The Clinton New Era, 1887-08-19, Page 1.-T_—_� -------.�. — ---y_�—'- 1. _, _- ---
v.,fL2�Na. �� ' CLINTON,NT., �'RIDAY .�1UGi'.1J 1887. ��
ERyis—$1.¢UYerAanUtu InOvancei ______ I __� — .. — - .. -1.
1r1�ri�IrikK' •R
�`, .
. q$ted by them an gra tultoo us y a e .
tie whole contract reflects great credit on
i.6 contractors, Messrs Cooper & Swaeield,
dttClintou, as well as on the men they
*',ploy, Who certainly, understand their
l Osfness and spare no pains in filling a
ggntract. Holmesville can now boast of
hhgving one of the most commodious and
'hbstantial school houses in the county.
,Fs: --Yours respectfully had occa-
siton to cross Ibe new bridge a few days
ago, ADA found a part of it bolstered up
by cross pieces;;tbe water is nearly as low
now as it will get (luring this dry weather,
and there could be no better time than
now to repair it. • We noticed the piece
o'f new road that was opened last spring'I
has been gravelled in first class style; all
i;E needs now is more gravel to make it one
of the best roads in the county. -
Mr James Graham had the misfortune to
lose a very valuable mare last week ; she
1H supposed to have eaten some poisonous
. ' yfee"hich caused her death ; she was
valued at $200. Mr Prouse, who has been
laid up for a few days, is now better. - On
Sabbath morning last Rev J. S. Fisher
read. the " Conference address to the
societies" to the congregation here, and
supplemented' the reading by an earnest
. and timely address. The Methodists have
d tided to hold heir church anniversary
about the beginning of October next; Rev
W. McDonagh isl to be invited to officiate
on the occasion. A lawn social is appoint-
` ed to be held at the residence ofAlr H,
Elford, on Thursday, 26tH, inst., in behalf
of the Women's :Missionary Society ; an
interesting programme is being prepared ;
all are cordially invited. .
A reader at Holmesville forwards the
* following: -Wanted 200 young men ofall
shapes and sizes,"
. talk and grace -
fol dandy, VOlio has haiit enough on his
upper works to stuff A barber's cushion,
down to the low -'egged, wAnkled-faced,
carved -head upstart. The object is to
foram a gaping choir to be in attendance
. at the' Methodist church every Sabbath,
,particularly,, in fine weather, to• shire at
the young ldies as they enter, and make
delicate I and gentlemanly remarks on
their dress, person and behavior. Who-
ever wishes to join said regiment will at-
. tend at the market square on Saturday
evening, where they will be duly examin-
ed and their quantity of brains registered
in a bpok kept for . that purpose. How -
it will be well to observe that none need ap-
ply who possess intellectual capacity above
-- that of a well-bred monkey.
The Naw EnA will bo sent to new suhseribors
to the end of the year, for 2.7, cents cash.
ACCIDENT. -Alfred Morton met with
nearly a fatal accident„ the other day.
While working on a scaffold some tifnbers
gave way,which ]andel Alf at the bottom,
but we are glad to see him around again.
BxIErs.-Master Richard Downs, of
Clinton, is spending his holidays with
relatives here. The public school re -open-
ed on Monday, the 15h inst. Miss Ida
Plummer has returnedrfrom her vacation.
. __pro .
The NFw ERA will be sent to new subscribers
to the and of the year, for 25 -cents cash.
NOTES.—Mr E. Wise carries his band tied
up, the result of too close an acquaintance
with a scythe. Farmers are nearly all thrdugb
harvesting. Fall wheat yielded fairly well
in this township.,
Festival in connection with St.James' ehurcb
(Middleton's) will be held on Thursday,Aug.
'lath. A special thanksgiving service will 'be
held in the church at 4 p. m., the Rev W.
. Craig, B. D., R. D,, Hector of Clinton, of&-
. ciating. After service there will be a thanks.
giving festival held on the grounds of Mr
. John Middleton,at which the Doherty Organ
Band will be present. The committee of
management have spared nO pains to make
this one of he most pleariant and attractive
festivals of the season,
Corvcir..-Council met on the 8th, pursn-
Iant to adjournment. Members all present.
Minutes of last meeting react and passed,
Letter from County Cleric read, stating that
$9795.80 is required from this township for
County purposes. A sato of 2, mills ontbe
dollar will be levied on all the real rateable
and personal property in the township, for
county purposes, and two mills on the dol-
lar will be levied on same property forlown-
ship purposes. The clerk was ordered to
levy the several sums required by school
trustees for school section pngoses. 91hg
petition of Gab Elliott and others, asking a
grant of money to Wm Herbison to build a
Mire fence, was not granted. The following
accounts were paid, viz., R: M. Raney, for
Iron pulleys,match blook,eto., for spike driver,
with one year's interest, $42.77, (this account
lay over from last year.) Herbert ^Elford
for trees planted in 1884, 08.550. Wm Col.
I lins, indigent, $18.75. Robt. Bray,indigent,
$18.75. Tape line for Jas. Laithwaite 75ets,
Mrs Trumbly taking care of Mr and Mrs
Bray for 4 months, from 8th April 1887,812,
Messrs Naftel and Bryan asked personally
for this increase, stating the parties werc
cntirely helpless. Council adjourned 'tc
Inset again on the first, clay of September
next,(at one o'clock P. 111. JaxE9 PATTON,
_. _ ��
— — -
EXETER. I COLHOUNE. again. Miss Martha Pentland is also on DEATH. -Many of our readers will be ve iety, contemplate having a. grmtd Hd-f�'
Mr Jas S. Shute of the McClean Mfg. ( The Nsw ERA will be sent to new Subacribers the sick list. We understand tbat Mr s S me festival on Sept.
Y g to the end of the year, for 2$ (cute cash, sorry, to hear of the death of billy, young- • 2nd, add n'
Co., London, and Mr Geo Carruthers, of Thos Harris is gone LO England. On eat daughter of Air Hugh Oke near Kin g0°d time is especte;d, tsa served In teff!,'
ACCIDENTS.—tale John McMillian, a Sunda morning, instead of the usual ser- g g ' peranee bal),entertaintr,entin elle t l;ureh,,
the Forest City, are doing the town for a man of 70 ears of age, fell from the Y g' burn, which mad event took place on Sun11
few days. . ranar to, the threshing floor, and sus- i oleo"in the Methodist church, a bible day'last, attar a elicit illness. The tuner B oho J4ihnston is here :on a visit trdm' , ,
On Saturda night the Forest Cit Bi g y g • + reading was gives •by the pastor, Rey A1r Buffalo, at'so with business . comhined .
9 ds Y tained several internal Injuries. While Campbell on the subject "of sin in the al took place on Tuesday morning, going Fanners have commenced fee ha to
cycle club passed through here en route Thos Morrish, of the 7th con., was. on a „ by train from Clinton to Centralia. fi - 9. .
to Goderich the will return and proceed believer ; the service was a very Inter- cattle,as. the pastures are bare and nir af(e
y P large load of grain, the horses took fright esting and we trusta peofitable one. 1JoTe.-Dlr,fohn Kin apd r commenced grass on the ltieadows,•gream i slacken
to Sarnia. »---.--••-• and ran away, upsetting the load and turned on Saturday,
TRAINING.-Mr.H- McIntosh and hir, g Y P g HYMENAL. --Oct Saturday R little ex- school on Mouda Air D S. Sutherland tog ofiatthefAgtory,owingtotho'drought
shaking up Air ;tL'sconstitutian consider- citement prevailed in our usually quiet y' P buggy Mr C. Meyer,.who urehtiaed the Walk, r
v s u in town
n rl s the finest to b 1?
