The Clinton New Era, 1887-08-12, Page 6In doubt thus vacuo and yet heart deep, wards the gitestion of reduein , the CRAND THUNK RAILWAY,
amount of ilii insuranso A ti100 alis Itoing Last. Going Brest.
In the arae of i dreams
t silo falls bar Y 7.:30 a.m. express 10 18 a,m, mixed 1,000 lbs PURE HONEY for sale, Clov(
But vain aro her dreams to Bottle the harm diaCUSRed, 1l'Ir M •loncy, who was pi•,'s- ], lv p,ni. mixed j 2.20p.er7. cypress and Linden, will guarantee it pare, as
Cf Love's sad freake,with a kine for a balm. ent, stating that ho world prefer Fav- 4.15 p.m, mixed 0 20 p.m. express have bees of npy own. ,
60, Patience( Vatiuu:e ! far too deep ins the policy cancelled to any reduction anr.tT w> s'rrr,N RAILWAY. I [low have it Choice CORN A1EAi
Going North, Goin South,, FLOUR for making Bread or Panil
Thy reveries to be solved in bleep. however' small, After Mr �1'Ialoney +; ' g
10.18 a.m, es Less 8 00 a.m. express
The future dimly lies before, left the directors Cancellod the Policy' 6 35 m: express
But lights that fa ovary doer ; P P' s 4.10 p,ni.oxpress ROLLER FLOUR and QATMEA]
The lights that from the window alpine, but failed to notify him of the action a• -- • , ---- . •_ _ .. __.._
Around 6hy heart fair visions twine, make anv return of the ntnney paid or Ira 1('ill�llt •
Bat as you pave the portals through, roto given, Last .Monday morning his i p �•� A W111111cy, FNQUIRP FOR
Realities of life in view- honse•was destroyed by fire, and the - JAS. STEER'S SEED STORE
As now, a welcome, gladdest day, question arises : Ts he legally entitled E. H. SNELL
Though not unclouded every ray -
Leet too bright sunshine strike us blind,. to the attiount of his insurance ? 1lavisgacceptedthe apticyfor the ASrunnufasturin� THE MERCHANTS'
Settle ominioue clouds follow behind ; ColiVatson•s) will open out all office in the premises ,1 ,p
The rO Cough,
for BroCounchitis.
Cohrs, (`roup l occupied by Mr. Carney. AlbertStrdct, Ciinton, I �o}ep}i�0 slid �o�Ifictlll , ,
The flickering sunlight's golden skean, Nhoopiug Cfiugh, Brouelutis. etc , is McCtro nearly opposite Fair's Jtill, when he win bo plca,cd u) IplGbl 0 g S $Q��at�o,
With varying shadows paint the scene. „ot"s Lung Compound. "here is n� remedy to receive orders for the celebrated
• Yet he who prays, prays not in vain Oxi$fence cuntutuine any of the ao• ivo inaredt - g''t� Q1� R
For all that doth to p cod attain, 0ntacompoging aleGrogor's Lung (,,outpound I so STEEL TWINE - U 1''' C ,1 N A U .t -
g do not gay you have tak0u everything until yell And tho NEW I1U,111ER NOWERand DAISI'1tAK1?,
Dear walling heart! may sweet dreamm bo have tried this Tor your e,•ughorcold, andyuut' A full line of repairs will nlsu be kept In ,toelc. 1 tiea(i Ililice, ll�umtllon,
11'restages of reality ; opinion will bid the a rue as all who have used Prompt attention ,will tin ••icon t i ;,II airier, nhethcr ° Esr.uu,sut•:n 1531.
it, viz., that it is the host. sold In 5tle, till([ $t h ' mail or uthere'isC. Als-,
And at Inst as gently as in ales J 1 t ter.
p beLtledbyA,wnr,hi 'n. drncgidt, i• n! :\-s,�:iatiun Mbuwlne; :7ud r,,,•c•>io!:,
il2ey life yield Heaven your soul to koel'3. . PLOIVS, S"1'1i.11V C1i'l'TF Itj, basin; fur its )bjoet the
�•^� , •- •-'---�--- VIOLATEtta jv t t E Gil ACI'. 1 :,t;'1 aR uthtr ►arm ern,>it, tw: t, 6.• ,tin t
I?RACTICAI, JO1:I.. _- - 1 " `' COLLI("I'll)`' tri' 1)1 1'►'.,
i A Toronto eorreapondent'writes a, foi- ! rte' k.pL`.e:1..1�� V.:LL Qa`a -Ind to prevent 11, oter:L,T,, nn:,ir'u lod'I Lts 1)
The p !ill,:] iu!th,•n,c,:"t pay
Iowa : I'he Act passed by the, Ontaril) '
The cnnvc�lsation had turned upon rhl
o � - ;` I
pernieiouaness� practical joking -,says the Lfgi tattles last PSslntl aUtl01'17,i11(y lhC l':11t11y 1'(tl� ti,�Ll3, ":Iorchiu,l;:std ha%ir, aacountst,r V"U'l t nor
Lr..eurion..ctf:.tpt-ice_rna'*idtrnted for Countit'a j I
v:i"�hiug to become ,rentbcrv, by remitting =7 to ou
Arkansas Travel , w hen a c ell-knnal�l I p a I a� (�,nt. 11 V t 11 {i tr.I1.61 Pon 8.11.E . 7.(',? ^, I )I it,:,,er+ ilymiltou, Ont., will rr, evens by return Inti
business mal) 8tlld• when
speak- of rag• i has already worked wbodel'a, 'erslsteiit 1 1 ue, "r,,.l Lui.d,n ;, an,l t;.,. d full l,:ut:cvFt: cutifitiP mcmhar•1u,,,,fc•,
i P offii•'nders have been coin Jelled to ,.n into ;oudih r.,,u,u and •ee it. Will Ile
tical joking -don t n). he the meraet re• 1 a 1ic11tr•il tla., Cun-t•ru,'c 1'. o.
fererrce to anvthing'nf 'tbe kind-fi,r it hiilingnr in:!, exile In e+cape the pen,111-
snakes me shudder. You al�know Beas ties imp s , +nil a severe cheil has been f1Fun Cti,R,- nna•withlh r i ;,It sire. 1.17t of i l)r to ,1:1� '1'I! bLt'�rnS, a�',•I,t. CriuUut
1vet1 to Eli, I, wir tralliC, so far :is the ' I .ItW, nn 8 Itt;, au1C of ItsttcnhuryRt., n^tripe,; l ,
ley, ' he commercial traveller`•. Ile is an d 0 hy'tinh.ctu, ,iiia hh; d•;: she,,, : s;;(Irh•, - --
esceediin ly good-natured ancd\,prankisk ol'I IiCel1",C 1pnlder" are Cr7nCCl'nr,f. tcillbCe.�'tibiae;wdforigopen)n.i,iaruntta.twilll1'•r.• 'f(r!F CELEBRATED
Lctl'P.r thn ball tvill hti fa Slut in new I' Iltug'ether%"rthu.•htylsoldtnhcniu.,rl ,If„�' f: p��p '
e nw, so muc 1 gl- lV2D ,U 1 i1T O ,�,w r11 BVI .hrtn•rrl-i+tt+>+t- ,".,:.. y.. ..it1`.i:-_H�-.._ ° ' �.(i'11At43�p�
,l 4Y,o••l t'.I f, it.w<..,-twr.c�:t�tn' t., int •.
OD 011e occasion, only a few weeks A, ,t places remains to be seen, but if it does ,Tla'i:N, oN. Nd1RL$ r
pasty of us"decided to play a juke on him the same remedies can be. applied. Vlri
that he would not be like! ' . lence, determination and caution on the I �Aa1t rue S,tt.i:.- I'nit BALI: 1, ''r ;:a cu' M IDA1IDELIOti
y to Inrbet, �Ve �i cEsill ` ^_, t.Jt.S,'1'ucicChn,tth, container_ r,0 nt res
didn't know exactly how to proceed, and •pare of the Of1lCinld, backed 111 by tlpC of n'hiah 4J arv,'Ic.u'ed, well ft•n ed, well utdtri,,ailted
were tanit;)in those- pprplexillf l ilt..k•3.mpathy and t he a4statance of the t('nl- and in 1 hi-411,t,itC n[ eoltll:ltilrn. I here iw a Fool i \ ~
-- > ' - -i tl.ul)it ITitn.e, Itartt Y,fdstahlt+s tTiii ao nrrh;in3 iii )du:n j
petance pe:i ) e, wI,11 sufY Ize to nl.tfcc tilt
tricacies whirl) COInC Of ❑Unlerllu9 eUg- apple, chero and pear trees. I'hetu is n nctor•f.ti,,n a
go-41ons, when a plan euddenty suggested act a succes,l. The ret drawback is
fi , T null, it id Ttithin Gout mile: of (.;tui m, •end three of
Itself, ''Cas! 1 std' she 1)OmiltlrtU (xnVCrlllneUL 3 O"GCI'• It'ua'9vld, oath a good 1;1*iM4 load lc'lding t•, each
ey, llaryy1•ng remained in Chi- ,Illi
sago several d, .. Decided to go to qt, in -Council. handing tho fine nloney over I '•'• For turthet' l,arricut:u•.> apply un it+v prrrerc•:
I to t c County C. uracils, some of which ortoC'4uton P. u J. D. unu�suv,• '
Louie, where Ili-, wife and little toy lived, absolute) ri l'uyC to rive it u) for Scott \lilt FOIL SAI,l•:..•I•IP', ;l.,chirlat uPl•'l;aS FOR LIVER AND KIDNEY DISEASES.
stepping for a day at Bloomington to at Y 6 T
Act Crt t'n I'CCR1Qih purposes. 'there docs y for ✓;ale ur:: tr�).;, e;i�.;i' .y . x:11.0, l farm nn the 9nrt " T'�trtt [L tt intcll i.jjettt 47Krtt tCal7ts to y)i[r•
tend to several Customers tt bora he had 8t_ ` P P cut, of ININtr, a,; n:•.'rl: h.."n•, bu, tile Mcllnllc„ rhase, lee bullsfrom-parties whose stan(Littp 7@
tbati place Idy plans w( re laid as soots not appear to be ltt�y way of compelling est;ite, IG Cbt1•i-+;rq ;;'1 h C :, 'nearly 7;11 tkal(d an,l I tr(('I> !: ero"71 callin((S 2d O (U(N-0,.%Ltec for the
as he made known his intentions, but I them to do this, but'C1lunty Councils may I in it :ydcndi,l f 1'1'..7. ,7. 1'i;, h>t a, 1,r•t„e 1r(nli yo"'than•,(::nr):." Tufa storliitgmotto is
be Sued under the Ontario law for rcfua• barn tetth s; , bra I;. t food orNtard, newer' (louhl. true fn retard, toptttent medicines, buy
pretended that I raid I wnot want viol to go, failing wcllc,,u,rl in , crr� rw•'" r't a ,'1' Corm. `•!taste Only triose made by praCt.ical professional men.
"I must.,' said he "I ivrotn rap wife sev- ing to tear a part of the`,C\net of enfurcin unl,y J ti;tl•:, 7'r •:u (,;c,,,,,,,. 'tt'ilt 110 sold r.n reason• 1 Dr. CIIA!+t4 is too wcllnndfay'oralilyknown by
eral (hays ago, telling' her to address BIC Flt the liquor taw. It 13 sal(► That a test cast" atilt: t,;rtn<, t,i'h,• v, tin tit the (;nip i•:in pavticui.u', i itis L'r ccipi IYuuliS to rc'gt7irC tttty p'CUOmtlletpdit-
y will shortly be made, and if its BCR ag%!]n=t "'t applte�.i•m t, TUCI'lIC'It t'UUUlI,Cll„(,n,• tion,
BlrinfnlDgtull, and, Ur aides, I have 1)051- Dit, ('.'t si.,'s Livor Curo ling 'r receipt loud
31 s there that leas to be attended to at the County Council the defer atits of the Ti Aro! F,)I' -tt.t: -- Titi; U..NDrVSI(:NI:Ip (ti'•.rrtpned 0tunndct'ety b:)rut tYhicl3is v:orthity
OGCe,' liquor traffic may a9 1fe11 Bit's ,tip tie I y rtTt fe fur,;nlr: Ilia farru botn lutGT, tfaitla)4 (( Iv lit in gold.
struggle. On.tne other hand 'if' the, conces+inn,(.oderlwh townshl)), Containing 1.,ttCliAarn.LtvcrCuroi nuarauieedtecntc
`That night the went to the railway sta- , acres. About r:5 ur<` e.leared and nearly 1'rre 1 all cUseasesari:;iu,5 Erma a torpid 0r innritcs
tion with him, and when the train. had County Council wins, the olltoof for the front stumps, in goods leaii'll of Pulitr'nearly Tho ' 'it.^r stlrh as F,Ivet• olit a for i or
Dys etin,
Scott ACC enforcement will be bad for batanao is gond hardwsoQ bush, muddy I,oe( It andigcKi.IOr\, Iltlllonsnr.5a, .iatiudi'tt•, Ileatl-
gone we hurried uptown and Sot our plans ' anti intlil , oil rho lire olses aro a frame ho,ao I (Iritic, Liver8pot (, s,IJ1oly lctupleswu, etF.,
In working or(ler, which were diabolical, the Ontario Legislature will har(liy nn••,11earlyntw,:to,1nit horn ;L good supply of will, THE KIDNEYS THE I+tIDtvEYS -
I admit -to ionic Beasley arrested in dertake 70 bear the tvhol0 CuSL. The t`ed end Iso ;tn'oreh illi.' Tit,; property fs situ- � l)R. C.ern.^,r•.'S Liver <7nr0 is n eortnin are for
Government are,, year, takin no at(dai,in6v4 froiuClinton. rue fin p,utira• r_]I R.Cnuntcn'softhol-cis ys,suliln tain;r
Bloomington and brought back on the g 1(ir8 at)ply os the premises, or Il ii. isil K f:R,
morning train. [low we chuckled when small risk in u:•i g for this purpose a large Clinton 11.0, thebaek ]tit in inluvvvrportion o!'theab( �ornen,
dura voted to meet unfor-cen expensed, __ Constant desire kq pass urine, reel and tvhtto
the officer assured us thea the arrest should ^""' - • "-- •-•- a(41hilents, shooting pains in pass(lge, Brill
be made, and bots ills g in addition � $10.000 voted for Scott NJ 'I T:T CARDI ly POR SALL'.--NOIil diseas ,and all urinary troubles. etc.
loated over the west purr, or Lot 7, Concession 14, Iiurot TJ ry it, take nflother, it will caro you, field
-fact -that 01 ( a aR get even tales-the-agaembly will Road, Uedor'iclt Township, eonsistrog or tell 1) itealuranAother,it ill c.
with our friend. next session be asked for a vote of indem• a('Tea• It is within 2 miles of Clinton, and 1'?
He wont
know n'Lia
pity, blit the people of the Counties in tnllos of i llu file., with a good gravel road I T' TDM�l�iS®PT Sc Co.,
t in
too le•
world ,to ,Ld111g h) "ll It pial'(`• (171 tho let there 14 ;1 GOLC AGENTS FOR CAN -oA. ' eRADrORt
thin' "Fit,' ,jam Alayfiefd. "I'd 'like to which the Scott Act has not been adopt sew fr, oW itouvn 20 x 20, with stone cellar till- _
see his expreR4ion of countenance when ed, may be exsected to resist the voting 'let4nerltil; also a gaud darn and uutbuildlu.g8, ! ---- ---- -
g I IClity (1l' good hard water. "ru bo sold on 110a -
the officers nab him, and hear his indig. of such large sums for enfbrcit) a local aunablo term,. 'rat prae0 id.undec crop with
» I
Roo 0 RAI CUyg
hilion & Ila��dware
14ft-vilaw b t<vxa - h t the I -T .A Rn W
oroelz .►f J. I3. �wafleld, will sell it
at, I�C-'(�vit-,ed prie/et�. ?N Ow its the 'time
to j�Y•oe1LAI'e
Glass, Paints and Linseed vile
T.0 ADVAN',, Ail,
Hardware -Store, • Clintoli�,
JOHN. !---WHgT
sunall rrldts, A•r , Ibis yelin A , N •on t u' lie
°1 �e"' or lu 3110. C. CARTER. Cii Iton �,.0.
$liND13Il S.
FjtIDAY. AUG. 12,1887.
heavy strain on the wgntlarity of any
Government, eppecial ly as a large prrtpor•
tionofso•galled tempenpol igenparL al,
tt�ays stand by'tbcir itical
MUi,10 T1t1onl<I otwto?B>J VUNAf 01111FD
wlBht•s to intiu4utr, to the pedple of Cbntoft
A bush OrQ le raging in the Ellice
rest morning We hurried to
utt n poi party til
iltat she i8 preps�•. d to telirh IiOB.IN B NI W.
AhtrltiCaN t\tEtHOD OF ptuslC, eirhor 1`4
- "
An open fire ; the embers low ;
to fro,
swamp near GlAshill. Immense data
I age to timber will be the inevitable re•
t1r8dGili0lp. �h•,rtly after the train rush-
in, Mtryfic'Id
Orman or Phil A limirod Min or of puplis
tau9hv either at their own h'nnesor otherwise
'terms Further
Befgre It Patience rocks inti
And vague her fancies that catuo and bo,
old exclaimed :-'They'pe got
e4 ND
modoill particulars on aD
ile16tirtTl, NiSS 4oYNGit, Victori1l&t„ soutp,
As flickering ae the firelight Blots
Thomas Langford, of St. Marys, the
v' "
, G°lluton, IiB
A euddeu blaze lights up her face,
Drives the doill twilight back a pace,
Lid who drives the baggage waggon, bad
Qlten mobile unloading a trunk
Ilia arm bt g
klEKVICE. Tho subscriber has for service
Then dying, the darkness fallaliko a Gloom,
EgsbroudIng the silence of the room,
at the station last Tuesday night.
/ ':
a Iborou fibred Durbil til bull ou lot 28, con. to,
3ullett. The animal Is of (ILA redeolor,will'
Unbroken, save by the tick of the clock,
Messrs. Cochrane d„ MoMillan, pi es
t `
wtwoon 1,000 and 1,700 IUs, and is 2 years old.
has a torsi -cions pedigree uurl registered lu
With its monotonous tick, tock, tisk, tock I
ent mauagil of the Kennedy House,
the at,w Dominion herd book. TERMS, $1 with
And snob sixty minutes a tremulous knock
As it outs off the hours -its duty well done,
St. Marys, intend goring up business in
Lilo prfvilemo of returning it necessary. A.
Moment by moment but at each set of sun,
a few Ila; s,
Tnckerstrrilth is n reel for salontin' o o niiblo
The task just acoomplishedagain just begun,
Bit' Rim Babb, blacksmith at Carl-
with good batldfng8, Promo barn, 90x60,
Stable 24%^I.. ab0ep and Cttrrta�'0 110118e, IG%lf,,
j „ , 1
MisiV'Li onceinnses Ali we , ah me
ingford, met with a painful accident.
good 1'rs story, 24x30 frame 11101180 and liltoll
with two lots on Victoria street, near
Lahe'sold hotel, bebiugiug to the estate of the tate
Hew like the liveill matey 1 $ec,
While shoeing a horse the animil gave
acres tinder cultivation, 20 acres cleared but
not hrokon; to acres good hardwood bush,
woll-wntered, having 'hree ryf tale best 1n
John Stephenson, Is ofi'erod for sale. Tho house is
'oOn now, with sono moms steno cellar.
An hour of sunshine-'tfs passed away,
him a toss which put Ilia shoulder out
Huron cotntyn hood honriugorchard, situlit0d
2•M miles from the village of 13ruoetloid,
bottles oC this prep:irnt{on and was s ced-
fly rest.orerl to health.-,}. I''rcani, ]nde-
a lots arvelye
On the luta aro hard and soft water, stable, h c. The
A season of tears not long may stay
As lite clock ticks ever tomo and go,
the pro-
liibitfon amendment in Texas,
property is advantageously situated, and wilt bg bold
un reasonable terms. Apply to either J. s'rT:liIll v -
So change Lilo boars of wool andwoo ;
While on her way to church on Sun-
iR defeated
by If1,tiQ I,
of whit is it very retie kind of a bird, vizn
160N, Clinton, or(.. SwINBANK, London Road.�
And ever as time change the glass,
o The hours of sunshine and shadows pass,
day morning last Mrs .los Coppiu, of
Alitcbell, lost ber gold watch and chain.
a white blackbird.
>, *
Corton, i O„et• Aett• RRA Oi'll"l - DAt'fl)
f?okI t y all Jlru);glsfa. 1'ricc $1; tis l'uLtteP,�b.
Strange that a world so bright and fair
hold lineh depth of-�a�an despair,
Site recovered theta soon aftet•warda.
jos, BO 0[.D 17TJBBi:'ItS, IRON 6.1'('. -
RTo all this concerns. Those due subscriber lastCan
year's accounts, are requested to prepare their truck
And strange that a world so sinful as this
Can reveal snehifquntti of heavenly bliss.
At the reeent� Stiatford asst2CH there
was a C1350 of Riddell va. nlAckay on
Absolutely Pure
after this notice, to pay up u•bcu ho calls, teithout
Pressure. I having boon under Lilo doctor's hands,
Olt, that it meld b0 made clear,
That mortals might choose their'bapp'iest
the cal.londar. It was that of David
This powder never varles. A marvel of purity.
uctd all d«os Ito meet liabilities, and will take all sorts
of.truck to settlo, as well as all eatables our inauiind
horsy. W5I MARTIN, Pedlcr, Clintotl, JunO14, 1887
sphere ! -
Riddell, it farmer near Glasgow, a deal.
Ztrongch and whufosonioness. afore economical
than the ordinary lland cannot
v' Which, in this world of PCage and salts,
Is bent, a single or wedded life .
or on u lari•'e scalp in Clydesdale horses,
who stied Jas 1krickay ( � ailor) Hal'-
competition with the nluiutude of low test,-shortI
weight, alum or phosphate powders, sold only to
►' has a thorubred Suffolk Roar, which ho keep
One with its sacred bonds of love,
rig ton for -the ba.ance of two consign-
esus ROYAL BAGISn POWDER Co., 1tXi_ �tl'1 Sit.,
voty York. '
for on lot 14, con:,
Like'.beti#dictionw from above-
But olail `1 bere'soften another side
> e
ments of stallions, amounting to about
- _ _ _-___ - -
eco. privilege retvaship.
Torras $t at Limo of sovtce, with privilebv a[ returnin;,
It necessary,
Thal ait to greet the Happiest bride,
'Phe`other, 'bliss.'
$7,000. Owing to the technical objet_
I Subscriber
with its in
tions the late Chief Justice (Cameron)
i. •
also keeps Por service a first-class Durham
But, too, there's another side to this.
What's happiness to some to others is Briet;
was unable to try the case, but the
Bult, 9f, gond pedigree. Ternis $1, at time of service,
with priilege of returning if necessary. II CARTER
Experience alone etotio•ts belief.
respective ci unset agreed to i efer
p' g
--'------' --- ----
Tbere-aremany who sighs with Tom Fudge
it to Ris Honor Judge Woods,
-were it known
And as mac the bate of Date might own,;
who found on nearly every point for the
plaintiil; and judgment mons entered on
Over 100,000 copies now in use in. Canada.
The subscriber would Intimate to the people
Whopeac long fol a life that was sweet and best
The 'peace of single bleasodnese.
Monday for Riddell fell` tis 843.51 and
Y 85, 13,83.51
tient to any address o,1 reeci pt oC ?1,
1 of Clinton .bat bo bas bought out the' bukiug
business lately carried uu by Mr. Duple1y woo
And then in a a loment,unguarded,is heard
fall costs.
s fit Continue the same at the etc[ stand. lie
It s had It 10,19 practical experience, and by giv-
^-- - Phe cry of a maiden likesome lone bird,
Not unlike 'Maud ➢fullers ah, nee !
MI' I': llalonoy, Of-Llallshard, In3111'•
iumeluse personal attention to the business 1n
all its branehos, hopes to utcrit and receive
That I the Judge's bride might be.'ed
his buildin_s last fall in the mutual
�=. Cooper.
a sham of phlilio patrontige Broad delivered
1t is true that joy best under the sun
1nsuranco company of the township,i
1 Y
. '
LT:.1,VE12, LLOGIi [i00f: 5TO�t1:.
tt usual prices. ,i larfz0 atoclr'oi Cakes and
I Cmitectioum•y ulw.;ty� nn hiturt. ice ere«III Sllp-
Is wrought by love and by love undone„
paid his uswtl fees and gave the ordin- I
1 lied for parties, J It RVA Ns."
Ob Y Love is cruel to wound a heart,
Nhoro "love is swee"l)(1_10vere-must poet,-
Rr )ren torn note for ilio amount of his
�' 3___ . _ _. _ ___ }
�>E &Y.' T$ CARD
- ----
And saddest of all where one luvoth not ;
Thea fleet from the bow bis quiver is shot.
Indebtedness to the company. At a ION
meeting of the y after -
directors shortly
'► rains leave CJintnu as follows: -IH
In doubt thus vacuo and yet heart deep, wards the gitestion of reduein , the CRAND THUNK RAILWAY,
amount of ilii insuranso A ti100 alis Itoing Last. Going Brest.
In the arae of i dreams
t silo falls bar Y 7.:30 a.m. express 10 18 a,m, mixed 1,000 lbs PURE HONEY for sale, Clov(
But vain aro her dreams to Bottle the harm diaCUSRed, 1l'Ir M •loncy, who was pi•,'s- ], lv p,ni. mixed j 2.20p.er7. cypress and Linden, will guarantee it pare, as
Cf Love's sad freake,with a kine for a balm. ent, stating that ho world prefer Fav- 4.15 p.m, mixed 0 20 p.m. express have bees of npy own. ,
60, Patience( Vatiuu:e ! far too deep ins the policy cancelled to any reduction anr.tT w> s'rrr,N RAILWAY. I [low have it Choice CORN A1EAi
Going North, Goin South,, FLOUR for making Bread or Panil
Thy reveries to be solved in bleep. however' small, After Mr �1'Ialoney +; ' g
10.18 a.m, es Less 8 00 a.m. express
The future dimly lies before, left the directors Cancellod the Policy' 6 35 m: express
But lights that fa ovary doer ; P P' s 4.10 p,ni.oxpress ROLLER FLOUR and QATMEA]
The lights that from the window alpine, but failed to notify him of the action a• -- • , ---- . •_ _ .. __.._
Around 6hy heart fair visions twine, make anv return of the ntnney paid or Ira 1('ill�llt •
Bat as you pave the portals through, roto given, Last .Monday morning his i p �•� A W111111cy, FNQUIRP FOR
Realities of life in view- honse•was destroyed by fire, and the - JAS. STEER'S SEED STORE
As now, a welcome, gladdest day, question arises : Ts he legally entitled E. H. SNELL
Though not unclouded every ray -
Leet too bright sunshine strike us blind,. to the attiount of his insurance ? 1lavisgacceptedthe apticyfor the ASrunnufasturin� THE MERCHANTS'
Settle ominioue clouds follow behind ; ColiVatson•s) will open out all office in the premises ,1 ,p
The rO Cough,
for BroCounchitis.
Cohrs, (`roup l occupied by Mr. Carney. AlbertStrdct, Ciinton, I �o}ep}i�0 slid �o�Ifictlll , ,
The flickering sunlight's golden skean, Nhoopiug Cfiugh, Brouelutis. etc , is McCtro nearly opposite Fair's Jtill, when he win bo plca,cd u) IplGbl 0 g S $Q��at�o,
With varying shadows paint the scene. „ot"s Lung Compound. "here is n� remedy to receive orders for the celebrated
• Yet he who prays, prays not in vain Oxi$fence cuntutuine any of the ao• ivo inaredt - g''t� Q1� R
For all that doth to p cod attain, 0ntacompoging aleGrogor's Lung (,,outpound I so STEEL TWINE - U 1''' C ,1 N A U .t -
g do not gay you have tak0u everything until yell And tho NEW I1U,111ER NOWERand DAISI'1tAK1?,
Dear walling heart! may sweet dreamm bo have tried this Tor your e,•ughorcold, andyuut' A full line of repairs will nlsu be kept In ,toelc. 1 tiea(i Ililice, ll�umtllon,
11'restages of reality ; opinion will bid the a rue as all who have used Prompt attention ,will tin ••icon t i ;,II airier, nhethcr ° Esr.uu,sut•:n 1531.
it, viz., that it is the host. sold In 5tle, till([ $t h ' mail or uthere'isC. Als-,
And at Inst as gently as in ales J 1 t ter.
p beLtledbyA,wnr,hi 'n. drncgidt, i• n! :\-s,�:iatiun Mbuwlne; :7ud r,,,•c•>io!:,
il2ey life yield Heaven your soul to koel'3. . PLOIVS, S"1'1i.11V C1i'l'TF Itj, basin; fur its )bjoet the
�•^� , •- •-'---�--- VIOLATEtta jv t t E Gil ACI'. 1 :,t;'1 aR uthtr ►arm ern,>it, tw: t, 6.• ,tin t
I?RACTICAI, JO1:I.. _- - 1 " `' COLLI("I'll)`' tri' 1)1 1'►'.,
i A Toronto eorreapondent'writes a, foi- ! rte' k.pL`.e:1..1�� V.:LL Qa`a -Ind to prevent 11, oter:L,T,, nn:,ir'u lod'I Lts 1)
The p !ill,:] iu!th,•n,c,:"t pay
Iowa : I'he Act passed by the, Ontaril) '
The cnnvc�lsation had turned upon rhl
o � - ;` I
pernieiouaness� practical joking -,says the Lfgi tattles last PSslntl aUtl01'17,i11(y lhC l':11t11y 1'(tl� ti,�Ll3, ":Iorchiu,l;:std ha%ir, aacountst,r V"U'l t nor
Lr..eurion..ctf:.tpt-ice_rna'*idtrnted for Countit'a j I
v:i"�hiug to become ,rentbcrv, by remitting =7 to ou
Arkansas Travel , w hen a c ell-knnal�l I p a I a� (�,nt. 11 V t 11 {i tr.I1.61 Pon 8.11.E . 7.(',? ^, I )I it,:,,er+ ilymiltou, Ont., will rr, evens by return Inti
business mal) 8tlld• when
speak- of rag• i has already worked wbodel'a, 'erslsteiit 1 1 ue, "r,,.l Lui.d,n ;, an,l t;.,. d full l,:ut:cvFt: cutifitiP mcmhar•1u,,,,fc•,
i P offii•'nders have been coin Jelled to ,.n into ;oudih r.,,u,u and •ee it. Will Ile
tical joking -don t n). he the meraet re• 1 a 1ic11tr•il tla., Cun-t•ru,'c 1'. o.
fererrce to anvthing'nf 'tbe kind-fi,r it hiilingnr in:!, exile In e+cape the pen,111-
snakes me shudder. You al�know Beas ties imp s , +nil a severe cheil has been f1Fun Cti,R,- nna•withlh r i ;,It sire. 1.17t of i l)r to ,1:1� '1'I! bLt'�rnS, a�',•I,t. CriuUut
1vet1 to Eli, I, wir tralliC, so far :is the ' I .ItW, nn 8 Itt;, au1C of ItsttcnhuryRt., n^tripe,; l ,
ley, ' he commercial traveller`•. Ile is an d 0 hy'tinh.ctu, ,iiia hh; d•;: she,,, : s;;(Irh•, - --
esceediin ly good-natured ancd\,prankisk ol'I IiCel1",C 1pnlder" are Cr7nCCl'nr,f. tcillbCe.�'tibiae;wdforigopen)n.i,iaruntta.twilll1'•r.• 'f(r!F CELEBRATED
Lctl'P.r thn ball tvill hti fa Slut in new I' Iltug'ether%"rthu.•htylsoldtnhcniu.,rl ,If„�' f: p��p '
e nw, so muc 1 gl- lV2D ,U 1 i1T O ,�,w r11 BVI .hrtn•rrl-i+tt+>+t- ,".,:.. y.. ..it1`.i:-_H�-.._ ° ' �.(i'11At43�p�
,l 4Y,o••l t'.I f, it.w<..,-twr.c�:t�tn' t., int •.
OD 011e occasion, only a few weeks A, ,t places remains to be seen, but if it does ,Tla'i:N, oN. Nd1RL$ r
pasty of us"decided to play a juke on him the same remedies can be. applied. Vlri
that he would not be like! ' . lence, determination and caution on the I �Aa1t rue S,tt.i:.- I'nit BALI: 1, ''r ;:a cu' M IDA1IDELIOti
y to Inrbet, �Ve �i cEsill ` ^_, t.Jt.S,'1'ucicChn,tth, container_ r,0 nt res
didn't know exactly how to proceed, and •pare of the Of1lCinld, backed 111 by tlpC of n'hiah 4J arv,'Ic.u'ed, well ft•n ed, well utdtri,,ailted
were tanit;)in those- pprplexillf l ilt..k•3.mpathy and t he a4statance of the t('nl- and in 1 hi-411,t,itC n[ eoltll:ltilrn. I here iw a Fool i \ ~
-- > ' - -i tl.ul)it ITitn.e, Itartt Y,fdstahlt+s tTiii ao nrrh;in3 iii )du:n j
petance pe:i ) e, wI,11 sufY Ize to nl.tfcc tilt
tricacies whirl) COInC Of ❑Unlerllu9 eUg- apple, chero and pear trees. I'hetu is n nctor•f.ti,,n a
go-41ons, when a plan euddenty suggested act a succes,l. The ret drawback is
fi , T null, it id Ttithin Gout mile: of (.;tui m, •end three of
Itself, ''Cas! 1 std' she 1)OmiltlrtU (xnVCrlllneUL 3 O"GCI'• It'ua'9vld, oath a good 1;1*iM4 load lc'lding t•, each
ey, llaryy1•ng remained in Chi- ,Illi
sago several d, .. Decided to go to qt, in -Council. handing tho fine nloney over I '•'• For turthet' l,arricut:u•.> apply un it+v prrrerc•:
I to t c County C. uracils, some of which ortoC'4uton P. u J. D. unu�suv,• '
Louie, where Ili-, wife and little toy lived, absolute) ri l'uyC to rive it u) for Scott \lilt FOIL SAI,l•:..•I•IP', ;l.,chirlat uPl•'l;aS FOR LIVER AND KIDNEY DISEASES.
stepping for a day at Bloomington to at Y 6 T
Act Crt t'n I'CCR1Qih purposes. 'there docs y for ✓;ale ur:: tr�).;, e;i�.;i' .y . x:11.0, l farm nn the 9nrt " T'�trtt [L tt intcll i.jjettt 47Krtt tCal7ts to y)i[r•
tend to several Customers tt bora he had 8t_ ` P P cut, of ININtr, a,; n:•.'rl: h.."n•, bu, tile Mcllnllc„ rhase, lee bullsfrom-parties whose stan(Littp 7@
tbati place Idy plans w( re laid as soots not appear to be ltt�y way of compelling est;ite, IG Cbt1•i-+;rq ;;'1 h C :, 'nearly 7;11 tkal(d an,l I tr(('I> !: ero"71 callin((S 2d O (U(N-0,.%Ltec for the
as he made known his intentions, but I them to do this, but'C1lunty Councils may I in it :ydcndi,l f 1'1'..7. ,7. 1'i;, h>t a, 1,r•t„e 1r(nli yo"'than•,(::nr):." Tufa storliitgmotto is
be Sued under the Ontario law for rcfua• barn tetth s; , bra I;. t food orNtard, newer' (louhl. true fn retard, toptttent medicines, buy
pretended that I raid I wnot want viol to go, failing wcllc,,u,rl in , crr� rw•'" r't a ,'1' Corm. `•!taste Only triose made by praCt.ical professional men.
"I must.,' said he "I ivrotn rap wife sev- ing to tear a part of the`,C\net of enfurcin unl,y J ti;tl•:, 7'r •:u (,;c,,,,,,,. 'tt'ilt 110 sold r.n reason• 1 Dr. CIIA!+t4 is too wcllnndfay'oralilyknown by
eral (hays ago, telling' her to address BIC Flt the liquor taw. It 13 sal(► That a test cast" atilt: t,;rtn<, t,i'h,• v, tin tit the (;nip i•:in pavticui.u', i itis L'r ccipi IYuuliS to rc'gt7irC tttty p'CUOmtlletpdit-
y will shortly be made, and if its BCR ag%!]n=t "'t applte�.i•m t, TUCI'lIC'It t'UUUlI,Cll„(,n,• tion,
BlrinfnlDgtull, and, Ur aides, I have 1)051- Dit, ('.'t si.,'s Livor Curo ling 'r receipt loud
31 s there that leas to be attended to at the County Council the defer atits of the Ti Aro! F,)I' -tt.t: -- Titi; U..NDrVSI(:NI:Ip (ti'•.rrtpned 0tunndct'ety b:)rut tYhicl3is v:orthity
OGCe,' liquor traffic may a9 1fe11 Bit's ,tip tie I y rtTt fe fur,;nlr: Ilia farru botn lutGT, tfaitla)4 (( Iv lit in gold.
struggle. On.tne other hand 'if' the, conces+inn,(.oderlwh townshl)), Containing 1.,ttCliAarn.LtvcrCuroi nuarauieedtecntc
`That night the went to the railway sta- , acres. About r:5 ur<` e.leared and nearly 1'rre 1 all cUseasesari:;iu,5 Erma a torpid 0r innritcs
tion with him, and when the train. had County Council wins, the olltoof for the front stumps, in goods leaii'll of Pulitr'nearly Tho ' 'it.^r stlrh as F,Ivet• olit a for i or
Dys etin,
Scott ACC enforcement will be bad for batanao is gond hardwsoQ bush, muddy I,oe( It andigcKi.IOr\, Iltlllonsnr.5a, .iatiudi'tt•, Ileatl-
gone we hurried uptown and Sot our plans ' anti intlil , oil rho lire olses aro a frame ho,ao I (Iritic, Liver8pot (, s,IJ1oly lctupleswu, etF.,
In working or(ler, which were diabolical, the Ontario Legislature will har(liy nn••,11earlyntw,:to,1nit horn ;L good supply of will, THE KIDNEYS THE I+tIDtvEYS -
I admit -to ionic Beasley arrested in dertake 70 bear the tvhol0 CuSL. The t`ed end Iso ;tn'oreh illi.' Tit,; property fs situ- � l)R. C.ern.^,r•.'S Liver <7nr0 is n eortnin are for
Government are,, year, takin no at(dai,in6v4 froiuClinton. rue fin p,utira• r_]I R.Cnuntcn'softhol-cis ys,suliln tain;r
Bloomington and brought back on the g 1(ir8 at)ply os the premises, or Il ii. isil K f:R,
morning train. [low we chuckled when small risk in u:•i g for this purpose a large Clinton 11.0, thebaek ]tit in inluvvvrportion o!'theab( �ornen,
dura voted to meet unfor-cen expensed, __ Constant desire kq pass urine, reel and tvhtto
the officer assured us thea the arrest should ^""' - • "-- •-•- a(41hilents, shooting pains in pass(lge, Brill
be made, and bots ills g in addition � $10.000 voted for Scott NJ 'I T:T CARDI ly POR SALL'.--NOIil diseas ,and all urinary troubles. etc.
loated over the west purr, or Lot 7, Concession 14, Iiurot TJ ry it, take nflother, it will caro you, field
-fact -that 01 ( a aR get even tales-the-agaembly will Road, Uedor'iclt Township, eonsistrog or tell 1) itealuranAother,it ill c.
with our friend. next session be asked for a vote of indem• a('Tea• It is within 2 miles of Clinton, and 1'?
He wont
know n'Lia
pity, blit the people of the Counties in tnllos of i llu file., with a good gravel road I T' TDM�l�iS®PT Sc Co.,
t in
too le•
world ,to ,Ld111g h) "ll It pial'(`• (171 tho let there 14 ;1 GOLC AGENTS FOR CAN -oA. ' eRADrORt
thin' "Fit,' ,jam Alayfiefd. "I'd 'like to which the Scott Act has not been adopt sew fr, oW itouvn 20 x 20, with stone cellar till- _
see his expreR4ion of countenance when ed, may be exsected to resist the voting 'let4nerltil; also a gaud darn and uutbuildlu.g8, ! ---- ---- -
g I IClity (1l' good hard water. "ru bo sold on 110a -
the officers nab him, and hear his indig. of such large sums for enfbrcit) a local aunablo term,. 'rat prae0 id.undec crop with
» I
Roo 0 RAI CUyg
hilion & Ila��dware
14ft-vilaw b t<vxa - h t the I -T .A Rn W
oroelz .►f J. I3. �wafleld, will sell it
at, I�C-'(�vit-,ed prie/et�. ?N Ow its the 'time
to j�Y•oe1LAI'e
Glass, Paints and Linseed vile
T.0 ADVAN',, Ail,
Hardware -Store, • Clintoli�,
JOHN. !---WHgT
sunall rrldts, A•r , Ibis yelin A , N •on t u' lie
°1 �e"' or lu 3110. C. CARTER. Cii Iton �,.0.
-rc- I
marked Joe Slummers.
'And do remarkable sr)u^alitlo,
heavy strain on the wgntlarity of any
Government, eppecial ly as a large prrtpor•
l Alt,f I'rtit, TIOT wf3LL-KNptyN
T `whitely
tionofso•galled tempenpol igenparL al,
tt�ays stand by'tbcir itical
ER .dams' Emporm
Where I can dot 11) Lns 1;11,IGI1T RAW ,SL`TG.�Ih fur 1, 15 LBs ERIGH
YELLOW SUGAR fur $1, 1t3 LBs GRANULATED SUGA tt for 91. I am
also going to get one of the JUBILEE •OIL CANS and 5 CrALLONS OF OIL
Yes, nearly FOUR `t.'ON>. Ion had Como along.' Ile gives highest prism
for produce.
____Q F. _ __ _
A, a A Shk #27101`0
1i a want to catch your eye anti britt; to your notice aur taper and gicatost cATur in'Ioney
'nvirrF-Yrrrgaitrv:'--:»1-tvtxzrm-'a-;j+rdnnletrt-•is-•par-tr-tri-tier-fvl�irrrc; n�-t, j•-Irrm•o•this-to•e-ve
visitor with •mods Bnd prices. Cu couviuce the judgntew that dolly a brought to tie wit
leave l on diAli �. Tb,1t you �ean Savo money !full yet s2C4ro Cle brit, is demnastrated in it
splonditl ,'sok of
ij>1):+1; CF�:ILD1->dIli�;'�`k.1A�V :II�I'1�"; ,E_
1'LV17IEiZ�T,,•i.l(,'RS1'J�TS,C01?,Slt'dTS&, PA'1i AiJ0LAi
C1,1;A1t Itl"1' NTA (:lt['AV REDI:t)'L'll)! 11 1'1tIC'IS.
-Big Banc amm in Ribbons �
Doll't forget our C-.l�li BALK OF li1PBON8 i•:1''1•;Ri• SATURDAY, nt iiAif the rslin't
pricy, on that night ()lily, iu order to re(luce our stock:
Beesleys Millinery Fr�poriuma
nant protests 1)iocover
eke Looe like n tlCd animal,
option aw. the general com-
of County Councils would place it
sunall rrldts, A•r , Ibis yelin A , N •on t u' lie
°1 �e"' or lu 3110. C. CARTER. Cii Iton �,.0.
,A► Creaking Hinge'p
-rc- I
marked Joe Slummers.
'And do remarkable sr)u^alitlo,
heavy strain on the wgntlarity of any
Government, eppecial ly as a large prrtpor•
l Alt,f I'rtit, TIOT wf3LL-KNptyN
T `whitely
I:s dry and turus.hard, until oil is nppltt'ti,
too' I
replied. '
"'Early the
tionofso•galled tempenpol igenparL al,
tt�ays stand by'tbcir itical
farm, being 1„t 1,5, con, t7, Ooderleh
ton, en ; cud toad. Tilt firm
after which it rooves ewt -ily. IYhrn the
joints, or hit (s, of f.he body :ire ktiQi no'1
rest morning We hurried to
utt n poi party til
coulains SV aeras,
d In,,,
70 clearer! and ht cod state
T IIC til 11sC '' I d �•i•
oboe• y o ,ons r, retiring
f 9
t1r8dGili0lp. �h•,rtly after the train rush-
in, Mtryfic'Id
0 c(tr)n times
t' cultivation, theretnab,-
der goodhardweat?litush; there areluaerv,nf•rallwheat
chilli intLaued by lthrumntisnl, they c;ut-
not be rlloved without
old exclaimed :-'They'pe got
. �,_-__.._ -- _
and all plong1,in;; dune; thurc nry bar wells and sn
casein;; tit(' itlost
him ! ;ee, t'.oader they come.' I
111: I' I;f. i' HURT. i
-lectin,;., apri' a, gnod orchard, frame barn :L, x rr,
stable 1C x 3r, nt w frame house 18 x 26
lxerlleiatInj pains. A Ior'..s Sans:ip;u ilia,
ANI't A 0Ii%*1-,Tl :i.R,?oRT1ril OF TUB VERY $BST JLkDT, T' UR l
' V T1IRr A
WI en the otheer Cable up wit,il tie
with flue
by its aetiolt Oil the Llund, fel!tve, this I
prisoner ice rushed forward and roared
! �„
u. here. said a farmer as lie cnLered (
1.1x23; lihcrearchvouherchos, schnnlnml rover , l
within five minu'' • it fi y
en»+lilfnn, an,1 fectnro, the jnirif• t•., (,on,t i
plied. 'Just as the officers arrested me
thefoifowing telegram from my
with laughter, explaining h
P g l at 17 tV: z all
a joke. f should have
a restaurant illi' Q111Cr dal . ' I don't like
the way J. have iwen ll sCd.'
O's ua (. f o-xesn,n) gn•en at any
tonic to .nit purchaser, For particulars enquire at
I NtaV 1`1 UX office, 11 L•'vy
lt•nrking oder.
mentioned before
• that lye ])ad brought along a man. author_
( >
< 1Vhat a Nron_,'I asked the restauranter.
or of RS.lLtrNfNO 33COTT
nr of the]truprictnr, on rile semi+u�,
(A vita„ P, o. I 11• MANNiN'o,
AyrY, 4nP.�;tpel'ill:t 1171; ell'eCIwJ, In utL
city, lunny most r0nuuknblc carr , u nun,.
ized to release Beasley,LRst
Our friend,
Alareh f bought a c -in of oysters
bur of which b«Illed the efrorts of the
even atter finding outs was a joke, did,
not .m'
Ile r '
o I
in of
( , .
Ye a I rem vn
, t t e;.
- ---
most experieneod phy,ivimts ;Vere it
!Ici 5n1•y, S Coll 141 Crit, r! r•r rlws cit' many
east seem to to re.
tele d. Inde
Indeed, ilia face was dead) ale
1V n
'When I to
tool; it home
o ne m t•if Ru
Y t e
T IIC til 11sC '' I d �•i•
oboe• y o ,ons r, retiring
individually tvhn r „ , ,'• tl by tnkiu�;
's a ''
lhh i'.
. and bore such traces of intense suffering
ed that tyo put it away clown cellar for
., 0
work, and offers for sale on veryyeast ilio
folhncin • exCo110nt p
( properties l the town
taiuly worked t+lliC1'i l%tn a otG1-
keel tt,
that I was deeply stricken with remorse,
He sat down
Fotuth Lf July, When the openCd it Oil
the glorious Fourth--'
of Ultnton.
Five and one-half arres oil victoria Terrace,all plant-
a m rket
ed out as n market garden, in
with a des airir
P K drop and
covered his fRce with his hands.
garde , etc., an splendid,
house, all splendid order. (sod
rd plait for
Ti purpose.
titer being tt0tth(rd n ' r tears. In
ibis, and 'all other di
'Beasley,' said I approachin him (
„ br > y011
moat forgive us cid fellow
, Yes, you'd have said great Scott and
little SCO!t and all other sorts uF >3C'nts,
lust across front the nbove, one and tn)e•h.tlf Beres,
with frnittreos, house, )ru`n, Rc., thereon.
:% nri,in� from
fliptr•e blood, there is ,10 reltIodv with
which I attt aerttutintcd, that ailbras such
that you have played many a joke -on
You sited they were fresh oysters, and I
Also two-Afths of an acre on Victoria BB., with honso
and stable thereon.
relitlt as Ayer's sairsaparilla. -it. it.
`Net such an awful joke as this' be
look: your Word far it and paid forty cents
house and one gtartor acre lot nn ILL -
Lawrence, 31: D., Baltimore, 31d.
plied. 'Just as the officers arrested me
thefoifowing telegram from my
in cash.Aye°s
The restauranter counted out forty
tilAls Street.
Full particulars m, npl,licntinu J ALi.ANSON, Clinton
_ .- ..._ _
Smsalparilla cured m0 of Gout
and IthCtttttttttsnt, tV1tCn nothing e150
wife was
'He gave me the telegram,
cent., placed j,bo change is the man's
'land, and motioned him to go out.
would. It has ei•adieated every trace of
(lisease, from Illy system, -II. IL Short,
Dlann;rr'JI l 13elntonty Lowell, Mass.
and, Tvith a
feeling of horror creeping
Thankee, said the farmer as he bac':ed
Tnckerstrrilth is n reel for salontin' o o niiblo
over me I
turned li the bots and read a9 follows
out, you are a square man, and I told my
with good batldfng8, Promo barn, 90x60,
Stable 24%^I.. ab0ep and Cttrrta�'0 110118e, IG%lf,,
tin°•''"; itl,r tltnny mmltbQ, a sufferer
from (",' lobi nt1, 1ITi•Ill. The disease
lour little boy is dead. Harty home.
wife you were probably deceived in the
good 1'rs story, 24x30 frame 11101180 and liltoll
a1111e1rd I.• ' 1; ill in a pile of all tho
'oto,' continuer' the narrator' 'you
oysters yourselF. Oce of my neighbors
said he smelt'em seven miles down the
acres tinder cultivation, 20 acres cleared but
not hrokon; to acres good hardwood bush,
woll-wntered, having 'hree ryf tale best 1n
r•0medi(, I ooathl find: until I rommeaeed
using A�a,'s �,nsnparilL+.. I took several
never ask me to go into a practical joke.,
e !
road' Thankee-this is k reef.
Huron cotntyn hood honriugorchard, situlit0d
2•M miles from the village of 13ruoetloid,
bottles oC this prep:irnt{on and was s ced-
fly rest.orerl to health.-,}. I''rcani, ]nde-
Returns clearly iodic Lte that
"- '�► + _
A Kingston man named John Theoba]d
all 11
G front tits Towns of Clinton and Segforth r 11
the pro-
liibitfon amendment in Texas,
is said to have recently allot a , ecimen
Ilio front or the prontase.a. pa and
Ayers Sarsaparilla,
iR defeated
by If1,tiQ I,
of whit is it very retie kind of a bird, vizn
terms given on tip 11, at,, tc, AP1'LE'PON FL -
t COAT vei o tetli li o,, e• , APPSANUF.L t,dtdlt
I'r pared Lv T)n ,T. V. Ayer & Co„ T.owell, Maes.
a white blackbird.
>, *
Corton, i O„et• Aett• RRA Oi'll"l - DAt'fl)
f?okI t y all Jlru);glsfa. 1'ricc $1; tis l'uLtteP,�b.
iiTZC0.AT, onil 1'. 0.. Callforlill.
air � �:�I. �,•,� A-� � 1 1 LA l�:�T. .,
What Tw
Twenty oight Thousauli Dollars paid tit, nuctlun for ti.renntt'ncel hotting horse
Pancoast, proved his exelence, and so the
Leading Clothiug I1011se of FISCHER'�
Oprosito the Post Office, truly proves its superiority overall-oppositioil.,, in Stylil
and Fit it be thorn alJ, and
Are Worn front one odd of the county to the other. The Spring , Mock has arpiv.
ed, and is ono of the finest in the town and vicinity. A discount of 10 per cent
from the 15th of Feb, till the 15th of Alarch, will be given for cash. Prices bw yr
and workmanship unsurpassed. Terms Cash.