HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-29, Page 5,. - .. N..'.` n . s' .11 �' ' - 0 - .. ... - __ - - .. -. _ v,rive-t...mm:�.�....,r--cw•c+.----,".----*-uw,A,-Dw,4 + .. .. .,-. _ .. ... .. .. J. ,a _. ._ _-.. ._ .. t 7'lils Cabo of btr Baird, who holds the , f house purpustls.arid for wutoriug their lawns cold Lvater-not too cold. 'I llell you stand Bell 544, Jane Crozier 494, Lydia Campbelt ' i� loll � t1U f C t l r 1111'11 �:5 • ° 1 � � i9'd T t � � l � � C � ` and streets gncl fur fire purposes. For a city ill a recess, and the att:•, '.int lets a shower 440, Katie Devereaux 488,b11nuie. Devereaux stolen seat fur Queen's Co4lity, is again at- of over 700 thousand Inhabitants, it is of of water on y'sit, The" . on get wall dried 473, Tessie Devereaux 517, Minnie, rratt A oord--W Sloan• I tractill •r attention from the fact that his con- (Contributed by J, C'. Stuyoust•n.) great importance that there should be plenty and a large sheet is git , you and you Lie 531, Mamie Logan 483, Lizzie Menzies 542, BX mrsiun - U. T. It. 0 IIS tese days of railroads, %.ben oil can down on a euuch untf i vuu cool off -you A �fe Moxle 426,Flors McGregor 496, Em - .$00%s etc -XV Cooper. btituents have lately I assed resolutions eu- go ill such a short timO to rtlulust any l,lace °f kuud water. feel like having a slec•i After this you alga Nevin, 5.00, Bella Itoas 469, Jane Shan- $ytay cow -I" l3aulou. doraili his action ill holding on to the seat. su�lE uE' Its INvrart,ius. ' g Of ilnportauce Olt the continent of America, dreas, get Jour vuluabL.. and go out feeling non 423, Maggie Smith 475. Besides the Ribbons --Beesley' & Co. There is nothing surprising in their action, people do not think much of going i2 juuruoy To a person raised in a small town the first-rute,aud having a v. ;, iter skin thau you above, a number of 'pupils obtained more Boy Wanted -W Martiu, It is quite natural .for them m to endorse frons Clitltwl to Chicago by fail, as you can busy thoroughfare of a big city like Chicago have had for some tlrilL ; all this takes an I than the pass marks in the aggregate, but "Voters' List -Win Croats. at aboard n carriage Liu the G. `l,'.11uilvay, is immense. one wonders where they tare I hour and a half. n is now the encs of the failed in obtaining the minlmum number of Dress Goods -Pay d co. what the Conservative members Gf the house g 1 o b g y b week and to-morr.,,,Ayill be Sunday, harks in some subjects. These will be made ahoy Housee--Jelin Jackson. at Clinton at 4 ). ul., and be in C'blca'o at all ping, what the do for a livin £,and holyfiti�, also endorsed, however questionable or im- 7.30 a, Ill., next morning. You cross the fit, all of thein do manage to support themselves, bONLAr cutemio, known at a future date if the education de. A rood Sign -Jackson Bros. proper such a proceeding was. It has a)- Clair river during the night, and you need but when you understand how much work C:Liettnu seems bury even on Iu,'unday', the partment confirms their recommendation. 012 tap Haruesu-J Twitchell. Y Y Y (lay is Pot kept as we keep it in Canada. ----+*0 - go --- $a y Carriages --J 'Twitchell. ways been Ilerfectdg�clear that DlrBairdhoti not change your• car till you arrive at Chi- id done in such a Cit ever day, the thous - $lap :Hosier ]Seesle & Cu. not the slightest right or claim to the sago. You leave the beautiful city of De- ands who are employed in factories and Trains are running ; street cars are going BORN Y J b b troit and go through a country which is dot placed of business is realized. A factory ! their rounds; men are busy working, man Baay Carriages -Chris Dickson. J g' Y TROW o Trowhn , of itClinton, on the 10th hu t., the wife J Morchattt Tailoring--liauce R Cu, swat, and the government could have redeem- to be compared to Ontario- or to a ;,noel lfltu Deerfng's, where over two thousand are more are on pleasure; thousands go out to of Mr Goo Truw•hul, of u sou. Female teacher wanted-W� H Hine. ed itself to a certain extent, Lad they rc- part of Ontario at least, Passing through ' o:up,oyed unakI g agricultural implements. the parka and spend the day; plaoeq of MARRIED Hoose and Lot for sale Mantling t� Scott• , hated lliui entirely, because the wets [Michigan, Indiana and part of Illinois, a A st;40 like Marshall Field's, where over amusement are open. It is a sad thing to _ _ I uc Y great doral' of the land is low au(1 aLA aulpy,nit(l 1500 hands are employed in one ,store, and' sea such a desecration of the Sabbath. brides sfs Orr, on the 2 Eh,nett the y Otte R veE 6 Ruperrt ____.--.._-_ _ . ,T . -- - __ _ sure of a majority anyhow. To sanction the lying very' flat, while other, again is very' many Other establisLmellts of a similar While many, too many, spent the day in e[ A, lir Calvin Osborne to Mins A rales Lorimer, nlluf good, with so to fine farms and oodhouse�. natu,-O, give sonic idea of the, immense trade. plea9tare, many good citizens are spending Clinton. /�I return of Baird under the circumstances, g g .'1. ��������priv ����+ As y'otl approagll the aoutltevu end of Lake rile Clay ill serving the Master. FLOODY-BEECiIER--On the 20th ins}., at Bella'�lVI'f was decidedly impolitic flet- _ ulcer. YARLn. 1111a Cottage, Olivet, Micb., Rev It. J, Flood to Mise Michigan and thea, go in a northerly direr- AMONu T E CHURcnss. � y --...