HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-29, Page 39 e a w 0 FI:II)AV, JULY `_>0, 1887. culev curd, which was fuuud in the I du but know; f did not inquire. much devoted. This brother and sister a ;, e r , _ i,u.ket of Laytons, Ulster, and of Which Uive File sume dmcriptiuu of her and their pareLt3 Comprise the family. �QSIZ{{ FOR � , `* `� 7, `be hall nu knowlbdoe,ie, I aur convinced, Mr Rutland is of an iul lacuble and I'e ryvr sg✓yh son FRUIT AND Ui1NANIENTAL TREES, NOP tJl1 1J hj [parents. p Qw Aa,y� • au important feature in the case• .tier fouler, b” re ,lied[ is a entlemnn lentlesi dis position, impatient of contra- � tk 4� R ARRHs 1VAY 9YiRACH N UTC.[i AND I Lava unread euls+edtheservicesat' I' ' g I n. ''+J•i Ai'1'It:tlliAP I'1NP,Ab -- y of rtl ou+ GU Sears of ago, diction and obstinate to a deatee. These Q THE LATTER., WHICH we DIATCU .t SPECIALTY CONTiNUMV. three cc four aaouts, an,( as 1 intend to COLA INTHEIiEAII ^• spore no Way be,that Isbullcall Is there any doubt hl your wind that qualities were exercised in my favor � y� Imm6lliatll Belief lie is a +ebtlen,au, once, when I paid court to Miss Rut- vo ;, ron LARGE STOCK ON HAND • 'It is a simple service 1 require, he £, 1 fie, odd said; 'I Lave it [ct.tev about rise which I upon your bankers for a further sum of Not the ?rightist. land, in filo Logo of tnalcing her my Y U �(� Head _ ulutley, which I feel auto you will not Attached to his dan-liter- euturtain- `wife. Her father would havoforced her ° y ! Ttkoabeyeornanteutultrc(sandshrubherywilEbesokl wish t0 bG' Ida Q 1. What it coutaihs o ver Io r ce and those wantinganything h, d oncerns, no one whom you know. 1t begrudge• iug any affection for her? into a marriago with tile, but when I a► e . NAY wo USE. ti to coi,nbet of wdt eava money by pureasng re, ,c my alliin and mine only, grid -r. r Cel twin events are working En my fu I"should certainly say so, but at the could lie lotwer doubt that she loved Ed- �� � II��' Ordera by Mail will be proynptfy attendled to, than make it anon eX man's I would lee vol•. Of these that do nut iwrne.liutelY aril° tiuro not given to sentimental cle- ward Layton, I preferred to retire, rath- Not a SnA Powder orlrritattngIdgnld. Frlco Address, �► burned at ilio stake thou h wo don't hear upon the ulatter I shall make no Illunstration, a er then render her unhappy. By so dc- 6octf. and$1.00, 1i not obttainabletit your druo J�i11N ST�WART, Benmlller. ' g, mentiuu but those that do shall find tt I • gi,t#. sant prepaid on?ecet tot price. Addread live in such barbarous tinges; and Hien As to Character, now, wit.it lrr)pieS- iug, I think I won her esteem, and it is FULFORD A. CO., Brookville, Ont. - he said with a tsigbt;°they ala b. rbirous record liere. Sion did he leave upon yc.u.i for her sake 1 wish Layton-to-be_cleatwA, Fire X3113u�,`angQ. enough," For some portion of the day lifter mY That he wits stern, sel,-willed and UIl- of the ChargC bt'Otlgllt u;ainst him. It interview with Edward 6Laytou in, kris• bending. Hard to turn, I suspect,wh"u is my belief that Elbestil! loves him, and � � , y A kinds of property, insured Lit luwe�t tariStates 'I will Ipo,t ille letter fol, you, 1' all- Co n st i p zits o n P'hst-clae.icompauiea, ?mored on, I wits, apart from my practical world, she must be su(ierin terribly. If Lay- arils he is resolved. g ? y He looked tut+ in the face, a lona, engaged beau the eonsiaeration of the Like iris b(utho, All Janes liutl+end, f fou IS conticted tt will bleak her heart. I ,ICKETS VIA N. W. T. CO, LINE BOATS T n d as he razed question whether I should call upon bliss who i, on Laytot)'s trial. 'Those traits I I know very little of her brother Eus- Is a universal and ilio,' Iroublc<nme (lis- 1 WINNIPEG AND ALL LAKE POiN'15 nLsi searehln„, w ititful tool:, un a order. It valises Ilvatiw-he, 1lental Do- by all rail lines over the GKAND TRUNK and'CANA- lilabe.l Rutht1ld, at 22 T,. vend-w-;5earacO DA PACIFIC to Ay point eh that iluc• Wlnnlf , naw 1n I11S OyPS 1 llObalCy Of '0pi, it evidently run in the family, Ogg', LO tate. !lo •was tit Oxford when l Was lD pression, impairs the Sight Roil I-Iearin„ Brandon, hc., Dnketa, Kansan, t any point r si g .hm:which drew mo as eluse to hint in sym South Kensinbstou. I went theye ill a his wife Loudon, and I mot liitn only once or o:estroy-s the :Appetite, find, when long by rail, local or foreign. nth and admiration as I had ever cab,and reconuoiieved the house outside, A gen and arniabli: lady, said Dr I twice. AIr? Ilsttlaud tsa,sweet lady,gen• colitinucd, caul('( EiAa,l;cmrllt of the —� p y buff I did not vCntU['0 t0 enter it. It Come and see like before jou buy tickets anywhere been drawn in ail a y lift to any man. Daincourt, somb eight or ten years tie tuannered, kind hearted, and I fear; Lii'cr, Iutlaanmation of the Dowels, and ^— -• W A one of a Tefraco_ of fourteen man 'Dare I trust you, he s id, stilt in a younger than he r husband: but her hair domineered over by Ler husband. I Piles. Coustipttti+lit is s{tecdily cored low tone. '11ut if %tot yon, whotn can I sions, built' iq the Elizabethan style. is already grayer than his ; it is almost ro Ili: CONTINUED. by Ayer a 1'ih+. JAS irHO31 PSON, (;11111011. 11 fiord to teside there I' a liinll,('r of months I was trust.' Nu i who 'You way tvast toe; I said; I will person con c a was not ill a pos[tiou to Spend a white. She and her daughu r resemble each — r�— MORIN REDIARKAB.LE+t '$IlaLra,r. -: ».� .. on troubled with Costivvness, in copse - QOenre of which I suti'"red from Loss of yoll" IC tet' for you. cquple of thousand a year. The ntuurlt[ l.ut_ other ? r'enrtd at last, ,vhatStre pl>tpYtb it 1� bKo>t� .... i)itio r,lipctite, lly.l+utrs%r"lind it disordered t troubled me. I was ' post 'Not close to the prison. Not 114 this conclustou, I therrfuro, is that Miss Z es ; and there is also it" expr•esl+ion in •• for theso many years and that is A niea ` whielt ode, liver. My even at d,onkpellcd te. wear a shade a beare district. Put it in a pillar box at sauna lanae distanCO people are wealthy. P 1 Some distinct oil the mother's face of devotion and lien eyes contiAUAlly file e for ireolr a reputation second to nano, oto me- it a reputatiatuseco d to dieiae s "I'llsou'B Tunic Bitters which in con- has x. and, at. tity,ns, u;ls nnabJu to Lour cit-, ,osnre to the light. I was entirely I 0 fl'Uul this,' 'i will do as youdosire,' gunge That in the absence of or Clow or information I should Self-sacrificing. 6 y junction overntlowed whets we wero speaking of with Johnson's Tonic Liver Pills performed some must wonderful cures. Impure lir Impuvur,Blled blood soon becomes purtaed CURED BY USING 'Honestly and honorably.' have been compelled to present mysvlf ]ter daughter. and enriched Binonauess, igdigestion sick head three Laxer of :1yor's Piils. I hate nn 'Honestly and honorably as betw•eea tit the address, for the purpose of seek- Not so in the father's eyes• ache, Elver complaint, languor, weakness, oto , soon disappear whorl treated by these excellent hesitation ill prouonnein this medirin+ to b(+ the best "atllartic evt•r made.- arlart and man. ' t iug an interview with the young lad y g y No ; but he showed no 'want of feel- tonic medlclue:+, For sale by Dr. Worthington. Jaukcs l cele?, i'uisdi_kd., Ohio. 'You are a good than,' he said, 'I to wbom Edward Layton'? ]Poet was Ing _- . _ ..._ __. _ -- - -- -- ------r I stttfixetl bola Constipation, and, eon - will tl•ust y°u. 1 call never hope to re- addressed, was certain; but chance or Sill, ductor, you gather,;from your $lYO a �PlIl1�- ttllll ,oxlher (21L'il . sd(Iln/Utly, front 11"aducht.. Indigestion, guilt Ytles, for years. Ayer'.,; Piers, which pay you, but one day, perhaps, ynn may destiny came here to my assistance. one visit to the house that he is the mas- Y_- lid, ha I took at the !ttialslion r.f tt 1'-omm hued live to 'be glad that you did me even Dr Daincourt called on ole at between ter of it- in every senee, I mean. _ - - - i;;,•e0 ,Ito ell"+rtu;ti r"li,•:'. , l (•o, (1 this sliglit service.' He Slipped the let- 10 and 11 o'clock in the ni7bt- 'AIOst certainly the master.' MANNING & SCOTT taking thin mme(iv Col otontlo ago, and inn nun' free ichor tie tip:+tion, the r ter into my hund,whicll I Eecretely slip- ThenT 'I make no apology for this pato visit,' hesxid,'I have something of importance Titling, T. remarlcea, with a rod of iron, u t { } , Barristers, SU11VItors, I r InOV1t1 of wlkleh 11it lilt` b(t kilt' Oti7Ul' troubles to disaltVvItr, load :;Irlitly im- ped into. my [?ticket. said: When Spoke to 1'ou ideas into my head, said proved ill- ; unoral 11",,11It. -��. lieelrr, 'May I come agaiU.' 'Do. You have lightened the day for to communicate. you me last night about the jury, you gave put I Dr Daincourt in the somewhat lielpless CONVEYANCER? e. Amherst Muss. I snfi'cred from Constipation, which me -and •luany a day in addition to me the list of names , to lout: over. I tone. , . Conus •rsionersfor outarloand u4nitoba. a8s,uned snarl all obstiviate form that -1 Lhis.' glanced tit them Casually, and gathered If they Clash with gout' own,say s0. OFVlQE NEXT DOOlt NE ERA, CLINTON feare,'t it ,vuuld cause a .storvare of the. hose., Avers 1 els cured Soon uftibrWard 1 left him. I was nothingfront them Until B[v Lainn's o The do not clash with my o'vn, but y - CU'GOAN. MORTGAGES BOUGHT. MONEY RIDOUT, Office Lowers. T,t•- of t,,,., d;ornplciely,- U, l;urite, Saco, BIL. honorably.ctireftil in the carryingont Of cable message Nrtived trout America. impressed upon Iam not prone so suddenly to take Such d I should say yo 1 are PRIVATE FUNDS. C. over .1. Jack,on's store, Albert Street. — A t A y e is Pills, \)IABRIAGE LICENSES. --APPLY TO THE x.11 (.kdersignod__LLt., tho Library Roomsr-Sluith'a his direetlQn( .. , f did not take the lettor from my until I was quire three This incident, of course, my mind the name of James Rutland. decid( views. right, Bainbridge, and that in big house if r rr•rlmredbyDr.J.C.Ayor&Co. Lowell,ldasa. Dculcrd in Medicine. pocket, miles from the prison, and then I put it It was strunge to me; I was not so- MrRutland's will is law. Block, 36 JAMES SCOTT. y butd by all Druggisla and into.a pilliir box ; but before I deposited it there T looked atithe address. Layton quainted with anybody bearing it. But 0 it is most singular that this afternoon Would that be likely, I asked, to ac - count in any Way for the expression of p r�� �� ROBER 1 110WNS9 ROBERT / ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR SMALL 1 suuid ongood Inort6,ge security, moderate "Job, lead not o-�tritcted a promise from me I was called into consultation upon a self sacrifice you observed on the faces of ate uf lu'terest. ti- vuutou_y-' _ lilt, APPLETUN.-OFFICE-AT RESIDENCE, Don Untariostract,ClinegateposituthoEngilsh that I s)�Uuld .not 10011 at the adcl•'ess, serious case -a young lady, Miss Mabel, mutherand daughter. CLINTON, and.I will uotsay, theietore,--hether,if have it. I \vas Rutland, who has been for some time in bad state. Tho Sia+,nasi? presents It might be so. Proceed now, find tell me all that uutun. r utranceby nide gate. blanufan nob u .and Proprietor for the bent hlaw Mt11 to use. Agent for the solo and application of B PItOUDF00'P CIVIL ENGINEf:K, the - lie had, I should violated a • ( �$FianEa ATE:iT AvTnxAl'iq 8otu;;s_Ct,EANFa. d It d' h t engaged against'my will and wish, in his features sunicien, ly fxmlltar to a spec passe$. i3. Prdv, ucialxud ll tiklrk a,il.k - STEAM FITCINGS furnished ail app o one or p p vital interests, and I might have broken ist and also snffi.ciently perplexing. Her Architect bud Dract htslnan, rEuhtN BLOCK, nonce. 1�i50,0oO To LOAN at 6 'per Cod. But little remains to tell. I inftirtlled such a promise; 'however that may be nerves are scattered; she is suffering the parents that their' daughter was su£ Clinton. sotrerx; . repair e, and all kinds Of ilio my surprise was overwhelming when I mentalld,and there is dpcided Clanger, b _ ehtnery repaired e-nrdul..o,�ly and saw that his letter WAS addressed' to, `Miss Mabel Rutland, living at 2s feiing more from mental than front.phy D Mu Murray 13 oak °kola ora aai o , Roa> ana en- Iu a (satisfactory manner. , sical causes ; that it was clear to me frantic. Resllence, opposite the Temperance Han, ,"Miss Biubol Rutland, 22 Lavender Lav, Terrace, South' Kensington, Huron Street dlinton. Umtiehoure,8a.m.toep.m. arm implements Steam Why pay others 7, 8, 0 and l0 per cent, '.terrace, South Kensiugtou. I said. that there was a bogey trouble upon her and Water Pipes fu'tnishod and pput to pontoon. Pry when you can get money from us at 0 pend. In and that, until bar trouble was KIInsBttoduponapplication. Chargesmodorute. JAMEa HOIySON, L[CEN3ED AUCTIONEER First-class loans 5 per cent. Largo loans. Rutland. Why, that was the flame 'You know her. ' for the Co.uuty of Huron. Sales attended anywhere - - per cent, removed, there was but faint h0[)e 'Of in the Juuuty,ut re.tsjnable rates. RoAdonce,AlberG of the ere juryman who hold out upon I have never seen her, but I know her getting well and strong. l am Street, Clinton. so WHASON TERMS madetodit borrower, regardi g 'Layton's trial, and from whom I had where she lives. s )oxkin in the dark, I said to the par. x. 3Taxaoxx, GRADUATE or THE MED• payment and period of loan. vainly oodakvored to obtain some useful 'Is she related, inquired Dr Daincourt l g ignorance CALnepartmentofVititorfaUniversity,Toronto,tor GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE, FIC•• ant, and while I remain iaid r. ll Apply to information. Of all the cases I bad been 'to the juryman who held out upon Eu many of toe ,spltalsand Wapensaries, New York the cause, it i firmest Trop ssible fur me Joronerforthe County of Huron,Bayaeld,Ont. HURON STREET, CLINTON. engaged in, this promises to be not only ward Lavton's trial, to proscribe remedies, Can you FARRAN eSv USDAI L the most momentous, but the most preg- 'There is no need for secrets between t Rs wH[TT, TEACHER of MCS1C. REST• itopairn; of all kinds promptly attended to at reason do.._anytb.ing_ for her, asked the father, , IRS at Mre. R, If. Reads, corner of C. Rand able rates. A trial solieited. nant and intt:r-sting. hut]tuZd, Rut us I replied but it will be a all to beep + 'Can you not give her some medicine. orange ?treats. BANKERS, CLINTON. land. Had it been a common name as certain matters to ourselves.' oyes, I can give medicine,' I replied, u—uly WILLIAMS, D.A., M.B.,GRADUATSOk THE �)�` 1 v ` u �(� rye Smith or Jones, I might not have been 'Certain]}'. I will not speak of them ,but nothing that would be of benefit to R.TorontoUniversity;memberolthe0ollegeglPhy ' yt(((jjjrrjj Lst [j(irl��ld lS1V�AJONAJ Ll�l\ I1• .so stirred.. It was no coincidence. I to an one. It is agreed that what passes sioianaandiargeons„Oat. OFFroEik RESIDENOEthe �� jl���y , her. Indeed, the medicine already in ILI VU u (I[fhoueeformerlyocenpied by Dr. Reeve, Albert street Incorporated bywas on thetracts, and with all the pow- between ua is in confidence. her room is such as would ba orc�inari:p onnt,on. --- - _C r t f,. t r __�ISQ�__l)L+.lkPl-E.cttlanrl is meets t0 d - -- -- - it to a successfulissue. Cable messago from BIr L'ainsbridge, ,• London, to Bi.r Arcutbald Laing United States. 'AV_ho is Miss=.Mabel ltutlantl-, and is there any relationship between her and AIr James Pittland, Also in what rallt- tion does she stand to Edward Layton. Can you give me' any infoi oration re- Speeting the nine of hearts.' , Cable messago from -air krebibald Laing, United States, to AIr' Bainbridge London, Miss Mabel Rutland is the nieco of Mr James Rutland. She and Mr Ed- ward Layton were once engaged to be married. The -breaking off of the en- gagement caused great surprise, as they love with o hdr. I were deeply in to ,, h each t (lo not understand your reference to the nine of hearts. Cable message from BIr L'ainsb"ridge' to'Mr Archibald Laing. The nine of hearts I• refers ed to ie; a playing card, .I have reasons for wanting (o know. �(''ablo messago frotiv Mt Archibald Laing to )Ir L'aiusbiidgc. IT know nothing whatever of the nine of Heart,,.' - • If The infurmation that you gave nlc in your cable thit Miss Mabel Rutland and Ldvvard Layton were once ongaged to be inarried is of the utmcst intoiest to roe You will doubtless in your letter explain snore fully what you know, but I do not wait for lett6rs from you. Time i,, --to( lwocious for me to loose an hour, a mo Inent. I foci confident, before you eu light( a mo upon this point, that I shal furect out somethingof importance,whict may lead to the end lve both desiro. . :niay Confess to you at or.c 1 that the Cas, has taken complete hold of trio, and tha without airy prospect of monetary corn pensation 1 should devote tuysolf to it :China Edward Layton is bent upon suer', !icing himself in some person's interest seems to me to be cei Iain. It well take something in the shape of a mirad to convince me that he is guilty of f)'. crime of which lie is jebarged. I hal elected myself his champion, and if it I in the power of man to bring him out his doaperato straits with honor, T. r ,olvo, with all the earnestness of n heart and with all the strength of n intellect, to accomplish it. '.Cite intel'. Banco that AIr James I-lutland is unc to the young lady to whom Edward La ton was cngao d, may be of u-io to lit i do not yet dispair of obtaining usof information front Him. Jiy inquiry tespecting thcl uiuc Ilenrt'A tvas not illy made. This hal W' Mr James Rutland, who was on the l nt•y.' ,That is ati iia.e, e claiuiecl Dr Dain - Coll t t. Very strange, but -I shall beSur ptiaed if, before we come to the end of this af- tair we do not meet with even stranger circumstances" than that: Proceed, I beg, with what you have to tell me con- cerning Miss Rutland. . '' Well, her parents are in i feat dis- tress abouther, and I am much puzzled. There is nothing radinally wrong wi•h her. Thele is no confirmed disease; bar lungs are sufficiently strong; she is not in a consumption, and yet it may be she will din. It is not her body that is suffering, it is her mind. Of course I was very particular in making the fullest inquiries, and indeed she interests me. Although her features are wasted she i beautiful, and there rests upon her fad '1'tr expression of suffering exaltation an self sacrifice which deeply impressed we In saying.thit tbis impression rests her face, I am speaking with exactness It is not transient; it does not come 4n go. It .is always there, and to my ex perienced eyes it appears to denote som strong trouble which has oppressed be fon' a considerable time, and tender th pressure of which she has at lengt broken down, I could readily believ what bet• parents told me, thit tber were times when she was delirious fo many hours. 'How long has she been ill.' 'She had boon confined to her be since tl:o 26th of March.' 'The 26th of March.' I repeated, rtb day on which -Mrs Layton was fonn dead.' 'I dill not give that a thought,' 1 said. ( 'Why should you. I way confess tyou doctor, that I apply almost ever thing I hear to the case upon which am engaged. I sball sm•prise you ev more when Iask you whether•,during t ` time you were in 22 Lavander Terrae you heard the name iif Edward l,ayt mentioned.' ° No, his name was not mentione e Bainbridge, 1. know you are not giv ° to idle talk ;there is always something if what you say.' Assuredly, I answoved, I sun not e- the mood for idle tAlk just now. Evei y are marching on now, doctor, and I y inclined to think that we are oil 1- brink of a discovery. You have 1 le yet told me all I wish to know donee Y, iIlg Nils"Mabel I3utlancl. M hat in ul I bels of the fktolily (lid you soc. ]ler Iuodscr, her rather and hers of lfo replied. d ti•,Do these colliprise lhr ,whole of f,imily, tV 1A `1O 131,111 a me 1Cat prescribed-'-•-cl'' not reached the core of the patient s dis• s ° d Upon 1 E0*t N PlIY9 CIAN sUli{r "HINUTO rB. tvu t1 . e • utPh sieuu is col the Coli t !l r Lioont t y neoDuohon 6 . ease.' `If sho goes On as site is going I And Surgeons o! Lower Canada,and Provrncia]Licen- Hato and Coronorfor the Conn tjofHuron. Oalocand on now,' said the father, °what little re- ild tg formerly oecupfedby Mr. Chidence, Hugon building serve she has to draw upon will soon b0 I Clinton, Jan. 16,1871. exhausted If she goes en as she is -go- d In now I am afraid thele will be but g . � (�1LIy and MECHANICS' ]NTin bloc LTBR- -�.lAay and Reading Rooms, Perrin block, down _ one result.' The niothF b0st into etaire. About 1,760 vu umes in the Library and III the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals or tears ; the father fixed his steady gaze tho day ou the table Membership ticket $1 per upon me, but I saw his lips quiver.— annum. Open from 2 to 6 p.m., and from 7 to 9 p Applications for ' We have called you in,'he said 'because h room. we have heard of wonderful cures y on Zfood bave'teffected in patients who have suf-• UNION SHAVING PARLOR fared from weak nerves. 'I have been ' --- 1 happily successful,' I said 'in effecting SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND SHAM- POOING done very neat and to suit cures, but I have never succeeded where every person. a'secr•et has been hidden from me.' At JOHN FADES, - smith's lBlocH these words the mother raised her hands imploringly to her husband. `Do you BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS AT COST. think there is a secret hidden from you The Clinton Branch Bible society -.have for sale at i in this case, asked the father. It is not lilt. WORrHING'r0Y,s DRUG SCORE, Albert St., a flue assortment of Bibles and'I•estaments. for me to say, itis simply my duty to TESTADINNTS from Sete. UPWAILDS acquaint you with the fact that that Your IlillubS from .C5cty. UPWARD6. COME AND BEE. DR. W9IiTIIINGI:ON, Depositary daughter's disease is i-hpntal,and that her in condition is critical. Until I learn the MONEY.. MONEY. cause of bel• grief I am powerless to aid We can make a few good loans from PRIVATE her,' 'Will you oblige me by calling on , Foxns, at •low rates and moderate expense. the morrow,' asked the father, after a Terms made to suit borrowers. slight pause, `Yes, I will call in the af- MANNING & SCOTT, - - Clinton e ternoon, and, if you, wisb,will sea yotlr - • - i, daughter again. He expressed his J. T. WILKIE. e h thanks in courteous terms, and I took, 4unGEON DEwrINT, Holdtho'exclusive right for the county for the Hurd my leave. I should have come hero ear- process of administering chemically pure Nitrogen e liar, Bxinbriddo to relate THIS t0 yeti , a : + ' Monoxide, which is the safest and best system yet die- covered for the painless extraction of teeth. Charges ° but I have had other serious Cases t0 at- moderate, satisfaction uaranteed. OvrrcE, g. r. + tend to. A. doctor's time is trot ]lis Own LIOIT'S BLOCK, over Rance'? Tailor Shop, Iiuron Street, Clinton. And hROI;EItY• S'1'OitE, HURON STREET, CLINTON. I The subscriber having purchased the business lately carried on by Mrs. Broderick, desires to intimate that be will continue. it at the old stand, in all its branches. IIe will keep on hand a choice stuck of CONFECTION- ERY of all kinds, BISCUITS, FRUITS AND CIGARS, lie has also added thereto a first-class assortment of I GENERAL GROCERIES. Al of whlclt lie will sell at the very lowest prices for cash.. Close personal attention, will be Riven to the business, and all orders entrust• ed to him will receive prompt attention. A TRIAL RESPECTrOLLY SOLICITED: W. ROIs E R'NON, Clinton Oalo'EXCEWORORGAN After the severest teat at the late fair in Clinton, it was universally admitted that FOR PERFECT AND EASY ACTION, BEAUTY OF FINISH, AND SWEETNESS OF •LONE, the EXCELSIOR was away ahead of all oth- ers,.and destined to be the popular inatru- ment of the day. This, along with the fact that a special prize wasawarded it, certain ly speaks volumes for the instruments, and parties purchasing should see the EXCEL- sior. befgre buying eleewhere. GEO. F. OAK ES, PROPRIETOR. Factory three doors Iweet'of Mulloy's' Pump Shop, Rattenbury St., Clinton. d to t0 en he on are the ens- you know.' - I ]lave sonsetbing to tell you, doctor, '- �% E 14T T L S T, COATS BLOCK I said, 'with reference to your new pa- n tient, which will interest you, Mabel Rutland was once engaged to be married -••t ��� d to Edward Layton; and I believe there "vas a deep and profound attachment be- caAROES MODERATE tween them. C L I N T O N • 1 oto teen rile you sial •tie me and h �O , a for thought. n r //� n westV ott & Sanders Zfood When he bade trio good night it was • with the determination toextract,if pos- EXETER ONTARIO. - Bible, from Mabel Rutland's parents,tbe ' 0P infortn,,Ation respecting ]ler mental con- Collect Nolen and Arcounts in any part Of dition, which might be used to her bene the. trorld at the most rea•vontiA, rates fit. For my part, I must confess to the d• hope, unreasonable as it may appear,that , _— ell he may also be successful in 'obtaining COP, RESPONDENCE' SOLICITED in some information which will assist me in ' the elucidationof the mystery upon which in I am employed. Cable from AIr Bainbridge to Mr WESTCOTT; Bir SANDERS, its Archibald Lain". REAL ESTATE AfiF.NTft, ExETCa, (7NT. `(,live file what particulars ,volt roan of Miss Mabel Rutland and her parents,and _ - N� lot tri. Of her brothers mol roisters, if she has any. ('thio uscssa(r fruul \fr .\rchiL,lld OMIM MW M B A elf. I,ainp to�rllr l+ainLrid;;e. , Bliss .µlabel Iilltlarld has n0 Sist(`is, tine I S l�lolii i, n,lyrot,tetaci h,l�stwin }wul'to ntt kelit'd and �• MEND THE ®o[�'S ! �L:4 15G A,A.Bennett W11&1 BETS A N 1) - EMBALMER, (Jf' Cliultoxt. V The BEST of EGYPTIAN FLUIDS used in EAlBALMING A large assortment of evetything in the Unclertaldn; line. Red mocker Store; CHH100, izESIDENCE, ORANGE ST„ NI:.tkR METHODIST fJ'IIURCH CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. BEAD -OFFICE, MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAM......... President. J. H. R. MOLSO.� . . ,. Vice -Pres. F,„WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, O&neral Manager Notes discounter], Collections made, Draf issued, 8tertinp and American e=47, �e bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest at 4 per cent allowed on deposit.?• EE•A.RMIMUL4. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes ',lith .no or more endorsers. No mortgage required tis .urity. H. C. BRENVI-It Manager, Jauuary 188 Ulihten J. B.IDDLECOMBLf Watch and Clock Maker JER'ET,LER, tic., OPPOSITE TUE J1ARIKET,CLINTON Where he keeps a select assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SILVER- WARk Which we Will sell at reasonable rates. Repairing of evaly description proialptly tended to, and all work warranted, J. BIDDLECOXIIE.• Clinton, Nov.1882. RIGHT TO THE FRONT CHOICE PILED OATS and L`II,OVEIt 1100 •fIDIOTRY LSEED FOIL 8,i LE. Parties wanting such should call early. I am also prepared to pay highest market price in asst+ for Po. tatoes. Ile i• tall to be found at the old stand, I-TURON ST., CLINTON. il'it:+'u foil line of FLOUR, FEED & VEGETABLES of the best qualities, which he will sell at the lowest remunerative prices to all who may favor him with a call. 111.4 stock includes FLOUR, CHOP, SHORTS, BRAN, OATS, PEAS, HEN FEED, GRARAM GRANULATED RO L- ' D \' EAT CRA FLOUR CRAC1dE t E1 LER, and ST %NDARD OATMEAL and CORNMEAL, all kinds of Vegetables, BARREL SALT, all -of whieb Ile will sell for cash or coarso grains. BRAN,811ORTS and FLOUR by the ton or ew•t., and everything said .- atmill prices. All articles delivered free of aha, within the corporation. His motto will be "OooJ goods, just,velght and one price." THOS. WATSON Huron Street, Canton . PLANING MILL AND— DRY XltiN! TITS SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST COMPLETED 1 and furnished his new Planing )dill with mile in - cry of the latest Improved patterns, in now pro cd to attend to all orders In his lino fit the most promPt, and satlsfaetory manner, and at reasonable rates. He would also return thanks to all who patronized the old firm before they dvere burned out., and now being in a better "pmittnn t • e\ecuto orders expeditiously, feelsconfideut hr c ... Love satisfaction to all. Fe1CTORY-_N,\.1r 1Ite Grand Trt)nk Rafl tray, Cl('?,ml. TII'J3I.1S