HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-22, Page 6. _. , -
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.. — - PR A .,_ You calx et more wind Out of a tell cent SU�DI�IPrS« _. .
rD Y,JU?G+3' 22.'RR' ctdenG,' continued. bate steno er. `I am g
- B fan than you Gan from a $500 one. TV$
going east to T(eadville. I thought I the same way with a ter= cent man. USIC TEA,CHINGt--THE UN'D911SIONFD
dANADIAN METHODISTS. Would try and do somethingg for the child % wietius lu 144tiwa,a ca tiro .eonlo or Clinton
ren, inasmuch as you have left us. But I "I would not live alway_" No; not, it die• 11i11, she #s prepatdd to r tit, ROBIN'S ROBIN'S NEW
A REVIEW OF THEIR CHURCH \\'ORIS IN trust 1'u Will not Ie411118 accidental meet ease ]e to make my life a nails bards°. But AMEli1vAN btkTHOD pr MUSIC, either roe I
Y , it need not good friend and will not if 1'u will Organ or P1suG. A limited nuulUOr of pupils Rt e
THE D01►fINIOty. Y P I 4e her ut their own homes or otherwise -
Ing disturb enjoyment, ! 9 tauubt either CEY9
_ be wise In time. How man of our laved onesR-A
Tcrws wederuse. Further parwcutars 1'u a -
`J'he woman was moaning in abject v pp
I{ev Wm Scott delivered iu the Dramin• B . are mouldering In the duet tubo mt ht have P ation. DHSS JOYNER, ieto4iu St., euuth,
misery, V114tou. tip
1. Jon elhod at church, Ottawa, on S41n lay , been app&red for years. The slight cough was
T wt+h j'ou all sorts of tlappiness, and uaheetlad,the mans symptouls of disease that �vggl3pLTf3H1tRED DURHAIIt suLL FOIL
Wt, an interesting sermon on the subject will no longer lutrude. upon you. This, lurked within were aNlit.ed and death came. 1 ' 6EROVUXCE.-The eubseriUer bac for service r1' Hardware Merchantof the rogress of Methodietnl in Canada. ludies and entlemaa ' facia around to Dr Pieree's"tic den 51edical Discovery eanno4
g � g 1 �' a thorougb.bred Durham burl on tot 2S. con. 10,
He said, in the course of his remrks :-In the spectators,' is my runaway wife and recall thedead'though it h is snatched numbers Hallett. The animal is of dark red color. weighs r
1772 ,73 emigrants from Yorkshire arrived her lover, They are very nice people,' from the verge of the :"rave, and will cure ler hoe a 1.60Maes 1)ed�g reel and and is 2,y a 'ea I . A.,
at Cumberland, Nova Scotia, and of those and then turning away he stalked out, eOnsoutpti,n in its earlier sta.es, the newDumluiun herd hnuk. TRHMS $1 with 1 a"Vi ngi x'O1.1{r}ht tila .4A�n��A
there are at this dap "worthy deseen- leaving the guilty couple alone in their the privilege of returning„if accessary. A. �`*
dams” who still hold in high honor the humiliation and shame. At the next JAMIESON,Loadesboro. i'raCk flit j. 1i. ►r►Wa,�etoa, wilt J t 11�
names of Chapman, of Oxley, of parkin station they quit the train, [Denver, xtt, I'E du6ed >r'ices.. I'V O�'Y ia•I t$e tions
and of Lobson, `I t0 wli0m begun ChN u OUSE AND LOTS FUft SALE. - A FRd1tE p
g Cul., News. Mouse, House, with two lots on Victoria atreet, near
honor of being the first Methodists of the Lane'sold hotel, belonging to the estate of the hats, tQ P10OC1t,1'-e
Dominion." Of the labor and success of Better than Gold. sohn Stephenson, is offered for sale. The house is
comparatively new with nine rooms and atone collar.
