HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-15, Page 7FRIDAY, JULY 15, 18&'l NEWS • NOTES. A Stu'Jeae (Cal.) court tined a men $1 fol winking at a lady. Mathias Splitlog, of Wyandotte, Kan., a full-blooded Wyandotte 1udian„ie worth over $1,:M.000, and is tho richest Indain in the Hailed .States. Mre. ShawwChtttltam, whose sou Ralph was fatally stubbed at London on the 18th of June, was recently handed $200 by Major Rend, being partof a eubsoription raised by the younge amp con radea. Two battalioue tto ' An Illinois bride and groom decided to stay at home and send the bride's father and mother to make their tour. This is an inno- vation that will meet with approval among fathers and mothers who have marriageable daughters. One family in WestVirgiuia 'mined Brandon contributed sixteen brothers, all good soldiers, to the Union Army in the United States civil war. The mother of fifteen of them now ap- plies for a pension. Such a mother iu Israel should get ..beidy-¢te -One does. The Chief of Police of Buffalo says that nineteen twentieths of the _ori Innis of the --land-are-drinking men, -and eighteei twentiethe tit the crimes committed are plann- ed in saloons. Ria experience is that of every other chief in the land, A. remarkable drinking contest took place a then?" quoth the conductor.' "Nei in a saloon in Carson, New., recently -re= pass.„ markabte.beeanee the liquid consumed was roared the now wrathy parent ar water. The wager was $20, and the man who 1 out. or I'll discharge you.”It you've won' it drank eleven large glasses of cold neither ticket nor pass," responded the water, and was none the worse for it. The son, "you must ,pay pour fate." Again other fellow drank nine glasses and became the 'railroad president threatened to dis- charge the conductor, unless he moved on. " Will you pay?" said the young Rich- mond. reaching for the bell rope. Pay your fare or I'll put you off." Remon- s'rance was vain, and the president was compelled to pay the fare on his own road. When his wrath had time to cool, he was pleased at the young conductor's strict obedience to orders, and concluded to give him a better chance than punching tickets. A New tUls1 R*or Ti,urlow Weed told a good story in the cloak -room of the Senate one day about his crony, Dean Richmond, of Albany Mr, Richmond had a son whose habitr• were not censonaut with the railroad king's idea of prudence. He was sharp, shrewd and witty, but was emphatically "one of the boys." The paternal purse was long, and his patience stretched out to equal dimensions, but finally young Richmond wore out the patience, and was told that he must go to work and earn his own living. The old -gentleman placed him on one of his railroad trains, and when the youngster had learned the du- ties of the conductor promoted him to that station. One rule of the road was that nobody should be dead -headed. Each passenger was compelled to produce a ticket, pay his fare, or show a pass signed by the president, Dean Richmond. A few days after young Richmond took charge of a train, his father was among the passengers In due course of time the conductor reached the seat occupied by, the old gentleman, and tapping him on the shoulder, ejaculated : " Ticket, sir!" Dean mode lad reply, other than a good-natured smile. "Ticket!" said the t- conductor emphatically. ".I have no ttcliel "you -young reseal;—said the or gentleman, warmintr up as he noticed the other passengers giving attention to the scene, "and don't need any " `iHave•you The United States is the best market for the Canadian femme, erpeoially for barley and some other coarse grains, as -well as for horses and cattle and winter fruit. There is this to be said in favor of the farmer's de- mand. He does not ask the Government to tax other people in order that he may profit • by it. -Montreal Witness. While John Schimmel, of Peoria, 111., was on the way to the -cemetery to bury the seventh of his children who had died within a year, the horse ran away and the father's arm was broken. A young son carried the condo containing bis little brother's remains on his shoulders to Pekin, where it was bn ried. Winnipeg gives tbo lie to the saying that there is no Sabbath west of Chicago. The streets are empty and the churches full. There is said to be church acoobsmodation for I5,000 in a population of 23,000, and it is all utilised. There is no street car traffic, all places of business aro closed, and the people enjoy one day of true rest. Said a leading resident of Prince Edward the other day:-" If I have 1,000 bushels of barley to sell, I just lose the price of one hun• dred on account of present tariff regulations with the United States. I[ I raise a span of horses worth $300, I have to lose $60 in the same way." These are facts that oonuot be got arouaa by any specious or [alae cry of "Annexation" or "disloyalty." Says -the Ottawa Free Press: -Some Minis- terial organs stated a few days ago that Mr Baird, the bogus Mr. P., for Queen's county, • New Brunse i At, had resigned -the seat in par- liament to which he was not elected. He 40., has not done anything of the kind, and ap- pareuty has no intention of doing so. The man who is mean enough to take a seat to which he was not elected is not likely to have conrge enough to face the people again. The Calgary Tribune gives some interesting particulars about on experiment with fall wheat at tleicben. A good crop was suc- cessfully harvested last year, and now the ground is coVererl with a , sturdy volunteer crop. This speaks well for the climate, but not muoh for the farming. It will change the appearance of things materially if it is found that fall wheat can be reckoned upon for a sure crop in any considerable portion of the 'Northwest.- -' - Dr.-Wilibughby; M-uast-N-ttrthtrnrber. land, has a large horse breeding establishment at Colborne. HIe states than never before has there been a better demand or a better pride for a good breed of horses. The best purchasers -are Americans: •The English de. mend is coustant and the prioe good and al- most unvaried, .but the American market will take all the horses that can be bred iuCanada for years to come, and the prices are much better than those on the other side of the At - Pantie. Dr. O'Reilly, Inspector of ' Prisbusa nd Asylums, states.that the insane asylumsof s. the Province are still filled with patient At on the close of last month the number in theasy- lums were as follows:-Lnndon,901;Tor to, 693; Kingston, 679; Hamilton, 0al, 10; -•tot 2, s 883. Besides these institutions, there i thefad Orillia asylum for idiots and feoble•m ere ' persons, which contained 212 patients at the end of May, the number being almosttri st on• ary from month to month. L n r f n ort n con to "Poisons never in the history of printing,'' says a Philadelphia publisher, "has a Look fallen so Hat from which so much was expect- ed, as the P.evis d Bible, Hundreds of thou- sands of copies were issued, either to remain on tho booksellers' shelves, or to be filially Bold at pound rates like so much waste 1 ane•, L do not mean to imply that ns many bibles are not bought as forint rep, blit after the• fits% curiosity to compare the revised edition with the old was satisfied, people returned to the King James melon, to which, in all proba bility they will stick to as long as the world lasts." • The pas+engers on the Union Pacific over- land train which arrived at Omaha, the other morning witnessed a thrilling scene sear Pine Bluffs station, west of Sidney. A herd of several thousand cattle, ranging north of the• track, moving sonth, were excited by a thunder- storm and became almost unmanageable. While the train was approaching, a thunder- bolt descended in the midst of the herd and killed three of the animals. This stampeded the herd,and though a score of cowboys strove to head them off the frightened mass rushed forward, etrnggling across the track in the path of the train. Involuntarily the engineer set the brakes; but realizing that he would ditch his train if he ran slowly, he took off the brakes, threw the throttle wide open,and plunged into herd at the rate of fiftf.Svemiles an hoar. A passenger who described tho gone says the steers flew in the sir in All direct'nns as the engine struck them, and some of them bit the roofs of the passcriger oars in their descent. The train passed through the living drift in safety. When it backed up to see if any of the cattle were hurt, riity s^.i;ri (1111 steers were counted. Ile Lost Ills Kiss. At.election times the Duchess of Gordon was a terror to the Robertsons, Camerons, Bruees, Ogilvies, Blackies, Aliens and other north Tories. But the bonnie Duch- ess did not kiss for politics alone. When the famous Gordon Highlanders -now, the 93rd -were recruiting in Aberdeen the recruits came up slowly. The Duch - t s heard of this, She placed a cockade 1 her glengarry, put a plaid of the Gor- don tartan over her shoulders, and offer- ing a kiss to every one who would take "the King's shilling," quickly enlisted a cnmpany of "brew John Hielandmen" for the Gordons.' Afterward the Duchess was recounting this feat in the salon of a Whig magnate in London. There was present a. young English noble. who said, " I wish I had been present, Your Grace. If would have taken the kiss and the shill- ing myself" "But," said the Duchess. " you would not have underatond what I said; my Scotch is so broad." "Oh, yes I would. I know every word of Scotch, no matter.hew broad." "'Well, I will try you,' said the Duchess. "If you tell me what I mean by this I'll give you a kiss : ` My canty eerie, come pree mi mou I' " This Her Grace said with great rapidity of pronunciation, and the Eng- lish noble laughingly said : " Oh, that is French, not Scotch." " You have lest your kiss, My Lord," replied the Duchess of Gordon. " What I said was Scotch; and means : ' DIv handsome fellow, come taste my mouth.' " Andrew MoNaughton, of Sudbury, has been appointe I a Police Magistrate for Algoma. and Nipissing, ata salary of $1,200, and Mr. George Burden, of Sault Ste Marie, Police Magistrate for Algoma, salary, $1.600. An aTecting scene was witnessed in a -Montreal court on Friday,during the -pro- gress of the case of the young man Her- bert Taylor, who was b ing tried on the charge of forging the name of Hon J G Blaine. Whilst the examination was pro- ceeding th ' father of the vouns man, who had just arrived from Worcester, Mass., entered _tbp‘roonl,.,, The meeting between father and son was most aflecting,and the young m n was soover( o ne by his disgrace the t he fainted, and it was some time be• fore the case could proceed. It may safely be predicted that two weeks hence Ireland will be plunged into something very mueh•approaching civil war. The and League work and the plan of ca(npaig aro gathering; in fundsfdr terrible struggle against the provisions of the two bills and the fight war to the knife. So thoroughly convinced o this' are the Irish people that the emigratio has assumed phenomenally, colossal prop ions during the past two weeks. It seems if there were hardly ale niters enough toconvey those who are so shamefully ttriyen oa f the land of their fathers. :ts Summer Now, and mer Goods Must be Sold NOW. WE BOUGHT LARGE QUANTITIES. OF ss-- GINGHAMS, PRINTS and MUSLIMS', For the season's trade. The people pronounced them right in style, color and pattern, and we have sold large quantities of them. We have some very desirable flatterns sail in stock, and to -day we com•meneesclearin-these-out-tit-•reda,m pi.. ces. They will he sold,prices are cut so fine that the closest buyers will be delighted SUMMERDRESSGOQDS at special cut prices to clear PAR ASO LS at special cut prices to clear WE HAVE THIS WEEIK SECURED A LINE OF That would be good value at 75e. 'We offer them at 50o. a yard. If you want them, conte early, as they will be all sold in ten days. 'We offer a Blue Serge Suitof Clothes,size 26 to 42 for $5 `: , ` " 4i `` 30 to 35 for$4.50 TTOTEItS' LIST 1887, MUNICIPALITY OF THE I TOWNSHIP OF IIL-LLETT,COL'NTY OF HURON' Notice bi hereby given that I have transmitted or tee livered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth suctions of "The Voters' List Act," the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list madu pursuant to said Aot, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said municipality, at elections for members of the j.eg- i,lativo Assembly, and at Municipal Elections, and that said hst sras first posted up at my office, Loudcs- born, on the 6th day of July, 1887, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said ilst, and if any omissions or other errors are found therm, to take ihunedinte porceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated the 6th day of Jul), 1887. JAS. BRAtTII WAITS, Clerk. We offs Special Cuts on SUGAR, when bought in quantities of 100 pounds Have you had any of those FINE FRENCH PRUNES at 20 pounds for $1 W. . OUIIYIETTE, LONDEsBORO Direct ;Importations, IIAIIL AND BROS. HAVE PECEIVE.D DIRECT FROM LIVERPOOL 5o Boxes Tinplate, I Ton Galvanized Iron, '63 Cases Window Glass from Germany and Two Cars of Nails from Montreal, With their already large stock of Hardware, &c., enables„them to. give prices as Close as they can be cut.' Our present specialties are Scyths., Snaths, Fmery Scythe Stones, Horse Pokes, Paris Green, Carpet Felt, Tarred and Building Paper, Best Quality Ready Mixed Paints READY FOR THE BRUSH, ALSO FULL STOCK BEST WHITE LEADS, O'NEIL'S CARRIAGE PAINTS IN FIVE COLORS, AND WITH WHICH ANY FARMER MAY -"PAINT HIStOWN BUGGY VERY CHEAP. EAVE T -ROUGHING AND METAL- ROOFING. •: WE HAVE HAD• EX- PERIENCE ENOUGH IN HOT AIR FURNACES TO GUARANTEE • SATISFACTION EVERY TIME. G1VE US A TRIAL. 1- A new feature in our business is a SPECIAL BARGAIN LO1 FOR EVERY' SATURDAY. We have adopted this system of giving our 'customers a special cut once a week. Be sure and call and it will startle you to sec what you will get for one ,clo)lar. VOTF.RS' LIST 1857, MUNICIPALITY OF TIIE TOWNSHIP OFSTANLEY,COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that i have transmitted or de- livered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of "The Voters' List Act," the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of 11.0 list made pursu,mt to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment nolo of the said municipality, to be entitled to vote In the s:rd mnnicipality,11eloc'ionsd-r members of the Leg- islative Assembly, and atd'1untelpal Elect tons, arai that said 101 was first posted up at my °thee. Varna, nn the 27th day of June, 1M;17, tool remains '-here for insi pc-. tion Electors are aQleti uip,m 1 ,c,;nuine the s,i 1 list, and if any "missions or other errors too found thereto: to take nnmodiate proceeding, to have the said errors corrected ne;nrding to law. Dated 6097th say 0 June, 1F07. two S'rw.twsWr, Clerks ALLAN LINE —TO iiv al, loadlniorry, &c Parties going to the old country this summer should take this popular line. Tho boats aro the most com- plete rn the Atlantic, and accommodation unsurpassed CAi;IN EAILES VERY LOW. . Hilae EXCURSION RATES. STEERAGE i=ASSAGE AT BOTTOM( FIGURE Call anal get an particulars of A. O. PATVI SON, CLINTON AGENT O. T. R. CLEARING SATE Q F soots & SHOES: During July,& Augu1t 10 per cent Discount for Cash PC ._,._I H off everything in stock. FOR LADIES', MISSES' & CHILDREN'S IISE. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, TRY IT. Call on C. Cruicksfhank, the Hoot Deafer, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON G311N'T'R,AI DRUG STORM• FRESH ARR1 HELLEBORE CARRIAGE SPONGES PURE INSECT POWDER ATLANTA SEA SALT FRESH LIME JUICE PURE PARIS GREEN ALS THIS WEEK. CASHMERE BOQt:ET . PERFUME Fine line of HAND MERRORS, elteap. B15RTRANDB BULH PERFUME CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP PEARS (ENGLISH) SOAP PEARS VIOLET POWDERS PEARS BLOOM OF NINON. We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in the county. Best 5 cent CIGAR in town. JAMES 11. CC?1113E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST,x CLINTON, ONT. 0--1B ID Bi --4 Any quantity of Good Clover and Timothy Seeds wanted Highest price paid. :N. N. ROBSON. CHINA HALL. +410 OiZE : oNUMENT2 White Brantie Montoeat ST. THOMAS Bettp84) Ti/46 iisfeistie ¢Tr�q 1-IAB,I AN?D EROS_ SIGN OF THE PADLOCK, CLINTON. . WOOL -:-WANTED ANY QUANTITY, FOR- CASH OR iN TRADE FOR GOODS Linder fresh management we are prepared to do better for our customers than ever before. On accost C t of working top the wool ourselves, we can afford to pay a higher price in, cash than those who ship to other places, and we are going to ren so. We have a large stock of all kinds of Goods made by ourselves, exclusively for our office trade, which we guarantee will give the highest satisfaction. We make Yarns of all k nds, Tweeds, Flannels, Blanket, Sheeting. Shirts and Drawers. Ask for our Knapped Shee'in. We have also an excellent stock Of J INE W OOLkENS, which we can trade for woul very cheap and we can give TWO CENTS per Ib. more than market price for wool. We are prepared to do CUSTOM. .WORK better and quicker than ever, and are bound to give satisfaction, as we have a mon in charge of that who understands his business. il-asDON"C STOP UNTIL YOU COME RIGHT TO THE MILL. as we have no branch Mhos elsewhere in town. Our only authorized representative with a waggon iv 11II1. JAMES SCOTT. CLINTON WOOLL—EN MIL T. Ii. GRAHAM, Managers n. GRAITA ;II, Proprietor. W ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. The only Bronze Foundry in the Dominion. Oar material is endorsed by leading soien lista .as being practically imperishable. It cannot -absorb -moisture, and consequently ' is not affected by the frost. Send for Designs yand Terms to NI. W. 1 E IVI IINT, CLINTON. IMPORTED Direct From Liverpool: 10 CAR LOADS OF GOODS, COMPRISING EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE •LINE, SUCH AS • Canada„ 'Pir1 e, !T"in. :Plate, Window C-a1vaa.nized Iron Sze., and INTail4. from Montreal. WE HAVE ALSO A LARGE•a4r6TOCK` OF HI€a,ts-srestit 'Tools, Stoves:, r[in- ware, Shelf 3Elardware, �'�>liatit'•►,, G arw Change of -Business 111111111.1Ill l 11111111111111111 1111 The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by W. L Newton, And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets, And everything nsnally kept in a drat -class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Specie attention is directed to my stock of LIouIT H:tRNEAR, which I will make a specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY A.TTENDED TO. By strict attention to business, and carefully studying the wants of tny customers, I ho merit a fair share of patrona^e. (live ole a call before purchasing elsewhere. C+1330. REMEMB1'R THE STP ri)-OPPOSS�ITE•�TII-E��MARKET G E O. t rein 'Tools, Are., Sze. Agent for the C eiebrated Harris not AhTurnace S. 7DA IS, - - • - CO3-....I.>vfrozv) THE MAMMOTH HARDWARE AND SCOVE HOUSE.' Central Grocery, �P. i.oD$'S ala Stand. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &s.' Which, being bought at ]ow rates, he is enabled to offer at tho very closest prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON.