9y familiar part of the night life of Now York burk The Old maii if seemed had cion hers (formerly of Kingston, Outibb LO. rate and the real estate fever seems to for fuze, etc. Tile chimney place contains 'world, the rich man has his study. The most I . ild four years of ing what for want of a. better name is called a now. Ile brings his wares into saloons, and I%Oticeab]O tiling in the room is a Small table elr4ble money; at any rate I worked him Off in I$d4. During the have attacked one and all. ! sells thein at the street corteers. I noticed one which stands next to a big rollowood desk. real nice and respectable like, and got my e4stence thecolony hadpOL-hapsaollieved A few days since a Riverside ph sic' close atove, and is waited in with brick and,
4 10.11 mortar. The,lsbovoll consists of a fireplace in the Bowery the other night who had a There 'a nothing On the table Savo an ex. �oay. About a year later the sume lawyer g=Sviocess in developing its resources wrote a prescription find under the ad of camotomeaudsays: 'Yoxioughttootteme 3mr About 8 inclies 8 itiches dedit and 14 quite pretentious outtit and looked as if he elilisitdY carved gold case with a glass lid. ca., - I'ing its Population Its Lilly colony directions wrote:—,, Take one-third down tile had come to stay. Tile New York sausages " 'Whyr says 1.
yours So. at One tilde, and waxnall water tank with a are-aboub double the size of tile westqru ones. Q coalition everyday quarter of a dollar. A
oil the coast. nd the remainder ill one and two. heu Iong. There is a little square oven lastile the case, resting on the sof b velvet, lies
1"relin it Marc s(tlervient it has groit to a cured by a mortgage." CD
0 The price, too, is double. But here thgy throw few days age, while a reporter was inter- 'Why I Paid Yet, that foi' burying old Iowa Of of 1000 people. Oloving to Excursion tra2s have air brass tap oil the other. t;quarostove-pipe l
libei eativ beauxi to carries the smoke up a few feet t6 the open some mustard in with the horse radi4h and viewing tile Culifornial millionaire oil a ques. Smith about a year ago and he wasn't dead.
-&I plane upon which the pro. arrive from tile East and Nortfi-Easi, and put oleomargarine on the broad. 'rho reline. Bat he I:; ready to pirut this time, dit lildtors based their plan of operatious, the) from present appearances there will be *a chimney. Around the interior of the chim- t1oll Of w0ster" Politics. be found it impossi- last from the first enjoyed a steady ligeation here,this fall and %� uey place are hung the poker, tongs and ment of metropolitan taste is met also with a ble to keep his eyes front wandering to the night, and I came over after you, I
iorward, in increasing wealth vast itnit several tin cuvei:4. etc. Over tile chinine side dish, without which the boiled sausage Is $1,000 case MU4 Its twouty-five colit, "Well, I went over and laid the man out. lid' popu -,'Jon, which has given it a degree of pl-ogre s place is a mantle shelf usual]), 11 loa a Pte While I wa at work on hint the old lady a but oonteono,comeall, for yettliere isroul4l. hardly complete. Ourlot-alsausagemonsup 'rho millionairli, the reporterlo evident value Ili and Said: 'Well, he's dead enough
i eulaill '6tfullv, It. dowit" with tea canit,ters, polished candle, ply sauerkraut with the s�usaga for all lid- t*h � LA04 -(.1 of I'llonfly f voill its mail. The -tilght aftr wood
I r yours respe curiosity, took tieldom attaiIixod even in bouthernIcalifornia. Ontario, &ifornio, August, 1887: ditional. nickel.
The nAturql advantages of Ontario ace of sticks, a lauip or two, some small pieces of Satin titled rostina plat:e allrl handfix �iioh it qup�rior oll4ra,6ter as to at Onoo insure tinware and al. few ornaments, etc. Opposi _Tbere I& a vedder who inakes a tradela the report, -r said: 9 14 to buried lii:-i orore lie, carne, walking into itx�lieisful cooloy.' The climate is as near "More Trouble juslay be Emoefelled the chininey place stands the 11 dresser" or cliKeYen fiitd turkey sandiviches and another set' that this coilt is inark-e fit such a room wbeiv we till sitting. Ile had taken
- itliss, perh 4s, as call be found in this ffYott ill) 'lot heed the warnings of nuturo atill cupboard, also loaded down" and meta. who sells hard boiled eggs exclusively, A way t1rat tliere is 110 mititaking it, a little, too witch drinic, and lied- juRt got over
MCI I 1.1 - he Weight-of..-Rimi-ilaw nulUa-the-rounds 14%, (The let- y0ed,(.Xbot!J_ . I W - , -it once Pay attention to the tualatal Wwo of with i — I � Mae - , V 411 Ihe sojls-&�'- Tvr -me 'T .0 all go,' a C., it is -especial y . ac a( 0 rftra�av ta,daj�mi -thor--oll 11 Wit. II itu I, graved in (JAS soon as lie eanis ill. But I guess t T
arhilge QuIture, If ii Procured t the outfitart of a disoase saucers, rows of fancy pitcheis, mugs, tborato�l two fdr five cents. Amsthiloyster piece qf itioneyj It wall tho, first given me in froliltJ :It%ve roilumile(k it allaost laillicillatly. -thirty or It If S . all Fralw6co Ill a ealoon, I gave the bar- present" cupa and glassware-iri all about houses charge at least cents f no, a lie %voll't collie back this tinte.
'tonic Liver Pills four times' as rnuch as would be found oil a dozen fried oysters it must be rnanfXfo�t athdr "I lie to ]love a 'Persons Auffering fAm any of the various taken whou tile first itueabineise made Its all It ',,I gold piece, and among the change. a 1. I!v�lllu I, I I iminionary troubles, find a sure relief in thi tile illness would Canadian cupboard. A variety of old China that.they malce a -'great deal of profit or this ' ca Ll u ie -al dirfloitur . frorn an ad- beautiful valley of this Seattle Sierras, fanne" havo been" nipped ware is a c' I coln. I picked it out joilling, eo.)Unty, "aad if it I practicable I al. ki
till, J"ohnson's Tonic Bitters and Liver ISO arefullypackedamon the rest. humble tradesman loses moey. 11.) loolted fat and Pt1ttllIg It in another pocket remarked .w a
4y %be balm d Pills nro decidedly the best medicine on 'lit' Ili -another corntir -stands tile.-olTI, -grand. and clelur-aud. happy, however. The old time to Illy frfelld--4 tliab I would keep it as mpocket ays like to gut a barber. About It InInth breezes from the placid Pacific. market for general tonic and invigorating pro- father's clock," the olise reaching from the crab and lobster infen, who used to pucirey iviu Its poor as poverty in those While many ake completely otired'of their 8 lies. Pills 25 e per bottle. Bitters 50 contio; and ogo I had all Old tuall to bury who had died `i,Mction. - 141per bottle (sold by Worthingtbus, Druggist. floor to the ceilin,,. In the corner over the midulght banquet.,, to the in our pub- (lays, but, like every Ono else I played fare Nvitlirt,tivurrt%-oda�l'algi,owtboft)eal.d, His The mean average altitude of the colony table is fixed a sZ�ll book shelfor casefilled lio 'houses, seem to have entirely vanished fit '7 limbs hall contraotpol terribly afterdeath, and
with old time well-worn books. On the walls the 116lk crop of rivals the growt I, of gastro- every Unife, I had luottely exiough to buy -a to st,.Ri I��A 1700 feet above the sam-level. One of the stack Of VIIIIIS. .' tkNI th(out. out we had laid a couple OUR" ENGLIH LiViNITH ill' That 'light I got round to iliest improvements made by the founders umivated and ' chrouto calendars, nomie taste hs brought into Jilli 9a,11% and. as usual, before I quit Of Ple(V' of plamic acros. a hint. He wit$ lying a merchant with �)f 1. a colony w.As, thepening and grading of issued by the villag Ills ad- Alfred Truniblo fit Now'Yorlc N�Iws. I was cleaned out amf lied not a dollar left On the 6,11 it t Ill is way when the barber came, Thiii avenue is FAX Miles itL A CAADUN NOW I luNtil LXV1 vertisen�ent printeA' thereon. Tile windows inthawDrId. Tht,)uextilit,t-ilillg%,.hL�Illwel,tto a big fellow with olousiderable super- Me I are and open outside like the glass Puttink Girdles Itiound tlie Itairtit. stition about, hint. He shaved the outside of an le, c-41anding duenorth from the South. What a cold, frosb-bound country Gailada ork I was tuld that tile man who elylployed
:,rn Pacific rail way depot to the meati, at tile ii in the opinion of tile ilverage Lnglislimait, doors of a bookcase, a long hook on the sill The time Is not tilitant, wben tile Nvljolj lite lied docidild to tile faue all right III then hatt to climb on e our arivalothe quos. —ve to S'1cr&meutO tile b,,,d over ale deeelt'Od to shove the other Ito of the mountains. It is 200 feet %,,!(to HOW "tally times silic hooksinto a stoxille in the bottom of the globe will tit, covored wit h a not work of and Inv valuable set VIL" were lie longer tud l;onsist- tiou 11 Yours is a woriderfal cold collutr window frame ilP. It on. The floor graphic Nearly all needed., r hall had Ile breakfast, and began sid,,. Tot umal way Ilia knees hit the plank
I a' of two parallel 65 foot drive- i*iii't it?" has been asked us we I not tel If thii room is �d with flags about two on every continent ai-e.iv)w fit vomnlnxlIf!atiu;l, fi4lillig in Illy empt. whi(Ai thp dead Inall's chest and with 40 foot avenue betiveon, and oft I ?.' .,a,!,' y pock0ts f0v some stray 'Yhe people here seem totbink that tilie allow of coiree. To
,h,s, avenues are flanked on each side by it feet Square, or limewash, which if, nearly as with -the of tratl�, in Europe all.1 coill to got a clip behl his urins down, relonsim, li-clitil arms.
