HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-09-02, Page 1W—.W1W" --- 1.4
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I , -Goder . . Rxieter. in America. morning, all on account of the old birds. Wis. week, ta king ad va, si to ge of Otto Of tl�i ,
, 1 I I ! I � , ich Towaisbip Zuriells. 1301gruve. becoming tile proud possetisors of. a Cheap excursions to that. pl . '
aday after. "Polite. ',jTEm young one; -1 a bouncilagbaby buy." . G.T I A thlr
I ,-&�Mlf R90M.-The 40 more farm Of BAIIN DUUNED. .-Oil Thai' Aii --A large number of our local PSIISONAL.-MihS McKenzie, of Bay- . ace an
' Qj-W* "Cols -he lith gon. of' -- . 13 at Clinton fleld� was visiting her brother here this N - - - Miss Zillaner, late of Kluge- I, . 'Vans, The Q.P.14. sud, , � , J�-- o re'l-30. 1, r
. ,, - L. ough, on t noon the barn of John Hilderbrant,three sports take, in the race ley, Iowa, will start dress ana mantle I -Iii-- announcing cheap excursions to 1Qll1 '
. I? . D. E. -Munroe paid a flying .e, W_ ,
1- �' I
1, - -
. ."4, �14"gjlip, has boon rented foe miles from'bere, was destroyed by fire, Thursday. We hope they will not colue week look ing in it few weeks in rooms over A. Lundesboro. Montreal, and points gast this W064- t" .
. I . - "
. a1e . =4,01-4 yf;alis, to Mr. Jake Connell, with all its contents. The fire started home down in the mouth. visit to his old home in Aldborol last � . f
I �
"I and Nallie store. 31r 31cComming, our A F.u-sx, Auuoi.-Ou Monday nioru- number have already taken ttdvmntm.0 . -*.. ,
At 44 Annual rental of $125, from a spark of the engine with which ,1X1?,r,i8 9. ILI
I I f ... TIORRES.-MrJoilst Snell sold his Ton. Saturday. Misses Annie t1i . . ttim, in several orders for then). Me Dan Pntteisou left for Am - I
. Turner, of Detroit, are the guests of . higword was spread about to the ,IT,I,t
, I . Qprii& Srm.E�D.-The other day some Me Alex. Bossesiberg xvai threshing. -. John HawkAhaw, Win youln, suits anti overociat-4 for tile full.. A. - . :
:. ,;. J tine Tommy to Mt S. F. Washing. -a old country on Monday. hit, - J�a
. � vqgi
I -in of Me Thee, The fire spread so rapidly th t ot even III, Colborne. I . - . . �
I ; , men isc)i are on �he fat Copp, that a slutintity of bt)ots and shoes wasi Inglis, Mrs George Pettypiece, 4 . -
, o, -we a u -for a handsome figure. Mr. Jos. t I ' TaIilor lilts olion&I tip ib line assortment aethlis" :
'Welsh�i .go to about how smitten, Ise y rp. stolen from the cellar of Jackson's sh�e
. t into a dispu - Lose about ton, barrister, of He I I
1 � . trial under trai ,joods this week. Mr Abram
W . the cleaner could be saived of Clinton, has the ani I turned frost, a visit to his parents in of 'fall , , store, which created quite o, sensation. Cornyon, and others, are taking, in Ipjao �
many A t, it ceitsin apple tree in the 060.0 on tile barn anat2OO oil the cleaner. ing, also Barne,T Barnes, tits pi-operty Wswanoish. PlO0tOV iA able to sit tip now after his The articles were left in core of some of east. Mr. Richard Alartin, of L(ind ,, �
'J'woul ,
- V oroh4c .d measure across the spread No insurance. of Mr. John Sue 1. � I was in town all Friday, Me H. Davif
- , ,
li I. ,. 'bee, and after they had tun , � . severe attacks of Wflamination of the the Grantham s after the store was ,A
I oiA`J*.,b .'Orgil.- I
.. M -------- III— r Lr
. ,a . DRATH.-At Exeter, on Thursday I ast, . Bilistes.-Who tire out- pathmasters bowels, which lusted several days. Only closed, but MIr'J'aolisois afterw from ilia t1rip'to "', all ,
� I 11 . tape line, . over it to settle the matter, oil some Of these roads ? It is foar per . ards re- haii ettirned .
r , � Hullett. poor .
. August 26th, Adaline, daughter ofM3r: . sons from here went on the ex. I
. � they ,viere both surprised to firld that it NOTrs.-Mr W. Riddell, of the 13th, policy to endeavor to kill tile Canada carsion to tile Falls, on Saturday, slid turned to tile store, !Lud took tile as Bo,y- - ----. - -- I I
1, , was 67 feet Across, and measured Benjamin C. Higgins, of this place, died from the opllsir into the store, and t at .
. over took advantage of the cheap fares on thistle with the plow, arid allow a good they all spent Sunday lit the 6ity of . So"arorth. I
, ,
.F--- - nearly,- seven -feet around the batti. at the early age of 19 years and three crop of them to ripen by the road side Hami is what caused the -mistake. As 9 . �
�;. Saprday last to visit friends in the days. Decea,sCd was only ailing about Iton, arid three arriyedhoine Mon - Con Sicti.-Mr Thomas Collie, of the UA.-
- . as Me Jackson returned Monday morli. I
. . wiTiR.-One day last week Mr Her vicinity of Kingston and Ottawa. Mrs five days, ,with typhoid fever. She was to sow the fields. Goo. Tylldol'S slow day evening. Miss McNaughton aud . . formal. Offico, Gait, but f0X*4lst1,)r6f4h-.p0
1-1. . '
- : bison shipped 90 firkills. of batter from Adam Elliott and her sister,Miss Rate well respected by eveqone who had the store is near completed, ancT Joe Law- Mrs McKenzie, of 11atralia, are visiting ing all was righted. 1 Expositor staff here, and whose pitiouUt"
I I is area . - &d. on the 2oth uilding a fuither addition to our st!,thoQueebts.hotel, kept by A-Stsviia 11 I -The id of tIs ... I-Agia J -
�, si . ibiry, which -he so ..........
, I . I . 'Wroxeter is b it. F sTi ., . ies, A ............ -1
" Reid, are visiting fri6nds in - son , ,%- � I, I"ad—�—,---!--- x)-2g,mouslyille . A
If . pleasure of her acquaintance. The pa 1pi a 0 ,L,.. Q... I
I of -.July,, at 20 cents a pound. He still village. Rev Mr Gee changed I it Miss Metskiie, from St. John, Lou W "U'ri UqoIX�rU-VrgUUI;fi U1114`1"VII minw-gro,x-.bylm.-U.btlj#k.,---ro,-gt rt I..�
1, : andvicirsity. Mlss,Eavin, Of' Clinton, rents have our sympathy in their "sea . 11 . '
'. holds his make since the 18th, for which who had been 'spending a co � last Sabbath With Mr Kestle, Of Isea- township, has been visiting at -Air John engaged during the fall and winter i1i ,j I I
I., . uple of hour of trial. . to be cared, fori mother,'. 4 y S �
, he #xF;oets mi muclsi her figure. This, weeks with Miss Kelly, returned home miller circuit. Rev Jamieson Is now in Boandret and acquaintances tit Blyth making improvernents in different di- best frieaa.'I� He is laid up with t .
we learn, is his secoaWl sale this season. BlitEirs.-Ildsinesg very oltill. , MeasV. charge of -the Presbyterian congreg�- and Wingliarn this month. Joseph rections. This (Friamy) evening they phaid fev .
Saturday. .Me H. Kelly in dway on a Renton Bros., merchants, f�ilea last er. we hope (or his sp, y" �
"I Air Herbison makes.the butter for four � tion. I Mr Morris, or., died at the rest- Clegg shipped 6 oaxload of lambs from propose giving a Insi home festival. recovery'' . . . I
, I I cents a posma, thus netting -to -the farm- 'trip to Montreal. MrIW. 3furphyi Tnz week; they are said to'be hqavily in- denco of his son Thomas, on the Sth A alsuiptuous repast will be provided,' J .
. a,,,- thresher Of the township, is making . this station on Wednesday. Ira Barkley Rux&��TLast Wednesday a. to4m,
1, , while others have been 8 'no iebtea to a great many priv � ., '
... .erqx6o.. threshing scarce. on the l2th and l3th ' ate citizens. con. of Colborne, at the advanced age and his. bride returned Tuesday from arid a, special invitation is accorded t? , belonging, t
I.. th "iiiiiij at 136. If farmers would - They are very p9pular with all, and their - 9 %. farmer of Roxharp took -
' ' on., west of the gravel. -Me ,James ' of 94 years. He was a native of Dev', Toledo, Ohio, where they went on their the yeamanry to be present. The festi� , a notion to have a scamper tp thou
4 study Ore. they a ill be deeply regretted. - . ol; .,
, ,Q Ith con., who has been failure w onshire, England, and has left a large George Steen rind A. val tables will be spread in the Tempel,- ' selves. They took as their,4tarting
. .1 , ,wheir own interests in Reynolds, of the 4 Moore & Cudmore are very busy at pre- number of descendents. , Carlton arrived home. from the old once Hall, from 5 to 7 p.m. Aft& the I '�i no,46*:
1''. )atronize We Herbison much - , wedding tour.
� . I .. enlarging omid, improving his house, had sent, digging wells and puttint'"Umpa. - Tile NEW BRA wiU be sent tdlitw subwrib- . . inner man has been amply regaled, t place the market, and rats I
1 bo"W= they do. a house warming on Monday evening Mr. Ell Buell has ,eased t a , country on Thursday of this week. . his , rate of speed to the Pmesbyterials, church
. E[MyEsir HOUZF,U8TXVAL.-L&st Thurs. 0401ing erisr to the end of the year, for ie* cents casb.
d - afternoon a harvest home service last, numbers being present from Godpr- MU EDITOR, -OU passing d6wa street audience will repair.to the church,where'
!� ich, Q inton mud other points; all had a farm, in the village, recently vacated by — Ili— corner, where they turned oil. to the'H�ii-
I the other day in this once known and, a sit"t interesting and profitable enter-' 'O b were soon broug]
1, a%. festival took place at St. James' � 1 Leoburn. rilished. Choice ad-
. an first-rate time, and we hope Mr Reyn. Mr.'ThomasBissett. Mr.Wsn.Sanders, b6loved place in my earlier day§,I ma-dd'.Tfaimeat-vull IsOm 1.1 Is load 'It _It to..#,.
'. church. ' The church was appropriately late of Westcott'& Sanders, ha's secured 1%ZnWS NOTI:87-rM - - .t.nilatill', by running against -W tele, -
: . aide may long be spared to enjoy the -r Fulfora is having cc aur4b3Fof Belgrome-as- it now ,is. .-- b-'qtli' lections by choir and others, and ad- pole, in ft"!
, - ., -dacaratad Rey,, XrlCmig, of Clinton, . a, position at the Advocate office, a -hishoUse-iiew aided and a gothic win dresses by Revs. E. S. Rupert, M. A., graph front of the Diviaig . �
, , .. . . 1- - - consfortaof his new liouse. It Is- re-_ I - Is . - . i ,Court offive. No serious damage was.,
, . . , delivarea some very eloquent ana appro ported that an estimable young man of manager.' The tower on the now town dow put in, which improves it grestl�. a ange has taken I a a lokat few and J. S. Fisher. done. - I
priste remarks. After the service, all ban will soon be completed; f3packman dton, is - I �
� . 'to Me John Millington's for the Bra con., will'shorily enter the state 'for die tinning Me J. 'McCally, of S.hephar y re, to a a t a returning n feel )3hiErs.-Mr Andrew Taylor sold two. BELIGIOUS.-ROV. J. E. Howell. of the,
� , Adjourned of matrimony; J., ou have our Bros. have the contract doing the work. A. Horton has been strange, is ainly not us ' colts, a one -year-old and a, two-year-old, Methodist church, returtied fivin. a thre '
:: . ening. Every- very of it. Several new cases of typhoid carrying big hand in a sling for the very much , 0:
, tea, and to, spend the evi best wishes. Me as u mingliam, , t a extention of its. unds or re- for which'he realized about $500; that weeks' holiday trip last SaturdAy, end
� thing was well arranged, and the, ar- re ' I
.� I. who has been a ion y in, for six fever reported in town. Mr John T. litst week, the cause being a very seve building, although progress has not I&!,, is the way to make horses pay. Me resumed his labors here 61, Sunday. In
� � s were well carried out. Fine Weetcott, collector, attended the Bay- felon oil his thumb, which is ver * dormant at all. The old stands with Chas. Bainbridge has on his farm horse- the qlorninl led a sersiou fit
'� I rangement onthe past, is somewhat Aer. y pain- � . g he preacl .1�
q� music, was furnished in doors by Mr in field Court, on business, Saturday last. ful.. In the alisgrice of Dr Ure, Captain one exception still are seats of business, -tooth corn 10 feet 6 inches higb, with mem"o'ry 6f the late Mrs Baldwin, who'
