HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-29, Page 2F ... • . _. .. r ., _..'- .....-... taK .,... - ---­=-- —n..,««- ..-..... q _ %, +�4�F''.!'MM 3 ^.• ]Rro Y9"47 0/RZ?Ux­" .. - - ..,M., -. nf1C,i 1p; ., "... . .. .. I I 1. ., I . ­. " I ... . - — -- . I I . I I . . I ", I I , I I I , I I . . . T . . . •. . -- I.. l INT . T - E CL w I .. I 11 1 • •------ -- .•—�— — r. .. - — _ -- . - - _ - - - .. - _ —_. -- - _ - - - y if�� VOL 23 NO. 30 � � 1 7 TEity1S-$1.li0PtrAnuum tuadlanro CLINTON.,� ONT., .� �� 11,LL 1, JULY ,��, �tJC21. JRODRb j HOLMEiy} (. -- - - ---- - - -- _ P ►her. ^� MAIiNPCII. ! — LONDBBBORO. - � Johnston, who has been over to the old' - sLYTei. --- _ i •^ =- - - ` - __ ___ _ _ _- - _ NEIVSY NOTEs.-The farmtri are all Mr. Ouimette is Awa on a tri to Du- country with cattle, returned home on (Some autos concerniag Blytb, by a rambler.) really needed, the present building being Yungblut is engaged by Dir P. Gunn, for : .' y haying and harvesting. The ha loth but is expected home this week. Monday looking hearty and well.-F.noeb To most people of the Hub, Blyth is sup. unsuttalTlo in several respects. one month, Mr Jacob Flick purchased 1 bus ha to g Y P Shorts,, Esq., having sold his boats at posed to be ort of a half -dean and -alive SUDDEN DEATH. -We regret this week one of Watson'a bind"era for this harvest, ii was all excellent crop and hits been well Air Wm Moon,. one mile east of this o chronicle the sudden death of a son H and we bear it is ivin immense.satis- saved. The spring grain looks weR but village, is recoverng from his recent at.. Ludiagtou, Mich., has rented his property little village north of Clinton. Such was stir John Ba'rrett'e, wno died on Sunday faction. The fall gtvheaE and•barle aro the fall wheat is almost A failure. - \ire tack of inflammation and fever. there for five years, and is now home my impression until last week, when, being with scarlet fever. Deceased had only about housed Y ` Porterfield has returned from an extended B next week we will fable to state looking after his farm and assisting with there for a few days, I had time to examine Y , with farmers busy at oats 6\-- iNEIA/ ERA Y the harvest.- Tyner has enlarged it more closely than usual ; and I mast ea come from Stratford, on Friday, where be and sits. H. R. Keens, of Sebrin villa trip in the United States. She was visit- the new occupant of our popular market Y g that I•fonnd there enterprises that Oise eri was attending his sister, who was ill. His aid his friends here a flying visit gate] ip her sons in Nebraska. -Robert A Hary rt =den, Monday neat being sale da big ftarniture store and has got in a main- P P lately, Ing g 6 Y g y' moth stock of lino furniture which is sell- titled to be successful. Indeed the village remains were Interred in the Union THE BRimn.-Mr.Airsley, bridge fin- is home for his holidays.-Allessrs James Word. hag been recedved from St• contains all the elements of success if it cemetery on Sunda evenin last. Mr a ector some time ago notified Mr W. H. and John McCallam are crecti5,g large !'Phomas that Mrs Jas. Morris is danger- fag fust, ag several weddings are likely to were properly patronized by the surrounding Barrett has only been a resident of town Baer, tharit was his intention to rept a-•• Ili Atone houses this season. �f ben they are oualy ill, and several of her frfonds have take pisco soon. -Mr Gillespie, of Blyth, a,� [arming community. v°a7 about,'. weeks. He has the heart- the abutment of the Nolmeeville bridgq iia finished they will be a credit to tlio sec- I gone there to see her. Her sicknes's was re. busy gravelting the boundary between I propose this week (with the editor's con- felt gymyathy of the whole community in soon as the water of low fE has heel Yew fi p tivnY Several from tlis section attended caused by fright at the recent disaster- the township of East Wawanosli and Mor- sent) to devote a short space to its manufac- his sudden and sad bereavement. 'Y for som time buttheabutment does not I': the examinations for entrance and cer- ' The body of Miss Crozier arrived here ns, but not before it was needed. -A. tures; and at some future day todescribv its NOTES. -Messrs Anderson & Elder pur- seem tomove�up stream.' The bridge at „ tificates held lately.-A'Lr Joseph:, Arm- I Tue,day night ori the 7 o'clock train from Taylor is making business lively by sacrf- business houses and leading men: • pose rempvin .:their stock into Watson's the foot of the Ion hit will have to be 11 strong hits rgturned from Toronto, where i Lundon, and was met by friendsVlio pro- ficing goods and advertising. Next the depot I found' ,tlie planing mill gg' g i ►. a owned b M- r Tilos •Bawden. It is fitted u brick block slfori *.