HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-08-12, Page 5, NEW YORK, Fa PAOTA1iONS, or °kroHINr UI' TO• LONDON' IN TIIE secs a Or, POPUirATfpN On the basis of the number of trainee in the new oity directory, the population of New York, from the Southern boundary of Yorkers at from 3;o to 4o, common abet 3c. Calves to the Battery, is not less than 1,600,000. in good demand at from $2.50 to $10. Sheep The population of Brooklyn is probably over dull at from $3 to $5. Good lambs in de - 750.000, and, taking into account other conA,. wand at from $3 to $3.75, common at from I>,MQM4roa1 J4vU Stuck 41:Thstit The supply .of butob.ers' cattle was large Monday, but none of an extra quality. The highest price paid at the East -,Find abattoir was over 4o per pound, but a trifle more.a,aa paid at Point St. Charles. Pretty good sold mnnities immediately dependent on, and A geographically united to, the port of New York, the present population of the Metropo. Titan district is more than 2,200,000. At the present moment the population of the area known as tbo Registration District of'Londou is about4,250,000, so that there is a long in tern' to be covered before we can begin to rival the populousness of the great English "province in brick and mortar." But if New York keeps up its accelerated rate of growth is about 60,000. But in the ten years ho- tween 1870 aud 1880 the average annual addi tion to our city population was less than 27,• 0:)0 eo that we have already more than doubled the annual increment of the decade preceding last census, andhave for the last six years established an average of 58,000. This kind of geometrical progression has only to be maintained to make the size of New York as unexampled as its ernwth—NewYorkEpoch OLD COUNTRY -ODDS AND -ENDS. J.I Daughlas, tailor, Auchinblae (aged 86 years), recently walked to Inchmarlo the one day and meat. t;.ev,` f�, ,n�ot(; a:,;.d•stauce'of -+Uorty miles—and felt"nbiiiithe worse. Lieut. Reginald Warren, the ghampiou at Wimbledon this year, is a little over 30 years of age, and is a solicitor in London, He visited Wimbledon Common to shoot for the first thine in 1871. R Hutton, who played the bassoon in the band of the Seaforth Highlanders, died sud ,denly on the I5tb ult., from an affection of the throat, said to have arisen from playing that instrument. Alexander Adams, who is performing the novel feat of walking from Dundee to London on stilts, arrived in York on July 16th. He left Dundee on June 25th, and expected to reach Lindon ou the 30th, alt: He met wish a poor reception during his journey. Charley Laomis,a Kansas City saloon-L-eep• er, has anchored a boat in the exact centre of the,3iissonri River, where he sella whiskey without paying License. Ho claims that no one can ascertain under what jurisdiction he does business, Several attempts have been made to convict him under the law, but each time he escaped ou the ground ofnon•jexisdie- tion. The Missouri Prohibitionists have made at least one man take water. Cablegrams bring the alarming news that the cholera is spreading in Southern Italy,and there is a general fear that it will overrun Southern Europe in the next two months pro- bably extending in every direction when the dry season ends in the rains which so spread the infection. The plague is firmly seated in Malta, which makes Euglish physicians very nervous about its possible transmission to English by troop ships, always one of the choicest means of transnorting the contagion. The Boston Commercial Bulletin records the following singular Cause of a fire ;—A fire happened in a woollen mill in the most re• markable way a short time ago. Two shut- tles in a flannel loom got out of adjustment and tho metal point struck each other so