HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-08-12, Page 41,
-fiheapeide S Wilaor.
Duainess Col logo --IVY U Shaw.
1?lour *AAI feed store -It I• itzeimous.
Teacher wouted---W 9 Hine. . .
k'armt,for sale -D Baskerville.
Agent wanted-Westaoott S Saulrtiers.
wPV.eetern fair -Geo McGroom.
Boarders wanted -Nisi+• ISnA office.
. lefi ,
, , it N X Onle
int "'
FRIDAY, Al<'LI. 12, 1537.
'11124) liteolt Act iu 11111ro+..
Notice is published that at tile expiration
of ton hays after publication there \rill be
ddpositecl with the proper officer at (ioderich
a petition praying -fur it revocation of the
order in Council bringing into force Ili this
,county the second part of the Scott Act. We
axe opposed, and we think every good citizen
. ought to be opposed to the repeal of the Scott
Act in this county. That which affects either
directly or indirectly, to advantage or disad-
#.•vhntage, the moralinterests of aconrntutity,
ought to coln'fiiand'the. careful and thought.
. Jul attention of eXery gutod citizen, troll that
which affects such interests favorably, ought
to command the unswerving support of every
suchcitizeln. Nooriewhoseopiuion is woithy
of any respect will deity that temperance 1
prWeiples and, praoit are -factor's illiliii•al
. and material advancement, and t}t•tt Sniteni-
perance retards true progress. Weare firmly
of the belief that the Scott Act, enforced as
it ought to be enforced, is such a factor. In
the autumn of 1864,afterlong discubsiou and
thorough ventilation of the subject through
the press and oil the I)lntfornl, the doctors
of this county, by tut immense majority, '
adopted the Scott Act as a measure suited
to that end, and the panic has now been in
It iii the county since the ist of May,
•1685,. The people engaged and interested
favorably in this movement of repeal must
either be of opinion that the Scott Act,upon
trial, has been proven unfit as an instrument
of temperance advancement, or the -'mutt 1.0
VAe friends of intemperance. With the latter i
vie will not for the present attempt to argue,
bid i to the former Tot us airy that before such
a serious stop as the contemplated repeal of
he second part -of. the Scott Act in this
oounty-a step wLioh.would appear and be
regarded as a retreat -be; taken, it becomes
every elector, before recording his vote; to
weigh the question well, and non can object
to -every one who wishes to vote rightly will
court -the fullest discussion of the question.
The Scott Act has as much virture now
as it had three years ago. We hays not
heard any valid. argument raised against it
since,that time, and no new circumstances
have, arisen in our county to render it less
valuable as a moans of moral advancement,
of as a protection to the intorests of oto
citizens ; on the other'lland there have boon
a large number of vexed. questions finally
sealed in the courts. The clearest judicial
light of•1'the Dominion has been focused union
almost every section; and legal ingeauityhas
expended itself in vain in search of some
fatal weakness. Its. constitutionality has
long since been put beyond question ; magis-
terial powers and the limits ofthe.sitaiehave
1%on clearly defined; officers whose duty it
N to enforce itslirovisiol.n are no lonscer ill
Z". e da.r.t n, It' what Lltcy ought or ought )lot
: u du; I heru is not.L•ing left Obscure or doubt.
ful about il,tlie t,cople"Cuerally beingpriltty
pully lllOrtieted R3 t0 itspro-islolls,
I- .. f:very 0ilo kilo.r:-s.tulder \what grace dil'art.
v::nto,ges the Act CaLmaiito force here, with
no certain Machinery for i,ts' enforoeroent.
An Act With restrictive provisions more ex.
ttusivo than those"of the License Act (which
rcoessarily possesses large powers of cuf6rce-
meutF ought logically- to liave larges' powers
ei-eiforce-tnent' than that Aut. 'Fur at least
• tlic first 'year of its existeucc e.s law stere
there a•as wietutilly nopower 01ruf0rccnlcut,
1./...t,.,ansc ,
t f doubt
where that poorer lay, gild
,luring that tintanlo public official attuulpt
v;as made toeilfurCC the Act; since DIav, '1880,
%,us have the same JrOwers of enforcenlcut as
lvehad under the Licensc how, but until quite
1cyelntl;y as formidable a difficulty as the
I Of puwlcrs of lumorconlont wits found to
1:4) in tho dawvillingllessor inability of itlarge
proportion of tlio magistracy of the county
to assunic the duties fixed by the Att, 01111.4rondcring, valucl.cas those now polvcr•.,
the Canada" rreinperrtnco dct should be re. I LDITO]3IAL NOTE
Aro wonder the Conservative press worked
The thrcu representatives to the Ontario
hard for their party last year. Those in
legislature from the county have, by their
voices and votes at the last session of the
this county received the following sums
inanifVdly tulww•itle, aild would in spirit vio.
from ting Dominion Treasury : Clinton
legislature, declared ii1 favor of the Act and
News -Record, if 585.01. Goderieh Star,
its better enforcement by being in favor of
§845.30. Seafortli Sun, 11827.90. Exeter
the appoiutmont of provincial officers for the
Times,%98.58- Wingham Advance, 5114,76.