o and Mrs McCullough, and out doors by Housli SToLz,.q.-Shortly -after Me W. Me Simon Stable, late of the Advocate Gibson occupied the pulpit here on some fair buildings have been erected, aver it foot Ion assed away from earth last week. B '
,�, the- Doherty Band, who M -11Y gave Farquhar, who resides on the gravel office, left for Port Huron, oil Monday Sunday last. a -
He is it v an set and and the brow and Crown of the south and itwas sown only for green fooT lore commencing his. sermoh he - gmv�
11 � wh&js S M & FI Se, 8 9 . .1
tMusiq it .r sider I who lie ��
.k,,—.-----Aheir-service - - LQV,d a e uple of miles from Clinton, lit t. r Ch rle hearty suari, arid we are pleased to ' ,as east hill -are covered with fine little Air H. B. Spawl ha to Ottawa for expression of being glad to be back ai
i --dia-11digh 1 ---hu- -bmi-nl-witly typhoid-lev rj-is,4b --t . . sm qol!�
would be superfluous to 131111i;l1i, X had gone to bed on 8 fur y ig t a le- a- is 0 " rMtdst-`OCCU` -&,Oi�-e-Un-gfi-,--m.s-tly-of-bri&.--,But--the s; w wish utm,&-pl,eaef*nt--Nvith-his-people�.-he-.sai"at-h"pent-
very large crowd, which would have was startled to hear a horse rapidly walk otit to get some fresh air. sionally. Miss N. Horton is at present loading heads of business, of alreet-oor- trip. W I Ouimetto is again in the the greater part of his holidays sit the
I , been larger if the weather had been pass the side of the house, Getting up OVe bavo L letter fyouslUr J. Arins-truliof g a few days with friends in the : - Thousand islands &,,a Grims�y ,Park,'
� and go,n .ner, wit and eloquence, and 01 aeple business, paying the highest inar
ft warmer, enjoyed themselvem. -aud every- g to the stable, his worst fears Exeter, emphatically fienying the truth of a =P of Ilullett- MiNg Emily Hil- which were of yore, have .= at ce for first-class fruit. Me and and returned homb feeling imsels - re. I
,�;. thing passed off happily. The proceeN � were realized, when he found his best paragraph which appetired under this head- nor and Mis's Swaffield suent a short as caft. �r.i ,
� . which goes to horse stolen. He at once went to Clin- Ing a 009? scattered. only lapse of time Hale, of Goderich, have been freslied. in body ana mind. At the lat,,
. amounted to about$60, tle of weeks' since, concerning the -
i pay for a new Doherty organ for the ton to try arid procure assistance, but alleged U treatment of a boy, though he nd- time with friends here, and. among, The post office where the mail was spenain g their honeymoorl here, visiting 'ter place he had the pleasure of listen :
mits he was dipped in F6 tab, as ,;tatad by the other places of interest visited Point day, and its Me and Mrs Cade; 'Mi, Hile is trying to ing to -the two Same, ana was more faz'
V church. Me Middleton deserves the while he Was away the horse had come correspondent. of course we tire at the mor- Farm . AIr T. Carney sowed three woqhy master,Torn Brandon, who kopt a vorably impressed with Sam Small tll%v.
�', thanks of thip church people for his back home on it gallop. It seems that cy of correqpondents, and have hivitribi . . arrange for starting a bakery here. Th I
�tll. ' found thern reliable and coxTect, but it i -I., acres of fall wheat last wea. This is a general store where the yeoinan aid. bider mill ig rushin hero now. Messrs Sairs'Josses.
liberality slid aid, given so freely to the thief (,-a had started with it across possible that. in thi� Instance tile matter wit,; the first sowed here this beason, as a wife freely paid two or three prices for Thompson and Me aughey left here fdr 3JRrErs.--'TN1rs J. H. Pyper and Mist,
Fc I ruske the fektival 4 �aqces% - the concession line between the gravel extip I 0
.gi,rRtPcl.'- )d many think they sowed rather their tobacco, teaj etc., have both taken Illinois this week; they purpose work- Beattie, accompanied by-". H. Soett,
� ' � 0
NowEs.-The apple packers tire on tile road. and base )ilia, and wheu they got — 6 eally I -A fell. The early raing have other quarters, the office across the ing on the railroad with a x-elatioii, who of Toledo", and Miss M.'Hogg, of MoKil.,
'L .load; look out for your apples. Thos., near Me Thos Farqubarls (a brother of � Dayfield. hindered,& good many here in finishing street and the master to the Northwest. is a contractor. There i's'a , lop, are spending a few days this week
great num. . ,
P., Harrison sells from 250 to .806barrels Willioni) his dog set up such a racket - NOTF4,-Divisiors Court was hold here harvest, but we think with tits OxCeP- The old stand is now much repaire(I and 'bar on the sick list, among them in with friends at Bluavale. Much. to the'
�� of apples every year. Me Thos. Welsh, that it frightened the horse, which on Saturday last; Judge Davison oil the tion of very few tilt are done now. Tile beautified- being yet a general store by Mrs Grantham, wilio has been very regret of the small boy, Vitt very Mrs
li of the 7th conq picked eight barrels Of broke away and returned, to its stable- Bench; the Bar was represented by threshers are very busy arrind bere tit C. McClelland & Son. But I saicl the but there are good hopes of her race , r I to the delight of the mothers, the pablW
�1. apples off one tree, and Me Wise, of the -Me Farquhar was very glad. indeed to Meiqrs Segar,, Proudfoot and rowan; pre'qetit. I office is now, across the street. Surely now. The editor of the Blyth p er school re-openea last Monday. A. gooa-,'
t. Bayfield lln�, picked 18 barrels of apples get back his horse thus easily, but the only decision of importance was --* a.— I it is not kept'in Billy Morrison's tmvern? forgot to mention that ha shared a ut deal of sickness prevails in town, ana�
�,�' off one -tree. Mrs Lindsay, Huron -road, farmers are manifeFoing a good deal of regarding an interpleader summons; the I Kinbsitria. Oh ! no. That conspicuous place is mow
i the same fate as'Dr. Young, in the cricket ,the doctors are kept very busy. Rev.
i- said seven dollars worth of cherries off 'uneasiness at tile possibility of their I& ,owns now, which
I. one tree; who eon beat this. Air David horres being stolen. . wyers all weak 1, Tin., F,tcToyty.-Mr J. R. Murray -de. no more, as is also its renowned landlord, match, at Blyth. The Blyth corres- Air Magahey and Me 0. *, Papst, Avitlk�
. makes them loqk much better; law is 9, -in at the Commercial hotel now altered to an- pendent of the NEW EltA made a slight their families, for a couple of weeks oii�;
r. Carstilon has paid. $16 for the pears ,rhe N'r.w ETIA Will be sont to ney stibwrlb- funny thing anyhow, you think ),on clarei the amount of, milk taken I store by A.
�'� the cheese factory is good cen,,ddering the other enterprising genera mistake, in. sa,ying the, cricket match jbyed camp life at Grand Bead, 6ii. th4p;
P from one tree. Me John Fraser, Bay- ers to the eud of the year, for 2.3 Cent..,' trofill. have a grand case until you get into
�� field con.,has about a dozen pooch trees . -0 court then your ideas are all scattered ary weather and the scarcity of f(&a' Taylor, has been reared on the debris, was between Blyth and Lonaesboro, for shores of Lake Huron; they returned tq
is re . MTr 'Niurray disposed of P number Of and the keeper has gone to the Wflat- there were only three players from here, tawn last Saturday, feeli uch,
1� I w - rui ; govern. a . Dungannon. quicker than a sparrow could take break- Clatij upon clang two -I sooty smithies" .
.. -, �oken down with.their heavy load; . - Some ladies here got up all ex- hogs to the Messrs. Robb., of Seafortb, and they were chosen on different sides; benefitted from their outing. Miss X,.�
� A fast. used to jar, one north from the last don't try to raise your villagers in the Killoran, who has for some time past
� . - w - -- id we could 'not raise peaches in Briyers.-Viss Minnie Thompson lilts cellesit picnic the other day ; there were at a good price.
� . Early in the morning, and'in gone to Lucknow. 'Air P* F. Hamlen PERSONAL. - Mr., 1�. N. Adams, of named place kept by Clark, who went estimation of the public, by making toalght in one of the departments of the
Huron. four Church of England clergymen at ., to Blyth, the other again across street false statements in the papers. Out! public school here, left last week. -for
I eek. We Sault Ste Mario, Michigan, hag been � I
I - it and a Catholic priest -, they had !ill h
i , all directions is heard the whistle of the visited Clinton during the w
�1 . engine, betokening the Threshings; crops are glad to learn that Mrs William sorts of good things, and there were hot - visiting in this vicinity for the past few from this. Methinks I yet seethe smit village nimrods are on the, war path Cairo, Mich., to take it similar. position
on the aveiage ar� fair, but sprilig Crawford is im roving. Inspector days. He was an route for Cobourg of this latter shop in his ancient trim, again. Rev. Me Ramsay is home again', there; her sister, Aliss Kate Ikitlorin;
'ties ana bottles of ale there; they had a blackened. , -s . Mri
- wheat is a failure. Me H. Murphy, of Paisley has visites our town once or, with his eldest daughter whom lie par- with countenance tanned and after his holiday trip. Rev. Me Rogers has been appointed list . iscliessior
1� ' are Pleasant sail after supper with Captain .5 me only such labors produce, yet intelli-
� the 16th con., is under medical treat- tvAce. A few Wee times and we pose leaving to attend college for a has returned from his holiday trip, and McMichael, of Buffalo, is stay ing at Mi;
. our residents Ross, some felt sick arid wePe glad to lots .or
inent for what is supposed to be a cau. af raid some of will be time. -. Me Aditins looks as though gence beals'4ng forth in anecc will. occupy his pulpit here next Sunday O.J.Clmrkels.� WessuderstandthatDr.
11! cer beneath hi's tongue; we sincerely looking forward to his appearance with got landed again; we &)-a told sea sick- Uncle Sans',s country agreed Ikith him. argument, history or theology.' But ev,es,ib%, Air R. Adams has been to Mackid intends soon leavi4a for Ger.-'
1". hope no serious results may follovi the Some anxiety. Miss Minnie McMath, ness is a delightful feeling, esoeciallv , Scotch Wallis Allison no longer stands G.i is Oamp:Gromids for a few aays. many, to spend some illonthe in the
1) i 11 nrs.-Mrs John McMichael is at I
after a picnic. This cold sna has I d "I [gth faileth as Dr. Rose tals of tha7tcouutry. JY1r R. Jamie.
L---- who for some time past has been mak- pres visiting friends at Seaforth, at the forge. 'When stroll is greatly improving his house hospi
, ailment. most of our Yisitors to think of home. . ant NI. Taylor, of Harriston, is visit. his has done, thp man is changed and on Main street. It is reported that siln returned this week froin his semi-
' Mrs.8primiger arid family have returned
I The NEW RRA will be sent to new subscrib- ing ]ter home in Lucknow, returned to Mrs'J. 2
�. twi; to the end of the'year, for 23 cents vaiih. Drgantion a few weeks ago. Miss to Alontreal after spending some months ing the parental roof this week, at Mrs not much remaineth of his former pro- some of our villagers are-rosing their annual trip to the CId.00 * sultry nlftrket;4.
k L bbie Hamlen, of -Goderich, is at pres Win Snell's. Me Jae Powers went to minence, so he has given w&Y to V- garden produce at night, and early in EXTERTArNIKENT.-At,the Temperance
, - at the old homestead. MisEr Brierly, -
1, West Wawanosh. ant visiting her cousin, Miss Je"ie who'bia's- been the guest of Miss Erwin Bruce Mines, hearing bie ,son was Vannorman, who now owns this shop therifornings; it seemsthat whenthings Hall, last Monday evening, a very plea-
. � -
COUNCIL. -A council meeting wits hold Ham�Z. Miss McKenzie, of Toronto, drowned, but oil arrivisig found his son Another shop of the same kind by J. ,tart to go they go with 0, rush. sa;nt time was spent by the Good Tein-"
�, Stewart further down sti�eet. Well,
r oil the 20th lilt. 'Members all- present. returned on Saturday,, after a pleasant for several weeks, has returned to Lou- well and at work on the C. P. R. A . t ,,"Ill, ow when ATho NEw ER.& will be sent to new ilubscrib-' plars And their frietids. The holl wag
. . . also gone I a gi n , -cuts C8,01
i , , 'rhe min�ltes of last regular, and two visit among friends. ' Miss McIntyre, is don. Peter McDonald has good many of our sports. attended the but where od�sen his inn are removed? org to thq and of the year, for 25 a . - filled to the doors. It was the occasion
� special 13186tillgS, were rela and passed. visiting friends here. Miss Emma back to his office in St. Pants; both he races tit Seaforth on Friday last, and a Billy Morrison ougo . . . of doing honor to one who has been- in
I and'his brother James from Washing. -also go to 61inton. Me Yes, but I'm astray. The Police.Viagis� . Wing4alli. active worker in the temperance cause
I . On motion of Messrs Lockhart �Ild Pentland has gone for a visit with'lier good many will
�. . - friend Miss Treleaven, of Luckno*. ton, have been apending a few weeks Jas Willison hag gone to Seaforth to. trite I believe extends big jurisdiction 131PROVEMENT8. - St. Paul's Chui-cli, during the time of his stav in
� to the trustee i of .the separate school* Miss Mattis McDonald, who for Some folk. work, for Air Lyoms. ' He will pr( "by the Scott Act to thl ,
.1 Purisin, the clerk was ordered to write .
with the old ,they are two line s billuslet. Well, whioll,wasstruckby lightnin�g this sum- -which has been about five years. W.,
�1' � - . � � young men indeed. Jobin 'Gerninhili-t 3bably at least I save that there was now a fin a, . hoolist refer to Mi- J. Edgar Kent, of Me Ed.'
them a , move there afid by this arrmigement we , mer, has been repaired. The Met
I askilig to refund the tax to the time past has been vislting� friends in
. has been on a trip to the- world rom Drick place, south of the old P. O.,
�'� * trustees of U. -S. S. No. 7, wronkfully, Ingersoll, returned home oil Thursday_ to. -Marie, Ile iook up will lose one of our best citizens. Oar new I ' Church looks better in a new ,cost of McFaul's dry goods store, who leavo,4
' owned Sault S buyers are ever on the look out for where the meary traveller is well receiv- , .
� paid to the , separate school. James accompanied by- her little idece. Me - pain Me John Hanna is transferring, here on Saturday for his, sIa A .1 I.:
, ,and horses-, cattle, 1�riibs sheep, &c. ,Me qd, the host, & worthy one, called Sandy tile g'gravai - pit bit John St., into a to.',re'side in future, The
P , land there during the Pickford favei Li. . most* g .. .-,
. � -
�' , . Mrsllin,�&jdlj' E- NtLegftle presented-. Malay, of Auburn, occupied the pulpit is no . w . i � n . town . ; I he says they . call IiIiii(i si 0 1
claims for, damages done vehicles caused of the Methodist' church on Sunday R. Bell, of Newark, Dakota, made us a Stewart. Yes, and I sea oil the oppo t splendid building lot. TheAgricultltral presided over in good style r � ,
by obstruction oil road. 390 actiolfwas evening very acceptably in the absence a ti� there now fit to live in in short visit on Alonday last e and reports side a little way on another hotel which society are rapidly getting a new track Wilson, who, after the openi g a erei is
a .�.. .
� tb,!'.O.usd but he does not warrant it .
�.. I - of the ,pastor, Who was officiating for tbingo'godd in the west, but the crops I remember used to be kept .by Dave made and having the grounds put in made a very. neat speech'6 its Is to.thl
� . taken, owing to lack of particulars in . .
o I frost proof. - The Go and Came ' - McCartney, this has lately opened. - In . *
� 1% the first case, arid because the council Rev. Me Howell, of Seaforlh. We are are not Lip to the averagis. shape for the fall show. The C P,R. is occasion, after whicli he called upon th
, v
I down the other �, serenade Moore- , in
- . was in no way responsible, . in tile pleased to learn that Mrs Dr McKay is igbt air The Nr.w E'ttA will be sent to ilaw subscrib- early modern times Thompson, a elloe- busy putting in a number of switches, Rev. Joseph Mb9oy, of the Egmoil
r second. A grant of 75 ceuts per rod improving in health-, and we hope soon house arid Swar4 hotel; the st orb to tlip.*eud of ilia year, for 23 cout,4 (IRS11. malier, and Win. Bengough, a tailor, & , Me George F retwell is puttisiJAM Piesbyterian church, (of which also M
, seemed too strong f6r the lads, as they -.'.-..0Q0-- - . came .the latter being still here, 'knd- C i around his,place - Kent was precentor) to make a few�.rc
� . was given for 40 roas gravelling between to see her out again. Preparations are � I hanilsome fenec I
� got tumblea'over on the hill side; we from what I have seen of him,his nephew olonVic
h . 18 and 19 con. S. Communication from being made for the harvest home fes- are very fond of music and like to hear 31arnoch. . ' toria street. The rooms over R. Orr's, marks, -and to read a beautif any illumi
I* county clerk Certifying that $2501.34 for tival oil Thursday, and 0, good time ill . Loc.ti, 11APPEININas.-The farstiers are " Grip" has in him no mean forerunner occupied by MissClark as a dressmaker's noted and mounted addr6ss, elgised 6
general purposes and $270 for school anticipated,. Quite a sitimVer of dwell. the boy* Wqw the, horns, it. takes us back busy making preparatiolis for th . in natural talent. Tha,, ways to grace" shop, are being plastered and thoroughly the principal officers of. the differ%
arants is required to be raised for the . houses are being freshened up by to the good ola times when B. Holman of full wheat., and Rltogether 8 sowl"I are yet the same, only the addition of overhauled. Mrs Cook has two new temperance and religious societies t,
�. - � in of L. .- � I llniscopml church. Ili the Methodist
� county, by this * municipality, for the tOe painterIbIbrash, which adds greatly used toTlay under the leadershV this summer wits glylQL but that does an A. houses, Mr John Ainaerson One, and Mrs which Me Kent belonged. An address�'
, - . I in charge, and I see ,
I . ;;urrent year, was read and recehred. to the appearance of our village. It is 09mop , and A. Walivin beat the big ot appear to diminish the amount to be Me Aurwash ' 12 91. Leary another good new house near- accompanied by a piebe of silverivata
I drum-, pciorfellov-131"e haveallorossed Is I many a hoary head among the hearers, ly ready for occupation. Nodoubtthey was also presented solely on behalf a
i I Warrants foe the raising of school 1310- rumored that the council has granted the river slid we must follow Flown , Harvest being over the
I , oors./Dr. inost of the planters of the church yet will be fined at once,.as empty houses- the members of the Good Templet
L ney, signed by the trustees of the differ- the sum of $60 for the erection of a new 5 ambitil.19111.1iTouth takes an. occasional �
i Staiiburyisei-ectijigafine,l)i-ickveiieerea lia*tening to the ,,droppings from its are very scarce here. .
L itions, were rea&and the amounts sidewalk. A valuable horse belonging I
I ant see . � 11 Me. 9troll in the evening arid- very' often lodge, by Mrs A. Scott and Miss A. Hunt
� - cottage fronting the square ; Jell sanctuary." Oil the southern ilipland? Me Kent replied to both addres *
�, d. Anthony Black to Me Thos Anderson died last week-, .rd. with no.' C,IUGHT X -
ordered tobe levid Leod is the.contractor. Pascal Charret comes meandering homewa I soldmis and austere, the old Presbyterian .j.kppWg. - What promised During t vesting I go
� was granted lumber*for drain in Dun- foir NVIlich, with a colt, he paid $200 ; the light of t4jsk,irioon to to be a nice little elopement between a, suitable terms- tVh,e,e
1� gannon. The usual grants of $20 each it will he quite a loss. We understand has rented his farm to Joshua Snider. tb I ilig Havc i Ii church stands. Ili former days Rev A. hallason-lb -tonsorial artist, and a piece dresses appropriate to a ciseicirs Welp
t. August Charret ties sold his farni to 91 ide him it I s loneliness, Fall and
1 . were, voted to the Dungannon and the that )Ir Win Fowler has sold )lie house McLean also of Blyth, was pastor, but
i Lucknow shows. I -ich. We Joseph Gelens; botb1a)-nis now ev Gee. Law; these two pastors of ewes .
Moved by Alt, Dismiss, and lot to Mi Ward, of Godei are oil Sauble win er apples aro scarce, but plums, t sixteen femillity, to come.off delivered by the Rev. J. E. Howell
� . . title, Stanley. Capt. N'oble is in Port . gropes etc, are it fair crop I Mr Agnew, 11 . a heart. Saturday morning, got cruelly slipped in. Mayor Beattie and Air J. A. Wilson
. � &e-,onded bv Me Lockhart, that a grant would be glad.to see Vr Want at re -Il. sr�lk ` ioviticyarduf the section. It reside in the village having each , Park, the. bua. The y6ung lady'S father, it Messrs. Hollis and Pittman each gaye .
, iven towards building III siae- dent -of Dungannon. with his 4chooner, lie takes away tile ", I eeps " tiful manse or parsonage, but M recitation. Musical sele6tions Wep.
.? - Of $60 be g . - . engine andl)oiler billonging to the gov- ol do a iTy porsoff good to call and the Episcopal minister cornes from seems, objected, to tile artist'as a son -in- 11 bly Ali, Young, Me James Scott
. vf%lk in Dungannon. -Carried. A spe. —4 — -e since sbc 1) ins. The stone work of the bonses 0 11.,Iv, but ihis did not demp; the fire -that , vs
� -,i&l grant of $20 was given towards " , ornmerft, having,reinained list aa IN a in is completed, Blyth. AnILD.isnowabletoput ut ff. A. Scott, and ,Nlisseff r,,iving an!
15 and 16 colt. I. m,tii, . Addisoi built the fence. Geminhardt's Of -101111 al"I If -feC "it his- slslingle, a AfrUcKenzie, who has raged Within his breast. Lovelaughsat Marray. Dan Moran, the ]lost all(
gravelling betweell . . cider mill bas started Once more to give of,,, tile carpenterfi have commenced a fail locksmiths, but the lady's"father is not . lisual, Oil hand, 6 ,.'
� The follow!) g estirliates for the year 8uow-,-,� I)L,%.-ru,-We regret to claron. 'It I'Llid 11 flidtly - practice. The,, village Diurniur" sl�
. little more Cider too." Alril WlLt. their %vork; 31ossrs MeW , a locksmith. -Filial preparations were author, Ivas, as .
I n, ' )oli:-Countyrate§.5�-?7l icle the sudden death of .Mrs Uobt. Tay- us ".ft at the evening'A close, when tile youth, 06 during tile progress of the meeting wei�
. � wereameed ering sloWly, she lilts hall a 'If myth, a)-ol tile carpenter -i and Lin- i` .nd the %ptitlemany slitiger of
� �,� d a d bridge, $1820; salaries, loc, who died on Monday last, Dedeas- 8011 IS recov now of the tbird,generation from the EL11 Made, 8 lit Y Putting i�tQ ,P()Ctry the evenillil,
I. 1 34 ; ir� ill for a short ti but severe' ttaick of'intianitnu, ry rbiounia- dollbtLtIly thly will nialte a good -qub- tlers, enga is ill nd tile cricaiiiy lather wrote, her a letter re- Is close Of I
MOO I. chwri y, $250; printing and sta: !d ll�d only been me, but -!o , * il daugh. trly� sot - MI sports, a -notions, proceedings,'aii(l before ilia
, .. - I . � 11 -, f�� . 1'. "I - ,itantial wovI(, Mrl�, Little all �, - . - - --I 4.I).'---4.----1 ith love and final inati
lially auvuun,bod -to--th-&-lerrime di tigin H rlllst-� & I'll g 1.11�� I . -1. plet - ce-the-b mmefit,i
tii�sia tdo ; sulutrics, $30 . Mov a u --- TZT1,17, TI -1.6 visitin -� fiii-ei-id,-& jhiIk-ff=;- i-fteetiii,,t-g4t,ve-4be-au,cVelI. I
ise, tyt)hoid fever. Iler rom�ins were up to" - , tel- alid Alvs ing Lilt( entruste it to 0,
y; e .ionic o1sys, his Sit l lilt lit Roms,orcr, ,6w his production, which Was Of R 111111101
by Afes4f§ Darnin and Lockhart that 6 oil " F, tile former's sister, Mrs '131'et?. Miss to the temperament of my mind, t - . This lie failed to do with
'of M t, - ee of many participants odeliverit -, broke tip at,
� for the purpose ising the above int rred in tits Union Cemetery, on Taea C()"E;O(jlieiioeoftli,ii'lli�egg, 0"i-sellools PortLINiOld 1111'.4 gOlIC tO Wirigliftlil to to tile prosell hifj accustomed"baution, and. the father ous natlire. Tile meeting ' lis
amounts a county rate of 2 1, 10 mills, day morning last', and followed by It opened again Mdlitlav, our teachers are * - strange to me, ,and the subjecis of their reason6,T)IC hour, aii(I all left the
Itud a township rate of 1 U-10 mills PC" large concourse of sorrowinj friends. safe back ah,ur, thu'llolillays. Brown, visit. it, xgnew retto ned to his school coniforts also(listant from my knowledge. got it, with the result that tile artist, in* $oil with the evetlin proceec
who was so ill -court day "' not to be last ive'ek, Ars ltobt Scott is confined ssivelanatiage, is "011t two well plea
a tile She leaves a hasband ani child to mourn - . I Is illaoss. " But some of the'.N.EcCreo,%, Owns's and his own expre, � :1,111 go wit
� lollar alson, Bufficient rate tormisf MrTaylor and the relatives uble to be present,has revived; be is go. to Ile'! 1`1 t'llo 19 Several I Bra nolon's still remains, they being the . faces rind a wife," ings. The be -it wishes of
differ��t school monies be levied, and her lose. -less alki, Mi- Kent, wife and'family, its they 41
-a- of the doeemsed have the heart-feit sym. ing to build it large brick stable for Ale cases of vrovalent summer Cons Iftilit 111 f4tryllerg in theininlediate neighborhood, S.kNIT,ilty.-Vor a perfect] y Use t from our midst. . . .. .11
that a by-law contirining seine be*i Idders Alarks. Polin McLeod, at-., is building this vieinitv., '.Xrs-)1C1)011(tIT left for offensively stupid Board of Health,coni- P411, � I
parea.-Carried. kt. 11, Anderson was pathy of this comoinuity in their si a new brick honse. Our livick maker is Torouto lasi week. F red Pearls is inak- while the more distant have irr fewer meria us to the Wingbaill board. Not - —... - . ..
. appointed collector for the otirrent yeA.11. borqa(emont, keeping his . yard Oear this year, Saint]- ing I% few Call" before'lie leaves for school ill8t"0011 rouloved. The country here content. with hiBolent and overbearing E,ast Wttivalnosil-, ... I
Mr Win. Durnin tendeved Ilia resigna- Bitimi-Miss Hamilton, of Staffil, is again. The East WrLwanosh Literary Is now becoming what it formerly t towards private parties, they . I I �
the bricks faster than tlidy can be ssuadc' gave evidence of, a fine agricultural dis- condue 13PLUS.-Mr Walter'McGo,vvaii W
. tionastownship treasurer. The clerk at present t' he. gueat of Mrs J. M. Hamil. The Nj;w EBA Will be sent to new subscrib. Society still continues to flourish; meet- re is a goo grain ising 'MossV8.111glis . N
was instructed to ask for applications tem. trict. Hero the * d ' mar. have succeeded in car family have the sympathy of the anti
Dr and Mrs Sloasi left town on erg to tilt! and of the year, 1`01'23 UellttI C411411. ings, are held monthly as yet ;, the tit- It, Armstrong a great deal of annoyance, eoulmlinity in thc� death of their AdAli
for the office, said applications to be in Thursday last for a trip to the U. S. . - tendance lit the Iftsi'mecting was good ket, and cheese factory for farmers to which, if not discontinued, may result ter, Mrs R. Taylor, ' of Blyth, wh6 ai,
by 12 o'clock, September 10th. The Capitol, Waohinqton. Ave wish them a 'barielft di lose of their produce, arid can got in their removal frolu our tow".' Intbe on Monday illorning, af ter a short Mile
trip. rbe Rev W. Craig, of to thof4v that ta,ke all interest t1lerem. -
following acconuts. were ordered to be the, r wants supplied Ili nearly every
. , Ifill'o Green. and shows signs of being a great 18 � ill pond stands as it is r; she had not been 300
paid: -Wm. Massaill,miliding gap,$1.25; 814111.11.1" ocoupied the pulpit of the Eng- NEAS ITEX8.-Alessrs Charles alid --4.— particular from our tradesman, but I nicantime the in 1 6f typhoid feve ��
breaking James Troyer took in the exursion t6 would think there is need of atin-smith, and that rk-packing establishment on ried two years. Me Mc
John Cantelon, culvert an lish church last Sabbath,, The Rev A. Toronto last week. Mrs Win. McAllister v ACKU1010. Victoria Nto emits its offeAsive effluvia daughter, Mrs W. 9,tAct,h'),Wua',': a "'a'
't i
stones, $8, Mrs Jae. Glen, ravel, 010.40; W. Tonge, who Aas been home to the harnoss-maker and it boot and shoe store. issioll. ]Right in tliv;t th
ang grading hill, is at present visiting her parents tit Hay; Z11Tl.;io,,Ar Walker, votellilift Then there will be home trade, which without interns township, ,,lied. about tell men " "'
G. Armstrong, cutting old country, returned to town this week. ry sit W ,ill fifty yArds of Me, 0 i hi's sister, Miss h
we miderstiinid. slic intends returni, w, who is sick at 11. a highest acquirement neighborhood, and itl SH 11111 . J .ku
�, and graven- . geon of Luckno - to Clinton to at -W,
$49; David Hardy, gradin On Monday evening Constable Davis K will be the village' i as of ty phoila f - ' tend tho'C'
Ale billi)s, Ogravel, s5.50 lodged a voting man from the count shortly to her home fix MichigD,',. 1%0 hostse of his brother-in-law, Mr David in business life, but' there is every pro- that pill,co, are four cSs in need have One as Ellen
' ' I * ry David Forrest, soil of Air J 1"Orrest, 14catt, is slowly recovering rom the a(- liability this will be 0. seat of r6tirement or. 'Sanitary mi legiate
. sick, in tits cooler for a few hours, for lim- Stanley, returned ho,,,ae 1�st week -, lie feet of a paralytic stroke. looking after, but any school boy could 6owass and N. Laidlaw
! L low show, No doubt he would be Me JOSaPh suitable fof any persou, ONV�ng,to its be. nor
c' ' � x' P �2� I
itio -iall' f ittersin Winghm institute. Alias
. D - � g' 2n' On how I have rstut
5" .
, 50. Council . 'is' I I to , litles -sense mail from a two we
d Is, t q. t ploper Conduct. had been absent, ill ilic States for the Gibsouisalsorecovering from-aseVere n f attire. common site visit to Mid "A 9 '
.,I at I� ..... lj� K. M 'Ice I 9 I do it in a more
, N "",
.1" township thoroughly cooled before his release. coming features and faci I leaves on S&
clerk. Past fivq Y.'airg. Ur Uen, 11art, teabber atta6f-6f inflinumation of the bowels. I may agaill have Rii opportunity of than our local board Of health I as bee" Me Howard McGowan olle'd,
The famous Wizzard 0A Co. struck town so far. Atend tile Business . I 'L�
i "A. 11, Hay, gold Ilia driving pony to The thisitees of Walton school have all- Tr,l I ,
.---*&— on Monday last, and gave one'of their .14 giving you, a sketch of this old Olage doing Es -Mr -Robt, Abrithall, hagSt"I't- day to a Falls, O . ,"-a
open air Concerts in the avettiniv, ,,7 ' Me Hawksho,W, of See,forth, for the neat services Of Miss X J- HiUM at , Minus (late. Yours, Suslactl0r.1t. NOT Chatham. AIrs S.
Stanley.. -Ijffigy 11 limber shop here, we dbil't I. , in I d,',';,
sum of 51 10. Miss Lizzie Love is spend- 91,901, the le for 188$ -, Miss Hillan, for. . - ad a fourt I has been quite ill for soln , I -,
, - I ",;:, , , ,
Buminx(i.-The brick wolIk of ),dr only remained in town s;*O""`a&ys, As. AS prin-ill , a to make � living,but under the care of T� d0dtlki, -19'
Ing a few weeks with hot sister, Mrs ght in the junior gection wit), I, suilalline. � know how he expect .
Donald Smith's new house is now corn- 9V UD to their expects. &W,sl *i6g,'W " ,
business wits !, srl-rly tail F rank Me W. Nicol, of sallf6 a lil I ,4",
Young, of Colborne; she -is expected success- Tits farmers are busily on- BRIEFS.-ROV Will Kennedy preached lie may possiblyi,scro,pe" along.
pleted. The cRi-parsters see now busy, :l'3'lr6 NfOX'sition ant' Miss home this week, A bible class conducted gaged in sowing their fall wheat,I some Ilia farewell seernion hereon Sunday last. A. Itobbins' circus exhibited here on the jurea by being thrown Off'06 80p'
ana will soon be ready for tile staters '�Da',,'ai'l �,"un"g ledve town next Week to Ull; it Was a good circus and fairly well oil accou lit of t1lo lielius takilig elgol - ,
-1� tt� ng a sea, by out: pastor, lvlr Acheson, insets in have nli-gady ;;Own q1oitga bit, wbilc lie intends going back to college, and 2 1 , .*..., � , *
,,who are expected. Soon. . d the you I ol, ml tile ball eachAlonday evening; the class, others tire waiting anxiftly for raill. mded. Tile snarly who knew James aii atigine, is tillilb U be VA i
", tile Rev Mi, Long will,officiate next Soil- aittx = .. - � , �b
PExtsoxiii.-MraJoseph Dimbar, arid Whitby. Mrl).B.McKinnouhM . place, will be sorry to DG11 lilt% 801d t
I then It started only a short time ago, is gest child Ot MkWnl 11.arklo I this Me AVIII. MCGO
-Rev P. XU8grOVC bath. The yonin 1, .! tj�to - 0140. WIMbi
daughter, of Aslifield townsliip� are iat the services of Mr Harry Jessup, of Tilt: NOTITHIVERT. Ilia health has allsiost entirely Watqon & SniRh fat ,
- largX attended, and will be Of great delivered a ,.,cry interesting liticture to Menary, died on Wednesday ioivoning of wo Crutch -
r sent oil a visit to friends in Stanley. Toronto, as salesman in his dry goods .barafit to tiviso who come Out. Last f. f miled him, and lie has to use t Stowext,jr.,lof t oil Saitivar-Y t6le Va&
gre Gee. Anderson, of this township its atore. Mr R. E. Waugh, formerly sta- a number of his congregation and others last Week, and, was buried on Friday a Pet around; his wife, is reported to 11p,Will r;mAin. ther6 *It rough the Wili
. , Friday evershig a nnmber of young 0 terstoon in Brussels. MiggM. Rogerson as to 9 � .'",
.. ,
I ,
�iiearty "'
� I
8 - as
. .n.11y. t ".'
I , r
I .,a
. gone On a visit to, Ilia sons ih Dakb tion agent here, and wife, are at present C' in Duff's chureb Wn Sunday evening. ing him by working in it * I IN cohq --- -1 -1. Rev 1,
I I pie assembled at the residence o?Mr )) ;a.turday night from her be on 3ort . if, Ise �gets -
His subject was the "Northwest and returned oil 1, lothry'. A large ,lumber of. the, -64f6ft,�bf Benmillet, is inaefatigabh
I Acat6rNt,--On Tuei evening while (;pending a few holidays with friends in John Dams, where a very plaMant tinio Miss Willis, of George- bacclo is n are forA40 big, exertions to mointain good fbeli
I Mr Donali Ross Wag Working n6ar the 'town.,, Some of gur.japotte attended the I he gave all account of his travels there, visit to Blyth. M weeks. -with er young men around tow . .' "A . .
- I Mr . . -y- -0 -mid- 6dvAhce re
I., I -6 dipp .- 'in his fail races at l9enforth lost week. Was Rpent-, the party was--mmIde for inciaem to his att6ndalrea at -the Geller, towho is s.p0haing a fe, 011ii .M.C.S.4111 y hold theifulcot.106�Zvek, � , Aigioug Work amotig
b0ded h 4 ,and fell tow d Master a ohn Dun a, whorwas home frbm al Assembly held in Winnipeg'.' He aid- cousin, Miss Fe nnie Newcombe. g esto,bilid1l0iblit. We, )eop,ld . hioll lsi-i
� r against the fail if Exeter, spent a -,ota on a visit; he left for that place vise all young %vbo intend going Haslem, of Bruf �Iack has got his . .
. ruck his %libulde men lgels, formerly 0 Homutll)s Clothill tilb 111118iC Class IN
. . he st as Southoott, 0 a Da� f Sail- lilb*, wl�bn-. Silica N W, eakly is le6rgialy attended 4
and dialdcated it. With the assistance in town-thig week. Messrs Will and . On Monday 'With it vio1v of farming,n6t to leave shine, paid tiff a flyinj ay W.1 I tieta ,a
, of this week, carrying with West 9 visit oil Saud I lb`i4nW41&&rry`�'0'gXbt anthusimilti, comptUly i of Cling d
. � .
cof the �tk of I day n town - hit gCod wishes of many friends, Miss M. Conery has returned, tile C.P.R. Comm � oil ii. �6,4 . ad of dM4
doctor....thoLjoint wag put right'an& 01. inton, spout Son n tho ,gt. I I To ;P64
I, ". " I . '.. the proyince,Of Manitoba, an, there was Ib Is many of whom Come 9 ong d
. *,� -b9.,V ,4,W or" , adisTomes, 2,remld,dA.A� I . 1. .. - I , fidiA." I a the 04 been from here, tile
,.-%:,), - 041 - . '.
- J-&ALrI=f -,!,.�2=11, 1, ,,, iz-,"... I J010OUrkpilin-it, 90K,,,,V�ittlefd'. . Thd '05110 I
. ALLI.�; -1 - - Me Goo M60OWan Arew it 16&a bf
.. 1 1!��4qy
, , t
" , i#-h&�:::: I . 1, , 7k!
� �: �� ......... 1,w . ,gosh, whar
A '—wk -1,41., =-'L;IL, avW.N&�&,,Ae� ,A lawn go flaltdi.96utr wwl.f�ol# I