The Clinton New Era, 1887-07-22, Page 31'10ItAY, JL'l.1' 22,3 h7.
'The coolest man,' declares a contem-
porary, 'is the man who takes things eas-
iest,' Exaetl, . Such a man is apt to get
into a cooler.
Don't call a very large, strong, sinewy
man a prevaricator. If you are sure he is
a prevaricator hire another man to break
the news to him.
Wife—Oh, doctor, Benjamin seems to
be wandering in his mind. Doctor, (who
knows Benjamin) —Don't trouble about
that—he can't go far."
A writer on political economy says :—
"it's the little leaks that tell.' Yes, iu
deet' ;a little leak will give you away as
well as an overgrown onion,
'Do you rectify mistakes' (sere,' asked a
gentleman as be stepped into a drug store.
'Yes sir, we do,if the patient is still alive,"
replied the urbane clerk.
A r'rench farmer writes to his landloro:
"I have a great deal of stock on hand.
Should you want an ass, an ox or a pig
please remember your obedient servant."
"It is love that makes the woil•l go
round,' we are informed by the poets. It
is a somewhat notable fact that a very
lirnited quality of pour whiskey will pro -
c tate the same Meet. '
'Ma,' said Bertie, 'should I say pants or
trousers.' 'Trousers, my dear,' said the
mother. 'Well,th.en,'said Bertie, 'I tnink
Bridget bad better give Fido some water ;
he trousers awfully.'
"It is said no one is allowed to. speak
when dining with the Queen of England "
This is decidedly inconvenient. What is
a fellow to do when he wants another price
of pie? Perhaps he is obliged to "whliitle
tor it."
Ex -Mayor Robert, Bowie, Brockvle, Oat.,
says: I used Nasal Balm for a bad, case of
catarrh, and it cured me after having in
effectually tried many other remedies. It
never fails to give immediate relief for cold in
the hbad.
A girl in Wisconsin has horns on ber
forehead, which she covers with her hair.
She -probably got the idea from the strong-
er sex, some of whom frequently have
Urns in the mouth which they cover with
their mustaches.
A youngster sat watching his mother
while she 'pitted" cherries. She inadver-
tently passed oue without removing the
stone. Hopeful immediately picked it
out with the remark : 'Here's one you
didn't unbutton, mamma.'
" Father" said the farmer's boy, as he
rested on his hoe, " they say the fish bite
first rate now." "No, do they?" responded
the old mast ; "well, you goon and finish
this patch o' corn anI'll skip down to
the creek an' see what kind o' luck I'll
And bad I better speak with your father
to -night, dear ?' lie asked, as be suddenly
continued to hold on to her with both
arms. `No, George,' she answered,. from
his top vest, button, 'not to -night. It is
nearly twelve o'clock, and papa has
doubtless gone to bed.'
'Young man,' said a stern professor to
a student who had been charged with
kissing one of bis daughters. 'Young
mac, don't you get into that habit —
"You'll find that kissing is like eating
soup with a fork.' -'How so, sir,' asked
the student. `Because, you can't get
enough of it.'
Avoid, by,nll means, the use of calomel for
bilious complaints. Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
entirely vegetable,have been tested forty years
and are acknowleged to be,tbebest remedy for
torpidity of the liver, costiveness, and all der
angements of the digestive apparatus.
At a recent marriage in a suburban
town the bridegroom, when asked the im-
portant question if he would take the lady
for better or worse, replied, in ahesitati-ng
manner, 'Well, I think I will.' • Upon be-
ing told that he must be more positive in
his declaration, he answered, 'Well, I
don't care if 1 do.'
' Pink silk,.uigitt dcesses.are.arnongthe
newest importations. When a man clad
in a pink silk night gown, gets out of bed
about 12 30 a.m. to hurl a bootjack at a
complaining cat, the probabilities are that
heis in nolmore pleasant frame of mind than
if he had been rpbed in a •muslin night-
shirt costing 20 cents.
The Boston Journal of Education says :_
="One of the most .mournful things in
nature must always be the inevitable ten-
young man in love toimagine
.dent of e
9 y g g
hiniselfa poet." A still more mournful
thing is that so many )people imagine
themselves poets without even the poor
excuse of being in love.
/n Brief, and to the Point.
Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to
good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is one
of the most complicated and wonderful
things in existence. It is easily put out
of older.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food,
bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, ir•
regular habits. and many other things
which ought not,to be, have made the
American people a nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has done
a wonderaful work in reforming Ellis sad
business and making the American people
so healthy that they can enjoy their
meals and be happy.
Remember: — No hnppiness without
health. But Green's .August Flowers
brings health and • happiness, to the dys.
peptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle.
Seventy-five cents.
fir Joseph Skinner, Mitchell,has lost
his fine imported heavy breeding mare'.
The loss will be at least $1,000.
Mr P Barbour has just opened out a
grocery business in the shop formerly
occupied by Messrs McLean- & Adams,
St Marys.
Jas Macdonald Caven, eldest son of
Collector Caren, has been appointed an
NIA excise officer for the district of Stratford
on probation.
A. Caren, collector of Inland revenue,
of Stratford, seized an illicit still and ar-
rested two of the proprietors Thursday
night; in the township of Elma.
There is some talk of the Rev Mr
Moorehouse, of Gorrie, being appointed
to succeed the JtnvMrMeCoch,stt Win;
hum. 'file parish•luust be considered a
very important one .ts fully two dozen
clergymen, either directly of indirectly,
Ihave been trying to get it.
Ayer's So1•eapai ilia is the wast tfftetive
blood purifier ever devised. Itisrtca mmend-
ed by the best physicians.
Mr Et u1 Murray, fur merly teacher of
S. S. No 7, Harrington, and well-known
in this vicinity, is home from Britisl
Columbia, whither lie went some years
Mr "Vin O'Rourke, of Dublin, was
seriously injured while working at a
raising on Tuesday at McKillop. By
some mishap a sill fell upon the unfor-
tunate man and crushed in several fibs
injuring the lungs. He is not expected
to recover.
Young or midde•aged men suffering loom debility, loss of memory.premory; lil
as the result of bad habits, should send 10
cents in stamps for large illustrated treatise
Address, World's Dispensary Medical Asso
cia•ion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y.
The funeral of the late Robert Dun-
kin, formerly of Dublin, took place'on
Sunday last. ITe died at Port Rowan,
where he had lived for several yearn,
Deceased was one of the pioneers of the
Huron District, and was one of themes to
whorl the county of PeI't11 is indebted
for a good deal of its progress. He fill-
ed a number a public offices, being the
first collector for Do}vnie. He was 'the
sole survivor of the first.commission of
peace issued for what at the time was
known as the 'Huron tract.'
Krupp, the famous maker of cannon,
is dead. •
Forty-nine Canadian horses for Brit-
ish cavalry and artillery service,have ar-
rived at Woolwich.
The- Manchester Guardian says .the
position of the Dominion Government
iu relation to the Manitoba railway dis-
dispute is untenable.
A hotel keeper at Orangeville, named
Bennett, who brutally assaulted a con
stable while the latter was serving Scott
Act summonses, last week,has been sen-
tenced to three months in jail..
There is a mare with a mustache in
Mt. Vernon, I11. She is a gray and the
mustache is a light blonde, and extends
entirely across her upper Hp and grows
out at each corner about three inches.
Each ends curls nicely,and the mustache
is quite becoming.
A toothpick rnanufacturingassociation
in the Eastern States, who have their
centre in Maine, have contracts for the
coming year sufficient to load a train of
50 cars with nothing but toothpicks,and
meanwhile will take out of the State of
Maine five thousand millions of these
little implements.
'Among Englishmen,'sgys tl>_eLondon
Etheneum, 'we, of course, include our
brothers of the United States.' " The
Canadian Opponents of' reciprocity do
not soregard our neighbors. They would
fain make the. people of Canada believe
that the people of United States aro not
brothers, but a pack of rascals, with
it is positively dangerously to
Roman Catholic priests of Worcester,
Mass,, have been taking their congrega-
tions severely to task for engaging in the
liquor traffic. One of themsaid-_he no•
ticed with shame that ont of thirty-one_
applications foi' liquor licenses within
the limits of his parish, twenty-nine
came from members of his congregation.
It. is a most encouraging fact that so
many of the Rouinii"Catholic Clergy Ih'e
becoming awakened to the disgraceftil
nein e.of the traffic.
A young woman visiting in Congress
street, Portland, -Me., was awakened by
a noise in her room tale dther night,when
a burglar put his hand over her mouth,
kissed her and said :-'Keep still, sis ; 1
won't hurt you ; all I want is those
a n
trinkets.' She managed t r
1 1. m �.d to rouse the
'muss., when with a polite 'Good -night,
sis,' he sprung from the window, having
a bundle containing every portable arti-
cle of value in the. room and a sum of
money. He- left his hat behind, and it
was hung on the hat rack in the front
hall to be given to the police as a clue.