purposeof enforcement. TheStatt Act mn,.t
I war nCSt NIIppGI'tC'1'. (. 11'Clill+gla11CC9 May
not lir repr(dert• 1
Mt-G.uticai, the escaped Chicago boodler,
-lnuall rbl '- '
7u+ernalloupl Arlll11rul11vu. 1
liar been located in nears ever lace but
y Y P
' 1
Clihton-according to the papers -and we
A Frencl:inan, X. do Molinari, has come
may just as wt'e!l say he has been here, We
forward with it ticheme calculated to prevent
do not suppose he has, but he is just as likely
wvar between civilized countries, which is
to have been as in some of the other places
nothing more Or less than compulsory arbi-
that claim his unenviable gresence.
tration, anis his plan i,i exciting considerable (
_.._."-*.O„ -
attention in Europe. His scheme is that -
Tnu Government has disallowed three
the coulntrics which 1111Ymost to 1088 by tine i
more Manitoba Railway chartera, but the
wars of others should organiz0 as aleagueof ;
People go 011 I'll there just as if nothing had
neutrals for the purpose of iuterferring to
hitplloned. It Is altogether likely that
,proveiit threatened hostilities. He includes
further interference will take ploce when the
ill the list England, Holland, Belgium, von•
new road is ready,for operation, but in the
mark and Switzerland, whose general inter-
meantime the mere fact of building the road
esus areanfavorofpeace,andtvhoamonghenl
in defiance of the federal Government shows
could put a million men in the field. The
how little the Manitobians care for superior
idea' is that when any nation shows a dia-
40`110rity', •
1 position to wantonly assail another, this
�s there lies bee>•p iwoanluounceuleut of Sir
trolneidous moral and physical force should
Chas. Tupper resigning his seat in the House
be thrown into the scale of the power at-
\wo presume Il still holds both 11is offices.
to"sled. Such a league,if carried out, would
It is clearly a violation of law that lie should
speedily pdt till end to war. No one giving
perform the duties of High 'Commissioner
the mattdii any attention can come to any
alt -"too be a member of the House, and if
other conclusion than that such a scheme
there is any way of reaching hint, lie should
would be of infinite benefit to mankind, and
be shown that an officer of the Crown has no
is one whereby international disputes could
more right to set lady of defiance than the
be just as satisfactorily settled as by recourse
humblest subject of the realm.
to arms. We have for some ,time regarded
---- .-. -- .-
TMs Torouto hews calls attontion to -an
-wars between civilized nations as things of
terrors of a dog day,
the past, aud.wvhilo it is quite possible our
abuse of the frankingprivilege, an advcrtis-
coucluainll; may be premature, -we are cer-'
ing sheet being franked through the mails
tain' that the majority of in+lnkind would
by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture: Ln -
much rather see universal peace. prevail
fortunately, in tl)o present state of the conn.
than witness turmoil and strife, with all the
try no change need be, expected. The most
horrors of was', It is quite true that there
outrageous abuse of. the mail privileges was
have been in the past wars that were justi-
the free circulation of Standard supplements
fled and out of which mach good has resulted
during trio election campaign, but when at.
but it is equally true that there have been
some of the most unjustifiable conflicts the
tentiun was directed to the natter in the
world has ever known.
ouse of Commons, nothing could be done,
The great body of mankind the world over
A partizan majority condoned 'tate offence,
is disposed to,peace, and their moral in-
and a large umuber of people in the country
fluence should be exerted fn suppressing
inclinations of the few who ing the
gong -dein,
appear to be e.0 accustomed to \w ;+
through selfishneas or interest might be die.
that such things have no influence on thele.
posed to fight. .In the interests of humanity.
.----- 111oo---
we hope the plan of Molinari,, or some simi-
lar one, may become a recognized principle
O.Turnboll were going home along Mill street
for he settlement of all disputes that ww•ould
system which prevails in Canada, is pro.
otherwise lead to war and bloodshed;
mently shown by a circumstance narrated
in the IIamilton Times. Mr C J Fortier,
other royal children. A:1 children were fond
Collector of Inland Revenue at Hamilton,
PITnY POI\'19 TnE1:L'U..
has received Notice of superannuat ion. There,
l.very Canadian border town will hold up
is not the Is.list coniplaitit of his unfitness
both bands for it. -Loudon Advertiser.
for the performance of his duties. He is in
The inference from this is that it would
vigorous health, a skilled officer and a faith•
be a benefit to the border towns, and no one
fol public servant, always prompt and, at.
can,provo to talo contrary. Then Why not a
tentive, alid popular alikewith his subordin.
benefit to interior towns. It is nnquestion-
atop and the public. But his place is wanted
ably a fact that in all Canadian tOwvns con-
for a leading Conservative, so DIr Fortier
tiguous to American places, the Commercial
has to go. Here is an able-bodied,Civil Ser-
Uilioi] sentimortt is roi11arkably' strong
vice employee,ww•ho is pensioned in the prime
among all classes. Will sonic anti -unionist
of life, at the expense of the public, and yet
expla111 wvhy tllta?the
public are ltot sufficiently alive to their
own interests to abolish a system wvhich
Unrestricted reciprocity utast, We believe,
prove as great it boon to the mechanic as to
costs them every year over $•200,000,
thefarmer: The chief cange of our lack of
largo manufactories docs clot ale ui the fact,
-_ LM .41-0--
lino Illi; Ileal:, a missionary anion,, the
that goods cannot be manufactured cheaply
sailors of the Welland Canal,complaius that
in Canada, but because if they were mann-
the canal is now kept open for Sunday traffic
factured we have no market in which to dis
pose of them. We have through the mid.
for .several hours owcry Lorcl's Day. This
land districts some of tine finest water pow.
is different to,what leas'hitherto Leen the
antis of mills of till descriptions, yei it lays
to it great extent housed, simply because we
havo not sufficient population to consume
the articles tbat would be turned out. Had,
\ve the great market of the United States
With its sixty mullions of hibabitants..thrown
upon to its, there !s JputTittle doubt that flieso
splendid water privileges \vtndd be sp£edily
taken tip told utilized. The principal bene-
fit to the mechanics, however, wv.ould lie in
the fact that our wva:;c earuors, , instead. of
havulgtO.seek ciupb!yunolit in IllC' 1'uited
State+:, would burl i+!c'ut,y of ivork dlnd equal-
ly goad w.�,1c,, ill Canada as they now seek
acl'OSL the, burden.-Bowmauville Statesman
The fit Cathnrifts Journal, pronounced
C'onservidive, endor:;es the aliuvo with the
rculark that 44'c1land Canal, one of tape fin-
est watOr privilege, in talo world, woald he
utilized to fifty tiunos the estcl,t it is under
Gonullorc ial 1 lli oil. .
The anti -commercial nmol press etre te-
priut'ing with upucll apparent satisfaction,
callings from the .old tiles of tho Globe, to
allow that half a dozen years 'ago it con-
denlus the ideaiasw•armly as it now approves
it. Well, what of it'? "The Globe doesn't
nidi 0A, country, and its change of opinion
has no conceivabfe boariii ; oil the real mat -
tor under dist:ussioit_except,lpel•liaps as indi-
tHntl wC slave illl'Oildy' alfa tbltt 111111G1' I'CtiS(111•
1'lillllill' 111 that divection. --Toronto NcC vs.
4blY f:li•• circlllnetallCes the Act cilli been-
It Certafid,, proves nothing to show that
forests. TO repeat the Act ur,ty wvould Lc
the (;lobe uui. t0 -clay be supporting what it
inanifVdly tulww•itle, aild would in spirit vio.
years ago opposed. - Sine -tenths 0f the Con-
]r.tc th ' intenliull bf, the Act, wvllich provides
sorwa(ivo i)apers Were free-traders until fair
fOr at lc+nst it three y car9 tl ial, uu(I that cer•
'Tulin a'lohted protection. Th �Lul, once a
t•ailily lucansn triol unrin:• prnl�tr al,d faw•or•
Stroll'" l
eppellellt Of tit Act, is now its
INN c�il'Clll if ata llCC9.
I war nCSt NIIppGI'tC'1'. (. 11'Clill+gla11CC9 May
That n "relit loo's of th': loyal Nen Of the
-,very materially +titer cases. nlul it is no re
county are in favor of iho continuance of the
flection oil Lilly journal to change its views.
A, , as law, is wiew a by abundant evidence.
wistinihig, of 'course, that the change is the
The official and representative bodies of
tos1111 of Crniwictiol, and not for morn mer.
";lost of the churches ill the Coll lit v,speaking
c(tivit•v motives.
IOrand un ))ollalf of the membership, have
'1'I+i: proper thing for Canada to du iw to
deplored the unsatisfactory administration
enter bito commercial union with Great
of the Act, havo asked the people under their
Britain, and keop up her tariff against the
,jimladiction to Resist in its proper enforce.
United States. England alae been an indul.
meat, and to discountenance all efforts look•
gent mother to Canatla,'and it Would be till -
grateful in us to slap Lor in the face and go
ing tolvardg'aepeel. ' 1
over to her enemy. --Exeter Times.
The throeyeprosmntat.ivestotile DoninionkChv
did not the Times gay this when the
rarliantent froulltlle,connty ]lave declared
tbemseh•c's eq satisfied with the Act, placing
Mail out with its famous expression,
•,Then 90 much tine worse, fol' British connec-
l.henl501W9 "troll record by speech and vote
tion.'• And wwhy dirt not .the Times raise
ny oppOsed to trio following resolution whfeh
was voted down by' R vote of' 38 to ] fin
its wvirriaing voice when the late iron duties
were imposed? We fire afraid the Times
111.1.9:--" I"aSnlucli as the Canada Tomper.
ante Art Lay hat in thosccovntics in which
ollllo'tx culnnlerciltl uniiou more for profit
it hay hitherto Docll ill force resulted in the
thall from principle, as it gnt•'ncarly $700
pronati<al of the can';t: of
last tr•,11'"mit of illi, OOmission Tl•nrm itirv.
