The Clinton New Era, 1887-08-19, Page 2•' k. _ • ,i. ,. - - - I �- 1~1rDA ► . , lit, .. - ,Irts to. t9holYn,to llrttl;.before'rile iil►d' , ,:,-- ;: }, .. :<' I b 'Ali *.. t . "Of, thQ totintit, .'Wh;.l mottth;i P.e � 'lie e . k +S L . i , .., tarp, ler. :lip t d a ti a l i?i oyltt tl t' ► ...eraµ a n • - and: boo Wvthor'a pliss$ve ",!tint 'll*YQ *' 001 "V1Y�lt4m Gonve ecI to. 1te1' tiatyo, Information berg vete two words, in the missive. respecting. the uii„ inn•airtilrlp of 'ewolr' :. 1 a .. . a, J y ':vlliGll soon attracted t7tc. These avers The elation of`pptrlts In •illiitll Thad in•' '01athird word,, iliamont, in the fifth � took a flight [ hacl not discover. - l -- tin(! rho second .said, br:icfiloC,. u • I 4 sixth, lido, 'D?,ttnund bracelet,' I otlltho clew.ed I set myself :xgurn to work. I Felt ,• -he did wit for.a timmen .. doubt that this now as a man who was buntingout a Ve,% the diamond bracelet, which Mr �+rpeat mystery or a Cesar criminal, sad' „ .ytyutr(1 hurl presented to Ilia daughter, upon the success of whose •endeavr.r his -, ,f{lid whiirh.,she cart!! not wase to the oia'n sltfety depends. It seemed to me Miner' party hemnse it was nut at the >, as if it were not s-) it uch VAI -ward L•ty r �,, "tlWe:'IriFterltossesai•tn. Het o, then, was to as cusp as my own in wtuch I was ' engaged. Never in the QOtI, i3 of my Aclews.huf, Lore I stopped. No in- career had I been so interested. I de. gentity thu6 I could bring to bi•.aP en- . abled,me to connect- other words with ter'mined t0 Bet abide the words, 'Deatu ":. diaotond bracelet. I cudyellea my •" stares me in the fact,, send nianoy in- stantly,' an.! to scorch. in the words brains for at least'belf an hour. Than _:;...,.. rill at oyii i Qccr reed o too W. ri "'in t "4&wsial:.d,-Iat;,4,lw--t1-mQ..' meanin of first M,"'- -the. excltontent. •of my putsuit I may Eust#ca Rutlaud's communication: I Rolited' thorn in the order i11 which aA$ll a C7rcnsed for ant having thought wf before)• that the playing card, the they were arl'ai1�C(1, slidthey run as n 1; nine of hearts, must bear some relation follows :' to the' mtsstgo: I pl:icftd it upon the 20 2t 2 C 14 It 7 L a ' , . paper, ' weer word wit hidden by the ` A' ayrfaco of the c. rd; only the figgres trod ' Atli. alphabetical letters were visiblit. A Girds the - tz 'rpoubtloss,' thouglit 1 'if I cut out the ' .,dips of a nine'of heirrtoo and -place it up- '� it) runs back got I P -i on, the papor, I chat!' Roo. certain words � c Which will form this bubject matter up- oil which Eustace.mrote to his sis-el. your hundred 7fn. tli=,<t case tl.e my&tory was confined �, '" • -trees the won to nine words, which, whatever their are " arrangement, would not bo difficult to �, river diamond awls tit S intelligibly arrange, I Wouldn't mutilate It was not with lilt a distinct reason Miss Rutland's playing card. I hael tF' :packs of my own in the house, and from 00 , on bracelet four singing P4 these I selected the nine of hearts and r cherry the -Cutout the pips. It was not au easy �-- imatter, and in my eagerness I pretty -4 II 9 S1 91 d t' I V 4 rP ,efl'eetaally destroyed the surface of my I counted the number of words; there table; but that did not trouble me. illy• were 22. Now, was the true reading • interest was note thoroughly aroused, of the communication contained in the ,:,. and grew keener when, placing the nine whol of these twonty-two words;, or in of hearts upon Eustace Rutland's nit's- only a portion of them; and if in only a tory letter, I found these words diselos= portion, what portion? In how many od. words? There lay the difficulty, The . etaQe-stares - in - - send --- money words 'diamond bruce,et' gave we a dis. - loath --ma- instantly ----tile. tinct satisfaction, but there were other Isere, then, in these nine words was words which I could not by any exercise the'communication which Bustace rut. of ingenuity connect them with, such