HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-29, Page 9ERA, CLINTON NEWPeasoe eLs.—O. J. Sheehy, the popr4- lar passenger agent. of the St. Louis & FRIDAY JULY 29, 1887. Wabash Railway, was in town for a short time on Tuesday; he was'e bra'terrtan .on �'— 4 kwmore.Baby Carriages at greatly Ile- Holmes started his career as R Conductor wife, of,l3rod yn, are Splendid House and Lot for Sale dirt T DI. C cling (their ne` e) Mr NOTICES. the Northern Railway, when "Dan" t �"... ilttfled Nees at a11S T WIT'CKELL'S kl on the same road. the oasts of lifts Mr Maltman and i man, though a Seotehmaa, says he never FOR THE NE T G DAYS, AT -AT -DISCOUNT SALE Malt - Cheap. MANNING d SCOT 1', Clinton. 20 20 per cent discount 'on Baby Carriages for August, at DICKSON'S BOOK STORE .For Horse Nets, Dusters.anel Cheap Har- ness, go to JAS T ITCH ELL Clinton. A large assot•ttn'nt of Top Shirts for Boys and Men at CLINTON WOOL BEESLEY d. CO are continuing their Great Cash Sale of Ribbons every Saturday, until August 20(4 Just opened out a. line line Black hosiery its Cashntere and Lisle thread, neat ratite, at BEBS'LEY d; CO'S WANTED -1,C00 Bushels Plums, 1,000 Bushels Pears, 10,000 Bbls. Apples, ED PLOODY, Clinton. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES via Northwest Transportation C.o. Ticke ton to Duluth and return, $29.70 ; Clinton to Port Arthur and return, $27.70 ; Clinton to ,Sault Ste Marie and return, $12.70 ; good to Oct. 31st. For information apply to JAMES THOMPSON, er A. 0. PATTISON, Clinton Zuni gapic . W119190'w BROREN. — While a young boy employed in Dickson's store was en- gaged in cleaning windows, he accidental- ly shoved a bok through one of the Large font panes. ';UICK PASSAGR.—Mr W. Jackson made the, passage from New York to Liverpool in the unusually rapid time of seven days and seventeen hours. As "Will" was sick part of the way, we fancy the time was plenty long enough, quick as it was. VANDALISM. --Weare informed that on several occasions lately, choice flowers placed on the graves of departed friends, in the cemetery, have been stolen shortly after being left there. Thefts of an•e kind are bad enough, but thefts of this kind are particularly so, and we hope it will not again be necessary to direct at- tention to this matter. saw a finer stretch of country than t between Hensall and Clinton.—Miss zie Beesley will send a few days with friends at Goderich.—Mrs McCauig, of ]JJ( Dungannon. who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs J. Miller, returned owe on Tuesday.—Miss,S. Eaves bas gone to Palmerston, where she will spend her holidays.—Mrs Jas Steep aniTchildren are visiting with her parents in Seaforth.— Mr W. D, lair°Is away on a holiday trip, I and Miss Fair is at her old. stand, as as- l sistant in the post office during his ab- sence,—Mrs W. B. Laing and children are here prior to talieing up their resi- dence in the west. etIr W. Hartt, of Guelph, eldest son of Mr C: A. Hartt, has accompanied his brother to Muskoka for the holidays.—Mr John Jarvis, of Stapleton, started on Monday on bis trip to the'old country, via the Allan Line.— Mr C. Ridout and sister are rusticating at the Point Farm, Goderich. -- The 'amity of Dr Reeve, with several friends from London, are enjoying the'. fresh air at Bayfield, which is this year' a very popular resort.—Mrs Will Coate has gone to visit relatives at Fingal.—Mr G. F. Brickenden returned to London last week. —Miss Ida Moore leaves for Detroit next week, where she will spend her holidays. — Mr Ockerline, Chief of the Detroit Fire Department, was in town for a short time last Friday,—Mrs East, daughter of Mr Geo Westcott, returned to Parkhill last Thursday. Miss B. Wilkinson, of Goder- ich, is the guest of Mils Paisley.—Mr Jas Turnbull is visiting friends at Pickering. — Mr E Corbett hats gene on a two week'e visit to friends in Stayner.—Mrs Duncan purposes visiting her children at Sault Ste Marie and Winnipeg.