HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-15, Page 8cl4INTON'NEWERA, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1881, LOCAL NOTICES, .16 Cla per doz. in trade for 5,000 doz. Eggs tit J. T 1f 1TaHELL'S, Clinton. Don't forget the ISIS Silver Moulded Har- eetl at ,T '1' ijrj'�'C11 1rLLiS, Clintan. Bp04 vatee ill Rarareeck+, Rubbev and viM1Bts F,l PIt1. + Q1 IF. Q.tzk4C9re, • .t large assortment of Pop S).irts for J3oye vend Men at OLIN TON WOOLLE'NDI ILLS 30 per cent of Fancy Chinaware this week at the Beaver Block Bookstore. No farce «bout ilius, WM. COOPER. Vie ladies ofStt,'Ries Claurclt have much pleasure in announcing a Grand Lawn Party, to be held at the residence of Mr J Robertson, eorier Ratteubury and Orange Ste., on Mon. day evening, July 18th, at 8 cf clock. Admis- eion at gate 5cts. Refreshments extra. Band in attendance, • SPECIAL LXCtJiiS1GN BATES via Northorest mneportatien'Co. Tieke e, Cliu- ton to t uIa h and Matra, $29.70 ; Clinton to Port Arthur and return, $28.70 ; ,Photon to Sant Ste Marie and return, $12.70; good to Oct. 31st. For information apply to JAMES TIIOMPSON, or A. 0. PATTISON, Clinton Beealch .0 Go AdereOtmeneed holding "SA UIWAY CASH SALES" on a great scale On that day of the week they knock off ONE ,HALF the REGULAR PRICE of their RIBBONS, of which. as you know, they have wgreat variety in color and quality. At the same time they are offering dreided bargains in IIA TS, so if, you wilds you can get an exquisite hat at an extremely tow price, by calling on Saturday at BEESLEY d: CO'S. &gun, gapf.0 . TIACUERS.—In addition t those teach- ers mentioned last week, who will spend their holidays' here, are the following :— Mies Pake, of Wingham school; Miss Doan, of Biyth school, and Miss Holmes, of Gerrie school. MASONIC.—The annual assembly of the Sovereign Great Priory, Knights Templar, was held in the Masonic Hall,Brockvilie, on Tuesday, and Mr Joseph Beck, of Goderich, (de uty-reeve of.Colborne) was - elected 'prk r for London district. ACCrnENT.—Tho other evening, while \dies Herbison, of Goderich township,was driving along by Fair's Trill, a sudden bjolt of the buggy, supposed to be caused y a low culvert, threw her out, and she fell down, the horse stumbling also. She was somewhat cut and bruised, but for, tunately escaped any more serious injury. A MUSICAL PREMIER.—We d0 net know whether Mr Blair, the Premier of New Brunswick, is preparing a new port- folio in his cabinet, to be known as the " Minister of Organs," we, however, ad- mit the necessity of any government sup- plying their people with Doherty organs. One thing we are sure of, and that is, there has been nearly two car loads of Doherty. organs shipped him within two weeks. This augurs well for the musical taste of Premier Blair. A PARK. NEEDED.—The uecessity of having a public park, where people could resort to in the summer time, becomes more apparent every day, and we think a mistake is being made in not securing one in some way. As the town increases in size and importance, the value of land suitable for such a purpose becomes great- er, and the possibility of securing it less and, less. Tbere is not at present any place of this nature. within a reasonable distance of the town. It nothing can be done in the pay ora public park,,an eff;rt should be made to arrange in some way with the directors of the Agricultural Society, whereby that property could be improved and used, while still being re- tained for show purposes. A few trees. set out and a little grading, would make it a pretty place in a very few years. -- - •PEasoNA-I,s.—Mias Alien Gsiodrich is home from Toronto on her holidays. Mrs Stygall,of Bt.ffalo,(tnother of Mrs A 0 Pat- tison), accompanied by her daughters, one - -. ofwhomisurrell,otFort .Erie,ishere on a visit. Miss Balkweliot Port Huron,is the guest of Mrs J T Harland. Mrs P Grant, of Cleveland, has been visiting her old acquaintances in this place. The Messrs Worth, of Chicago, nephews of Mr W'I3 Hine; are here on a visit. Mr Ralph White returned to Philadelphia on Mon day. Mr 5 Wyerry and family returned from Brampton on Monday. ..The Port Hope Guide says :--"Miss 111 ]3evan, of Clinton,is spending a few weeks' vacation at home. She speaks very highly of that place and it hospitable citizens." Mr W Sweetman left for Woodstock on Tuesday. Mrs Horace Foster has gond on a visit to friends tet Dundas. Mr Salter, a promin- ent manufacturer of Brantford,and family, spent Sunday in town. Mr J Crookshank, of Ontario St. church, spent the 12th with his friends near Milbank.