The Clinton New Era, 1887-08-19, Page 4., 4 4 1. I _ , n i + n, - ♦ . ,.•. u . -. I M .. - tu Rxxz � #I,k c> > ' AQP+ ilN:�ilCTlft411�. Addit�4l�11 Lpopl-N w a' t3os_ 4 D,, �'�e ti her mor is 1 :, , , ! t .,g w#� Si to rtetr► .. pprAiridi " som.e household duties Mie .. . rlwn,, rho A.Untf+ $tpr.: , ;Stray: &oft- lZ, denupuge. iS'o gQe sero . a c e e - • _ , pn: >sictn r 8ezvane7, Sopt 3-lIo. holil ' it • #b t the ol�nr .�i e, gQu Ml DTI IT M UDI', ► la .MieQarya .bn :1 o d+wy lit alitltble u>sg ceps, 'the pro Ate 1 clh nae tuiaftuto of Xr tfeo 1'ar7Rt f of )ill I stiff}p� lf. ,. d , I "ill",utde td r , h , ...Bolt, 8t > p nu, ,J.rlo lfowgpn, shot. A �a fr wOr� . aakson 0r¢,a_ izetl }2c tea, nze epi; dpwaAain th'af ; i of -.,.., tlergrely pCald •ht r fggt'j,shki b$e ttRt. 'j1peA F°' tY A11 13 • gaasaa, 1YinghP , tambll3d11 w 4e44 Prat: into An qtd Real. „ 1. AuvtiOn:SAI0—cTetpt Eot9soa.1. iQ,gcott Act; t1FRY:h P fie,1 I. We have IiEXEl 4kk #9`0SE5'1 Y?fs7i7CEA,. ,gibl to uetj 3G ei pep. A6 Contr'i<litr x e well. ds M . bl BARN f6bezi'sle=, Iey dcao,' , I'iiilttlp iia aio ' be n. t oft 1Ls DS n . b 9 z S . ti►zhu , .s ail .. t, - e.. _T bled ver F' AXr T4pre ,seems tQ ba, a tceppeA a .ntng, of Foster, vFae throwp from b B t COATS- ill Qltnton ori ► OA that th tenpperetnga people as a body , a m i $ gilio I .th wit. the »Ifs gI H tb11e. atisc+e'' --k ay ;' < muco by rasp wli0ltveb Frtsatta UUt a-da.uaatnolspt.af$agc min in'tltla'9 9 n. dgatOittilO.Yal�wP fence, nail ,2001 SII Rob. W.(foats,ofa dao liter. ' u fig , !£ ea o. y . ... r ed, neva s . ,, Farm tarvilt-*-1PGplaloggl1• ase;>lot demanding its reheat. they oppose couple of charaetvre visited the own last No4withatausii ilio r weather raI broken Gibe, PROUAF09T-At cgodoricb on fig e a the Aµgust. 9th, .t • - , 4 fit.;Telegrap>I �W, Javkson, repeal, and we have sept} that th, legislative week who tried to make. themselves free (Cro a a ear to have bases unusually Within, the post year two dead babies have wite'ot wptiam Ptoudtoot, ttarrister, of 4, dao liter, �» BOPU a esent tf a oft e - with the ro ert of others, u ` n the e t good bass' found inWio hath. Last f a ?; 4 1.� 4 ;'$, ` �sWL' O 0 t '. r pr w .g .i - ki geoPlp ary ili9b douyand P P y, re, 4 t fortunate- and hs area grown gloater tiinq that of g " hand y evening wife o%e Joseph t Yemen, Ran, on the 30th lit;..ttir. a tlie,1la400 s3 Q.,.� or ly, with ver indifferent auccesa, Un former ears. Flax u11 n has be n quite a fine, hoaltby, lively boy, ftboat a month old, ton) of a eon, Ph Ritchie, (form idiso ld Irog;Vint. . ', Ietdios! bgtfon bogts -J, ,7ttgliegh. ing its Iepeal -. #Spy pppoao repeal. Who rridtty nighty last, the house of Mr Joh a htirvest season to all cvho were�willing Its was Iof6 at the book door o[ the Qoeea'e hotel. $lg.offero in, drops goods -Pay dt fro. then seeks o;demands the re sal of ilia Scott n- Afrs Cook on the. 11th oon. of McKillo who • MA�RIEL) onseandlot foryie,-P''I,'PTvell. Leslie was vlettFd by one or more of thin to pull. P • "^ dot In flits count, ? Reply was suffering from obstruction of the bowels LEGEAR-Fi3HF$--Apthex$eidencegftbdhr7do 4.s 'iA4lirt} Cin tq:lV wga>La`Fatls,�G: T,R. Y p Y Rill be made- Olaes, Nho ransacked all the drawers they INCORRECT. --A Ie Ott CUrrOnt In thin last Week was not expected o 1'v@ "' a a renta.,Oodeiicb,onthe 1(Ah lust, by the $e, Q " CQUFd find 1A the lowee Pt live, bot bra. attoa, assfdtad by Rev f3, R. T , rk 'AerJ, T: Laffe r . ll I r0wee i alroiluotions 4 fr Quimetto examine the potltlon to be deposlLod with part of ilio Scone, pvighborhood that Mr G. Baird, jr.,�fgrm- were nailed fn And out down and retpoved the of Ethel, to Ada cldeat daughter ofiKrDavtd r Qelits;wanted=-Wvstaott & Sa>;dexs. the t3heriff, on fife 20th fust., and witness but took nothing, as, far as the family eels ofStauley, is laid up atek at Kir,car- ollstFuot2on. YLNEAMOND- vaxsrox-It10''. " 'arI ig fox Safe or to Hent -R mcCorkindale, know, beyond a pair of•Mr Leslie's boots• dine, is, we are glad>to�kuow�iueorrvet, The congregation of St. Stephen's church 107th, at the residence of the Prides father, the Raeg', the signet... of electors of the county ask- When the fancily came down stairs in the Sir Bairci's family is at i{incardine, and Gorrio, has increased so largely under the on Patterson, AIA, R D. b of YsuEsmoad, f:8ngv, - • -T+_ - ~- ~` toeambepey of the Rev Mr Moorhonse that forth, to Maggle A slant daughter of Aid. J Y.anaton, ----- -r-------•.-.- - -- --•- ing for repeal," But when we remember morning, all the doors were found open, be is (gaily expected to return from St. " Ly how little the majority of people enquire as which was the first intimation they had Paul, where he has been employed for the aeatiog capacity of the church is found DIU,D that anything had transpired, some time but where his health has not quite iasuff%oteut. EIVGHtLt-In 8oaforth, on the 11th fust,, dotut (8 Jilitu'a a. j� ex 't T to th© uaturo of a petition before signing, The Huron Laud Agency is a aeW cora ao 8ughtTl, agedes ears, 7 mrnthsaad 29 r a wliBn we remember that si uaturos to, The same night the house of Mr Z. been good. orgaaiaed iAGo3etio4 with Alvs. Saandera, ylust.,days.Theo: i ��a g a Jackson, sr., was visited, presumably b McLAUQHLIN-In Hallett, on the 16th P RIZIAY, AUG. l9, 1,887. petition can -generally be secured of parties the same parties, who tookpnotbing furjv. Sunday RIGHT HE IS.—In his aermon on Trans. ; E. N. Lewis, Sulicitor, and Wm. WJOH McLaughlin, aged the residence othis e�p�+mi Ronr _�— {yha may not be in accord with the sand- cher than some 18freshmettt. LY�morping iter fdr•Ker,of Mitchell, E. loot, Sooeretary and office manager, Bell. lot 9,.Huron $oad, �odertchtoNnettiP, oc Aus ,v the chuT,Qh of England very pro- They purpose handling real eetate, colleoting 7th, ThoniasJohaston, aged 71 years and pne dsy. ' • EDITORIAL NOTES. merit or principle of the prayer of the elf- At an unseemly hour of the night, WILLIA Johnston.a ed71 a Augustno da ftern P i Y P peels refused to make secular announce- rents, valilafii r crty, - . -. — - _ couple of men were -l•een loitering around merits ,from the u tt Ruby, of the Bronson Itae He While Mr long'and painful alpeed 2 eta wife of Andrew girl- a tion, this reply does liotsatiefy us,and whgn the office of the C!tnton I'eiindr F ,and that the y liamson,aoder;eh,aged42 years. An unconfirmed report Comes from Zani• we, further enquire as to the object of the even tried the door, but were frightened umns of a � 6w%paper Eras. ' the proper wean deft req home from town, he mat the flax ' SdNDE$SON—In West Wawanosh, au August 2nd, F g 8 ; h ware makrnl; such a arias that Iiia Sarah L, Sanderson, wife ofe. E. Sanderson, in,tho lilts t)Qain that Stanley has .been killed. ..... eti ' awe - channel through which notices of the yy diet year of her ago, p #ion in this case, we are c6r vincgd that y'by a person nearby who saw them. horees t lulrfri ht aria ran awe emasbin the ' �'-'' it free no indication whatever of the scuff• They visited the house of Sir X. C. tilt kind should reach the public. [There buggyto.places Ide Rab aeon ed without ` GRA.IiAM-In Goderich, ou Agkrust 64b, Thom%% l:s ituot about time the brass beloved g g y by a watch are a few other ministers of the same any serious in ur Y P Graham, eldest eon of Mr Thorgas Grrham; aged g7 p. roy, but were frightened awe v11fe' `WW's di.�opped from depth notices. It ment existing for or against the Scott Act. dog, opinion, but there name is not le ton. j Y• years and 3 months. Although a' art of the ra 'of the petition g' and on Saturday night; the house of R Tuesday night last the new bank barn be' DULMAGE-in Colborne• on August 5th, Airs ig more' eugg4iAlyv tl,au expressive. g P P y P Mrs W, Coats, in the,onorthern part of the C, RTte'IceTl .-We baro received the fol• longing to Wolin Stiles, Ashfield, was complete- Christopher Dulmage, aged 81 soars, t ~ e t fm a ]Is for repeal pet it is rluite evidei,t--that town 'was visited'; here they tried the lowing letter, which speaks for itself :- lY burnt, together with the new grain, to WATSON-[n Csoderioh ,August 11th, after a llngor- '' ,•Hxs7," does not appear to have he v the petition is'but one of the preliminary doors and windows of the lower part of This certifies That P, R. House, M. D., is implements, and harness. It is. supposed to g tineas, encs, wife of E. R. Watson, aged 38year., - P Y have been the wort; of an inceniliae )#j'i•' ,.g_months'and' le days• t,hld:gb in hien he kind a fow years ago, The steps necessary to be taken to et the real the house, breaking' one of the windows our only authorized canvasser and general y Yi'H hs and 1In E • g in their efforts to raise it which woke u agent for the sale of the American Cyclopedia, Stiles has the sympathy of the entire neigh' gmondrllle,onAugust6th, FJtza- I P borhood in his heavy toes. beth Whamn, relict of -the late David Wharam,agod - 'I &Ot tha`t of latre years he has formed disaoluto expression of the sentiment existing, and P Index and Annuals and the condensed y 91 years and 9 mouths: j one of the inmates,,and the would-be bur- American Cyclopedia, for the town of Olin. Last Friday airs George Brown, who lived habits may have much to do with this, that the gist of the whale matter is involved lars Sed, on the, boundary between Gra as rOOTE-In Troy county of Wentworth an the ; "• , "--""' - in that part of the prayer which desires that----r----�---- amu, Ontario. A11 orders must Dome through y Y d LoBao. Seth of July, Sarah Loma. wife of iter J'O Foote tor - WHAT has Weems of all the election pro- LOCAL CH HURON CHIMES. or will be referred to him as long as here. died after a very brief illness, She arose in merly of Stanley, aged 83 years and a months, tests lodged last March. The onlyone tried the votes of all the electors of the county be mains in..said.town.. We can gecommand good health in tale morning and worked for ..-� .