ex• flatly ou the end as to cause a spark that set fire to the warp. A pail of water extin- guished it, A fire from this cause was never known before, and might never be known to ooeur again, as the most minute deviation wonld have caused the shuttle to slip by. Considering the velocity of their movement, 1011s as remarkable as though two bullets meeting in the air should strike one another exactly on the t p. DOD[rNioN AND INLu,,rIAL—Tho Dominion and Industrial Exhibition will open in Toron• to ou Sept. 5th, continuing for two weeks, and the manager state that they have every pros pent of a larger and more varied collection of exhibits and entertainment generally than at any previous Industrial. The euteies already quiie outnumber those of any former•year,aud the space in several departmeuts is engaged. Special exhibits w ill' be shown by Manitoba and Algoma. Extra prizes are offered in the live stock -classes to exhilyitors sin irttl-bring their animals on the first week, the same aril. male to be eligible tor the regular competition on the second week. The most brilliant dis• play of fire -works ever produced•in the Del minion is promised, in connection With a representation of the siege and' bombardment ' ol'Pekin, with extensive scenery and living actors, to be repeated at intervals during the Exhibition. ' Excursion rates have been se- duced from all railways. ti COMING FAIILS. nULLETT, CLINTON, SEPT. 27-2a ----West Huron,. Goderich, Oct. 4-5-6. Tuckersmith, Seaforth, Sept.28-29 Stephen and' Usborne,-Exeter, Oct. 34, Grand Central, Hamilton; Sept. 26-30. Western Fair, London, Sept. 10-21. Provincial, Ottawa, Sept. 19-24., •Southern, Brantford, Oct. 11.12. Central, Stuelph, Sept. 20-22, industrial; Toronto, Sept. 5.17. Northern, Walkerton, Oct, 3-4. North Perth, Stratford, Oct. (1.7. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. 'Thursday, August 11, 1887. Wheat, old - - 047 •a 0 78 Wheat new - 0 75 a 0 75 Oats 4, 028a030 Barley - - 040a050 Peas 0 48-a 0 50 Flour, per cwt - - 2 00 a 2 25 Potatoes• Q 65 a 0 •70 'flutter 0 12 a 0 13 Eggs 0 12 a 0 14 Pork - 5 50, a 6 00 Hay - • 800 a 800 Wool • 0 2.1 as 0 23 Sheep pelts • - 0 50 a 0 70 Lamb skins • - 0 60 a 0 80 Elover., per.bush. - 5 00 a 5 50 SEAFOIITI-I MARKETS. Sea rotorn, August 11, 1887. Wheat, spring, - 80 73 a 0 75 lied and white • • 0 75 a 0 75 Oats, .•• 0 28 a 0 30 Peas, • - 0 48 a 0 50 Barley, • 0 40 n 0 50 Butter, 012 a 0 13 Eggs, - • 0 12 a 0 15 Potatoes, - • 0 65 a 0 70 Pork, 5 50 a 6 00 Wool, - 0 21 a 0 25 Flour per cwt • • 2 00 a 2 25 BLY1'H MARKETS, (Reported specially for the New ERA evert' Thursday) Blyth, August 1'l, 1887. Fall wheat, red, per bash, . 75 a 78 Fall new . 70 a 75 Oats Barley , Peas r Apples per bag Potatoes, new , Eggs per doz Butter,rolls . Cheese Lard , :Flour prr ext. Hogs, . , Hay, Straw , 'Edon , 30 a 32 46 a 45 48 a 50 10 a 50 • 50 a ti0 14 a 15 11 a 12 15 a 15 10 a 12 2 00 2 10 13 50 6 00 7 00 n 800 2 ('0 3 00 22 a 25 $2,25 to $2.75. Hog market very quiet ;latest eqes at 5o, holders wanting more. The horse market very quiet. During the week there were shipped to the United States 74 horses and ponies. costing $6,463.46, _...•--- In order to relieve to an extent the ember moment resulting from the treasury surplus, United States Secretary Fairchild has resolved to pay in advance that portion of the interest on the public debt falling due within the next six months. This will amount to 'about $22.• 000,000. The relief will be only temporary; for when the time comes at which the interest should properly have beeu paid there will be nothing to pay, and the surplus will acoumu• late faster than ever. Itis thonght,however, that the secretary has been led to take this stop on account of the stringency in the money market and the depression of stooks during the past fortnight. - BORN McEWEN—In Stanley. on the 1st Aug., the t+lie of Mr Malcolm McEwei, of a daughter. ARMSTRONG..., In Clinton, on the 9th tii.,t.,'the wife of Mr Alex Armstrong, of a daughter. McDOUGALL—in Detroit,00 July 80th., the n tie of Mr Albert McDougall, formerly cf Clinton, of a daughter. DIED FISHER—At Parachute,Col. on the 51st July,Fred H. Fisher, eldest SOU of Mr A. S. Fblter, formerly of Clinton. • ZEALAND—In St Thomas, en the eth inst. (from injuries received on the railway accident on the 15th of July), Sarah Zealand,rellct of the late 5.0. Zealand, and daughter of E. Holmes, Toronto, 'aged 15 years and 7 months. 1 Malailummipa UET YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN AT FOSTERS, CLINTON. !teladvf't'tteentento !'t OOD"GENEftAL SSERVA ti P WF\tiTED AT ONCE lT Highest wages given to competent person Apply to FIRS. O E IIOVEY, Clinton ! 1 OODGENERAL SERVANT WANTED AT ONCE, kJ Apply to MRS. J 0 GILROY, nota Organ Factory $7 will be given fur a competent person. uRSE FOR SALE.—THE UNDERSIGNED HAS^ LA a good bay horse 5 years old, btands 10 hands high and good roadster, for sale cheap. MYLES YOUNG„ Blyth. " 11 11 IATANTED—A GOOD MAN T4) REPRESENT VV a First-class Life' I •surance Compauv, In Clinton and vloiniiy. Apply to WESTCOTT & SANDERS, General Agents, Exeter, Out. FEMALE TEACHER WANTED—FOR NO. 3 room, Clinton Model School, Must hold Second-class certifioate and have knowledge of, music, Duties to commence 6th of Sept. State salary wanted, W. H, IIINE, Secy., Clinton. BOARDERS WANTED — FOUR BOAI1DEh1 — /./ High school student', young men preferrcd— c•tn be acco modated with first-class board and rooms in a convenient 1 -,ant of the to 0, at very reasonable rates. 1'articplars on application to the,,New EttA Office. TIIARM FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIBER OFFERS Ji for sale his farm of 163 acres, being 1ob 47, Maitland concession, Goderich township.— About 125 acres cleared, and in good state .of cultivation, balance gond hardwood hush. well fenced, good orcdlard, plenty of water. Trame house and btrukbarn, atnble, s&c. Situate about six tulles from town of Clinton, and convenient to church aud school. Will be sold on reason- able terms. lull par ticutars nn a pp' iC8 4100. D, BASK:LLD1,i,E,J ,,p niQtt3r. Clinton P. 0. DO lOt. WANT A GOOD BUSINESS EDUCATION ? Then, arr:i1J C to f•pelltl, at,lea.,i three)uouths- ut the Central Baslaoss Calm/ Stratford, A school which excels iu its facilities for prae• tient work. Its patrons are enthusiastic in its praise, Next term begins ou Monday, Septem- ber 5th,, 1887, Icor catalogue containing full iufoirnation, address• - W. H. SHAW, Palma rAI,, • - S'ra-rrronn, Oyr. WESTERN .FAIR INDUSTRIAL AND•AR'L' EXH.JI I'L'tON, LONDON, -• CANADA, 19T1t 'i'0 21T1t Si:rrE-m+se, 1887. Liberal 1'relniuuts•for Live Stock Machinery, • &e., &c. • New Grounds, New Buildings, New P.aee Tracic arc being provided for the forthcoming Jubilee Exhibition, at an estimated cost et' $120,000.00 [TALI' A MILT ION EI-Cd4.t-148 will be 1-opr=se-ntr:ti by the Live Stock display. Grand Exhibits in Painting, Statuary and Sculpture. The com- mittee on Attractions are preparing a splendid 'programme. Better than ever, Send your ad- dress on a postal card for copy of Prize List, For all information write to the Secretary. A W TORTE, [Tres. CEO, Mt BROOM, Sec. 0J1NTON FLOUR and FEEL) STORE Tile subscriber having bought nut the hmftiess of 51r Jae Steep, will continue the saute in all its branches, and' by close attention to the wants of his customers, and courteous treat- ment to all,, he hopes to merit and receive a Share of pubde patronage. Ile will beep in 51rcic Itoller Flour, Graham flour, Oatmeal, rolled and granulated, Barleymeal, Cornmeal, coarse and fine, Cracked Wheat, Rolled Wheat, Farina Wheat, J'ot Barley, Split Peas, Buck. wheat Flour, &c„ &o. ALL KINDS OF CHOPPED FEED and every- thing usually kept in a first-class store. Farm Produce taken in exchnnge. Goods delivered anywhere 1n town. Prices the very lowest. ROBERT F1TZSINIONS. C. P. R, CHEAP RATES —T 0- -Port, Arthur and 1illut11. FROM CLINTON To PORT ARTHUR and return, $27.1.0 DULUTH and return, - $29.10 Via 'i'oranto and Owen 'Sound, and the mag- nificent (-Ilyde Built Steamer, Alberta and Athabaska. W. JACKSON .k GEN 1', -- CLINT1)N, t The Dry Goods Palace GREAT SUMMER SALE OF DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MILLINERY, &c. sPEC=.�.L 13-49.1ZG-..a.,IIN'S ZIT' P' 2N'21S ..A.1\7"=' MILLINERY AT COST PRICES. Housekeepers will find it to their advantage to call and see us, FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISMVMAN Manager. i 1 EAPSIDE! THE POPULAR DRY GOODS ROUSE. For Courteou and kind treatment go to CHEAPSIDE, the only house in the Hub Showing NEW - FALL - PRINTS _Drop in and ask to see those nice Prints, one of our special • depart -talents SAML. WILSON, CHEAPSIDE 1 NEXT P0011 TO T. COOPElt & SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. ' 0014.747C500.^...., DON'T FORGET TO A'TTES VD DETLOR Estate. J. H®]D C ' I4 S. anim.erva.,.+mar-emr.,er-=:'- •t za Our Great Sale IS, DOING WONDERS FOR ITS. ONLY + 91-1 W" i TTT-T WREE Days remain , and in that time our stock Must be greatly reduced, t-egardless '-1 ��of prices. 313 IF: N and wotnen of keen judgment and economical instincts will find it to their interests to buy from us. as it is time that has IrITE-I Y_4EI D Many a stock of Dry Goods, by rendering them shop-woru and unseasonable ; wo tncau to keep ours flesh by selling off what we have on hand. We offer TN- T i i Dress department 15e Goods for Sc., 40c. Cashmeres for=c. In Cotton we will give yon 33?; yards for Sl. Surely such prices will I �•y TT g -g l J J 11 . Out the clamor about hard times, and will cause your carewcln face to bear its usual smile. We 4§lt ygit to save money While the special sale lasts It fl1ioni Great MR Cash Store, Cyton JACKSON'S, bEA1llGS1LElTmi BARGADi Woi'iderful value in MUSLINS A I! Over Laces and DRESS GooDs! SHOE: HOUSE, J. C. DETLOR & CO, - Olinton. 'Opposite the Town Hall, Clinton. ``tTl 5-it1 TO RENI'. — THE rREMISES rtE-' �J cm" ri.1 occupied by- MT -t tnrpstttt, ou the e+r nor of Albert Street, is offered to rent. It is one of the best stands in town. Apply 10.105 WI[ITEIIEAD, (linter). ,{ 1flTTAGE FA% SALE—TII.\T COTTAGE AND V two lots for tract}" occupied by Neil Matberson, next, enat of he esi tense of W. Doherty, Esq,, con- atning.hnif au ...no of land, and the must eligible dtvel• ling in 0011ton, Very liberal terms given and posses- sion at May. next. 15-. W. FARRAN, Ti-41EMAtE 'rEACileit WANTED, — 8011 THE 11 ptodet Terri and for the Lowest )loom of the Clinton Public 14 4 011, Dust hold not 4c -ss than second -Class ceitificate. Musa be capable of teaching music. The model term iv about three months,. and applicants trill state salary (tie:Med. Appltcatiot,s received tip to the evening of the 1'it5 of Aug. 11' 1I 111N1•:, Secretary, H[�OUSE ANIi LOT FOR SALE. THAT VALI'- -IC.L ,van and conveniently situated property owned by Mr Pim Callander, being lot 1814 on the north aide of Huron St. The house has suitable accommodation for large family-, with all conveniences, such as hard and soft water, etc. Good stable on the Int. Further ' particulars on application to DIANNiNO & SCOTT, Clinton. mmol FOR SALE. —THAT w-E!.L SITUATED L farm of 73 acres, being lot 29, con. 7, Mullett, is offered for sale. Sixty acres cleared and in good state of cultivation ; fairly well fenced, good water, frame house, frame barn, bearing orchard, &c. Situate five miles.front the town of Clinton. will be sold on rea- sonable terms.* Apply on the premises to GEORGE WESTCOTT, Clinton 1' O '''41 81 VOTERS' LIST 1887, MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN 01' CLINTON, COUNTY .0F HURON Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or de- livered to the persons mentioned in the third and fonri t sections of "The Voters' List Act," theopies required by the said section to bo so trnnsmittld or delivered of tl.e list made pursuant to said Ant, of all persons appearing. by the last revised Assessment 11011 of the said municipality, to bo entitled to tote in the said municipality, at elections for members of the Log - illative Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office, Clinton, on the 27th day of July,1887, and remains there for Inspec- tion Electors arc called upon to examine the said ilst, NOTICE TO eREDITOIIs AND OTHERS.-- 1u—ptWnaca 41t -0f Chap. l' So1 40-V4e-,—Stat tutes of Osntario, notice is hereby given that all creditors hawing claims against the estate of Mary Cameron, late of, the village of Bayfleld, County of Huron, merchant, who died on or about the 6th day of July, 1887. are to send, post paid or deliver to John 0 Martin, of the vil- lage of Hayfield, agent for the executors of the said Mary Cameron. deceased, on or before the 1st day of October, A. D., 1887, n statement cotl- talnlu,g their names and addresses. and full par- ticulars of their claims and of the securities, if any, held by them, certified under oath, and af- ter the said Inst date mentioned, the executors Of the said estate will proceed to pay the said claims against the said deceased, to the parties entitled thereto, regard being had only to tho claims of which notice has beer' given, and at the titue of such distribution, all debts due the estate must be paid by that date Dated at Day field, 2nd August, 1887. JOHN C MARTIN, Agent for Executors. MRS MARTIN and MRS 11ENDERSON, EXecutors, 31 :it MORTGAGE SALE —OI•'— VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD. NDER AND BY ViRTUE OF TILE POWER V of Sale, contained 10 it certain mortgage, (which will bo produced on the day of sale), there *Ill bo offered for sale by public auction, by David Dickenson, Auctioneer, on WEDNES- DAY THE MST DAY OF AUGUST, 1887, at SWART'L'S HOTEL in the VILLAGE of HAY- FiELD, the following valuable real estate, viz: Lot 7' Range IC In the Township 0f Stanley, (pow In the said Village of Hayfield) in the County of Huron, and Lots number 40a, 407 and 408 !It the said Village of Bayfleld, conthining together twenty Acres and three-fourths of an aerc,rooao or less. The .property will bo sold without r�. serve. Timms—Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid 00 limn day of 8,111', and thn balance In 80 days thereafter withont Interest. Further _A. e CD 1\07.2B CLI_LV .L 01\T & JE3 1.3YTII, OTS SHOES Our stock of Boots and Shoes for spring and summer have been selected with great care, and will be found vety complete in all lines. Wo• are agents for DACK & SON'S FAR FAMED FINE. HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. EGGS TAKEN iN EXCHANGE. FIVE PER CENT OF FOR CASH. We TAYLOR & SONSI and if 813_omissions or other errors aro found therein, terms and (.0nd1[1ous ulnae itnown on day of to tale Immediate proceedings to hate the raid errors saio or on appilvAtlon to tho anctIoneer nr the ,..wref1n t • •"ri'.in; to law, I)1te,l 1b°• '?7th ,Fly of undersigned. 11 \ NNIN(1 & SCOTT ,t n' , 1.011 W11, 1't)tTS, r'' . - t'lintrn,July , i'• -, Vcntt,r. solicitors, ` ,1 -Lown Clinton and. Myth. TAYLOR, Manager for lllytlt.