•y.4- i flop on tale west side of the lake, you get `:lie stock yards is one of the sights of the Hearing a great deal of Professor Swing, AddinBeoc Beecher. FRIDAY, JULY °0, l S$7. SarelusE Las been ex rossod by saute of vers' soon in the victia of Chicago, and 1f city, of course it is not one of as pleasing a I went in the morning to bear him in Central ALBERT -HAMILTON. -In Godurich, on the i2th P ou Have been in a batch in a glee lin *car e'L racter as some others, but it leas its o lust., by the Rev G. It. Turlc, Mr Joseph Albert, to sleeping 4 , , Music Hall, a beautiful building and fine bites Ellen Hamilton, of St. Marys, -- --------' - the,f#iovernmeut paperdQgZ'• a3 1:'":bc% If- since loaving Detroit at 11 o'clock lastnight, peculiar attractions. There arehunderds of mucic from the organ. E£o preached from biEC1iIN5-ANDERSON-At'tho re3,denca of the TBs Cwntidian Pacific Idtiilw a c an 's McIntyre, you will be u fit half past six next •mornin large enclosures where the cattle from the the text, `But Solomon in all his for was bride's mother Stephen, on the 20th hist„ by the roe - J jl� Y have nominated DIV Duncan Mclnt re P p g far West, the Northwest and South are en- glory ter of Exeter, hey, S F Robinson, lir J bieckuls, of Northwest mono of is Loin attacked ill a and dreased,loof(iug over the water and oth not arrayed• like one of these." It was a P Y g vice-president of the C P R, as a candidate er thil;gs of interest as you are now not ten closed, besides places for • hogs, sheep and grand ser%L�on in one way,but was not much Usborne, to Miss J Anderson, of Stephen. new,quarter. It isannouuaed that the Grand for the vacant seat in the House of Com- feet front 'South Chicago, but you have.calves. Here. you see men on horseback of a goap0l sermon. In the afternoon I went lIARRETT-OREWAR -In Ingersoll, a2 the 12ut Trunk Railway company will apply to the mons. Mr McIntyre has never been or pre- yet twelve utiles to go by the lake shore,aud driving cattle from the cars to their places, to Moody's church on Chicago avenue,where Miss Nellie, oldest daughter of Mr Jnol Grewar both oard Barrett f you cannot go so fast, your train ling to be and galloping up and down to head off these they have the largest Sunday school in the Brussels. d ' British Columbia legislature for a charter to tonded to be anything. but a Reformer. lIis stopped several times crossing other roads wild cattle from the plains. A lame build- oily, over two thousand on thA coli. ','here BARROW-DRISCOLL--At the residence of tlta construct a railway tlirOngh the, Hooky tem temporary connection with the Pacific Rail- ing at the entrance is where the b sand Il y and stations. Now you notice the folks in is a school for the Chinese before the regal- bride's father, on the 2Gth mst., by the Rev Wm Tor- 141ountaiita, frotn�;aucouve> or New West- way company did not interla-a with liis the car begin . to straighten up and fix up sellers meet to dobusiness-the' Bank. Isere Quite ranee Mr Christo her Barrows m;nister t000nnopt with t e American roads their cloths, and brush n their hair, etc., y(la sec spacimena of bullocks' horns polished sae oo to learn to read and to be t of Lt tale '�;'�1'- 0'°pMcKillop.' Brussels, to Miss M A all La t °his' .ark 1(Z q lot of nonsense p and mounted, lookin ver fine,-sOme of g g Y k•y ,:;,:o,, _ ' rthe residence of tho bride's �.. and those who have been snatching a sleep g y «word of God, and they each have a teacher rather, Gdde,)ch, al the loth iupt, by [rev Goo It Turk Lo the eastLvard. The DGminipn g(ivarument ls:bullie bi'it"tYt'e""1%- orni party, allanging on their seats ill ani sorts of postures durink them spreading four or five feelrbelonging as they seem to want it so, After 't]tie school lir w Y, Yates of Winghant, to Emily A., daughter oi Rwill have to keep their disallowing machine its polio with respect to the Canadian the night, try to look as happy andeomfort the Tezas cattle. jrou see hundreds of is out the large school is opened and after N Keaton, G. tT. R. policy 1 6 y I l Y buildings, railroads and waggons,and thous- g P in good working order if they mean to keep Pacific railway. Nobody ever blamed the table as those who had a good rest in a Pull- ands of nlen who are employed in the differ- that they go off into of the r rooms, with Rev G -MAO , Air Edward Buffalo, on July 11th man, but it is -haul to do it without a greatquite a school in some of the rooms. It is a G Rev G H Smith, Air Edward Hopper, formerly of lip the monopoly. And dishnowmicu It" not members of the Pacific company for driving deal of practice. Now for several miles as ent packing houses. There are several large grand school and they are an active lot of Galertch, to hiss Lora btacCumber, of Buffalo. rivalled in the Maidtobft can(•. firms here who kill cattle, hogs; sheep, etc., the Leat bargain they could with the govern- you come into the city by the Baltimore & to shi Armunr & Co"Nelson }des & UO.