� g teflon for and a« Rev Me Munro, Baptist minister of Inger- him and the work he re resents to the lite- soveral hours rind was a corpse before 11 Mr Irvine Junkin, • 11 o far resulted disastrously for ilia' Liberal against the adoption of flit Boll, passed through town oil Monday, w2 his P , Postmaster of Bobcat'- - .res ondent, and it is about time " the other said petition. Ilius it is plain that bun- way to spend his holidays with Dir Davidson, nary People, whom he may met. D. Apple- o cloak; A husband and four children, the Seco, had his dwelling and outbildinga .de - P ton do Co., New York ; .C. D. Parker, DB youngest an infant of six days old, are left to strayed by fire Sunda morning. The family deeds of signatures may bo.attached to the of Manchester. Su P Y g fellow" caught it so as to evo2, up accounts. Y The north and of St. Paul's church has pt' mourn her untimely removal, had a narrow escape of being harass to death, �.-_ petition, of persons who have nothing to say been torn out, to allow for intended improve- DoN'T ENCOURAGE THEM. - During Statements from the Assessor's Roll of the' the rear part of the buildings being al! iA THm American Knights of Labor are be- against the Scott Act, who in fact are in, Monts, and while these are going' on, service the last few days a number of tramps township of Ashfield for the year 1887:- fialieswhen first discovered. Thefirewas,un- Po lustion 2740 • No, of names on roll 1019 doubtedly the work of an incendiary. f gittnfttg to realize that the •interests of the favor o£ rho Act,but who have.hy their si`iia- is being held in the school house. have visited our town, begging for. vie- b' ph ' , workingclasses are not promoted b high P Y g tures, given assistance to the xocur]ng of a Tho district meetin for the Dlethodist g churches in Goderich district will be held teals and mons to buy whisks with Y y Y , and have been seen on the street drunk tet e, 44;deaths, 20 ; No, of acres asaeesed' 63,654,4 ; acres cleared, 42,755; acres of wood Oustoms taxation, and it is said that the issue vote in order that their own faith nay he about the 7th and 8th of Sept. next, in R'at- by parties Who kindly gave them assist- laud 4,219; acres of garden or orchard, 5.16 ; acres' fall 'Total council of the order will shortly apro- - rlouneement in favor of a general tariff re- confirmed, in older that tom pernuco souti• moat and toubury Ct. church, Clinton, It ]s expected that Dr. Potts, of Toronto, will be present ante. \ ',; saw a strong, able-bodied young m,,:i begging for a pair boots, of wheat, 5831. assessment of real property, $1,�02,10G ; personal proper- p P oper- cluction. They realize, evidently, that every- labor is principle may be stirred up, to convince opponents of the Act that it has and deliver an address on the College Con' federation scheme. g of the other •la-ip. If we want to keep the town clear of these idle trampts, ty, $98 675• A man named Arthur W att while q , thin" but protected. g P —�`�`- still the confidence -aucd support of the tell,- On Tuesdaymorning Rev J. T. LeGear.of Ethel, was uited iu matrimony to bliss persons should give the constable word that they in a well which Messrs. Sherill Brothers were sinking in the now school at Tal. Gladstonian have been wonderfully c - • • perance party, and to n11a the unsettled } feeling which they think- will continue toexist Ada Fisher of Goderich. They have not only the New EnA's best wishes, but also are begging. We know well that the Mayor will attend to them y , and tramps grounds Hannah's Corners in Tuckersmith, came very near be]ug suffocated by foul air on Saturday auccesdful in bye-electfoua in the old country, until this question has been again determined those of a beet of friends in this place and will soon give the town a wide berth. last. He had reached a depth of about fitly wihning every seat tlioy have contested, and carr in Nortliwi h b alar o majority, on carrying G Y 7 y at the polla ; lot us say More such arguments vicinity. Damn humor says another. mar- riage in which a minister and a young lad Y g Y STICK A PiN HJ P.$ -A oon feof weeks P slots the NEty DRA feat and felt the effects of the bad air just as the bucket woo bei" raised. He was just g Saturday. It loolw as if a goneral election are unsound as reasons for signing the pati- tion, not far from here are the principals,* will shortly, come off. stated that W. C. Morrison, who had removed to Stratford, got out in the nick of time. would vary materially alter the rheas of but we know such arguments are used: The parties who first brought -this petition It is expected that the Ontario St. church was one of the men whom it was better to deal with on the C. O, D. principle. Dior- The Expositor says: -We are sorry to learn than Alr E 4V Hagerty, who for the past three aifnirs u, England, as the masses are becom• forward, {vha circulated the same noel ar will ba formally re -opened (though as a mat- risen, on Monday, threatened to make it years has filled the position of Assistant Ill. ing convinced that Home 1Zule 13 .he only a ter of fact It has not been closed while the hot for the NEW ERA for that statement: -blaster in the Sea#orth High School, has - du solution of Ireland's troubles, actively interested in its welfare are ,the addition to it was in progress) about the resignetl his -situation and will remove r, dV�i"01i1.C11#s- Fhi emitionze our former remark, with hotel keepers of the county, the bitter ane- third Sunday in September, iter Dir Roberts from here at once. DIr Hagarty has accepted •�� this addition, that W, C, owes several aC- t_OOD(iENMRS. SERVANT WANTED a ONCE, will be Dna of the ministers who will officiate, the Head DIsstership of the Meant Foreet !� _ IT is highly edifying to ollgerve how cic- Mies of the Scott Act, and it is instructive and who the other will be has not yet been 1 ounts in this town, will not willingly High School at a salary of $1,100.per annum l7W Apbey to MRS. J C GILROY, near Organ Fa9torr tvrmined that respectable body, the Mont'- to consider the time at which this movement decided. There is some talk of oushioning qu date them, and as he is not worth with a promise of an increase to $1,200 at the groan for a compotant person, real Stook Exchange, is to stamp out bucket is instituted. SO.I},o time before the present the entire edifice. The addition to this church much, it is hard to compel him. This end of the present year, `-+TF.AY COLT=CAME INTO THE SUBSCRIBERS e will not only add much to its appearance, should be plain enough to suit DIorrieon's t7 promises Lot 29, Huron Roan shops. TheExohangereceutlypagged a reso- fliloiell machinery for enforcement of the but'will also materially increase its accom sensitive nature, but we will make it Itis a painfa} duty this week For us ty an. ship about n week sineepa Spring colt Goderich neein lam' lution asking the Government to take steps Act was brought into play, it is reported modation, --"-- plainer ff be wishes it. "ounce the death of Mrs 1� illiam Armour,sr., horo'by notified to prove property, pay charges, and of Witigham, which mad event occurred on take it away RICHARD JENNINGS *4 tahave them abolished. The plain and un- that the hotel -keepers of the county some------�.s.• , what generally tioia•l�rotessd9nnl IE:atrnivatfons, A CHANCE FOR SOME ONE. —Why don't Wednesdaylast. Of the dedeased hopes were AR9i TO RENT-TIIATvrELL-SITUATED BAIIhi compromising moralist will ask. what are g y' resolved not to take any steps some of our enterprising men fn Clinton entertained of her recovery natil Tuesday Fof 4o acres, N the lith cop of Goderich township FAR the essil ential differences between bucket towards repeal, because so long as the Act The following is a list of the candidates Start a twine factor . Man farmers evening laat,a;hen she got worse sadgradaally befog lot 83, Au cleared and In good cultivatliO; , {rho wore successful iu aesin y Y sank'until death released her from her Buffer. Good barn and stables, plenty of water, small inch allops and stock exchanges, and no one will was uneuforaed, it was goucraliy more re- P g rho above hereabouts have been hindered in their inKB, She was 62 years of age sad leaves a will bo rented nt a very reasonable agore.. , ply - "" munerative for those engaged in the sale of examinations, from this section;- harvest because they Could not get twine husband and ser seal children to Monro bor w CO-_ ... GH, on the Premises-orHolmesvtlle 1,01 be able to tel! him, because the difference is CLIxTox.—J. Dunkin, K. Eadie, C. 'Far• for their binders. Some have gone to demise, only in,dea ea , ; refreshments to cotttiuuo under its provisions , quharson J. Lovell, A. DlcEweu, J, D.Lurcll, both Clinton and Goderich and have re- WoftTED_A Fttowns and v MAN. IN EA .. , ;=.R•�-- , than to return to the license .act, but no J. Anderson, A. Bartley, T. fleury, J. La A little bay,. son of tl'Ir N. C. Grifiio of the following towns and Villa es to represent, Urs local totem: tries to aczend ilia super. sooner' had the officers appointed tainted for wont, A,McTavish, D. DIcGregor, U, Dlartiu, turned without anp twine.- Some !lave «ingham came near being drowned on Taea� a good Life Insurance Company :- ayseld,BlytR, 1 proper 11 had to take out their . ofd ren ers and tie I Brussels, Clinton, Goderich, ERS, t aria vicinity. a.nnuation system 9; d argues that it is the its enforcement commenced to brio J, E. Shell. P day afternoon. Blra Grifi:n was spending the Apply tq {VESTCOTT t SANDERS, Ceneral ARenta21n, g offeild• GormfucK.-II. Andrews, DI, Halse, 51, np the grain by band. We..do not know, afternoon with her sister-in-law, Mrs 'J, H. Exeter, Ontario; ici ' duty of the state or individual. to provide for era against its provisions to justice, than a Linfield, B. Regan, A. Matheson, J. Noble, but we suppose that it woul(I not cost much HiscacU, having with her•some of theyoung- the old ageof itsomployoes, Ttiht'a a matter vigorous movement is lint oil foot toscenrc a `.. Stylis, P, Stewart. l;. Finlay, C. Job"- to add machinery to the flax mill that er members of the family. The little fellow F bol NEAR CL axes, FOR SALE ix TIIA`I' of o inion. We do not believe t'he. State ston, S, Johnston, J. Dlcitae, IV. Watters, would be serviceable, and twine is certain- strayed away from his mother, went to a choice farm of io axes, hart of Lot six, in 6hn Rnroo Road Concession, Goderich Township. Within P vote for repeal M. Watson. 