it •horaea now d e
1 d the e
have ace
N. D. 1 .
• ab cider der '
Y villa o account of rumor that two of mill
e c a a has t
R fitted u '
, , the n
g a ri
P to
a 'th'
week i S afmth t
p ss Mr S. S. Cole is this w e Fi e e
under the skilful hands of two first-class UNUSUAL— Quite a novel spectacle was our residents had chosen that day as their chi cheese factory, and has tG iu fiPst class . `%
trainers. It is intended to have a race seen last Monday, by N. Morrish while moving buildings for Messrs Broadfoat
between those two fast horses. Y wedding day the contracting parties were Box. Farmers are bus threahin and running order. Mr Eiunter; of 131yth.wllY'
going along the 4th con. He noticed a Mr Chauncey Brown and Miss Maggie y g preach nest Sabbath at 1•Jbenezrr, Sin=
Pioxic.-On Wednesday, Aug. 24th, bunch of straw drop down apparently Fowler. We understand the ceremony report he ;train turning out very ranter. burn And Londeaboro. The friends of
Exeter Fire Co. No. 1 and 2, intend hav- 'from the clouds in front of the horse. was erformed fu God'erich. After their Miss Bella Schools is visiting her stater, Mrs Morris of S. , T
in a monster picnic, at 'Grand Bend, .Upon lookin u the air was full of oat P Mrs Banton, in Belmore. The ,Misses . � t ligmas, will.regret to
g P indul ed in. straw, which as returningto its mother return that night some of our young men, Vaulius, of Wingham, aro visiting their know that she is not ggttng better as. fast ".o
kinds will be
Brass a Band will furnish music earth -after having one oad excursion as well as some of the old ones, took the aunt, Mrs W m. Suelltof this,.place. Miss as het.frieµds would ltk� to see; her mother
The g g advantage of c,hivuring .them. If their Rosie Mo -£item, ou :E;.,: l! ,Irl,_who has. and sister s slllj }1It.: liertaz d t+pljlXa
foie the 6ccasio>l. with a whirlwind. • amusements had ended there, instead ofrhain Until tlrl,a °is -out o gen er. � j -fr
` STARTLED. -Mr D Baer was awakened been .living wit.b Dila Jas SSI, ar, of this i;
WooD-Coex-Me srs David Johns, our acting in a way to disgrace tbemwives, _ 0;'
worthy postmaster, and Sergeant Sanders at 2'o'cleck one morning last week, by a and roe are afraid desecratIu the l abbath place, leaves for Birmington, Eng., in a l�AO%' ; ,�k M1
g sent for her
uncured some beautiful woodcock on young woman, who is well acquainted . so,it would have reflected more credit short time, her mother having r CREDIT�►,UP-AID013g• the apt g6iiaful
p oneda� last, the shot some, fifteen of about the premises, -telling., him 'titers �, she will be Mr Gibbins,
M y were tweet head of cattle in.his oats. qI our village and also on themselves.- of the Guthrie Home. candidates ror the 244 cissa esau,rnatiuh -
them, Bob says that Have is a terror at He bot up, Called his men, and went to However, we wish to extend to Mr and held is Clinton was 1t11ss .C, Robertson,,'
shooting.on the wing. - Airs Brown our best wishes for a happy l3HAFOHTII. of Marnoch. Tha.class-that wrote at the.
put them out, but could find .no cattle and prosperous life. entrance examinatibn. Was also Aucce+ai'al
Civic HOLIDAY. --Tuesday was Exe- P P PERSONAL. -Mayor Beattie represented
there. The fence had been let down for �_ P and the trustees Are to lin congrxtu,atad
ter's Civic Holiday: The Exeter band, a few rods and about that number of eat- the Oddfellows of this lace at ibis meet -
better known as the 7th ,Fusilers, of Exe- HIPPEN ing of the Grand ,Lodge in Peterboro last on the efficiency of their teacher, Mr.'
tle were lying just outside. The Nnw ERA will be sent to new subscribers Richmond.
ter, had a monster excursion to Sarnia ; MILLxONS HERL-The Cit of New to the end of the year, for 25.cents often, week. ..
about four hundred procured tickets at Y • OPEN MEETING;. -The Good '1'emplars N°TEs-Aiany took advantage of the
York is puffing and blowing just now BRIEFS.•—Harvest is now finished and excursion on Tlueeda t
Exeter station. They report having a about its population havingreached a instead of the binder we now hear the held open meeting on Wednesday evening. y o visit Goderich.
good time. million and a uarter or therabouts but steam thresher. The Messrs McMillan There was a good programme and a plea- and Sarnia. Rev Mr Anderson has rq-
Y __ g what is that compared to the township of have purchased a new Decker machine 'ant time was spent. turned, looking refreshed, afar spending
COLLISION.—On Saturday evenin last
as our band was discoursing some smart Colborne, in Huron, Ont. Why itsppo- from McCloskey, of Sarnia and are now CIITIC HOLIDAY. -To -day (Friday) be• his holidays dawn east. `l+he 4 h:trs
' in Civic Holiday, a good number, no aro finishing their harvest, sumo have
music for our citizens in front of the Com- palatine already enumerates several mil- oin g good work in this vicinity. Mr g threshed but the
iilercial hotel, the Salvation Army took it lions. Now, to some .this might appear Wm Doi who has been s endin his doubt, will take advantage of the cheap , yield is comp)oratively
u on themselves to drown the band but to be a stretcher, but it i , nevertheless, a holida s visitin friends in Michi ao has Y p y small. schools re oponpd ou .tlonday
fares Finds end the da abroad.
P ,. ,' Y g g PULPIT. -The Rev Mr Hart, of Varnat with a very good attendauce for this time
for the efficient services of Lockie' they fact, for the name is million. returned home `and resumed the iustrnc- occupied the pulpit of the hTethodis, of the year. Miss Annie 1sIcGnwan re -
got. left, and had to proceed on their way BARN BURNED. -On Tut sday, Air Jas tions of the youth over in Tuckersmith. Y, P turned to her school looking ,rale Hud'
and station themselves further up the Million, of the 6h con., sustained a very' A LARGE PARTY. -Mr Jas Cooper church last Sunda the aster, Rev J. E. heart after takin an extended.cri In the .
built the largest barn 1n this vicinity this Howell, tieing absent on a holiday trip, y, g, p'
street. henry loss by she total destruction of his g y FIREMEN'S OUTING. -Last Thursday United States and Canada. M ins Lizzie
summer, so on Tuesday, the 9th Inst., his the firemen and Town Band, with their Y f
ANOTHER GONE -We regret to an- barn• and contents, by fire. It originated DA was successful in obtninin • a 2ad., ..
nounce the death of Sarab, wife of between 11 and 12 o'clock in the day friends assembled, nearly 300, for the o class certificate. WPotter, Irache'r, is
Mir F., D. Sanders, of Exeter north, time,but by what means is a mystery, and purpose of having a social dance. The families and friends, took an outing in m
a ed 63 ears, which occurred on Satur- in less than half an hour nothing but a music was supplied by lir Paul Doig, aa- La a Huron at grave on the shores of out rusticating. R. Bretz leaves fur'7iii Vm,
g y slated b the Aiesara Steac of Lamle Lake Huron at Bayfield. All report haw• Business College in a few days. Mr bVin.
day last. Deceased has been ailing for pile of ashes marked the place where it Y y' Y in a good time. Rose and grRudchild, hiss Auld, of Re• • •
two ears with that dread disease con. stood. .The barn contained the whole of The Mazy whirl was kept up until the g g Ina came home a short time a+I".
y light of da be an to dawn i❑ the east LEAVIvG•-:lir D. R. Terrell, who has 910R, The
sumption. Tile sorrowing husband and this years crop except 12 tons of hay,with g Y g ' for some time past been engaged as sales- excessive heat has caused a sv ircit of I
when all se separated to their respective P engaged Y
family have the sympathy of he entire a waggon And boggy. At the risk of her P P , man in Messrs Duncan & DuncanWDry water in many places. The riupply of .
community in their sad bereavement. life Mrs Million went in and loosened the homes, well satisfied with the night s en. Goods store, left last Monday to spend a youths required for pulling fl ,x i, not
RETURNED. -On Friday afternoon last horses, a thorough -bred bull, and some tertainment. quite e P
• ••p" , --• - - THE RmiNG 'nCHOOL, -The youngweek at his old home before going to q goal to the demand t+,a cru is
lIessrs Colquohoun & Daw,of E'i:e2eF;'sr- i s wliioh�were illus saved. There was n Rochester to take a similar position 1n extensive, considering the fact i h,c+ many
rived at Exeter station with two beautiful an insurance of $1200 on it. ladies, rvho organized file riding school in that city. farmers have tried the cultivation of it for
Clydesdale Stallions "Charming Charley" BRIEFS. - J. Kerningbam has been Tuckersmith aro very angry with your REORGANIZATION. - Staff Capt Bur- the first time. Miss McLaren, "i Milton,
and "The Turk" ; they are the best ani- makinggreat improvements to his barn Tuckersmith correspondent, who sent the. is visiting her, sister Mrs JAS: WI(iGn,van,
mals that ever struck this vicinity.- g P ' report of their first trial to the NEw ERA. ehette, D. O,, and wase, of the Salvation ti ,
by raising and_. putting stone stables un- The felt disposed to blame scale of the � Army, visited here last Tuesday evening, Air Thea Ross has accompani,d Ar. E
Charming Charley is a beautiful brown der- it. Messrs Durst & Schaffe have Y P 1 There was a largo gathering (if
soldiers Watson, of Blyth, to the Old Country;
horse and we'glls 2000 lbs., hath splendid their steam threshingoutfit in full blast Pedagogues, but they stoutly deny ail
bone and muscle and has ever appear- knowledge of the affair, so who the,corres- and A good congregation at the barracks. the latter having shipped a large number
y PP now. The rear end of Harvest is just The 1). O. gave an address on the rise and of cattle, �► number of fiirmer pupils of
Rocs of a first-class horse for the improve- ' being brought under cover. Mr G Me- , Pondent is i3 a ---G cry. Miss Day paid -her a visit, one afternoon
I g g -m-.0-- progress of the Army. .r 1
ment of stock. The Turk is a beautiful I Cabe has put up a wire fence along the' 11LI"Tt:. SCALDED, -At the firemen's picnic at last week. A great amottut of,ickuess
bright bay, with a white star in the fore- front of his farm, 1{r John Snyder had I The s,,:.v RHA will be sent to now subscrib,•rs I Bayfield last Thursday, Mt Geo; Murray, prevails round here,caused most probably
head and a little white in both hind feet I a field of oats, where the self -binder 1 to tt,c vna of the year, for s3 ce)it9 Bash. I a member of the brigade, Had the misfor- by the weather.
He weighs 2100 lbs; they, Are both 4 years ! dropped a sheaf every. second., or 3,600 an LEAVING -A•]r J. tV, i4mv, Principal tune to meet with a very painful accident.' - "--'-_-W41*
old, and were 15 days from the time they I hour. of he Public School here, purposes resign- He was assisting in carrying a bottle of .4'eANLE- .
lett Scotland until the Arrived at F,xetcr, • 1 in his mAitiun oil the 1•ltli of Clctober, COUNCIL.—COnneil -tnet at Varna on the
Y i SUSPICIOUS. -Your reporter happened ' g 1 , hot tea, when, by some means, he slipped
We wish them great luck with those ani- ' to call at a certain hotel n this township . I as he he intencls.studyinv for a M.D. Mr causing the tea try spill over his right 13th Inst., r 2 prep.mvious
mingrea all .present; ..
p t. g P minutes of previous meeting read and passel, 1; „
mals, as they Have been very unfortunate I just as a couple of hard -looking seeds were 1 Shaw, wHile+here, has filled his position ]land and foot, scalding them very badly. .The following motions were passed: That
of late years,by loosing five superior one,i. about to take something, we will suppose, b in a most able, manl�er, and ha non the He is gettin along a well as can be ex-
I esteem �t the t Blyth. Ito will getting Garrow & 1'roudfeot be paid their account
CRUELTY --A family living in this vil- I for the good of their stomachs. The hot- C 1 petted. of $18; that F. G. Neelin be paid '520, for
lave, about a year ago adopted from the ; tles and tumblers were arranged on the j be greatly til isee`, from town, ,-,,4 ha'took DEATH OF AN OLD SlITTLER. - On printing township by=laws; that sohool see:
orphan home, London, a bright youth, counter ready for the n ecessary draugbt, I an active int .r. t in everything to pro• •Thursday evening last, lIr John Hughill, tions Nos. 1, 4, u, 14 be paid $4 each, for the
On Saturday last, a lady,a relation of he ! when we were observed by the landlord mote the welfare of the _choler,. of this place, passed the IVay of all flesh, use of their schools at last local elections,
family, was here and ordered the lad to I and the bottles -etc. disappeared quicker I Trout ms. -Upon tl:e arrival of the 1atter an illness of only twr) tteek9. De- $:5 was granted to Donald McNair, -as chari.
,go and do some little chorea ; the lad at I than wink. Why was this man soared to ! freight train ping north, on Friday after- I ceased was,one of the pioneers of Tucker ty, he being in indigent circumstances. .
once set about the work, but did not do 1 sell before us his goods ? As a rule, gro- noon la'At, it contained two notorioni sinith, having settled oil the Huron road, Alex. McBeth's account of $289, for building
it fast enough to suit this fair lady, who i cers and other business men are not as- i characters. It appcars the, while the near Alma, about forty years ago. Ile Logan's bridge on Parr ]foe, was ordered.tO
at once commenced beating he child, un- hamed'of their goods, but hold them up 1 train etas between I,onrd:•,haro ;lad Blyth, I was a -native of Yorkshire, Eng., and be paid. The clerk was authorized to draft
til his cries of murder, etc., were heard g a by-law to raise a rate of two milia on the
win a certain amount of pride that is I the brake=man Fir tiecrl t,,c ,c t� o uharac- came Here shortly after hi, arrival in this dollar, for county purposes, a;id a rate of 1,
fully a block -away. Not being -satisfied quite commendable, but here N -a man I ter in wear, >:te,tlhi:,'ir ride. He at once country: He was a man of sterling inte- mills on the -dollar, for local and railway
with this beating, she took the child by I selling his goods something like a man i told then] to drp,at, 'Cl:i9 they refused to grity and the large number who followed purposes; also a by-law to raise the sums
the legs and dropped him into a tub of steals sheep, he does not want to be rnen , do, and p••lintin;r It )tic'_•; of steel at hi u, his remains to Harpurhey cemetery, on required by the several school section Oo -
,-water. -keeping-him-•tbere-u-ti-He� was -doing- it- ----- - t-IHev--dtti�t-l-v--. 4 l 4&,--i--K�.returtr:tfir-he- •Saturday;wasrthe beat'evideuce o -f -the -High porations: --eoim�l -adjo`ti"rnec�l'oineet on c
nearly drowned. We have beard of cruel -,i SCHOOh SECTIO 1.-A new school sec- I caboose, tori 'h ho +r11':tadi.rt0y did, and esteem In which he was held, He was a OcT. r� at I p.m. Gree: STGWART, Clerk." -
ty to animals, but in a civilized place like i tion has been formed between the fourth I upon 'Iii3 arrival •nt lel v th made known Methodist in religious matters, and Re- HARVEST Ho,un FIC xLC. =0n Tours -
Canada, we do not appreciate such cruelty and sixth con„ fincfaiive, There being the faet� to tiia t • on *;,:sent, who imme- former in politics. His wife, (a sister of day last the farmers of the vi ,toil 3rd,'
to the animals, leaving children out of the f diately wired up t )'.;•9 tb+ Constable Davis, Mrs John Plewes, Bayfield road, near cons. held a picnic in the villa a ..f B,i
question, and if the act is again repeated 1 Lhisnnevo� one will
nowl°iw Ns ons 1 who wn9 -non r•.n the .-pot, and at once Clinton), -survives him, and he leaves a field. The rain in the early morning told
we will see that the law is enforced. , Many of, the children have .had three I started in purs+tit of th(. trap cents, who son and daughter in this part, the latter the dust and made the drive mo -t enjoy'
'— i' ` miles and more to o to school and for I were ulakinr their exit. lie, ho%ever, being Mrs Wilson Cook, of Stanley,while able. Arriving in Bayfield and caring
HULLETT. nl0ntba i❑ Clle winter season It has ,been soon zalnerl on them, mid while 111 the he has three sons and a dttn min Cali for the horses, the. party wended their' '
The lvrw ERA will he sr:nt to new su. ul ihcis c A
to the end of the year, for 25 cents ea,h, impossible to attend, so that the new I chs e one of• the ruffians, ro his sorrow, founts. lIe lived on the fariri until about way to lliddleton's point, where prepara-
FATAL ACCIDENT.—A very sad acci- gebool house will be a great boon to this I dropped unable nr, gnif^cent-revolver, which he two Years
]Algos wwhen
hln r ti ..d to Seaforth tions were made for a repast, by Beating
1 wits dent, terminating fatally, happened on i part -of the township. On Wednesday of i was right ru inset it '1'liey their pursuer
pfor the to resid.,�g Lheiablen tbewat;0 on hras y shaded ,spreading
l3ltrr do
the farm of Air McLaughlin, base, line last week, a public school meeting was, a1CHILLOP. g
g ' ' I called at the house of lir Thos Cousins I woods, and thus e`i` ctcd their escape. . Honsr. SOLD. -Air T. McFadden + in ample justice to the dainties prepared
Hulett, about five miles from Clinton,on , I , of the g P j the P P r :r
Monday. At about two o'clock in he At. lot !,con u. This being the second meet- operations ann Wednesdayhe flax 'il mornii Fie last, 4th con., recently sold a flue Percheron mente(come am sed thenLs(fv ff it,rreoi
ternoon, Mr Thos W. McLau hlin ' who I ing that bad been called, they proceeded g horse to Air AlcMann of SeRfor►h for the-
vas using a team of horses, stepped over this time, armed with legal Advice, to The first ks ue of the Standard will appear handsome figure of $240: Mr McFadden ing stones, somo in, collecting curiosities,
elect a committee of five to purchase a site. next week. Another promenade concert others -in boating and bathing in tl,e blue
bended one to hitch up a trace chain,when P raised sevegal horses of this same breed
and erect a school house. It is the in, will be held shortly, A large number' waves. Good -will, tellow-feeling and Bo-
the horse, bothered by flies, raised its foot for all of c.whichhe realized a good price,
tention to have the house read for school from town availed themselves of the tial converse bad possession• of the party.
