HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-22, Page 5L— — rhe crop reports iu Manitoba and the North.: West, furnished by the station Agents of the Canadian Pacific Railway, show that the prospects for a good har Teat are very favorable. Reports from twenty-seven stations, representing an a 6rage of 290,205 acres, show an average +tp of twenty-seven bushels of wheat to the acre, and the barley and the oat crop promises to be unusually heavy. The average's general'y reported to have been increased from a quarter to two-thirds, ac- cording to locality, and, perhaps, the best feature about the'reports is that the sea- so�,�n}}�ssaving been very warm, with plenty offain, the crops are well advanced and harvesting will begin.about,.tbe first week in August. If the splendid crop which the North-west promises to be blessed with can bo got iutn the granaries iu first- class order, and can then be marketed at a fair price, it will materially change for the better the position of the people of the Northwest. Two things are necessary in order that this desirable condition of affairs may be brought about — suitable weather without frosts until after the grain is harvested, and decent freight rates on the Canadian Pacific. CLINTON MARKETS. 'orrected every Thursday afternoon.,• sj Thursday, July 21, 1SS7. O 7S a 070 O 78 a 0 79 O 28 a, 0 30 040 a00' 048 a 050 200a226 065 a 070 012 a 013 O 1'2 a 014 550 a 600 800 a 800 024 a 025 050 a 075 O 60 a 080 5.00 a 550 Wheat, spring White and red - Oats Barley Pelts - 1+.our, per cwt Potatoes Butter Eggs Pork Wo01 - Slassep pelts - Lamb skins Clover, per basb. - - LT OUSE TO LET.--TIIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS LA to rent. A conveniently situated house on Rat- no1 shadettrees thereon. hard and J,water 0. OILIIOY, Oilmefruitn. §,21011e §,2TOR8 TO RENT. — T IiE FRElldi$ES RE - ►J cE TLi occupied by 11r Slmpsuu, on the e„r- nor of Albert Street is offered to rout. It le N o of the ADt stin ds In town. Apply to JOS l J tworlOTTGE lots, ote, form er y occupiR ed by Ne Nationale. AT COTTAGE nest, east of the residence of W. Doherty, Esq.,, coo. caning half an acre of land, and the most eligible dwel- ling in 'Tinton. Very liberal terms given and posses- sion at May nest. W. W. FARRAN. '1UFFOLK BOAR FOR SERVICE—SUBSCRIBER has a thorobred Suffolk Boar, which he will keep for service on lot 14, 18th con., Ooderich township Terms $1 at time of seviet% with privilege of returning if necessary. TIIOROBRED DURUAM BULL FOR SERVICE— Subscriber also keeps for service a lirst-eIas9 Durham Bull, of gond pedigree. Tereus ,cl, at time of service. with privilege of returning if necessary. 11 CARTER ° Montreal Live Stock Market The local cattle market is'dell with prices heavy. There is nothing.doing by shippers, and the requirements of the local trade aro limited. There is a gond deal of uncertainty as to whether prices will advance before the end of the season and the export business is therefore in a very unsatisfactory condition. Shipping steers are nominal at 4e to 4!, a per lb and bullsare quoted nt33c Milch cows steady a $25 to $45 a head, Butchers cattle dull and Steady with first•class quoted at Sic to 4e, the balk of otrsrings selling 3e to 3!.c and some as low as 2o per ib. Sheep in moderate demand and steady at 3de per Ib, aud very ohoice chippers at 4c. Butchers' sheep sell at $3 25 to 83 00 a head. Spring Iambs are plentiful terforaeragesf 35 l and they sell at o 2 7obs.�5 to O a brad thela Calves plentiful and prices unchanged ai$3 60 to$6.50 a head for averages of 100 to 160 lbs. VOTERS' NSHIPOF1MUNICIPALITY 11ULLETT CoUN887, Y OF IUltON Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitted or do livered to the persons mentioned iu the third and fourth sections of "Tho Voters' List Act," the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assess,ncuRoll of the said municipality to be entitled -s.: said munielpality, at electrons for members of silo tier' islative Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said Inst was first posted up at my office, Loides- bure, on the 6th day of July, 1887, sed yemains there for inspeetiou, Electors aro called upon to examine thaeaid list, and if any omissions- or other errors are found therein, to take immediate porceedings to have the said erreranorrected according tR Law. Dascii the 6th day of Jul), 1837. JAS. BRAI'r11WAITE, Clerk. VOTERS' LIST 1887, MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OFSTANLEY,COUNTY OF HUROS" Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or de- livered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of "The Voters' List Act," the copies required by the said section to bo so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said• act, of all persons alipearing by the last revised Assessment Ron of the said municipality, to bo entitled to vote in the sad municipality, at elections for members of the Leg- islative Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office. Varna, on the 27th day of June, 1887, and remains 'here for inspec- tion Electors are called upon to examine the said list. and if any omissions or other errors aro found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors cored 87ceCEOgSto law. Dated this 27th day or 30 PER C. OFF t_t 1 CHINA ARE THIS WEEK, SEEING I4 BELIEVING CALL ON i7g.3:11. Cooper. BEAVER BLOCK .BOOK•STORE. HELLO JOHN !---WHAT ? ,�r. .. z.B Ann '7017 COI= ? W _ fitiAdams' Emporium, At The lir Goods Palace GREAT SUMMER SALE OF DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MILLINERY, &e. =NT it5i=e±iNriis MILLINERY AT COST PRICES. Housekeepers will find it to their advantage to call and see us. r FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate J. 1-10330ENS. Lf401 d11 11ESJBOWO, Where I can get 16 Les BRIGHT RAW SI;GAR• for 1:I LDS BRIGHT YELLOW SUGAR for $1, 13 Lee GRANULATED SUGA It for ;<1'. I ale also going to get otie-of the JUBILEE OIL CANS and 5 GALLON'S OF OIL for $2,-2fi and OTHER GOODS EQUALLY LOW. IIAS II l': MUCH,SUUAlpl Yes; nearly FOUR TONS. You had betl.et come along. 'He gives highest,.prices for produce, HEAPSIDE NEW FALL PRINTS NEW FALL PRINTS FEW FALL PRINTS Having been awarded the cake for the Choicest Pl' tTts in the Hub for the Spying and Summer, Cheapside intends to keep ahead and to show the newest goods as Nitthey aro produced for the fall season. R, —__... _ u , NEW SEERSUCKER.S And) women of keen lodgment and economical instincts will find ' it to their .. EW SERSUCK�RS interests to .buy from us. As it is time that has EW SEERSUCKER.S 'i THE VERY LATEST PATTERNS AND AT PRICES TO SUIT. Our Great Sale I4 DOING WONDERS FOR US, ONLY 7r'W1 I riILT-'1E' Li1=LEE Days remain,, and in that time our Stock must he greatly reduced, regrudlesti of prices. R.ADAMS,LONDESBORO THE P OPTJI.1•,AR , Dry Goods ouse, ()UR SPECIAL BARGAIN THIS WEEK 1S A LINE OJ" NEW CARPETS EW CARPETS EW CARPETS Only come to hand from the old sod on Friday last, being in the Market on that that day; I secured some very choice patterns and styles; conic and see,twhat we are doing at C•heapsidc. M USLI NS MUSLINS MttS LINS Some very choice lines to hand, will be open for inspection at once. and. see Cheapside.. NEW GLOVES and I1O>1ERY — NEW GLOVES and ITOSIERY NEW GLOVES and HIOSIERY Ladies' come to CHEAPSTDE for your GLOVES tC HOSIERY, it will pay you. From now till 1st Sept., all summer goods at clearing prices. Please bear in mind I have no ald stale goods that have been en the shelves from 4 to 10 years, bet all new, flesh and the very latest styles of Dt'y Goods,, only bought this spring, so that it will be money in your pockets to come and see what is doing at - Many a stock of Dry Goods, by rendering 1110111 shop-worn and unseasonable ; mean to keep ours fresh by selling off what we have on hand. We offer a �H1 we Dress d;pattnlent 150 Gods for Sc., 4Oc. C.lshnlert's for. d''-Tn Cotton we will give you 33!,- yards for $1. Surely such "pcfcowill CRU+ FI. 1►rep in Out the clamor about hard tines, and will cause your careworn face to bear its usual smile, We wish you to save money while the special sale lasts STRIPED and CHECKED GINGHAMS, The regular wholesale price of which was ten cent, a yard. We got them so that we can offer them at S cents. Also a line of Alt Wool Dress Goods, Checked, Navy and Bronze.::.:... SAN..,WILSON, CHEAPSIDE, The,,e are belntiful goods, wotth at least 25 e0nts a yard, WO Stall then at 14c. We have just openers a line of See the nice BRAIDED JERSEY we offer for $1.25. NEXT DOOR ;'` . COOPER & SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT ".4. -STREET, CLINTON. DON'T FORGET TO ATTEND In the Groeery Department we have' 'secured a fine flavored .Japan 'TEA. Dust, 10 pound, for $1. . OUI1ViETTE, LONDERBORO it Rolortm Great cheap dash Store, lintn� DETLOR & cos II.111I0T1ICLEARINGSALE� Wonderful value in MUSLIMS All Over Laces and [CRESS GOODS J. C. DETLOR & CO,.Clinton. 'Jr T TO J' L. ' S Harness and Grocery Depot, Lonaesboro Groceries{ My stock of 'GROCERIES is now complete in s.11 its branches. I have a large stock of CANNED FISH, which I am selling at 13 cents per can, two cans for 25 cents. Call and see niy stock of COLORED GLASSWARE before purchasing elsewhere, and convince yourself that the prices are away down. zgAczarTE OIL -I have a large Steck of Machine Oil of different brands, which will bo sold at a small advance on cost; My Harness stock is complete as usual with all seasonable goods, such as FLY SHEETS and NETS, LAP 'RUGS, DUSTERS, RUBBER HORSE COVERS and BINDER, WHIPS. I have, it few TRUNKS and VALISES left. WHIPS, CURRYCOMBS, BRUSHES, and all goods usually kept in this line also on hand. Also all kinds of TIN- WARE on hand. k'rodnce taken in exchange. Thanking my customers for past favors and soliciting it continnance of the MIME'. Clinton andEO. NEWTON, - ' LONDESSORO I JACOB TAYLOR., Manager for Blyth. Harness{ Some are Asking. A ' (lose Market Price Our reduced Price —$2.00 I— I- $1.75 J. JAOKSQN'S THERM OM ET ER FOR -SHARP BUYERS. 'I'IIIS TIME IT I Ladies: Button : Boots THAT ARE' DOWN. These goods are. got up in good style With WORKED 7UTTolmOuns. No more stylish and serviceable' footwear• 'was ever offered. All • sizes • in stock. YouWary BargainHunters GLANt'C Al''OUR '.I'ril;RM0METER ANL NOTE T111; TREMENDOUS DROP. :141.151 Old Day Prices A1.W-\1 S AT, J kc SOSBargatn Shoe llouso OPPOSITE Towx HALL, GLtx!roN. cLINTON 8z BLYTH, OOTS-SHOES Our stock of Boots and Shoes for spring and summer have been selected with great care, and will be found very complete in' all lines. Wo are agents for DACK & SON'S FAR FAMED FINE HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCIiAN0E. FIVE PER CENT OFFFOR CASH, W.1 'TAYLOR & SONS' 0 Blpth1