1y an article thl,t there will be ai, increas• cistern containing about three feet of water, too miles of Clinton station: Frame house of seven should have anything to do with it, and one Those who etie Opposed to temperance in SU.kFORT,I, 111. Casey,kl. );row". L, Camp• ing demand for. 1 -ted a loose board and stopped in. It was rooms. Good frame barn 60 x 41. Two'good wells," .s. reason or a e le i?�th7st�illra}cesthe ri birlit-y-moo{v {ve g a t an oppol ui1 ', •-vu• �"elex•' ,- r'ell Al. T. Hislop.___� �: arNu>, PI c r ThP thigtlr `with difficulty the mother and aunt rescued j archance firs domuff ted n• 'Intro vaav EASY' This divianad who should be self-reliant a11C1 T. Kyle, L, Lattlmar, E'„DlcNeill, DI. Dior- lm from hfa Z_Q_rraus 05itlOn Apply td H, HALE, CRn•• . is, given for the late to assert itself under fa- rig,n, J. McKenzie, C. McKenzie, G. Pollard, down now floats upon the air, each carry • P rka: p' Clinton P.O. ` - a prep y wnr prudent, dependent on the taco of others. Ing the seed to be ,sown <and, 'propagated ,An accident, which came very close to t l g' vocable circumstances, that if violaters are C. 5hortreed, E. Sitiith, Gr Dewar, At. Die p , , terminating fatally, occurred in Winghani on ----- Even i£ the system was conducted without made to feel the penalties of violation as Fadden, T. I iiechtal, T. McLaughlin, SV, in some adjoining garden of field, The Wedneaday evening, A oun woman mimed ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT IN MoR,RIS--- - >be slightest favoritism or unfairness, it is ' McDonald, M: Morrison, C. McXav s common Canadian thistle is the most pro- Y g ARM sale Part of N .l 7 con 7, containing 6o acrex, ----' thev uu{ - can be evade to ftiel tlten>, fol a in I n.tiu, (Pn.sed P Malcolm a domestic servant In tbe°employ of about 40 acres cleared,'balance hard wood and cedar. _ - essential wrot because it coni ,cls all -v iio ” " _��` ductive of weeds,one stalk.being computed, Mayor Inglis, was walking along Patrick (food buildings, orchard and water. Four miles from _...-. 7, bKar thei alta>o of arcitnary ta'tatloll t0 >av 'ea�ouablc length o£ time, that tl�eu tips -to yield -951000 seeds: It's -a wonder -that street in company with somS-children, wben ,Belg'ra,e and five from Blyth, Terms to suit•pur. i.chaser. If not sold for next aro - -''- 1 prospect of success ul repeal would be g,om. f'1.AA TO\ I ARDII3I S CLUB. i the authorities In Huron do not take some they met Charlie Knapp, a boy about 11 years short term to al actual resident of the township. d eFor For the future contort and u,airiteuauce of forever. R is thus evident'to ever cue that -- determined action to prevent the spread of age. bliss Malcolm jokingly passed a re further particulars apply on the promises, or ddress i those tvho have I,etn .exOmpt Dominion } 1'lp1 C}canton 1'ariucrs' Club met on the of the nuisance. It is not because their mark tor boy, which he resented by etrik• to ROBT. BICCORKINDALE, Belgrave. 'lm those who are actively mshint, the .I-st iitst. fur their regular tiicetin„ t'lle Pleat- attention bas not been often called to it. ing her on the temple with afair-sized stone. ' Civil Service ou,ployeas not being subject to . .Y 1 UTCHEI I G BUSINESS—THE UNDERSIONED item ill the chair. After the usual business, taxation. And, further, the NEw rl;i has repeal Of the Scott Act in the cami,t}, arc In driving through the countryone will She dropped as though dead and only r: B incl a communication from the Soeretar, of wishes to Intlntato toJ.he people of Clinton and � A 'rl1"" 11 rte nLslf"' Tu al,"V 'BN Tu THE L%0 Lrl,EL ;'. see field after Geld covcrrerl by Canadian Covell next morning, sm•rounding country, that in order to sultnbly meet' concleulned tho.systein tinder both a Liberal > the D, 1'. Council being read, 'Mr. D*boss thistles, l he law a ti Mrs Jamieson, forunorl,y of Goderich wi a the demands of h,3 fiery numerous customers,.he hay H.1LE Uk' i\TO\ICaTI\f: i.CttiL•ORg- Tllli TI: DI• read A 1'A1L1abIC repel' ell the sllbjCCt ChOaCll g. net this pest should „ , bought out the business of MrRFitzsimon@,.and will nud Cansorvatiyo govornlnent, 0.11(1 l9 llOt , , lit tllCll' last llleet]Jl, t be enforced without fear or favor. died at Cavan, Ont., on July .Orb, was 1,07" carry ell the same, with the cl,ofscst meats In seas.", I Er-kNCE PEOPLE OF .IIUftO\ 'L ST g, fol: which a uruaui• ; in the north of Scotland UCtUated by any political fOeliu ; ill the , in- the year 18,1'7, No pains will be spared to moot the wants of all, ane •' PIIEPAPE I'Olt TfiE sT$UGGLls, THE mous vote of thanks ryas returned, and it, LOUNI) TO MA.[STAIN Oxmi;r all and came to. Huron county about £offs he hopes to merit and reecivemee a fair liharc of pubtiU matter•. It sliotild not be netvs to ole' totem. {vas requested that the Secretary hand it in Tuesday, Thos. Fairservice of Hullet years ago. For nearly two years she had been t'atronago Lowest prices for large ordorx. Farmerri SCOT" 1',l,("I'M ST11UTBE REPEALED. to the Clinton paters. At the'liext ,fleeting appeared before Mayor � 1Vhiteheadt in faille; health, sod dnrino the lastefgllb traclea specialty ALBERT MAY. if ft had road Dile editorial colltmifs, but ire papers. Will ,tato a fact for itss pecial edification that -- •w•e.4 -- -� (first DIonday in September) Mr. C. Avery ' monthe had been conflned to bed. Her dis• r�tO TILE LADIES -WHILE TIIANICI?ik MY 1 I is appointed to prepare and road a paper on charged With being drunk and disorderly ease was paralysis. tabs had lost the use of l nuuncious lady customers for their patronage in we do not re.gard one arty as possessing all A UmNITonA ,a for calls attentioll to tite °` p to plow dowtr for I'Alu urn- on the streets. Prisoner plea(],, as -an ea the past, I tette this o y P P fi p p The best crop 1bar right si.ie and was unable to speak, bat pppotuuit to hiform them that. luu'iu tentlatlno eircunigtauce, that when Mr in removing to C11uttS, I hope to be more central in 11 the { irtnos and the other all the vices of, fact that alae machinery of Confederation it g • �Vhitehe.ld eau for arliamen retained tho vikor of her mint] to the last. in work, to have boor train 'con P t about 20 uectious, and do p,Oliticul life, nail a'e.fPgl perfectly free to baclly out of gear, and cites as an illustration Tux; atusr rnw't'r.v,w; 1foin; Ur r.u; ns,,.' ears a o be had Her.; father'and mother .were membbrs of away with the necessity of canvassing ulinton, Iam condemn or Command the actions or grin- the circumstance that the leo )le of the (By J11% Donald Ross, Stanley) y g driven his team all day the first Methodist class fortoed in this part Prepared to (ill orders on very ahorE notice. and satin• 1. l Ill making a few remarks on the " Dost in leis behalf, and he thought he should of the country and she was a faithful member factordy, in Ladies' Mfssda' and Children's Corseta, Ciples of either party . And eve might also prairie province nee At issue with the Do- profitable "lode of f,trmiuc," I would first bo leniently dealt with, and the Mayor of Lho Dtothodist cbacli far G "wards f f Shoulder Braces and Supporters. Children's Waist; e, take into consideration tate e1 t told him he Wag ver p o fifty spemnity. Chntou lades, who pro e4 fall otden, say that Mr Fortior denies, Over his ow.n ininion Goverument oil every important 1 ense of label y much Obliged 'there- years. - -- Ptease ca11 alien it snits and have better satisfaction. signature, that lie asked for allp>eratllltlatlOn• 3nRttet. It 15 llOt at lI aill'pl'lSlllg that C011- ailed IOw priCC Of gl'ltili, which C011ai(IeratlOn for, but it Would be ,10 and costs in the llensall ladies ,leasogivo orders to.lfiss iAtnter: no• shows clearly that it {would not be advisable present instance, nevdrtbeless. Mr White- The Wingham Advance says: -Two young member the place, ovtF 'kir Twitcholl's store, E. J. Out• eotem. should not take far gospel tr.ith r fecloratiou has lint been a suecesr and in our to go extensively into rain rowilt«, gentlemen of Wirigham drove about two and a COULTER. Clinton, Aug 10, *int all it Sees ill tilt Bainilton Spectator. rt g g g Ta11= Bead is bound to maintain the dignity of half tn11eB Into the country one eveninglast • I-..-..------- ' opinion it never can be, for tbe,reason that ing then, an average fain, of IUO. acres, the town, and in the cases that have late- week, presumably to neo their lady.!oves. A U C T I C ill SALE --'-•••— ninety of which are cleared, I wonld plongb ] come before him IJL.S',1•:n'1I k:f Fi will be 'fouu<d an aecvaut of a interests of the several provinces are so tip ten acres of soil a year, sow five acres o£ y , he has shown doom- While in the houso some mischievous person of FIRST-CLASS differcut and each seeking favors at the peas, :tnd five of peas and oats mixed,' for mendable determinaliorf to enforce tile or persons took the wheels off the buggy and one of the most dreadful railway accidents 6 I ja{vs, transposed them -,lie #rant Dues behind and HOUSEHOLD f FURNITURE.- ,which has over taken. lace, .whereby be. hancds of the Federal authority ill return for green feed, this would leave the soil in good , , P vice versa. Tho two geuta and one young political support, causes a condition for fall wheat, by rnanurint,. I: ol• DFATIf.-DIr W, 1:1, Hine ou Saturday The undersi ned has been instructed by Bir 6 Dield Ween one and two hundred p0ople will lose jealousy. Twenty low the fall {vheat with oats, and seed down. last attended the funeral of an old friend lady got in the buggy and were about starting to sell by public aactfon, without reserve, at his regi• , cars' e',terience of Confederation has very The following year take a ( op of tiny, and of lits Mr James Roods, fattier Of His for Lome when the .latter sail she thought dace, t•lC'fOR1A ST REL'C, CLINTON, at 1 o'clock, their liven, and any nulubet roceivo(d,fnjurfcs y ' 1 r something was wrong. They got out, looked 1) ni, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd,, the whole that may yet be ae' iottrt. Au ex.evrsiou train clearly proved that, even with considerAblo tben pasture; If preferred, the sod might donor Judge Woods, of Stratford. His around but could Find nothingout of , of his Household Furniture, embracing' 4 Dedroon). i oiling, t be sown with oats, then followed witb'peas death was the result of a simple ' gear' acts, Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture, u}2 1111 Amorieall 1,1141rowl tuns Olt its way t0 g• he luachincry nti}i roux with Pao and green feed, then fall wheat, And seed P e accident. got in again and had not driven far before becretarics, I3oolicases, 1 ictures Carpots Crockery, In all attempt to drive himself over° a they were oat again and took another look Stints, Lawn Bower, Csbinet 'B[aker'.a }?each, and • N]ttglu'A FalLq, ruuuiil; nt tiro rate of nearly much friction. dowli ast" before. This would lcilve forty crossing he got too talose to the ed and with the same result, They k last drove oil' many other articles. The BnetAfurniture was all mane by u mile a minute,whon the engin@erdisrovered —'--- - __ _ , acres for pasture. and ten neres for house y Bir Drchl cspressty far hhnsetf, and cannot be our- , precipitated into a ditch underneath. and took their rig to the livors stable and were, nosed for workman hip, so that chi, wilt be a rare and gardcu, Stun and btn'nvnrd. Orrhlr(1, 1..'.. R bvidgp oiily f,ft.ocl :fpet long to be on fire. I OUR LETTER BOX calf past°nre Rud roc)t crop). • Although lie bad to be carried home it afterwards shown the trick that had been ct,ance to •ccurc good furnitureat low prices, ` was not thought at the time that he bad ' played on them. One of the wheels (fid not I'rrrprx- fill sinus of r•20tind under, cash, nvdr that 11 and hefufO t1,0 tt'a i tl t olild 1)e stopped, It {Y1 „ _-..-. _. __.._. In horses 1 tvouhl kCCp t1)'n bt'uud murex' Lai but dragged I amount three months credit will be given on a.) )roveJ. sustaiued an severer hurt than the dis- n u dr gg d al the why home. 1^ram x tt 16. on the bridge, which gaveway.and instantly LOOK .\1 TEV THE, ),.\�ti'�. u,d nuc worliin hnrg0. with which 1 +„ouhl Y I note., JAMI:�,l[g11'50�, Auctioneer. • ` actual raoiieeat measuring wheels tl+ey now _ ~ work the' f,vt•rr1 Rnd reit one ,u• ttln ,•nits a , Placing of one of his knee -ca 5 but It p111. car after car, with its load of living freight, ' - -' I know the difference between the front ones — 1 uflit 1 •tithe u 11 11. ' soon became apparent tbat he Ahad been and talose behind. They were heartily laugh ��T Was crusilo(] togoth', cr.Aud the horrible seem- ' J the C'1urtwt Aicc L'ru• ` Irl cattle I would keep) eight ru,v.,. bmitl" iujutea internally,and from the first little , 1\ ow that fnllmvC4 b trdcxcri ,tion, bei"•, 1 lJlsAtt aua-'SOluc of sur mblie 11101 111'0 them to CftkV in Jaltu,u'V. if irossibG•. Thin hope War held crit of bis recov0ry. DIr• ed at bq those at the stabs a»cT acme nF ilia School Books mgr I flight• • I boys who saw them drive in, t.' 1 ne:�lectilig their duty. Why arc not the would leave vight eal\o.s, tight yearlim u»d Woods was one of the efidyaettlera of the frit inrlc0rl. A I>;ind nF tliicrca, vcIin v':Clo Street Iaulps elcaucd,'the burners Ind ellilu- eight, two-yen"'-Ol(l't. The tivn.ycnr-olds I Perth district and \ Bnn.r.A3r Arutr.rr•.p[rsi,---11 e ltrtve in' took a more than frenal 1 have now t,n hand the ne+v broke authorized dont,lle On the train. rn!,11t hent to work net's put in clean order, the destroyed lampx Aould hurt ready fur nuiil(e[ ill' the CMT of interest ill all that ertainF n ' s I f). Appleton & Cos great American cvcln• t , re tinted, and tie{v li lits ut in other -4, f P d t it wet- by>the Minister of Biucation for use in Pub. find p,lundevecd every One they Conld. :After l g P , and June or the beginuii)g of Jud}-. I fair � pwdia the unparalleled aebievoment of they lie and }{iglr Schools, Collegiate Institutes the lamps lighted rut the dark nigbi that It would bO ncarly intpos,ible for )mt. t„ age. I'or thirty successive years ban this . 6 readily„ of the.devilish work of those fiends,' {we have lead of rate. Many agod rwrsorrs. bloke 1n cvtirnate ,)f t}re value O( Ston[(, but j ! RWF,6,�.-1•all trade wit) sUr,n colo• autitinp; cempauy been rfdinr' 'the ficin[ wave I and N1 1.10 ( lams. Teachers tend for nam- if one had any doubts bo£orc ill the doctrine who go to the church meetings dorm•„ the 1 tltiul(1 tliwht safely poi' them at S2G0, the meiuce,aa harvest is almost a month in ad• of advance in search of all flint may bd found • 1,1•, Copies, of the '• total deliravity of waukind," they I Week, have to go bowie in the dock, stunt- horses at 5201). dairo' l)r,)fluce at $1401 200 canoe of otheryears. Uur hall' -how will nee• and useful to matt, in art, Bcienee, litera•' � , , p tiling over uneven sidewalkq. The aur tr a j p tf taro and events. Cee in steriesand wonders ' l fpr )01� �1 ! 11,11-;x, 1t',iLl, MAPS, ". x Could It'e at once removed. 1t was of first 1 )rs bu 1te15 of 1cp,Cr)l. itt ^err•, ;i+i(i. 1»u�uutinp in be i0anied rig t along up t0 the date of }'' ( ),I,ti�t)V ti ' t I hidden lu atomic rrlatte7 up tO tbat'svntliot,c , 1 • b).i T , ETC. tion will have to pay rlautafea yet. YOnr., all to £;ser, Oth0r item.. tttb ax,jtugs. the :bon, for trhic.t special at#racticptte Are reported that the bridge lied Seco sot On fire , A Vr rr:,� v, sheep aml furls 1 do not tnalie any estimate being prepared. The NEw ERA i6 a tip-top I state, found in the roninq orb; of the universe I by train wrecker,:, but this theory has bcotr i _ - _• (,f. Esecp,t for private nice. f &) trot ennsidcr I local paper and does not miss many items i are Sere fntlq given. The pbreioal constitu. "W=.- Copper. disea•rded, 'and it is geucrally assumrcl that the raiyiu;; of ho-,,, ,profitable. lA fnih'. • i of interest. Clinton market wilt boom ) t'onofthesunwitht•hat•ofthosteMarworldmaro' 11 i,r11'I,II BLIIUIi li" STORE. lillOU1.l) .131•; 1'1\T:1)• ont• chic conrrw. it may sometimes be foun likewise here given to us in all their startling ( BOOK TOILE. a CORI fr0ul a .previous train had done the ! __- impracticable. btrt in illy n,pnion thv non, e) this fall and lead the ether t•owus,ap usual. � grandeur. The science or biology in the - - , - I i f ( Seuu Io CCL't9 ant. fret the .N7EW Iit:.A foe M jprotoitiasamie field, up to fife enbtlo forces of lCao-Paciliddog dawag,o. Ttailwallm have beau too recklexw, T., Ua liJity/ n/ (ire Ciirrlv,l \'rm Ler+, u'e. tate cnufOrnp to the abovC rnhttion. ihe Se balance of the veer. Thera Gave been pro nand with ' l t v ihitltrrtO. regarding ;nine of their bridges, Mit EL)nort,-]laving iia,l occasinn to rlriv,, mrn C p rntitablc tt i11 nor FarTnin;) t,s . I it p a-cotogical rotations and t(� /�/�"Rnd thio Resident will n clnubt load to g., 1 tinct that t 1,:r0. - k couple Of rand• showers lately, Tt -i ite et acts en matter era also full set forth (j, �� �i;tl,„ver tilt Colborne brief ,n _. 0.a.� I I ytv AAAA vv Said that a C"l•intonian has backed the Red i in th]s groat neurit of M•da}- From the :1 t- . wooden onea beim,-, replave,l by iron, ns they Cin tinfoil g e�git i s fultnOf)hnbles San 3t,flth, I'At riJ 11.__WC c-0L?rr:tt.uixfc' )!Ir .1. C'. j Mocking=, in the mateb with Brussels to• I pantie to the Psewc, fram Iiudson Ka to the lilt• beim dLC., l t t]1C int011 ?Ind E, +) J+, p],,p;t c18.1•, to the extent of :. 5o. IpostiYl of ter r6at guff, we sec the 4merican "push" feed' j lt'll)1: "PY:V 1'UIt Ci1,N1�Ii I' Tr) ALT, I K}wnld be. Tltr•ic i. nitr�kotltt•r fo,p much cup, to drive some horses over it. ( cRn)e 1 fi 4 air has i, uetl a neat lira's card, c' 9- ell this a ece't1e5s •mune of kno "f a e, punt', r,i• Tnh R: 4o F Selo;, s.lcccaslu: in ,asst” the l• ]r -t C:a>s,s i ss . travel Oil aced near meetin; with an socident, wbie}) would <.frtttie C' non-per*lessiOutl exanpitt;t!i ,n, , gg '� . have been innrc ex ienizivp titan a fray feet l l9tlictiUrs coilcernfia> -the arrival and y `I'�sy7+t)Is�l1 ') at ti)itlrit fd otic aii15et1 ii°Ig`cli i ,', 1ijhtly, null offices railway c'11vanirs make n 1 Ur Liuklait'r IS one of the best nod roost i rfet,arinre of the ruails i , this armee, tet depleted in nese, may {veli' t i+'leer neer:\T1)!v ,{Nip .;TISFAClo" f ]umber to Cmro the bridge vwith• R'hosc f all the public P c,l :u;A\rl•.l,n t.l,e sateh' Of their pafisengera the chief con• duty is it to see to it, os heavy loads pa.rq faith lel teac•hC1• in the couuty of iT'n'on, ; srrvauts here a9 faithful and realous nl iaugh,at proveity, fur he knowa bimself to bei ; iirlorutiraa. the pablic will vory soon inose over, it should be heavy plank, Tr)O inurh alt(I is deserving Lf hi 1 n c11 canted imnurs, I tGt� discharge of their duties as ho i9 the tiduug that ollartot, tips goal of which is at- h 11 ISN YOU HAVE lJCC1r1SION I'O Trfli credit cannot be given tO thoke who laid ant as he h,la prep)ai•eti for the• "3111in;10011 + Country would run smnot•hl , Letters fitlouoe and plenty. This'great work is noir' ►•;r,R.A}'H ItEM113NISER TITtl C.t1,,,. ,,) cOutl,lcmOe ill and Ln �Otne silent CCAhe pa- n.nd gYrldrd the new raatlMsO well, 1'nnt;k, r'S y in town, and is only Sold by subscription and h•nmit"D of tha)o. tvittlout ni lotting hitt antics in the from Calprfy, England and•( alif)r11ja I y House, 101 w W. JACKSON \ T'!1•t11:1.klai, ,tOlool r(ml')' olni.ted tuaJ .,;LG.I, uta noir be h[a'd from I' V f1 Rots Ny.wi, d1 FM1 .i �.11e. LL lib .T4.liiilil 4i i :�lt.T,t:�, r'i1 — 0141. 1 i ),1, ' ;' n !P l.i . ,.._11 - ,..._.... 1. ,¢., .,,