to kick, and struck McLaughlin on .the Y PIC -NIC. -The Sabbath School, of
before the end of the year. There wit t cheap excursion to Goderich, on Tuesday Duff's 'church Wintbro and Roxboro The old seemed to renew their youth, and
temple The Horse did not even leave a ;last. No less than three excursion trades Y ' the youth to have become older with more
mark on him, but feeling a little dazed by , be another teaeber wanted. will hold a Union picnic in Kerr a grove,
-y •_, ppassed theouL�11'Bdyth on Tuesday last. 8th con. on Friday,the 19th, Several ideas and wider knowledge. Tk•e firemen
the blow, he asked a boy, who was with I - itis WilliamGon, of Toronto, is he guest ' of Seaf firth with a good band were also on
him if it was bleeding, and was told there ' LEEHIbIiV. r clergymen are expected to be present to
I of 'tri .1)r Sloan. Is it not about time Address he children, and other amuse- on the ground,and added liveliness to the
was no mark whatever. He remarked CHRISTENING -Quite a number of our town w'As having a civic holiday; all scene. One untoward circumstance
that there was a ringing sensation in his children were christened in the Presby- I the neighboring ton ns are having one; meets wl also be provided. marred the Leasure of the da one. of the
BRIErs.-Mr Colin f he 4th P Y,
Head, and went into lite House and told terian church Here, on Sunday last, Rev I and why loot Blyth follow suit, Only two Gordon,' firemen, while helping another up the
his father what had happened, who ex- Dr Ure ofnciatin con., has sold his house and lot t° Mr M
g• I passengers brtrded the train on TuesdayMorHill with some hot water, slipped, and
wressed a fear that it was all over with No CORD. -Quite a number of farmers t intends for vin$40We believe MrGordon
, Q morning last, on the excursion to Sarnia. intends moving to Algoma. Dr Wm scalded both feet and one -arm severely;
im, but he son assured him that he who got self,binders this summer have I Rev ?*Ir Gunn. of Wyoming, occupied the In the evening all returned home hi til
would be all right a ado' bort] Getting been obliged to la thein. b and take the y g' P Murdie, of Detroit, is visiting relatives b g Y
g g Y• g g Y Y 1 pulpit of the English chtucH last SRbbath. here. Alias Elsa and Master Archie Pleased with the liar a enjoyment.
weaker, and vomiting blood, Alr lie- old reapers to finish on Account of not' Miss Minnie Luxton, of Dungannon, is at -- '�•�-` -
P Dickson of Goderich are also visiting •I
Laughlin, sr., drove to Clinton for A doc- being able to get cord. I present in town, 'Mr3 T:migh is a" pre ' g HItUUEFIELI), .
tor, who found, on amination, that a A GOOD BUsi. Ess.-Otir butcher, W. ,sent enjoying ^, fetd 1u)]idaV Visiting he_e. A valuable colt belonging to Air - Al William O'Neil has
blond vessel had ben ruptured. 'Ir Ale- Strachan, is doing quite a ru3hing busi- i friend.] in 'tichilmmi, Mr 11. (1[ terham, �Vm Morrow tvRa so severely cut on a secured the services of Mr Smith, to take
Laughlin was a steady, industrious young ness now. Last week there was such a of Portae la Prairie,'Ian., iv;t4 the guest wire fence as to cause its death. charge of his peddling waggon ; he is,an ex•
mama member'of the Presbyterian,church, I demand for beef that it! order to supply ' of Mr lt, J McGill fast week, Miss Annie
,,OBITUARY. -It is our sad duty this perienced hand, and will likely improve Mr .
highly esteemed, and had only been mar- all bis customer:3 he had to kill two beeves I Kelly is at' present visiting friends in week to record the -death of Donald Mc; he Mill road, trade. vi Jas NIr adfd of
ried ttvo years,his wife,formerly Miss Die- this week, instead of one, as usual, j Clinton. Bf rs .l 1I Hamilton is ti collie Gregor, one of the oldest and most esteem- , is improving. bIr and Mrs
Ppending ed rel+idents of this township, who died on John Allen, of Brantford,are spending a few
Gee, of E. Wawanoah,being a sister of Airs On Tuesday while a hack was driving by a fow clays with friends in Staff a at pre- Tuesday last. Hi was born inPertbshire, days with friends in this vicinity.
D. R. Menzies, of Clinton. The ]amen- on the way to the Point Farm, with a ,sent. 'Mise Gib9on, of Wroxeter, was the Scotland, and with his parents, brothers IarnovEatENT19-Dtu•ing the vacation the -
table affair has cast a shadow over this number of guests, the wheels came off on guest of Hiss Annie broffatt last week, trustees of Tuckersmith made considerable
entire community. His remains were the bridge near the Temperance hall. As I Mr Thomas Campbell, formerly a resident and sisters came to this township, while improvement on school house No. !3, by
buribd in Clinton cemetery on Wednes- there were two invalids in the rig it oc- I of town, but now of Atelieson, Kan,, was the country'was yet new, and he and his having it thoroughly repaired and painted,
da a large number accompanyingthem. casioned quite a little anxiet but bc- brothers hewed out homes for themselves, both outside and in. The have now a ver .
Y, g q y, I in town last week• Aliss Nan Shane has Y y
yond getting the jolt and a slight fright returned home from her tri to Goderich. on which they still live near each other. neat and comfortable sgbool, and Ise think
GRAY. nothingmore serious happened. P He was well and favorably known to all that the appearance 'and general comfort •
PP few
M. days
, of London, was a town n the residents of this township in his oai- will amply repay them for their trouble and
FATALTHRE9HING MACHINE ACCIDENT BRIEFS�Air A•Osbal(lestan and family, few dAys thin week. Miss Sanderson, of P � P p y p y
-Christopher Switzer, a young man Of of Holmesville, visited friends here last Wroxeter, is At present the guest of Mrs tion as town assessor, which he filled for expense. If our neighbors on the other side
this township, while attempting to put on week. Mies Mar f She pard- Fors th. hIr Robert Jones has moved many years. He had always been a strong, of the village would take the hint and have .
y Gordon,+ P y health man and it was only a few months their school repaired and painted, it would
a small belt at the side of a threshing ma- ton has been the guest of Miss Lizzie his household.efrects into the houae late) y Y
chine on Thursday afternoon, and while g , Y ago that he became aware of ,the secret add greatly to its appearance, and no doubt
Horton for a few days. Miss •Mary Clut• occupied by AIr Wm Campbell. We are disease tbat was so soon to cause hisdeath. both teacher and pupils would be pleased•
stepping over the cylinder his head struck ton and Master Roy LiAlater have gone pleased to learn that Miss Annie Moffatt He visited the doctors and they pronoun- Platte, -A harvest home picnic under the
a rafter pole, which threw him back. One on a visit to friends in the neighborhood succeeded in securing a 3rd class certifi- auspices of the Methodist church was held
le going in the cylinder was completely ced the disease to be a tumorous cancer
l; g g Y • p y of Galt. We Are sorry to say that Miss eats at the last examinations. The con- in Mr Jas. Turner's grove, oil Tuesday after -
torn from his body.He lived afew bours of the stomach, and incurable, and about
Mattie McManus is at present sick with • sumors"of coal are at present getting their noon. Th, day was favorable and during
after the accident. He was subject to a inflammation; we hope to bear of a speedy coal supply in. The Lawn Tennis Club two weeks ago be took to his bed. He the whole afternoon crowds were seen wend -
nervous ailment that seemed to affect his recovery, are at present doing a considerable amount died at the age of sixty two, and leaves ing their way towards the grove where tables
neck and involuntarily would throw his - •— - a wife and two children to lament their arida tatform were,rected. It is unneces.
Y of practise, betting into trim for their p
head back, which evidently was the cause DUNGANNON. Brussels friends. irreparable loss. The funeral wasvery nary to say that the ladies attended to their
of the accident, He was an industrious P,nT�rra,-Air S. Cook, of Kincardine, A leton's Amerfcaii Colo redia is in largely'Rttended, the remains being inter- part in a very creditable manner, having
young man, And a few weeks before his is at present visiting friends here. We pp Y P red in the Maitland -bank cemetery. provided eatabl(a of rare quality and in
g fact a library in itself. It is the knowledge�a+�------- - --• great quantity. -After tea bad been served,
untimely death, had joined the Salvation understand that Air Cleo Woods is unable of the centuries boiled nown ; the essence of LONDEsnolzo' short addresses were delivered by Rev J. H.
Army, and was one of its active workers. to resume his duties assebool teacher,ow- all books chrystalized. It stands on the BnmFs. 'v1r A. McQuarrie is Away to Simpson and Rev Mr Hart, Thepienie was
His funeral on Sunday last was very large- ing to ill•bealth. Mr Wm Vafeoe i9 very shelves ready 'to answer any conceivable Buffalo on his holiday trip, and to recruit brought to a close by Hinging God Save the
ly attended, ill; we hope soon to see him around. glination, after his burglar scare. The Ladies Aid Queen. "
�, ' .
e sent to new subs •bdre
Tl;e >`1IIw F.RA will b se w cn
to the ead Of the year, for Wcents casb. -
POPULAR A6 EVEB, --The Mitchell Ad-
ypit ser thus refers to a well-known resi- ,
il'eut .of this village: -"Mr Thos Mureb,;
achaol teacher at Elolmesville, gave his
.Qipt'er,,ilirs-W. J. Willa, a visit this week.
hir Murch was for many years a respected
citizen of Fullarton, and a, successful
teacher at Bethel school in that township."