- ahristtans in this church. They have mss- DIED --- . visited •- government cerlaiul lovas a lliO Road, the lake front has pima Then in p- y ddler, aged 03 years and 11 months, Tut: fllu-T Nbage in the long, struo;;le of blume(1 for inaking what Trus Considered too ill along the shore, to protect from the en- Mr Peok,one of the foremen who took me all very roughest parte of the city, I went to a"a crouch of the waves. Ae you ©tdown more one and the folks were rough, the front win ltlNies-In Exeter, Liu the 1741 lost, Elizabeth, g throu 11 and ex pained its inner workings. g wife of Thomas Milers, agod 20 years and 4 months. I'xemier Mowat to secure for Ontul:io the liberal a bar;ain with the resources of the into the city y'ou begin to see something of g p dotes were boarded up, the glass till broken; TAYLOR. -In Godericl'r totrnship, on Jul 16th, ,ownership of tiledioixited territory has been country. Dit 9IcTntyre is a large iuoperty the oxtent of it, and Houle of its large It is a very extensive concerp owned by a they called it "-Little Hello" on f on my Eliza, wife of Alexander Taylor, aged 6a years and 7 �`•' ' I ' g * • > pun prion that budl,liu;.;s will bit,y luau anti ltetivitY. until JUw. Th(•v kill oIl all average 1500 they work ill this church ail the day totlg, months. )oachod, the. I Ilvy, Uol(ueil having granted owiler in Itenfrow,a.nd the plea i cattle It (:lay in their establish pleat, - , 131DDGLPII-In Goderich,July"-1,Goorge Biddulpt( L•., pawl of the depot, front 6.30 a. m. to J.30 at flight, that is if- egad e7 s'ears and 5 nwilths. have to appLitil froui the docisfou of the Ca- 1}e may redeem tiler ,sea%liltly- have allured About 10' .,,o a. m, I How a large yard full of fereut persons. ,':ver one has something to JAMIESON.-Iii Ilutlett, on the 23rd inst., trillium ,1117,N,,C IN '1111: oto Litt. I cattle uucd the)- were ill killed, dressed and' 1 J' o nadide court in ftivor'af this 1'rot•iuee. A.s alnrel i•t C;or;ru11(frtIt c•ir(•lr J to They have a 1U11C11111 the bL111dIllg HO a9 JGNRIIINaged80years 0.11(1 Sinre, of Well. Illy tAVII(l, What is the hr,t thing hung up by noon, They have deep artesian to save tL,e cora,( well from loins so far to AR11ton, fuh oro St, -NI Aria ng rho ,21st, lir r, Mr MowaCs positions have till aloha been . __ _ _ _ we moll Letter too I Why, 'et Hotu(•tlung to I wells abottt a thoiluand feet deep, aucl before y going Armington, frtthor of Mr 3[ Arminbtou, forluorly of € their meals, cud- have them ready to go out Cliutun, ,Ltd 63 years -died. f heart disease. $'1lalaillCd by the Privy COUILCii, it i9 RIL0. - - (:it 1 suppf• o, but as I Why, %\ -its hal'(: be- I tilC C.l1t?C•;ll'C lillle(1 tlla COId R"ftteC 14 forced to the saloon still oil tiro streets, with lllvita. 111LLER--In Aullett, oil tl,e 35th 1n>t.,John Duller, A"I 11 1 I tl t 1'il t 1 "1 Additional Local"; t awls. fore I hurdl kiunv tehicll a•ay to;;u, Or ILOtt• thV011,1 hale and the cattle aro cooled Off, tions to colic to the meeting • they are called aged 7n year.,, �., l(.1 1tplh.0 ht j e ILL ,a C I ('1M1 ICbtl t w ll - oe reacted ill thfa case. Tho dispo,itio!1 oil - -- " -" -- to us,ua,c. 11'cll, let a go up nod gut cora lnal(in1; breukfn�t, null I L ill tell yon when these b:OQ.l he tient better when killed, the it •.ria;,( out Vlore free];: • Then the yoke fellows, I had'ny tea with them. Af- to the craning service 1 went house, and tlre'part of tli'o 1'i'fvy' C'e?intcil i4 ulyvtty's to hli(l: -A eln:,il l,ou,e (.n the .'cu'.)'' Air slittrlicrn see t, i,tntilger I,uar a tIQjlut, lo,)kiu,„ c title 1 r4 rh•ivell up au incline to whole they are driven into left the huge city the next wit s for the stistain colonial (lccisioua, ulrluri it tcry weste n Dart of the town, owned f_: ,h,it•tnt i, Jnhu I)eeves Intl Occu pied spy his aura -in „ , „ 1 ' 1 1 trona c l,c ul u tori£ of t 1. as if he hit,, jllst ttt'rived, v,%lieu ill hued tinct the,; clnfuse(1, t1e Ruutlu confi(lquce nolo Lt ill Huy I1WLS tu•c sltttl;flttered; tl'Ith C1R'lH1enH al,tynt 7 ft high, and tLe'1 Jus`f wide town of Clititlpl, veLich T f1un;1 sumer; but gnioter than ('llioa�ro. ,, law, Iklr 'J'aylor,, caught fire in the roof • aide Oat. I lust'lghuradny aftcruoou, but it tvaa quick- lie i; expecting soniL friunds £roil Canada, come unit hill tvik you if yon had seen any Cana. 'onough at last, Hingly up till aisle, to walk up, auto wen are walking --• - ��---- ,i --r.s:e----_- 1} xiiuguisfied before much damage had clians on tae truiu,au(1 lie,vas veru lonesonie ovenc�nd and was tt•avelling for sonic large firm twell long ou ;-'all[ ways with lcnnimer5 with handles, and the bullocks are kuockcil (,NT11.1viCL LYAIfIti 1TiU\: Yl 1'uu6nlaa%er-Gcucriil Dtcl.cl:iu hu.i sec» done, known to every body in Canadal, an+l wits un 'Ile head told dropped, thou a dour is 1'hu entrance examination to to the High ,•[ally (toile what I:e is Charged with itl order II.1'H1: SCU't"r Act IN LfuRON."-- A let- HO glad he ItKcf Inlet it Canadian, etc., wollt raised Il t Jtl`it Opposite posite ail(t It rope fastened t 1 I p Schools was held on July 4111, nth and o *et even with Sir Ilichar(1 L'urtwri;;htfor b ter appeared in the London free Press of "1'eritas," In- you colic and have LL drink nod it lunch (:tc. Ile will show the city. Ile is (t Act} , Liu the uu"util, then it is drawn out into all aisle when the throat eutaild heals is cut ol't' air, The examination as a whole was vary fair, andany candidates who may not have passed '-he drubbing which the latter gave Lim Li yesterday, signed charging spectOr Paisley with improper conduct it, you amiable cliariic•ter, with larAtto ,beuevoiencc tit once, nus) thou hung id ws blood 'i'ho ill cannot fairly attribute it to the difficulty of :he house of Commons tiie session before his office. We understand Mr Vaisley apparently, and lie will put himself about to e"til flows Out freely. hide is taken off a 'l'liis work on just as the patters. The candidates required to GU )ast, after DIr DlcLelan tract delivered his .. has instructed his solicitor to delnaad the td allow y'tyu the City.. Rut vtyn must city as a Terson I knew did. Tell him you rather very short time. goeq Close aq the melt call work together. The g male 3;3 per cent of each paper anti per r cent' of the total number. of narks. the *first and last Budget speech, he has been o 1 name of the writer of the article, and if a t 1 bt 1 1 . 