The Clinton New Era, 1887-07-29, Page 1.- ..
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CLINTON, U�tZ•., I\1>LIU�11, JULY ?�J, 1887. IraoDERTfif)LMIP,D
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ntattivoetl. t.oNDeslsORa. Johnston, who has been over to the old • { - ` •-- - -•-- -- - _._.
t3LYTH. really needed, the present buildingbein Yun blut is engaged b Air P. Gunn for
NI'swsY NOThs.-The farmtrs are all Mr. Ouimette is away on a trip to DLL• country with cattle,, returned home -on (S: u,e nutes concerning Blytb, bya ratubler.) g gY ,
s ' busy Laying and harvesting. The ha loth but is ex eeted'home this week. Monday looking hearty and well. -Enoch To most people of the Rub, Blyth is sup- unsuitable in several respects, one mouth. Mr Jacob Flick purchased 1.
g' Y ' P Shorts, Es havlo sold his boats at p p Y 1 SUDDEN DEATH. -We regret this week one of Watson's binders for this harvest
was an excellent crop and has Leen well AIr liVm ]Moon, one mile east of this Esq., g posed to be a sort of a half-dead•aua-alive to chronicle the sudden death of a son of and v►o is giving Immense satin -
h saved. The spring grain looks well but village, is recovering from his recent at- l.udingtou, Mich., hoe rented his property little village north of Clinton. Such waa Ur John Barrett's, who died on Sunday faction. The fall wheat -and barleyare
'. the fall wheat is almost a failure. - Airs tack of inflammation and fever. there for five years, and is now fume my impression until last week, when, being with scarlet fever, Deceased had only about housed
' Porterfield has returned from an extended B next week we will be --able to state looking after his farm and assisting with .there for a few days, I had time to examine Y ,with farmers busy at gaffs
By the harvest. Tyner has enlar ed it more closely than usual ; and I must say come from. Stratfordi on Friday, where he and peas. ff. B. Keens, of Sebringville,
trip in the United States. She was vis=it- the new occupant of our popular market y g that I found fleas enterprises that oto en- was attending his stater, who was ill. His aid his friends here a flying visit Tafel
in her sons in Nebraska. -Robert Agnew I garden, Monday next being sale day. •' .his flirniture store and has got in a main- P P
i. is home for his holidays. -Messrs James Word has been received from St. Wroth stock of fine furniture which is sell. titled to be successful. Indeed the village remains were interred in the Union THE BRIDGE.-Mr.Airsley, bridge' in -
y contains all the elements of success if it
and John MaCallam tire electing large !.Thomas that Mrs Jas. Mortis is danger- ill fast, as several weddings are likely to cemetery s Sunday evening last. Mr Berth some time ago notified Air ep fi,
a b g take place soorf.-Mr Gillespie, were prdperly patronized by the surrounding Barrett has only been a resident of town Baer that it was his intention to replace
J:, • stone houses this season. NV''hen they are oubly ill, and several of her friends have 1 p' , of Blyth, farming community. for about two weeks. He has the heart- the abutment of the Holmesville bridge as
't ! finished they will be a credit to, the sec- gone there to see her. Her sickness was is busy gravelling the boundary between. I propose this week (with the editor's con'` felt s m ath of the whole community to soon as the water of low; it has been low
. . tion.-Severaffrom this section attended I caus by fright at the recent disaster. r $e township of Last Wawanosh and Mor• sent) to devote a short space do its manufac• his sudden and sad bereavement. for some time, but the abutment does 'not
t' the examinations for entrance and cer• Thudy of Ajiss Crosier arrived Gere . ,but not before it N•As needed. -,,A, titres; and at some future da todescribe its
tificates •held lately. -Mr Joseph Arm- I Tuorday IgIt on the 7 o'clock train from Y g Y NOTES. -Messrs Anderson &Elder pun- Feem to move up stream. Tho bridge at
ficinlor sods and arlvertiasnlively by saeri• business houses and leading men.. pose removing their stock into Watson's the. foot of the ton Gill will have to be
n strong has returned from Toronto, where i London, a d N•as:net by friends who pro• g g g• Xaxt the depot I found the planing millg
he was writingon the Matriculation ex.. ceeded' he cemeteryon the 13th con., , owned by llr Thos Bawden. It is fitted -up new block shortly. Rumor says that a holoored, as there area couple of large
i1. amination • its to be hoped he will be ijulot]fJ retilains were nterred the same I DUNG,ANNON. with planer, circular saws, band saw and all new dry goods store is to be opened out holes in it.
+ Mr and Airs Denvon have gond to the machinery nsnally fonnrl in a f}int cl-use "'n town shortly ; who Bays Blyth is not
T tuacesaful.-Mr Geo Tyner is slolv'y re- '<v?Hing, mill. of this kind. The motive power is, of booming, Some of the men employed at noi11eII0,vei necorotton nay
eoveriug from Gia ilinesS. The f. uarfgrly meeting will be hel:d.on . 141ontreol on a tisitGo friends. pp
,--- The new nclditfoi] to fit. Paul's cliufielr course, ateain. VIr Baw%denbeiug not only the salt bhrckwereoutm]-str'itte-ltastweek -It teas- reviouslyannountae4 that the
e, ._ ,..-- _ Sabbath 31st,nst in the Methodist church - 1
+ a first carpenter belt 11 practical engineer, I for An irvcrease in their wages; their -de- Clinton Oddfellows would observe _tE
HULLISTm. Kinburn, commencin at 1.0:30 a. "m, improves itsappearanee.grcatly, found the engine the best kept and most mand not being complied with the re- 27th inst., by decorntin the raves of de-
g. No-AIr Geo. T Emerson is driving Rey ` r Rogers will preach here in the JJ ins Christie, of ClarneE, is�tho guest of smoothly r Hing one in t•lao 1v3ulie tillage.- solved to leaves G ndpi,were soon secured Parted members of the r der,lgvith flowers.
a handsome three-year old black fill in- I evening r and the quarterly collection w],1 her sister Mia tV, F. Campbell. ' la r UnNednesda
Y y' S q Y Rev W. F. Campbell hag cone tt ped and there o quite a number in it. :Vir to fill the vacancy; Very waren weather. y afternoon, wearing regalia,
a, bred to Poscoro, which is said to eclipse be taken Tip. Rev
Pbg P b Campbell, b � Balvden is also a splendid stair builder, fa There is at resent a good deal of sickness and each member carrying a boquet of
. anything in this neighborhood -Mr S. Now that the busy season is over fin: Raw T. 1 bell, Of Owen �•fac:t, he is a universal genins in wood work, in town. P g flowers• they marched bathe station,head.
i. Kilty has gone to Lueknow to work. -Air our papular machine ageat, the Maxwell Sound, who is at present in rather poor ' and I think the best Tion. professional CONCERT, - The ed b the q ,
Dan Shanahan threshed on Wednesda firm should rant him at least a month] s health. I d:aD ghtsman in the crnlntr. 'That all who promenade Concert Y ce Dol]ert Band where the i,odc-
�' Miss Suiso Smith, who file some time ! know him think so is clear] shown b his lvhichlvaa Geld in tGt Agricultural Hall rich I^.ncatnpinent; in lull vnifotm, ivas
being the first to do solo this locality.* hiafiidays tii'reet FiTg "weary Gody and re- y' y last Friday evening under the ansplces of g tato ]ane they all
DEATHS. -The townshi durin tine cruit his much worn constitution to be in P+tat has been 1 isitino friwuigs w CllirIng p, ; ]eeenu)g ordors frons all partsof thecounty, met, :liter lormtn
P g ' returned home nn .'bgAday. ,Hua s .n i }caving l the band snot lawn tennis club wits a rand marched to llle cemetet v, where the w rink
past few days Gas' lost two of its early readiness far the next busy season. y _ins { just cum plated some large orders for seocess,there being a large crowd present. of decoration etas pr0ceeiled with, The.