'-T school Mous
A � S
g e
• -tieing erected. -here during the summer
vacation will, we are given to understand,
l., •
lie completed some time next week Al -
, .` '
thopxh the contractors b,rq a few .days be-
• .40j iii the time aliot'tpd, owing„to the on-
rdable delay of the fnasops, plasterers;
'n i it
o t respective parts
me e es e r
..,+a..rpg.•.p k pe P.,.
,n liheawork,•yet it;megxbt<a.�,, `�� t.11at..
t erwho have done the work in the short
ce ofseven weeks, have pressed the
rk through in a creditable manner.
k i_ has b•_ ntract aeto wor mooch sen
e co
,,r. `•.
'11:-v •- .
49t. only carried out, but in several in-
Is 09'se valuable imi,provements., were s,uF
�`, .
. q$ted by them an gra tultoo us y a e .
tie whole contract reflects great credit on
i.6 contractors, Messrs Cooper & Swaeield,
dttClintou, as well as on the men they
*',ploy, Who certainly, understand their
l Osfness and spare no pains in filling a
ggntract. Holmesville can now boast of
hhgving one of the most commodious and
'hbstantial school houses in the county.
,Fs: --Yours respectfully had occa-
siton to cross Ibe new bridge a few days
ago, ADA found a part of it bolstered up
by cross pieces;;tbe water is nearly as low
now as it will get (luring this dry weather,
and there could be no better time than
now to repair it. • We noticed the piece
o'f new road that was opened last spring'I
has been gravelled in first class style; all
i;E needs now is more gravel to make it one
of the best roads in the county. -
Mr James Graham had the misfortune to
lose a very valuable mare last week ; she
1H supposed to have eaten some poisonous
. ' yfee"hich caused her death ; she was
valued at $200. Mr Prouse, who has been
laid up for a few days, is now better. - On
Sabbath morning last Rev J. S. Fisher
read. the " Conference address to the
societies" to the congregation here, and
supplemented' the reading by an earnest
. and timely address. The Methodists have
d tided to hold heir church anniversary
about the beginning of October next; Rev
W. McDonagh isl to be invited to officiate
on the occasion. A lawn social is appoint-
` ed to be held at the residence ofAlr H,
Elford, on Thursday, 26tH, inst., in behalf
of the Women's :Missionary Society ; an
interesting programme is being prepared ;
all are cordially invited. .
A reader at Holmesville forwards the
* following: -Wanted 200 young men ofall
shapes and sizes,"
. talk and grace -
fol dandy, VOlio has haiit enough on his
upper works to stuff A barber's cushion,
down to the low -'egged, wAnkled-faced,
carved -head upstart. The object is to
foram a gaping choir to be in attendance
. at the' Methodist church every Sabbath,
,particularly,, in fine weather, to• shire at
the young ldies as they enter, and make
delicate I and gentlemanly remarks on
their dress, person and behavior. Who-
ever wishes to join said regiment will at-
. tend at the market square on Saturday
evening, where they will be duly examin-
ed and their quantity of brains registered
in a bpok kept for . that purpose. How -
it will be well to observe that none need ap-
ply who possess intellectual capacity above
-- that of a well-bred monkey.
The Naw EnA will bo sent to new suhseribors
to the end of the year, for 2.7, cents cash.
ACCIDENT. -Alfred Morton met with
nearly a fatal accident„ the other day.
While working on a scaffold some tifnbers
gave way,which ]andel Alf at the bottom,
but we are glad to see him around again.
BxIErs.-Master Richard Downs, of
Clinton, is spending his holidays with
relatives here. The public school re -open-
ed on Monday, the 15h inst. Miss Ida
Plummer has returnedrfrom her vacation.
. __pro .
The NFw ERA will be sent to new subscribers
to the and of the year, for 25 -cents cash.
NOTES.—Mr E. Wise carries his band tied
up, the result of too close an acquaintance
with a scythe. Farmers are nearly all thrdugb
harvesting. Fall wheat yielded fairly well
in this township.,
Festival in connection with St.James' ehurcb
(Middleton's) will be held on Thursday,Aug.
'lath. A special thanksgiving service will 'be
held in the church at 4 p. m., the Rev W.
. Craig, B. D., R. D,, Hector of Clinton, of&-
. ciating. After service there will be a thanks.
giving festival held on the grounds of Mr
. John Middleton,at which the Doherty Organ
Band will be present. The committee of
management have spared nO pains to make
this one of he most pleariant and attractive
festivals of the season,
Corvcir..-Council met on the 8th, pursn-
Iant to adjournment. Members all present.
Minutes of last meeting react and passed,
Letter from County Cleric read, stating that
$9795.80 is required from this township for
County purposes. A sato of 2, mills ontbe
dollar will be levied on all the real rateable
and personal property in the township, for
county purposes, and two mills on the dol-
lar will be levied on same property forlown-
ship purposes. The clerk was ordered to
levy the several sums required by school
trustees for school section pngoses. 91hg
petition of Gab Elliott and others, asking a
grant of money to Wm Herbison to build a
Mire fence, was not granted. The following
accounts were paid, viz., R: M. Raney, for
Iron pulleys,match blook,eto., for spike driver,
with one year's interest, $42.77, (this account
lay over from last year.) Herbert ^Elford
for trees planted in 1884, 08.550. Wm Col.
I lins, indigent, $18.75. Robt. Bray,indigent,
$18.75. Tape line for Jas. Laithwaite 75ets,
Mrs Trumbly taking care of Mr and Mrs
Bray for 4 months, from 8th April 1887,812,
Messrs Naftel and Bryan asked personally
for this increase, stating the parties werc
cntirely helpless. Council adjourned 'tc
Inset again on the first, clay of September
next,(at one o'clock P. 111. JaxE9 PATTON,
_. _ ��
— — -
EXETER. I COLHOUNE. again. Miss Martha Pentland is also on DEATH. -Many of our readers will be ve iety, contemplate having a. grmtd Hd-f�'
Mr Jas S. Shute of the McClean Mfg. ( The Nsw ERA will be sent to new Subacribers the sick list. We understand tbat Mr s S me festival on Sept.
Y g to the end of the year, for 2$ (cute cash, sorry, to hear of the death of billy, young- • 2nd, add n'
Co., London, and Mr Geo Carruthers, of Thos Harris is gone LO England. On eat daughter of Air Hugh Oke near Kin g0°d time is especte;d, tsa served In teff!,'
ACCIDENTS.—tale John McMillian, a Sunda morning, instead of the usual ser- g g ' peranee bal),entertaintr,entin elle t l;ureh,,
the Forest City, are doing the town for a man of 70 ears of age, fell from the Y g' burn, which mad event took place on Sun11
few days. . ranar to, the threshing floor, and sus- i oleo"in the Methodist church, a bible day'last, attar a elicit illness. The tuner B oho J4ihnston is here :on a visit trdm' , ,
On Saturda night the Forest Cit Bi g y g • + reading was gives •by the pastor, Rey A1r Buffalo, at'so with business . comhined .
9 ds Y tained several internal Injuries. While Campbell on the subject "of sin in the al took place on Tuesday morning, going Fanners have commenced fee ha to
cycle club passed through here en route Thos Morrish, of the 7th con., was. on a „ by train from Clinton to Centralia. fi - 9. .
to Goderich the will return and proceed believer ; the service was a very Inter- cattle,as. the pastures are bare and nir af(e
y P large load of grain, the horses took fright esting and we trusta peofitable one. 1JoTe.-Dlr,fohn Kin apd r commenced grass on the ltieadows,•gream i slacken
to Sarnia. »---.--••-• and ran away, upsetting the load and turned on Saturday,
TRAINING.-Mr.H- McIntosh and hir, g Y P g HYMENAL. --Oct Saturday R little ex- school on Mouda Air D S. Sutherland tog ofiatthefAgtory,owingtotho'drought
shaking up Air ;tL'sconstitutian consider- citement prevailed in our usually quiet y' P buggy Mr C. Meyer,.who urehtiaed the Walk, r
v s u in town
n rl s the finest to b 1?