—Rev. J. T. Legear, of Ethel, passed through town eon Friday; he had been enjoying the lake breezes at Goderich—and the company of a young lady who will shortly join • her fortunes with his. -Mrs E Doherty, of Galt, is visiting her friends here. &COTT Acv TRIALS —On Saturday last Mr A Walpier, of Exeter, Mr Walter Clark, of Crediton and Mr C Willert, of Dashwood, were brought before Police Magistrate Williams, of Clinton, for in- fraction of the Canada Temperance Act, infortnation being laid by Inspector Sprague. The first case being Mr A Wal - pier's, and after his worship hearing all the evidence, he dismissed the case, be- cause the information had been laid against Mr Walpier sr., who had not been inside the house for months, the son being the keeper thereof. The second cage called was that against Mr Willert, on which .decision was reserved. The third ca e was Mr Clark's, who plead guilty and paid the statutory fine of $50 and costs. Mr R H Collins, of Exeter, prosecuted the eases in the interests of Mr Sprague, Mr L H Dickson, of Exeter, de- fendtd Mr Walpier's case. To the charge laid against Mr Jonathan Miller, of Ben - miller, by Inspector Paisley, he bas plead guilty andaid the tine of850 and costar At Brussels on Tuesday, Mr Deadman, druggist, was charged with a violation of the Aet, but ik being pioved that he gave the liquor away, the ease was dismissed ; Mr Hargraves, another Brussels druggist, was charged with selling liquor, but as the evidence showed that he sold under a druggist's license ;this case was also dis- missed. C Dahins,Cranbrook, was proved guilty of violating the act. and was fined $50 and costs; Mr Jas Scott, Clinton, appeared for the prosecution in ell these eases. Since the first of I1'ebruary, about 49.500 have been levied in fines for viola- tion of the ,Scott Act in the West Riding. Mews l' Reynolds and Milne, of town; on information of Inspector 'Faisley,,'yes. .terday, plead guilty and were fined. Ac otion,NT.---Mr Julius, Carson, of the Grand Union, met with a very painful accident on 'Tuesday evening. Iu corking a bottle be *truck the cork with his hand, )when the .bottle broke, the glauA cutting au artery, and also, cutting bhp hand hor- ribly. A doctor grits Immediately sum- moned, and it was necessary to chloro- fertlttirsoo in ordet to sew up the wound, A MATTER OF 11MPOaTAlieB. — We would nearly as soon be sent to jail as to dun a man, but when we have hundreds of dollars on our books, it becomes almost a matter of "dun" or ,`go to jail." We want every subscriber who is to arrears to pay up, and we want it done just as quickly as poselble. Some people appa- rently imagine that a paper can be run without money—that we can steal paper, etc., and get our employees to work for nothing. _. Well, we---wouldz.xattlter_ II►ai_ tain an appearance of honesty, if we can- not do any better, and in order to do this we want all indebted to us to pay up at once. BivaFs.--Wo are sorry to learn of the illness of the wife of Mr James Thomp- son, she having just undergone a critical surgicaL operation, and hope to hear at once of her being on the road -to recovery. Mr C Cruickshank, we are pleased to see, +I has recovered .entirely from his late ill- ness, It is reported that a case of wife beating occurred iq the southern portion of the town, one day last week ; the maim. guilty of such a thing should be treated ' with the cat of nine tails. • It is rumored that a pushing and popular young busi- ness man of town will enter the state of ma.rimony before another month, has passed away • it is a noble step to take. The last number of the War Cry contains a picture of Dan Moran, the noted, of Sea'ortb, with a long description of his life; if the Salvation Army can make a man of Dan, its labors will certainly not have been in vain. The piga impounded hire, and advertised to have been sold last Saturdry, belonged to a farmer in Hallett about seven miles from town. Mr Jobart, the horse dealer, is around here seeing what he can pick up. A cablegram was received from Mr James ..Fair, on Saturday, announcing the safe arrival of the party at Liyerppol, and stating that they had a very pleasant voy- age; the message contained only three words , but each word being part of a pre- arranged cypher. meant a good many more. - Since Mr George Swallow has en- larged his house, and about finished the work of improvement, he bas got as com- fortable and commodious a residence as is found in that part of the town. Mr C Spooner has been making external im- provements to the house on Albert street occupied by Mr Proudf'oot. Mr J C Ed- monds, agent for the Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., bas purchased of Mr Robert- son the small house on King street, oppo- site the foundry, paying therefor the sum of $550 ; Mr Edmonds was married to a young lady of Hensali, oh Wednesday, and therefore will occupy the house. Mr W B Laing, of Buffalo, (son-in-law of Mr T Jackson) has resigned his position on the railway there to accept a more lucrative and responsible office of cashier at Apple- ton, Wis.; wo ere pleased to learn of his advancement. Mrs Robinson, of Shef- field, Eng., (sister of Mrs J Symonds) ar aived here on Tuesday, and will take up her residence with her sister. The Brus- sels Postthus notes a former Clintonian's mishap :—"Harry Dennis had his right eye put in mourning, one evening last week, while playing a game of cricket on the park." Mr David Erwin has been laid up for a couple of days with summer complaint, but is around again. Mr Geo E Pay has lately • purchased a driving horse from Mt John Taylor. Mr Ross (employed with Mr Chidley) has been confined to the house for a couple of days, but is all right now. Mr James Rye, of San Diego, Cal., (son of Mrs Rye, Clin- ton) was recently married to a Miss Walth- er, of San Francisco. Drs Worthington and Wilkie do not look much like farm- ers, set they have been gathering their bay crop all the same. Mr Jas Cornish, of the base lino, was cutting his wheat crop on the 12th inst. The boring at Stapleton Salt •well has now reached a depth of over 1196 feet, the second bed of salt being reached.- The Mutual Benefit Society of the OrganFactory now numbers over 50 members. The fact of Mr Neelin, editor of the Seaforth San, and Mr Ted- ford, our Chief of Police, being seen around the station at the same time, on Tuesday, may have no significance, but our readers can draw their own inference. Mr James Steep this week took 951ba of clear honey from two hives. A woman on Huron Street scalded net neighbor's cat the other day; such an act of cruelty is barbarous. The families of Messrs. Davis, Pay, Hodgens and Cunningham, aro arranging to camp out for a couple of weeks, on the Maitland—a very pleasant way of enjoying a holiday. Mr Tipliog has purchased a Tontine filly of Mr Chris. Nesbitt, and it, is said to be a particularly fine beast. Mr J Jarvis, one of the most respected employees of the Stapleton Salt Works, leaves in a few days on a well- earqed holiday, for the old country, via Allan line. The Oddlellows of town in- tend to inaugurate a Decoration Day, on the 27th inst, when they will proceed to the cemetery, headed by theDoherty band, and with nppropiiate services, decorate tbe graves of departed members of their order. A sister of Mrs D. A. Forrester, residing at Ornegeville, was married on Wednesday, to a Mr Ferguson, of that place. We are pleased to see Mr William Marten on the street again, even though he is yet Very weak. Mr Allen, sr., of Hullett, one of the best informed and most intelligent men of the township, bas been spending a couple of w ceks with friends in town, Most of tbe NEW ERA'S valued staff of rurN correspondents have appar. ently been prostrated by the weather, as we have not heard from them ; we hope they will recover soon. Mr Geo. Beesley has been off work for several days on ac- count of a lame back; it has to be a severe ailment that will lay George up anytime. The f.tmily of Mr H C Brewer are rusti- cating at Bayfield. The base ball club go to Mitchell to -day, to play off an