Garrettsoa and Cromwell, of Black and To those troubled with Kidney ant Urinary On the lots are hart and soft water, stable, hc. The '
James Mann, we cannot enlarge. They Troubles such as a constant desire to urinate, ukn _, r property ie advantageously situated, and will be sold
were the founders of Methodism i1' Hali• shouting, scalding pains, in the back, sedi- I ROXALM1ttVJti I on , Clinton,terms, Apply to either J. Road. N- Sheli-tiardware,BuildersSupplies
meat &.c., dto., DrChasea Liver Cure will ba "'raSON, ClitonorG. SWINBANK, London Road.
fax and its neighborhood. In 1791 the d 4
fou" more valuable than gold. It positively
first Class of D1eLbOd]s1s was farmed in cures See "Prophet" for testimonials. Sold IMPORTANT NOTICE
Upper Canada, through the labors t by all druggists, 0 0 r AGS, BONES, OLD RUBBERS, IRON ETC,_ Glass,vol.anteer missionaries appointed by the RTo all the concerns. Td to duo rethirrinst and LinseedBishop of the 'New York Conference. A ROMANCE OF A- RANCH, yftert is roti are r ity upcwh prepay° s, w thou, Oil's
tl after this notice, to Pay up when he calla, without
After referring to the relations of British : pressure. I having been under the doctor's hands,
and Canadian Methodism, Mr Scott came At Rawlins W g °i 1 `" need all dues to meet liabilities, and will take all softs
mune pointedly t0 facts of interest. me y•, a few weeks a O I t , ' of truck to settle, as well as all eatables for man and ",
saw one of fbesaddest incidents it has ever I I, horse. \y.M MAItTIN,.Pedlex, Clinton, Jn»ei9, 1stf7 T O ADVANTAGE AT
erid :-What was the. status of Methodism been my misfortune to witness. A ranrher j _ 'CENTRAL BAKERY, Y,
In Brit,O Amerie,n, iu 1837? Let us begin rode into town on horseback holding im ' ,
with NewfEnglishd, although it stands Ilia arms a dead baby-a sweet little thing ALBERT STREET - - CLINTON.
'last in the English minutes; there are leu with flax¢" hair, which curled all over —o—
ministers whose names are given--a dozen Its bead, and soft blue eyes which had not The subscriber would intimate to the people cf
_ was the total number on the island-hay. been closed even ill death. Seventy five Clinton that he has opened out in the premises lately
0 occupied by MrT btanpury,w'herohe will keep on hand
membershiptic.pf 1,788. The Lower miles across the country that rancher had14 �anddelivertoanypart of the town, plain and fancy Hardware Store C�1r1tOY1,
Canada district had fifteen ministers and carried the dead baby in his arms. I talk- Brand, CnkoR, �c, A,pythiag not m stock, made on r
several requested to vacant missions,which ed with him and heard his rtory. It was the shortest notice. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIAL- in those days were not promptly supplied, like this: TY, Patronage respectfully solicited T DUNLOP — -
The membership was 2,520 The Nova "A year or more ago he had begun A ^
Scotia dlstrict,whiehthen included Prince c(,rrespondencewith a youmg Womanil, POWDER NEV�T ERA BAKERY. .L1 � t_
I:dwaid Island, 22nd twenty missionaries, (.hicago,getting her address from a matri Absolutely Pure l The subscriber would intimate to the paoglo /� \n
and a membership of 2,762, The New menial paper. ThQ result was an es • of Clinton Ihat he has bought out the baking WHOLESALE AND, n
Brunswick districts contained twenty change of photographs, and final] mar- business late) carried on b Mr. Dunl(rp, ails �Y / /�ETAI L (A,�O�JE r
y This ponder never varies. A marvel 1'Y purity, y $- 9
ministers and i membership of 2,487, rinse. 1hP girl went to live with dim of, strength and aholOso'notices. More economical still continue the same at the old start He
There was at thin time a missionary dis his ranch, but the lone! life there did than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in 11 A had a long practical experience, and by g1v-
y competition with the muititude of lOw test, short ing Close personal attention to the business in
trict in Upper Canada, embracing many not suit the city girl, and a few weeks weight, atom or phosphate powders, Sold onlyin all its branchoa, hopes to merit and receive -4-- -- • .