it •horaea now d e
1 d the e
have ace
N. D. 1 .
• ab cider der '
Y villa o account of rumor that two of mill
e c a a has t
R fitted u '
, , the n
g a ri
P to
a 'th'
week i S afmth t
p ss Mr S. S. Cole is this w e Fi e e
under the skilful hands of two first-class UNUSUAL— Quite a novel spectacle was our residents had chosen that day as their chi cheese factory, and has tG iu fiPst class . `%
trainers. It is intended to have a race seen last Monday, by N. Morrish while moving buildings for Messrs Broadfoat
between those two fast horses. Y wedding day the contracting parties were Box. Farmers are bus threahin and running order. Mr Eiunter; of 131yth.wllY'
going along the 4th con. He noticed a Mr Chauncey Brown and Miss Maggie y g preach nest Sabbath at 1•Jbenezrr, Sin=
Pioxic.-On Wednesday, Aug. 24th, bunch of straw drop down apparently Fowler. We understand the ceremony report he ;train turning out very ranter. burn And Londeaboro. The friends of
Exeter Fire Co. No. 1 and 2, intend hav- 'from the clouds in front of the horse. was erformed fu God'erich. After their Miss Bella Schools is visiting her stater, Mrs Morris of S. , T
in a monster picnic, at 'Grand Bend, .Upon lookin u the air was full of oat P Mrs Banton, in Belmore. The ,Misses . � t ligmas, will.regret to
g P indul ed in. straw, which as returningto its mother return that night some of our young men, Vaulius, of Wingham, aro visiting their know that she is not ggttng better as. fast ".o
kinds will be
Brass a Band will furnish music earth -after having one oad excursion as well as some of the old ones, took the aunt, Mrs W m. Suelltof this,.place. Miss as het.frieµds would ltk� to see; her mother
The g g advantage of c,hivuring .them. If their Rosie Mo -£item, ou :E;.,: l! ,Irl,_who has. and sister s slllj }1It.: liertaz d t+pljlXa
foie the 6ccasio>l. with a whirlwind. • amusements had ended there, instead ofrhain Until tlrl,a °is -out o gen er. � j -fr
` STARTLED. -Mr D Baer was awakened been .living wit.b Dila Jas SSI, ar, of this i;
WooD-Coex-Me srs David Johns, our acting in a way to disgrace tbemwives, _ 0;'
worthy postmaster, and Sergeant Sanders at 2'o'cleck one morning last week, by a and roe are afraid desecratIu the l abbath place, leaves for Birmington, Eng., in a l�AO%' ; ,�k M1
g sent for her
uncured some beautiful woodcock on young woman, who is well acquainted . so,it would have reflected more credit short time, her mother having r CREDIT�►,UP-AID013g• the apt g6iiaful
p oneda� last, the shot some, fifteen of about the premises, -telling., him 'titers �, she will be Mr Gibbins,
M y were tweet head of cattle in.his oats. qI our village and also on themselves.- of the Guthrie Home. candidates ror the 244 cissa esau,rnatiuh -
them, Bob says that Have is a terror at He bot up, Called his men, and went to However, we wish to extend to Mr and held is Clinton was 1t11ss .C, Robertson,,'
shooting.on the wing. - Airs Brown our best wishes for a happy l3HAFOHTII. of Marnoch. Tha.class-that wrote at the.
put them out, but could find .no cattle and prosperous life. entrance examinatibn. Was also Aucce+ai'al
Civic HOLIDAY. --Tuesday was Exe- P P PERSONAL. -Mayor Beattie represented
there. The fence had been let down for �_ P and the trustees Are to lin congrxtu,atad
ter's Civic Holiday: The Exeter band, a few rods and about that number of eat- the Oddfellows of this lace at ibis meet -
better known as the 7th ,Fusilers, of Exe- HIPPEN ing of the Grand ,Lodge in Peterboro last on the efficiency of their teacher, Mr.'
tle were lying just outside. The Nnw ERA will be sent to new subscribers Richmond.
ter, had a monster excursion to Sarnia ; MILLxONS HERL-The Cit of New to the end of the year, for 25.cents often, week. ..
about four hundred procured tickets at Y • OPEN MEETING;. -The Good '1'emplars N°TEs-Aiany took advantage of the
York is puffing and blowing just now BRIEFS.•—Harvest is now finished and excursion on Tlueeda t
Exeter station. They report having a about its population havingreached a instead of the binder we now hear the held open meeting on Wednesday evening. y o visit Goderich.
good time. million and a uarter or therabouts but steam thresher. The Messrs McMillan There was a good programme and a plea- and Sarnia. Rev Mr Anderson has rq-
Y __ g what is that compared to the township of have purchased a new Decker machine 'ant time was spent. turned, looking refreshed, afar spending
COLLISION.—On Saturday evenin last
as our band was discoursing some smart Colborne, in Huron, Ont. Why itsppo- from McCloskey, of Sarnia and are now CIITIC HOLIDAY. -To -day (Friday) be• his holidays dawn east. `l+he 4 h:trs
' in Civic Holiday, a good number, no aro finishing their harvest, sumo have
music for our citizens in front of the Com- palatine already enumerates several mil- oin g good work in this vicinity. Mr g threshed but the
iilercial hotel, the Salvation Army took it lions. Now, to some .this might appear Wm Doi who has been s endin his doubt, will take advantage of the cheap , yield is comp)oratively
u on themselves to drown the band but to be a stretcher, but it i , nevertheless, a holida s visitin friends in Michi ao has Y p y small. schools re oponpd ou .tlonday
fares Finds end the da abroad.
P ,. ,' Y g g PULPIT. -The Rev Mr Hart, of Varnat with a very good attendauce for this time
for the efficient services of Lockie' they fact, for the name is million. returned home `and resumed the iustrnc- occupied the pulpit of the hTethodis, of the year. Miss Annie 1sIcGnwan re -
got. left, and had to proceed on their way BARN BURNED. -On Tut sday, Air Jas tions of the youth over in Tuckersmith. Y, P turned to her school looking ,rale Hud'
and station themselves further up the Million, of the 6h con., sustained a very' A LARGE PARTY. -Mr Jas Cooper church last Sunda the aster, Rev J. E. heart after takin an extended.cri In the .
built the largest barn 1n this vicinity this Howell, tieing absent on a holiday trip, y, g, p'
street. henry loss by she total destruction of his g y FIREMEN'S OUTING. -Last Thursday United States and Canada. M ins Lizzie
summer, so on Tuesday, the 9th Inst., his the firemen and Town Band, with their Y f
ANOTHER GONE -We regret to an- barn• and contents, by fire. It originated DA was successful in obtninin • a 2ad., ..
nounce the death of Sarab, wife of between 11 and 12 o'clock in the day friends assembled, nearly 300, for the o class certificate. WPotter, Irache'r, is
Mir F., D. Sanders, of Exeter north, time,but by what means is a mystery, and purpose of having a social dance. The families and friends, took an outing in m
a ed 63 ears, which occurred on Satur- in less than half an hour nothing but a music was supplied by lir Paul Doig, aa- La a Huron at grave on the shores of out rusticating. R. Bretz leaves fur'7iii Vm,
g y slated b the Aiesara Steac of Lamle Lake Huron at Bayfield. All report haw• Business College in a few days. Mr bVin.
day last. Deceased has been ailing for pile of ashes marked the place where it Y y' Y in a good time. Rose and grRudchild, hiss Auld, of Re• • •
two ears with that dread disease con. stood. .The barn contained the whole of The Mazy whirl was kept up until the g g Ina came home a short time a+I".
y light of da be an to dawn i❑ the east LEAVIvG•-:lir D. R. Terrell, who has 910R, The
sumption. Tile sorrowing husband and this years crop except 12 tons of hay,with g Y g ' for some time past been engaged as sales- excessive heat has caused a sv ircit of I
when all se separated to their respective P engaged Y
family have the sympathy of he entire a waggon And boggy. At the risk of her P P , man in Messrs Duncan & DuncanWDry water in many places. The riupply of .
community in their sad bereavement. life Mrs Million went in and loosened the homes, well satisfied with the night s en. Goods store, left last Monday to spend a youths required for pulling fl ,x i, not
RETURNED. -On Friday afternoon last horses, a thorough -bred bull, and some tertainment. quite e P
• ••p" , --• - - THE RmiNG 'nCHOOL, -The youngweek at his old home before going to q goal to the demand t+,a cru is
lIessrs Colquohoun & Daw,of E'i:e2eF;'sr- i s wliioh�were illus saved. There was n Rochester to take a similar position 1n extensive, considering the fact i h,c+ many
rived at Exeter station with two beautiful an insurance of $1200 on it. ladies, rvho organized file riding school in that city. farmers have tried the cultivation of it for
Clydesdale Stallions "Charming Charley" BRIEFS. - J. Kerningbam has been Tuckersmith aro very angry with your REORGANIZATION. - Staff Capt Bur- the first time. Miss McLaren, "i Milton,
and "The Turk" ; they are the best ani- makinggreat improvements to his barn Tuckersmith correspondent, who sent the. is visiting her, sister Mrs JAS: WI(iGn,van,
mals that ever struck this vicinity.- g P ' report of their first trial to the NEw ERA. ehette, D. O,, and wase, of the Salvation ti ,
by raising and_. putting stone stables un- The felt disposed to blame scale of the � Army, visited here last Tuesday evening, Air Thea Ross has accompani,d Ar. E
Charming Charley is a beautiful brown der- it. Messrs Durst & Schaffe have Y P 1 There was a largo gathering (if
soldiers Watson, of Blyth, to the Old Country;
horse and we'glls 2000 lbs., hath splendid their steam threshingoutfit in full blast Pedagogues, but they stoutly deny ail
bone and muscle and has ever appear- knowledge of the affair, so who the,corres- and A good congregation at the barracks. the latter having shipped a large number
y PP now. The rear end of Harvest is just The 1). O. gave an address on the rise and of cattle, �► number of fiirmer pupils of
Rocs of a first-class horse for the improve- ' being brought under cover. Mr G Me- , Pondent is i3 a ---G cry. Miss Day paid -her a visit, one afternoon
I g g -m-.0-- progress of the Army. .r 1
ment of stock. The Turk is a beautiful I Cabe has put up a wire fence along the' 11LI"Tt:. SCALDED, -At the firemen's picnic at last week. A great amottut of,ickuess
bright bay, with a white star in the fore- front of his farm, 1{r John Snyder had I The s,,:.v RHA will be sent to now subscrib,•rs I Bayfield last Thursday, Mt Geo; Murray, prevails round here,caused most probably
head and a little white in both hind feet I a field of oats, where the self -binder 1 to tt,c vna of the year, for s3 ce)it9 Bash. I a member of the brigade, Had the misfor- by the weather.
