HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-08-19, Page 6, T-.- fir-'+ 1 -s -.-T T"" .?R- '�" s
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, r : r t ad d 0f bet d n tber Tbeu 1: _at the rem _ ..l _t ,ttl. Bea.: lana ADd tea 1Nbolr. 4 ran Fri ih„-
1iI I>aAYY,AUGI.#e,lli$7' de...s1p>rgel.e: Yt pi1A. pp to "Ill ,,.
tpf Ac4,n4 v
. ' • ` _ - tb:e w@Df kae1F f2r xhe faf er and brought aPpu trsde and eommeroe;ketweea the United �+
�,�-r. --, y S;gteea►tid thtl Domigtoq ofGpnoda,'thus ren,, 1Yhat era alis. P ale a eonaral thin !the .
btu out 7th lits lege 1yerQ broken but i g y
1 ;tG'Cd?1>C a Drawl ' th.rou h the corer the. ends c►t' daring the eels and exchange of 'commudies are Iirescrtptione having. ¢esti used with great.
1 Tex � "`' h' w to eegli her oven f@a, ore b 'ween the people pf the two oagotries as suoges , by old and ;Wl read Physmituns. • _ -
hi, ...1, Y, An, # ng ! t @
Y �', ' ” Lh datknesA, re .se¢ omg braD$ , to n ettexed and tree e4 a t+uaw between the Phpuetlnd>t• pf in,valide have been tines eoted-'
}, , F t ,, p .13..: 9 oeveral Stetetr and Territotiea of the Union. i;ly gpred by their use,an,d they are'tho woad• - .:- k •+ �
f EX(l;1 IQ `I T II C1t411"aIiE$ ber'li it,>}nd aelced i~er h w ,gbe felt* I have. tvan c is ' o Daft onvarefAibbnd' ,er tylid dreg of Ph sieia pg,, r <'; �'
. ,•._,. -w P d y ns a.pd Aletitoal Col , 1
feeble' roan. was the only aaerve.r and the s h pf P t. v y,. v I` "°" k' _• (� r
x; THR.CtJ(T3 A �iiluGlFf WHILE g and am unable to discover'. any fnsgporable leges in the, U, S., so that PkysieiAns gr�tjua Nkrl'" �]�.. _' -q.
next.lnataat rhe shed. The man felt the ''cry;.
I 11RUNNINT .T'l3E RATE oblsetton to the aousumtaeration�iof Nhat was Wog at kledtcal. (.olloges aro reggired to die• '�
form of hie dead .Will Aud child and cried prupoied by the bill. It would iuv`dvo such countenance Proprietary Medicines,se,throogh t V
OF MII.Iy A MINUTE. out, " My God, there is nothing more for an adjustment of tariff rates as would make them the country doctor loses his most pro. • "i .
• : M, • : me to live titr now," nand taking a pistol thtin. identical throughout the two aonatriee, fitablo praalace. Asa manufacturer of Pro- •
The Ch QsgoTi�lee''special frBarForost, out or his pocket, pillled the trigger.',The =1 poaslbly the pooling of receipta and divi- r,etory, Mediclups, Dr G. G Green Of 1Pood-
y x111 railroad horrors in .he ¢inlet went surrhq through hid brain, and stou of Customs duties, after a manner of the bury, N.J., advpcates most cordially, -in PROFo ,,
i A - -'
' Ill., as s.;- German Zollvbrin; also, same modtfioatroa of order to prevent the risk that tho -slop and . '9I ,
3aidtory of this country were surpassed the three dead bodies of that Unto family the internal revenue system on each side of aflliated aro liable to
' thYBe miles"yeast pi Q6atsw.orkh Isat W:ed,•`.,srq DON lying Mide:.kiy sidt1 ah.ptswortil y ,almost agile by ilio use
_ 1 e , .uigtit, .when an Qacuraioq train un Ivaitipg ttr be identified the line. All this would present no serious of Patent Medicines putout by ipexpexienced THE OC"+017LIST, TO
I d Moulty, when once the olio in resolved parsons for a
tl#e Toledo, Peoria & Western Road drop. There have been many gue8see as to the P y inexperienced
a andy, and the em• ' _ y
ped through n burning' bridge, and over origin of the fire which wrecked the bride upon. ployiog of inexperienced and incompetent r
g g The Dominion of Canada has an exhaustless doctor by which almost every village and ROB
j�T rCOATS'a• ) people were killed and four times. that and caused the accident but so far they supply of minerals, ores, timber, phosphates, town fa curaed;and men claiming tobrdoctore y • `eSoave
number were more or leis badly injured. are nothing; but gue-sea The latest pro- -fi+h, building material, oto, etc., and great who had better benndertakers experimenting
. The train wan c`^mposed of six sleeping liable one is that d spark from the furs agricultural resources'. Her territory is inter- with their patients and robbing then of their . „
C&18, six day Cnacbea and chair cars and ace of the euglne of a train which passed looked with our own. Tho location of her money, and bealth,-for the good of theaillict `� `� a
three baggage cars, IL was. carrying nine two hours betore caused the. blaze. The great highways of traffic, lakes cauals, rivers, ad that our government protect its people by On AUGUST 189 19 and 00.
hundred Ap.4, llixty PA fnjrers, 'all excur-„ season has been ygry dry llereabuu,Ls. For tailways, open up to :is at once an exhaustless making laws to regulate the practice of medi � ! ,
Monist% and was beuD fair Niagaiti Falls a IODg time almost no rain has fallen and. `supply of r w materials, and a constantly Dios Uy,batterestlorienaed and more thorough.
"ThBarain had been -made up till along Elie s,i the woodework of the bridge was like growing market for our manufactured aur• ly educated Physicians, end thereby keep up Where he will esaluino the eye and fit spectacles on a scientific riltoi t3, _
line of the Toledo, Peoria St Western tinder and a Alive coal -dropped on it would • plus• the hanor and credit of the profession, also p
PP rhe conditions which, make palpable to from taws for the trofuFeioe, also form laws Any person troubled with arty defect of the sight should not fail to c.tll.
Rhad,'at,d excurdioniste, hailed from ver fire it at once. p p 1
It, eve, intelligent mind the. vest reciprocal ad- for the recordiug of recipes of Proprietary - -
iona points in Central Illinois. 'When the The acenea in ilio differentplaces wbero vantage of fait; free and nurestifeted trade Medicines. under.examinat,►on and decAon of "; t t w 1
4 . commerce between the en le of .the older ex eriene�d Chemists and Physicians a Dint• ' `
trai.D brew"out at Peoria at 8 n clock on. the bodies lay were heartrend.erin_ .. The people p ll c"�INs , r N �'
Wedaeaduy, evening it was loaded to its majorltv of the bodies were maugled'in a Stntes, and thusa of Texae, Kansas, Nebraska ed 'for that pnrpo-o lty the Government, be
utmost 6, Ity,, .ery;be]tiixin.Llle sljl,. Most frightful manner, many of them Dakota, If 'utana and t;alifornia are present, fore they are licensed for general use. He.
sleeper. , 461 t , .w j, ,- a , ". rq , . , having their.. faceu tofu alvay,leaving their and appal with . qual•fnro,4 in eupport of an would most freely pJ eethe recipo4af Buschee's ;
'r . lied 80 people audit. ,The trate was so brains.Pxpoaed„ivh}le their jaws; fingers open sod n,uuturropted courts of Interchange Gornlan.Sgrup and ,uGyaeu'a_ Augus4. Flower '' 4
;i. , heavy that two engines were -hitched to it, and' limbs hadabobn torn off I o> commuditieb between the United 8tatPs and under such laws, bad he the proper protection _
r•. ,sl i l'-wben`.”-it; p'us .d _this,pl.aoo.,. it �y S AD• ._ It x'_18 An g,,w�t�Aip rr�,_ �ll� llat� Of lt}eD . t}le 11O�InC1i8„Of , � LNttil, It ubsolnte_ free• and thereby says tUe prejgdjoe of the ,peole, 1.