settlers. The first of these is Air William Farmers herons the never knew rain delighted with the city, I3russels. Ile :las tory husy at the time of
Y Y g The Sacrament of the Lord'.; i,u x r in ; y the Nood work for a The Rev Air Parke occupied the chair in departed members of the order iiitorretl
my visit, getting read
Jamieson, of the Huron road, died to ripen so fast a. this year, threshing pE ' a most able manner,and after a few intro here aro hdwardfsrigg,ltobert Netvmarch,
on Saturday last at the age of 85 ears has commenced about two weeks earlier connection with the Dungannon] Met4iud- number of new houses.
y g y int church wag held in the Nile church ; • Messrs C'own,n and Yount; were also busy ductory remarks 'proceeded with the ex- Samuel H. Ranco, and Andrew Kirby. _.
and was a gond, genial neighbor. Iie than Mast year. there are four or five Sunda morning, ill the sarlie shop preparing tbo wood work cellent programme which was prepared The graves were decorated in the order
Gad a large family, several of whom sur• machines around here, and they all started Seaford], and 1V7r Irvlietin �fltl ` I(' ou ell, of i for a house which they are building for Ill: for the occasion, The singing o ; Iessrs named, Mr. Andrews, of Coderich, oflici•
vive him. to work the Fame day-Wbdnesday. It11C I _y.• n i Walter Scott, of Fast Wawanosh. It will be Will Shane, Fred Tanner and John Ate- atirlg as Noble Grand, and Mr 1. Taylor,
The second death is that o AIr Johd "in boys, and neo who puts in the most days_ I ,tine, Rubatautial building. lir Young 1vag1 Kinnon was well rendered and heartily of Clinton, a.g Chaplain, each reading a
b' Miller, of the 3rd con., who died on Mon- - On Sunday last the Rev, Mr lingers in , huDEitfV1I TOWN. -t( I P. of coarse, quite ready for a '• broad smile.' received by' the audience. During the part of the ritual.. A handsome wreath of
day evening, after a short illness, from . vited tiro congregation to a social to be, I eople along the Ilavfiehl line are won- , It seems a -perversion of intellect for such a 'rendered
the band and orchestra flowers and several small boquete, were
inflammation of the bowels. Deceased held at the Parsonage, on Thursday even- i dering when a certain Bay field hotel keep• mall to be a Tory, lir Cowan and lie feel tendered some fine selections. The con- placed on each grave, some appropriate
was a native of Ireland, and lived in An- in the.ob'ect of the social i8 that he may I er will get through hauling vineggr that they deecrt•esonterelvardfor conferrin
g' ! Y }•arrels. "' on 131 th the great distfdetion of 'Donor -n cert playing
Sav to a close by LGo band the oCOUPdt being expressed n a member of
Caster township, near Hamilton, when he ( get thoroughly acquainted with the con- I Y 6' la in Go r the order,
first camp to the country, but for about 30 re ation, The circuit is to be con tato• Nr E. Milt, of the Ba.e Line, finished coat of many colors; for thecomicil of Blyth p Y g d ,ave the Queen. • Upwards ,sacred music rendered 1)yAinasrs
g S t; of X17 Nero realized. Oakes, Smith, Harland and Kp and se- ears he has been a resident of Hallett. hated on getting such an efficient astor, cutting his crops on Tuesday 'morn' like that of. Clintnn,appliestoitsboardwalks Y,
y g g P and will be all through harvest g' ;the hood okl maxim, „ never too late to RETIRING. -The many friends of Dr leetions by the band. The ceremony was
IIs generally enjoyed good health, and for every oneseems perfectly satisfied with I , g g e this mend." 1A•SllaneisBawde)r'sri+litbower- Sloan will regret to learn that owin ► to witnessed b quite a nninber of
(Frida b lis takes the cake b Y 9 people,
was esteemed, o a wan of good enjoyed
ale, their choice, and there is certainly' no Y) mt-- .ig' if you c•an imagfnetbeJack Nearingga pair of ill health, he has been compelled to drop who seemed much interested in the pro-
strongmoral convictions, and enjoyed the reason to be otherwise. far being, tinct__ . _- spectaotes', outside practise. Ile tins enjoyed •a ver ceedings. AS each rave was decorated in
confidence of his fellows. He was an ad. IN TIM METHODIST CHURClr, ou ; GARDEV PAR'rv-A�garden party will Next the plailingmill isbitltatedthe brick• wide businesa fora great many Y y , lr Geo. A Sharman ave the fol- -
g y years. and turn i
herent, of the Methodist church, and Monday evening, August 1st, Air Struth be given at the residence'of Mrs 1V Teb; I yardowned by lfrlVul3foutray. Itisa now has been unusually successful, and diose lowing facts concerning the d parted:
leaves a family of two boys and four girls, ors, ol'St, Thomas give an excellent I butt, Maitland con., on the ever ing of ( enterprise ill Blyth, the first kill having who -have? long looked to him for comfort Bro. Edward Grigg was initiated as a
three of the latter tieing AIr§ Walkinshaw, exhibition of the "Life of Clirlst. All Wednesday, ,Aug. 3rd, Jor the benefit of been lust burnt. It ig of red brick. Red member of Clinton lode Jan. 16, 1872,
Ebenezer church. ' There will be excel:ent 'brick does not seem to be popular in this and assistance, when aufforing from the lodge,
Mrs Erving, and Mrs McKnight. His the principal events in His life will be 1 l ills 'to which flesh is heir, will be sora to being' a Charter member of the lodge.
wife also survives him. brought out full life size. This exhibi- I music and good entertainment. '
I noirhborhood, and he told me that he would Y Ile was elected V,G , June,1873, andN G ,
-- _ tion has been given in man cities and BARN Bt; n- ED -During the rainstorm ir)ake no more of that kind. He is now turn• know that Itis' services are no longer at
Y their disposal, except for office 'calls and I Sept., 1$73. He was elected ,the first
sTEPIKEN. towns. The Guelph Mercury says : "It of Thursday night haat the barn of Air Jas ,rig about six thousand whits brick per Chiei Patriarch of Wellington
i P Y ' y' Richardson on the 12th con., short day, in addition todrain tiles. As swearing consultation. lEecen4 family afflictions i gton Rncari]p-
HANGED N-I\ISEM--On Friday last a is safe to say every individual was ( 1• and profanity of any ']tiifd are not allowed have left a strong impress on the Doctor's ment, Cluelpb, Feb , 1876, and was sent as
farmer named Joseph Icing, of lot 0, thoroughly pleased and benefitted -by he distance south of Ilnlmesville) was strut. on the premises, l hope the -enterprise may once ru&ged constitution, and it is the I a representative to the Grand Encamp:
. South bnuudary of Steepen township, exhibition. The running comments of by lightning and entirely consumed, with I );e aq saccessftrl ns it deserve:•.° earnest desire of all knowing him; that � anent tiie same year. Ile was a favorite
. near Crediton ,post office, committed qui the exhibitor were , exceedingly appro I its coutentg, and also two adjoining build To all )vhf know ]31 tit, itis Wants Tit since cessation from actf a work for a time t wiUi all who kilt tv him snot was boric
liall ing limn if riots and. he seemed to enter into full rugs. He had this rears wheat oro to I „ Y v ._.. - ., . - (t_ ... d
wde in an outhouse by g a e P ! the barn and also that of lNo previous Fng�esta hent. indeed, before the days of least, trill result in his complete restore; I'0-cf.-TO , 1$7C; beim Daputy T?ig{riot Chien'
. He had 'been inclined to melancholy for sympathy with Ilia subject. Verses of yearn, with all h!s !m foments ,,, I ',tie 5cgtt Ar•t. ,t cgnlincrAid traveller I tion to health ttnd strength, i Patriarch at the time,;
coria tili]o past, and left the house o,tell- suitable hytni)a' were tltnrted impromptu P bul;�?, • thrcaume,l to dt.,moralizo a ticket clerk at ',') Bro. Robert. Newmaren %vas initiated
sibly to cut thistles in a field near b •. ' during Ilie evening and this feature en harness, fie. Ver. little was sated from t the railw':1y t'tatioin at (Tinton bocause be l EIiSJv.Vl.a,-)Ilsg Hattie Drummond
} I ' i the burniu el ! is ti;ions friends in Seafoatln at present, April 14, 1874, and electell to the office of -
lVGen called for dinner he could not be hineeii the interest of ills occasion. All' J f g ement. 11 is los is between I celil,l nt.t•gitc him a ticket to the village of 5 l V.G., Jail , •1830, which otffce he fillet;
('found in the field, and search being made . Struthers exhibition will be heartily I `5`: '00 and °53,060, on which there is a ' Kelly. Whena bystandersuggested Blyth, Miss Mary Carson., of Clinton, was the for two (erms, and the following' Jann,sry
he was found hanging by the .neck, with Nelcome here on account of :its tuerirs at .i slice it in, trance, 1 the CT said, ,� Well,if it is not Kell it should gticst of 31tQs Annie Kelly last week, :,Ir g
r I ,-1-1--w-&-;- _ - •. _. Y C r he was elected N.G., filling this of3ite at
be, for lie is tics best looking man in it." As I.11.I�elly pent,.un lay in Strntford,.Alra tile time of Ilia death in 1851. lie was a
one foot on a tvheelUarr3iv. - o Inquest i any time, Admission 20 and 10 cent:. , nOL.(IKSVII.I,ls, utile eorreetiless of the C T's statement I D. Buie of Chico o, is at resent visiting a
was held. - -�4`+- - Proceeds, to be applied to church property. THE I'J:OPLr•,SAY-The roofnupGO new j do not rano to tonr.h, but the uni:msal 'friends 'in town. gJliss Dickson, of ea- liard•troricing member of tae .Dodge, and
t On Tuesday evening, -Ang. school house is tau flirt., That it is wrong , tcstim v)yis,thr.tif anyonegets intoa"tight forth, and bliss Bess, of Listowel, are the 1° bisdeath it iostone of it•i bcbt members
k C3uoENE. Struther, will give the same exhibition in 6 lace" 1'at will lel) pin], whether Ge be Bro. ,,amuel Bance tvas n momber of
OLD ,3L'rTLEIt.-Mr Jas Saddler, :an I the Kinburn church; the admi.•sion will to atteu]pL to mope proselytes. !'bat the `�' Z guest of Jlisg allie•tilo,tn this tveeh, 3Ir Forest Cit lodge, of London. lie lvaa
+ + new school House will scarce] be r ,ni- riend or fur. As a result of this popularity M A McNaughton, formerly a resident of Y ,
early settler of Usborne township, died on ! be the Fame, and proceeds ori behalf of ; toted oil tittle, y I-heilithe hereditary rorve of Blyth --he bein; c t only a rneinbrir tier a. s:,ert tamil betl,re hi:-
Freda last at the age of 6a car:. ' the clr.trch funds, p , • Il yd bolt note of , cho(ield, }Wfa,, is at ;
Y Y rile Slc•I,l LIST. -.111, lf. I,ohb boater i the fust of t11c line. A visis to his stca,lil rezent the guest of .fir D. B, AlcKinnon. death, lint during 'that time %vai a good
FiuE.-During the storm, last fiaturday „----..... . .."W ._.._..._ . _ ,< n flouring mill sitol: