The Clinton New Era, 1887-07-29, Page 6Around the County. Therliah.sit Voters for the Township of Ilay, shows a total of 97.2. voters. Lot 16,con 3,Grey containing 100 acres,was sold last,Seturday, to Henry Savage. Tho Amount pig was $2,340. Mr Hebbs,ot Loudon, has sold his property in Brussels knows as the Drive llesideuee,for $1,450, to Mr Thomas Fletcher. Mr 0 H Sptague,lioeuse inspector forSontb Hnron,bas goue ou a three weeks' visit among his sons in Michigan,aud has not resigned his official position as stated het week. County clerk Adamson has beer. served with men writ at the ersteuoe of the Licence (ommis- eionersfor nou•peymeutof the sum claimed as the .G u rty'a two-thirds share ofenforing the Scott Act, Tho other day a vino~ nun named John Wilson, who is in the employ of Mr '.'hos Gibson, Fordwich, while.crosesing a pasture field on that gentleman'slfarm, was attacked by a bull and had a very uarrow. escape. Mr Herbert Crich, of 'Tuckersmith cut and bound twenty-five acres of fall wheat for Mr John Thorpe, on the 2nd concession, in the abort apace of ono and a half days. This work 4t was done With the same three horses, on a Toronto binder,,that has been cutting four years. While milking her cows on the morning of the 12th instant, Mre Hugh Dunn, of McKil- lop, Was "tossed in the air by a maddened brute, and slightly gored. The lady had a ..narrow escape from death and although bably •• • shaken up we are glad to hear that she is all right again. The Goderich Signal says:—WeJ regret to learn that T F Young of Port Albert,furmerly sohool teacher in that section, and well known to many in Ontario as a writer of verge of mere than average worth, has been stricken down with insanity, and has been committed toUoderich jail as a dangerops case. We hope to see him restored to his right mind libortly. Aman with elle leg and using twocrutches whoissomo whetfamiliar hereabouts solicitidg aid .to purchase an artiticid limb, created a little seuseti in on Tuesday last by borvowing a pocket knife from a passer by near Williams barber shop Goderioh, making, or pretending to make,an attempt to etre his throat. Officer Yule was sent for and conducted him to the lookup till he would recover from the effects of bad wirihksy, which appeared to be tho cause of his antics South Reufrewaliasbeen probably the scene of more Dominion and provincial by•eleetions since Confederation than any other county or riding in the Dominion. Although there have been but five general Dominion electious since 1867, the election to come off in .South Ren- frew on Tuesday next will bo the tenth held in that riding since the year named. There have been but six general elections for the Ontario Assembly, but the electors of South Renfrew have been called upon no less than eight times to choose a person to represent them in the provincial legislature. And al- though every election for the Dominion or provincial parliament has been hotly cqn- tested,ouly once did to ;Conservatives succeed in capturing the seat, The Dominion Fair for this year is to be held at Toronto, from the 5th to tate 17th of September next, in coujuuction with the great industrial Fair, and these two exhibitions combined to one will without doubt be the grandest affair of the kin° we have yet had ter Canada. Tue Prizes offered amount to the large ,sum of $30,000. The Toronto people are making great preparations for the show, and although theireexhibition grounds and. buildings are already the best and most ex- tensive in the country, yet they are adding $40,000 worth of •additional buildings this year. With a view of securing the show of live stock the first week as well as the second large special prizes are offered for horses,eattle ,l;heop and pigs, to be shown during the first week of the exhibition in addition to the re- gular prizes to be awarded the second week. A large number of superior special attractions are being seouredefor the exhibition, and they will be distributed throughout the whole time, so theshow the first week will be as good the second. Cheap railway rates and emelt.- alone will also be giving during the whole time of the exbibition,so that every one will be af- forded an opportunity of visiting this great show. Entries in all departments, except for fruit and grain, have to be made before the 131h of August, and any extendieg exhibitors who have not yet obtained a copy of the prize list should lose no time in doing so. They can be obtained from the Secretaries of all Agricultural Societies and elechanics' In stitutes or by dropping a card to Mr Hill, the Secretary at Toronto. O O»ERIeli. TfIE SEArORTHS THE CHAMiI0NS.— A return match between the Goderich and Seaforth Lacrosse Clubs for the championship of Western Outario, was • tvon y Oa Saturday murniu , as John Leggett of in four straights. This makes the Sea - East Wawsnosh, was driving down a hill on fort he the champions for the present, hie own farm par t of the harness broke and let the buggy in which he was riding, run against. the horse, which became frightened and started to kick. In kicking it sent its feet through the'lash board and caught one of them in the body of the buggy, Tho animal tried to free itself and in doiug so made a sharp turn around, which caused the driver to vacate his seat in the rig in a 'manner net to be desired. Mr Leggatt lit on the ground on his hands, and two arm, broken just above the wrist is the result. No other damage was arguedone, as e1r Leggatt, cyan with his two are broken, grabbed the horse by the bead and held him until and came. NEWS NOTES. b Seafurth at God e!'ich,on Tuesday Sir Charles Tupper resumed his }Iigh Cfommissionership duties on Monday. Up to Saturday night fifteen miles of the Red River valley Railway had been graded. —',While swimming in Victoria Lake Stratford last Eneaday night Mr Becker's clothes were relieved of$ 275, and Mr Hartley's of 525, There is no clue to the thieves. Tho writ has beon issued initating proceed- ings for the collection of the amount which Lennox and Addington should pay for the enforcement of the Scott filet and refuses to do so. The drought has not only injured the crops in :Smith Hastings and Prince Edward, but lumbermen have found the water so low iu the River Moira that nearly half of this sea. eon's-deiuo-has-beenle£t_h ' COMING FAIRS. HULLETT, CLINTON, SEPT. 27-2S West Huron, Goderich, Sept. 20=21-22. Tuokersinith, Seaforth, Sept. 28-29. Stephen and Usborne, Exeter, Oct..; -1. Grand Central, Hamilton, Sept. 26-30. Western Fair, London, Sept. 19-24. Provincial, Ottawa, Sept. 19-24. . Southern, Brantford, Oct. 11'-12. Central, Guelph, Sept. 20-22. Industrial, Toronto, Sept. 5-17. Northern, Walkerton, Oct. 3.4. North Perth, Stratford, Oct. 0.7. CLIFTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thtu•aday, July 28, 1587. Wheat, spring White and red - • Oats Barley Yeas - Flour, per cwt Potatoes 1 -Satter Eeigs Poi': • flay Wool • ;Sheep pests "Lamb skius Clover, per bush. 0 7S a 0 80 O 78 a 080 028 a 030 040 a 050 O 48 a 050 200 a 225 065 a0 70 '012 a 013 01'_ia014 550 a 600 800 a 8 (10 O 2.4 a 025 O 50 a 075 060 a 0 80 500 a 550 At The Dry goods 'glace GREAT SUMMER SALE. OF DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MILLINERY, &c. 9..moi =\,.. M..a..Td 3:3aeA.112,C .MIN S MIN . =,1=BM +v .d. r a .i.,s.MN ID IVZ 4,/ SM .IIIN Sas' MILLINERY AT; COST PRICES. n. Housekeepers will find it to their -advantage to call and see us. • FIVE PER CENT . '. FOl i CAST -5. ,JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. ZIoaGENs. EAPSIDE NEW FALL NEW ° PALL NEW FALL PRINTS PRINTS PRINTS Ilavil.g Leen awarded the cake for the Choicest Prints in the Hub for the Spring and summer, Cheapside intends to keep ahead and to show the newest goods as they are `produced for thee frill engem: EWW SEER.SYJCKERS EW SEERSUCKV.RS 4- 1 EW SEERSUCIKERS 1'Hh: VERY L,AT.EST PATTEI: NS AND 4V1' PI;JCEs fife) SfIT, j 7. yEW CARPETS EW CARPETS EW CARPETS Our Great Sale IS DOING WONDERS FOR .ITS. ONLY rrWENr_FY-T E� Days retrain , and in that time our stock must he greatly reduced, regardless of prices. And women of keen judgment and economical instincts will find it to their interests to buy from us:. As it i:; time that has Many a stock of 1>r'y Goods, by rendering them sloop -worn au(l ut:sea-ouablo ; we Inran to keep ours fresh by selling elf what we have on hand. We otter -' TIN rir Only como to hand. from tite old sod on Friday last, being in the market on that that day, I 'secured some very choice patterns and styles; come and see what wo Dress dennitalent 15c C4rootls for Sc., 40c. cashmeres for 25c. In C'ottoii we will are .doing at Cheapside. give you 33!i yards ford. Surely such prices will NEWMUSLIRIS 1 musUNS.. CRUSH `s'tlut the chimer, about hard times, and will.catise your careworn fac•o to bear itq• Some very choice lines to hand, will be open for irtspeetion- at once. Islop it>< usual smite. We wish you to save money while the special. sale lasts• .and sec Cheapside. NEW GLOVES and IICiSIERY — NEW GLOVES and .HOSIERY - NEW GLOVES and HOSIERY Ladies' come to CIIEAPSIDIE for your GLOVES & HOSIERY, it will pay you. From now till 1st Sept., all summer goods at clearing prices., Please bear in mind I have ro old stale 'goods that Lave been on -the shelves from 4 to 10 years, but all new, flesh and the very latest styles of Dry Goods, only bought this spring, so that it. will be money in your pockets to come and sen what is doing at SAML. WILSON, CHEAPSIDE Thomas Davidson, of Listowel, was fined $250 and sentencedato three menthe' imprison- ment for having a proprietlry share in an illicit still. Benjernin Brandt would have suffered the same fate, but he escaped from the Listowel lock up. An uafortuuato affeil'oecurred on the clay express going wasp 00 Monday, ou the (; W divison, nearLondon, A cinder from the ,en- gine flew into Mrs. Wright's eye. She got offlat Chatham,and medical aid was summoned, but in spiteof the efforts of the two physicians, oho has totally lost the sight of her right eye. ldrs Carrie Campbell, second chapter of the late rev. Dr. Rice, dielisuddenly fit the resideuceof her brother-in-law, Bev*. C''un- ningham,. at Stratford;'on Wednesday morn- ing,from internal rupture; Her hnsband,who is a member of the firm of Campbell, Spoarer res Co,, of Winnipeg, is now en route to To- ronto. A Kingston telegram says:—Tie farmers aro so mach in favor of Commercial Union in this district,and especially in the constituency of Hon• Mr Kirkpatrick, that it is proposed to have a convention during the fall ex- hibition and put their opinions oa record. Here, as in some other places, the leaders in the agitation are -Conservatives. By the lose of the steamer S:r Johd Law- renee in tho Bay of Bengal, early in July, 800 lives were lost, maitly females of the beat families in Bengal, on a pilgrimage to JngtXen- aut. From the2lst to26th of May a cyclone raged in the Bay of Bengal with disastrous results to shipping, and attendee with great loss of life. The storm was the severest ex• perienced in that onarter since 1860. A sad accident happened et Toronto on Saturday afternoon. Percy 51eDouala, son of J. K. Mcdonald, of the Confederation Life surance Compauy, was with auothergertle- Jpan and a lady rowing on the lake, opposite the rifle butts, when a stray bullet fired by one of the volunteers, win were practisiug, ntruck him on the silo rind passed oleau through his body, after passing through the Bide of the boat, The unfortunate youth was brought to shore, and afterwards conveyed in the ambulance to his tittle -Cs residcuce, where ho died. Governor Seny was tee victim of a peculiar noeld int at Montgomery, Ala., on. Tuesday afternoon. Ifo and his secretary, J. K. Jack son, were driving down the main thoroughfare of the city, when one of the guy wires which support the overhead cable of. the electric etreet railway broke and fell to the ground, striking the Governor's horse, Thrr,wire was heavily charged with clectriclty,and the bone was shocked and burned to death in a few minutes. A second later the wire would have struck the Governor and Mr. Jaclison instead of the horse. A Pename despatch Faye : A picket .of soldiers was recently sent to Beni, a province ,of Bolivia, by tho Le Paz authoritics,but they wore cut of by the Indians and slaughtered On receiving particulars of the affair the pro. feet sent seven missionaries to endeavor to come to terms. Of these, two joined the Indians,four were allowed to return afterithey had sworn to assist the insurrectionary cause, while the seventh was barbarously murdered. One leg was tied to tho tall of a horse, and the other leg to the tail of another horse, and the animals were flogged until they starts 1 in opposite directions, literally tearing the man in half. This cruelty WAS praotisodon hen be °anse110 oldeavored to persuade the indinns to beer me peaceal le. The prefect of Beni Sias °oil. eted one hundred and fifty men and intendr in attrek the lnrlinns. - AFOFTIU JMARKE'l • Se1I-ORTno, July 28, 1S57. eVLeat, spring, SO 75 a 0 80 Red and white - • 0 75 a 0 80 02S a 030 O 48 a 0 50 040 is 051 O 12 a 013- 0 12 a 015 0 65 .a 0 70 5 50 a 6 00 0 24 a 0 25 2 00- a 2 25 Oats, ' Peas, -. Barley, P Butter, • Eeerq - - Petatees, Pori:, - Wool, • Flour per cwt BLl'fH MARKETS. (Reported :tl Ectrlly f .r the NEW ERA evert' Thursday)- • Blyth, July 28, 1887. fall wheat, red, per bush. • . 75 a 7$ Spring„ • . 75 a 78 Oats Barley Peas . Apples per bag . Potatoes,, new Eggs per do: Butter,rolls . Cheese , Lord . • Flour per cwt. Hogs, . Hay, . Straw . Wool . . 27 a 39 . 4a a 48 . 48 a 50 .• 40 a 50 80 •a.100 15 a 15 . 11 a 12 . 15 a 15 . 10 a 12 . 200 210 5 50 6 00 • 10 00 12 00 2 00 3 00 .2 a 215 Mout re tat Lf rt' stuck esitrites The supply of butchers'cattto is pretty large and the close, "muggy" weather being uu favorable for keeping fresh meat. the butchers wore rather slow to "take holt" and prices, especially of good cattle, were lower. A few head of beeves were sold up to nearly 410 per lb, brit prime animals' eou.ld'be had at from 4c to 41e per pound with pretty good °tittle at about file, and comaton to inferior beasts down to less than two cents per Ib. Sheep are in good demand at former rates; shippers paying fe for the best and butchers paying from ?-'8 to $5 each, for the others. (hued laruhe sell at from e3 to $3.75 ealti, common lets at $2.25 to 52.8e eneh,auel inferior lambs et el :i0 to 8,2 00 each. Yat bogs aro very • scarce and a small lot ens sold for No per'ib, The horse trade is fairly active and during the past week there were shipped from here to the United States, 73 horses costing P7,539,50, or pn average of $103.28 each. Oue t air cf these horses cost $150, but the highest priced larg lot wore IS horses which cost $1,924, and t lowest priced lot were also 18 horse., which cost 111,581. r i OUSE TO LET.—THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS `i. to rent. A cmrentently situated house on Rat- telbury St., hard and soft water, good fruit, lawn and shade trees thereon. J. C. GILROY, Clinton. { ITORE TO RENT.—THE PREMISES RE - ►J CLNTLY occupied by Mr Simpson, on the cor- ner of Albert Street is offered to rent. it is one of the bast stands In town, Apply to JOS WHITEHEAD, Clinton. 11OTTAOE FOR SALE—THAT COTTAGE AND lJ two lots, formerly occupied by Neil Mathorson, next, east of the residence of W. Doherty, Esq., con- noting half nn cern of land, and the most eligible dwel- ling In Clinton. Very liberal terms given and pus-es- sion at May next. Iv w FARRAS. IF.MALE TEACHER WANTED. — FOR THE l A Model Term and for the Lowest Room of the Clinton Pohllc 8 honl. Must hold not less than secmv6cbasa certificate. Must be capable of teaching music. The model term is about three months, and applicants a:ll state salary expected. Appl:catt, - rrertvr'l VP to the r'e,iog of the 1:tth rf Au;„ 1t 11 !ilia:, s�•:r.,,,., - NEXT DOOR 1'0 T. COOPER & SON'S GROCER V, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. e,amaae'r.-, DON'T iFORGET TO ATTEND DETLOR & CO'S IIIMMOTHCLEARINGSALE Wonderful value in MUSLINSi An Over Laces and DRESS GOODS J. C. DETLOR & CO., - Clinton. VOTERS' LIST 1587,. MUNICIPAL]. TY 01' TIIE TOiVNSIIILOFltl'LLET'I',COCN LYUF HURON Notice is hereby given that 1 hone transmitted or de livered to the persons mentioned in the, third and fourth sections of "The t otery List Act," the copies required by the said section to he so trensh,ttted nr elivnred of the lint made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the hast remised Assesment Roll of the said municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said municipality, at elections for members of the Leg- islative sdid listen as firstand !Jested Municipal et any Elections, ffice,rtr ondesand boro, en the Gth clay of Ju1y, 1887, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate porcoedings to have the said errors corrected according to law, Dated the Gth day of Jul), 1887. JAS. Brut nWAITE, ('Icr1t. TRIED, TESTED and PROVEN. THE HOME COOK BOOK, BY THE T.AI)TES OF TORONTO. Over 100,55,0 copies eon- in use in Canada. - • - - sect to nnr address on receipt of 8l. LT 0 'SE AND LOT ron •SALT: ,- :THAT IALU- .11 A: tt and converfiently situated property owned by It hn Callnnder. being lot 188, on the north side of Huron St. Tho house has suitable accommodation for large family, Ai Rh All conveniences, such as hard and soft water, etc. Good stable on the lot. further particular' on application to`•111ANN1Nt) iC SCOTT, Clinton. —� • (i It A. Z1.1) DO1111Oion and IadnStrial Exhibition, 1887 -- TORONTO, 887— TORONTO, SEPT. 5th to 17th $f1O,000 IN 1PTi I! Lt Wit. ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST lore . This, being the pominton and IntLnstrrat Baht ba mbttlerl, ilt tgesblb ironltionof 1110coagrieultura.lwanboti indriourstrhtatel prodtoxuctis of this country ever held. A GEASD PnoCRAlntfi lee SPECL1I, ATTRACTION IS BEING I'REPA'tiD. 12010111 tickets at single taro and cheap exour- srnne on nil railways during the full time of the Exhibition. TiIE BRE',TEST EVENT of the JUBILEE YEAR At Rirtian:Iit cheap Cad Store, Clintit.. ACKSON'S, THP. BAI3UrAI> SHOE IftIIJSB, Opposite the Town Hall, Cl�.tono ... CDI:'TO T 8z �T.�SZ Tom, ()Ts. BA SIIOES Our stock of Loots and Sloes Tor spring and summer have been selected with great care, and will,be found very complete in all lines. We are agents for 15ACK & SON'S FAR FAMED FINE HAND MADE BOOTS ANn SHOES, EGGS TAKEN IN Ex(.'I1ANV1:. FIVE PER CENT OF.I? FOR CASH. Wm- Coopoy,. For Pri;n i.istsnnd full informa Hun address ^ r 701inton and E313rth ■ I' I WITHRO�ir,,.1 pIi iT ;Anil �,:.'1 a,M1nrto, 1Llna;(r for Ili tit.