+ hoUr�and a balfbehind time. Cba,tswuR , and women broken and smeared with , cTom of oommereial exchanges is Ae"9irablo in and avoid the competition.. and .imitation --of ”" ""
the next sottdil ,past of here is six miles ablood, coats reeking with g'•re and ladies' l one case, it is, and for the same reason -Lha worthleee medtomes-Copied from the Chicago ■ ■x § I coudrtion and ciroumataaces of eom stationbo• Dlail. Aug, 3 '$?. rTo'�
i0f;; acid tiq,rbttbere wail made in •seven underwear sweated with lifeblood.• It Nas P g� COATS,
m` ernble m ,mentum of lain to be seen •froth th ba a e that the I Ins similar -equally desirable in the other. - .r..,& -Q1 _- f,
#uute$t ke the , , , .i p o gg g There is , o pretauoe that we .geed the. re•
osq,Af a coaches ^ and,iwu ..enb ties travellers were well -do people, r t,d note•' ou 1Ap 5
shootlDg through apace at the tote of a ' -___ Q venue derived from the importaiion of him. RPI• a ltrusle. r .
her and ocher articles from Uanada amount- ---I P - r H E . , " 1p ]� ]M f►
mile.a minute can bs underatoud. The Be on Your Guard. inn to less than five and a half millions of It was said of Lady Randolph Churchill
train did not stop at Cbatsworth,and sped Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and dollars. The proposition that the underlying that she came to'England adth the firm iU-
by the small station with lightning speed. surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cure and controllit.g principle in our prospective toot and purpose, of Americanizing the Harness and �roeeYV De of 1Lor�desbo�
Three miles east of Chatsworth is a rattle for 2rc. by using Dr Chase's Catarrh Cure. A system (to which I am thoroughly devoted) British 'Empire. The same cannot be said ✓ s
' ' slough, and the railroad crosses a dry ran few applications cure insipient catarrh ;1 to 2 would be infringed,if not for one moment, of Mrs Carnegie, who, though a Now •
. about 10 feet deep and 15 feet wide Over boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes is tenable, Full and complete Commercial Yorker born and bred. has taken to the
guaranteed a to cure chronic adv all Try ft Reciprocity Boas act involve olitioal union, institutions ot.Caladonia "stern And wild" M stock' of GROCERIES is now complete ,in all 1ip1
this was stretched an ordinary wooden Only nte. dna sura cure, Sold by all druggists t? %�YOC nY1e , f y
trestle bridge, slid as the excursion train It has no such purpose or mission. The pro• with wonderful readiness Most of her U (j J 1 branches. I have, a large s -1
Dame thundering down on it what was the Rositious are separate and distinct. Pulitiaal costumes are of tweed• and bonnie brown g tack of CANNED FISH, whiidi
GEORGE M. PULLIVIAN. union is not essential to the prosperity and heather and broom are her favorite flowers I am raping at 13 cents per can, two cans for 25 epoch. Call and see my stock
4 : horror of the engineer when he saw that nation, Commercial ice• COLORED GLASSWARE b fore purchasin ; elsewhere, And convince ottrsehF
this happiness of either ti A few days Ran, in an unguarded moment y
IiOev IIti RAISED CHICAGO BUILDINGS ON cipreaity is essential to both. If political Mr Carnegie remarked in pnblic'thst Ilia flint the prices aro away down,
BL-tRIDGE WAS ON FRIF.. STILTS. union .ever Comes, it will be ane to the pies- p
ence of conditions which, while controllia turfs doted on bagpipe music. and that she Y��O` E OIL -I have a lar
Right up, before his eyes leaped up the g had said that the only t
bti ht flames and the nest instant ho wa. Early in the sixties the raisin of the in their influence, will be peaceful in the at -
.1 9 hang wanting to large stock of Machina Oil of differqut j
R level o'' Chicago had put all the g tainment of results. make her home at Kilgraston a perfect '' brands, which will be sold at a small advance on cost.
smoug them. There was no chance to g P principal The tariff will be revised b the Fiftieth paradise was the presence of a ba der.
alit . Had there been warruin it would downtown streets s half dozen feet above y t;P P M Ilitrness stock is cam
P g" " Congress. That some features of it need re rhe next 'morning the glen of Kilgrastnn y complete as Usual with all seasonabwp
the basement window of houses and stores. P y y H goods, such as FLY SHEE I'S and NL"rS, [.AP RU�•
have taken halt a mile to stop. that un= vision none will dispute. While correcting was awakened at an earl hour the wail' ar ess � �
rushing of wood, iron and human lives, The owners, of course, set about rrestoriug the inequalities in our tariff, we can at the of the pibroch, the weird croon of the DUSTERS, RUBBER HORSE COVERS and BINDER WIIIPS: I Lt i�
1. and the. train was within 100 yards of the the old order Of things And the method same time remove from the trade and Dom coronach and a'thundernus not.ificatinn a few TRUNKS and VALISES left, WHIPS, OURRY00\I$S, BRUSHB�,
red -tongued messenger, of eath before which most of them were adopting was to merge of our people every restriction and that the Campbells were enming By
,'- they flashed their fatal' signals into the so cut the timbers that the basement floor- burdensome tax which is not essential to the and all goods usually kept in this line also on hand. Also all. kinds of TIX ``11
Y ing could be slipped u N breakfast time there Wt 10.4 piper•, play- `VAR]. on hand. Produce taken in eschun a Thankim•
engineer a face. But he bussed over it in nice old l ed the second Storey the
second proper protection of our home industries, or ing away at Mr Carneeie's piazza, At g • a my customers f0'r
safety,the first engine keeping the rails. t K r y Dor to revenue. For the collection of needed public last desperation Mr Carnegie chose one post fa -ors otic soliciting a continuance of the same.
As it .went over the bridge fell beneath it. the third, and the third to the roof. The revenue. P g• ,
t' and it •could only babe been the t r it. result was that the four storey buildings I see it stated in some of our public jour- of the McPhersons to be his bagpiper in
Y e ordinary, which very much incensed the GEO. NEWT6N, - - LONDESBORO j
-speed of the train which saved the lives of became simply three-storey ones, and so nals that in case the propneed arrangement is
on down. Pulman stood at the corner o} consummated foreign goods will pour through other highland mu-ician•1, who marched
the engineer and fireman,. But the next Canada into the United Sates. Whether off snorting their dissatisfaction, -Cor of -
en ine w •tit down and instantly the deed Randolf and Dearborn streets watching N. Y. World. --� - •
g y goods were entered at a Canadian port or �._.
of death was done. , this sort of operation in progreaa o0 one in the United Stdtea would be of no cones Prohibition ih ex acted to carr all '"� � '+r_ � ' — � � .
of the old brick buildings. 'Why don't n
CAR CRASHED INTO CAR, you raise the building from the ground,' bo )n e, si of nce the
eltariff would be the same on the counties in Dakota a outside the Black yr Y — __
coacbes piled one on top of another,and in he said to the owner. 'Then it wouldn't Canada has territory larger in extent than Hills next fall. :
the .ivinkliug of an eye nearly 100 people be necessary to tear the inside of the the, United States, and •is rich in all the na• — - - - --- - - -- - , --•--
found an instant death, and 50 more were building to pieces.' Tho .owner turned tural rosourcea„ necessary to make a people rr T� N F A 11� .1
so hprt they could not live. Aa for• the to Pullman and (remarked that it might prosperous. �e want and need an open, un- INDUSTRIAL Ave APT EXHIBITION, r
wbnoded they were everywhere. have escaped his notice that the building interrupted highway ba tbese vast storehouses —
ONLY THE SLEEPING COACHES ESCAPED, was brick not wood. 'No,' the answer of -natural wealth, -and witil it free access to LONDON, ••: - •:. CANADA, Big $ cd rga 1 n s � - _i�
wY+s, 'it was plain the house was briek.and the markets of the .whole North Americau 19TII 7•o 24Tlc SErTEatnEP, 1S8/. o c� _
It lacked but -five minutes of midnight. continent. The line moat be carefully drawn I PRICES Down in,the ditch la the second engine, old,but it was just as plain that the whole y PRICES FROM 10C, UPWARDS. _
y g between protea ing an Industry and merely Liberal Preminus for Live Stock Machic, _ ._ �„y'w" , __- _
structure enure be rained from the rO - .(,
Engineer McClintock dead and Fireman s utid creatingand fostering a monopoly. The for cf:a , ito, _ " I
without breaking an of the plastering g p I 4 before you buy Folli' SUAINIER -_ . - -�'
Applegate badly injured. On top•were g y P o mer is a source of prosperity ; the ]atter is �� a,
and without disturbin even the furnI- Nuw (lrounda, New Buildings, New Rues Truck ~f�IOSlERY 51;1; j1'IiAT YOU CA�i GET
piled the three baggage cars one oD cop of lure,' , g wholly defuncr.]aie. Wo now have along are bolus providecl,forthO furthoomiur Jubilee ' �'
c; „ —
souther like a child's Card house after he tour thousand miles of our Northern frontier F.xhibttloh, at an estimated cost of as, AT Gi�ASGOWS FOR 15c. & 25c. y `�
bad swept it with his hand, Then .came This conversation 1s historical It an uninterrupted:line of custom houses and $120,000.00 _
turned out to be of ver reatconse uenro a There is no beltPr value shown 'i� i� ?�``:,
the srx,day coaches. They were Y g q picket guards, as nee !loss tie they are annoy- ,;
to a great many people, and there are any ing tied irrating to the citizens of beth na- IIAI,r• ,i DIu,Lt0v DOLLAns will be represrntell ,«
TELESCOPED AS CARS NEVER Vi'Eltl: number of people familiar with all its de- by the Live Stock dig to •. Graml Exhibits in 1'• h
tions. If such n condition of things was no Painting. Statuary and 6culpriirn. The cam- t ' _
*' BEFORE, tails. The real estate owner told George cessary to protect our industries nod the mitroe ou Attrtwtious aro preparing rt 9pleudid - `
. • and three of them were pressed into just M Pullman that if he could raise a house workmen employed, that fact might be urged imogramine. Better than ever. Send your ad- _ r _- _1 y;'
space enough for one. ]Phe second car in that way, and could guarantee that it as a reason for its continuance. But no enc dresson a postal oars ear copy.-o£Prize.].ist, = -1 — -_ z _ _
For all information write to the Seeretar
necessity exintA. y
had mounted off its trucks, crushed could be done safely, he Mould like t0 A w PORTR, Pres. urn. DICBROo1r See. �-
through the car ahead of it, crushingttie have him . raise- the-hAck_da store -that- ?"-u will r,.vall the_,fact-.that-steps ---� __ __ -. z a Clinton.ug ----- G. GLAS(4O-1{ i—tb-t���l��ri-s- Block, -- _
taken by Secretary Tlaiva, while he was at ______
I`�-wtso�oYtl'as>, a lips in er' an ay there etoo on: the corner direc^ly opposite GRAND -
the head of the State Department, as a mens-.
resting on the car seats, while every pas- where the Borden block now is. HOW her of Garfield's Cabinet, looking tv a Zoll- - •- ___. d__.__._.___._____1
11 I in the front car was lying dead and much would it cost. ^The house raiser- verein with the South America States. It Dominion and Industrial EIbibinon, NEW GOODS E V E R� WEE I
dying underneath. Out of ,that car but Pullman was in that business then --said was urged that sue'., an arrangement would
four people came alive. The other cars he'd. take the contract for just what' it cost be very d'e.drabte, and the pro osition met ' • 188"1- - "
- .._ -
°were -not -so-badly- a ly shattered; bat file dead- Y'z tl old_. ashioned-method-. 'there•were- w-i.th-mnah favour. -Without diecuPain the -1 _- . , ._ L -.,- _ _...._.. , , ,
L anddying were•everywhere to be found. dickerings, ,naturally,- but finally about desiribility of such an arrangement, it i pro• TORONTO SEPT. 5th to 17tH SPI�GLV. ATTENTION PAID TO.. GLTTING NE`vVl iT FANCY
�' Another danger to be met was that of 100 men one; morning surrounded the brick per to say that our trade with Canada is Al- I I — ARTICLES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY IN
drug store and began to put in lace y g f5:1;0,000 1N I •13.1,, I:r S'. +
_ re. The bridge was still ablaze and file r, g p p read greater than that with the thirty odd
carssurrtiunded by burnin•e embers. There A FOREST Or JACK SCREWS millions of people of South America and tale , ENTRiliIES C1,05r Au(tUh'r 18'ru Wall Paper, Coiling Dt�'contlioil! '
`_, was not a drop of water anywhere near, ' adjacent States. fVe willasell fo Canada this + ` j ��ilol���lt patterns,
a old citizens say there were thousands of year near Yif,ymiitione;ana probably purchase Ultfousccu nb!vedUrw�l1l bOituOlgreatiyUle Liui 1�ac Op. !7 �r
3Ytd,for four hours those who were not cis- them. 'These had been boo ht some of from her in the not hborhood of the same ti<tn n the billed, will and ue greats products DOOKc7 L� S'l'A'IIlON lYill.! i, '�r]•Cllt variety.
abl'ed in the wreck bravely fouDht the g g ue thio lural
jlamea, digging up the baked" earth with them, and borrowed, All 'the screws in amour.t. Our exports to South America pro y over Loki' j,Vi;'I;YTIiINU :1T CLOSL+'S'1' PRICES, lJa LL 'AND +
town were on tbat-lot, and hundreds had per will not reach more than half that A urt kxD PROGRAnaiE Or• SPECI:u, ATTRACTION UKAIIINE.
their bAre•hands, for there was no pick or been' brought down from east, A. B amou.n.t ; so it would seem that the more de- I Is nr.I`o PuLPA•.Eu
shovel to be found. At last they were nuc- Pullman, a brother, stood at one corner, sirable Zollvercin would be with our English. Return tickets at ainfito fare and rlteap exear• -N wonrr*
eessful, and with the dying of Qe last and the millionaire president of the Pal' s eskio Dei hbors alone on d}1 call Wava Aurin the full tlmo of the 1.1 � Vr- .1 ON C1 i nto" '
P 1; g , just aero;s the line iu
embers came the morning dawn and help Ace Car Company at another. As Geo' �bi xxhlbitto r.
North America, rather than with the Latin i TRE GRE TV$T EVER of file !UBILEE YEAR _
ficin Chatsworth and Piper City. Pullman raised his arm, H. B. Pullman and otherracaslof South America, , --
THE AWFUL DEATH ROLL. raised h19, :tad thea each man are one loll kvi!I observe that what is proposed is For Prize Lfsteand full in ti address ' •
g -in nowise in conflict with the philo,opby of •i 1 1VITIiRO1V-, 1f J 1 -TILL,
One hundred And eighteen was the aN turn to the three or four"ajnckscrews that I'resirlont,' rill r. and fiee,'romnto, Iff YGROCER a
full roll of the dead, while the wounded -were under his charge. Half Chicago protection, f am a protectionist; but we - . _.- -__ _ _ __ ___ _.__�
number four times that man The -Ml were on the spot g will agree that protection properly rienls with
y• the Unequal conditions which exist in the
tale of dead cannot, however, bo told -yet After three or four turns bad been given field of competition as betweeu our manufac • • '
for days. Chatsworth, was turned into a and while the crowd were waiting to ace tures and those Of the Old World. Those 11 , N N " 060' ,�',�20�j(zs COOpG'� I�'O/1� •
The Town Hall,the engine hoose the structure start, Geo Al Pullman waved conditions, relating in the main to the cost 0 p(� Iv Y
and the depot were all full of dead bodies, . his arms, A B ,Pullman waved his, and of labor, and being so largely in favor of theOR B&W% M I
while every houeo in the little village lids men dropped their crowbars for the day, plants of Europe, manufacturers there aro in AVN; IIA t'T: 'l'FI]': L:1ItGT:ST CLEANLS'1' c r
the qu•tta of the wounded. There over The crowd went away wondering, The certain lines of trade enabled, an the absence Y AND DEST ASSORTI P
100 corpses lying in the exepmporary dead bUtlditlg Nhieh had ello-vn the first day of the influence of our protective system, to I STOCK OF
P01VAID=1% .
houses. no sign'•of budging the next morninz was control the markets at our very doors. But
clear of the ground by an•inch or more. this reason has no possible' application tO TIDE CDOWS SEST�FRIEND I O- �, 0 0 � R I
A. HORRIBLE SEQL'Ei,. The tension of the timber had worked competition with Caunda ; and the reason __ - __- e
No sooner bad the wreck occurred than everything clean of the Ground over Di. ht, ceasing, the rule censes -with it. it is my ' - . e
a Beetle of robbery commenced. Bands Of' The crowd Nhen it came doiwU the next purpose td p ess this moasure-somewliat � HURON AND BRUCE In town. nue 'prices ace us low as the lowest, and -ve Ararrant overpth'
unspeakable miscreanta,heartless and With day was amazed when it saw that the OF Cnn� DAs amended tit itsln \flee sipou, on aha aAlt carl,y Y 7 t , - t first- �1A9::. Su10 AbeIltA Ie1' E110 celebrated `°COOPER'S I;AIZING POWDE.
only anirnal instincts, were oU hitnd to brick buildin stood oY, 1(11111 rlllfl Illi F,AI )lllf•EBt 8Jf1 r , R•
steal. 1i'ho these Nretebes are• is not g jackscrews ; that and favoi,iblo consideration thereof. Itis not __ fest hra.nd of CIGARS by the Bax or Thousand at, llanuf leturu:rs Prised.
even the bottles oti the drug Store shelves a partisan mcas;n e, otic -rill not, I trope, be T(r is Courttctn� is /�oanbng dlv,tet/ vn 1'af �n 7l%:i "+ A specialty. CivC its t C;i1i.
known, whether they are iti baud of pick- bac} not been disturbed; and that costo treated as anch slues it presents grounds
pockets who necompanied the train, or mers could come anti go by wap. of astair- upon which th roust ultra protection' and SecazrNy at l,otrest Rates v/ /rzGcrest. Ir "
tramps, who were lurking in the. vicinity, way that had been built. That building pronounced freotr•ader can stand Miliout hav• I - --- —
cannot be said. The horrible suspicion, went up and up, and the foundation tvds ing Ilia pet ideas jostlerl or disturbed.
however, exists, and there are mat y who' built under it, a.nd the whole of Chicago o Our Canadian, noigbbois, who live just ; I'IOItTGA(.f;!; PUl,C11Asl;
gives it credence, that the Accident was was at Pul)man'.1 feet, H,• ra ed a whole across an i •Kinney lino tura in lineage, leu• ; 'lam ® ®® �� , Josm`
deliberately planned case of train wreck- block of buildii,gs soon alter that that, °'lose and Etat iriou with ua if not of us.-' SAVIh7GS F� , - jt
. ing, that the bridne was set on fire. These strung along ort Lake street, from I.a They have the same aims and ambitions as a { BANK T;RANGII.
wretches went into the Cars when the fire Salle to Clark, and that comprised all nation, and logically the same destiny. With I •y a'td Iter G'rn9 Interest AZlotued o,r I f 7 x�
was burning fiercely underneath, and starts of structures some bi and some pportuoitioe in the field of industrial effort Deposits, according to amount CILII l �ON. 1
when the unfortunates who were penned little some 'Dined b g is nowise superior to our own, it would seem and this hft• . .
" , .1 V party walls and that protection against thaw is needless and I —-------- ..-- -.-. -- _ .--._ _._-_.--_ - _...---- _. _ - ,
there begged them . Ibr God a sat a to some clear of their nei�nhborA. 'Then he defenceless, oFrroE.-cnrnc of alnrko Sgnnre andNorthfitreo -" ---
help them Dud' stripped them of their raised the great Tremont• (louse, a struc- I •sepal you herewith a copy of a speech 1. HORACE I1oRr� NAOER
watches and'jewelry and Searched their ture as large as it is now, big enough to receutly delicee`eT'iii-anew York upon the sub-. (lodcrie August Bib hiss
pockets for money. hold three hundred people, and built of jest, together with i► copy of the 1.111 as ori. ---- • - - -- . __
A HORRIBLE INCIDENT, massive granite. That showed what Geo ginally proposed, and Bomo other literature ,
Thera was one incident of the accident M Pullman could dein the way of house• in regard to the matter. 10066rougliwhich stood out more horrible than All of rAtsing, I have written you fully, hoping you will �o11eCl��Sthese horrible scenes. In the second coach - ""'t•*.'+ -- give the proposed measureeach•consideration ol GOOD PR 8 ,
as•you deem its merits require. I will be '
was a man, his wife and a little child. COMMERCIAL UNION, exceedingly gratified if you will writeme your '-- ` !
His -name could net be }earned, but ]tis views upon the subject. With great respect, Actor beingg thoroughlyy ovcrh>Lnled and re -Acted with H
amid he got On at Peoria, When the ac- imroitTAnT r,ETTER raoit rtoN ate, se•1"I•I;r,` I am, dear sir, eur84ar trul NEW DIACHINERYOfthomoetapprowedkinda,these
Y y yY nulls are now in nplondid running order, and will not
cadent occurred the entire family of three WORTII. BE
RUTTFRWORTit, be surpnased tit the qualityof the work done, by any
Wag caught and held down by the broken' -_ ------ ..�,... _ mlin the country. ,
11 wood�sork. Finally when relief catrie the . Washiogt6n, D.C., Aug, 8. -Ten thousand �tor.E RLl1iARIiABLE STILL. ,
g les Bt tlf8 1611 win ' able tette! Froin the F Ound at last, what the, public has-been il' r
_....._ SRO �ittcnti b«on - tv GRIST1NG - , - . �----'-•-`-A-T
Inas turned Ipebly find said : "Take ou6 g -_
s inn for these many goara and that is a medicine , - •- _ . ,
Iriywifefirst;I'tnafraidthechildisdead." pas of IIon Mr Butterworth have bean ad whichalthougltbntilatolyinErortucOd,hasmado
130 they Carried out the mother Anti as a dFearad to the public men and journa i Itk of for itself a reputation second to none, the me- --
the United StaErs,:- dlotno is Johnson's Tonic BiUt�+ra which !n con.11
btoken seat ryas tlken Ofl' lice CrUsdled lunotion with Johnson's Tonto Liver pills has CHOPPING DONE ON S110RT NOTIOE, "
brtastthe blood which welled from ler HousuorldirsESFxrA•rivrs, li, S., 'Performed sonic most wonclorfulcures.Impure ,�
lips told how b-Rdly She Nas hlll'E. ThY W`ASIIMTON, D, U., .Aug. 6. or impoverished blood soon becomes purified Satisfaction gimmn-Wal, Pnrfios wanting anything I S
� L
Y '`'• y DE.AA SIn,--As you aro proUahly nwaro, at 1i etrichoYl33liiousnasa, indlgesUlnn alert need 'tvhnte-cr ill this line VIIi And It !n their otterost to �llc�r E®
carried the Cbihl, A fair•hnirerl, blue a td010"ache, liver enniplaint, lanfinor, weattnesa+oto, i;irenaacnll,
Y the of the fustyninth CouKross a bill soon Qtsarpear when treated by tbeso excellent
girl Of 8, and iniri ]1^r in itis corn field s<na int°o ucerl by rnO which had for ate tib• tulle medirtnea, rorAvlc by lir, Worthingtnr. y rr. Itt'uClt, Pinprictor. OL� T��1"�
. ,