as '-t land intended his sister to understand birds tr..es—rivor— gayly cheery— I copied them on a separate sheet of pa. singing. Undoubtedly the communica. per and arranged thorn in different ways tion was A serious one, and these words until I arrived at their correct solution : seemed to be inimical to all ideas of 4 'Death stares me in tho,face, Send seriousness. How to select. How to money instantly.' arrange the mystery; was the nutation. Cougratul,iting myself upon ray I had discovered the notation of the cleverness, .I came to the conclusion sentence I had set aside for the time. that Eustace Rutland being banished What if the same notation would lead from his father'a house" -and hot being me to, the clew I was in search of ? The' ;' able to obtain from his father fu4es arrangement of the figures from I to 8 necessary for his disreputable caveor, was arbitrated by the first letter of the -; was tatting advantage of his sister's de- alphabet, A. I would try wbether il1At voted "af%ctioti for him, and was in the arraugt.ment would afford any satisfac. habit of calling upon liar to supply him t ,on in the 22 words that remeiged. with money, which; no doubt, the It would be an affectatic It ,of vanity on .,young lady did 'to.the best of her abil. 'k any part if I say that this idea occurred y"Curiosity led me to the task of to ale instantly, It did not do so. It Cndeavoiing to, discover whether the was after long and concentrated alphabetical letters and the figutes in thought andconsideration that it came the frame work bore any relation to this' to me, and then I sot it immediately • communication. With only the nine into operation. Tire first figure in the 1. words exposed'brough the pips of the sentence that. I ha•I discovered wits 6, mine of hearts which I had cut away, I counted six in 'the present arran;e- I saw the first word, death, was the meat of the wol•(is. It ended with the . sixth, and the second word, stares, was word 'got.' Crossing out the word got 11 1.the second, and the, third word, me, was and placing it upoli' a separate sheet of the Seventh. The sequence of the pallet' I proceeded. The second figure figures, tborefa.re, was 6, 2, 7. Now, in the. sentence that. I .!tad discarded how were these three. words arrancred in wits '. I counted two frein'the word _­ --- --""'.th-flworlr?"•-"•Thi flat d 6 came. �t110- \VOC��y+Otlr...^.r. ; i after the letter, 115, the figure • came a - crossed out the word your• and proneed. . --- ter the letter X, the figure 7 come after ed. The third fig iro in the s+intenco I the letter H. Satisfied ' that I hall bac! discardod \vas 7. I counted on '' found the key, I began to stud, bow seven words frons your, and came to tbeso figures from 1 .to p, representing diamond. I treated this word in a -tile nine words- in the comt-gutilbatlon similar wAy t0 Lilt' first Lw0 and co:l'ill- and the glue of hearts in the playing tied the process, 'Gut your diamond.' 1 ,,;=rd, wero arranged 'in the frame wont Now for hrlwclat. The next figure was in such a Manner its to lead any inform- 8. l counted three words from dia• sed person at once to tho solution. -Thore. mond'tind dame to bracelet. roust be 'a starling point with whic(y T was more excited than I can des- . both Rustace acid his'sister Mabel were -acquainted. cribe. There is scarcely anything in '" ' `i'ithat was this stat ting the world that fills a n all with such point ? One of the letters of the alpha •exultation as success. 'Got your dia- blit. What letter? A, starting then mond britoelet.' The following figure, from' A in the frame work, I found that was '9. I counted on nine and came to theAgures from. l to G ran. thus : 6,-2, the word back. I continued. The 7, 2, 9, 1, 4., v, S. 'Upon following, next fi'aure .was 1, This was represont- in this order, the course of the words ed by the word I. TLe Next figure was . which were exposed by the, pinyin,, 4, repeesented by the word won. The card with the nine pips out out, I came next was 0, reprrsonted by the word " to the conclusion that I had' -correctly four. The next was 8, represented by interpreted this first mystery letter•. I the word hundred. I continued the was pleasad, believing that the key I Sallie process and came back t.o the fig. . had discovered would lead me to a cor- ure 6, ropresented by the word on. The • sect reading of lt.uataco's second and nest was 2, represented by the word - third•lauer to his sister, cherry. So abllorbod had I Leen in t110 un. I stopped here and road the words I . raveling of this mystery lcttor, wit ch I had crossed out and written on a sepnr- Occupied mo a good' hour and a h,,lf, Etta sheet of payor. They ran thus : 1. that had lost sight during the whole of l 'Got your diamond braccict back. I the time of the two words which had at won 400 on Cherry.' First enchained my attontion—'diamond It was not with lilt a distinct reason bracelet.' 'Death states the in the face, that I pausetlt hone. Mixing with the • send money instantly,' had ai-Viared to world and moving; ill all'shades and ane so reasonable a construction to bo classes of society, I must confess -as, I placed upon the communication of a have no doubt otber-men must confess man who must often have been in a if they were thoroughly ingenuous -•-to desperate strait for want of funds, that certain weaknesses, one of which is to the thought did not obtrude itself that put a sovereign or two—seldom n1or0- ' these words might be merely a blind, Upon every classic horse race, and upon and that, in the !words that remained every important handicap (luring the after the ohlitetation of tilis sentonce, Ye-Av. I nearly always lose—and serve ' the correct solution was to be found me right. But it happened, strangely .Cho longer' I considered, the stronger, enough, that in this very month of Sep - became my dotibtg; with 'diamond brace- tember, during which Eustace Rutland let' staring me in the face, I fancied sent his mystetiou§ communication to ' that I bad been 'fcllowin,, a Will•'o.tho. his sister Mabel, ono of the most cele. ,wisp. . a brated handicaps of the year was won I had asked De Daiueourt the date of by a horse named Cherry, and that I the dinner -party at which Me Rutland lend two sovereigns on the horso. It had discoverod the absence of the started at long odds. T remembered bracelet Oil !lis daughter's arni, '].'hat that the bet I ,lade wag two so-Vel•0ignS (late, was tho.8th of September. T ex. to A hundred, and that T had ,von what amined the l ostmark on the envolope of is often called a contrary upon tho race, ' T'lustnee Rutland's first communication; I was convincer! that I lige! Couto to the Tt wps tho '26th of heptomber. lir legitimate end of Bu stage Rutland's let• . Rutland had laid upon his daughter the ter. 'Clot y(inr diamolid bnwolet basic. I ' ha 3>=;1)Ttili�n 4_:.; ;1:;. WA:iiaiun3 v�»wiv'v. S eT;z 1-0 C,4 C -I i;a'yr . _..... '�t1419t?ng xeptrobxtot, Clip Mtlti * ', can't dla .:v &r t 'e• o u t'o. ` ° . Oto o 4, o � irl in rn d g bgt•Qe, raclog, _':kris iaiatt p . •lor, cNo 1 tsun't br kho life of top discos+- 1 D.�ubel h d''a[1t.ttPIA,0,bim q,o aoaouttt'ot' e► it.' tire. scene•. between !#eteli' rind . h..er, t l .Thk1 trove '° 'sa'd r-- sin t.. D p.. court, atyer after the dinner party. Site had, . ._a, _. I, cho;v easy It is for a a►an gPgaged upon givetr.ltitn ter dianron<I blaoe,e� to ex- a fierrous task to overlook' important tricato hfm from some scraps, and he facts that are as plain as the noonday had been tuokily enabled by his -invest- sun' meth on the horse Cherry, to redeem it 'What facts have I overlooked, —gloat likely from the pawnbroker—in doctor 4' time for his sister to exhibit it to her fa[her. Setts to be certain that I had 111ave you the newspapers in the Rpt a Brant!, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price room containing the report of iIt,, trial i' got the flight glue, and laid arrived at 'Yes.' the gist of Eu„ tare's communication; I 'Give too the one containing the re- wrote down the words that remained, port of the third days which were : I handed it to him and he ran his th 'Birds -.e -the - in -aro - the --:.1 eyes down the column in which the evi- tret•s -runs-river-gayly-singing. ( dencq of the waiter in the restaurant It was an easy task for me now to: wus reported. . apply the same test to these remaitring i ''rhe waiter was asked,' Said the doc- words, and I found t'hA they formu-. tor, 'wbetber the lady who accompanied luted ibemselve4 in this fashion : Edward Layton- was married, and 'The river runs guyly. The birds are whether there were rings upon the singing in the trees ' fingers of h,pv ungloved hand.' I was curious to know whether there 13URON STREET, CLINTON. were any special st'n in the fram9 of ro BE CONTINUED, Eust e» R.utland's communication by which Abe pers0W4jiq;,da with him to In Brief, and to time Point the. mystery letter could be guidod. I Dyspepsia, is dreadful. Uieordered is misery. Indigestibn is a foe to counted" the words in each sentenoe. zood good nature. The. Words in the first sentence were , The human digestive apparatus is one nine -the nine of hearts. The number q, ,Ae most complicated and wonderful of words in the second Sentence wore things in existence. It is easily put out !tine --the nine of hearts. The number of order. .. of words fn the second sentence were Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, meutal worry, late h ,urs, ir- Ir - eleven. The number of words is the third s �ntence were eleven After the regular habits, and many other things . which ought` not to be, have made the alpba:•etical letter in the frame work I American people a nation of dyspeptics. saw the figure eleven, acid I was satis- But Green's August Flower has done fied, the last eleven words being mean- a ,wonderful work in reforming this sad inghss, that it was the second sentence business and makingthe American people ! of eleven words, referring to the din- so healthy that they can enjoy their and'be haprl1y. mond bracelet and to his winningmeals on Cherry, that -Lustaco wished his sister 1? member: - No happiness without Health. But Green's August Flowers dlabel to understand. At the same brines heal:b and happiness to the dys- 6imo I was satisfied in my own mind pep tic. that, without the nine of hearts to -- • . - - - •' --- - .-- . - - - - - ;uido Lim, a man might sl.en(I days exat �sl: nal and •Ot>Xrr Qrards. )ver the cryptograph without arriving ----- -•-------•-'---- it the right solution. LWANNIl'u rG & SO��TT I had taken no count of the passing , r ;ime. Engrossed and absorbed in my Barristers, IS(llteltors, tceupation, I wassurprised, when it had GENR=RAL GROCERIES . troubled with Costiveness, in, colLse. Tquence of whims I suffered from Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, and'a disordered liver. Alyeyes also troubled me, I was compelled to woar a shade over them, and, aet times, wits unable to bear ex- posure to the light. I was entirely CURED BY USING • three hoee,t of Ayer's Pills. I have+ no hesitation lit prunotutcing this medicine to be the beat catlturtie ever nntde.-- Jiluies Lrcles, Poland, Obio. I suiTar,tl from Consti'�3ti0A, full, von - sequently, front 1(ra(litelle., Indigestion, and Piles, for years. Agar's Pills, which I took ut the muggeslion of a friend, havo given me effect -sal relief. I eolumaliced taking this remedy two months ago, anti fret, from Con,: Trim ntry tipation, the m. moval of wnirh flits ratlsed my other troubles to didtt)ttteay. Mid ,:rmtkly im- tu•orad dry g.,iwlul iw,ilUl, - lti . iCcuh;ri ... -.Z,I pIJt; ims. ... . I enfferAd from f'ott,tinntirnt, wh1oh assnall"d Sputa Fill ol,.4tinaio form that I icarai i„ w,,uhl cause a hioppivgo of the bov. el.. "'c. 0 Lu::(•a of ,1ycr's fills cued lit , oL-(,, Lill 1,•t('.,r.- D. Bm-:e, Saco, Ase, II, Pills, 1`re,,,I I,),Dr. J. C..1 i'•:r & C.., Lo%%e11, Alars. ao:d by 4111I'.tlgaiata sad l>taiors is 2Ie,;Wlae. reached what I believed to be a snceess_ a.1. �� " , . , ..,lam ; N �. JU�l A ' ,roar . �A RRV. o. , . ' ..-,-r,-, T .. FAUiT *xo Ottl'iAMENTA14TREES, N10X ��, nearly six o'clock in the morning. morn OFFICE NEXT DOOR NE ERA, CLINTON : spuyUE , .. 51+41T I I OBD i N T f H EA0 9 tgl>tTii loodld11 q Ro ld ' d CIFIANT, PINE. ri; .z„tTTEa I3><ol� `' All " r t . . �w 9 w. im, A r_ " =oR LARCI)E $TOCK Olb • HAIM- y�� y Gold In Ready -'- A m - ,-_41 HAY fEY€ , EASY TO IIt3E. Tka-alleye ornamental trees and shrubbery •willbe!gltl �t very low prices and those Pratt, anythini,* t thio connection will salve woney fey purvll swir heli.. Rpt a Brant!, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price _ _ k Orders by ,Vail will be prornplIsr %&0= 4ad to • W cto. and $1.00. If sot 0VAinable at your drug, dddrees, Clete, sent prepaid on ieceipt of price. Addread FULFQRD a CO., 8ropkvllle, Ont. tJONN ST Bonmiller.. I WANT, - - P: ' --- B'ir'o Xneurance, 11 - r - • Consth atoon I A khlds of prnperty insured at lowest tariff rated . 1 1laeaCOlapYLles. Is a univorsal and must t roublesome dis- 11'ICKETS VIA N. W. T. Co. LINF BOATA TQ. wINNIPE4 AND-ALI, LAKE ROIN'1$, Ai+6U order. It causes Hulid chr, Mental De- by all rail lines over the GRAND TRUNK and C"AN , pression, impairs tile Sight and licaringn ,testro s the Appetite, old, when long' Y Pl , 1 o DA PACIFIC to soy point on that line, wiwti Brandon, kc., Dakota, lCansae, or any point tugs ! by rail, local or foreign. . eontinued, causes Enlargement of the. Livor, InHammatlon of the }towels, anti Come nod sec me before yoq buy tickets anytthole Piles. Coustll\aliun is slleedlly cared - -- by dyer's Pill:. r ** y,-,, - JAS if HOMP96Ns f'linton.• For a number of woaths I wus 4 6"Wect -Vole.' aad AccountB bi coot pael of troubled with Costiveness, in, colLse. Tquence of whims I suffered from Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, and'a disordered liver. Alyeyes also troubled me, I was compelled to woar a shade over them, and, aet times, wits unable to bear ex- posure to the light. I was entirely CURED BY USING • three hoee,t of Ayer's Pills. I have+ no hesitation lit prunotutcing this medicine to be the beat catlturtie ever nntde.-- Jiluies Lrcles, Poland, Obio. I suiTar,tl from Consti'�3ti0A, full, von - sequently, front 1(ra(litelle., Indigestion, and Piles, for years. Agar's Pills, which I took ut the muggeslion of a friend, havo given me effect -sal relief. I eolumaliced taking this remedy two months ago, anti fret, from Con,: Trim ntry tipation, the m. moval of wnirh flits ratlsed my other troubles to didtt)ttteay. Mid ,:rmtkly im- tu•orad dry g.,iwlul iw,ilUl, - lti . iCcuh;ri ... -.Z,I pIJt; ims. ... . I enfferAd from f'ott,tinntirnt, wh1oh assnall"d Sputa Fill ol,.4tinaio form that I icarai i„ w,,uhl cause a hioppivgo of the bov. el.. "'c. 0 Lu::(•a of ,1ycr's fills cued lit , oL-(,, Lill 1,•t('.,r.- D. Bm-:e, Saco, Ase, II, Pills, 1`re,,,I I,),Dr. J. C..1 i'•:r & C.., Lo%%e11, Alars. ao:d by 4111I'.tlgaiata sad l>taiors is 2Ie,;Wlae. reached what I believed to be a snceess_ Cos1'LYAI.crr,s c. '11avo you openctl tll,' two scaled let- ful termination, to find that it was- Coulmasslonersfor OntarioaudManitoba. I ROBERT DOWNS, nearly six o'clock in the morning. morn OFFICE NEXT DOOR NE ERA, CLINTON CLINTON, fioldthc ♦Ult"O :N DL'1NTIS'J'n exclustvo rlghtfor tho county for the Iinrd TO LOAN. MORTGAGES BOUGHT. Ii!ONUN C Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Sit Ktri IV I 1 ii PRIVATS FUNDS. C. RLDOUT, 011ice over J. Jackson's store, Albert Street. 'h/is' in use. Agent for the sale and appli(,ation of the Cry• FtanRR PATENT ADToxATIO BO(LER CLEANER. D[ Da1nCOnrt Called while was Alr— ARRIAGE LICENSES.—APPLY TO THE STEAM FITTINGS fulilished and applied on short notice, dressing after a few hours' sleep. I ata !11 undersigned at the Library- Rooms, Smith's letters which arrivedbfor Mies Rutland not usually dreamer, but I had g Block. 30 JAM.Es SCOTT. Boilers. Engines. and all kinds arKs .n a dream so stranro that' 1. woke with ----- !r( ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR SMALL ebrnery ropalred e-pediti-naly amid in a Satisfactory manner• , the memoryof it in m mind. It.waB Y of hands -ladies hands -every finger of anma on good mortgag\, security, moderate ateof interest. If. HAL8, Ulinton. "arm'manufactured and repaired. Steam water Ptpcs which leas COVPred with !lana. IIOId- I)R. APPLETON.-OFFICE-AT RESIDENCE and furnished and put in position. Dry kilns fitted up on application. Charges moderate. b ing 'thb theory, Rs 'I have .already ex- on' Ontario street,Clinton,oppositetheEngllsh aur -11- antranoeby sidegato. ._-.._- .- _--_-_ ::- .-•-.•_ 1 - plained that the imagination during Sleep is not creative, but,- invariably R. PROUDFOOT, CIVIL ENGINELh, H• Provinclaland Dominionl,audSurveyur. �1 ��Tr- �, S �� Ii/��1�� "'S . . works upon a foundation of fact I was l r Be,ircton. and llranghtsmau,PEunI Bloctt, Clinton. GENERAL DEALER 111 TINWARE, &e.. endeavoring to trace the Connection be- struck me so much ns being sing as b ) the fact of them being' covered 4 6"Wect -Vole.' aad AccountB bi coot pael of tR'een my singular dr em and 80roe OC- 11R. REEVE. -OFFICE RATTENBURY ST-- lJ 13URON STREET, CLINTON. cnronCe Or Circumstance within my BLurray Block, two doors east of, Liodsens' ea• trance. Resilence, opposite the Tomporsgpe Hall, Rei airng of all kinds promptly attended to at reason able rates. A trial solicited. knowledge, when Dr Daincourt cuter- ,Sotos street, Jliuton. 0laaehours, 8a.m.to6p.m. and ,light iamt ed. c r , Well, wore the first words, have i &AES 11OWSON, LIUSKSED LVOTIONEER for theCotnatyofHnrou. Salesatteudedan wbcre in theOounty.utre.tsonaDlcrates. Reai;lencay►lbort �O��f ' - 1aiopaii,�, you mode anything out of the letters I St root, Clinton• a ,ReslawiA left VOU yesterday ?' 'I was employed only upon one,' I it. SLINLtURY Jt4ADUATE OF TELL bfhD- DCALUepartrnentoiviotoriaUuiversity,Torouto,fc,r 11 \ ,rr And GROi'lulty sv)HE5, c r said, which kept mo until 6 o'clock this morly of he ::'aspttala and Oisponsarree, Now York .;scat erfo�rtheeauntyos Hnron,aayaeld,Unt. JiURON STREET, CLINTON. morning.,* I don't begrudge the time or . the labor, because I have discovered the V( BS WHITT, TEACHER OF MUSIC. IIESI- The subset iber having purchased the liusinesa Irately clue to MasterXiistaee Rntl,ind's com• ��1 aENCE at Blrs. B. II, !lead's, corner of Huron and Orunge streets. • carried on by ,firs. Broderick, desires to intimate that he willo„nttnue It at the old stand, in all its branches. munication with his -sister.' lie will keep on hand a choice stock of CONN FECTIO- ERY of all kinds. -----•--__ That means, said Dr Daincourt, ex- W. WILLIAMS, B.A., BI.B.,GRADUaTE OF M•TorontoUniversity; memborofthe CollegeolPity citedly,'that you have discovered the .ieiansandiurgeons,Out. errIeE& REs1n8NeE the BISCUITSFRUITS AND CIC ARS. , -_ ••_.__ _S..._.. _ myStcey- Of-the-nitTti Of h0af8rw-jlieh houskLotmarly,(manpied-by--Dr.-Reeve,AlbortvtrW dlInton. _ - -' _`""'-_' -__ - He hits also added thereto a first-class assortment of was found in thO pocket of 'I�dward p Layton's ulster-.' __ — R. cVORTH1NGTOh. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON DAccouchourJAcontintcolthecollogtotphysfoian, GENR=RAL GROCERIES . • lu so far as retliects the playing, card rndSurFooasof LowerOauadn,andProvlaoialLicen- tiatoand coroncrfortheConntyof1luron,. Oarocand All of which he will sell at the very lowest r found in Miss Ru .land's des'-,' T 1( ,lied, l cost -The building formerly 000u'pic6 by Mr. rhaaites, Huron street. prices for cash, Close persolril attention will be it R eft t0 the bus;neRA, and all orders entrust• 'I have discovered that part r the Cliaton,Jan.l0,is-1i. ed to him will rncclruprom Atatteniiou. mystel•y; but I havo not yet discovered the mystery Of the particular nine Of A TRIAL lWsri:c'rPnl.r,r Eor,lCrrae. ('IIN LTON MECHANICS' INTITUTE, L[ER- VAav and Reading Rooms, Perrin block down hearts which was found in the pocket of stairs.. About 1,700 vo.umes In the Library and W, RO B LMTSO N, 1 `l i n i tilt dwal'd I,.nytOn 8 Li15tC1. all the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals of the day on the table Membetship ticket Si per __ - -' -` "- I showed the doctor the result of annum. Open from 2 to lip-m., and from S to 9 m. Applicatious my labors on the provious night, and p for mamuerehsp recived by the Librarian in in the room. 0dA`-1jA(1ij1Sk10Rabe �1(y RUN was delighted- and very ruueb iu- " -'--- tOrcSted, but pmsenlls-Iji�.'_`f0ce C'IDud- UN10N SHAVING PARLOR . :d. - •--- . 'I am still disturbed' lie said 'by SHAVING, 11AIR CUTTING 1N1) SI7.1)1- I UOING ttuue very neat anit to suit After the sevt•rest Lest at tbc: lute 'fair in Clinton, it was universally adlnittt:d ;ho dread that the task you ave e111 ag- Upon may bl'ing 'Miss Rutland into over•y person. JUJIaI IAr9E�, - f4nti4r.'S Block that FOR PERFECT'ANyt EASY ACTION, rNAUTY ;e letious trouble' - • OF FINISH, AND SWEETNESS OF "MV13, the EXCELSIOR was away ahead of 'I hope not' was my 1•t joinder to STAB..- � 11IL[.E AND TESTAMENTS NP5 AP CU51• all oth- ere, and destined 01 be the popul•tr iostru ;be remark, 'but I shall not allow con- The Cl;li:on L'ranch Bible society have fur sale at Tent of the day. This, alunk wild tbn fact lidorations of any (:incl to stop rue, DR. W0Rrlll\GTON'S DRUG} STORE, Albert St., a Ilnc aasurttnout of Bibles andTsstaments. that a special prize wasawal-&tl it, et-rtaill t:dward Layton is' all innUCent Ilial! 1 TE�iTABIENTtl from L+nle. L'PaYA1tDr ly spoaks rolnmes for the iustrurocnts, and End I intend to trove him So.' , DI�ILMS rrolu •l5cts. UPWARDS. ! parties purchasing ebnuia see tb,c 1,xCEL- CEL - , 'If he is innocent; iasis the doctor, cows AND SFE. Drl. WORTHINGTON, Depositart 1 _ ; S. It beforo buyitl; elst'whttte. then 1Iiss Rutland is also innocent.' ___ P'tt10lVFEY. ', MONEY. I CEO. F. OAKES, PPOPRILITOI:. 'Undoubtedly,' I said with a cheer- 'ill Smile that did much to Nye can make a few good loans from PRIVAT1: FcsDs, Factory three doors west of l4 anoy's Pump reassure I d ' at low rates and moderate expense. T ! r Shop, F tttonhury St.. Clinton. L 1e octol. , errus made to sult,borroaers, '11avo you openctl tll,' two scaled let- MANNINN .c; SCUTT, - Vilntctu tors, asked Dr D,lincourt, 'which I __.. _.. - -_. ---.... .._.. I...-_. . . .. . . _.__ • brought from •1'1(s 11utland's house " J. 'ro, WILKIE, t a No, I replied. I h ve devoted rats• fioldthc ♦Ult"O :N DL'1NTIS'J'n exclustvo rlghtfor tho county for the Iinrd self entirely to the first Of the Opened process of administering chemically pure Nitrogen ICttCi's found in Nis -'i Iiutland'N desk, I Monoxide, which is the safeat and best systow yet dis. Shall proPCerl immediately with the covered for the painless extraction of teeth. Chanes ninderato, satisfaction u:trautc•nd, (orrice, 9L. second, and then I shall fool myself Str �t,Clinocr(, ovarEauco'ar•aln, sh„p, Lituon n. warranted in opcllint, and reading the _-- ' .---_ ..-----•--•-- - --- letters which arrivedbfor Mies Rutland .1)1 E N TIS T. during liar illnes't. fly the way,- doe-. COATS CLOCKtor, I have Lad a singular dream, and .. Upon your entrance I was endeavoring -� �+ �and to track it. Tt was a lady'. hcover- __p-, _i..il ed with rings.' 'Any bodies attached to the hands, ?' CHAROM 11M.R.11TE C JL I N T O N enquired the doctor, jokingly. ._-.._- .- _--_-_ ::- .-•-.•_ 1 ' simply hands. 'They seemed before rayrayVision, to We*ott & Sanders passs and rico upp in unexpected places—pretty, shapely hands. Birt it \vas not the hands that EXETER, ONTARIO. struck me so much ns being sing as b ) the fact of them being' covered 4 6"Wect -Vole.' aad AccountB bi coot pael of with rings of ono particular kind.' the wr)1,14 ,Jf the most 1•Ptl•<otlrthlr t•alt,v 'What kind?' --- 'I muythave seen thousands of Iings upon the giaapOly fitlgel-S, and there WAS, ('pllllls5't'1t,1'DI'11CC'L ,5+7JI(117'E1) not one ;•bat WAS not pct with diamonds __ • and ,light iamt \ !sail!; camp into tho doctor's face. WESTOOTT & SANDERS,I .Utll 1111 1L:,`.. tV t('ll me that Sall i 1i1: 11. 1', I",14 .\l't:`f� 1;\, Fl;jz1 01 1' , . . . v 1 408. 8. . t 10 S01,, . �I . —THE— ::, .- I.,, ading ' Underta.ker, . 4011-11Iii'WUN . Anliceptic Embalming Fluid k'epli on hapd. My Funeral Director, J. C. Steven - sun, has attandod'the School of Bm- bahoiag, is Toronto, to Make himself pri,fiaiout in the art of embalfnitig. RES E-MBLR THE PLACE, OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL. THOS, STEVENSON ,$50,000 To LOAN,at 6 per Cent. Why pay others 7, 8, 9 and .10 per sment, when you can got money from us at 6 pert. First-class loans 5,j per pont. Large loautt 5 per cent. TERMS made to suit borrower, regarding Payment and period of loan. P //�� ! //�� .11A��ppljyT to ., TISDAL ! r li BANKERS, CLINTON. �j rria., 0LI ON1 S �)N1\T K. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1886. CAPITAL`., - - $2,000,0100. HEAD OFFICE; MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAM......... Provident. • J. II. R. MOLSON ...Vice -Free. F. WOLF,ERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager Notes discounted, Collections made, Digf issued, Sterling and American exc4xnge ... _.... __-.bought-and-aold--at-inrno.Ae - current rates. Interest at 4,per cent allowed on deposits. • IF'AUM1:8.111. Honey advanced to farmers on their own notes with .ne or more endorsers. No mortgage required as •urity. H. C. B R s; lr r tt Manag1rer, ~ January the G9t, tou J. BI1.)DLE00MB11 .' ':� Watch aad Clod Maker . _ JHWFfT I:E•h,-&-u-.; - -- orvo+11Te,rak's TIABKICT,CLINTON Where he keep- a eeleotassortnoen, of i947CI1ES, CLOCKS, JEVVFLLERr, SAYER. i4ARE Which we will sell at reasonable rates. Repairing of ,v;ry d„seription promptly tended to, and all work warranted. J. BIDDLEOOMBEn Odnton,r+ov MO.. ICxflT TO TIDE FROW �, OfIOICE SKSD OATS end t/LOVER and 'm'IJIOTIIY 1381M FOR SALE. ' Parties wanting sack should call earl,•. I tun al4o prepared to pay highest market price in cash for V5. tatoci. !Iu is still to be found at the old stand, .I-YURON ST., CL. LNTON. With a full lice of FLOUR, FEED & VrE6ETABLES Of rho boat ,ualittes, which he will moll Rtthe loxvatt remunorativc prices to all wbo may favor nimwjob call. His stock includes FLOUR, CROP, RUNT BRAN, OATS, PEAS LIEN FEED, GRA FIA 1•'LOUB, CR.aCICED IViiEAT, GRANULATED ROL- LEit, and STANDARD OATMEAL and CORNMrsAb, all hinds of Vegetables, ItA BREL SALT, all of whidi Ile will sell for cash or coarse grains. BRAN,SHORY'S and FLOUR by the ton or cwt., and everything sold atmill'prices. All articles delivered free o! Mtar�+b elthtu the cur��oratlou. His motto will he '•paod goods• just wei;t,t and ons forks." IROS. WATSON, __ ry^---- Huron. Street, Clinton, C3LI1\' 1`UPT PLANING MALL •--'AND— D'I8,Y KILN! • THE Sl:usoP ift'll HAVING JUSTCOMPLETM and furnished his new Planing Mill a till maCbLt- cry of the latest Improved patterns, is tiew proin"Ifi to attend to all ciders in hia [ilia in the most prone ft and aatr,faatory manner, and rat rensonablo rates. II1}t"oo would also return thanks in till who patronized this old firm bt,fore'thoy worn burned out, and now being in a better position to ececuN ordoraexpnditiauely; foolsconfldeut ho cart glvs satisfactlen to all. FA!"TnR}'__A'rvr04, Gra my7'ruHkh't141 THOMAS MCK111110M .rt' e r' ■ 1-1 his