- humor says that a refloored, as there are -9/couple of large be was writing on the Matriculation ex- ceeded to the cemetery on the 13th con.," Y p new dry goods store is to be opened out hole g 5 AmionLion 1G 13 t0 be. h0 ed 110 will be and the remains were fntCl'red the •same I DUNGANNON. with planer, circular saws. band saw and all ^ gin fE. > P • in town shortly; whobsays Blyth is not au,. -Mr Geo Tyner is glow' re- ry?nig IMI[' and Mrs Denvoo have' gone to the machinery usually fo Ll"'n A 1lrat.Clasa Y Y g' , Montreal on a visit to friends. mill of ims'li,rid. The motive power is, of the mi! g Somr3 of the men employed at It Nn91fe1lowA' a)ecorntlou Ds,�' - - covering-fconi his illness., ' The Quarterly meeting will be held on � The view addition to St, P„ul's Church course, steam. Afr Bowden being not only si t black were out on.strike last week ppreviously announced that the ' _yl ... Sabbath 81st Inst, In the Methodist church, a first carpenter enter but n for an increase in their tva ea their de- Clinton Oddfellows would observe the - •:� improves its appearance.ggcall p Practical en;sneer, I g ; �V16LE`r'I'' g '” found the engliio the best kept and most niand not being complied with they re- 7 Y 4 g •. - ­; O E - Krnbnrn, Ornmell p At I ere A. m. Y.,�:r..,est 2 th,inst. b decorating the raves ofde- NOTES-Dir Geo. T Emerson is driving Rey i losers will preach here in the ' alts (hrintie, of(larnet, is the guest of I smooth] running ono in tlio whole villa fe- solved to leave • hand:, were soon secured parted members ofAhe order,with flowers. 'I a handsome three- ear old black fill in- I evenin aqd the uarterl collection will I her sister Mro W. I+'. Uampbell' and the a aro quite a number in it. gMr to fill the vacancy, Very warm weather. y afternoon, wearing regalia, Y Y• • g q Y On a 1. ll . bred to Poscoro, which is said to eclipse be taken up. Iiev W. F. Campbell hag gone to see I Bawcleu is also a splendid stair builder, in There -fir at present A good deal of sickness I and earth member carrying a boquet of '1 anything in this neighborhood -Mr S. f Now that the bus seaQon is over for his brother Rev T. M. Campbell, of Owen fact, lie is a universal gonias in wond work, :, g Y I i in town, flowers, they marched t -b -the station head- ], g popular g Sound, who is at present in rather poor and I think the best non-professional CONCERT, - Tho promenade Concert ed by the Dohert Band where the t1odc- Kitt has one to Lucknoty to work. -Mr our o ular inachino a ant the Maxwell health, I . P Y , Dan Shanahau threshed on Wednesday, firm slfould grant him at least a month's ry i (Imughtsmau in the county. That all who which was held ip tbt Agricultural 1-11,11 rich E,neampmenbi in full •unifai al ivas being the first to do so in this locality. holidays to rest his weary body and re- past buise. Sinith,'r who fur some time 1 know hiui think s1, is clearly shown by his last I+`ridgy evening under the auspices of g y DEATHS. -The townsbip during the crust his much worn constitution, to be in P as been visiting friend, i1, Ci,ieng.) having orders from all me larg ordernty, the band and lawn tenofs club wag a rand islet•, after fnr,nfu into line the all set few days has lost two of its earl readiness for the next bug season. returned home on Vridity. Susy secins Navin; just cgynnplotod some largo orders for g marched to the cemetery, where the work 1. c p Y Y Y I succesa,there being a large crowd resent. of deeratinn Has proceeded with, The settlers. The first of these is Air William ,Farmers heresy the never knew rain delighted with the city. 13rnssels. Ile was very busy nttho time of g P Y Y g m visit, getting read the tweed work fora The Rev i1Lx Parke occupied the chair in depart members of Use order interred Jam ea on, of'the Huron' road, who died to ripen so fast a� this year. Threshing Tile Sacrament of the Lord's supper in ; Y P g connection with the Dun r tnnon illethod- ,,lumber of new houses a most sable manner,aud after n few intro• here are Ed wardGrigg,Robert Newmarell, on Saturday last, at the age of 85 years, has commenced about two weeks earlier �' Messrs Cowan and Young were also bury duelers rFinarks proceeded with the ex- Samuel H; Ranee, and Andrew Kirby. and was a ood, genial neighbor. lie than last year. There are four or five !at church was held in the Nile church The i g g Y Sunda morning, 11, the same sbop pr6paring the wood work cellent programme which was prepared graves were decorated in the order had a large family, several of whom sur• machines around here, and they all started I Y E. Iiev lir Howell of I for a house which they are building for air for the Occasion. The singing of Messrs named, Air. Andrews, Of Goderit:h, offic!- vivo him. to work the same day-Wt,dnesda Pile Seaforth, ttrlrl Air Irvin of]}cinting• + atin r as Noble C y Walter Scott, of F,nat Wawanosh. It will be W111 Shane, Tied Tanner and John Ate- 6 Grand, and Air I. Taylor, .. -- The second death is that of Mr ,John An boys, and see who puts in the most days. I • etonEck-11 T(iev+N�11f p• a fl,le, slal)stalltial building. llrYot gwag, Kinnon wits. well rendered and heartily of Clinton, nit Chaplain, each• reading a Miller, of the 3rd con., who died on Mon• On Sunday last the Rev. Air Rogers in- ( People along the 13Avfteld line are ttu:,• It seemof course, quite r ado of snfor it " broad smile." received by the audience. During the part of the ritual, a handaoiv�e wreath of . day evening, after a short illness, from vited the congregation to a social to bed, g 1 tellect for such a promenading the band and orchestra flowers and several small boy uct8, were I .1inflammation of the bowels, Deceased held at the Parsonage, on Thursday even- i deriug when a certain[iayfield hotel keep• 1 man to bit a Tory. i[r Cowan and ho feel rendered some flue selections. `rho con- p grove, some appropriate ]date g, 3 Y er will et through a a I y g laced on each r was a native of Ireland, and lived in An- ing; the object of the social is that he snit i g' 6 hauling vinegar that the deserve some reward for conferring ' Pe ! I barrels. on Blyth the seat distinction of honor -a cert was brought to a close by the band couplet being expressed by A member of caster township, Hoar Hamilton, when be get ti acquainted with the con- • Y g' playing God the Queen. Upwards the order, sacred music rendered byAinasrs first came to the country, but for about 30 gregation, The circuit is to be. congratu- Mr E. Mitt, of this Base Line, finished I coat of many colors; for thecouncil of Blyth of 017 were realized. Oakes Smith Harland and Ka and se• 1.are he has;been aresident of Hullett. laced on stria such un efficient aster, cutting his crops on Tuesday morning, ,likethat,ofClinton,applies-to its boardwalks ' + Y,. Y getting P Y �' the ++ RETIRING. -The man lections b ' He generally enjoyed ood health and for ever onese..e s perfectly satisfied with And will be All through harvesting b this good old maxim, never too late to y friends of Dr y the band. 1'he ceremony was g. Yg 9 ri P Y' g Y menti.'• '11rShaneigBawden'srialitbower- Sloan will regret to learn that owing to witnessed by cite anumber of people, was esteemed as a man of good principle, their choice, and there is certainly nit (Friday) morning, lie takes rho cake ff you c+tit imngi,ietl,c•Jncic weariuga pall of ill health, he Lias been compelled to drop who seemed much interested in too pro- strong moral convictions, and enjoyed the reason to be otherwise. for being first. spectacles. outside practise. lie has enjoyed a very ecedtngs. As each grave was decorated in confidence of his fellows. He was an ad- IN TITS METHODIST _ CHURCH, On ; GABDEN PAR'rv'-A garden party will Next the pinningmill issituatodthe brick- wide business for a great many years, and + e g turn ;VIr G o. :1 Sharman ave the fol - hereat of the Methodist church, and Monday evening, August let, Air Su•uth-' be given at the residrnre of Dire. 1V 'L'eb; 'yardownedby ATr WinMoutray. Itisanew has been unusually successful, and those lowing feels concerning the departed: leaves a family of two boys and tour girls, ere, of St, Thomas will give an excellent I butt, Maitland tyro., on the evening of � enterprise. ill Blyth, the first kilt having who have imr r looked to him for comfort ,r g Wednescla i b ]ire. ].dward Grigg was initiated as a three of the latter being Mrs lVAlklnshaw, l exhfbltfon Of rho Life of Christ All y, Aug.Aug• 3rd, !or the benefit of been )est burnt. It N of red brick. Red and assistance. m m• Ebenezer church. There will beexcel:ent brick docs not seeua to be popular in this when suffering from the a ber•of Charter lodge, of 16, 187°, IMrs. Erving, and Mrs McKnight. His the principal events in His life will be I not 1 Z ilia to which flesh fa heir, will be sorry to being n .Charter member of the'lodge. *1 wife also survives him. I the'i t out full life size. 1'.hyg exhibi• music and Food entertainment. neighborhood, and he told me that lie would know that his services are no longer at He'was elected V.G„ June,1873, antlN.G, , —... . tion has leen given in many i sties and BORN BUR`ED-During the rain storm niake no more of that kind. He is now turn- their disposal. except for office calls and I Sept., 1873. He was elected the first STEPHEN. towns. The Guelph Mercury says : "It of Thursday night last. the barn of Mr Jas ing out oboist els thousand white brick per I Chief Patriarch of Wellington Encamp. P Y Y da ill addition to drain tiles. As swearing Consultation. Recent family afflictions i g p- HANGLll 1:ilusrLF,--Un Fridaylast a is safe to say every individual tong. Richardson, On the 12th eon., (A short �•' g + distance south of Holmesville and profanity of any kiud are not allowed. have left a strong impress on the Doctor'o I tient, Guelph, Feb , 1876, and was segtas farmer named Joseph King; of lot G, thoroughly pleased and benefitted by the ) was struck once rug ed ire r b li on the premises, 1 hope the enterprise may t;g constitution, and it is the , • p esentative to the Grand Encamp - South bq}fndary of Stephen township, exhibition. The running comments of Y .'shining and entirely consumed, ,with I be as successful as it deserves. earnest desire of all knowing him; that j Merit tete same year. He was a favorite near Crediton est office commuted sus• the exhibitor were ,exceedingly appro. .ria contents, and also two adjoining .build- To•allwhn know, Rlytln, tine name at onto , cessation from active work fora time At ' tvi,tii all who kn(w him arc] was buried P Y hanging- in g- , Ile had ilia, year's wheat crop in suggests Relly. Indeed, before the days of least, will result in his compete restore- Oct. IU, 181,6, beinh Aeputy Plitr.ict Chief tide in an outhouse b -hen fag- hiiaself, priate,•and he seemed to enter into full � , . He hall been inclined to melancholy for sympathy, • with his subject. Verses of c barn, and alas that of two previous I the 5edtt iter, a colnnlcrAid traveller tion to health and strength., ! Patriarch tit the time. some time past, and left the house Osten- au)table, hymnal were atarted impromptu I Years, with all IG4 implements, buggy, i tbrearemed to demoralize a ticket clerk at - g I Bro..Robert Newmarah wit.,; initiated Harness &e- Ver. little was saved f'rnrn rile railway r,tation at Clinton bccaasc b L'rasosdl.,a,-Tilsit IlAttie Drummond I :lprfl 1 d, l87 1, and elected to the office of sib] -v to cut thistles in a field near by. during the evening, Anri this feature en- • When called for dinner lie could not be j ]lanced the interest of the occasion. Air the burning element. [lis loss is between I csonitl not give him a ticket to the village of la visiting friends in heaforth at present. V G $2;500 and $+3,060, on which there is a Kell Miss Mar C'arsoiiof Jan > 1830, which office ho filled Mound in the field, and Search befog made Struthers exhibition will be leartily light in,+]ranee, the T sal dc'� heli f itiisenot}iellte tshryiuld guest Of alias :Inose Kelly tn�eehy 'I� I for try° term.°, and the following January he was found hanging by the neck, with welcome here on account of ,its merits at r - _y Y X he was• elected N.G. filling this office at one foot on a wheelbarrow. No inquest- any time.' Admission 20 and 10 cents. . - "`�'a'"'"" - i b , for }ie is the best looking man in it." As f,l3.ICelly spent Sunday in ,5tratford,� Mra - was held, d'rocecds to baa lied to church property. °ot'•tinsviLIX. 'totile cormetness of the C T's statement I D. Buie, Of C!licago, is at present visiting thetime of his =death, i1, 18SL: Ile, was z PP P P Y• T1tE Pl;Oi'LESat-The root'nu file new d() not circ in wunrh, bat the universal friend> in town, hiss Dickson 1,t Sex- hard-working member of the LodX6, and - . - -.- .. j On Tuesday evening, Ang. god, Mr acitoo! house is tun flat. 'That it i3 wrong tcstimunyis,thatif anyouegetg intoa"tight 'forth, and Miss Hess, of Listowel,.Aro the in hist: `tl ft lost one of dts bc:,t member+ o�noiiNE. I Struthers will give the same exhibition in - to attempt to make proselytes. That the ' place" Pat will lielp him, whether be .be ! Bro. Samuel Rance was A moinber of IN ' OLD .SETTLER.--AIr JaS Saddler, an the l.'inburn church; the admi.>:vfon will ! guests of llss Allis 7 oan this week. AIr new school louse twill scarce) be cam- I friend rr foe. as a result of thi popularity D1 a Uc\au<rliton I'Ormerl Forest Citylodge, of Londt,n. Ile was o earl settler of Usburne township, died on I be the sa=ne ,in(] roceede on behalf of Y h y A regident of I Meted nn time I lie isthe liere,iitary reeve of Blyth -he beina. C Only a member ler• I. short t.imr. betlu•e Ili,. Friday last at the age of 65 yeare.� ' the chmrch funds. 1 + the first of the line. A visit to Lis stcoa;i i;lyth, lltlt now of ._ChoQeld, SVis., is at rook, but durin • that tine n•:la a rood FIRE. -During the storm, 1AstSatnrtiav ! rltr SWK LIST, --Mr VV, 1,otib, better pre ent the guest of l!r 1), P. �IcICionon', ,.- R t+ ..Nw � --_ „ flouring mill sl,ow:e•3 it, to he tili',lill" out and worthy Oddfelfow, Ile 010 •laniary I known as ' (';}randfather Lobb, is very I about ei rht barrels of flour a die of trio ,1Ir% (vallum, of Sarnia., and Aliss A nder• ,)� IS l night, lightning sot fire to the barn n!' I Tt'eie islt,nitimu• ;ill, and: doubts oro entertain -ed of his re, ' y Y son; of lis 'orcin are the stasis of Dirg i' Mr David Milli 7th con, of this town- }inmlE iilong viththo usual,rnstom �,istinu, 3 g, g, i3ro.:lndreiv Kirby tvaaAeharter item- , , It Or Are glad to see the gent-' cocery aw he ie About 3U ca r3 of see.- ! [t i5 fitted nl tt•ith.the roller nrocesa, I manner this -week. Alrc A. Coulter spent bar of Baron Lndg 'N . f3 ship, and it, together with A large g,tatr ,al, smiling countenance of our, friend 51,- , lir Thos Putter, one of the old resident% i I fours( friend Sims, of the , -12inl Tit a fe • da�li„i ilolmesville this cv,Cel;.- •. e • o ) at its itis ' --�, v of lin `"„1 a ,'�`'�`"g.�' e- � y (,it tile again. • o `ilii, sen ,on ii cons an y Cnn ,sec toy sulitT Shop, its Llacl:.nnd' ;nod sainted nt 1lerd, mfllfncr in :lit .arson r� I:lder'a,left 1 .'lyry „t . e filled the office of _ consumed.. ,, during thy, term ending Juoe, 187.. doubt his return will gladden the* of Ili,; bed, and hooka forward with antici- j ever amcl very very bme-y-lip- seeing to be ,town this week for her vacation. Mr Fred " , ADTOTunrt CALLED AWAY. --We record Ile was also a (,harter inember of Huron some one; we hops a thousand will catch pared j ,y to the time ttihen.his spirit will ' alwtt •sbn.y, Li?:e 1-rny;felit,lv'g Llack iinith Tanner is nt present enjoying a few hell- l:nca.m 'Hent do. 23, ITe Flied in C;intort this week the death of the wife of Mr him flits tlulc, 1 take fts iii ht to the better.: world, Thos Miners,_ whose maiden. name -was, GrNERot a A en-tleinan--once-well "NOTES . ' ” i1e l*an look the y,hr,hrtsoild in the t5l:ee t days visWeg friends at Watford. hiss in l ehrunr 1851. • Irlizabeth Andrews, daughter Of h1r Phil- known among us a s farmer on the Sth musket des'rn s tE,��n'��nal boom of the rffie Dittrsh; who has been in Toronto lily ;liter inarchint, back to Lown, Clinton f And'ceivs' of Usliorne which tools lace For rc ower not any nlau," S i oniony of our vil• I in that reaper^ t have the td'c,u,ta+ e c,!' Jilin some time, la home again. lira .J,B Felly : Oddfeilnc:s entertained their Gtpderieii ' P , + A con., but now the •propricwr of a large , lage,-A %ciopticon entertainment is to be , f,,,. returned from her visit to Stratford ting (lyretltren to 1, per, a.t TCenned 'g hotel, ..on Sunday morning last after a brief ba, tailoring P�.tabllshmem in Toronto, is. I held here next Saturday evening in the week. t P Y 1. severe illness. Deceased scnnctime aro g ]tau 1, ol: the tihoh v:nrld in ilio face I where au excellent spread ivas prepared, showing iii i generosity by contributing to 11lethodist Church. Admission 20 and 10.1 And owe every man that will trust me. P.AItAn[otJ�� �T. sllbsE r lteiltl matching tO the gtatfon with contracted a severe cold, which heeming one or two of the poorer families of this cents for adults Anrl children respectively.� f Y frivolous received but slight attention, place, a part of the remnants and cuttings -Master Will Rumb,tll from ' -This copulet limns a little, but aentimeni BmEFei.--alfsaes ]Bary F. Murchison, i there headed by the band, The occasion but which in.ohe course of'a feed weeks c, Tilbury isall right, and tvhnr.areafora'syllable store. I was rt touehin i of his largetailoririgestablishment. itch Centre, is spending a few days at the I or less? and Lizzie Murdoch; of this place, are at . in g, mliressiva one, and it i, developed foto fnflainntation of the lungs. generosity is commendable. _ • i parental roof. -Miss S,J ]• lemiug i3 .visit- After orossin the 131 th ]liver don'L present visiting friends, the furmer at i tended to keep -tip ftii observance. Shesteadi}y grew worse-, life depart- NEvv �HOLSES.-Dir Robt. Iagie, jr., ing with her sister, Mrs Win I.bbb, sr.--- ninile; for wbilohlookingi, to it 1 could see l incardine itnd tiie latter at'$russels.- - 'tea''- ed as shote stated. 56o had attained the of thle 2nd, having taken unto hims, If a ,Mrs M, Watts, of Cobocmik, is -spending in imagination "t•beforest of raasts" cluster- The Murdoch 13ros, and five of their men LOCAL tCHUR019 01t411f1�'@ES; , i age of 28 years and four months, and wife, is now engaged erecting a new frame her tracat•ion with friends in this v icinit+, in aloe its bus quays from the imposing g Ir n the Rev. [t. Thonliur ling Fon.; on a tri i••to . ' g g g g' y p g are erecta A fine stens buildin , i ;, 1 was highly esteemed by all who had made house; Air Reynolds, of llensal'l, has the -51iss Frances and Mr Carter, former structure on which I stood to the Railway vicinity of Ethel, l:nglaad. . her acqualutance• contract of the carpenter work, Messrs. residetita here, Are spending a few Flays aqueduct) I came to the woollen mill of A F.Y•frRTATWvrr'ZT.--Dewdrop bodge I, Rev. Il. Y. ThoniSon,and wife, of Hensall, Wcsticntt & Cudmure . the ii3ason work with friends in this u.eighborhoo(1. 1 orsyth anti bon. It is in full operation 0. Q. T., held an open lodge last Friday left here Lest week on a triji, to this northwest. :IIANCiiESTEit• and AIr .J. Steacy, the' painting, All �.�- � � _ � and seems to be doing good Rork. A lubber- evening, The crowd was not very large, They took tickets vitt tho.0 P,R. BRIEFS.-aVm Sturdy is rusticating in these gentlemen are well-known as first- slam agent tackler} me for nn order while ,lir Cornelius bag taken the place of cornet g KINnrtt v. P but was as large as could be expected dur- player in Rattenbury St. Methodist Church, Parry Sound for a couple of months. -T: class mechanics and Mr El Fie is sure to y , • . standing beside a steam looni. It is the first ing the busy season. The programme vacated by 1Tr Swc,eLmaii'g removal from 6 Miss Anme +shoals is at preterit vi,_ting t!me,T ever got even with one of these goer- was of a high order, those. on the pro - Thompson has sold his farm to William have a good lodge.-1'Ir .John DlcDonald+ leer sister, lir, Banintotl at Belmore. T town. i Sturdy for a eery good figure.-ATre Mc- o1, the adjoining Tut to Air Elgie's, is Alan AIr J. +It, Murray attended 'the cheese infer thatltle io a tatorlofwaaid loom is once gramme confining themselves pretty much Rev. C. 1'. Salton antl wife, of (,odeiicH, Gee and family are spending the summer erecting a nevi house; Air A MCBeath has convention at Listowel on Thursday, but Looking, when Ilsay that I roniainerl witch- to the great 'cause' for which they are were expected to leave I+.ngWid last week, months. on the shores of • Lake Erie.- the contmet of tile' carpenter work, and we have not ]earned if he made a gale or ing !t for hal£-itis-hoar. T foand a spinning banded together, and every person went and the,r.arrrval is lookers for any tinionow:. • While faking a drive last Sunday James Westicott & Cudmore the mason work; it not. John fa'uat"the right man in the j g tip i stairs, run b an extromet home well pleased with the ovening't en- A cordial reception will beacooMctl them oil Clark Gad the misfortune to have his leg is to be hoped .]oho will leave hiabachelor g jack workin 1 y y badly broken, caused by the horse taking days behind him in the old house. richt place. 'What will we do !f Iie does good natnird man, although the breakages tertainmefit, The people ofthis vicinity their return b Co ser' h. fri ht resulting in the above. -A ladder F not come anotliq year. , of the yarn were enough to put even a Job may expect an entertainment of this kind There will be no cervico in Onttiri,, Street g ► g uNEltAL tS'FRVON,-On 5unclay after- Mr Joh Aicayfllan Al. P., shipped on ()lit of temper' Would it not pay evil, farm- every three weeks and perhaps oftener. alethodist (Church, on, Sunt aymorningnext•, factory'las been started and is now run- noon last, Mr Crookahanks preached the Tl hi ' ors to improve their stock so as to be able to Ar,CIDFxT,-What might bit o been a' nvving to quarterly services being held at Saturday last for the old country, 5 Far Hing i1, full blast in the west end of the funeral sermon of the late Aire. A Crich to loads of fat cattle. il'Ir Robt. Aicblfllan •False a better sample of wool? serious accident tank place last Sunday Turruer'r church. ;'ho rognhtlaotiifial mcyt- town, T ani of the lean kind but outside of a Afternoon, as Miss Martha Murdticlf was ing will be held on Monday ovemnng. �� I a large and attentive congregation; Tek, [vent in charge of diem, and we sincerely ing his text from the 14th of Rev. 1:3t1i y dream, .I think it would be impossible for me drivingher sister Lizzie, who has been I Iiev. J. Gray preached ris Sd Re Church, F.\ET)CIt. hope DIr Mellillan will have very good to eat.that spinner without becoming fat. . -ill for ome time past.) t � y � oil Sunday nnnliling last, sari Rev. D: M. verge, •+Blessed are the dead who die fn luck As these are the first cattle that lie ( Livingston s flax mill is in a fair state of • P ) n bunds school Ramsay, of Londcghoro,1,l rho evem„f. On BRIEFS.-Tbe fall wheat in this vicinity the Lord;' he asked the question has shipped himself. advnncemont, and when completer] dill-at7d in company with Miss Lizzie McMillan Sunday next ;4Tr Gray swill preach ni the is nearly all harvested. -Quite a large "what is meant b din in the Lord?" PP amount of sickness in this .place, a couple Y Y g (Zuarterly services will be held in this coi)giderable business to Blyth. and two small children, Lovell Murdoch moron}>, an l Ttev.:1. ;4ToLeiin, of TllythI fu and answered it by saying it was the faith Methodist church here -next Sunda moria- A notice of Bl tb would be incom )late and his •niero Grace F. Cameron, While the eveninj;. of young men at resent being ill with g - , fn at 10:30 Ole A CosNel 'Tem et- genial anri going down Bill the breeching, strap broke The setvlca•, in tit, 1. utl',i Uhn;eh on Sun• b.typhoid fever. -'lobe work ,on the new °r Fell ion whit FIe came to estAdilish g c , 3' Y 1 , . , being the law ot(o b death . and Illus• without some mention of the English clutch has commenced and wlnn fi Y + once meeting is• anifotinced for 3 o'clock Pop ill deptityaiostmaster. Ifoundhim ag on doth sides, letting the buggy run day next, will be commemorative of .the' [rated this by reference to a similar law i m obliging and good natured as usual, and T against the horses heels, frightening him hrindredth anniver,iar of the Colonial E xis .i $nisled will be one of the finest in the 1 • ,'when lire meeting will be address- n. � e s g Y 1-' ' in nature, both in plant and Animal l[fe. eri b 1 certainly hope thathNghadow may continue so tbat lie ran away. A crowd of boys copate of the Chm•ch of England in Canada, province. -Business is dull in town every Trustingin this religion brings untold Y Messrs, E. 13, Mollis, Pdlman and to lnerenge in size, Y , ahead seeing the affair, stood in aline in this first Bishopric }icing fonntietl in Nova day except Saturday. -The sound of the g g Kent, from Seaforth. We hit a the meet- the middle of the road to stop him, cons- y blessings 3❑ ilii% life, and i•n death the P Scotia in the nor 1787. steam thresher can be heprd in this consciousness of life beyond. '1.'be happi• fist will caergYeely attended, as this is the Tnr Si w -We regret to learn that ing the Horse to at once take to the ditch Tito statement of our local cotom. that the t neighborhood. -Mr Bert Romana, of the , meetings geld fere. at G Mrs Slater ig a't present seriouvly ill ;her G.T.R. had rodaced excursion rates to Gode- cess of the believer [tag in contrast with o clock these Musgrove which was not very shallow. All at once Glencoe Mfg Co., Glencoe, was 'loing•tlre the torment of the wicked. T1:O troll grove will' preach i❑ Lhe many friends hope for lice recovery. rich ig incorrect, and in eongognenco of the town last week. Bert is a jolly good ,t Temperance hall. Mra Plilli a is at re, the shafts, which attaches to the rig by a that ,their works do follow them' was p present on the sick list got clear high rates the officers of Wiflig Chnrcli Sail. fellow.-----*`o"and unable to leave;the house ; we hope to spring, came out and the horse + bath School have abandoned the idea of hold- shown by the influence of their life upon HENNALL. but not without taking Martha with him, ing a picnic this year. BiNDER.S.-Messrs. Westeott & Sanders the life and conduct of others. In refer- roTcs,-The weather continues very soon see ler able to be around again._ who teas dragged about 20 feet. At A letter received front the wife of Rev. A. [,, disposed of several Glencoe binders last ring to the deceased lady, the speaker hot and dry. Quite a number of the STonr•, RENTED. -Tho store now occu• "length, seefug she could not hold him, Stewart, convoys the pleasing information week and the purchasers are well pleased said it was unncessary for him to dwell at farmers in this neighborhood are thresh. Pied by Messrs Anderson & Elder will. she let him go, but not before getting bad- that 1[r Stewart's health bag materially tui• *F with their choles in procuring such a length hereon; her life And deeds were ing their fall wheat; the yield fs very shortly be moved to the opposite side of 1y hurt, As luck would have it Dr Mc- proved since his sojourn in the old country. bandy binder as the Glencoe Light Binder. better known to those present than to good. We saw A printed financial state- the street, south of Mr McKinnon's, in Crimmon arrived on the scene while on They had a pleasant trip across, Mr Stewart CAMPERs.-Sergent Sanders, Eli Cosh, hire, as he only knew her as a dying merit for the Hensall South circuit the order to allow of the, erection of a new his way to see a patient, but his services conducting religious servioeg on the steamer. J. .Chandler and lease Carling, jr., re- woman. In visits to her, .shortly before other day, and should judge from the re- building on the corner. This building were not required furtber than to take her A meeting of some of the Methodist minis., !" turned home on Saturday last after camp- her death, be found her trusting and re- port that tie circuit was in n very flourish- has been ]eased by Taylor & Son, for a home. tera of G•oderich district was held W Clinton term of three ears and will be fitted u 0-.W"------- on Tuesday, to arrange for a Sabbath School 1.1 ing a week at Grand Bend. They report joieing in the Saviour. To tie friends he log condition, Mrs R Coad arrived home Y P PoxTlart�rr A1Lfi;. Convention to lite held dorsa the session of ' game scarce and old 'bens very, tough, sold : On Tuesday last from a visit to her parents for their boot and shoe business. They which is Bob's favorite dish. "Take comfort Chriatians, when your friends in rho nes hborhood' of Ottawas Miss expect to occupy it in Septembet, and - NOTES - Mr James McDonald's horse the September district meeting, which takes In •Teter fail never g offer a 10 per cent reduction on summer bad a lively spurt with a horse rake after place in Ontario St. Church, on n date yet to nRUUEF'IELD. v'ourbetter being cover ends, Hattie Burch, of Lambeth, is visiting her be fixed. •JWhy, then, dejecteri, weer, P brother, Arthur ,Burch of the Rodgerville goods until that time. it the other day; rake badly damaged.- The following resolution was passed unnni- J lies MONUMENT. --A. meeting of the To the husband, he said he had another cheese factor dir and lura Davidson of A PRoaREsslvE CeiIIRcil.-The Ladies' Charles McGregor a team ran away with a.. mously by the officers and teachers of Rat- " eommi ee for the erection of a moon- Le which binds him to the eternal world, Y load of wheat this week ; too many oats, tenbur street Sabbath Rchool and speaks Stratford, are visiting theft dN North. Dirs ver Society well giving i the inner dial church do Charley. Mrs Robinson and Mrs Ram- Y ' P meat in memory of the late Rev Mr Rosa, and the Bearers generally he advised to (Kiev) E. A. I+`ear, of Honsall North. Mr very well giving dinner on the 12[1 of y for itself: -Moved by MrTYiompgon, geoond- was held here on Friday evening last. live so that they might join in the gouge o illiama, of Cloderich a student of July, rho net proceeds Heins 'llfi. One say, of Detroit, are visiting relatives in ed by ]Mir Beegely, that the thanks of this The treasurer, Mr Wm Scott, merchant, of the redeemed io the next world. Montreal Presbyterian Cof lego, filled the hundred dollars of this has been placed in this neighborhood. Mr. Win. Sterling Sabbath Sohool.are due and are hereby ten- Brucefield, reported that the amount al threshed wheat and barley on the 28th, dered Mr and 1,l it of Carmel church on Sunda last. the book as a sort of neat eggtowards a Mrs John 'Wigginton for their d reay subscribed was $245. The time for nEi.aitnvE, Large shipments of stock• were made from new church. The site hag ben purchas_ Inst.; p=otty early for the threshers to get kindness in giving us the ego of rho land receiving subscriptions was extended till BRIEFS, --stirs A, drisdaleanfl children, here during this week, Messrs Ballantyne cd and pnfd for. The pnrsanage It also to work, wbereon to hold a pienfe, and also for their a September. The monument is to be of left for their home in New Hamburg, she and Case each ahippping two car toads of 'clear of debt and well furnished, so that UONORNE. hearty assistance profit, in many the day ane iof t 4+ granite, and of such dimension-; as the having spent two months hero with her lino steers for rho Tit ligh market and ped the trustees will soon see Heir pleasure and prnRt, tllrly Having, by Heir funds will A110w: rarrntA ]+:mereon i.itticfair, -- Charles Air lioppel a car load ofCheo to Bti(fiilo, it is ho ,which i3 Norr.,x--iVfr W ° O,Hler las reahingled attention nndreonsidnrnticn, mntnNlnNy add• p way to the erection of a church and otherwise improved his barn. IT. 0, r",1 to tbn coni.nrt of nit praaont, G a • c6 1