lklv "'tense They sprang together lik-i tilt) it"Irg of a Stool
foot walk. These, parallel aventies and Is so (leap that our houses are almost buried 8'Oot" slid solid all atone, The doors and Anterlen. Tile Iu.t grolt is bout to bo, stivill-6-0 I foulld that quarter. I then sat
6tely coNered 10 down and argue,.l with myself whether I tile barber oil' valks are separated from each other by tree -8. nd that the fences are couipt other woodwork is of the plainest description filled tip by tho InYllig of undtlr tl UPItolled t -k Ctlft-h
)n* e*a.Qh side of the inner 40 foot avenue (tit) under the 11 beautiful.*' They iniagine us and seldom painted. In the window -i tire Paciflcocean, should gpead lily last cent to got something to both doles of tile lied. He are One long �?Ixie usually some .-cry nice geraniums, lilic8, !-,w has yell that lasted till lie rea0lied tile street, and , _h an electiric street railway is being clad in tie much clothing as we can cavvy oil bem to lay a vabIL from etorifl%bould go back to *the I!al,o bank,
�iiifi) are planted pepper and trees ourbacks andenveloped itilurs fron'llosa fuchsilis, etc. Every little 'cottage in Eng- 'Vancouver, 13, C., t -i liong Kong, C1111111. I had lost my money the ight be I Lballtuanish the outside I .' to feet. Of course, many have more correct to-' the Jill)'. Tile darky ,I) badly soared
Nottately, while ell t to di-ive land has its little 1-arden sorn6vhere There will be nIn ku it IfInal effort to Pull out square.
44 ed,oucaluixtus- tbehio extreme and that it wit,; thren before lie wepit to work y0i mile- plant around it,and the wiliflows a few phaits Japan anrl flio i,rltwipal i'lalliti of tile VORTUNIK FOR P5 CENTS.
hae exicaluptus d b -y i , ge :in them. a amn-pit.iDit-wasr-stron-fir- ilia are already from 20 to 30 erroneous views tire hol y It N c I tit
'Xhe people liere botter table fare of veriml cointililt 9-64- to It W 'det high. botio,ti-a The fbItOWRk� �CMMI;tfa a 4 a
number. pP forty years ago, and I decided to -take the leen uverlward and 'vas retold with consid-
Along the entire leiigth of this avoutie 4ud On tile other hand, they cannot real than in the olden ]'(or brvakfaIA thP ,of the world Ile in int,. 1. chances and bet. my last quarter. Back to evable gvu�,to: mtending back half a mile on each side are how'it can possibly be hotter in umm i7o tarm, table contains teaklLttle broth or breari Fur one tiling, it will lily re for tit or slid milk,fried polioas aiid rasher% of bacon for n ituiver-sa I tile garxibling I hurried. The game had Country tTudertaker-Do you inake any
,'Its varyinj from 2J acres to 10 moves ill than the weather has been lie e past die. Many of these lots are at to fruit few wdeks. We need only to Say that since and bread, and sorilatilil" a thick piece of Triii he establibiled jut 01101led, aild the first turn of thif cards differetwo lit your own inalluer and ex- that van lie read by vWra- ival' JuA being made. Dollar chips wo the ,rees,-whioh are already two, three and tofir we landed at Liverpool, tile last amy of June, dish -pie crust fried with the meat. The tiorR the world Then, I., has beon fro- re I-regsion lit corducting dirlercut funerals?
y we have worn our flannels and !he same dinner conSists of boiled or bilked potatoes, sturdiest ones III use then. So I threw down City Viineral Director-Certalilly. I have
leave old. The fruit which is most generall luclItI.s- .1-inted out, juen-Loilift) pruilts are my quarter bet-een the 6, 7 and 8, and the" tlire fox, frst claim ....... Aallbed is, of coarse, oranges, and the favor. clothing we wear in winter Ili Canalla,minus boiled bam or leg of mutton, otibbage or milucett to) a ininhullin A knolyle'lgo or went over to the sideboard and poured lily. `69 kill(] is ilia Washington Naval variety. an overcoat, and have not found theheat Toe,,,5rqr carrots,in their season, Suet plid. forices In lll,,�Varikills one for l'J'ediull, and one for cheap funerals.
illor -it or custard pudding for solf out a glass of whisky, determined to have funqrls, as I call them, are hen
West of the lots are surrounded by cypress OPPrCSSIve,,,ethougb we have walked five,eight vice, plui froll, tll:� if) t1j., Selling
in 8 m my. Tile greatest )lost here sert. -,per Some of the cold it drink for my money anyway. When I the family lies wealth an'd 80,11al position.
iedges, whiob are kept trimmed in th� shape and ten des. For tea Or Sul tile I vnflt,. ent back to tile table I found two Chips in These people a r4 calm and undemonstrative )f a fence. has not exceeded 60 or 65 degrees in the dinner, or fry birnilar to tile I The prnlit'4 or fivillor ppri(AA wa- the Place of mY 25 cents. I reached over to in their sorrow, and I use what I call illy The Chaffely. College of Agriculture, one Shmde,.'3vhile in Canjilla,we see by the papers, a hot meat itid eggs or potato bro�d ll insuratiov rI,kS of t -lid pIck them tip, but before I could do 50 the "dignified sorrow" oxiii-ession-it, calm, sad
If the finest i]lollege buildings in the State, the thermometer has been play'ini about in and butter, cake and cream, and ocea-.ional- ilig ignoraile" of vas built ill 1884 and opened to the public tile shade, among the idneties slid upwards ly currants and gooseberries, alit or tarts. dealer turned the cards and again I won. I look with a whit, tie. I charge slo extra
I he that 1111,0it prpvall when tile vesels I
pl d without thought of my empty stomach for ibis in myet ceteras. -For thel medfunt
ihi following year. This is a branch of the of a. hundred in the States. The sun's rays The manner of ,orvice it; It little Pocalinr. ftye
forthree, hours, and quit with $400. Before class I just Sling lit a 'sort of -"ministerial sad. Jniversity Of Southern California,is endowed do not pour down with suc4 burning force The inistress in most honqr.-A doe moit of t It(,- who dream timt tbk !if evillilluni. leaving I paid the dealer 61 for my marked ness" look that coJ8 them V5 extra. If the vitli $100,000 worth of land adjoining tile here as in America, if they did there would Serving. bIlL- AllrCmd,� Ili(! 1,11tter (Ill 1110 cation betwoon l000 en.1 ,)f eartli noll tho" 'quarter. Then I went'out and had a break-- family have lotA of money nd are pretty
is expected to begin a %,cry soarcely be any vegetatior; to be found here broad, serves the meat alld vogetablei, still jilay brin ithaiii n g fast fit for the gods. Every day for two shoddy, and bound to make big show, I use nil li, I'm hext September. it ig,uij. now, a6 loiig and ponstaut has been the when Jm is tise.1 no butter is allowel, 0,1111 fop_tlikf� whoe giol.c. alil I lllkq the wa weeks I gambled, and every daX I won. I aasupprerSOCI that I pride P the avenue. drought. There is always a moisture she Spreai:6 the jam -on tile broad aild ptaut-, when %vill prevall, all'I 1 I1 lipo, was ceptible in the air in this district, ikept that coin always with me, and won I
aThe Public ohol, costing andit1rie it on each Ono'% plittv. Ili fct,slic waits oi., )lie nitorial. purinit 44 Inalildfill. I , Ile labor myselfon: Itisreally patheltle. Thatcosts
aituary withalargeattollitallca. nights are so cool that we have not found a the nionust asany mother would (oil a bab.v ffIllhall over $2,000 fit a canvas bag. One night, the mourners but it's a dandy. -Pitts. .1 two �6'0112'S Old tilt tfiC tdbl(-.' Grac(-" as I` was leaving the game, I met an old burg Dispatch, 1866, the Messrs Chaffoy sold twilled, sheet,woollon blanket and heavy i.; I all N vr I lit, woviii ti� L,4 tllv wornall who begged from lite nioney enough b9ir entire interest in the colony to a very quilt too much for bell Seldom -lashed" 01) tile Illetil, mull ill . 1104) - iwl till * I I r�o. J I s Bringing Ills Back, 1170119 syndicate. 17 ider the no;r conipany At this writilig (July 23) the r1rought is Ito get something to eat. I had, as usual been
0 whining and wes flushed with success. io ro.
lipotum &IJI unbroken, save by a light Sliowers ton 6n, at to ho'colony has received a fresh it i'r6specta t prosentare xaorefiatt�ril!a fholi days ago; but so' dry and 'wRrin Avs the of Lailgila,40. fuse a woman money for food when luck wall The Crow havo become lInito rich fit o9ttle Vie gro.-at subjuct of -ie extpill; the Squaw men 't axx� time during its histur -arth then. tl;at' tcr- Iall rinjuing my way seemed heartless,'so I and shepp. TO son a f6W hours af fainiers i,) gil have been !if leading them into
llcoll sill-li-il n fow0i
The (;ol(jny is crossed by1wo off waril'it * couVI scarcely be noticed that. r reached down in my pocket and gave her the
Rill eral in the countm iS the wealhol, itilp iinlowls) first Celli I met. 11"heii I reached home I these puriults. One of iliene fellows, Icent 44y, ribilling aZ�l about two tuileii �.bf;d fllen. The o1de3t inhabitant hag lie that exists a llternry nIIJ sear-hed ever ,Part. They tire the 11 Atchison, li)peka mud I 1760ollectioll of such it dr ;ill the crops, �Ve ti) 11C.111. I rwhere for -my luckpiece, but it by nionle. Is said to -own thousands of sheep, 'rile two yoIlll,t girl_J,(li, TIIQ crtljj,,� all,l I c1,111tilitl knowledge of was gone. 'I had given it to d with his eorw.ly Indian, wife lie C'Uts tit)
the beggar 811 ;siltit, pool 'and tile Soiltborn 3 woathev ia tbe great question of tl;L,. d"', harvest pDrospocts, Its Nve oftIlle to,fttllor ill 1119 thal itt.-rrfoit ean read or translate Frinieli wonian. The next day I lost It il"POrtRut in. the count -lis of the tribe.
Id sells a&in tow)i i,.t on the i; 'low town the cars, I'lleirl it s1lowed erniall %Ill It ellSe. Illany bolopose that It's teraiinecl to playno moreuntillfound my whll� tile Crows tip Stock raising P. but It eavily and do. lie Iy alled North Ontario has been begun Olt bit() The modes of conv;yanc r - from llcitehl�, til�. sifl�joct ing call I -A From the t rulb. A) otillay one particular piece of money, but I- never k`e. Over $50,000 Nvorth of pcoporty %tnusipg to the Canadian boy,wlio isunfaini lliu.�,t quarter. It seented a hopeless task to find Y a
t111) tile Ill 'a tl'Ot till I;tifr
rals. sold the first day the in liar with the modes of traiel ill his native hollies, igave tip hope and always lookod carefully at duy return to tbeol. Th-iy bw -town' was put on the mirkoi. A title laildtt) and60 years ago. Not that they were levery piece of money I received in change. -ort.
hiree Storey hotel.. is nearly finilied , &lid a there as they are herd at pressInt, but they e cattle only as a lat Tit(: appearalvio -1) TO T11 E 114 )I 1 fW11,111161 it whell Itild lo ittf-'rly 1111- I-[ y �rgli brick'block has been begun, whilo sove. were equally rude and quite ab unique and AN .1ble to varl. At fast I was successful. In the same bar (If a f0w I)IItral00% sets then' wil jO likilitores, dwellings, boarding-houog, qffioc-a, impoverishe�A Ili character. True,the gentle. Dyspepsia b' dredful, DhordLretl . , . on iroom where I flrqt got my quarter I received �A regular praiitiiv of tile tribe 6ince the This is nearly nhvvy.i it again. I was so elated that I treated the nitnihilatiron of tile buffaloes has to- I ave been and are being built to accon 1. mail of leisure and abundant' M011115-0111. liver is iniser. Indigestion ii ;I foe tn brl men. Tbvy and heoll to bold. a Illedicille dallee annually
0 ! 1.4.1tO the groat influx of people.olilicabod who is known here as a"gentleman, living ill good nature. I house to cliampagnis. That night, for the Qrn 11YAlle eye. 110t IW tho %T1100 1110Y last time lit ray lifop T gambled at cards and f1l" the JAIVI)OSis or brin0tig the biwns back.
probahl.), poss"I a �.r '... 11:11.1111111 �-
the far c�bst this fall and winter. hi palatial country residence. and with a The human diltrestive appill'attIS Is o won $3,000. 1 went to Nevada soon after bolieve that tiose animals have re- large WATFR SUPPLY. retinue of xr�on and rnaid Servants- ofthe wrist complicated and wonderfitl knowhidge, Iallid-beganto speculate -In mines and V eRted to tile cavos Ili response to the order in the drives. out with his Span of well-groomild - fthose culintries, nolild lul%-, tit- rea e�t VO .The water for the colony is brought horaco. clad with brass, or silver mounted thintrs in exioltence. It is put fill! 0 ti tivile of time I inAde hat people call a bo- if tl[Fr, �VTioha the-, hilvil offelied, os a lagillable 81iffic Ity it- Stanza fortane. old will lint foe com inveil that I-hoy havo i' Michell to a oomfortable brov plest "I'd is harn 2er. te.mountains in lare cernerit pipes, very. resembling a comfortabl6oit gham, of or t thlit, last X61vtore perfq0t4y, cool 'iehs� f6od, t(.)Ugl A FATAF, TROKE 010 LUCK.* tile Was 11111i,,itfIlly iy'biok in Cina _. . (I ) applie� In nil vvsi gruat,,r (�xti,Ijt in the only Other time that quarter In more loti�"exltiticd to one inch of water. da, with his coachman inanipulating the hours, ir' and lie Lend mon -ter is reiRS and whip, nd bis Spry wary footman regulr lingits, and. milly other t1iings the ever may interest some to know how wit bad cookory, mental te I
slyflal Lit I 1 1 1 IT i t It I I I tl,- f or i if ini it lid it f-vor fathe wolit'l eq. A 11 miner's inch'# of Ili the litt e rear seat, rea, to aiight and - lie )),ill any Inek, everyti t Ill', Ili' Leasure(] by inch sylilch ought not 1.6 be
Ater ig all indeh hRve mde the dreflint of aitkiipting V, But qumnlity, Formerly it dauloo attendance on bi.:z inastnr or uii�trcfm Antericap people iiation Of (1y, f'All I as memstired tinder p0ptjo4. ith thev are ti:,) k llle dild Llou with in th�lfl a six filch pressure. Re Occasion reqires. But Jvhvecu the But Green's A119118t lilt., dw, ]Vc inch piressio:6 waa adoloted I and th6 lower order of lixtinanity Pfinitlo sl,,Pe he iras ill as flard NoIc .i an d this preusnre was by tile codes: It"Iel a wouderful work'Ill relbrwing tlik .-,q well put hini-in thoway of. Igroatgalf." The farrii(x blxslnes,�; and inakin itWA., I I fluare in an rides ont Ili his trap -A two wheeled cart t lollt ev�rvtllillg Ile got
0 aperture is it hol an inch lie ,kme er fit,,, I jrpersons,tNVo in fron llistill collgi-tillilat-ilig Nvitb tile water stmilling four that will carry f still 86 healthy that they call eRjoy their f1."t tit J'aro. 011o., 041 lie file toll tile olles above flic ed against it _,pl ll,tl Ill"y f the two Sitting wlth their backs brRo meals nd be g. thoilo two, oil a narrow sent bohi I. These Iessure equal to (ilia tire the most confloriable pleriativIl" [cl, henitb. But Grevn'L4 so) I bic foot, per 9cconol, which is about o%,on found Amon iftrmer, still a b vvb� _�g -lilltol Ilk Ite if) till, tbild S, half gallo)1,4. Canadian rid6s briums belItIl rll] (its, n0 r
A man owni lig a tOn in one of them'until lie ets nsed to it with pe tie. and put at !V-5 witli illy foil il !if re,raticl) in entitle'd to this in p York Still. noft water as clinch ease Rnd comfort its lie would oil a tile -pot, that. I'll "the 11ping colitinuously for twfintv- Otte hours oload of cordwood or tile end board of a farm E, NV S O T r 014.11 folded Ilk nti-I ee ev wy i' The wate� is e C .1 11 onill Pillild to %vagon. This is the kind of conveyalice that Ills lientl oil tht-m. Titi-it ller lont Ali highest corneir of h o's lot- Fret" this the young nrian tries to et when fit, �rles for int, a head ditch is fortned. along tile llorth a d -vivo with.his&L___ I"Irthinga a' e still in u, ita,;kvd Wiliter bout Ili., paKs, 41 Arno, lid t1lo tiliple. 'I'll" Inell till evellingA with t mirrows ari) tijoll mon ilikrket trap. 81millir to the one first Royal Commission on Gold and Silver was MAIN lit- 1110 Illr-0111111 nrow of trees. J t4to coinif .4 member of the t ; I'v I*,.g1lI.IrIy
aof big. with spollts side The ,-next beet" i- I - tasuch a limited extent Ilat arier fdo4cribed, but %,,-sitting tile bright fillish,a ignorantof the fact until informad lining an oml litil-, I441f. of Illy frielld 11114ged him, ]lilt. lily 11:11 his four cards '-Rill thf-11110" "'I"'. Last tinie I hilil Icm:b 'side of tile rOwS Of trees (lit I After is much heavier and more cluma looking, on a Short time ago., Th al'. IIA 0. it i.4 well lint, aild Mien tilt! float .vgq over niy - Silt IS I I little "4ta IlloyA'. a lift lit Idlidly d. into tbese the water is turn&( lid investigati ey are use,, ranch ]'at; b0on thus iri-iiiated, it chiey in linying' papers at tra . tie prices, pboll rot toned seat, the tiftlarter fraction IF is Oxon but fro a pelaly Cattle Into' wilT whil-11 k Illfill ell to stab(I :iI hours and the is a[- Sometimes this vehicle has a oush' hall pilod 111) in tho IEet Ine to Ilk rigit lit the table. Alltan'
rolighly coltivateft, . fluently aboard long enough to oX_ Use. met,). fin% It S,!I. tllt� tal)le. 'I'lle ilealt,r gskell liltu tf) till he sits. and Ito first at ilia ond .1.4 a wbioli keeps it from tend out oveithe edge of' the box on both I'I'll" vollerpto
- 'tile in coil- sideg and bag of siraw or an old h ill lit life ,tit) eylinder
ring. Tlit., ly6tor for domestic Ills Illmley alld I -A (110 1181V ileal ignal to tit- othoi-4. Itiqnotothpiatintoeat The town tin4oply ()eye,, throw') 100-15' Over it, constitutes the is 'low being called for be! r,ad ill 'msL,iyorI pipets orlso The abolition of 'Ile wooden railroad bridge no,1 alil)%N _j to, llll,� if I lit. nulteria 14 . Y,A hu oloved. Some otip, thinkilig ll�,, helinklieIf, bill, he fixes that very neatly tTile extent Of i hill, by contli�iilog topiek at, (lie foodnslorI4
as be
rf.11;4111 N . loy file 411ould,w. 11va,Vill Ile fr1l 11, bIlly. Till IS it it -knit of
Oil pipes mider 11, 1,14'elitro f6cat, No,,t comos tile donkey trap -it cart job to be taken in hand is pointed out by The 0 feet, slid is, therefore, available. for li, iot I Iv;, Ill( . I ; .111 similar to the foregoing bui considerably New York Times. There are -,!t,,Ily 2,50 Vie Ilom.. 1111111 litorr Thol allit, 1) xl� 16.4s ))v ,n bridges anti restiework oil pillf's, to) fin't 10111 fl, ill, Till, �irllin ]fail named is very intlell used miles of woodil fill. ieit 1, by small farmors,whose estate con.9ists of the American lit, es, Tlie cost of repipoitig NVIII(.11 .4 . v�, ffhim, mitl Ills llad hi,Lance, t took it ,sip of. on lint it should be t%vo or three fields of front a half to two acres them would be cuorino tfornIP4 As before lsiii,ted ontal-it) is st),,,t%t in extent, and whose Sol 11 .,I COTT a beast of bilrden ift done if it can be Proved othoin I,) bir, nwilwr. wilo oliell thillij. I with If Inligh, toll.-hillt, Illy-Avinegla Ah� that tile erection of mil" froill tile comfit. It is, therefut-6, a dcorikey or small Exmoor pony. There are iro'n,and masonr%- structures add to ill(; sc� load eurill of it 1.% 11:11-11 I 1 I .1 alft it blim mw;.7 .1 never Will the Aw As it is at the bape chi a foiv pony or dog carta similar . 11) tit'! Snow, Ito those curiw_of tile 130�11c. ilofty rmigo ('If mountains, it is protected seen in lbanilida, but "fit so oriorn fort able. 11, severe and-flisagreemble which Then for carrying loacls of peol;io they have on An infant in Elizabeth, N J., w1liAl uppar. lilt Said; -very I" Its wa.1 tally 11 d a c for wat--ruink4, faild il. hR.K lei'! lilt, was treated for that il. ; pabil find free frout aii� liniiiiity ilf) 3ep ti at brbanlermo
to.% this rortion of the what is known here as coache"nd brakes, mont a day andea hall, when tile nurse acci. oil l,vAlIs vIII;, '1� nllntllj�l- liliglit Illil Say: 'Aw, new just delightfully pleasant allil refrest waggonetto, landaus, lit Ig. 16 different dotitly discovered tbattlie child had partially till,, tioce, you know. Nothi Ilg 0i tile Solt.
hot ordisagroollibly Sizes ftivirlIa,simblingon Ill gons, The swallowed a safety pill. ll the fipper por. lie torneil. III,- talk it) the thermometer vises C� farm vehicles are the common I A Itlipiteivint 1-11. , I . .
Ionvoi" two tion of tile pill Could be seen by looking : Lilt didlel;1L to) test 1whicl, bRa been only once this Iter) wheeled tart or btitt, similar to those used -.1 1tninrorii, wfl,v I tip L.111-1. aro ofead it N attlill into the thili's month, it is a little Singular oreips fl,,, (oll i Ile (j. y VeA to pre. .go - from P:,: ninuord at the flopproot. fenlill" of oppressim. uch a tiling MIMI. is; fully as heavy but tew.A caps, i o -d Stallirol-41 AlIll 1-flig a dryne is off the atmosphere ser in Ctlon%da by some farmers, and the wag n, that the obstruction was not discoverod car aloltnt an 0 arliell, "Ong lier. Tile mortality among children need i' hern resifl,,iit ill lit. lionlitil,; Sluisttoke i Ilto NivariguR whenteonh toy I ivish ilint, however le
Tile dMov. tharl Our farm iRgons, hag hafts or scarcely lie woudered at in viewof this special n wigwain of irmi pit. jv� I I'llilur" for ce between the meart tompeiature ill Jan. instead of a' tontte, and when two bit of carelessness. til'.111 lit tile Inollient i1xvil 1,401 -signing tilf! (.It their own family eiroles, ry tuid oly is only II d , rhe flattest horses are required, which"is almost "lift Ila-; a Sloll" lollill Ili t;Je Sen- 11 . N . Whit'll AA14-ClellAll Was to have rather Ulan hiti-ndo them upon folks who go I
ys so fill- OIL Illolitll registered 94 0 ill tile thell,vare driven tandem. We have not s�en Rev. Dr. Burchard made himsolf a p�oni. a blavk I
;lie. To uill it up. there is iio moro ag., a f It %vaggon a tongue, allol in which inent figure in the lastAnicrican Presidenti'l wife. and lies 11% It beell linde chi"r enghleer of the could com. to the it) hoarrind judge I
able CIiMAtQ fil t lie Worlil tilall jQ tile lie of I% hi.-Ik Ovant Nvas to have been lli+hul ilia the evening Rat a company to Ile rses tiore driven two with us. campaign V� presenting r. Blaine with an fal'Y IA -11-I, IN Ito" im at years (it' ladivs will who Icept tip a run-
Cidiff-Inlia, and (0iitill-io since wo came to Enland. All of these address, denouncing lite Democrats as the of !fill, will Ill.. III) floill niny be tile facts, the I w-,le-ome tt.lditi-iii to the It, 0 Imilln. if not the dranint the progroot the
one of tile Illo.'t favore(I ill t�vi,3 vehicles fire Stronger and ]ion % ier than oru-8, party of ]am, Ilontanisin and of tile Thoappvarancll� t. -fl I lit boille, II.q Ile Ili thv poini for thiw. 'o mitil they ithricAt drove ill mad. There
which i"s partially rendered by the De Durchard's fetidness for alliteration got t I, his �.A Ill a , -if bartivir to bear than t1lat whieli
tilae-adallkized roads;.but tit rnaity h;stio.'rices, i%l r 431aino into no oil I (if trouble, and tile t !,,I VII fly I'll W, t- it 110 illrat kill at tilt- Critical lunilloolit 'i� It is no I- I It it Idep fit -Ne", I ork k Inalle illy talic:11l; still sillvilig goilw Oil t, 'Ile Soll is Illosih it loalli Ili gr"ll I it good tiviterial is nmed, these %oiheelod con- 11 licro of the Uirto is gnin brought Jo tit of I would gon0v a lit- sily find -particularly tilt itild. it) tile. might be madc inuch lighter, the front by the Pragi aphist ill'. — - _. lie move rogilrd vomfort
orange, gralle and other Bill wvoI,,iiottliink hig that Dr. Burebard is inst now enjoying Argniviiii, 11NIZell'A 14011- n litflo less Oroll. Ili Lllo%v and I.,. k MITI)
�Wih or tilt, Itinloll, 161-1 It 111Mt in %cry pl-OfitablC to rRisti. tind (If . toue,li I, lid linrable wood,s a % aili, lilt. Rett, Uefre-slilmc-nt and Itecuporation at Ait hion strikeS inio: If every %%-Ito ill Illooeq. Neit her lite 1111�1�' till. tt n be bi-ott'glit to perfection (Ili ouly a as Ill killvi-i(n. . I Saratuo. (in 11 (-lilt b(Al vggs 11) wivs isith tit Appoinattox glyC 1, MA Of oVinl I . 11 1111-4 11RIA Of Ungiallol till, M. - , cof(l ater. It slintter to he at der tailend tilt, itotiik' of men-aud nit were anol it) atiompt to turn lhelit frita toh e Olt t1linfin. revior to Canadian horseq. ()ill% it fevv Heffernan dodan to slilip down tit der thero volsilro,an-in lheirrespo(41ve regintenk eonvoi-itilioit nnilbadl-
Wont to arrest lsNVAlkor, of I-Iderslie, lint witil the idell that these ofll� or large Hilil.f. horw's '11-1, to be fron' mid lf-t %lifilk all oaft-v it would litany gross orrors Ili or pww,aitt it inny b- to )-oil, IS
general purpo4v 1*111-1. who it groggery Oil tile TOadSide, M-6 Carl DU1111"r Ill Detroit WgStllftt IN ill Alld 1`101111111 I -Cf. ." Flol 1. it - is I Vnth to, if,.- -1.1it iber" (it Chit-oipi Joitritall.
light"). 11111TI oills, All?l lifft miles ft ow I livaloy, on TnelildRy last, James uldbodiffilellit too liallic -i'l I "" 1 " took to the .. 4. Ladles On'y.
offivelyti-irlpicall 'In-littithatuillnot. Plow. ItlWaud Patricli took after Ilion- I 1,11, magnates beat .4 hasty rf�treat is of all kinds evem nimitijill tile Be on Your Giiard. 'I'll(! vollilt is often all([ I,, xvi(:or till(( Dart. After a hot raceJam" aurrendc"(1, from Winnipeg early Friday morning, to I iin;ightiv
0,vegetables caln be It &(I Wn. frooll 1111 or Up the country the horses are tugged along to tile roallsido where Police 11 allow a cold Ill tile head Yellownesi. ofen inrich larger and bette'r clags. Niagistrate VanSb011e 3ftt Ili )118 buggy Calrelly I Avoid being sulipf., Aed he witnesses in the garetv nin, into Catarrh, when you can bt,'�nro it is ivell known are from a
In the ground and of qy':",�.ty, While Tile injunction case. foe 2, - to. hy using Dr Chase's Catarrh Cure. A active Uver and bad blood. Dr reals of all kiii(IS yield allovintifid harvest, here ftre Very low. A vory viewing the trase, ilia worghip tried hii-A on I lVillim Pllick, (If Ottlkwo, olie of It ve yonaIr few applications ente imipient efttqrrh , I tn 2 f4ee
611gh III Ongage ill th6ir 91-0\011 AM it pior"t wovkhorfiife enik lit, hooglit for to the s Vol )to or,urioted him itliout the riAlit (if iriln sent(mced to imr.riscnment for outraging boxelf enres ordinary colitarrh ; 2 to 5 bo�-eq is recLipo for toilet reco iov% hbi't,i Antl silg- an re s7o, has been par. guaranteed to cure climilip, ratari it gestiowk nil how to till. is Inot appeal and finedbirn fifty dollars an(l colits. a yollug \Vom two yen 11'
Tile farm Itoilses npe.114)t 144 ratello, It is a g, -in dolinfinvilts tbua donodnd released frorn Hilligstou penitentiary Only '21:01'. Will folire eure, hv %It driiqu"Its . old fly all ill-alggiAts,
ings. . clabo - reat eonv�' nionce AN it.00mu ky furnished nor aacomfortable nxi(l colivellit-lit to Leel) a trilvellhig:-'colirt on Clio coneep.sion it having been shown that this was a ease of built up the avenue to flie meit at as in Canada. One n0t very large room lines. mistaken identity, lie not being one of tile t1suall- does duty for the drAwing-room,I)ILl'. crowd who au'soultod thi woman. An Capt. D., If. I,yon. manager and proprietor B:rmingliam the other day a little 'boy
6. foot of the 11101111taills. It is to be rtin- lor gi k by I Milik�,F..roorn, dining-rooni &till I itellen. ohnari'm All Itealling While MaIIII4,111. attempi was made to prove an alibi at the of the G P, R. alld R. W. & 0. 11, eat ferry, �alipped into a canal,l, Three knc n were stand- rig . :December lat' 'I'll" will be 0110 Of Th6 I irn of this room 'Consist of one The fovo4dorful Iteating and soothini Pv0Pcr trial, but was anaticeetsful. Sinee his, ineftr. Brockville, saya I usell Vint PAlin fort iag on I�Ablgiihk Ahd Ilidy weto begigod to to t street railways in the world. It litirilk Mob of the'AbOVII named oxcellout Idive p 0
9. 0 P1
e, moveable t6p. Standing in calixtioli tk6 otboll, fatit, p prolonged dikke bi 4 CAr6j"RIAld One "Ile long iml 17, %041 �Idluaqdfttob bloat ritonefoll have madv! alAintbehoid, T*6 fjb�& 6600 blin. .I WO t him oor '-& a ir ;
. tho' id W pidatiotte 016011 r.4 lbotplato 64 013k 11 Ittop in," added tllo� scootit:1, milos 10*9 and has it ri!'o ill Iltitt dis. tile copilor, witle go Statloftry " form ffiliftefous ill the treatment or fIrlit t1101111111 Jim, Ulf d thol when 'thb third 6 140 feet, beach fiRed-to th6,,ltX4k1I I I fie insido, all- I � � thb, , had'b"u a4da0d to �810* thaii G, �'Afl beetir a I .
N4 )leg, bI6tAR6s,b6J % ulalitso stalds, 0 AllAt- dilr. ill hok �.fiih h t , 1� would not Moll 661atilid that ho"An't -got no time fo fetch him At--Yt-ry t n ti, %Vill lie 61111110telir to ;x`Ov`o WbIfken for A110061' thfift *110 r0tif6ved it $10,0 for 14y Ito Of "All nalm if I could at. 11 Tho boIF WAS (ItclVvnOtl bliving to the brottl *ther statiounq bencT . go I mold the "Rates 4ortly A tier tile Ifidt I.At, seorr r 11
e4 w 1. oro lov, willdnw silt .Rt VIC If 11 a. lltho.40 bligermt:'. -b will t 23 emits Pot bo by