He weighs 2100 lbs; they, Are both 4 years ! dropped a sheaf every. second., or 3,600 an LEAVING -A•]r J. tV, i4mv, Principal tune to meet with a very painful accident.' - "--'-_-W41*
old, and were 15 days from the time they I hour. of he Public School here, purposes resign- He was assisting in carrying a bottle of .4'eANLE- .
lett Scotland until the Arrived at F,xetcr, • 1 in his mAitiun oil the 1•ltli of Clctober, COUNCIL.—COnneil -tnet at Varna on the
Y i SUSPICIOUS. -Your reporter happened ' g 1 , hot tea, when, by some means, he slipped
We wish them great luck with those ani- ' to call at a certain hotel n this township . I as he he intencls.studyinv for a M.D. Mr causing the tea try spill over his right 13th Inst., r 2 prep.mvious
mingrea all .present; ..
p t. g P minutes of previous meeting read and passel, 1; „
mals, as they Have been very unfortunate I just as a couple of hard -looking seeds were 1 Shaw, wHile+here, has filled his position ]land and foot, scalding them very badly. .The following motions were passed: That
of late years,by loosing five superior one,i. about to take something, we will suppose, b in a most able, manl�er, and ha non the He is gettin along a well as can be ex-
I esteem �t the t Blyth. Ito will getting Garrow & 1'roudfeot be paid their account
CRUELTY --A family living in this vil- I for the good of their stomachs. The hot- C 1 petted. of $18; that F. G. Neelin be paid '520, for
lave, about a year ago adopted from the ; tles and tumblers were arranged on the j be greatly til isee`, from town, ,-,,4 ha'took DEATH OF AN OLD SlITTLER. - On printing township by=laws; that sohool see:
orphan home, London, a bright youth, counter ready for the n ecessary draugbt, I an active int .r. t in everything to pro• •Thursday evening last, lIr John Hughill, tions Nos. 1, 4, u, 14 be paid $4 each, for the
On Saturday last, a lady,a relation of he ! when we were observed by the landlord mote the welfare of the _choler,. of this place, passed the IVay of all flesh, use of their schools at last local elections,
family, was here and ordered the lad to I and the bottles -etc. disappeared quicker I Trout ms. -Upon tl:e arrival of the 1atter an illness of only twr) tteek9. De- $:5 was granted to Donald McNair, -as chari.
,go and do some little chorea ; the lad at I than wink. Why was this man soared to ! freight train ping north, on Friday after- I ceased was,one of the pioneers of Tucker ty, he being in indigent circumstances. .
once set about the work, but did not do 1 sell before us his goods ? As a rule, gro- noon la'At, it contained two notorioni sinith, having settled oil the Huron road, Alex. McBeth's account of $289, for building
it fast enough to suit this fair lady, who i cers and other business men are not as- i characters. It appcars the, while the near Alma, about forty years ago. Ile Logan's bridge on Parr ]foe, was ordered.tO
at once commenced beating he child, un- hamed'of their goods, but hold them up 1 train etas between I,onrd:•,haro ;lad Blyth, I was a -native of Yorkshire, Eng., and be paid. The clerk was authorized to draft
til his cries of murder, etc., were heard g a by-law to raise a rate of two milia on the
win a certain amount of pride that is I the brake=man Fir tiecrl t,,c ,c t� o uharac- came Here shortly after hi, arrival in this dollar, for county purposes, a;id a rate of 1,
fully a block -away. Not being -satisfied quite commendable, but here N -a man I ter in wear, >:te,tlhi:,'ir ride. He at once country: He was a man of sterling inte- mills on the -dollar, for local and railway
with this beating, she took the child by I selling his goods something like a man i told then] to drp,at, 'Cl:i9 they refused to grity and the large number who followed purposes; also a by-law to raise the sums
the legs and dropped him into a tub of steals sheep, he does not want to be rnen , do, and p••lintin;r It )tic'_•; of steel at hi u, his remains to Harpurhey cemetery, on required by the several school section Oo -
,-water. -keeping-him-•tbere-u-ti-He� was -doing- it- ----- - t-IHev--dtti�t-l-v--. 4 l 4&,--i--K�.returtr:tfir-he- •Saturday;wasrthe beat'evideuce o -f -the -High porations: --eoim�l -adjo`ti"rnec�l'oineet on c
nearly drowned. We have beard of cruel -,i SCHOOh SECTIO 1.-A new school sec- I caboose, tori 'h ho +r11':tadi.rt0y did, and esteem In which he was held, He was a OcT. r� at I p.m. Gree: STGWART, Clerk." -
ty to animals, but in a civilized place like i tion has been formed between the fourth I upon 'Iii3 arrival •nt lel v th made known Methodist in religious matters, and Re- HARVEST Ho,un FIC xLC. =0n Tours -
Canada, we do not appreciate such cruelty and sixth con„ fincfaiive, There being the faet� to tiia t • on *;,:sent, who imme- former in politics. His wife, (a sister of day last the farmers of the vi ,toil 3rd,'
to the animals, leaving children out of the f diately wired up t )'.;•9 tb+ Constable Davis, Mrs John Plewes, Bayfield road, near cons. held a picnic in the villa a ..f B,i
question, and if the act is again repeated 1 Lhisnnevo� one will
nowl°iw Ns ons 1 who wn9 -non r•.n the .-pot, and at once Clinton), -survives him, and he leaves a field. The rain in the early morning told
we will see that the law is enforced. , Many of, the children have .had three I started in purs+tit of th(. trap cents, who son and daughter in this part, the latter the dust and made the drive mo -t enjoy'
'— i' ` miles and more to o to school and for I were ulakinr their exit. lie, ho%ever, being Mrs Wilson Cook, of Stanley,while able. Arriving in Bayfield and caring
HULLETT. nl0ntba i❑ Clle winter season It has ,been soon zalnerl on them, mid while 111 the he has three sons and a dttn min Cali for the horses, the. party wended their' '
The lvrw ERA will he sr:nt to new su. ul ihcis c A
to the end of the year, for 25 cents ea,h, impossible to attend, so that the new I chs e one of• the ruffians, ro his sorrow, founts. lIe lived on the fariri until about way to lliddleton's point, where prepara-
FATAL ACCIDENT.—A very sad acci- gebool house will be a great boon to this I dropped unable nr, gnif^cent-revolver, which he two Years
]Algos wwhen
hln r ti ..d to Seaforth tions were made for a repast, by Beating
1 wits dent, terminating fatally, happened on i part -of the township. On Wednesday of i was right ru inset it '1'liey their pursuer
pfor the to resid.,�g Lheiablen tbewat;0 on hras y shaded ,spreading
l3ltrr do
the farm of Air McLaughlin, base, line last week, a public school meeting was, a1CHILLOP. g
g ' ' I called at the house of lir Thos Cousins I woods, and thus e`i` ctcd their escape. . Honsr. SOLD. -Air T. McFadden + in ample justice to the dainties prepared
Hulett, about five miles from Clinton,on , I , of the g P j the P P r :r
Monday. At about two o'clock in he At. lot !,con u. This being the second meet- operations ann Wednesdayhe flax 'il mornii Fie last, 4th con., recently sold a flue Percheron mente(come am sed thenLs(fv ff it,rreoi
ternoon, Mr Thos W. McLau hlin ' who I ing that bad been called, they proceeded g horse to Air AlcMann of SeRfor►h for the-
vas using a team of horses, stepped over this time, armed with legal Advice, to The first ks ue of the Standard will appear handsome figure of $240: Mr McFadden ing stones, somo in, collecting curiosities,
elect a committee of five to purchase a site. next week. Another promenade concert others -in boating and bathing in tl,e blue
bended one to hitch up a trace chain,when P raised sevegal horses of this same breed
and erect a school house. It is the in, will be held shortly, A large number' waves. Good -will, tellow-feeling and Bo-
the horse, bothered by flies, raised its foot for all of c.whichhe realized a good price,
tention to have the house read for school from town availed themselves of the tial converse bad possession• of the party.
to kick, and struck McLaughlin on .the Y PIC -NIC. -The Sabbath School, of
before the end of the year. There wit t cheap excursion to Goderich, on Tuesday Duff's 'church Wintbro and Roxboro The old seemed to renew their youth, and
temple The Horse did not even leave a ;last. No less than three excursion trades Y ' the youth to have become older with more
mark on him, but feeling a little dazed by , be another teaeber wanted. will hold a Union picnic in Kerr a grove,
-y •_, ppassed theouL�11'Bdyth on Tuesday last. 8th con. on Friday,the 19th, Several ideas and wider knowledge. Tk•e firemen
the blow, he asked a boy, who was with I - itis WilliamGon, of Toronto, is he guest ' of Seaf firth with a good band were also on
him if it was bleeding, and was told there ' LEEHIbIiV. r clergymen are expected to be present to
I of 'tri .1)r Sloan. Is it not about time Address he children, and other amuse- on the ground,and added liveliness to the
was no mark whatever. He remarked CHRISTENING -Quite a number of our town w'As having a civic holiday; all scene. One untoward circumstance
that there was a ringing sensation in his children were christened in the Presby- I the neighboring ton ns are having one; meets wl also be provided. marred the Leasure of the da one. of the
BRIErs.-Mr Colin f he 4th P Y,
Head, and went into lite House and told terian church Here, on Sunday last, Rev I and why loot Blyth follow suit, Only two Gordon,' firemen, while helping another up the
his father what had happened, who ex- Dr Ure ofnciatin con., has sold his house and lot t° Mr M
g• I passengers brtrded the train on TuesdayMorHill with some hot water, slipped, and
wressed a fear that it was all over with No CORD. -Quite a number of farmers t intends for vin$40We believe MrGordon
, Q morning last, on the excursion to Sarnia. intends moving to Algoma. Dr Wm scalded both feet and one -arm severely;
im, but he son assured him that he who got self,binders this summer have I Rev ?*Ir Gunn. of Wyoming, occupied the In the evening all returned home hi til
would be all right a ado' bort] Getting been obliged to la thein. b and take the y g' P Murdie, of Detroit, is visiting relatives b g Y
g g Y• g g Y Y 1 pulpit of the English chtucH last SRbbath. here. Alias Elsa and Master Archie Pleased with the liar a enjoyment.
weaker, and vomiting blood, Alr lie- old reapers to finish on Account of not' Miss Minnie Luxton, of Dungannon, is at -- '�•�-` -
P Dickson of Goderich are also visiting •I
Laughlin, sr., drove to Clinton for A doc- being able to get cord. I present in town, 'Mr3 T:migh is a" pre ' g HItUUEFIELI), .
tor, who found, on amination, that a A GOOD BUsi. Ess.-Otir butcher, W. ,sent enjoying ^, fetd 1u)]idaV Visiting he_e. A valuable colt belonging to Air - Al William O'Neil has
blond vessel had ben ruptured. 'Ir Ale- Strachan, is doing quite a ru3hing busi- i friend.] in 'tichilmmi, Mr 11. (1[ terham, �Vm Morrow tvRa so severely cut on a secured the services of Mr Smith, to take
Laughlin was a steady, industrious young ness now. Last week there was such a of Portae la Prairie,'Ian., iv;t4 the guest wire fence as to cause its death. charge of his peddling waggon ; he is,an ex•
mama member'of the Presbyterian,church, I demand for beef that it! order to supply ' of Mr lt, J McGill fast week, Miss Annie
,,OBITUARY. -It is our sad duty this perienced hand, and will likely improve Mr .
highly esteemed, and had only been mar- all bis customer:3 he had to kill two beeves I Kelly is at' present visiting friends in week to record the -death of Donald Mc; he Mill road, trade. vi Jas NIr adfd of
ried ttvo years,his wife,formerly Miss Die- this week, instead of one, as usual, j Clinton. Bf rs .l 1I Hamilton is ti collie Gregor, one of the oldest and most esteem- , is improving. bIr and Mrs
Ppending ed rel+idents of this township, who died on John Allen, of Brantford,are spending a few
Gee, of E. Wawanoah,being a sister of Airs On Tuesday while a hack was driving by a fow clays with friends in Staff a at pre- Tuesday last. Hi was born inPertbshire, days with friends in this vicinity.
D. R. Menzies, of Clinton. The ]amen- on the way to the Point Farm, with a ,sent. 'Mise Gib9on, of Wroxeter, was the Scotland, and with his parents, brothers IarnovEatENT19-Dtu•ing the vacation the -
table affair has cast a shadow over this number of guests, the wheels came off on guest of Hiss Annie broffatt last week, trustees of Tuckersmith made considerable
entire community. His remains were the bridge near the Temperance hall. As I Mr Thomas Campbell, formerly a resident and sisters came to this township, while improvement on school house No. !3, by
buribd in Clinton cemetery on Wednes- there were two invalids in the rig it oc- I of town, but now of Atelieson, Kan,, was the country'was yet new, and he and his having it thoroughly repaired and painted,
da a large number accompanyingthem. casioned quite a little anxiet but bc- brothers hewed out homes for themselves, both outside and in. The have now a ver .
Y, g q y, I in town last week• Aliss Nan Shane has Y y
yond getting the jolt and a slight fright returned home from her tri to Goderich. on which they still live near each other. neat and comfortable sgbool, and Ise think
GRAY. nothingmore serious happened. P He was well and favorably known to all that the appearance 'and general comfort •
PP few
M. days
, of London, was a town n the residents of this township in his oai- will amply repay them for their trouble and
FATALTHRE9HING MACHINE ACCIDENT BRIEFS�Air A•Osbal(lestan and family, few dAys thin week. Miss Sanderson, of P � P p y p y
-Christopher Switzer, a young man Of of Holmesville, visited friends here last Wroxeter, is At present the guest of Mrs tion as town assessor, which he filled for expense. If our neighbors on the other side
this township, while attempting to put on week. Mies Mar f She pard- Fors th. hIr Robert Jones has moved many years. He had always been a strong, of the village would take the hint and have .
y Gordon,+ P y health man and it was only a few months their school repaired and painted, it would
a small belt at the side of a threshing ma- ton has been the guest of Miss Lizzie his household.efrects into the houae late) y Y
chine on Thursday afternoon, and while g , Y ago that he became aware of ,the secret add greatly to its appearance, and no doubt
Horton for a few days. Miss •Mary Clut• occupied by AIr Wm Campbell. We are disease tbat was so soon to cause hisdeath. both teacher and pupils would be pleased•
stepping over the cylinder his head struck ton and Master Roy LiAlater have gone pleased to learn that Miss Annie Moffatt He visited the doctors and they pronoun- Platte, -A harvest home picnic under the
a rafter pole, which threw him back. One on a visit to friends in the neighborhood succeeded in securing a 3rd class certifi- auspices of the Methodist church was held
le going in the cylinder was completely ced the disease to be a tumorous cancer
l; g g Y • p y of Galt. We Are sorry to say that Miss eats at the last examinations. The con- in Mr Jas. Turner's grove, oil Tuesday after -
torn from his body.He lived afew bours of the stomach, and incurable, and about
Mattie McManus is at present sick with • sumors"of coal are at present getting their noon. Th, day was favorable and during
after the accident. He was subject to a inflammation; we hope to bear of a speedy coal supply in. The Lawn Tennis Club two weeks ago be took to his bed. He the whole afternoon crowds were seen wend -
nervous ailment that seemed to affect his recovery, are at present doing a considerable amount died at the age of sixty two, and leaves ing their way towards the grove where tables
neck and involuntarily would throw his - •— - a wife and two children to lament their arida tatform were,rected. It is unneces.
Y of practise, betting into trim for their p
head back, which evidently was the cause DUNGANNON. Brussels friends. irreparable loss. The funeral wasvery nary to say that the ladies attended to their
of the accident, He was an industrious P,nT�rra,-Air S. Cook, of Kincardine, A leton's Amerfcaii Colo redia is in largely'Rttended, the remains being inter- part in a very creditable manner, having
young man, And a few weeks before his is at present visiting friends here. We pp Y P red in the Maitland -bank cemetery. provided eatabl(a of rare quality and in
g fact a library in itself. It is the knowledge�a+�------- - --• great quantity. -After tea bad been served,
untimely death, had joined the Salvation understand that Air Cleo Woods is unable of the centuries boiled nown ; the essence of LONDEsnolzo' short addresses were delivered by Rev J. H.
Army, and was one of its active workers. to resume his duties assebool teacher,ow- all books chrystalized. It stands on the BnmFs. 'v1r A. McQuarrie is Away to Simpson and Rev Mr Hart, Thepienie was
His funeral on Sunday last was very large- ing to ill•bealth. Mr Wm Vafeoe i9 very shelves ready 'to answer any conceivable Buffalo on his holiday trip, and to recruit brought to a close by Hinging God Save the
ly attended, ill; we hope soon to see him around. glination, after his burglar scare. The Ladies Aid Queen. "