olk(licnre it) :11111 ille general c iforecnlellf"0f
total loss for the first seven months of 1887
was 876,928,100 against $03,90(1,000 for the
tholawvhavcltat hc•euatti,ill crlill orl•leryucnre
ILI-aslws Wiulttn, alt reply to It letter of in=
of pltblic. opiuieli timonit it hwrge portion of
tiuil•;r, ytatol that he has n(`yor becii notllral•
izerl ill the 1 -sited 11 -states, iw still a British
flan rnn;d" (nf Ar'io' iu flt'.,r of tin' 4n id 15 v:,
.1i11ri', t, olvd r-0lw"r.+, to r•mlil,:nn e.1,,
have boon compelled to tic tip ww•hen going
through the canal, if only a few wiles frdui
the point of exit;at 1.2o'elock Saturday night.
BiLd as the government may be in some re-
spects', ' w•e-(loubt if this (Sabbath cinlatiori is
carried of \vital their knowledge. But the
desecration cannot be stopped too quickly.
uu ulatter who is responsible for it. Sabbath
breaking, by corporation or individual, liar
ever been aricl ever will be pooys' l,usiuus* ,not
only nloally but financially, for statistics
prove that men and nations who "remenllier
ilic Sabbatlf day to keep it holy" are iuvari.
nbly more prosperous and live longer Mull
healthier lives than 1•h0so wbo work s,:'votl
docs 311 the week.
__-..-T--.-_- -- - — OUR L*ET7CER, BO
To the. Editor of the Clintoin Xo'n Era.
Sitr,—PlcaSo auswver the fo110wving (jucs-
tiots and oblige a reader of your paper:-'- lst,
Wbo is the proper person to apply to for a
on the Northwest Mounted Police.
2ncl, Who is the conman ling officer of the
_of Infant, y T..� To .0111•o_.-3ytl,.
Who is the Commanding officer of B Battery
of Artillery, and wbiah of these divisions of
the Canadian army would "you 'advisea
young plan who has chosen a military life.
to enlist in? .
Coderich township, July `27, 1887.
fl. F. White, Ottawa, Coluptrollcr NAA%
;4Iounted Police. ' 2. Lieut -Col Otter, Toron-
to. 3, Wo do not know. We would rather
advise a young roan not to -join any brunch
of the ro'glilitr military force, tball to advise
slim to the contrary. It is not the life A.
young man of energy and ambition would
care to follow, -while the remuneration is no
inducement for all able-bodied young, maul.
E ltlToll NEW 11,11.1, '
To the Erlitur of the Clinton 11 -trio Era,
lh...ul Sin, -Wo are very much pleasetl to
notice that you add weekly Educational
notes to your interesting paper. If it will
not be considered impudonee I might say
that the publishing of the examinations
would very much increase the value of your
paper, attd your now welcome 'sheet would
be more anxiously sought after by teachers
and pupils.
Yours. A J uAcnt:n.
! We are doing out, best to tuake the NT,,w
Er,A still more acceptable to all classes of
the community, and are glad to receive sug-
gestions from any source. We have already
published all the examinations we can get,
but in publishing the refsnit of Entrance l:c.'
aminations In future, we shall endeavor to
give the schools from which the llpupiis collie,
lis it is only a matter of simple fairness that
this should be done. Teftollom anti others
aro tit Pei feet liberty to erintribute eflnea-
tional untcs, nr anv nthc+i items of shoal in-
te•rctM. tilul \wn yllnjl he n;1.w Ir,o vlwl to give i
Owl.l ,,i . ! . w , 1' .
... , .: .. �
,. .,;� .. M...
. .
_ ..m .
,. ..4 ,.
,fi �, ..,.
soiling is the only satisfactory method of sum-
Spalding p ......T 2 1 Ruttel........ 2 3
mer feeding in Canada during he months of
_ *4
--. - ...
.... h 2
DXSF, $AT,l;.
Porter, J Allen, X. l3ttrlce, D. NvWoon.
feared, that 1Y1t?ord::fle'troaid'be aompckletl'lo
J. Mullin, W. 4obertson. TPtol-x••11.
retire from public life a, toget.bpr•
It will be seett a larger tlltmgber paaaed The ]}Iasi{a$ $ecorder muses gpon the tact
here than at both Gto derioli.and Seal+xth
that Dot astngle Canadian journal ie oppaged
combined, and when it is known that
to the idea of Commercial Union that is not
A large crowd gathered on the A rionitur-
nearly all of these writing here were from
Cllinton 1fli h School the excellence of
in receipt of subsidies. from the Dominion
al grounds on Wednesday, to witness, as
they expected, a very hotly contested game
this institution is clearly (yrougbt to pub-
The returns of Dominion revenue and ex -
of baseball, but as such it did Dot turn oat
lie notice. We have shown over and
penditure show a cousiderable deficit for the
to be, as our boys literally paralyzed the
over again that there is not a high school
first month of the current flecal year, The
Mitchell team by scoring 27 runs to their 11
in the Province, similarly situated, which
totol rt,veane for July was $2,207,079, and
and had an innito spare. We werip al-
equals it, and every examination furnish-
the expenditurereached $2 776,584, leaving a
deficit of $568,506.
ways under the impression that Clinton
es additional proof of the truth of onr
team was the superior of the two,and as this
The losses by fire in the mated statos and
game was free from any 11boyleing" deci-
* ---- •
Cauada in July last amounted to $1.4,026,500,
sions, and each team playing on its merits,
Around the County.
as against $10,000,000 In July, 1836. The
it is easy to see when both clubs gets justice,
which is the best. Our boys played a oapl-
Miss Steveason, of Brantford, was the enc•
total loss for the first seven months of 1887
was 876,928,100 against $03,90(1,000 for the
tal game with one exception, that was the
fourth innings, when they allowed the visi-
oeesful applicant for the vatavey on the teaoh-
Ing staff of the Brussels Pubbe School.
P K Year of 1880.
tors to score six runs, and as long as they
The Bishop of Baron bas appointed Itev.
On august 18:h the son, which is making
things so hot for evgrybody this summer, will
will persist in making such wild and none-
cessary throwing they cannot expect any-
H. Turnbull, formerly of Llatowel, to the
rector of Winaliam parish, lett vacant by the
be totally observed. Unhappily the eclipse
thing else; but then when we look at the
resignation of Rev R. Mceol,h,
will not ba visible in the United states. pfd
Sol will make fall time that day so far as this
score we cannot but hes thinking it was a
P o
good job something like that. happened or
Dir John Dickson, son of Dlr Chas. Diekeon,
of MoKillnp, who lives near Winnipeg, met
sweltering country is concerned, Bolt there
then will be no smoking of glass to add to the
what a beating it would have been. The
chief feature of the game was Soruton's
with a very serious accident a short time ago.
we was lathing in a new building when a
terrors of a dog day,
running fly catch, for which he raised a
splinter brnke off the wood, striking him in
In Newoastie, N. B., a violator of the Scott
storm of applause, and well he deserved it ;
the eye causing such injuries that the eye had
Act pleaded guilty. When asked to indicate
Turnbull pitched a splendid game for purr
team, considerin his was his first ane iii•:,
g g
,t tSr*
b .gmoved,
e other cocain Dlra Black nest street
g (
the persons to whom he -had sold liquor he
q ,
named the magistrate who was trying him,
the and with a little more practice and
, ,
Goderiob) home from Holmes-
attorney who was kroseouting him and .
experience, he will be known as the phenom•
was returning
villa, and when near the turn gt Robt Me
the constable who had summonsed him. The ' .
oven. Walker also plvVvil a good gang
roping in a couple of difficult flies i -a -centre
Culloeh'athe horse turned in at tlfe gate of
case,was so conclusive that the magistrate '
promptly inflicted a fine of $30. .
field. Snaith for the visitors played left field
to perfection, while L . Broderick carried off
its own accord, the top of the boggy. striking
the•post, throwing Mrs B. out, an(i breaking
ewent to Balmoral on Wednes.
The li has
day. She has been distressed by the deathh f
the honors in batting,doing some very heavy
one of the bones in her right arm In two
her old nurse, bliss Skerritt, a singular court
hitting. Mr John Bargeyaoted a4) Umpire,
servant, 94 years old. She has been snaees-
and gave good satisfaction to both teams,the
On Wednesday night as W. Thompson and
lively in the service of Queen Charlotte and
follo\ting is the score:
O.Turnboll were going home along Mill street
Queen Adelaide, and nursed Victoria as a
Brussela,tbey noticed a fire blazing along=side
child as well as the Prince of Wales and the •
It. O. It'. O.
of R. William'e stable. They got two pails
other royal children. A:1 children were fond
Turnbull p......4 2
McKeon ..... 1 3
and carried water from the river and put it
of her. •
Smith lotfb.... 5 2
1 owwers 2nd b 2 3
ile and
eansed,no doubt bytn the spontaneous rcombust ong
7ahe t a tunnel amici talo English
Spalding 3rd b.. 4 2
Ford c ........0 3
When the manare,pile was turned over there
l has been
Channel has been voted down because of the
it would afford prance, to erose
McGarva 1 f.... 3 3
C,tnigley 2nd b.. , ,1 •1
Thomson s a .... 0facility
Cale 3rd b ......1 4
was fonnd.quitea quantityof fire smouldering.
in case of war. To us it appears that the
Walker c f 2 3
Cain r f........1 3
xpoor says: -During the past week
changes of crossing would be about equal, but -
... , ..
IIa-rfaIll d s s.... 3 0
E Broderick cf..2 3
we havo heard of several hnrses that havebeeii
to a man who has Dot given much attention ,
Stanbm')- c..... v
Smith 1 f....... 2
seriowdy injured by getting fast in orrunuine
to the study of scieutifie warfare it appears
againat barbers wire fences. Mesare Forbes $
that aLy army iu the tunntd would be some,
27 211 11 27
Dnnovan of this town had two badly torn • Ur
what at he mercy of whoever stood at the
HeOrc lav Clinton:
Clinto3 •1 6 0 1 1 0 6 x -'L.7
Thos. bowler of the West End, Tuckeramith,
had avaluab'le suckina colt injured; Mr James
mouth of it.
