HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-08-19, Page 7�, iL11 r+ K n .., -. d -, v .. .1 , I. .: .. - e! t.. ... "-i, ..-..,."7 -yam M: a ..:. ` .. .... . 1. . - r• i~ P , .�1,'Xt �:U,.0 'Ae; X1357: " • ' crest, tits - rimtg am >t. wb Ito P ill' ti. t' „ IA 1 P G�verrt' 1Gk' „d ...q 10arg. Sir .. rtlii .a`0 .0Ika 10 " , rich Crowe, a Feniltn, lender, and,QobrtellUre I) tial wore. bAth ri a .' " - -. A d �. o ee., oft 1� injttxed. 41 uWORt, thb l� @. 1!21; 0 �ie 6. , fde-iloatltough no fatal rP9411t tt'89 AZIt. i thea .t :P,BW�9, VEW . m _.L_" caQ9r Sandfoxd Flemia 'a Pucliic cab ,All, Camcrutl'I Cage, Rs s orf�y,afterivarcl p,: �'1; g laho: sntd, 44 be did ti of feel .vPt v triuld Dr.EJae Delaney, an old :aAd, respected ec.hemQ has fallen through, owing tis t ehurt, exceptia r a pain across h!a kroweld tclti'zc6A6f Dublln, died suddenly on Frl- refer+, -if the Impirial and-ustrallalt UcDonal {vat! very badly .cu.taboui 1.m' day title out bringing up the cows. Gtipernment tq grant snusldlsn. ( the body and there was a vor large wound -, illi° Cleo E fiouey,has resigned as teach. An unusually, large number of London I f° ono of her legs, On hurbday dIt lla d r bio. 2 tan and t C e ip S. S u. r n b. r- 'Cameron 1' e true- n w s , r a altacheerful, chit r b denlit n t art h are n in from summer coin- dying m r m fin a d r Angus of bs vee a B1 Campbell for afternoon, n u o eon• a t �,,,/� "te chin e r '` b F S p piuiute. Over thirty deaths} from such g. to bo worse took 'the bi lauco of the year, at a salary of causea have Aiready been registered this lace and be died about four o'clock. Ou J�45.0. per annum. month. Saturday his remains {vete interred in the A nulnbor Of Sisatford capitalists 11�iucardine cemetery, pi Canadian type agents are much dissatis• I •• Aro contemplating the starting of an elec. fied at the Government'd decision to pur----""a'. `----` trio Street railway, Those inteiestea are "base the presses for the nein printing Around each bottle of DrChasc'a Li, er Cure ie the heaviest shareholders !u the gas and ,tlrean in New York, which tueyy contend a medicatgutde and receipe boot:containiCureis electric light work". is a departure from iho principlo of pro- fttlinformationever200receipes,audpronuunc'' 'A =.AC the Stratford Public School Board [carton. by doctors and druggists as worth ten times the M eeting on Tuesday night it was decided THE SIZE or 1T: -As a rule, the ver rich cost of the. medicine. Medicine and book- X$1. Y Sold by all druggists. to adopt the tonic sol-fa system of trach- men aro not those who build no a community _ Ing-mullic. in the public .and model schools aud create booms. A single buaiuessman, full -' -- I 11 The estimates subtn £, ted showed the Of life; and snap and enterprise, wLo is not — - amount required to run the school for the afraid to talk,aud talks souse and known how 11 current your to be nearly $15,000. to udvertise,i9 worth any dozen very riots men On Sunday hest while attending Zion who usually only takeadventage of other poo - church, Huron road, Hibbert, and par- ple's booming to increase their values. ' i,.Ill; of the Sacrament, Airs Wm Bush- The farmers near Wibiisoi aro .driving 11 � r- field, of J,oghn, was suddenly eiezed with ten or twelve miles to Lake St Clair to ROXALitwpt a paralytic strok.o; The stroke 4va,i so fill their Rater barrels and there !s a con. .---r • Us tlist'tile good lady scarcely spoke of stRnt g �. s?• Z- teitk,..being 'driven= all • b3r, and passe$• to her Heavenly home . along th ; roads lead -+ng to the river and - % within twenty-four hours after, lake. One farmer who has a running ' • 0 s ' well has made more than $100 by selling i ' During the -severe storm Friday after. water, I - coon, lightning struck Mr Malcolm Sin- The value of'a watch do as a roto"• I` ,L alairra bRrn,BlanahArd, and running down .tion a .nine[ burglars have e p ► I ,,-• _ g g -- a e been much [.ost,"tt; the_ stable underneath killed I .ger-estimated. A successful mbbeiy '' - _. I I ..: t two very valuable horses; The barn did was tecently accomplished !u a United - _. - r not take fire. A few weeks ago )lir Sin- States town after'the watch dog had,beea k I o AiirxQfueod $230 for one of his horse" drugged. Probably the only sure protec- „that was kf led... tion against burglars is poverty, In this i One of the excursionists from Mitchell ease we are perfectly safe. a L to Goderich last week, Miss Lillie Babb, The United Strtes owns about $50,000,- 1 0 i inet with a misfortune that put an end to 060 worth of buildings of all sorts, and t her day's }ileasure. She stepped on a hos never put a dollar of insurance on anyK114 - t ,, piece• of broken glass, or some sharp sub- of them. The policy is that the country o stance, which cut a large hole in her boot is strong enough to carry its own iusur- ° and stocking and penetrated her foot, 1 en causing n painful wound ante. Losses in proportion to the risk POWDER eg P r; • carried are insi t I ,. gnificant. Government e- I • On 4Veclnesday DIr 13enry Eizerman, of buildings in Washington and New York �M$ol:��e�� �ure� ° Logan, was hauling in some, grain, when and nearly all the lures citie9 are practi- A This powder never varies. A marvel of purity H ,he very foolishly set fire to'the stubble. Cully fire -proof. strongtli and ttholesnmenos . More economb•al lie.flames spread so first that he was un- than the ordinary kinds, Rud Cannot be sold in w unable to get away with a load of wheat, A traveller on the excursion from -Bpr- °ompeutio° With the muititude of law test, short • Una the wagon and load {voce burned to 11° to Detroit which passed through woignt, alum or phosphate pott•ders, • Sold only in 3 Stratford' on Saturday, during the la Cana ROYAL BAKING t'owbelt Co., IUU Wall Si., fishes, leaving scarcely time to unhitch Y, g Y New York. She horees and save himself and the ani- over bought a Globe and read of the ter- �; _ mals. rible accident at Chatsworth, It so Work - _ "---__-__-_..--.-_-_-- I .._-:-.._ `, :1 ed on his nerves that lie took his wife - FAR t1S hOR SALE. _ - A barn Wms burned in Logan township and little bay ofl'the train 'tad took the LlA1;AI IN McxILLOP roR SALE. -LOT 34, [� 1,about three o'clock on Thursday morning._ firsttrain home. lie also SttOn 1 lir Cd 1' C011.O.-Good Place. good buildings, and goad It was; on the farm of Mr Wm Rosa, 10th others of his friends to do likew se g NeAlCUICHALL," Constance ++p. o° sold °'''cap• w, con., and was on,ly built six years ago,and 4i tv - cost $SOU. A dtivia iced in which tens Thomas Armstrong, a farmer of Peffer- �--- ----- ih ti a , r OT FOR SALE: One-eighth of an acre, part of b ri double carriage, three sets of harness, law, near Toronto, was committed for L t.t 196, 0" South Side of Rattenbur st oriou led D trial by a County Justice for shooting by subscriber, with two.storov she 24311, unit stable, S ; I the wool from ten sbee was also consum- $exep, P, wilt boget h r, or t e shop adjacent b emoved oft, Cpower. FL with intent,James Page, a Young man re- aumed. In the Darn tvaS the Wheat Of t, $ y g � Sokl together, or the shop sold to be moved off, Can be I. twenty acres, thirty tons of bay,a fanning siding not for rom Armstrongs farm, changed into ft house, For torma, apply tn, .1 CU irrlS In Pa a and itis brother-in-law were robbing chin SON, mill; cutting hos eft. All were lost. In- K g _ Ft il I •surance$650. ' Armstrong's orchard on Tuesday night - sat HOUSC AND LOT FOR SAL1,.--TIIAT VALU• tw ``i,. when Armstrong rushed out and fired 11 ASI,a alit, eunveniently situ„tgd property owned or fi': A Lagan correspondent writes :-Death three shots at them, one taking effect in, by nrJ'tm Callander , being lot 188, on the north , so has taken F[Om us One Of our most r0- Page's thigh. g of rful•on Sl. The 1,.11,40 has suitable accommodation - ,peCted.-and-beliLy dyn11D +� mall in�tlle= for large family. with all conveniences, such as hard to _ person of Francis Bryant, eon of Mr Win a an I- co t lYct i3yaamit6 out Of and soft wator,etc. Good stable on it io lot. Further 30 Y particulars on nppticatiou to biASNINC S SCOTT, trot �r Sunday morning at Chatham is still the Clinton. rant, ex -councillor of this township, _ sal nrbn died at his father residence; Au u9t talk of the town. The police are yet with -` --� i. g • 14, ARAi FOR SALE. 'TIIAT 11'ULL SIrUATEO -CU 2nd at the age of 20 years Deceased out a clue, the youth read having been P farm of 711 acres, being lot _ '"' discharged it being shown tic had no eon- offered for sale, six[ acres menses curt iii good ,it, teas apparently a splendid specimen of ro- . a . ' g y nec•ion with it. 'L'he feelin here fa stron of cultivation • fairly well fenced, __ _ bust manhood until about two years ago, g g house, iramo barn, beari,;.mbardutoc. water, r, frilve - that the G ,vernment ou hr to ofrer a fiber- a,;les h•.m it town of CliuGyu will . said on ren- p when- hi health began to fail. S sonnble terms, A , f r A Jobn J. Tilley camp to Strattord from al reward ill addition to che$500 differed by 1 ph' dm too predniscs t. GEORGE f the town. With the exception of a few tVSST. O Cliut.ti 1' O "di Sl �' i'' 'El in the fore part oftliesea3on,and blacklegs all the citirenP uphold flee IaW ir.At FOR SALE. -FOR SAL.P. LOT ;ao, tier .obtained work as a mason. About three and denounce thedynatniters, hcBsMON 2,I,.R.S,Tuckersmith,00nta;nuigfi0acres ,, three weeks ago lie was followed by a pre. • I of which ci are cleared, well fenced, well untlernrained pOSSlag g The other night arrangements ,Vere and In a high state of GUti vitriol, 'there is n nand Entliah gift, t0 R'hOm Ifs Was frame h.iLse, barn :mdstablos, and an Or of plum, I ]Harried. After. thrae weeks of married completed for the marriage of a West ox- Apple. cherry and pear trCCs. 'chcro i,, a nevor•fniling ' Is u I,; -life th.e police had to be called ill the oth- ford young lady and an Ingersoll gentle- "cit, It is within four miles of clinhere i,n, and three of r:= er night to prevent him murdering her man, but the groom at the last moment Bruoe6eld, tetth a good gravel load leading to each while Arunk. The girl left a happy tium- asked ontand failed to put in an appear• o, to'Cii�ic ii"r.`u rpf`rreili ossipia on the premises . 'I ble home in Envland and hoped that her ance. The disappointed bride heroica.ly And devotion ,would 'have reformed the -man invited the apsembled grter•ts to enjoy I (1ARM POP SALE-T11F; SUBSCRIBL•`R•UFFERS turn 'r she so deeply loved. themselves as if the little hitch had not I for sate That Most eligibly situatod farm on the 2nd Vol) Of Italie[[, formerly bc[onging to the Afotfuhm, 'for . Mr John Livingston Of the Listowel good a ti and it 15 learned that just as er,tato. It consistsOf£,o sort s, nearly all cleared and wish .Sax mills, has a field of sunflowers which good a time was spent as if fife marriage in a splendid state of cuitiration, Fine brick house Ran had taken place, barn with stone stable ,63uuvth, good orchard•, never I t.; he .is cultivating with all possible care, IniiingKeits,nud;n••veryrc.,i;actnguodParm. Situate !11-1� �U lip , ss most peep O [suppose, A r is -der it RAzz111e1tg and iT,lisc til it _only, miles fraw Ol,ntuu1Vttii,g+--reago,d -,j- damsel of London, Ont., had read in the itA;rms, "•i'''r•r ittb, litthecrop Pullparticulars tare purposes or chicken feed, itis Liv- on a 1,'ea•ion to Aa�'Hmtcount[,Bsst.n.r iugston has a speculation in view, gbould newspapers about certain .fellows who were --`-- lie succeed with his experimental crop in the habit of insulting girls onthestreets 141`{'R51 FOB SALE—SUBSCRTBEt; OFFERS 7 ' 0-nd dete-rinin-ed. to , .pin th for sale his farm of 103 aeres, being;foC-4`1,- . "D _and we should not be surprised, ifbs'fOre g e first Ono Dtaitlnnd •`cotreession, Goderich •township - Yl many years a sunflower industry on a {vii° would insult her. `Last Friday night About 125 acres cleared, and fu good state of ? a dude called out to her as she was on the Yeuc lt�o, Oaf ance gdpiel cy `ltof gelsusli sane large scale is started in town, which may [', out -rival that of flax, " corner of Dunnas and Wellington streets, house and bank barn. stable, sic. Situattlanouc and sbe turned around and struck him a six utiles Irvin town of Clinton, and Convenienr Bir The splendid bank barn and the ad- smashing blow onI'he eye with her clench to church still school. Will be sold on reason- I 11 , Oining outbuildings belonging to Mr C. o I), RASKEP.VI , pa`il tilep on app'1un►•ton, `trickart. Logan, were burned to the ed right hand,and 4e measured his length �, O It if on the remtses or Clinton Ove ground on Sundav night. The buildings ,n the dust, hes Snyder was warmly g applauded by the epectatd.rs. - "OR SALE ----- contained nearly all "the s ason's crop, �1AtiNz t'olt s.+1.E - THE L'ND,F,RSIGNED l+ which1., together with a thorobred bull A few days ago the editor of a Port cooci0ss°tor Rale his aril'Wbeing lot 67, Maitland and all the farm implelnents,were burned, Arthur paper wrote about the first diecov- aeres, About o5 are cleared and nearly free. How the fire originated isnot known, but ery of gold in Algoma,and the intelligeri' from etumpe, in gout[ state Of. ewtivatfon. Ttie r-- Compositor Rlade him write about balance iR good hardwood hash, mostly beech it t0 hays been the work of an s and tnap:e. On the premfecsarR a fraise home B F;- . incendiary. Lt is said there here $2,000 God was first discovered in Algoma,' nearly- new, a bank barn, a good supply of wa insurance on the bnildiug, The Algomans are indignant. This tact ter, Rud Also; orohard. Thr. property is eitu- clent recalls a store told by a British ries stnplyttoufilierp o`tni ns, or/ry ullBarl u The great wind storm of Friday after- Columbia pioneer about the visit of two Clinton Y. o. . A0011, destroyed a large amount of pro- Americans to that Province many years perty in the towuship of Blanchard, Mr. ago, when the Hudson Bap Company were � ARKEp'r GARDEN POft-SALT•).-NnRTH- w, John Mitchell's fine new {wind mill which in•: possession of the whole country and + Roatl, t olio riell Town sart, of Lot hip n cconnsisting of ten Havin he had,recently erected on the top of Ilia when almost every building, fence, flu acres. it is within 2 tnfius of Clfuton ling 1iy Co., ( barn to furnish power for a straw cutter anti vessel bore the lettere "1i.B.C." One icna uKf tuoea ri`plxce.jtUuaGi,00it ttsgra there ri'ad lineeri and grain crusher, was blown down and of the visitors asked the other What these new fral a ilOuee 2011 26, w itil atone collar tiva - smashed to pieces.. Mr J. Peitrn's shed, letters meant. The party addressed -aid derneath; also a good' barn and outbafidinKa - on this 3rd line was blown oft' its founda- he did not know, but that. be presumed a nabi "term$.li enp nes is u be $OIll o w �i� AST I " tiou, tdr W.eddel's straw shed, same line , they signified, "Here before Christ." atuall fruits, fie , Uh;R year, Apply On tiro pre A Pit was blowu don's, and miles of fencing rulses, or to MRS, C. CAIt'rEI., Clinton R.O. Proml g The Provincial Teachers' Association levelled with the gronnd. Hundreds of of Ontario elected _their officers OnlAtt,i Fort fiALE. -- mu,>r tl'ELL-iSVp{{il �, "- • , fruit trees were destroyed. Thursday. " wnitel. Parra, Lein ['LO y fie Presideut- is Dir J. 1-I, g t„t ts, ten, 17, Gadericn *' ' There were two dC;ilhB in St . Dlar '3 township, Ii tae Ileo sommorhdl, four miies £rom Ciin- Ar. f' on Saturday. Wilson: Smith, Inspector of Wentworth county on gaud gr:,vcl load, Tho farm contains 8o tteres, 1 y. - - Dir Thos Wilson: an experieneed educationalist. wholil, We 7U cleared and in good state o Cultivation, the nitnain- f3outh Ward, and Ur Gracie, West Ward , have not a doubt, will fill the Osition dergoodhardwood bush;therearcl:iacre: nffail wheat 11 I E'.. passed away within It few hours Of eachbenefitp a.d nil fall ploughing done; there ata two Wells and an other. Mr Wilson's re nains were taken society credit competitor for tost tlof ev.r-ttoaint gyring, ga.d [sonars, frame baro It x o.-- qstable 1pa x 3✓, new frame hnus0 la c 'LO with five 1 .. to Toronto for burial. His funeral ser- donor, wag 111r J. L. Hughes, Public room,taz2s;`illerearetvo rooms n che9 schoo and g oce y,all Winn Was preached in the C. hI. church on School Impector, Toronto, Ill ordinary ; . Sunday evening. He wits an officer and circumstances DIr 1-I1flies might have timet fiuitve Purch ttau�, Ppa�ti^i ars`emicronic time to suit pnrchaver Por Class !;ender in the church,'nnd the build- had a chance of election, but the large NEW p ricers on it a pre 11q,i ,. &seoTT, �” in was tastefully draped out of respect to majorty of members, believing that hiy C'li"inn r. n, promi=ts, L. MANNING Sus memory. Dir Gracie's remains were selection. would be token Jas an endarsa- --- ---- lr i interred in the R. C. cemeteryon Mon- tion of the work done b • that eccentric �'��� - P.1.OPERTII -5 FOP. SALE, i day' __� individual while on the ypolitical stump ,t __._.e. I• �' p The sn offiber is dcslrous of rctn9tl•• from active ' r JohasouPs All healing White olntmcnt, during the last Ontario elections, refused wnrk,nnd.ffcts Por sale nn very reasonable terms, the The wondorhtl Dentin to give him their support. This is the following excollont propertios ill tide town 0f ms, the �• Band soothing proper tinkifidestcut of all for the 'T'oronto in. F'iv0andone-nal£ acres enVietorhrTerrace,auplant. i'® ties of the above named excel lent naive, have ed out as n market garden, in splendid order. Gnod been found by many who have used it to be Most spoctor, but lie has hi mself to blame for it house, stable, three voiitrs, &-ca, an excellent. place for 11 lir oiHoaefous 1n the •roatment of sitlt tlienm, psm• ;ts purpose, e!r its r, ,pies, blotches, boils, nicer a, scalds, borne, All •A Very Pad and fatal accident occurred JURt acrovs from tilt Whore, nnc Raft one-hAli acres their . ngs, etc, One trial will bo suflielont to prOte on the Saugeen road, Huron township on with fruittrees, hnuve, barn, &0„ thereon, ' Q�trnfit [Bat whadent we claim for it is correct. it g Hale Wednesda whereby Also two -friths of an'acre m1 vivt,•ria St., with house flould at 23 oont4 per sok by Wortlilogton Dingfiist, y+ Y Ei'ligh CatnerOn, of and stable thereon. only t _..____„�,&r-� COD, A, lost 1)19 life, and Dlre .Fames Mc- Also smnllhouse and onc•gnart'r acre tut on Mn- ])r. Donal). of the 2nd con., was seriously in- ' tilde Street• his r NEWS NOTES, y Full Particulars oil appli,:ation J ALLANSON, Clluton tion. jured. While in Kincardine on Wedoes- __ Dit. --- day morning Mr Cameron spent nearly an rAR{t PAR SALE•-TIIATRPt.END7DFARdi 'wrilkii Alia McGee, an inmate of the House of hour in the Reporter office. Later in of io0 net•eR, ,going I,ot. 7, Con. 2, L. R. S., of Mi. - P� 'o vidence at Dundas, was 101 years old the day he traded one of his horses and Tnekoremltb, Is otforod for Ralo on roasonable all diA aLher death last week. started for home about the middle of the stahiesi' zscueone`ep and cai•rialro lions"' laxao, )iV(lr The fruit aro of the States is ver )oor, afternoon. When the accident happened flood t'f story, 21x3r, iramo house and k[ x46, ll'rarlr�' y , p tnhOr, net 7onrreeunder t n td', cl 1 v Dire tl a - p bicl7onald {• tion _o - There vla will be few applesYork, t,utefde of Now was in the waggon with riot brolwn; 1U acres al res Cleared but 1En land and New him, 'By some means the loam upset the, well•wntered, IlacII, gO°d harllwOorl bush, g York; in' the 01110 p g •hroeOf thehostwvl,sin it"• Rivel States the harvest Will be nenrly a waggon at the (lointllbove mentioned1 Krd' litina1eounty, G000d((teariilKorenard,eituuted nii,!or r % - the. t.wa.wercz,hrown,_.wip, Arcat viorence .0 tail es front the V1 Wo of nrac°field and th'• iailii"ro. 0 lo)vr.,a of Clinton and.SenforFh eo- ded ry tit the ground. The horses ran May, but sI.,octively,therelsnRplondldgravel roadp11 rel � � Amer1Ca11 r,:tpet'9' pUlrli3h ilia follo%Vlnl+, {V('rC ct/typed nfrPr fhPy had proceeded a ttie front of 0 O pminises. Particulars and �1 eleBpatCh :--It i9 asa('1tCd that Istiother in• sbm't dt.3tance, liy D!r 11'ilkie,of .lmberl OOQTgtlie� °" apphcattonto, APPLrTON Er, i rrection is tieing,itirrell tip in the North- Anil nnt•tiler ere y. ' e 11n.d 1. O., lir S,iNiUh:P, Cr tell, a 1111eluftn IvIlme 11A1710 we Cli�toI P. U„lir?;f:” E;A Orr•rca. DAVrI) 1 EI,UpAT,Ontarl0 I'. r1., CllllfOrnit, E^ 4 . _ ,_ �. • 1. 3-. •y v„ + ..0 ` a , ., — "'�.d -' _ v . ', e ... IMPORTANT Pb II�iQT1C� >k4oall 0114 onpere- RUBBERS, golfs ribertae Year's Recounts, are requested to prepare their troy. alter this notice, to pay up when he calls, wlthou pressure, i bavjog boon under thand e 0 ngtor's fiends of truced k to sottlo al to ns %,911 liabilities, eatable for mail ark Illorse. IVM MARTIN, Pedler, Clinton, Juue14, 18% �`,"UFFOL$ BOAR Pon SERVICE -SUBSCRIBED kJ has a thorobrod Suffolk Boar, which he will keoF Terms $1 a6 time of sovlon lot 14 co with th privilegeof returning it necessary, THO Subsaribe$alsokeet s far service BULL a lits'[[ clusyRDurham Bull, of good Pedigree. Terms 81, at time of service, with privilege of returning If necessary. II CARTER NEW ERA BAI�ERY. The subscriber Wouldd Intimate to t_he. poople Of 'Clinton that he has bpukt&,oR>�: � •h 1IM business lately carried ou by Dir. Dualop, and a Ill continuo the same at the old stand. lie III a had a iong practical exiPerlence, and by glv- iogclose Personal . attention to the business in ..Y7' IM branches. hopoa toll merit and, receive a share of phblie Patronage. Broad delivered at Usual Prices. A large stock ,or Catgie-S and Confectionery alwavb on hand. feo.Croom sup- ped for parties. J is EVANS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS, - In .pursuant of Chap. a, See. 1, 46 Vic , Sta- utes of Ontario, notice is hereby given that all +verifiers having -claim against the estate of h tally .Uamerou. tate.uf the viliagii of Bayfleld; ln,uuty of Huron. merchant, who died on or about the 60h day of July. 1887, are to Solid, P paid or deliver to John C Martin, of the vil- age or Bayfield, agent for the executors of the aidtMa.yCameron, deceased, oil or before the st day of October, A. D., 1887, a statement con- ainfog their names and addrosses.'and full par- toulars of their relating and of thg securities , it uy, held by thein, curtitted under oath. and .f- or the said last date mentioned, the executors f the sufd estate will procned to pay the said [anus against the said dneensed, to the parties titted theroto re •d b I h it 1 .IN I . 1. I I .11 I -, . I . . :. ��e, , ., � I � I I I :'' 11"', i , � � I - � I ., , , : I., I . - R, � I t, V. A , . , . I I I 0-Vil ", . !iI � - ., , I I -1,11f IA.1, � A- �.i ,�41 I " -.1 � , UJLU � Y1. ­­ I . . I . Iron reba, 'It ""' . 1, �, &ffardww. r ,� e e � I . 1; , . , - Uzxving b0f)"ta=ht .Cill,e I-- A .149,1001c lifilit -1 io ]a- wa,>ield, will loll., fly. t rr'd u�cd nricet�. :\i ,oNv its -thee fi t0 P1r'OCI.i fl -'e Ii Sheffnardware,BI Iu' .. �ldexsSu 11. - I'll ., .1 Glass, Paints and p Of " a. � . .. - .. TO ADVANTAGE- AT R MI RACEY'S �HardiNfare. - Store-, , HELLO JOHN !•--WH9T 7 wn-EnTO .&R� You, GOING ? Kat a ul, a on y to rho tai i e such antic has been riven, stud e betomestench idbybastd, all debts duo the O.Adam.9-9 .E;' * ��� eld, must Ucpaidbytactsato Datedatltay Cf els, 2nd August, 1887, JOAN C MARTIN,I . " gout for Executors . NIRS MARTIN and MRS - �' RNDEHSON, Executors. 31 31 � Ili"TS"1 SID 113" 11]a JtiT01�'L'(>rAC]C SALE i I Where I can get 16 US BRIGHT RAW SUGAR for $I, 15 Lim DRIG Hr vel — a r1LL'ABLL ViLLACTF, Pllol'l;t, PY. IN I YELLOW SUGAR for $1, 13 LBS GRANULATED SUGA It fol' $l. I am THE VILLAGE OC BAYFIELD. also going to get One of the JUBILEE OIL CANS and 5 GALLONS OF OIL. ' UNrE,R AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER for $2.2n and OTIIER GOODS EQUALLY LOW. IIAS HE D'IUCII SUtIAM °i Of Sale, Contained ,n a certain mortgage, hich will be produced o„ the day or auto), Yes, nearly FOUR TONS, Yoti had begot come along. Ile gives highest I►riO�t ort+ will he uttered for sale by public auction, %' y David Duske"son, Auctioneer, oil WUDN1 8 for 1)t'OdnCe. AY', TIIE 31ST DAY OF AUGUST, 1587, at vAKTZ'S HOTEL in tbo VILLAGE of BAY- a ULD, the following valuable real estate, viz: ot7l fango K intho Township of Stanley, (+ ow 0 rho said Lots .,f Bayfield) in the County of R • urea and Lets number 406, 407 and 4togo the 1"' � o �) acre of Bayfield, mics o an together D.ruQ�ii� - L. 0 N BE ' �, easy scree pull property fill be of an without ro- B 0 Less. The property will be s•,ltl without ro- X S � O-, ' eve,- I TEabis--Ten per cent of tho purchase money. -- ---- - -- - �­ ' be paid on the day of sale, and the balance in -y-------- days thereaftel' without interest. Further Ing and conditions outdo k own on day of v CLE R " o or oil applicatlun to the nuutioneor or the ders,r,neid MANNING & SCOTT ., "ton, JulyR8, 1887. Vendors Solicitors, . TNS Great1lA�RC!°ifiF'd1PS' otectiue and Collecting association. I I - - ---.----(-i F_---. . • --OG CANADA— liead t►tfied•, ""Walston, 11119. ' _____k - , , EA7ABLtaneD 1831. SU - 0"111111111111aE.R , n Association of business and professional mea, - haling lur its object the C011LECTION Olt' DEBTS; I X GO'OD6 .'1i to prevent its members making bad debts by . ;eh;ug them with lists of parties who do not pay, e We Want to catch your eye and bring to your natio" our latest and greatest of7er in lr,) chants and others having eccountst,, collect and Saving Bargains. A woman's judgment is part of bar fortune- Iry Ing to become members, by remitting $7 to our , e will prose this t0 e9e_ , agors, HamUton, Ont., will receive by return mail save goods »lid prices. To convince the judgment [bat dollar" brought to as I , nil particulars, certificate of memborship,&c, you dollars. That you can save Money and Yet secuib Me beet, is demonstrated in orifi B,.AIll,L&&-G9,,-Itl,tnagersrHanliltcw _. _--._ ,_- _....._....- aple._- stock of . Orto_JAS. Tit mi, oN, Agent, Clinton. l A.DIES ,L�, CfIIL"D1tENS 5TI�:A`V IIATS, EAS- . 1 IED, ��STLD aid PROVEN. SROIDLIiIES, ORIENTAL, L, LACES, GLOV ` 'I THE' NOME COOK BOOK, HOSIERY,JERSEi'S,COR IEZ`S& PAR-ASOUS . THE LAD1E' OF' TORONTO. WHICH _,j'E R'ILI. CLEAT: OUT A7' A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICK. Over 100,000 copiPs now% is use ill Canada. • 4 + Sent to any address on receipt of $1. • • -+ 1�'a� a2ns 2 � . � :9' 9' n .i�2bbans _ �dyr py I Don't forget ons CASA SALE OF RIBBf>NS LVERy SATURDAY. at half the usltal I v:/ 1t,• Cooper. i. - price, on that night only, in order to reduce our stoeln 1;AtigEP I;LOCIi BOOK -.______ _ �` , v rnplemcift -:- Agency, - ` Seesleys Millinerymporiumr0 g accepted the agency for the Ayr Manufactn ring • Watson's) will open out an office in'the premises — occupied by Mr, Cattle%,. Albert Street, Clinton, y opposite Fair's Mill, %; ten he will be pleased to FURNITURE receive ordersfnrtheccicbrated �L VEL - TWINE - BINDER r rift S to NEW HUafAIEP,, AtOWIM11nd DAISYRAKE,. I line .f rcpatrs Will ata. he kept in etnek. d O _ J t attention will be given to all ordain, whether Pened 0�d t iXL E �d XOTTS 23L0CIC+ by mall or other"Itic. Also i� i „hind f8 1VS, I : SrtRAW :: CUT'rh,RS, I WNEKT DOOR' TO THE CITY BOOIZ STORE, CLINTON. e. d all Other Farm .rmplenlc"ts icept;u stwi<, lk 0011. A.;, 0:911MC1, , EEDROON SETS, PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES- :1 =K 7V ��-BRATE0 SIDEBOARDS, OHA___ &c. A. �R GHASEr AN11 A OUNMA7. ASSORTMENT QP T}IE VTiRY B ' 1sT lUAirE FIrRNrTURF' AT . ]�v,",s,,• w' x� �$,�Y!A.RAJAN ��� REASONABLE PRICES. I r.k�11'.'sy -) 4(_>�. C ■" T"IAT1i .i . �' ,• { UM -----z�------_; , I 7;11 S LIVED AND KIDNEY DISEASES hen an intelligent man [cants to pur• h c bitf!s.j)•om parties tultose standing in acvow callings is a guarantee for ilia yojtheirwares. Thooterlingmottois y true in regqard to ppatent medicines, buy hose made by praetical professional men. tl Il ASH Is too Welland favorably known by eoolpt books to require any r000mmonda• CUAsr.'s Liver Cure has a receipt book wd around every bottle which IS worth Its t ill gold, CHASH'S Ltrbr Cure is guaranteed to euro o..sos arising from a torpid or inactive R11e11 as iiver Complalnt, 1►yspepRla. esflon. 1;111ousness, Jaundice, Head till rev Spots, sallow complexion, eta., HI- KIDNEYS THE KIDNEYS Off tct;'4.Liver Cum N a cortin cure for w1gumt=nl,; of the kidnoys,snellns ppain in 'k,+ii.inlowvrnortion oftire abdomcn, tl­ vo to p;. -v ii0re, red nnod white -10'4, til•., 4n 11,c, 1-nhiu-ioV_llnsnlii. ttigbtB to , r •,r, st• ,ildlnn, o,;, h , it ti: ill (r,ro yo11, Sold „ l .)•,.Illy' •, • I,.''?f ,%Nt.�C .n %$ Q:O., 1 F I "ri 1;4 I' gRAOFORa What .They . Say. Twet)ty-eight Thousand .Dollars paid at ituctlon for ilo renoWnl'tl trotting hofllfv Pancoast, proved his exelence, and so the Lcading Clotl�i��1, lichee of FISCHERIN Opposite rho Post Office, truly proves its superiority over all •Opposition, in (Style and . Fit it bents them all, and i=1SCHERS I�iiEADING SUITS Are {worn, from one Via of the county to the other. The Spl•ing catoclr has ar , .. '1 ed, and is one of the finest in the town and vicinity, A discount of 10 > from the 15th Of r4eb, till thq 25th of Mares, will be given for c;�si1, ser oat l± a and worica)nusilip nnslirlinssecl. Terms Caslt. Pees , V'r - . -.`'y, FISHERS- LEADING C1,0111.I�7(x �OU� ��iE��c�t��. y T '. R 1 ,. -. , - .. ,. e .IN I . 1. I I .11 I -, . I . . :. ��e, , ., � I � I I I :'' 11"', i , � � I - � I ., , , : I., I . - R, � I t, V. A , . , . I I I 0-Vil ", . !iI � - ., , I I -1,11f IA.1, � A- �.i ,�41 I " -.1 � , UJLU � Y1. ­­ I . . I . Iron reba, 'It ""' . 1, �, &ffardww. r ,� e e � I . 1; , . , - Uzxving b0f)"ta=ht .Cill,e I-- A .149,1001c lifilit -1 io ]a- wa,>ield, will loll., fly. t rr'd u�cd nricet�. :\i ,oNv its -thee fi t0 P1r'OCI.i fl -'e Ii Sheffnardware,BI Iu' .. �ldexsSu 11. - I'll ., .1 Glass, Paints and p Of " a. � . .. - .. TO ADVANTAGE- AT R MI RACEY'S �HardiNfare. - Store-, , HELLO JOHN !•--WH9T 7 wn-EnTO .&R� You, GOING ? Kat a ul, a on y to rho tai i e such antic has been riven, stud e betomestench idbybastd, all debts duo the O.Adam.9-9 .E;' * ��� eld, must Ucpaidbytactsato Datedatltay Cf els, 2nd August, 1887, JOAN C MARTIN,I . " gout for Executors . NIRS MARTIN and MRS - �' RNDEHSON, Executors. 31 31 � Ili"TS"1 SID 113" 11]a JtiT01�'L'(>rAC]C SALE i I Where I can get 16 US BRIGHT RAW SUGAR for $I, 15 Lim DRIG Hr vel — a r1LL'ABLL ViLLACTF, Pllol'l;t, PY. IN I YELLOW SUGAR for $1, 13 LBS GRANULATED SUGA It fol' $l. I am THE VILLAGE OC BAYFIELD. also going to get One of the JUBILEE OIL CANS and 5 GALLONS OF OIL. ' UNrE,R AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER for $2.2n and OTIIER GOODS EQUALLY LOW. IIAS HE D'IUCII SUtIAM °i Of Sale, Contained ,n a certain mortgage, hich will be produced o„ the day or auto), Yes, nearly FOUR TONS, Yoti had begot come along. Ile gives highest I►riO�t ort+ will he uttered for sale by public auction, %' y David Duske"son, Auctioneer, oil WUDN1 8 for 1)t'OdnCe. AY', TIIE 31ST DAY OF AUGUST, 1587, at vAKTZ'S HOTEL in tbo VILLAGE of BAY- a ULD, the following valuable real estate, viz: ot7l fango K intho Township of Stanley, (+ ow 0 rho said Lots .,f Bayfield) in the County of R • urea and Lets number 406, 407 and 4togo the 1"' � o �) acre of Bayfield, mics o an together D.ruQ�ii� - L. 0 N BE ' �, easy scree pull property fill be of an without ro- B 0 Less. The property will be s•,ltl without ro- X S � O-, ' eve,- I TEabis--Ten per cent of tho purchase money. -- ---- - -- - �­ ' be paid on the day of sale, and the balance in -y-------- days thereaftel' without interest. Further Ing and conditions outdo k own on day of v CLE R " o or oil applicatlun to the nuutioneor or the ders,r,neid MANNING & SCOTT ., "ton, JulyR8, 1887. Vendors Solicitors, . TNS Great1lA�RC!°ifiF'd1PS' otectiue and Collecting association. I I - - ---.----(-i F_---. . • --OG CANADA— liead t►tfied•, ""Walston, 11119. ' _____k - , , EA7ABLtaneD 1831. SU - 0"111111111111aE.R , n Association of business and professional mea, - haling lur its object the C011LECTION Olt' DEBTS; I X GO'OD6 .'1i to prevent its members making bad debts by . ;eh;ug them with lists of parties who do not pay, e We Want to catch your eye and bring to your natio" our latest and greatest of7er in lr,) chants and others having eccountst,, collect and Saving Bargains. A woman's judgment is part of bar fortune- Iry Ing to become members, by remitting $7 to our , e will prose this t0 e9e_ , agors, HamUton, Ont., will receive by return mail save goods »lid prices. To convince the judgment [bat dollar" brought to as I , nil particulars, certificate of memborship,&c, you dollars. That you can save Money and Yet secuib Me beet, is demonstrated in orifi B,.AIll,L&&-G9,,-Itl,tnagersrHanliltcw _. _--._ ,_- _....._....- aple._- stock of . Orto_JAS. Tit mi, oN, Agent, Clinton. l A.DIES ,L�, CfIIL"D1tENS 5TI�:A`V IIATS, EAS- . 1 IED, ��STLD aid PROVEN. SROIDLIiIES, ORIENTAL, L, LACES, GLOV ` 'I THE' NOME COOK BOOK, HOSIERY,JERSEi'S,COR IEZ`S& PAR-ASOUS . THE LAD1E' OF' TORONTO. WHICH _,j'E R'ILI. CLEAT: OUT A7' A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICK. Over 100,000 copiPs now% is use ill Canada. • 4 + Sent to any address on receipt of $1. • • -+ 1�'a� a2ns 2 � . � :9' 9' n .i�2bbans _ �dyr py I Don't forget ons CASA SALE OF RIBBf>NS LVERy SATURDAY. at half the usltal I v:/ 1t,• Cooper. i. - price, on that night only, in order to reduce our stoeln 1;AtigEP I;LOCIi BOOK -.______ _ �` , v rnplemcift -:- Agency, - ` Seesleys Millinerymporiumr0 g accepted the agency for the Ayr Manufactn ring • Watson's) will open out an office in'the premises — occupied by Mr, Cattle%,. Albert Street, Clinton, y opposite Fair's Mill, %; ten he will be pleased to FURNITURE receive ordersfnrtheccicbrated �L VEL - TWINE - BINDER r rift S to NEW HUafAIEP,, AtOWIM11nd DAISYRAKE,. I line .f rcpatrs Will ata. he kept in etnek. d O _ J t attention will be given to all ordain, whether Pened 0�d t iXL E �d XOTTS 23L0CIC+ by mall or other"Itic. Also i� i „hind f8 1VS, I : SrtRAW :: CUT'rh,RS, I WNEKT DOOR' TO THE CITY BOOIZ STORE, CLINTON. e. d all Other Farm .rmplenlc"ts icept;u stwi<, lk 0011. A.;, 0:911MC1, , EEDROON SETS, PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES- :1 =K 7V ��-BRATE0 SIDEBOARDS, OHA___ &c. A. �R GHASEr AN11 A OUNMA7. ASSORTMENT QP T}IE VTiRY B ' 1sT lUAirE FIrRNrTURF' AT . ]�v,",s,,• w' x� �$,�Y!A.RAJAN ��� REASONABLE PRICES. I r.k�11'.'sy -) 4(_>�. C ■" T"IAT1i .i . �' ,• { UM -----z�------_; , I 7;11 S LIVED AND KIDNEY DISEASES hen an intelligent man [cants to pur• h c bitf!s.j)•om parties tultose standing in acvow callings is a guarantee for ilia yojtheirwares. Thooterlingmottois y true in regqard to ppatent medicines, buy hose made by praetical professional men. tl Il ASH Is too Welland favorably known by eoolpt books to require any r000mmonda• CUAsr.'s Liver Cure has a receipt book wd around every bottle which IS worth Its t ill gold, CHASH'S Ltrbr Cure is guaranteed to euro o..sos arising from a torpid or inactive R11e11 as iiver Complalnt, 1►yspepRla. esflon. 1;111ousness, Jaundice, Head till rev Spots, sallow complexion, eta., HI- KIDNEYS THE KIDNEYS Off tct;'4.Liver Cum N a cortin cure for w1gumt=nl,; of the kidnoys,snellns ppain in 'k,+ii.inlowvrnortion oftire abdomcn, tl­ vo to p;. -v ii0re, red nnod white -10'4, til•., 4n 11,c, 1-nhiu-ioV_llnsnlii. ttigbtB to , r •,r, st• ,ildlnn, o,;, h , it ti: ill (r,ro yo11, Sold „ l .)•,.Illy' •, • I,.''?f ,%Nt.�C .n %$ Q:O., 1 F I "ri 1;4 I' gRAOFORa What .They . Say. Twet)ty-eight Thousand .Dollars paid at ituctlon for ilo renoWnl'tl trotting hofllfv Pancoast, proved his exelence, and so the Lcading Clotl�i��1, lichee of FISCHERIN Opposite rho Post Office, truly proves its superiority over all •Opposition, in (Style and . Fit it bents them all, and i=1SCHERS I�iiEADING SUITS Are {worn, from one Via of the county to the other. The Spl•ing catoclr has ar , .. '1 ed, and is one of the finest in the town and vicinity, A discount of 10 > from the 15th Of r4eb, till thq 25th of Mares, will be given for c;�si1, ser oat l± a and worica)nusilip nnslirlinssecl. Terms Caslt. Pees , V'r - . -.`'y, FISHERS- LEADING C1,0111.I�7(x �OU� ��iE��c�t��.