—Mr and Mrs H. McGreggor, of Cleveland, brother-in- law of Mr John Wiggington, are on a short visit to friends here. MissesN and E Barry, of Goderich, are visiting with Miss Mulles,. Mrs. R. P. D. Brown, and daughter, of Fort Erie, are visiting old friends here. Mims ZEALAND. --We are pleased to bo able to state that Mrs Zealand is holding her own, and the doctors think making progress towards,recovery, though she is not yet out of danger. She suffers a great deal as the result of her injuries, and the effect of the hot weather, but we hope to be soon able to announce that she is out of danger. CIVIC HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS—On the .5th of August excursion tickets will be is- sued good to return up to Monday, at the following low rates :—To Toronto, $2; London, $1; Port Stanley, $1.25; Stratford, 75c. Single fare tickets, good only, ,on day of issue, will also be issued. Further particulars may be obtained ot the station •-agent. Tickets may be obtained the night before. AN 'hfImDENT YouTII—One evening recently a couple of married ladies were walking along Albert street, when they met a very young boy who was puffing at a cigar for deaf life. Ono of the ladies made tho audible remark that it was a °shame for a boy so young to be smoking, when the young scamp deliberately walk- ed up and puffed a cloud of smoke in her face. • PRETTY PLAIN, BUT TRUE.—They say, " a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse," but it takes a heap of nodding, a .great deal of winking, and an miconscion- able grist of plain talk to make some people aware of the fact that their paper is in arrear. We want everyone who reads this paper to look at the label and `—_. _-see if it-_is_patd_up.s-If.-th.e f gu.res.show: that it is not is arrear, well and good, if, on the other hand, you see that it is in arrear, pay up at once. Now, every sub- - -scriberleek aryour label, and if you erre not right; get right. Wehave sent out a number of accounts recently, and did not do so just for the fun of the thing. Wewant the money, and we want it quick. We have given good value to our sub- scriber's, and we purpose shortly to give better, so that we, would like our sub scribers to show their appreciation of our . efforts by a prompt settlement of all un- paid accounts. This is plain, straight talk, and we mean it all. FINDS— Information was Laid last week against Mr H. Murphy, for violation of the Hawkers & Pedlers By-law, in dis- posing of jewelry and cutlery; he plead ignorance of the law, but the Police Mag- istrate i.mpased the lowest penalty allow- ed, $15 and costs.—The following were fined this week for violation of the Scott Act:—Grand Union, Royal hotel and J. Anderson. "The adjourned charge against Mr J. P. Fisher, of- Auburn, for violation of the Scott Act, has been dropped for lack of evidence.—At Wroxeter, on Tues- day John Gotten was fined for violation of • the Scott Act; Geo Cushman, of the same place; John Allan, Gorrie, for the same, and J. Hasket, of Gorrie; all 550 and costs. Mr •las Scott, Clinton, appear. ed for the prosecution in all these cases.— Oa information laid by Inspector Paisley, 71i'esars A.McAllister and W. Lasham, ho- tel -keepers, Colborne, eachplead guilty and paid a fine of $•50 and costs.. A FAILURE .1<;AIN.--During the past two years the crops in certain sections of the Northwest territory have been a total failure either from frost or droitth, parties from this neighborhood being among the ,sufferers thereby. They held on in the hopes that this year the crops might se. BRIEr3—Mr W H Cooper left yesterday for Caledonia,whernheis erecting a hand- some monument to mark `the spotwhere lies the remains of the tather and t1.,her of Mr D B Kennedy; Mr Cooper will also enclose the lot with a suitable fence.