HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-15, Page 5amenennetlialReilklitelkikefelallsk seredeneeensennermameammismar IV ald kill, Amtmona- if be appeared on his prerniaea,wherettpon the daughter took a dose of strychnine, and in a feW-'moments was a oorpae• The temperance people intend shortly to teat the entire 'rovinee of Manitoba on the • Zaps'} ?p ion question. • Itis ititted'that Mr Kilbride; who meta parried Wm. O'Brien on his reoaht tour in America, will be nominated for Parliament Coq") "i Ulu vapant twat of Carlow. Attckupy'tenet4•ai Mowat left for New York tin Wedaeaday, Bailing from thebce:by'Sardin.. lila. atgetpodereteodhis principal business i i the old country ie' to attend the argument as to whether the Daae offQueen va.St,Uather• roes 1lfilliug & Lumber Company regarding timber in the disputed territory, shall be oar- ried before the Privy Council or not. . The pew outrage upon the rights of tl;eee supposedly self goverping Provinces baa at last been consummated in the formal Disallow- ance of the Red River Valley Railroad 'charter For some weeks past it has been known that the Qrder ih Council .disallowiug the c merely awaited the Governor's app t and that in now has. A Government organ' also announces that if the competing line is built under any ether charter, the Government will refuse to allow .it Customs facilities. Farmers and commission men who refused to Bell their stocks of potatoes a few weeks ago except at very high prices have been "nipped." Old potatoes are now offered at from 25o to60.o a bag,and iniToronto on Satur- day a commission merebant offered 300 bush- els of them for 550, but there wore no buyers. The same potatoes, if marketed two months ago, could have been sold at a handsome fQprofit. Now they will likely be deposed of r pigs' feed. Speculators occasionally play the$" hog" game for too 1' ng a period. • Miss Mabel Andrews, of Thornbury, per- formed a heroin act a few days ago. A number of children, among them a girl named Scanlon, embarked in a punt for a sail on the bay. They got out some distance in aha harbor, when by some means or other the girl $eanlon fell overboard, and her companion could not get her into tho boat again. The water thereia some twelve or more feet deep, and the girl was in imminent peril. Mable Andrews happened to bostanding on the wharf, a witness of the disaster, and at once sprang into the water, swam out to the drowning girl. and brought her safely to the shore. The fine cheese factory on the third line of Wallace,, near Listowel, was at noon on Wednesday destroyed by fire, which is sup- posed to have originated in 'the boiler -room while all hands were at dinner. There were about six hundred cheese in the factory,thre•t hundred last half of June,which were bought by A F McLaren, and would have been ship- ped in e few days, also firsthalf of July ; all burned excepting seven. The factory books, patrons' passbooks and everything in the 'faotory were consumed'in a few minutes. The cheese in tho factory was insured for 53,000. The greatest loss will be to patrons who cannot use their niilk to advantage till a new factory is built. The contract is al. ready let Tor a new factory, to be completed by the first of August. About a year ago a 'firm is Toronto shipped a number of horses to Indiana and stated in their manifest that they were for breeding pnrpoaee. The Government officials sued the importers for the recovery of duty on the shipment, holding that they were not im• -4, ported for breeding purposes, but simply for ,,(kale. Judge Gresham decided that the duty tet be paid. This alarmed a number of im. porters of French and English horses in hlin• our, who feared that their business would be ruined if Judge Gresham'e decision was to form a precedent for the guidance of the Customs offioials, A delegation appeared before Aseiatent-Secretary Maynard at the Treasury yesterday and asked for a ruling. He stated that there is to be no change in -the course of the Department and 'that im- porters of animals for breeding purposes may bring in their consignments duty free, even though they propose to sell them at once and -before breeding, providing they import for breeding purposes. It is said', however, that the decision of Judge Gresham will shut out the thousands of Canadian horses which are annually imported -at all border points. Abaut 9.30 last Monday night William James Hall,- Of Mono, entered the Paisley, flue, Orangeville, and calling the proprietor James Pasiley, aside, handed him a summons commanding him, to appear on Thursday to answer a • charge of violating the Canada Temperance Act. The service • had scarcely beeu effected when Bennett seized the constable and plied him vigorously with. hands and b tots. Hall roared piteously and ran through the hotel, being followed. up by Bennett, who 8truok him with the scientific preoision of a prize tighter. The constable finally made his escape, and ran up Broadway,crying" M order," and bleeding profusely from the head and face. A little later the hotelkeepers turned out iu furee,and'searched every public housd in town 'for Hall, 'and finally found him sitting in the American hotel, on the Prince of Wal, s road Ball was pounced upon by his pursuers,and kicked and beaten until the occupants of the hotel came to his rescue, when he made his escape. They caught up to him however, near the outskirts of the town, but he begged for mercy so frantic ally that they deolded not to punish him further Throats against ln- ap enor Anderson were freely maria to•ntght, and it wad hard to keep some of the hot•ltend- ed ones among the mob from proceeding to wreck his honso. According to It Statement ism:4 :by the Deputy Minister pf Finance, the not debt oldie Dominion*. . June 3Qth was 4225,- 026,762. 225,- 026,762. • BORN BLACI(AI4L.,-Ia Qlinion, on Oa 8th twit, the willoof BI,nokallr t/, 61., 0 f► son. r • „ MARRIED ELLIOTT—LINKLA I'ER— At tho Congregational Magee. Wingham, by Rev R Ward, on the eth into, Jo11n Elliott, to Awn*, .only dayghter of Mr Andrew Lluklater, both of east Arawanosli, ]dcDONQIkb--ZOEir1;.ENE17 ,At Oodeneh, on tag 80th Juan, by die Rev Dr Ure, 'Mr John McDonald, to Mute Louisa Zyeflenderi iwtit, 0f Olibernq WILDM4N-SANDERS—In Flint, Mich, on June 14th,''by Rev Mr Lee, Mr Arthur Wildman, of Alpena, Mich, to Mise Mary M, daughter of Mr George Banters, formerly of Brussels: BEATTY—SPAOKMAN—At the residence of the bride's brother, Bauble line, on Wednesday, July; 6th,, to Miss Mary 4dd4 the Rev Sr paokm u of Exeter.t tty, • o[ V+k?' ' DIED • BRANDON —In Morris, on the 5th Inst, Mrs Isabella Brandon, aged 81 years and 8 months. TAYLOR—In Hallett, July 7th, Malcolm Taylor, aged 94 years. - CROPS IN ENGLAND, Wheat in E tgland,says a e'(rre'pnn'lent writing on the 21:1 Juno, is the ni,.st pro- tTl.utiug of all C2'01)+; and If the r,•st of the t,eason shou'l'f hr even lalrll' favorable. 