un- finished game. Mr Searle has currant bushes in his garden which stand eleven feet high ; to be proportionate the cur- rants thereon should be as large as eggs -- pigeon's. Over 400 tickets were sold at Clinton on Tuesday last, for Goderich. A gentleman in town, who has some con- nection with the News -Record, on return- ing from the celebration at Goderich, put his head nut of the car window, and lost his white plug hat. EAT - DISCOUNT - SALE°M NOVP FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS, AT DICKSON'S : BOOKSTORE, • CLINTON. x On POCKET BOOKS we will give_. a _4. of 25 .JEWELLERY SILVERWARE MISCELLANEOUS -BOOKS . BIBLES • " 'PHOTO ALBUMS " 1t " 11 AUTOG4A.EILA.VIIMS, TESTAMENTS CUPS and SAUCERS SPECTACLES PIPES • VASES and CHINA GOODS VIOLINS and FIXINGS CONCERTINES and ACCORDRONS WALL PAPER fC (1 (1 25 15 20 25 '25 25 25 20 25 20 25 25 20 20 per ;pent. (( (( BERLIN WOOLS, FINGERING YARN, &c 20 DAY Books Journals Ledgers, &e " 10 MOUTH ORGANS, we will give a discount of 25 BABY CARRIAGES " ci I5 Ladies HAND SATCHELS 30 Combs, Writings Desks and Workboxes " 20 VELVET FRAMES and DOLLS 14 25 BASKETS " 15 all.other goods at proportionately low prices. u (( " r1 (( (( '1 (1 14 (l (1 1( 1, This is the ,greatest opportunity ever afforded, to secure goods below wholesale prices. Our entire stock amounting to nearly $20,000, must lte..reduced to $I0,000 within the next GO days. - Come and trouble to see our stock, and get our prices, whether shdw you the Great Bargains we are offering. months' credit to responsible parties. you buy o: not. No Terms Cash, or 3 CHRIS. DICKSON, - CLINTON, 9 LOTH 1 NO WEATHER a AT f CC Co's WHO HAVE ALWAYS THE RIGHT KIND OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT THE RIGHT PRICES, TRY TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. DO PLEASE AND SATISFY THEIR PATRONS. • Any person, in need of a nobby Spring Suit now is the time to purchase. Stock Full and Assortment Croat. our Hobby is Fine Merchant Tailoring And as we give our whole time and attention to that alone, we are enabled to meet the wants of the most fastidious. We also manufacture our own Buttons from the same material as the Suit, nd as we aro THE ONLY HOUSE IN THE TRADE wbo do so, we are better enabled to turn out a more nobby and artistic garment. All in need of a Suit will find it to their advantage to look through our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ------o----- C. C. RANCE & CO., IS* IC M 1101E1, 1E-1, .A_N• 70 TAI]'�OIL Si jTILL THEN UNTIL the lst.of AUGUST WE INTEND TO GIVE THE, PEOPLE SOME CHEAP GOODS. - �it1S ARE LIKE ALL TETE REST OF TRE DRY GOOD TRADE, WE WANT TO REDUCE OUR ST-OCK. BEFORE OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS COME IN. De you want -CHEAP PARA -SOLS ? - We ve go efir- Do you avant CHEAP EMBROIDERIES? We've got them Do you want CHEAP SEEi 'SUL(E1 S ? We've got them Do you want tl CHEAP CORSETS ? . We've got them. Do you want CHEAP GLOVES ? We've got them Do you want CHEAP MUSLINS ? We've got them Doyouu want CHEAP COTTONS ? We've got them Do you want CHEAP GINGHAMS ? , We've got them Do you want CHEAP PRINTS 1 We've got them Do you want CHEAP TABLE LINENS '? We've got them Do you want CHEAP TOWELS ? We've got -them Remember, wo.mean what we say. We never advertise for fun, and we always have what we say we have. GEO. E.PAY &•CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. 4. PEOPL +' 'Who have been reading these columns tells us that they. can rely on what we say,, and when we advertise Special bargains, they may expect to -get it. We mean• to keep on advertising just what wo can carry out. Our Seersucker Coats and Vests TFIAT WE HAVE SOLD SO. MUCH THJS SEASON AT $2,50, CAN NOW BE BOUGHT AT 41.50, OR SINGLE 'COAT AT $1, OUR BOYS COATS and VESTS THAT FIAVE BEEN SOLD AT $1.50, CAN NOW 13E BOUGHT AT 75G'rs. WE STAVE QUITE -A QUANTITY OF THAT W E HAVE AN LOW AN 50Crs. WE HAVE ALSO A FEW Light :Colored - .67 - Suits THAT CAN NOW BE BOUGHT AT $5; IN FACT WE HAVE A LOT OF LIGHT SUMMER GOODS' THAT WE WANT OUT OF THE HOUSE, .AND WE ARE GOING TO MAKE PRICE DO IT. WE DO NOT WANT TO SHOW YOU THESE GOODS NEXT SEASON, AND WE ARE BOUND TO CLEAR THEM OUT. 000 JACKSON BROS., GLINT( )N.