of the then existing Indian missions, on after the birth ofher babe she ran away cans ROYAL BAKING POWDER Co., 106 Walt t., a share of phblio patronage. Broad delivered
which there were 14 missionaries and a to Chita o leaven husband and eb]1(, Now York, at usual prices, A large stock-lof Cakes and We beg most r?ilpectfully to direct the attention of the public in general, that \ab
g r g 1 Confectionery alwayb oil hand. fee Cr(+am aup- p g r
membership of 1,517, The Canada Con behind her. There was nu woman do tht -- _ - -- lied for parties. J 1t EVANS. aro still selling groceries at the lowest possible prices for pure goods. During tibio
fereene was then divided into five districts, ranch a the rough father did the best R RAILWAY TilYiE CARD five years we have been in business in Clinton, we have endeavored to keep the
The Niagara district bad twelve effective he could rear the child. I have n(• best goods in the market, and have established a good trade by so doing. Ocre
and two supernumerary ministers. The doubt that he was tender and attentive-, Trains leave Clinton as follows:- H O L V E Y stook is large and well selected. London district had nine ministers, The in fact, in else b neglected his stock And GRAND TRIINR RAILWAY. TEAM A' SPECIALTY
Toronto district had only nineteen minis- did nothing else but care for" his child- Going East. Uoi»g West,
ters including the supernumeraries. The but, robbed of its mother's care the little 7.30 a.m. express I IO.iS a.m. mixed I 100.3 lbs PURE HONEY for sale Clover
Bay of Ruinte district had twenty-two in one sickened and died, 1.15 p.m. mixed 2,20P.m. express and Linden will guarantee iv'pure, as I A LARGE QUANTITY JUST ARRIVED. - EXTRA VALUE AND ANY QUANTITY (1F
all, including •tlie venerable name of "My life ileemed to go out with that Iar 4.15 p.m. mixed l 9 20 p.m. express have bees of my own. CANNED GOODS Ctt,OC.KER'Y. GLASSWARE tBzG
Matthew Kirbv, who was then Principal little One,' said the rancher, in his rough ORFAT WESTERN RAILWAY. , s s
g I now (lave a Choice CORN MEAL
of U C Academy. The Augusta District, way, Ian' when she died I cried like a w1'. Going North. .Going South, FLOUR for making Bread or Pancakes SOLE AGRNT, FOR NEW ERA BAKING POWDER. HIGHEST P$IC13 PAIR
which then included Bytown, had Only mart. Then my heart rose in anger against 10.16 a.m, express 8.00 a.m, express FUR GOOD BUTTER AND EGGS, WE BUY ANY QUANTITY OF ALL mNDs GOOD FBTJI+I'
eighteen effective ministers, and the total themothHi•, and I felt that I could kill her. 6.35 P•m• express 4.10 p. in. express '
membership all bete s vber districts l o I'•seean' to me. that 'ar babe would be ,--„I' i �,� A„ G-'U'89 99 AT_AE33 i�VT 1Sr
. 453, or in a!1 British America a total of alive an' smilin' An caoin' to-day if her jt]t i'L,n�llt
25,011. Such was the status of British mother had not deserted her. Then 11
says • ��1,IICy, ENQUIRE FOR
American Methodism in 1837. After dis- I to myself, I'll be ;avenged 1 And so I — JAS. STEEP'S SEED STORE cussing on the labors and vicissitudes of wrapped the poor'little ono in a bask+ ' E. H. SjvEj,,� _
an itinerant life in Canada, Mr Scott then jumped oil my horse and came there. I'm Havingaccepted the agencyfor the A •rManufat;turin - CLEAR
,gave the results of fifty years toil through- goin to send the mother a little presenr,- co-, (Watson's) will open out as otllde h, the premises - THE MERCHANTS'
out the country. -He said eleven annual a peace-offering from a deserted husband latelyoccupied by kfr, Oauley, Albert Street, Clinton, -
conferences have concluded their execu- I'm goin' to send her the body of her little nearly pprecei eordersi;rthecFair-s,Niin when elebrated pleased to Protaeti'�a and Collating Association
tive business for the past year, Thecom- 'un.' - STEEL -TWINE - g�rypER •
plele returns from thes"'e several confer- "He actually procured a little coffin and — O F CANADA— -
crates have not yet been reeeivcd. I have laid the babe it, after kissing the white- A- f„B line of repairs will also be kepi fil-striek. - _n'etul- /Lltico, llamiJlon, oat,
stated that the numerical strength of face again and again, and cuttin d few Prompt attention will bo gi,•e„ to all or ers, whether Esraswsnin 1569.
g _.
:Ylethodism in 1837 was 25,011;, the re- locks of the golden hair from the little-bylnanorotnem-180• Also ---0 F---
turns from the Nova Scotia conference round head. Tnere were no tears in his PLOWS, ; : STRAW • Is au Assoclatiun Of business and professional mon,
• CUTTERS, having for its object the
alone this year show a, membership of 13,- eyes-he .seemed to be past that but as And all other Farn, Implements kepttn stock,'
171, an increase over 'last year of 1,079 be turned away from the railway station, .., — COLLECTION OF DEBTS;
r' T - X- INT CN And to
The Monty al conference to -day has a where he had shipped the body to an ad• �'' H' Ci'N..I.•a:�, v-., f - prevent ,ts men,bery making had defies by
-total membership considerably more than dress in Chicago which I shall not give; — _- _•_ furnishing them with lists of partic,4 who do not pay,
the whole member hip of the Dominion he appeared to me'to be the most broken- „ FAILJIS FOR SALE. . rferchantsand othershaving accountst0`bollegt„�and
...in 1837,snd a greater number of ministers headed man I'd ever seen. "Ll five Fnrt�i i v blcl;u,LOP Fort SALE.-LOT 3t, wl- hirur;ersoIbeco a members, by
y remittinetun4 mail
within its bounds than there were at that minutes he came running back, seized Lhe <'U11• 6:=Good place: good buil,fingg, and good f ,11 particulars, certificate oreceivof membby er-hip, ftc.