11 eau Acarcely fall In b' oh.„- crops iircrops produced in rec''nt yeau•:. I' w111 prnha'`ly euros to h;urve'l' a Iortni:rhl I t'i r than tteutl, as it is only j'1';' o",nig" jilt° ear in the early di:iri •t n);,i it is 11,11.0 • k 'n on an i1 terl'nl o s x )ve',•!i; it .1„ en e ring :toil cutting, I .o Lill a ho dr, tit 011 111,'41•. 111' per n.1 1''.11' ,a': 4',' 1'I` 11, I o'le t'ling ner,dtnl is rain, and it It riot corn corn' vert s •'n hurley ,nil "::'., nn: -1 crops are standing tho drnath well on h,'rtvy soils, its were sown in an abundance of fine nntuIds. S tl tar+,rt + is car, short 1°r the tint, of the ye r an•l ba' ey In many c se- scarcely ' hat 4,01 °1 Illi' v )Cklnh" %Pith„u [moisture. Beans a s r will be etuntcd if the dry weather continues, where0s'pr.a- will stand it fairly Tnere is a gond deal of aphis on peas and hears. A week', showery weather would put eve'vthinry in fine trim The hay crup now tieing cur —that is the meadow hay—is light, Mor, - golds are rejoioing in the sunshine, and turnips, where planted very early, sn f s to get up well before the drouths seta in ' are all. right, but later crops are being eat en up by the fly. At present, as for w ek past, the wind is in the east, a ti y quarter, so that hopes of speedy rain small. The period is critical, for if w do y, nut get rein within a fortnight, the pr s poets of lispring crops will be (let eri„1. ate(' 'ho z0 par cent lir morn. Po, es are looking exce)olingly well. For the bop dist rims reports are discouraging. GRT YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS TAHSN AT POSTRR'S, CLtNTON. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thureday, July 14, 1887. Wheat, spring White and red Oats Barley Peas - Floar, per cwt Potatoes Butter Eggs Pork • Hay • Wool • Sheep pelts Lamb skins 'n Clover, per bush. • 078a079 - -• 078a079 O 28 a 030 O 40 a 050 048 a 050 290 a 225 •065a070 012 a 013 O 12 a 0 14 550 a 600 800 a 800 O 24 a 025 O 50 a 075 O 60 a 080 500 a 560 SEAFORTH MARKETS. SEAFORTH, July 14, Wheat, spring, • 50 78 a Red and white - • 0 78 a Oats, • 0 28 a Peas, • - 0 48 a Barley, • 0 40 a Butter, - 0 12 a atgs, • 012 a Potatoes, • 0 65 a Pork, - 5 50 a Wool, - - 0 24 a Flour per cwt • 2 10 a 1887. 0 80 O 80 0 30 O 50 O 50 0 13 O 14 O 70 6 00 O 25 2 35 BLYTH MARKETS. (Reported specially for the Naw ERA every Thursday) Blyth, July 14, 1887. Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 75 a 78 Spring” . 75 a 78 Oats . 28 a 30 Barley 40 a 45 Peas . 48 a 50 Apples per bag . 40 a 50 Potatoes, new . . 80 a 100 ' Eggs per doz . 15 a 15 Butter,rolls . 11 a 12 Cheese . . 15 a 15 Lard . . 10 a 12. Flour per cwt, 2 00 2 10 Hogs, , . 5 50 6 00 Hay, . 10 00 12 00 Straw . 2 00 3 00 Wool 22 a 25 Montreal ^ Live . Stock The supply of butchers cattle is large and low prices prevail. The highest price paid at the East -end Abattoir was 4}c, bat some Bales of choice animals at Point St. Charles sold at 4ic pretty good beeves fxofn•31c to 4c, and cominonstock about 30 per pound. Sheep and lambs plentiful. An dative , demand for good lambs. which maintained their prices. Sheep from 53 to 55 and lambs from 52 to 53 '50. The supply of hogs not largo. Prices from 5go to 6c per pound. The horse market is quiet. Shipments to the United States last week'naoiber 53 horses, costing- 65.237, or an average of $95 81 each. Market W. JACKSON, RA11\Y Y, STEk 11,T and TELEGRAPH AGENT, — CLINTON. tnaiiV!Ill'�'l �=j'tiVIs� ��; Excur+tnnTickets 0o WINNIPEG, BRITISH COLIYMBIA and CALIFORNIA, at very Low Rates. Cheap rates via the boat for a round trip nn the lakes. For all information apply to above, !'100DGEN ttR4L SERVANT WANTED AT ONCE. k..4 Apply to MRS. J C GILROY, neat Organ Factory 1LOUSE TO LET.—TILE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS to rent. A conveniently situated house on Bat- ten 'ur,v St., hard and soft water, good fruit, lawn ted shade trees thereon. J. U. GILIIOY, Clinton. �tORr TO RENT. — TITE PRi'!MISES RE• CEN'tf.Y oerupi,'tl by lir Simpson, 011 1140 e, a` - nor of Albert Street, Is offered to rent. ft is o^o. of the host stands In town. Apply to JOS SY.11l'fRH EA1), Clinton. lorrA(i•IS Foil SALE—TIT 4T (•lyrT,(1E AND i awn Ht.:, formerly occupied by Neil 11:)thersnn, n, 1,t, eiRt of the r'e,id' nee nP 1V, I; ,hrt4 e, 1;v1 , enn- 'ininq 11'11f an :u•.t'o•,,f I "d, nml tic ons' e Ib,:i11Ie da••I• 1t/, in Iintou. \4r} Nitrol 1)"'n,' 0i4r11 nod t.,..,,.. sloe, .1t Bt ,y 11' 0'. Pt1Ut N. )V,l' .4Ni) IloN :\' [(di h'I,h: rl'u•+ltl,In 1 h, ,n_• a tor) 1,r. VIM)) 00 ,4 If„ b l j, • fnr,.,', h•mcc pt' durcn, :. n'4 e,aitb t., 1, 111.110 111'1 ,i•.I"•r, heal to xny p,rtir- in 1 'li"1,,I, .o'J Dill It, .old nt rr0-air)))y r r1'' ,y )l.l for 4..'iro'. 11' a,lo h.1, ioeoenw' qu nti)r of lir-t•vt,,, 114,11,0, both linden 11,11 e11vrr, est the ),rp 1,1)4.1 l'tiIO',. .I, 111.41.111,)•-1', ,'nnnt.tn4,r 1'. O. ((1 14.44 1'Olt Sti, l'1—'CII1's St1RICItli1Ellt UPPERS ii for r, le ', atmnsl eligibly sit tutted farm on the 21)41 con of ltn'lut.t, formerly tebrng,in't to the McMullen estate It ettnhistv of 5n aur, r, newly all ci surd at d in a splendid state of cultivation. Fine brick hours, barn with stone stable beneath, hand orchard, never Pulllu; leellr,ardin • very resp) et n good farm. Situate only 3 miles from Clinton. Will ho sold on reason- able terms, with or with tit the crop Fnll particulars 01 applies ion to ARTHUR (4)40)1. Clinton. DWBLI,ING iHOUSE AND LU'I'S FUR SALE; • rho conveniently situated and valuahlo pr,pr'rty now owned and occupied by Mr, 0 Diehl, on Victoria Rt, Clinton, Is offered for sale, 'I'hc house is a sub. rtnnt.lal new frame, with stone foundation. goal col- lar, 8 hedrotuns, sitting room, dining room, kitchen, wo 'fished, &c., hard and soft, water. Thorn are also a driving shed and atehlo on the premises. The lot con- tains „no quarter of an acre For terns and full par- ticulars apply to MANNING & soon., Barristorsp Clin on. 111RFOLIi ROAR FOR SEttV1Cl:--SUI#SCRIBER has a thorohrod Suffolk Roar, which he will keep fn• service on 10).14, 161h con., Onderich t,w•-ship. Forms 81 at time of Bovie°, with privilege of returning if necessary. THORORRED IlUliPi ,M RUM, FOR SERVICE - Sub •criber also keens 401 service a brat -ulnas !turban' Ilu I, of vont) pedigree. Terms 51, nt time of s, rvice, with prl'.ilogc of returning if necessary. iI CARTER state of the late..Johp. Hodgens ARE SHOWING FOR THE HOT WEATHER NEW LAWNS IN WHITE AND CREAM, NEW MUSL4INS, NEW PRINTS IN LIGHT GROUNDS, NEW SEERSUCKERS, BLACK AND COLORED LACE BUNTINGS. We are offering Big Bargains in Remnants and Odds and Ends in order to clear thein out, Our stock of Staples and Small Wares is' always complete, Mmx_ma1NT=m-s a C E.haAR2N'G- �'R2CES_ • FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH: JOHN .WISEMAN Manager. CHEAPSID.E Estate J. EOE GEN S. ` Our Great. Sale IS DOING WONDERS FOR US. ONLY TWENTY -T E3 REE Days remain , and in thiit time our stock roust be greatly reduced, regardless of prices. MEN Seasonable Goods at Andy women of inte eatso buy from the very lowest prices. SAML. WILSON, CHEAPSIDE, NEXT .DOOR TO T. COOPER & SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. economical instincts will find it to their us. .As it is time that bas I-IIL ILEI) Many a stock of Dry Goods, by rendering them shop-worn a'id dnseasonable; we mean to keep ours fresh by selling off what. wo have on lhand. We offer IN THE Dress department 15c Goads for 8c., 40c. Cashmeres for 25c. In Cotton we will give you 33s, yards for 51. Surely such prices will CRUSH Out the clamor about hard times, and will cause your careworn face to bear its usual smile. We wish you to save money while the special sale lasts �t Robertsons hiip Cash tm, Cibton'I$ seasmematanmedweloraremmanna DON'T FORGET TO ATTEND �, J. JAOKSON'S: THERMOMET ER DETLOR & CO'S RMMOTHCLEARINGSALE Wonderful value in MUSLINS All Oyer Laces and DRESS GOOC)S. J. C. DETLOR & CO.; -Clinton. .A._ 7, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL \;'o hey most. rl'8pectfnlly to direct the attention of the. public iu general, Chat we :ire still Felling, !groceries at the lowest, possible prices for intro goods, During flip live wears we have been in Nosiness in Clinton, we have endeavored to It) cit the best goods in the market, and have established a good trade by so doing. Our stock is lame 0011 well selected. T EAS A 'SPECIALTY A LARGE 'QUANTITY Just' ARRIVED. - EXTRA 'VALUE ANI) ANY QUANTITY OF CAN BED GOODS, CROCK ERY. GLASS WARE, &L; SOLE AGENT TOR NEW ERA BAKING POWDER. HIGHEST PRICE 'PAID Fula OOOD BUTTER AND EGGS. WE BUY ANY QUANTITY OF ALL KINDS GOOD FRUIT X 7f X .�. A.1\11 -0:31 -ITS, 99 BS E T ST Every dei eriptioni of L rinting, at the very lowest rnte a. C ILI','®T rj tON IN11C W 1E+:711 A_ Some are Asking Close Market Price Our reduced Price fie —$2;00' —$1.75 — $1.25 FOR. SHARP • BUYERS. THIS .TIME IT."IS.__ Ladies: Button 'Boots THAT ARE DOWN. The gcods aro got up ib good style with WORKED BUTTONHOLES. No inOre stylish and serviceable footwear was ever offered. All sizes in stock. You Wary Bargain H unters GLANCE AT OUR THERMOMETER AND NOTE THE TREMENDOUS DROP. Old Day Prices AL\VAY'b AT, JACKSONS Bargain ShoeHusg 0PPO1ITI; '1'l)WN I1'ALI,, (1e1NT01. _::-Lltvta'i7c1e-+:a•-u'6o-rS�nrJa'VKYeRns�.ca^.creYlrnl•<xe(-�rF.t•l+fa.;a. �:s-�•.auR,:;vY'-a.Las.t'Zi:UZcrl:!-'era: tel+ �taldm&� � :DI rri"", 0 Yi`'.. (S -r) • '_"f I fr- 4 Our stock of hoots and Shoes for spring and summer hive been selected with gteat care, and will he found) vet 4' 00(14 Jets in 011 lines ° We aro agents for I IACD. & SONS FAR FAMED FINE HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. W. TAYLOR sops, Clinton and Elyth. JACOB TAYLOR, Manager for Blyth.