The family retired and the burglar re-
turned and stole the hat.
The best regulators for the summon and
bowels, the hest curt for btliousnees. stet( head•
ache, indigestion And all affections arising from
a dlsordcred liver. are without exception John-
son's Tome Liver Pills. Small in sire, sugar
coated, mild, yet effective. :etc. per bottle,eold
by Worthington's druggist.
One of the noted characters of Cincin-
na• i, the "steeple -climber," died quite re-
cently. His name was Joseph Rodriguez
Weston and for nearly thirty years he has
been climbing steeples in that city. No
point was too high and dizzy for him to
reach and malt, tain his steady foothold.
Of late year, he would undertake only
those difficulty feats that appalled others.
It was his pardonable boast that lie could
go as high and higher than any otter man.
There are inane .stories of his hazardous
exploits. Thu inns;, notable, probabl'y,was
the draping; of the Cathedral spire on the
night following Archbishop Purcell's
death. On tae ground below were three
or four thousand people eagerly watching
for a glance at the daring man as the
lightning flashes revealed him on the dizzy
A nice point in law of importance to
both employers and employees, is to be
tested in ti.o Toronto courts, some fifteen
employees of T. P. Wagner & Co.,Toronto
who were receiving full wages and had
nothing to complain of, were called out
on strike by the Executive Committee, of
the Carpenter's Union, in the hope that
such action would hasten a satisfactory
termination of the difficulty. A few days
later Mr Wagner sent the men a note in-
forming them that they were discharged
from his employn•acnt. On Satfirdas they
presented themselves for their wages and
were astounded nt receiving in some cases
leas than half what they expected. One
ipan who bail corned $14.66, received an
envelope containing 25 teats rind a contra
account foe the remainder, Mich was
charged up as a less entui-led be desertion
of employment. This roan was emp•oyed
uu a► Machine, the stoppage of which is
calculated at a rate of $1 50 per day •
Others were dtducted $2, $4 and :t•6, ac
cording to the work they were engaged
on. Mr 11'ngner claims to have good
grounds for his aetiun. The men were
receiving all the wages they asked for,and
on June l lth, an agreement was signed by
both parties for one year. At a meeting
of the men it was decided to 'Jaye the case
tested in court. -
TheConservatives proposed to set off the
protest, in the Kingston election case
against that in East Hustings, hut the
proposal was rejected.
The death is announced of Aire. Thomp•
son, mother of the 11Jiuieter of Justice.
Her decease took place at the residence
of her sou -in-law, Collector Sargeant, at
Barrington, N S., on Saturday. The de-
ceased was in her 87th year.
News.come,s from Wilson's Beach, New
Brunswick, that a ten -year-old daughter
of Jeremiah Newman has died from the
effects of an indecent assault, committed
upon ber several days ago by a man named,
Burns, who has since fled to the Stluea.
Johnston, a Kingston tough, shot him
self under peculiar Circumstances." Hav-
ing get himself under poRce surveilar ce,
he and a companion secreted themselves
in a barn. The hostler entered, and
thinking he was a policeman, Johnston
fired and seriously wounded himself in
the hand.
Sir Chas Tupper took passage for Liver-
pool by the royal mail steamship Sardin-
ian on Friday morning. He had a stormy
time boarding her. It was blowing a stiff
gale from the north with a heavy sea run-
ning. The waves were brilliant with a
phosphorous light and were never noticed
so luminous before.
anun(gve, Marsh 31st, 1887. Messrs.
Fulford & Co., Brockville, Ont.: Gents,— A
promineut citizen of our town expresses great
delight over the miraculous healing proper-
ties of your Nasal Balm. He had Buffered for
a long time from a severe headache over the
eyes, and his head was so stopped up that he
was in great distress. One appli3ation gave
instant relief, and in two days he was entirely
cured. W B Fallerton, Druggist.
It is stated in Winnipeg with regard to_
the alleged threat of the Dominion GoveF-
ment to refuse Customs facilities to the
Red River Vally Railway,that as such ap•
plication most come from the Northern
Pacitic,the Government would not dare -to
retuse it tor fear of incurring the danger of
corresponding privileges to Canadian rail-
ways being withdrawn by the United
Thomas Bedow, an Allegheny City
blacksmith, lost the use of his legs two
years ago, and his physician told hien .that
he was afflicted with an incurable case of
paralysis. rie tried every known kind of
treatment in vain and then resigned him-
self to his fate. Last week Mr Bedow read
.an account of a remarkable cure wrought
by faith, and when he went to bed that
night he;_prayed long and earnestly that
he might recover. The moment he awoke
in the morning he felt that he was cured.
He sprang from bed, danced about the
,fluor, jumped into his clothing and ran
down stairs, shouting all the time like a
madman. Before ending his antics be ran
about -the yard several times to test his
new-found strength. Mr Bedow says he'
hasn't been so well for twenty years as he
is now.
Up to the last week AittB F Howe, of
Huntington, Ind ,had for more than three
years been a bedridden invalid. She safe
fered from nervous prostration, was --parti-
ally paralyzed and was even too sick to
feed herself. Her physicians tall her
that death was rapidly- approaching. On
the afternoon of Saturday, a few friends
came over from the prayer meeting at the
church and prayed for her recovery. After•
they had gone Mrs Howe, felt better, and
in the eveuingshe got out of bed of her
own accord and walked around the room
unassisted. In the morning she felt like
a new woman, and went to chtll'Ch to give
thanks for her remarkable recovery.' She
grew stronger and heartier every day, and,
seems to be entirely well.
• Airs 1Valter, Meade, the wife" et an
Adrian (Michigan) drayman, had }been
confined to her bed for several years with
chronic diseases. A short time ago an
internal abscess began to soli her remain
ing strength, and her case was abandoned
as hopeless. At last the physician told
her that at the utmost she could live only
two days. Mrs Meade prayed earnestly
that night to he restored to health, and
awoke refreshed. New life seemed to
course through her veins; and site, grew
stronger every horn. The abscess dried
up and disappeared, the other ailments
departed and Air; Meade is now well
Besides thiit, her husband, a long scoffer
at religion, i, now a devout church -goer.
Medical circles in Erie are much amaz-
ed at the miraculous recovery from para-
lysis of Isaac Bally, a Lancaster soldier,
who had been a patient at the Erie Sol-
diers' Home for a long tipi„e past. He had
suffered Almost entire paralysis from a gun-
shot wound, and during his stay, at the
hoose had been as helpless as a child. A
few mornings ago he astonished his atten-
dants by dessing himself unaided and walk-
ing about the premises as if nothing ailed
him. He now seems to be entirely well.
Air. Bally is not a praying man.
MrsR•ubv Mantel, if Keeler, Mich ,lied
beer, Lying ill in bed for eighteen months.
until the other day, when she suddenly
rose and dressed herself without assistance.
She now feels perfectly well, whereas pre-
viously she had not been able to drag her-
self arnund the house. Mrs Mantel says
that she prayed for recovery from the time
she was taken i11, and that her prayers
just before her restoration to health were
no more earnest than they had been.
A Chicago woman who had had some
success in the Christian science faith cure
made an astonishing cure last week in
the case of M. F. Potter, an Iowa man.
who injured his spine 'ten months ago,
and came 'to look on his condition as
hopeless, Nine doctors treated him for
six months and then gave him up to die,
The Chicago woman cured hien in two
weeks without administering a drop of
medicine, and he is now so well that he
can walk a mile at a brisk gait without
the slightest ineon venienre,
I.n,l,cl tl11(1 Itivoslilietlt tkt'y
This Company is Loaning .ifoacy on Farm
S'euritay o! Lee• St liar's ,f Interest.
1MIAs A13 - . - 'PURCHASED
8, 4 and 5 per Cent. Irtteregt Allowed oh
Deposits, according to amount
and time left.
OFFICE.—Corse of Marko Square andNorth Strec
Oneferie August bib t1f30 _
Lolldosborougli Roller dills
After being thoroughly overhauled and refitted with
NEW MACHINE5Y of the tn. et approved kinds them)
mills ere now in splendid running older, end will not
bo surpassed iu the quallty of the work done, by any
will in the country.
Special Attention men to GItlSTINNC,
Satisfaction guaranteed. Parties wanting anything
whatever in this line will and it to their interest to
give us a call.
TheiotWeathej"llas llone t
- 50c
- a<62.25
- $1,75
I have just received a beautiful case of Eye Test Lense, and •
.can now fit any sight on a scientific principle. EYES TEST.
E. I1L'BF.R, Proprietor. ED FREE OF CHARGE Best place in town for spectacles •
B'L O ,
r [.t- j .A.0 i -]I
Infallible Blood Puritlerr Totilc, Diu -actio, Loss
of App)etite,1ndigestion, Dyspepsia, nilltousness
Jaundlcn,Liver Coin plain t,Rheumatism.011 K,d-
uey Diseases, Scrofula, DISCUSES peculiar to 1 e -
males, Salt Rheum, La zema and all Skin Dis-
eases, Ileudachn, Palpitation of the'llearr., Sour
Stomach and Heart Burn. Pur'eiyvegetable.
Jutta O. WEST & Co., Toronto
Invaiids'ijoteI«Surgical Institute
TTFPA).O, 1\T- -Sr-
Organized, with a fall Staff of eighteen
Experienced anti Skillful Physicians
and Surgeons for the treatment of
' all (laconic Disetoea,
Chroalc Nasal Catarrh, Throat wndi
Luing Diseases, Liver ,and, Kidney
,Diseases, Bladder Diseases, Ilisenses
-of Wanton, Blood Diseases and New-,
Ous Affections, comm. here or at home
with or without seeing the patient. Come an(1 .
see 119, or send ten Cents lel stale
Invalids' Guide Iliook,»-which gives
all particulars.
Nervous Debility, impo-
tency, Nocturnal Losses,
and all Morbid Condition's
mused by Youthful Fol-
lies and eseriticioatt,soli-
tary Practices are speedily
and permanently cured by our
Book, poet -paid, 10 ets. in stamps.
Rupture, or Breach, ra(lf-
'rally cured without the knife.
without dependence upon
trusses and with very httl
in stamps, pain. Book sent for ten cents
treated with the greatest success. Book sent
for.ten cents in, stamps. Address WORLD'S
Street, Buffalo, N: Y.
The treatment of many
thousands of eases of those
diseases peculiar to
at the Invalids' Had and
Surgical Institute, has af-
forded largo experience in adapting remedies
for their cure, and ,
Favorite Prescription
Ls tho !result of this vast experience.
It is a powerful Restorative Tonic
and Nervine, imparts vigor and strength
to the system, and cures, as if by magic, Len.
oorrhoa, or "whites,» excessive
flowing, painful menstruation, un-
natural suppressions, prolapses or
falling of the uterus, weak back,
anteversion retrot'erslon bearing-
earin -down "sensations, chronic conges-
tion inflammation and ulceration
of the womb, inflammation, pain
and tenderness in ovaries, internal
heat, and "female weakness.»
It promptly relieves and cares Nausea
and weakness of Stomach, Indigos.
tion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration,
and Sleeplessness, in either sex.
PRICE $ I.00, 2,11R0 mast
Sold by Druggists everywhere. Bend
ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large
Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrate&
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
003 Main Street. BUFFALO. N.Y.
Bilious Headache,
Dizziness, Constipa-
tion Indigestion,
and on,
promptly cured by Dr.
piereels Pleasant
purgative Pellets. 25
cents a vial, by Druggists.
Big Bargains
Before you buy your SUMMER
AT GLASGOWS FOR 15c. it 25c.
There is no better value shown,
G. (LASGOW, Smiths Block, Clinton.
Wail Paper, Ceiling Decoratioi . choicest patterns,
BOOKS & STATIONERY. great variety.
A- WORTI-IINU-TON, Olintoh. -
Thomas Cooper- & Son.
WE ---HAFT Cul -1,- 1.A.1W.EST, (JLEANES'I' 1N-li B.1'.S`_1 .- A:1`IOII.TE 3--
Or E 00EMR, 1E8
In town. Our -prices, aro as 'ldw • ns the• lowest, and we-warvanat•everything -
tirst-class;. Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAKING POWDER."
Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manuf.ietnrcrs. Prices.
TEAS a specialty., Give us a call.
os: Cooper & ion,
TioPoopIo's HARNESS and Grocery Depol, Londesboro.
Having enlarged my show room and got in a first-class stock of G.R'A Irl E R I ES
in connection with my other lines of business. I am now prepared to furnish the
public with all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries,' .Calllned' Goods and
Candies, and all kinds of School Books and SLATES,also, fano, articles
CIGAR HOLDERS, &c'. Also a stock of Patent Medicines kept on hand.
My Hartness Stook is more complete in all its branches. I
have a few of those BLANKETS and BELLS which will be sold cheap. I make
all my COLLARS and warrant them to give satisfaction. REPAIRING prornlltly
attended to and cbarges moderate. My stock of TINWARE is also complete, X111
kinds of produce taken in exchange for all .kinds of goods. Thanking my eusto.
mere for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the sante.