T. J. Clarke, one of Woodstock's most
Mitchell0 0 2 6 1 0 1 0 1-11
NOTi;d,—•;imith as usual tastes first honors
Scutt, of hnabam, McKillop, had three iojur-
ed, and DIr T. E hays, of McKillop, had
pr ominenteitizi'na, died on Ssturday, after
an illness of four clays. He was for many
in this game, having a runs and 2 outs to
two. .
years i.lentifiel with the life of Woodstock,
his credit; Scruton made him hustle though,
A nneeti"g for the purhosa of organiz;ng a,
and, with the late Gilbert Moore and Henry '
with five runs and 3 oats. Harland also
Union Sabbath School Asanotation for the
Parker, was one. of tine originators of the
clone well having three runs,no vuts,and was
townships of Tnckeramith and Stanley was
scheme that n,•sulted in the building of the
left on bases twice. Mitchell papers please
held in the Methodist church, Brucefield, on
Port Dover rlt:lew'ay. He was in the 65th
copy the score.
Thursday of last week. There was a good
year of lis age, I •
On Friday lastau into•esLina game of base
ball was played here between talo Junior
attendance and most of the Sabbath Sohonla
were represented. The following officers were
An add dispute recently arose between a
Toronto fruit importer and the customs all'.
Dauntless of towand the Maple Leafs of
Wingham. Both teams were about the same
appointed ; Rev T. H. Simpann, ;
Rev. John Hart. Varna, let Tice President ;
horities. The question arose whether a mel-
on -was a fruit or a vegetable, the duty on the
size and were very evenly matched. Clinton
boys had had no practice, and naturally feel
George Forest, Brucefield, 2nd Vice President ;
George Baird, or., Stanley, Minute Secretary
former being 25per cent. and on he latter 20 ,1
per cent. The weighty matter was settled by
proud at defeating Wingham, which is the
first time they have been beaten. The. Junior
D. D. Wilson, Seaforth, Corresponding Sec.
retary; John You"g, Brucefield, Treasurer,
tbe-Deputy Minister of Customs, who con..
suited his library on the subject, and arrived
Dauntless clitfm the championship of Huron
Exec ntive.,Com mittee-Richard flicks, Eq-
mondville; George Stowart,Varns; Inhering-
at the conclusion that the succulent melon is
a vegetable.
and Bruce for their size, and are willing to
receive ct•1a11engeafrom Goderich or Seaforth.
ham,13maefield and Wm. Ivison, ICippeu. It
The fact is noted that in climates having
If sent to J. P. Doherty, Clinton, they will
decided to hold a convention at bd
the muddle of October, and the EK-
a difference of 70 in temperature' between
receive attention. The fallowing is tileabout
salt of the game :-
autive Comm on will meet about the middle
the hot and cold seasons a railroad' track of
the length of 400 miles is some 338 yards ton -
,L `2 3 1 5 ti 7 8 0
5 4-20
of this month, for the purpose of preparing
a programme and making other necessary
ger in summer than in winter, that is, though
Clinton - 1 5 4 l 0 7 3
Wiun llann- 0• 1 7 1 4 2 10 1 0-`26
arrangements for the convention,
of eourse,the length of road remains the same '0 ,
expansion forces the metal closer together,
an aggregate closing up of space be.
tween the rails of.nearly a yard in each mile.
VICTORY.—A, very interesting game of ball
Was played' at Kincardine oil -Friday last,
It appears that the statement cabled from.
between the Red Stockings of Clinton, and
Sir, -'At this excessively dry period you
London on Tuesday that the Imperial govern --
the Giants of Hincardine,resalting in a well-
earned victory for the Reds, by wscore of 11
will be interested in learning something of the
condition of our butter industry down to the
ment had agreed to grant a subsidy to the
Canadian Pacific mail route was premature,
to 16, and an innings to spare. The roost
prescnr, date. We have forty five creameries
A few days ago DIr Goahan,'the chancellor of'1�.
noteworthy features of the game were the
in this Province in good working order, having
the excheq,ter, assured a deputation the
playing of the Battery, the home run by
a working capacity much in excess of thequan•
I waiters npon him in reference to the matter,
Buchanan, who drove the ball clear over the
tity of milk or cream which tile)- have beenhat
the proposals of the Canadian govern. .
� ment and the Pacific company were being
Agricultural'Show buildilligs and the
able to gather this season- At the morenclt
carefully considered.
fill hit by Smith, over the fence, who ill try-
of writing, all the, creamery Lutter is sold up
ing to make a ho:no ran was caught, at the
at very satisfactory prices,a fact which seems
At a meeting of the Executive Committee
plate. '.Che, playing of tine team al). around
to indicate a comparative sbnrtage in the late
of rile Ceutrol farmers' Institute of Oatario,
was excellent, and R credit to ally town. The
'fall supplies. Since my first visit during taw
held on Friday the Secretary reported that 22
followwi: g is the score : --months
of May and Juno prices Lave risen
institutes have passed' resolutions in favor of
' C'LISTO\ IJN�;Wtnal: l
five cents per pound.
commercial union, 11 have not.held meetings
R. O. R. O'
The long-cofitinued heated term must have
5p bave not been beard from, and one had
McGll.rva l f .. I 5 i Luthor 1 b.... 0 G
convinced every .farmer interested in live
passed a resolution aiiainst commercial anion
gttdrn~2nd b= ::4 2 ,...
Smith 1st b......4 1 Parslow...... t 3
k, and cupeaialay ovary da\rv-farnrm; that
but was to" fecousi der tie question. A reso•
soiling is the only satisfactory method of sum-
, lotion was passed in favor of eontinuingthe
Spalding p ......T 2 1 Ruttel........ 2 3
mer feeding in Canada during he months of
agitation'witlivigor, and asking theasaiatance
Corbett r f ..... ,1 3Blackwell
.... h 2
July and August, While I have no wish to
of the farming community herein, .
Buchanan c f....3 2
McKay ...... 1 3
depreciate the value.of vesture where the
Barge 3rd b... i..0 4
1 Williams...... l 3
conditions of soil, tree shade and water exist,
A foto monopoly journals are trying to de-
Illlrlauds s...,..:,'...-11-Vanstone...,
...-f .0- 2..
-1-.-must enforce the, bard • facts, of oxvorienge
cefve the farmers with market quotation's
Stanbury' r......0 i
! McKny .... ,1 1 2
gathered in many counties, Go Whirs one
purporting to prove that Catiadiaiipriaes are
-- - - --. - -
may in this Province, every County foels the
always better than American. They will not '
I1; 21. It 27
need of green fodder at this time. So serious
deceive a single Canadian farmer. The only
•'^•' __ •-e;n:40-. - -
has been the shrinkage in milk that many
doalera in towns and cities have debated the
time of the year when Canadian markets are
better than Aruerican is that when theearlier
question of.raising the price of milk enc Capt
American crops have broken down tile 'Ameri-
5r. PAra'n Vali ixlr,--Oii aunclay ]tt,t the
.per quart, Ii the 811rinkage'in town milk has
can markets and the Canadian Crops are not
Rev W. Craigentercrlon fife seventh year of
Leon so serious, you Will readfly.undorstand
et +, For manths0.p
y n f .the year at 1caJt
the buffArt, Dotroit and' evon Chicago
his ministry as Rector of St. Paul's chureh.
Sermons appropriate to the event were
to how much greater an extent it has'been felt
in, the mare remote rural districts where the
klits are better titan those of 1 pronto. I. . .
preached nt utorlling and evening sorvices.
profit of milli prodncti,on is ]rarer. i':verY
Av attempt sari mode on Alunday to wreck
The quarterly services of Ilattenb.uav St.
dairyman should feel it his duty during the
thu en t=Lound train on theChicagvllockIsland
church were hold on Sunday last. The love.
winter season to urge the planting of green
crops to supplement our poor pastures, and to
,g pacific road near Iowa City. 'rho plot seems
feast, before the public service, was n meet•
lug of unrtsual spiritual power, ones many"
extend the planting of trees on the prospec•
' .
to have Leen torus the train into)
t thelowariver
As thatrain approached bridgeoeer the
p. ;,
were the testimonies given of8i\•inelove auci
grace. <k large number also participated in
five pas aro lauds. Let them Story as la go
and varions,crops as can be cultivated -vet•
atreain the ennlneer Observed a misplacement
of the rail ou the rt ...
hi eida a few lengths west
the Sacramental services. At the official
rnocting, Monday evening, the
eras Lucerne rye, corn and whatever else
' y
may be found to succeed. Itt has often boon
of the bridge, and managed' to bring the trail
to a full stop before reachirig the
on church
tinancrs for the quarter were found to be in
objected that our present system of dairy
Ou investigation it was found that spikes had
Lt, very satisfactot•y condition ; Rev Mr
education was begun at the wrong end ; in-
stead. Of commencing at the farm with the
been pulled from three rails,whieh would have
Ruport's salary was increased to il080.
growth of crops nod proceeding with the oth•
been 8uflioieut to throw the train into the
From lite annual report of the Table
or steps until the manufacturer) product is.
Society for the year 'ending March lust,
reached, let us try an'1 reverse this and see ff
CS, T, I:. Agent Stewart, of it Thomas, is
and which has just been issued, we learn
we can't grow larger crops of betterquality.
forwardinK daily to 'the company's solicitors
Clinton on behalf of the Society, and $00
were, gathered by thb collectors in the
country, makino•a total of ,;1.10.16 f'or the
Clinton branch. Ashffel•1 branch raised
$70.0:1; Telgrave :$08.13; Bluevale .$44;
Brucefield w63.15; Brussels „1311.72; Blyth,
IGO 1. 1• Dn unnon
_1 q
$39.01; Ki peen : 30.55; fort Albert 818.12;-
Wroxeter, $ 0.31. :Lotldesboro,.-cafortp.,
(ioderich, unit several other plaices evi-
dently diel not report, as no returns are
given from them, The above finures give
a total of 0vcr P800 tuwardi the Bible
Society from this county. Wher, all other
forms of subacriptiot for benevolent pur-
poses are taken into account, it will be
seen that the people 0f Unroll are liberal
We give below a list of the successful
candidates for second•cims certificates.
It is expected that the result of the third-
class examination will be ready for pub-
lication about he 15th hist.
Cl,r.,;•rov.-Jane DInck, Aggie Cruick-
shank, r.iliie Dey,'Dinry 1�'errie, Mary
Holmes, Uary Taylor, Christy Robertson,
C'lra Williams, Isdward Caspell, T.
Grand, Fred Inglis, I). Johnson, John
Knine, John Lowery, George McDermid,
J. McDolnld, J. McTavish. Robert
Richardson, George l'urvin, F. Bartley,
A. Morish. Total --21.
8EAFonrrif.-L. Monteith, A Oto sens,
11, Fowler, h. Fowler, J. Ilogg, J.
1 enclergnst, 0. Shimmed, G. CHOI.
'total -S.
(lotlr•.i;rc.w- 51• Alliin, A. Cltmpbell,
`. ('•1in, . X11 J Ili, 1. il, ,T. *4!' n1..IPL4, .1.
from failure of feed at the very period of all
handed him by parties who claim to have suf-
others when it is most netiderl, is perhaps one
fored Icss in consequence of the recent colli•
of the greatest ditlitntlties dairy farming in
sion and explooklr. The baggage car burned
C'anatla has to face,
contained a score of baby tarriage3 alidagreat
GK4 ]"nus,-,:rY.,,
number of baskets stocked with crockery,
• Ilistructor Ontario C;reanieI'ies Ass'n,
uivtsand forks, etc., and nearly.all persons,
Ripley, Aug. u.� 1
who suffered loss have sent nn their claims.
Maoy speetatars who hail their hands burned
im also put in Cla TLC boner 0 tae,
Esti N' b1'U1'E;"r:`
building anal otbcr I,ziiperfydeatrby%erTYllytrre,
who hall no insurance, havo also made a de -
Listowel S. A. barraclis are ngain•destroycd
maud upon the (3. '1'. It. Co. to make their
by fire. Accident this time. ,
sea k,0011', coil'the liability of the com•
ThrncLre'reports in Dlinuoaota and D•lkota
pony lit Ill
Pill ba tested i" the court. Altogether
it in expected that savaral bundred ctaimi
indicate an utnstlaily large wheat crop.
1 will tie sent 111.
Harvest reports from France andRussia in-
dicate a fair wheat crop in both countries.
A special from t:'aup Like, `Cis., says :-
The Irish Lanrl Bill passed its tLirrl read.
�1:users the prevailing drought comes to a very .
speedy end the indications are that very
Ing in the House of Commons on Saturday.
So s
considerable pnrtinn of Southern Wisconsin
A man named Jas. Delaney was eanstruck
will be httle more than a black slesort before
on Friday near Dtiblin,Ont., and when picked
many days. The prasent dry spell has.
up was dead,
eclip=ed anything Ili the recollection of the
Purchases by Canadians and Americans of
Proverbial "oldest sottler," and brush anti -
Clydesdale borates in England are unusually
prairie fires are reported from a eeore of dir-
heavy this year,
ections. Every bit of mciatl'lre and sip hal
There 'arenowseventeen mon in Ehe'1'ombs,
been burned ont of the grass, bus: es and all
tilde the is dry
N. Y., awaiting trial for murder. There are
also three convicted murderers in the Tombs.
a vegetation, and earth o
that eve n the roots of the stubble fn recently
sowed fields are horning over hundreds upon , ••: ,
Bush fires are raging over an extensive area
hundreds of neres. It Is reported that unless
in Michigan, and unless rain soon comes
hero is a lot np in the dry, weather the Illi -
there will be a repetition of the forest fires of
nois Central will take off trains, as the water ''11,
five years ago.
supply for their engines is getting very low.
Sir Charles Tupper, writing to a Cabinet
A new industry has sprung up in the noig!1•
Minister, intimated hat be would return to
boyhood of Houtrose on the Northwestern
Canada about the middle of October in order
coati. The artesian well there is pouring
to prepare the worst for next eetsinn. ,•
oil' ih water In all undiminished stream ah -d ' -•--•- ----'-'•-
The Whitols of Run. T. P,. i'artlae, commis•
parties )lave rigged till `a .pnrtable taint con . .
tanning 6( gallon.. They fill this at the wools
slower of crown 1A48 for Ontario will l.4)
pionsctd to learn that he i9 rapidly rtooveiIn0
in about four minutos, and soil the tank fall
from his illness, and will soon be abin to IT.
to the n nncrs r.f we.11s in the nei thh�rhoo 1
et:., I,i� :h,:la' luti: , .k� ,.. n ''•• S': tl•.,
" hic•.i ..., . q-: . ,fry, at al Ill( 's,.!; fill. y