time in the whole of British America. It little box, and exclaimed: 'No, no, I locality. cunei t'd ace it. Win b0 sold cheap, W. We want to catch your eye and bring to your 4lotice our latest and greatest offer in monq,y
would be possible for me to institute other can't do it. Give me my 1]ttle'un. Keep Constar 0 P, O• 9i J. B. SJPLIs & if,tnagers Elamiltoo, Saying Bargains. A woman's ,lud6rment is part of hot- fortune we will every
„ OT FOR SALE,-One-ei Co., i prove this to
COnita819 equally striking and important. the money, but give me my little girl, I xhth of an acre; part or
visitor with goods and Prices. 1 C convineO the Indgtnant that dollars brought to as \viol
J lot r S 11th Sldo of Rattcnhur,'St., o^eupied Or tel ,IAS, 'I'If,.1btPS0-,, Agent, Clit,tmi. Y Y
The statistical reports of the General Con- "Before the station agent C011ld as a ray subscriber, with two•• save Ott doilnr4. That you call save money and yet secure the bast, is (lemunshated in olli
Y storey shop, 29.36, and stable, splendid stock Of
ferenceof1886furnish detailstothat date, word the man had put the box on his will beexchangedforpropertyadjacen,tosteamimwer. - - . 7- -,=N y L ATt7rj--_-
and we are able to approximate the pre- shoulder and ran away. Five minutes.S”Idtogether,orti3Osh0?R.Ntobe"lovedoff. ('n n, he a� 122E f FIF,lt3ngrc� __
chap red into a hnu,.e. For termR, a „1 to, J 1-'r'RT1S L i+ t Y STI?
1 �� �� !►�
sent status by our knowledge of the in- latertvesawhim on his horse, the box in s'i'bnE',suN, II y s.=• ��f:: E.�'l LA,DIE'S & CIfILDRENS STI?A`V HATS EAI-
c'reaseswhich have taken place to the pre- his arms, galloping back to his ranch." --- ---- ;;, ccs I�PLSc,fp.Fg;d' ;,.
sent date. In 1837 them were in all Chicago Herald, rA1t11 FOR :Air:.-Folt SAL,, L1pT :39, Coy, of % C'" � 3e� �r0�b , z r �.
- --- __ Brill, Arnerica abOUt 15O effeCtlVe. cessiON2,G.R.S,Tuekel:anlith,00ntaimng;,6acr"� ,''i" I .1q BROIDERIES, 0111E TAI. LACES, GLOVE "'
-�y.�- of Which 95 are cleared, well fenced, well undordraitied , , , ,
Methodist preachers, and there are ,now •(rad in a high state of cultivation• R�ora is n }cod , , ¢"r• ® y � 1 t , ry , ti ti �
(REARS OF LIGHTNINI,, framehonse,hnruandstables,aodunorchardofpin,m, , ��,.., IIUSTI IiY,J'I+.13tSI/YS,C UI�Sl�12`Sc PA
1,670 ministers and probatigners. The PARASOLS
membership in 1837 was 25,011. To-day -- al+Pie, cherry and pear trees, There i., a n", rr•fsihnf .L` . 14 , St, V
"'ell. It is wfthin four 111111'," of Cllnt011, had three of 194r 0'
the members are 210000. Church pro- A son of E. I Ilan is, of Good Tlope,. Rruceaeld, With a gond gn,v1'1 ,Da,l lending c1' e„1'n '= p; ® , •
hese may bevalued atten millions. We I. , while walking in a thunderstorm, place. Forf4irtherparoeubtr.•,nprl,vonthe ,renusOs :f::,, Wilic11 1'F. KILL ('hl:1t; OUT \'1' A C11Is:1T RECfUCT10\ IV Y1'.f('kS.
a.. 200,000 enildren in ol,r sebools,_over tatty a blinding flash.of lightning, and the or a, Clinton' °' J. ss• cltosauv, t p p , + a
•- , ^ whom there air. 25.Q00 officers and teach- next instant found that the brass ferrule FARM FOR ;ALE-TUE SUBSCRIBER. 3 w /}/�y�t �y • • a �•
ers. There is an army of local preachers at the tip of his Umbrella had been burn- � � LIVER �a.45 KInk! t1sust . Birl Ba iglacl€ s in R2bbuons .
for sale that rno4t eli�ibl)' vitunted f.ov, (u the 2nd , .., h
whose gralutious services mre note appre- ed away, He was not injured. 1'o” of Ifuuact, formerly heinm;iu;; to the 3101(illell r/, ,,''1,,`�,a,, 112;70?t WW".. rlW08 (n sire,•- ,
estate. It --ists of ,i0 arras, nuxrl,f all cicnred;u,d t v• "- , , •,, 1 il,).ar,;s ria a. tr/true St(Indielil ill, dialed as they formerly were, birt who in ❑splendid stat" Of cultivation. Fine brink hrlusc e. ' ,, '• •L ...a^t • ('""'("'tCe fO1' tlee Don't foiget our i'ASI1 SAI,E O1•' r,113 ,o.N '
y purls of Canada, (]n good o Lightning struck Miss Adeline Slaton, horn ,vith sten" stabs b :.,dr_:(1 �s„_..alt#spate rlui moria is
w tz G 5 EVERY 5��7'URDA,Y,,.at•,L.nlf tile usual.
:til], in man 1'n path good orchard, rte, 1'r d c;'rt i,-o in re„nrd topntent medicines, huy , pri0?, on that niplht Cult', in or,lar to re lace our stock,
service for the Divine blaster. f Augusta, Ga., and deprived her of her failing Weil: and in Ovary respertagood farm, situate 0.,'c ; ma,h; Lt pruct.irnl professional loco.
voice,'but did not seriously injure her. °ply' 3naltwffnnn Cl+ntou, \Pill be sold an reason- ln•. (,2,„o-: is teu,velluud fal'urably k»ownl,y. . �:',IidJ
^-'•• able tcrp,g, with or with,.ut the. cop. Frill partfcillan- I.' : t is %I b•,oks W require any bly kno 0nda•
Not a RO •It Agent. Two red spots on her left-cheek show,•d on application to ARTI-11:R COUCH, Clinto,,. IC : 1 --
1Vir,\VortllL,gteri Dra,^giyr,is aura hook agC,1t, where the electricity catered. Since. She Alt\I 1•`pR SALI-', - TfIF
but bas the agency iu Cliut•ln fur Johnson's NAS BtrUCk hlin9 Slaton IIA9 not been able T� 1,,(• ('ir.:sx'ti Liver Cnrc has' a receipt boots
UNDrRSI(;tiTD V1,11:,.,r,i ,.round every butUu which is wurt]l its .
or an Bitters which he can heartily recommendrc ssi for sate his farnl. 1,t lora lot 67, Dlaithtnrl tv,•',,!,t in r')M. pp ppc Q
2') any comb milt to which a toric e, has inC is t0 .speak a word.a ec7' s Millinery m O r I
jConceSsiou, Gi rlerl'c toNell a coutainiug 7;4 11,;, (;,;,_(;'r: T,iver Cure is tniarantced tocurC YF u m a
2lplioable. This a'uallle medicine has !.leen A young Atlanta negro boy was lefining fr,ru stumps, it, state of rul�i,•ilear] fi, ( p
�sed with moat aAtotlishingl,V good results in 3 i 1:1� 'ascs ur!,n,f, frmn (t torpid or inactivo
Cases of generaldebillty, weakucSS, irrrgulnrf- aga,iust a tree during a recent thur'der- bttlunce iS gu0d hardwood brash, mIttio beech )', 1'i •' .,h�.,r;'i e,� 'r 4,ontplaint, Uyspepsin,
ties ucellliar to fenudes, extreme paleness, fin- storm, when a bolt of lighining struck and maple• Un the premtscSatr, a frame huusu ar:;,•-t.irrr,; itis on4lie s Ci)t ndr(e, Ilead- -” -- - -- - - -
oavorishment of the binotl, stomach and liver nearly naw, ;t bCuk bui n, it good supply of wit u pic`loa, etc.,
tKpubles, lose of a him and stunned him. People saw him ter, nm1 •,1s0,w Ort'llitr(I..The Ilropot•fy is-Pitu-
-• -. 'pstiie; and for that fti� lSIDNEYS THE 141DNEYS
1 Sin arou•nfI sever-al times and,then start- .fit+'d six hili(;.. rutu.( •warn nut t some t rtt nearly aar. - fro is forge o C Initon' _ iwl' fu-11 .p',14'- ,. 1, :. ;.�,1 ,.,.�: Liroe ('tire. is a certain cure forN �■,n)�1) - - - RN
1Sdwlth atsemepartofthey0ar.• Don'tfarget t0 ruUdONn Lhe9Lreet. Ever once In a iare'appiV on the prcuilyes,ol' RM. 73AKIiR, 'il; r ys,4»chttt3 ain in `'��'..� I[ �Y Clintuu Y.O. - f ilw l.itlne p ___..•,� ry
Dlie nam(,.lohnaou'aTCniC Cure, 60c. and �i per while lie eVOUld stn and g0 throng , t,,, i,t luu or portion orthe abdomen,
bottle-at Worthingtou'sDrug Store. p h the ----- _ • ,., ., ,[ ({r.,f",. to pass urine, red and white --- - same a ever
ng Inchon, IIC hag been ARKET (;ARDEN 1''O}i 8A1,I;,-NnRTfi- tR, nobly I>:Llllfl 1`, pnsgaq°, 13rigltt's A�e±�,ed out in ELLIOTT BLOCS■
TAI: MAN IRO VI THE REAR CAR. crazy ever since he was struck. wear ,art or' r,ut 7. <]uucusaion i9, Iruru» ,.-I ,1'l n: inr,rytroizwey, etr.
, Road, (}ot�etteh-Townshlp, consisting of ten ', t : p,,,her,.it will ('111.0 you. Solid
-� Lightning struck the chimney of Willis ilcre I- It is within 2 n,ileS Of- Clinton, and 1)Z 1, '' ll,-.'l +",1.01' per 1);,to--. 3A7EXT DCO�L TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON.
A couple were occupying a middle Seat CCusman's house, at ,,South Clarksville, leading f floto ,t" ht 110, `.HI, ath oodgravel.
r v el.roan 3v
,.i r.aeu 1'.'1AYr.A7Vbpt)0 & co:,
in the ladies' car, having got on at a way Tenn., passed down into the bed room .now IranleJlett402e x 26, with stone (• 111L•r ill I r'`, o''" °” - BRAD/ORd BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS LOUNGES
.. station, Probably attracted by the in- and shocked Willis and his wife, who (lerneath; a1.,1 it .:;uo,t 11;11.11 u,,a uuthuil(ling_ - fp' f
visable fascination Which never fails to were sleeping there, .killed a dog which soma ety `1ti4mits,hirii+ p t((.;: 11, �,,;a°;"'jciop'nitt. _ SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, o4L'.,
bring about a contretemps, a gentleman ]ay at the foot of the bed darted out small fruit,, �e , t1,;s r.
. from a rear car came in and took a seat through the kitchen into the ben roost ART AP 11)(0 ur,O. Creak�n Hinge ANT, A nr•,srRAr, AI9DR.TyrrNT or Tar vrRY BEST �tdnr Fi1RVTTiJRE AT
mise4, Cr 111 Delta. C. _:_ ,'f'EI{. (ilntotl l'.U. n
immediately behind the pair, !here was And completed its Nark by killing seven IARA FUR SALE. - T11AT tt'ELL-i. �O1vN 1, flys ;iud turns hoed, until oil i, applied, ,licll F REASONABLE PRICrS.
a shock of surprise as his eyes first fell up- chickens. 'I'he chickens were picked en- li Whitely farm, hero, I l
on thein, and a death tet 1 con. 17, (loda•teh ' T<7t�. ;�^tY'lr y� �� -(�7
lypallor overspread lefts clean of feathers, Ute skip being to"oailig lilacw(A sn,nmerh,ll,mIll.mllc�hol»chis. After INhiclr it illoves ea,lh. When the 40><1A i 1E4_F" y .
hip COUDICn�nCe. 13111 1111.5 tYa9 for an Ill- left smooth and white, ton, cleared gond d j, ,,t ,Daft. The faun contain, 80 acres j,,illtu. ol• l,itig(.s.of the beds (ll•e etifli'In'Q
scant only. ')'hen a. flash e17CCCedCd ATId degotlI and in food statco, cnitit•ntiou, the rcnnun-
1JIghtDil)g, struck Charlie Spencer, a der ,.nod hard„•rand),,,,h;tltet'earcl:iaorcenffnllwltent °°'1 in11:1tnrtl h�• llhemm�tialn, Ihr}• c(ut- .'�•� - - - --- -_
:\ qUr CI' e1n11P, plRyed aroUirl the C01'n .s and an fall plou,hi11, (tune; there aru tw'o wools and rin Ilet ho wovi'd wiLhotit call-inz the ,llo�t
of hi:a set determineO lips. .111 hritu• little Milwaukee boy, who was fishing in cv"r•flowin, ,"p,•;,, , g„rad drehnrd, Prune barn 8:. sa,
pa•.5 the Jake' from the Government break stable 111 %;l,5, m•,n frad d bootie 15 i •, eScl•nel:ltin”" paill''....il'el''a Nor,
____- .cd:--Ttr(r bit}ins and cooing 1vent on, and _6 wIth rave cl ' FIT
water, anti killed him instantly. The rooms upstn,rs t%loji romq,vn4:+(lrg,nud;(kittt1C1 11)' it, noliou ell the !•711•,1. i' ii,Y 11772, "'he'y -
the man Nns . patient and evidently an 29x23; ,hero aro t„, ' sav ` '�.nurccs, Rchnui)ll , %-u, at all cupdillon.NIu1 i'estur, Ih, j"'n:: t.,C,un1
The electricity etl:ered ]t 19 blCaat and ]>a45ed within tiveminule4 walk, I'Oasagsion t;,i�cn ninny iV/
interested listener. I In people in the down his left le nal nut throe • h the shoe time co split pureha,or. F"1- I worldlix 1n tor. I
ear began to perceive lllflt ,OmettrI lin- ' ' partieuhil,s e n circ rat
1'u his left foot l,'avi„ N1sW ERA Ufffecornf yIE,' f; S.JfAY\1\t1 ssc,rrT,
usual Was going on. Filially the man g a fltirtt (ins, as if OroPthel,'Opi•ietur,on the 1,1-01111-"<• 1,, rAyslxc 1\}•c•r'e Snra;lpurilla hn� , 27'',.k.0. in ear 11111. tp ni,glit'I'Ilou :Ln(1 lloll,tl', irlid :it auction tot• ti.(' ter t tt
1) 11(1 Lrottin, Jlol'ss
leaned Forward with that peculiar 'smile traced by a binu pencil, to mirk its clintm,l,o. cit�',ulan� mC t r„nuu9;nhh','ur,-,n 1111117' I 1.5tncoast; ilrured his cxllence, nlul sn theID
still hovering around his lips, and anid: course. The suit of Clothes he cadre lulls `---- - -- _---_-. -_ 1,('i of Lthieh hntll,•(I lh • , t!„,r. e( the
• cut 'seam in 111 e, that on his left side PROPERTIES i'OR SALE, - - �lccess,lost �,, i i•inrl,lhi%,il +• ' r )'M
I beg pardon, but you seem to he ell' )' ���Ot�llil� ��QPllsl” (jlf- �l��c .t. 9 V
j0yingyourself immensely' beligbtrlp])Cd Uffhis Jody. The subscriber iv desirous of rethink' from ncti,'O thin`IidkllilfswhoI). 1.;, . „ ;.,•,if hn,lecl(- I� I���ll� _ _ (��� v
The lady i'Oe0 1V1Lli R stifled .5C1Caln, I Ja)IleS finith, 4f lilariOfl, Ind., LU01: work, rand nRcrs fol• sale on very reasonable te,'ns, the
and wheeling around confronted the re lige from A heavy :Loan in his barn. following excellent properties in tho town of Clinton Minh 1Yn1'he(I 111111,,, : •, r .it', in; lne, of Opposito tho Po4t Office, trilly proves its superiorit over allOpposition
I[C•6'aastan(l)cg Five and one-halfaeres on Victoria Terrnce,anplant- , n }' , In CtylO
stranger with a pallid face and great star a between two horses and ed out ae a inliket frardcn, In splendid order. Gond R h e u nn i:'l : , ill, 1 and Fit it beats them all, and
ing eyes. Her comptinion was no less three pigs, when a blinding flash came house,stable, thrcacellars,&e.,anexcellentpinecPur atterbeinr•hcublrrl,,i }',mla. Tu '
d3aeoncerte(l. Ne too, bad risen to his and all the animals dropped dead, 51111Th' ntslust ac oqa from the above, one and one•half acres, this, sold 'sat other (li , :,•, , ni i*ing front
feet, and stood uneasily looking at the 11'as entirely unharmed and there was no with Pruittred,, house, born, dtc., thereou, intpUt( blood, theta i+ rte renu'(ly WitlI '�,S C ERS r
intruder, flushing and paling by turns, indication that the building had been Ata° two-fifths Of nn acre on Victoria St., with house Which I 21111 nCquuiuled, that nll'urds such F, ,A D I N M SUITS
Illy God, it has come at last? Wailed struck by lightning. u)(Istablethcreon. relief its Aver's Sarsaparilla.-It. Il.
Also small douse and one quarter acre int on Ira- Lawrence, Iif. D., Baltimore, 31(l.
the woman. —•-•- - tuna street. Ayer•S Enrsn.)milla (prod me of Gout Are worn from one end of the county to the other, 'the S prim, Stock bas arriv-
e on Your Guard. I Full particulars on application .1 ALLANSON, Clitlto° l o
The stranger was, cool an(] impertur- and Rheumatism, when nuthingr Ilse ed, and is one of the finest in the town and vicinity. A discount of 10 per cent
able. rely allow a cold in the head to slowly and -- - -- won](]. It has eradicated every tt"nee of frdm the 13th of Feb, till the 15th of M&reh will be given for ea.
surely run into Catarrh when Cu can be cured F,A,fR R SAT,I: - TR \T SPLENDrEr FA RM s o Cash. Plicas IOGP
• 'YOII diel not CXpCCt (0 fee ripe, did , f y Cf 100 ncrl4, being Lot 37, con, 2, L. R. q,, O1 dlSln4e frnln my e)•vtero.-It. II. Shot•,,
fur 2�ic. by using Dr Chase's Catarrh Cure. A Trico too oth. ,,1 otrered our , tie('9 on . S.,reasonable f A aniger I lolel l,chnont, i,owcil, Mass, and workmanship unsurpassed. Terms Cash.
you ? few applications cure insipient catarrh • 1 to `L terms, with rood bulldingR, fr(tine darn, 90x60, I wn., ,Tn1-in': Winn) mouths. a sufferer =`�
Heaven knows I did not .' exclain)ed boxes Orem ordinary catarrh; 2 to 5'boxes is stable 2a x.;6. Sheep and carriage honse. 16x96, 1 ,
the lady, from whose eyes the tears had guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it R°ed 1', story, 29x313 frnmo house and kitchen, from `!r . 1;h„u,,,,:i'lo. The diReaso FISHFR� LLADIN CL(J CHIT f�1 u Clinton
begun to trickle. l)nly 'L5c. and sure ours. Solt( by all druggist, 70 e,ecoA under cultivation, 20 ncreS cleared but aflllet, rl ,:. b „,mR • in Spite of All ilio J N �VI '11oU E1 V11ll ]
net uroken; l6 acres good hardwood bush. rmnedi"• 111,11,1 Ifu,l, t:nlil I conlnlenced
11Ve11, it's not unusual, People often - -- _�. u4hr• A%rr'. N:u•,apin•ill:i, Ito°Ic set'erol _ _
WCll�µ^ttero(1, havlug (hese of tllo beat wolfs in
meet under peculiar circumstances. I Apropos OT Lhe weather, it is instructive Huron county. Good hot11•ingorcharo, Situated bottles of this prrparnl!on, and tuns sppeed. v T - - �. - "-
sapposeyou are on you;bridal'tour?I l to know that there are About 7,000,000 O.4 nillei; f'I'osvniile village
llagClineof Br eeflold, and p lresto,ed to b"titI.-J. I'•rc:On, lado.
�iP(P1 y d�d.',t�Cl-72)1,7(?ll Oi �1 ]Il)tti)tl.;�', 1t�lE'
The lady covered her face With her l pores in the human bodv,and that each is speet)Vnly,thtlr(' Ina sl)letl(lid g,ra%- l irond passed �/
hands aqd sank back into the seat. She I a quarter of ail incl! deel). If they ivere tet tilfrolli, of taplilic111118ntn. APPIcularsTON 1 id �+ erT.� Sarsaparilla,' -vlf 1r`r, iC'ilt,d'64':' 1l-.-1,t(-.4W4.
Ila$ already bCL•ae LO sob hysterically I hitehed together ill one string they would COAT, Il'rnecfleid 1'. O., or �3ADiUF;L Cltl( ri, Pr( rareO hvTpr..T.C.AverRCO.,T,owell,NraAe.
T hnppenrrl "long this W,ty by mere ac« ! reach a distance of twenty-eight miles. (Illi ton, Y, O., or NP, I: