The Clinton New Era, 1887-08-19, Page 8275717.71P11 �` • —4 'I TON" NEW E ?FAINT,- A J ..1,901887. iI,OCA4N'.OTTCES 4,- Tis ss 44 last wokgf' BEES.ijrll . 4''', c7O'S , her late accldent, nnd is,aDia to. be arotunti • nes a 'RONA Sate, -.,'ea usual: -'-Mr Frank 'Ztilitehell, of Sarnia, Hoose to 404 or Al* Sale. i1,,pply to J, is s ending his holiday?; here. , It may be O arts n well to read elsewhere in this issue, what 'J WI,fO1J1;L , d ,.0.'•1 is Paid of pppleton's American Cyclopae- 1 pagd; douse 4 ;1{ot" /0' ands 'ap�'l'� din, Nr 4. Holloway leaves ter Toronto to, .P'.,,.,� ',, + ' .oa Mon.. ay; a says t ey -will have to �,, 11fAN1YIr't 4, SCOTT', 0 and Clinton, during his absence. Dr ri $0 per ceneDiscount 00,Ball Carriagesfor Foxton, who has been etoppiag with his • . Attest at :I?70KSON'S Rook S1'UItL�. cousins here for a few week, has decided 'WANTED.-d,i+W iitieFi. Phan, 1,000 buarh• on locating in Ingersoll ; he will likely;<lo• E FLOODY well titer@ MIs She pard Beesley & 4s ne of -Patel et .aa.m Tickets ' ishe*on of R SamSam � C. Grant, of this place,, hoe been en• Red to teach In. a school near Wbitby, eier§ Geer ]day, Hs-:Ct Ino and JL Ranee are ,x trleati g et,:Bayliekl. Mrs Morley lids irecovered front the 'effects of row:464 i, oltcttot f,IFnton d h h 'll bput .t� S,pl�nd� Hc'gde and Jog ft's' li tio�trt on extra magi service between that city t'8t. 10+ �raela, Apples, :.. .. , ? P Co a milliner left for her holidays on 3ICNS tER ANNUAL E%CURSIUN t° Naggara Falls and QfilwaTi'kCta onJY12, Qood fo r s days T4 canton Monday s horses an SaMturday. Picket and Mrs Geo d f t donor prea1CO at f l on a E. Paycelebrated their crystal wedding IIMPORTART ANHOHNOgsilgtkre, deservedly dl pis - t ;diaad wehope mond wed: anniversary-15th—on Monday; theyare in a &art time changes will be made in diug. Katie ogo ar n ow may liveMiss to observefitheirp Mayor Dougherty,Diitchell, is visiting ber ..„ th1,STEW I^tRA, winch will make it the uncle, ¥r D. A..Forrester. Mrs Lomond, - lskg�" est papeir in the ognh y, It lint already for a short time a resident here.•purposes the,ziame of being the best local paper in returning to the States to live. Mr S. v ��, Davis has been awarded the contract for '' H omit-sytgre,'bg•the best avail putting in, the heating apparatus of On - able valet for the. money. As an. induce.' taiio St. Modist church. Mrs David ;meet to new subscribers we. offer a trial trip Morrow hese? cided on returning to Gode- of the. NEW ERA, to the end ef'rthe year, rich to reside, as she could not purchase a suitable property here. The Brethern • for the small SUM :.of 25_ cede ins advance. bold a convention at Fergus about the 15th. This very cheap offer applies only to new of SeptemGer; most of those hereabouts, p4bsoribers, End we will regard it as a favor who -belong, will attend it. Mrs Walter ' x� o readers will mention this to their Coats, of Brussels, is hereon a visit. Mrs ?� vea Kerr bas gone on a visit to her daughter 'offends who are not subscribers, and thus at Goderich, the wife of Dr Taylor. Mr aid inir;oreashigapalreadylargecirculation. and Mrs Jos Crich leave on a trip to Cal - Hand ill your nan* right itiVay—not forget- ifornia next month ; they have a daugh- ter living in Ontario, Cal., (Mrs David ting to 'enclose 25 cents, stamps or silver— Elcoat.) An ash barrel on the premises and thus get the benefit of the full time. of Mrs Twist, near the station, was. dis ROBERT HOLMES, Publisher. covered to be on fire on Monday morning just in time to prevent it doing injury. One of the traces on Cooper & Son's de- gplV1X g>ij1f. livery horse broke on Monday, and the • of throad UOI) ESS CUA GES.-1Mr Albert May befo a any otherwas–runto damagethetwa d de on Sta- bs 'bought Mr Fitzsimons' butchering tion Agent Pattison bas been confined to outfit, and will continue businees in the bed for several days by summer complaint, stand lately occupied' by him. Mr B. J. and is still in a very dangerous condi- Crosson, of Tackersmith, has bought out tion. Ex-Mayorl T. D. Hodgens, of the grocery business of Mr Kenney, and London, and Geo Hodgens, Jeweller of took possession on Monday. Mr Crossou Toronto, were among the visitors to town 'bas about rented his farm, and'Mr Ken- this week. ,The families of Messrs S. •ney leaves shortly for California for the Davis and J. Cunninghamo, who have benefit of his health. - been camped eor three weeks on the banks BRIDGE ACCIDENTS.—The many rail-, of the Maitland at Holmesville, returned road accidents occurring through defective to town on Monday. The only trace oh- tained Po far of ulen bridges calls up the Desjardin's bridge from Messrs 14Iareneorse and Wand ltae yiatthat accident, which happened near Hamilton a man answeringto the description of the thirty years ago, whereby a tralu dropped supposed thief,and with a horse and buggy about 75 feet to the canal below and a like theirs, stopped in Kincardine last great many lives were losts Mr E.Holmes, Wednesday night. Mr Joe Chambers for than' foreman on'th, H eamilton Times, some time in the Organ Factory, thinks was 'one' o>f`stlie first ISCthe scene of of oin to Barrie. The Fire Co. disaster, and Major W' P. Murray, of had untended. taking part in the Tilson Clinton, then a resident of Hamilton, was burg Firemen's demonstration, on Wed- alaosearly.oii the -scene. burg made every preparation there - HELPLESSLY DRUNK.—One evening for, but it was found at the last minute ' last.week-as. it couple of gentlemen were that someof,those who had intended go- driving:along the Huron'road a short dis- ing could not do so,and the arrangements nitre weat•df town, they came across a then fell through. The Red Stocking Boise and buggy standing on the roadside. Base Bal1 Clnb play a game at Brussels Investigation, disclosed. the fact that the to -day. Miss Millie Holmes succeeded driver, a well-known character, had fallen in passing the recent non-professional out, being too " full" to retain his -seat; examination when it is remembered the lines, catching on the wheel, had that some of her. papers wee prepared brought the hors's to a stand just as the under the severe mental strain caused by wheel was about tepees over his neck. He the St. Thomas Calamity, her success is was just as happy as if sleeping on a all the wore noteworthy. Mr Sprague, feather bed, but the accident might have South Huron License Inspector, who has been a serious one for him. been away on a holiday trip,bas returned EacuRSloNs.—This is the excursion and resumed his duties, he being in town season and •travel in this line is very for s f purposefraof laying th sSco informs- , tions for infraction of the Scott Act on • large. On Tuiisday a well patronized cam- Tuesday. Mr Ainsley, bridge inspector, cursion from Brussels to Goderich was informs us that he has givrn instructions ran ; on the same day one was run from + to have Holmesville bridge fixed at once. Wangham to Sarnia ; it was only fairly 1 Mr Robt McCorkendale, of Morris, an old patronized• north of this .place, but it friend of the NEW ERA, called on us on gathered a large crowd �at Exeter. On Tuesday ; he believes that we are afore Wednesday a •Foresterg excursion was j _ho14ang•-t}u.r -owzi_-in _the- journalistic held between Goderich and Brantford; and race and has nothing but good words for to-day(Friday) the Knights of Labor be- I us. Thanks. Messrs Julius Carson and -tween Stratford. and"Godericbescurt to J- Rattenhury admitted violation of the the latter place, and on the 27th there Scott Act last week, and were fined ac - will be an excursion to Niagara Falls. cordrngly. 'lir Robt Elliott, one of the AccIDENT.—Last Sunday afternoon as publishers of the Listowel Banner, gave Messrs Macdonald and Stewart were driv- us a. call last week ; be is an enthusiastic ing along Erie street in a livery rig, the Foresters, being one of the head officers, horse took fright at a buggy,covered with and attended Court Maple Leaf while in canvas, standing in front.of Mr Cottier's town• The friends of Mr Douglas Mc - residence, Before coming up to the bug-' Tavish, Stanley, will be pleased to learn gy, and even before the driver knew what , that he is recovering from a severe illness. the horse was afraid of, he plunged wild- Mr John McLaughlin, of the base line, ly to one side, and would likely have got was laid up on Wednesday, by summer away only that he flopped over broad- complaint, and is hardly able to be around side into the ditch, which fortunately yet, Mrs Robinson and daughter, of In - was not very deep. Macdon Ott, who was gersell are theguests of Mrs Ferran. Mr driving, was thrown from the buggy,frac- H Pennebaker, who has been working in .taring one of the bones of his shoulder in St. Paul, Minn., for a short time, has the fall. The horse escaped with •a few returned to town. The Doherty Organ small scratches," but the buggy was con- Co. band went to the Guelph tournament --siderabiy wrecked,_- _ _ yeste!.day;•we,lope, they come back suc- SAnvATlox ARMY CHANGES—Recently -easeful competitors. fill@ wtf arid`datlgli= certain new regulations were issued by ter of Mr W. Robertso• are visiting at the head officers of the Salvation Army, Wingham. Mrs. Scott, Toronto, mother but some of the soldiers here,as elsewhere, of Mr Lawrence F. Scott,.Sormerly of this them too exacting and refused to town, is dangerously ill, and not expected thought torecover. Messrs Moffatt and Moore, abideby them. The consequence was that the corps here was disbanded by have lo gonlately e toInglewood ,ton follow the FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS, AT DIIJKSON'S : BOOKSTORE, orders_fxom_headq'narters and a re -or tani- me -employment Mr George-Robinson- zation took place on Friday night; o al has gone on a holiday trip to Paris, Galt a who were willing to accept the new con •and other places east. Mr E. Floody wife ditio,nof London,nand al Capt. Andrews of d shipped 75 baskets of plums on Wednes- Goderich, superintending. The Capt.and day. On Tuesday Mr Ainsley, Road In - Cadet here remain as before, but all who epettor, with Reeves McMurcbie, of Clin ton, and Walker, were soldiers under the old order'of thinsf '1'uckersmith, insneet- are not recognized as such now, although ed the new iron bridge over the Bayfield allowed to part•icipaile in the meetings. river, and finding it satisfactory, took it off the contractor's hands. On Monday RouGus. –= Late on Saturday night next the follow') ,r members of the Huron Constable Tedford arrested a couple of Rifle Association go to Toronto to con - young men belonging to Godericb town- test matches tl„ire :—E J Courtice, N ship, named Geo. and Wm. Smith, on a Robson, J Johr,-ton and W Gregg; the charge of being drunk and disorderly. first named will also go to Ottawa, to take Before he succeeded he had to strike on a part in the Dominion Association matches. over the head with bis baton, call in the Mr John Boles is comfortably located in assistance of a passer-by, and was cut on his new house. The Cliuton Woollen the back of the head with a stone thrown. Mills are not closed down as sonic may by on`e of them. They remained in the suppose,but are still running for all kinds cells -all Sunday and beiug brought before of custom work, ted will so continue. The Mayor Whitehead, on Monday,both pleaei Misses Maggie and Hattie Reid, of Gode- guilty and Werit each fined $10 and costs. rich, are the guests of their cousin, Miss The Mayor told the one guilty of stone Maggie Paisley. Mrs James Patton, of throwing that his was a serious offence, Goderich township, is in town visiting and be should have been sent to Goderich relatives. Mr Will Jackson has returned for it. They were fortunate in getting off from his trip to the old country, which be as well as they did. enjoyed shing for a@little rough he aid he was we weather onjust ti:e BRn Tue dey W.toBf Laingrand aIn return trip to.see what a storm on the thet on . to join her husbandhasn Atlantic was like, and they experienced west. Mrs for time, who has been a dayof it off the coast of Newfoundland, ony the sick list for some time, lies entire-obut alf-an-hour's experience was quite 1y ronto, issd therefrom.gutof Mrs Biddlecombe. Wilmot, of sufficient to satisfy his curiosity. We are MToronto, the guest of Mrs shis in pleased to know that the wife of Mr W. aArthur havingtchell carries his band it.R. Lough is recovering from her late ill- s slim. run a large sliver in it. ness,aud is now able to -sit tip,. Additional '' 1 r Geo Melee intends shorty to leave loos, news on another age. for California for the benefit of his health. CLINTON. On POCKET BOOKS we will give JEWELLERY Ci SILVERWARE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS BIBLES . PHOTO ALBUMS AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS a discount of 25 per cent. 25 " « „ it it ,t 20 25 It It 25 11 25 25 21),25 20 25 25 20 ti fi 20 TE TAMENTS CUPS and. SAUCERS SPECTACLES PIPES VASES and CHINA GOODS VIOLINS and FIXINGS CONCERTINES and A000RDEONS WALL PAPER it (5 - „ CZ Lc st. it '5 „ BERLIN WOOLS, FINGERING YARN, &c 20 DAY Books Journals Ledgers, &e - 10 MOUTH ORGANS, we will give a discount of 25 BABY CARRIAGES " " • 20 ' Ladies HAND SATCHELS 30 Combs, Writings Desks and Workboxes " 20 VELVET FRAMES and DOLLS (425' BASKETS - '< ti - 15 ca {i if ,1 all other goods at proportionately low prices. • '5 ' '0 This is the greatest opportunity ever afforded, to secure goods below wholesale prices. Our entire stook amounting to nearly $20,000, must be reduced to $I0,000 within the next 60 days. • Come and see our stock, and get our prices, whether you buy o: not. No trouble to show you the Great Bargains we are offering. Terms 'Cash, or . 3 months' credit to responsible partiee. CHRIS. DICKSON, - CLINTON. CI!) a ce FSN E MERCHANT -•r TAILORING, In DRESS S.` G OOD We do not want to carry over Summer Goods If prices will take them, they shall go. SEE WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER! SEE WHAT PRICES WE ASK. We want to clear out PRINTS, MUSLINS, PARASOLS, GLOVES and HOSIERY. Come and get a bargain. We want to gilts you Regular Harvest Home Bargains_ WHITE COTTONS, GREY .COTTONS; SHIRTINGS, all at way down prices. Low Prices and Cheap Goods are what we will talk to you about when you pay us a visit. GLINTON, ONT GRAIN BAGS, COTTONADES, DUCKS, SHEETTNGS, DENIMS, all at close prices. COME AND SEE_ US,___BEFORE. WE_ 1st of September, and we will show you some goods at prices that -will make it to your advantage to buy. GEO. E. PAY & CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. • A LAST WORD. - We have been fortunate enough to reduce our Summer Stock so low that it is hardly worth while to say much about°the wonderful bargains -wo.-.oxo- iv ng.._to_close_ont lee odds and ends of our stock. 'We have a few yards left in a line of Halifax Tweeds Which we will offer at 0.1 CENTS, SPOT CASH This line is worthy the attention of the ladies, as they are suitable for a Fall Dress. In a week or two we will ,have a great deal to say about our big FALL STOCK which is now commencing to arrive. JACKSON BROS., ON.