1 ' f nr f •'ends in Canada tit head i3 drawn to a circular saw Rnrl the following candidates have beenprocisionlLlly . suilty of a piece of neanuess beneath tile ; r' c{ full apology be not published, to institute ( ort e( lis "aunt n t1 all, but thou;.,lit some of his creditors in horns cut off. The careaso is divided up fn- I,ussecl by the local board of I xamiuers:- Tile 'Aew ` dvex tionlent "o dignity of a Cabinet Minister, though we an action for libel; Canada would -like to see hint, especially if to•halves and quarterg'and hung up. CLMTON. Then the (- `" fare say Sir Richard will survive the shock, 1!IEt( WHEAT.- Several farrntsr6 have ,he could settle tlp,alul as to his s I wfug you the city, se said., i toted hint that tying to mast is very fifle, what I saw. . 'Fliom CLINTON MODW, Scuom,.- Arthur J meat 13 rolled along oil pulley's overhead to C Craig 413, Hardv O P Evans 546, Junin R J-1000 GENERAL SERVANT WANTED AT ONCE Mr 1 e Ii xtc%elun ordered that the name Of the shed their wheat the first We already threshed DIr Jas Churchill, of unfavorable Ile coultts I had rgiul suet heard an immense ice house Lvllero it la frozen, al- Croy 463, R'ut T Ilolloaay 405, Albert E When I l� Highest wages given to cumperont person Apply to MRS, C E HOV1:Y, Clinton ostoffiCe atCartwright,t 1 in Westl)uil u ll,be from Cartwright to Blackstock, in heard of• being Goderich:township, who, we are informed, of hint, I could not accept of his company, or from a bt)Y}' I heard of a ytiun. fellow though it leas a very hot rhes', Moor, 530, Hattie Rumball 517,. Dlimlte was there I soon got cold in the ice l:ouae. Rumball• 470, Bella Stephens 524}; lithe L a 1? r400DGENERALSERVArT WANTED AT ONCE, o'jttnbed honor rho DIV htrd a field of thlrt. bushels to the acre Y Y whoa some of,these follows were t lug to The teen have to hear veru heavy flannel Williams 470, Libbio Cruickshank 5518, Hat- ill that ,art Vf Apply to MRS. J C GILROY, neat Organ -Factory $i be for competent of ((CTltlelllflll who opposed Co far no new grain has been marketed, rope in, while walking along the street, tw•o all the , time w•ben working o 0 1 tie Dodd 482, Nellie M Kea'7e 436, Lucy J will given person. Blake fu that riding last February. , The prospects are that the price will rale ",2 df the sharpers were talking about the busi- of the . building. They have ice Ilia- Stevens 437. - to thousand - ON SUNDAY NIGHT MISS SOUTII- - ,.� - - low, opeolog at about 68 to cents per bushel,' and probably lower than ftlia. loess they were in and wanted to get the n(lmo of the supposed greeny and his' bus,- chines costing front 20 ,0 OTHEV. SCU0oLa-Walter Connor 153, Wei dollar ,and make their own ice, man miles Y • John Dobson 470, Fred C has Elford ' 531,, LOST. rouses lust u Cold Bracelet }vhile.going tromohurctt + to the farm, on the gravel road,. Any persun returning The inquest into the cacao of the raillyay it that in Utirou tho violators of the Scott ttess out of Lim, but he, being 'up to their of piping being used, and large quantities of I Chas Barrie Latta 589, Jas DTCCIaClterty' tllc sumo will be suitably rewarded, ,. .disaster at 13t. TLOLlAS, leas not developed •A, PRE'I•rY Ot.0 ALAN,--9Ir John 1Ic little,schene, merely remarked tvitli his ammonia. Railroad trucks run all through , • ' / g 138, John G DlcGowan 45U, John �l Mc ----. •-- :,. lythiug to shoe that the crag, icer ass all- g ,l t Cies who f'urmerl resided 1❑ ClodPrtch y hand Lir to his mouth, speaking loud eliough the stock yawls, and i a ship is to sail; any 1-ettic 432, Chas L' Dliddletou 430 Angus f t 0oD TRONA BOY WAN FO-FROH 14 TO 17 of ago, forfnurmonths, able to look after cler the influence of liquor, although mall 1 • y tolvnshi ), has been in town for Couple of days. Of late" years he has been living for the others to hear, I am in the eonfi , " dense b11S111eaS;" that settled it. . They let Saturday, and this is 'lhurscltty, n t1'aitl i� jtoLu ta0n 502, Graf Cautero2l `�0. shunted into the yard and the citrd for cal'-. In adtiftiou to the e, eleven candidates ob. ,years horses and make himself generally useful wages front E7 to i;tUaccur(ling tunbillty. ll' b1ARTrN, peddlat I cf the St. Thomas people .till believe t0 the with his son-in-law Mr Brownlee, of that young man alone. So, my friend, vying the fresh rarest, have doors on top lilt•' trained more than •5p per cent Of the. ag;;rc. t:huWn c olArary, the evidence notwithstanding.- Responsibility for' accident is )laced upon Y 1 B1 tL. IIs is said to be 94 years, of Y rood f'or `:0 V44 looks to be eers et, nothing to do with confidence men. Alter betting your breakfast, find a hotel to suit 'tvhich a lot of ice i5 (lumped in after dtavin ' ;,tttte. number of lulLr s required,but were be been iprvl(e up l y a machine foto good sLze•d luty the lrlfnimum 3:3;i er cent, in sonle sub•, - -(1_ -------- - - - ...-. -T C.3 prlomi es t{un then 3;th[rillvt., ata•t ite cowiB th a, the air brakes not working no psrl and the c 1 1 age, and b J hale heart and active as man • being as , y J you, there are good hotels here; if you have , of looney, you can put up at the 1 wi- pieces, and the whole train is loaded up in R ject or subjects. '.Chose have been recoLlt• ' I ! short time amt Off to Nety York to be put mended, and if a1ltytLed by ,the Educational ,, 1 ' the red about her neck and shoulder, and was about eilvin�. Any person gR'iny such Information than - ._euductor, who cd i t: se duty t wits to exalllll e who are furl earn younger. y y Y g - . plenty mac IIouse, a Sfrand hotel, with Its beautifwl ' ,' on the ship fur Europe, The train is a - - r +�, - ff1B_ a(1_rrt�- tezct tv lrtr-rccoverv; trrtt-be sutlawy tw+t•nr c( , F HANLON, t Itntuu thorn at fort Stanley, but w'uo neglected to +--^de-s1r-Ilt4a•a,)eC'''lt-arri,`3tCi1'OlI`lt ma I- N Llv BRIDGE - 1VOrknteu are now List y engage In constructing t110 new where Nott can ;;et allthatany ordinary per• o e r y s as as it'll appear in a future issue., DIr k ulith, opera• esprt:s:, pasaellnet• train. At Pittsburg the for for Cox & Co., having Ofteretl a'prize of '1111 f,,t,• ' 111 1, r '', , .t., 1,ki11•; ,. ll!,„1I� --T p CARD-1dIE SUBSCRe6ER NOTIFIES IIL9 .. _laughter, and admf%ted to bail. However, n e Bayfield iron bridge that- will spa th y soil would want, ar the C:riuldYacifio, Lthich is an building,, with every comfort encs rare re -iced if needecl,and ou rho ship fs 'g, fur the one receivin t t?lo lli"'hest uttmbOr * kept fn the same state with ice. Everything of marks, Diaster Hardy U P Fvans t1 Friends and the public generally, thnl,neting uR- (ter medical advice, he. has withdrawn from the active it •teas shown that the eu'linger Luft taken It inglo river on the London road the old bride '� g g beingremoved, and a crossing being eft elegant anis luxury you need. Now, if au want to .___ __• _ : 1 } is utilized that can be of the animals car-being sect a more tlntn curried it off by other they.are killed. The blood la ht other n p ll:cant, l 1`u his many friends and practice of his confidence pueruua, whosecunftdence t1c has enjoyed and to whom � „ glass of beet, beyond that there i,> oil .}o t.,bsolute and re£crrina to this the Loll- fected at one side. I he work should be see some of the things of interest, yogi mast, 1f your tfnte is limited, hurry a y } 1pAIA the art Cass, after ,any t ecutA'ed 11 dropped Into n large iron boiler,•1Lhich ,s LTNQH.:,X. dlO {; S - it has been his privilege to minister, to stinshilic-and - a 6 through a long period of shadow, in joy and proof, us ed fgrward, as_ uickl a5 . )oastblc i. P - quickly I: �. extends over snob n number of .Utiles. Slime 'eloaetq up ti�±llt and st$airl let on, Lvheii tire' The' ttunber of marls re( niru(1 to ,ass i 1 his bemauts, $cera. ire returns hts heartfelt acknottled• ' ,ton Advertiser sags"this single glass was a that business e'ilI not be Interlered with of the streets are from 12 to15 miles long, and blood is COaglilated and thall taken out and wits 378, number attainable. 75:,.' iiall,'1'.E, It 6 his intention isfaras possible, to lhmithimseif in - future toot[iac and cnnsultatron practtco, 1y SLOAIV •class too inuo111 for an engineer ouiluty.'1-_- arty more than is absolutely- necessary.- { ou must take either he Steam Gars,.Rail t Lit into sacks and put under a owerfxl r • 13one, John It, 5:31; p I P 1004; Bennett, Thos. 483, Blyth, July .utl, 18Si Ile violated the orders of the company in p Hunter Bros are the contractors, and the Y J, ova horse cure or cable cars. The cable r pies•"s, where it Is n•Lado_iuto_ a fertalfzer f(ii I Bttd;e, Geo. A.c., 484; Farfluhasson. rornlan, the bones. Buffer- «'. - i•alsin,* what g at he did, for one of the rules pro- are receiving the Iron from K)neardiue, cars are generally three of them together in a train, and driLen by an endless wire -cable the land, together with 48.3.,- Gibbous, Augustine, 451. Johnston, one or oloonlargiue is made have fn_ igtbe . J, .44)9; Johnston, iL��e�Lvis, 434, Lockhart, II., I VOTERS' LIST 3887, biUNkCtIAL[TY OF THE - TOw'N UP CLINTON, COUNTY OF HURON vides that "no employee shall visits botel -4 .,'received TILE. SIcx. Lm. .It .S. DavisU , {cord on Tuesday that his brother, Robt'' running under the ground, extend' g in sou- quantities.. The fat is made into this firErt .177; Magee, Geo. Ir. McKee, Geo., 537; lard. It is boiled 513; Me 5`32; Notice is lteruby given that I have transmitted Lir do- Iivered the persons mentioned to the third and nd tante adriukof au li tier while on Lit ' } q t d - . who is in busiress in Chiea�o,was serious- tions o Eitu silos down and up, ferning a circle around so that the double track cars ailil misocl with a neutral McTavislf, Goo. , a ,Jos, and put on a revolving table of iron then"put McAllister, Robt. 523; Ritchie, David, icl, 441; fourth sections of" Zile voters' List Act," the copies oc required by the said section to be so transmitted or for shall tWry intoxicating liquor whatever g q ee'dranl( by. 1 ly ill', and on Wednesday be received word Jos are going dawn and others going up. The , 'powerful into clothes and put,unde'r a powerful press. Roe, Alfred, 407; Smith, Reid, 480; Youhill, •ou it likegunl r Dlay, delivered of tLe list made pursuant to said Act, of ail ersonsap31earin b tile last any vice oven when'lot oil D 9" - t is r orted that AIr of his death I reported g' cables are driLen by eft Ines ill a After it ie ressed can chew 507; p 3 Jas. A., 173: Girls-G,oydo.u, of the said muntuipality, to be entitled tosroteiinBtille duty." A number liavo borne'testiuioay to Grigg, of Orinisby, brother of Dir Wm building oil the side of the road, where the and It is net so bad. The horns are made Dawson. Maggie, 301; Inbli,4, Dlarior, 568; said municipality, atelectinnsfor mcmtieraof the Leg, the fact of .he r, l driver tern„ perfectly compc- Grig , to also on the sick list. -Mr R. s g I has been laid up with conger- cars are running, generally two or three en- case of accident to one of them. The into buttons, combs, etc., tits hoofs into oil, Joynt, Fanny, 535; DTCGnnnell, Annie, 64?.; glue and buttons, 0144he hides into leather, Macdonald, Carrie, fi2G; Moore, Minnie, 540; istnttLc Assembly, and at 1tunletpal Elections, glldchat s.liditst was first posted up at my o0ioc,Ulofor on the t rat to mauR•go his iRngfne, but had'he been atLersou g tion of the lungs, but is around aqsin. gines,fu whole engine is on a moveable bed, with fL Then casings for saitsages are prat up fn Ramage, Ilutb, 40.1; Rintoul, Jessie, 519; 27th dayof 3 pp Elector, are called up011,toeX'.'m�outhis l)Cthea�idliet� , t ,strict teetotaller, there would have been -Customs Collector Armstrong bas O('en great weight at the back of it below in it pit barrels. Tripe an (1 the very smelt piecOs are Sharpe, Lizzie, 1577; Varney, Louisa, 568.- flue in laud if any omissions or other error; are found therein, Immediate to hal the sald errors 1 ass likehood of reflections laeiug cast ulxnn on the sick list for a sou le of days, 'but with a strong chain attached, over a pulley the engine, so that when boiled and the lneat.cut up and put -� addition to the above 16 candidates ob- till calls. Thousa'ld of tin cans afe made tained "lore than 50 per cent of the,aggre• to ra}(e proceedings law. j`ted t:1i, -7th day of c erected nc ordlnt liin', benatwo ecu ,with established re )uta- we hope to see Ill around as usual in a Ptwo. connected with there is not so mach strain on file cable the here for that. nor ose. Sonic idea of the , purpose. bate, but were below 337A per cent in some 0o _ , , y t ��0�� 1 CTA IJ � � IJ1s If•rns for atl'icit goliriet do not usually ' iety ally have J ' day o weight draws the engine back and keeps the r work to be done nay be imagined when you ,subject or aubjectd. These have been recom- be killed Education oho sono ctulod o , The re HL'P.ON t11'HL>;TLS,--'1'hc seventeenth cable. tight. The cable runs under the road think of 1.500 cattle to got ready, nleuded,-:a,nd if allowed by the Vl tl raflvnyi; are very desirous that their em• annual outing' of the Buffalo 5t. Andrew's from the building over ]urge deeply groved and shipped and this takes some lluutl eds Department, their mutes auto numbers will },loyLou 0lill be total abstainers, knowing Society took place on Saturdav, at Lin- wheels, off of which it runs on groved wheels 'There of men. • This is only one of the establish- appear' ill a future issue, of them. -; ••---ci•=- - 1 - 'lie retiponaibility Of life resting upoll then,, wood Glen, and the pfe rale and the games attractive enough tq fill the en- under the roadway. is a continuous slot in the centre of the road about two meets ; there are several ERBTE 111. There are thousands of men working here Enos Downs, 563; Jennie Coats 537, TI'os `-ALUABLP VILLAGE, PI10PEI:'i'i-• IV raid Lit a )n•ilaic letter one, O£ the old)ccrs of proved. closure from early ill the afternoon un inches wide, and the driver on the cable car has a lever which the cable; so long as and some of them -,-cry rough. The men Jarrott 535`, Geo Foster 5'34, Adoline Cave engaged in the slaughtering get brutish and 533, Wellington Ingram 52va TETE 1'ILL.kGE OF L'ATFIELh� t-iw Grand o null sEsn blit d fnatian i in a late hour in the evening. '.Che sports feature da John Alel'her- grabs lie holds oil the cars are carried alougas fast Snell 488, their finer feelings are dulled, and they Albert B Hodgson 44„ Thomas 6, ,sura. NDL•'R AND BY VIRTUR OF TH[s' POWER p retrain ),o uuui t pjoy their cit )low who i -i 1 were a of the Y• as the cable goes, about ten miles an hour, wouldn't think much of killing a At Michael Boyle 481, Edith Braswell 479, John of E'ale, contained nl n certain ►nortga r, nnowu to indulgo ill intoxicatin, litinr,r• . - son, of Goderich, Ont., pnt the light atone fife ft. 7 in. Visiting delegations Then when the driver lets go, the car stops, To look then noun the loon cane out ftp hundreds with Mollard 4711 Mary J McPhee 467, Ida Mc. tins to their lager beer. There is uo en(1 Coll 453, Ellen Kain 446, Jane Coughlin (+vhloh wilt ho pru;iuoed ell tiw day of sa)g( there will he o'3ered for imic by public anntion, WEDNES- •--- -- «�,�.,_r_- lr w.ts tutotl in the ISn 1i„B I I ' „ t." b uU.„ from ]Brussels, Woodstpek, Ioronto,Goder- bet the cable runs oil. at at first they have a aiii itlar appearance, run- PP get. to the beer drinking here -, filo ' cott, Act .431, Agnes Tod 397 Chas Coates •391 Chas Zx on by David Dlaknnson, AuOF AUGUST, DAY, THE:il8T 7)AY OF AI, C;Uy'l, 1867, at; ,t ,, ( umuions,ln.,l wecicl thatllo'uure Canadian lob, London and Windsor carried of a number of the hont.rs. Archie niag without any apparent propelling or Tllev area great canycu- would have a poor show, I think, Going McPeake 390, Aubrey Buswell 382. (low" the street on the streetcars I COtllltCtl Rrcoar*lRNlnen-F,n,ma 1lollard 4:54,Archie SWAR.Tz'S HOTEL in. tho VILLAGE of BAY- I'[ELI), thefuuuwtngvninnhle real estate, viz, tit.aniey, (no ::orn(9 would be bought. fUt' It,ItlttLl'J' ACL'\ CCC, goodly ,Scott, of Ilrussels w'as first ill tw'o corn- pulling power. ie"ce to,vou, so long us you Rave five rents Over;t0 lager beer saloon.,. Hicks 437, Caroline InQt:tinz •t00, 11Tnggfe VIt1190 K ill the Tow•nMhII1 of In the avid Lots a of liuyifn, in the County o •• ti n 1 t' f d ' . IV? ' 't' s ' r, d tl ' d ' to a :•our way I.C10uglllilr 3814, llltrUn, and Lots nlllnbM•4U[I, 4n7 and 411.9 'n the - I. p ICeAIRSt111aa IS a(• Oly.' 113 Sate- • .1 .wits bl'Ul 1 1 It lotit•no-It � O c' , 6 c f tecfth. Pet IOr1., ,.eco. Iu vl. An lir ]n three. , X Y •-PUBLIC r.Lrs,. r ngliAlt o,lice?s still in Cnnlda, Alio gives Il('NA11•AY-'1'hc GtLCf Cvallln� IIIc. '!' 1 5 £,ill 'Ulll eantiFnl ark c (�lifi'lit(n ha9sonaeb j , South, C'uton andsevoral othcrg. LinAoLi a.n vntirel ,' differelit reason as Ills o piuioll J, I Jenkins, of the lfurou road, Goderich Park is very large, over a toile and n half ''ar Ill(' ,11n�nt i1Ut pur(dltts"I "a.ly' more o township, drove over to Clinton cemetery with his wife and children, to look after long, with beautiful drives, walks and wind- ing paths all through it, and a great many f•ur'::o; ltu.•(•. lt':haid that tilel30Pbe"i per. his lot thd're. Iior safety he unhitched fine trees, shrubs, evergreen,►, plaints, and .i'.Atsc..l i;l C'cumflit ."are within til(,• price the Lorsr from the rig and tied it to the flowers. It has a huge green house 'with " soft Ly flW' Ifriti:,L,1111r 011100. `•Ifte dill not fence, but while they were engaged inside Oran -es, lemons aril maul• tropical plants 1!1£111, 111(•1'(• v,dIs lull(.]] troul,lo about tilt tile horse became loose Rnd •wandered off. growing 1110le, Leith thonsande of beautiful t;zic".. '1119 rcaj 1 ••ouble, ho thought,' was When the less wits discoyered DIr Jenkins started off to find it, expecting to catch it flowers. The grounds are )Rid out beauti- fully in beds of fulfage plants and flowers ill Ow incrovp of 1%116 iron dutie, by the Ca• •(.very sumew'here on Ihs road, the family mean• enrllcas variety, and a very fine fountain, making it a delightful place to walk about rladian (UVCL'11111C11t.' ,\earl•: one i71 f tlit,e waiting In the rig, but was not nn- til Mr Jenkins home, or drivo in. Then there tire fields with clear, Enghuul, iilcluc�hig tn1C(]fanic4 and others, reached three miles ell( and buffalo running in, »Sally Cages of Lvere interested in this nilLtter." it lu,th0•s from theu r ce letL that lie e ca cured the le I y' P steed• birds and animals,finespecinpeuacrf CILg IeH- - tery little diffor('llce trllat t11C k1Ct1111 tCitb(,), ,runaway one of the emblems of the great Repllblic- Ior the decision of til(, Br4ti',h gove1.1tn101,t Z EXPLANATION. -.`L rural corre.poadent says. the query,urouud here is hate id then there are places for bears, where there Rrebrowu, black and white bears, besides su long as they have attired at a deci,ion it that in Utirou tho violators of the Scott many other kinds of small aninlald fit cages, - ( pt to Ipural,ase nlort Ca"allilul hrn•ses. It Act are allowed t(i go even to the third sea lions, beavor; otter in polids and Swans ,,,I the lake. This is it tine pleasure resort. Mas thonght that this would be n new field offence with a $c30 fine, Will some one Tho otlwT parks are very fine. Routh park I•,)r lite eetiort• of hordes of thr roadster clas4, answer lvitY ' The Police Magistrate g T • I. m rat of•beautiful plaits has R Rlent nssO t to I Now that it will not be it thrOlt•A the ('null• t es that is q sat dt h reason for only nn posing the fine of :f:p0 is that those who have and flowers, and foliage plants to represent horses allyl other animals, which look life oinn p-odimer back un the only market he . been fined a second time, have only been like. The name of the park is in large letters ;las for the profitable sate horses, viz.-thc before him once in his capacity as police all with living foliage Plants. In fact all United Sfates. As Ave have pointed out he. Magistrate; it so happens also that a the partes are very fine, arid theC;hicago leo. >« tr:c, bite pric•I llcrc i.y (tetcrminrd by the house may be fined a second time; but 1-1(' fc( i t' •ry' pro�d of their public iniI kq. piico th(re,wid is, lower by 1•11e cost of tral•• only fined $50 each lfllle, because it may be the proprietor who is fined once, ane) +,All.,l 4.nnKs. 0 •- 11ort Alld dttl•y'. '1110 1•eni-al of the Amori- I (lie barte,, er or other employee anotber I'LI• ts, t(', �nI ply For rile c it) i. l,r"I , I tl1r(,,.411 n hog,, it,- ll:.el la lrl il1Vh9• th1 he %. can dol, L,ollid I -evi i)'v-q,ortaiple hors(, titne, the fa requiring that the offender 1 (• It f- t:'r(r• n,ii('� (+.,t t , (h:• out h1 the Lu, . in C almrl I w11 t1 I , •• fl.n'I it I Aw k by � meat be specified Ili p(r_ton. If the panic I c•ri1) Lsl1('r" th,• L.,tow hll.II ill,• )ILI, ' I ul: rti• . c.lrly +r •.I i fi.:'' • li„ t !.' , .' , :.1 ,,f tl1•• ' offtuder cattle tip tnure than (,lice l,eti,re ' tuns i( i 11n;nl,o(1 Lit, L• ;•,'t el cul en•;itt('• lite Voli(0 ',[ag•i-trnte, the ,tiouto y fins'+ '1111 f,,t,• ' 111 1, r '', , .t., 1,ki11•; ,. ll!,„1I� TULICIAR 11A.1I1,, i 0 6(,rW)Iin•It. 1 '• - 1 C Y 1'd (lUw'I1 ttylrtl py t.Ll(C f l C I ' will it , r �, • •ler 5 G J nn 'McDonald Donald �( , Mary L C`IUG 7 ' DIa , Emfly Buchanan 5315, Ruth Williauls again, and it i3 as bits), as ever. •It is not safe to cross the streets in some places, es. 534, Alex DIeDonald 533, Thos CT Cranstan 510. pecially after I -Rill.; as the paved streets get Robt JOIN 51.3, Diary T Riddell 511* George slip ler' with the wet and mud. \Ve will under 'Per- Andrews 511, Wni Attkin 510, Jui „I IIack. 501, Sara McLeod 405, Iforace I- ulfortl go the I'alnler House and have a kish bath, or any other you please, Cold of ett '19'1, Jennie Havllle 492. Patrick ` illltlniti hot water, medicated, vapni"•, Russian ; 486, Joseph ligan 494, John E'Iwoed •iii, Clara Sharman '480, LL,1 Alls-brooko 171, prices from '2•; cents to ill, ll'e will try the Turkish hath, just to see how it gees, only I Ilenry Gould 470, John Will Met),wnld +70, I ' one dollar. The young man in the office Robt Wilson 476, Geu Corr 17:3,. Vita Rout- says it is vary' nice. You pay your money, t;' I n u' t 1, lw ttr11 L Artpl:+ltu ,, ledge 468, Maggie ., Calnpafgn tr9,li'Inren('0 It.)hfu4ln 4")A5 (lura+ give your name; hand in all your valuables, (if you )rave any), put them in a, drawer ,lock Ilissett 454, Albort Hci(t 1 ill, 111ht. At drew•s i them rap and you take the key. Yon go. 4.11), Nina Stfaehnll 4 ,7, Ail i Amnwtine •111, 'tit n on a ball 1 undress and tG thou foto a room, l 1 •n • p4 ' •0 11 (ll t t car(• run 1 n t, ,lntblc c 131 IL l . ' Chanes Lee "i, t'harl" i uruin t33, Itoo. ing cloth, lock up your room, and n colored inan leads you off. You noticothe floorgeta Hon ilaulilion t'2:3, Edith schlenuuer 42(1, wanner t* your bare foot, and he leads you (,co l%felntyrt' 110, .John li.'y 10 •111, N1'n1 J Chambers 10,1, Jos,io UI(I ICL. :Arthur yhnr• in ,t dry )lot air room and yon lie down on the hotest lounge you ever felt. You are to Ito v dU), ,llflurta ]1llillie pll, AI(n14t 01e- tou�h the electric, bell if yon feel faint, for ICuigtit :308, \Lary B Kall,041 3111 lingh ',It r• 0 le1Lt. the temperature here is ]70 r1cS,1 e a of 1 01\-11 11 . .11111 .31. '(ldio AIl(1 1 'Illi / 1. 1,v , ' • I Those whn me used to it cin (+top in for 15 1'fn(;1ynu :378, Nellie M01:0nv,i I R7t. tnfnututior-more. Well,the 0rst five nlinittOR ItF,voL,c mlrr,. -Georg,, Andrews 5I1,Jen- ilaville 102, ('laude 1�ichor .4114, Minuin gecmed the longest T hail ever put ill. 1 thought Of Ole pulliglllnelit "J tilt 1 icke.l,and sic 1{lci'tyiplleil •:.56, Annie MoKl•t17i1- i t:l, 14d- what if w•oulil be to Ile blo'uml Ip. but i ltelrl mend 1f,tntlin 411, Elimt Wikon last, 1'lva out for 11 millnte%, nll,l tills 11.1 Wit' llll,l into Smith 1;37, •losin 511(11111011 '13;:3, ThOluns another ro nn h0atol ills will, ,.tmnnl nn(1 Lonsk 1:10, Afaitln"(l liarl,w(il Cm, Mary filled with 4teaul, so you 0nut.t not s(c, ill I titalford :iltl, Surra 1t. J1 11•:. the. perspi1'nQNtll l^III dfm 11 lit si roll Ills. 1' 1.1111 thi41 +•.,•,1t 11111 r('41m wIlc'I•t• i t:i14laid oil 11 hl.tl.•n l r,. 1111 .�1fi•1161 s1" 41.11, Will li('ltt!('•i'31,,t(IS nl-irllti• t'il, tlbl0 ctrl th,, 1 It gj.in„ (nil. C1, tau -%it :,71, It(,n.'Ll t lir. ;?3, .Il.hn I)u"- 11+.;,1.111111 Paley :,ib;, ,)( I'll Fllivley .51:,, nlew"..1• 1 ,m v01 -v tv,l •h0,1 t+ith Ilive wltt'1„ 1nL11a1, lvunuls•,i, s1,tiltel spot coo, i 1ti••srst Ifnlllrvll i:id, If•rlwrt t'twrenrc:llif1, wit';, nevi Iiv( .1;':•i rl,"nt 1util t,.it ft•iL (Ione httnll I'•• 1Ynl :%IvDt,i;,11,1 tA7, J(,hn H' I %';•;• Will R(n 531. ,•.,I n; ,•'I, !' "Ill til;,; L1i1 (110"l• „ 1:1;• 1.4' ,.,;,, Rnger. 610. 10.•;1 `tr,�;lli1 1t i I 1:1;, I N said Village Of hayfield, coutalntng together of at 11acroonore ,'t` dl)tl�P: twetlf 1- acres Ind flirce-roni'ths or Ire.<. The property wilt he s'I,ld without re _; se r wt). 1 r . , • • � Itl(•llase lilou v ' .I t 10 ( If l t l i ll p ' E, I 1 t If 1 to IIr pnirl an the A t}:,rat' del(•, ped the bnbtnCnifl ::n 0,1 4 tharrafh'r tvtiholit int.ltest, Further ul:uln Ic,.owu oil dray Of ,nuts nn(l conitltinn4 alilc,lr, n nl+ipl!, itllpn to tilt) aletlnnnhr or tilt, ' u.ld1'ra,.oed. 1i.\N ,I* ,-scoTT (a `� CI!ntun,Ja!y.•, 1,4_. Vendive Sulir'tovi C'LI ToN (11VIC 11(11,11):11• ' ,--.-- 1=_ " -1.til _ u _ iU._. (s,r L2 e EXCURSIONS.1* TO-- , trU�cON14.), :-: LONDON, IStratford,lGode► ich & other points It FRIDAY., AUGUST STH E�i•nn!, it till,rt� n Ill he tasned from Clinton station 1•11 the tLlt( (IN't r mentioned good to go by any of the m ulur trains as follmv.•: To TW'ZON'rU, .1.2 ; LONDON, ill ; Poll" 8,•.1\I.1:L, 1,`5;,SrRt9'FoRn,7,5:;(;OI,t:RiCil,40n All i;nn,l rr t N„tnlay night. Chihb•em 11 Ill Em to • „1 "f these 111:1004. In addill„1, t•' t1 •• t,b•,vc SiNOT,f: )'ARI: TWI,E'rtl +1 ill hr i-.;tn 1!„ail 1 -,,nth, µ•nod for tllc:,th nnh. Aly„ •Pirkols to all I,J• h dill hr 14nueil on the 4th and 5th, itw4 toretwr r- t4rathei.P.lIt12 ANDONhl-.H[RL). For fill ther pa•!' ''u^• nppl) to A O VA r CISON', Ant. ?t . ,,, w'. T N -AP, tiMIN