—A few days since MrThos Gibbings met with a painful accident; while coming from a mow in the barn, be attempted to slide down a chain, when the hook caught in his hand, tearing the flesh,. Mr. John Pickett had his hand severely crushed the other day, by some heavy tools falling on it, at Stapleton. Mr P. \V. Hayward has just turned out a handsome carriage for a gentleman in Seaforth; whenever people outside of town want anything good. they come to Clinton for it. Mr James Steep is about selling out his flourand feed busi- ness, owing to ill health. Mr Kenny, for some time in business here, talks of re- moving to California. Mr R. D. Bayley, late of Clinton, writes that he is getting along well at Battle Creek,Mich•; the beat he says, is intense and almost unbearable, the thermometer standing at 97 0 at mid- night. Mr S Wilson is adding to hiseom- fort by the erection of an awning. A counterfeit 52 bill, Dominion of Canada, was taken at the G:T.R.station a few day's since; it was remarkably well executed,, and would deceive any but an expert.— The contract of •Harland Bros., for fur- nishing the heaters to the High School, ivas-accepted_at a_ilpeSial:w.trsekfI g' •of the Board, on Wednesday. .Dir Fred Swin- bank left yesterday on -a holiday trip to Rat Portage, taking his ticket from the tcswn agency: Messra'C.A Rance and Joe Wheatley ,were out trout fishing one day last week, and caught 35 beauties. Mr Wesley Baker, of Goderich township, leaves in a few days for Toronto, where he will put in a term at the Normal, after which he expects to return to this county and resume teaching. Messrs. Dickson, Fair and Manning, now in the old coun- try, expect to sail on the 20th of August, on their return. Mr and Mrs C. Blake, of Goderich, relations of Mr John Smith, are pow on their way home from the same place. Mr Robt. Matheson, of Glencoe, Ill.; formerly of this paper, in a letter to this office, wishes to be remembered to his many -old friends here. A base ball match between the Clinton and Lucan Clubs. announced to be played . here to -day (Friday) has been cancelled. The Cemetery Committee should certainly do something towards improving the grounds there, for it is much needed. 'The regu- lar meeting of the town council will be held next Monday evening; there is no- thing more than the ordinary business to transact, Mr Henry Cole has onions which measure 12 inches in circumference. It is reported that W. -C. Morrison has gone to Stratford to reside; he is -one of those fellows that business transacted with is all the, better for beiug on the c. o. d. basis. Lieut. -Col. J. G. Holmes, of Vic- toria, B.C., (cousin of R. Holmes) who is to be commandant of the new battery of artilleryabout to be established in British Columbia, is atOttawagiving the govern- ment pointers on military matters; it has paid J,G. to be a good solid Conservative. St. Paul's Church ]las been re -shingled.-- The work ofcove] 'ng over Mary St. chain -is being proceed(! with. Mr H. Foster attended the annual meeting of Photo prove successful, but we are sorry to say Association at Oodericb, on • Wednesday. that in the case of the Ooriells, the Whit- Mr R. Welsh sustained a slight sunstroke tinghams', Goodwin and others, they are se failure, owing to the heat and gophers. For a time this spring the crops in that section never looked better, but a hot wave passed over that seemed to scorch them up, and what was not destroyed then.; was subsequently by the gophers. It is said they positively will not have any- thing whatever as the result of this year's work, and those wile have been there years are forsaking their land, and mov- ing back to Manitoba, where the crops are said to be much better. We were shown a ht er the other day from the Qu'Appelle district, wherein the writer said that there would not be even chioken feed on some of the farms, and his own place, on which he had erected a 5600 house in the spring, he could not sell at rive cents an acre; he said, also, that there was absolutely no sale for stock, as no one had feed for it. This is.eertainly a pretty hard state of affairs, and we suppose the only remedy for i is emigration to some More favored region, on Wednesday. Eighteen tickets were purchased at the et. '1'. R. station for the Niagara Falls cheap excursion, Thursday morning. Miss Maggie Carter, formerly of this town, was united in matrimony to Mr John Walker,of Seaforth, on Tuesday, the l9tb inst.; we wish the happy couple all the happiness ofa married life. Messrs W. Doherty & Co. have made some ex- tensive shipments of organs to New Brunswicic this week, also to Manitoba and the N. W. T. R. M. Racey has re- ceived some ten or twelve carloads of coal of late, and therefore will be in a position to meet the demands (Ibis customers early in then-eeasons Mr_.W- MCLoan shipped four cars of stock this week for the English markets. Mr Andrews also made some good shipments to Montreal. The Misses Lydia Smith and Amy Beesley, who have been visiting friends in Goderich,reknrned home on Saturday last. A small boy named Warrener had his Hp cut open while working in a flax field, another youth striking him with a stone, )KSON 'S BOOKSTORE CLINTON. On POCKET BOOKS tee will give a discount JEWELLERY " " SILVERWARE _MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS BIBLES PHOTO ALBUMS • - AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS TESTAM ENTS CUPS and SAUCERS SPECTACLES PIPES VASES and l'HINA GOODS VIOLINS and FIXINGS - CONCERTINES and ACCORDIONS WALL PAPER BERLIN WOOLS, FINGERING YARN, &e DAY Books Journals Ledgers, dtc MOUTH ORGANS, we will give a discount of (! (! • .( .4 44 ot 25 25 lb BABY CARRIAGES '° Ladies HAND SATCHELS Combs, Writings Desks and Workboxes " VELVET FRAMES and DOLLS ' " ' BASKETS " (! 20 25 25 25 '15 25 20 25 25 20 20 20 1?0 5. 20 30 20 25 15 per cent. (i Just a Few More Days For '.hose Great Bargains. '.. all other goody at proportionately low prices. This is the greatest opportunity ever afforded, to secure goods below wholesale prices. Our entire stock amounting to nearly 520,000, must' be reduced to 510,000 within the next G0 days. Come .and see our stock, and get our prices,. whether you buy 0. not. No trouble to show you the Great Bargains we ase offering. Terms Cash, or 3 months' credit to responsible parties. CHRIS. DICKSON,. - CLINTON. GOOD& We want to convince you that when we say they are VERY CHEAP, that it its fact. In a short time fall goods begin to come forward, and what summer goods wo have -we want to sell this season. We also know in some cases the price is what will keep them or let them go. We will not let the price bo in the way of keeping them. We can convince you more practically if yon will just trouble us by looking at some of our bargains and ask our prices. Lawns, Muslins,Prtrits I Parasols SHIRTI! ABE INCLUDED IN OUR BARGAIN LIST. GS, WHITE COFrONS and Groy COTTONS ALWAYS A FULL STOCK. GEO-:y E. PAY & CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. essessinsmassiswes A Good Si n. Ce ^� 4�@ea FIN E MERCHANT -:• TAILORING, CLI1srTo1 O1T We tell our many customers that we give them onr, goods at very low prices, and we certainly do. onr aim, object 'and ambition is to do a big clothing trade; to do this, depends largely on square and honest dealing with our customers and low prices. The best `sign of whether or not we do this, is by the progress our 1Tsiness has made. We figured out for spring a big trade and a big increase orot' the last, and we done i`. 'fn it few weeks we will be figuring out our fall trade, and to give the people, our Coed Goods at even lower prices, and with thin in view Mr_ \V Jackson is in England and Scotland to buy from first hands, and save the profit of wholesale men. Our rapidly growing business, especially in the ready made clothing, enables us to buy in very largo quantities, which means buy- ing at close prices We hopo to retain all the• new customers wo made Last season and to see many more the coming season. In 'a few weeks our entire staff of employees Will have had thele holidays, and will bo into the work of manuf; c - Wring for the fall trade, but in the meantime we wish to say that we have on hand in our reaclymade department Some Goats and Vests, Boys' and child- ren's Suits, MENS 81//T8 &ODD PANTS That we want out of the house, and prices will be no object to us to clear them out. It will pay you to buy them if you have to carry them for another . season. A. call 1.e, our establishment will convince you that we state positive facts in these columns. JACKSON BROS., CLINTt )N.