The Clinton New Era, 1887-07-08, Page 8C3 4INTON NEW ERA, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1887. LOCAL NOTICES. Special value in Hammocks, BOW' and Base > Falls at DICKSONS Bookstore, 15cts. per doz. for 5 000 doz. EGGSSin trade at JAS. T WITOHELL'$, Clinton. d' kergaTiesortment of Top Shirts for Boys We Me Of °L4.V T0117 WOOLL for ai!ILLS 4500 .hunches of High Land 'Pine and Cedar SHINGLES, at from 35cts. per bunch at J. TWITOHELL'S SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES' via NorthwestTraneportation Co. Ticke a, Clin- ton to Duluth and return, $29.70 ; Clinton to Pert Arthur and return; $28.70 ; Clinton to Sault Ste Marie and return, $12.70; gond to Oct. 31st. For information apply to JAMES THOMPSON. or A. 0. PATTISON, Clinton Beeslet, de Co have commenced holding "SA T- URDA'Y CASH SALES" on a great scale. On that day of the week they knock off ONE HALF the. REGULAR PRICE of their' RIBBONS, o.' which. as you know, they have agreat variety in color and quality. At the same time they are offering d, sided bargains in .HA TN, eo if you wish you can get an exquisite lett at an extremely low price, by calling on Saturda» at BEESLEY d& CO'S. gown zoom FARM BOUGHT.—Mr John Johnston, of this place, hue bought 80 acres from Mr P J Evans,of the Maitland con , G. derich . _ . . r ; °-r.wY,w.,.,.y..�.hout $3,000 therefore. He has secured a good property at a reas onabie figure. ExcuRSIONS. On Friday last 270 tickets were sold at Clinton station for Goderich, and 33 were sold for the Sarnia excursion on Monday. It is expected that a very large crowd will visit Goderich on the 12th,special arrangements for their accommodatien will be made by the rail- way. TEMPERANCE MEETING.—A meeting of temperance workers will be held in the of- fice of Manning & Scott on thti.evening of Friday next, the 15th inst., at 7 p. m. The meeting is for organization, and all who are interested in the Temperance movement are earnestly invited to be present. elrtnsrres.--During the six months ending with the 30th June, there were re corded with the Town Clerk, 28 births ;9 marriages, and 9' deaths. We doubt if this is secorrect return, and as parties who fail to properly register events of this kind, 'are liable to a fine of $20, care should be exercised to have the returns correct. THANKS.—Mr Donald Junor, of the Bayfield road, has the thanks ot the mem- --bete-ofour-s.aff firs -basket -of -delightful cherries. He also left a couple of branches that were very thickly clustered. We are indebted to neighbor Joe (Ewing) and Jos Allanson for a basket of garden vegetables, including some very large new potatoes. TOWN EXPENDITURE—The town tress serer paid out on behalf of the town, dur- ing the past six months,thesure of $9902,- '88. leaving a balance in the treasury of $77.95. 'Of the amount expended, $412.66 was on streets and sidewalks ; over $674 for salaries. Over $6000wen.t towards the High and Public Schools and for the pur- chase of the former's debentures. DEATH.—After a lingering and painful illness of about nine months, Mr George Duncan, (son of Mrs Duncan, of this place,) died on Monday morning, of con- sumption, aged 20 years. This is the sixth met3nber of the family, that has been stricken down in a few years by this dis- ease. Prior to'his illness he was a trusted, faithful and efficient employee ot the G T R, his last position being chief freight clerk at Stratford. He was quite happy and. conscious up to the time•of his death. Just a few minutes before it took place, asking those who surrounded his bedside to meet him in Heaven. His heavily afflicted and bereaved mother has the deep -- sympathy of all in her sorrow. SCOTT ACT CASES.—On information laid- y IernpeetmePaieley; Mr Frank Mc. Dorlatgh, of Smith's Hill, appeared before Police Magistrate Williams, on Friday, and plead guilty to a violation of the Scott Act, when hewas fined $50 and .costs, which he paid. On Tuesday the magis- trate went to Wroxeter, where Mrs John son, Wroxeter, W Ward, Grey, and L Campbell, Gerrie, all hotel keepers, plead guilty to violation• of the Act, and were each fined $50 and costs; to leave Clinton at t.0:15 a m,go to Wroxeter, impose three fines, and return by'4:15 p m, is pretty quick work. The East Riding Inspector has laid information against a couple of druggists within his inspectorate, for vio- lation of the Act, and their cases come up next week. Mr Amos Goodman, bar- tender at Pike's,plead guilty to an offence under the Scott Act on Wednesday, and paid his fine of $50 and costa. Nelson Glew, Clinton, a private individual, on information laid by Inspector Paisley, charging him with selling liquor contrary to the provision of the Scott Act, appear- ed betore the P. M. on Wednesday, and plead guilty, when he was fined $50 and. costs. Information has been laid against Jonathan Miller, of Benmiller, tut the case has not yet been tried. TOWN Co1rNcIL.—At the regular meet. ing of the Council, the Finance Commit- tee recommended payment of the follow- ing accounts :—G. Itentgen, work on streets, $125.15; fly Dodd 1umber, $.1.24 41; John Davin cutting weeds, $9 ; Geo E Pay fir street watering $25; B Webb cut- ting thistles in cemetery, $1.50; IV Wheat- ley, removing rubbish, $1 ; H Tewsley, (meat for W Nilson,) $3 34; Gen, Tedford (groceries for J Folland) 81.13; flour for W Wilson GOe; T Watson, flour for Wil. - son 55e, for Folland 60e; G Tedford, emptying tank, $1,25; W Thornton work on roof of town hall $2.50; G Tedford, window blinds $1.76; T McKenzie lumber 30c; L Trouse, motith's salary, $16.66; H Stevens and )r R Menzies, assessors, $50 each; receipts from 0 Tedford, for rent of hall, statute labor tax, sand sold, &c., $39.60, receipts of weigh scales, for June, $13 50. A petition and subscription re- lating to the proposed work on Huron street, (covering the ditch on the north side from Leslie's corner,) was referred to the Street Committee, which has since de- cided to take no action. Deputy -Reeve Manning was granted three month's leave of absence. BRIErs.—Mr E Corbett purposes tak- ing a trip to Collingwood,•by way of the lake, in a few days. Rev A Stewart and wife sailed from New York on Saturday last, A little girl aged 4 years, daughter of Mr Brigham, Toronto,died at Stratford, last week; Mrs Brigham will bo remem- bered as a sister of Mr W Cook, 13th con. of Goderich township. N.rs Cook, ot the 2nd con. of Ilullett, left here a few day's since for Toronto,where she is undergoing treatment for the recovery of her eyesight. Mr W Sweetman, for some time a resi- dent of town, being a tuner iu the Organ -IIISCOUNT SALE Factory,bas accepted a situation in Kara's ter factory, Woodstock, and leaves for that 1 place this week; he will be missed in town and e. rtiouiarly in the Rattenbury street church, La being cornet player in the choir. .Mr Arthur penmen, formed' et Exeter, last who died at Port Huron, week, as a cousin of Mrs J T Harlanu,of this place. Mr W Irving, printer, who bas beep home for some time, left last week for Boston, where be has secured a good situation. Miss Lillian Cantelon, (daughter of Widow C,antelon,) bas bone to Port Huron to visit with some of her relatives. Miss Linnie Rippey has been confined to her room for some time by neuralgia, but we are glad to learn ie get- ting better, Rev J W Manning, Provin- cial License Inspector, who was on b's way to investigate some Scott Act diffi- culty in another county, spent Sunday in town with his son. Mr W H Manning. Miss Kate Rowell has gone to Toronto, Midland,and other points east for a couple of months. Mi Charles Cruickshank is laid up with a severe attack of quinsy, but we hope to see him all right again in a few days. A correspondent, speaking of the jubilee 'celebration at 'Belgrave, refers to Miss Grace Robertson, of this place. as "one of the best reciters in the Province ;" correct he is. Huron Fall Assizes will be held at Goderich, on the 24th of October, before Justice Armour. The work of boring through the " cave in" at the bottom ot Stapleton Salt Works, was successful.y finished on Saturday afternoon ; the work of making the hole still deeper is now being proceeded with. It. is reported that Inspector Paisley will take a trip to the old country some time soon ; he is not likely to go, however, until he bas done more work for the Scott Act. Miss Lottie Gilchrist, who recently returned from Stratford, has had several gond offers from- outside to take charge of telegraph offices, but hes not yet decided which she will accept. Miss M Hine leaves this week on a visit to Chicago. Will Thomas, of Chicago, is spending his holidays with friend" here. The county rate which Clinton will pay this year will be $818.90, being about $60 less than last vear.. The C P R telegraph wire bas been rein through town, and in n short time we will have the benefit of two lines of tele- graph ; the men who put up the wires, eut up several trees in a shameful manner,and deserve punishment for it. Mr. George Diehl has decided on removing to Toron- to, and offers his residence for sale ; Clin= ton_wilLlnsan_goosi industrnus_citizen .by bis removal. The wife of Mr John Irving has gone on a visit to her two sons at Chicago. Mrs Jnhn Smith is laid up with inflammation of the bowels. Miss Minnie Dennisnn, of Mitchell, is vieitine friends here. While driving home from Bayfield, on Sunday evening. a young man of town had the misfortune to get his buggy badly broken by collision with another rig in passing Thos Daektnan who is employed with Dr Worthington:was trying to bring the cow home the other day, but she was perverse and wanted to go in another direction, and in trying to prevent her, she threw him down, cutting his face severely on the gravel. Mr H R Walker has put a new delivery waggon ori the road; it was turned out by Mr Fred Rom. ball. Mrs Powell, of Detroit, (daughter of Mr E Corbett.) is here on a visit. Mrs J Trades is visiting friends in Wingbam, where she is undergoing medical treat- ment. Mrs Clark is visiting her son in Port Huron. Mrs A II Manning, who has bed a slight touch of inflammation of the bowelseis about all right again. Mrs Williams, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs Hodgens. Cantelon Bros. made a ship- ment of several baskets of black currants to Toronto, on Wednesday.. Mrs Geo. T. fliscox and Mrs John Callander, of Lon- don, are here on a.visitto friends. :lir Charles .Giryin, _ihe_ justly-populax._.r_ee_' of West Wawanosh, has gone on a three - week's visit to Amherst Island. A Ger- man lady arrived at the Railway station the other day, who not being able to speak English; could not make theagent under- stand wbere she wanted—to go; the ser, vices of Mr Moses Fischer were called in, who quickly discovered that she wanted to go down into Hay. Mr Ralph White, of Philadelphia, is here on a vi"PP`to re- lative's. Mr i3 S Cooper, who has been confined to the house for a couple of days, is around again as usual. MN J C Det, for has returned from her home at Paris, where she has been visiting for a few days. Harvey Cole laid information against a couple of boys for throwing aged eggs at his house, but whenit came for trial there was no evidence to support the charge, and it was dismissed ; if what'is reported concerning this house be true, the occu- pants should be sent to jail, and if not true they are grossly libelled. We men- tioned the other day that Mr D C Carr had extracted from one hive 41 lbs. of clear hon y; he has since teken out 4.5 lbs. more from the same hive—or about $8 worth of honey in, a couple of months.— Geo. Barge won first money in a foot race tit Godericu, on the 1st; the amount was $4. Mr Pattison having written to the General Passenger Agent of the Grand Trunk that the Sunday School excursion rates to Goderich were too high, has re- ceived word that no reduction can be made; Sunday Schools will likely govern themselves accordingly—and stay home. The infant son of Mrs Ryter, of Sault Ste. Marie, (formerly Miss Eta Miller), died this week. Our readers will regret to !tarn of the death of rt r Geo H Wright, of Ber- lin, formerly of ( 'Linton. wnieh occurred on Wednesday evening; his funeral will take place from Clinton station this (Fri- day) afiernoon at 2:20. Mr Will•Jackson leaves for the old country or Monday. The employees of J "Cole's tailor shop picniced at Bayfield on Thursday. Mr W H Cooper has been enclosing several cemetery lots with neat fences. Mr W Marten, pedlar, has been confined to his bed forseveral days by a complication tf ailments, and was so low at one time that his life was despaired of, but we are pleased to know he is now in a fair way of.recovery; he would take it as a great favor if those who are indebted to him would make early and prompt remittances. IV McLean shipped a car load of good cattle this week. Some interesting notes concerning the late International Sabbath School Convention, in Chicago, by Mr J C Stevenson, who was a delegate thereto, are in type and will appear next week If it were news to our readers we might say that the NEW ERA gives moire local news every week than any paper in the county, but they know it so well and ap- preciate it so thoroughly, that the infer. mation ins superfluous. FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS, AT DICKSON'S : BOOKSTORE, CLINTON. X t X On POCKET BOOKS ,we will give JEWELLERY SILVERWARE .MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS BIBLES • 14 PHOTO ALBUMS AUTOGRAPH ALBeNiS TESTAMENTS CUPS and SAUCERS SPECTACLES PIPES VASES and CHINA GOODS VIOLINS and FIXINGS a discount of 25 t: 25 ib 20 25 25 25 05 20' 25 20 25 25 CONCERTINES and ACCORDEONS 20 WALL PAPER " °' 20 BERLIN WOOLS, FINGERING YARN, &c' 20 DAY Books Journals Ledgers, &c " 10 MOUTH ORGANS, we will give a discount of 25 BABY CARRIAGES " Ladies HAND SATCHELS Combs, Writings Desks and Workboxes " " VELVET FRAMES and DOLLS BASKETS I5 30 20 25 15 -alrother goods at proportionately low prices. per cent. :: • :: :: c: : <i This is the greatest opportunity ever afforded,' to secure goods below wholesale prices.. Our entire stock amounting to nearly $20,000, must be reduced to $I0,000 within the next 60 days. Como and sec our stock, and get our prices, whether you buy o: not. No trouble to show you the Great Bargains we aro offering. Terms Cash, or 3 months' credit to responsible parties. CHRIS. DICKSON, • CLINTON, WEATHER AT C. RANCE & CO'S WHO HAVE - ALWAYS THE RIGHT KIND OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT THE RIGHT PRICES, TRY TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. DO PLEASE AND SATISFY THEIR PATRONS. Any person in need of a nobby Spring Suit now is the time to purchase. Stook Full and Assortment Creat, oar Hobby is Fine Merchant Tailoring And as we give our whole tune and' attention to that alone, we aro euablod to meet the wants of the most fastidious. We also manufacture our own Buttons from the same material as the Suit, IA as we are THE ONLY (LOUSE IN THE TRADE who do so, wo are better enabled to turn out a more nobby and artistic garment. All in need of a Suit will find it to their advantage to look through our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ----o ---- C. C. RANCE & CO., MI-0RCHA.NT TAILORS ter.II'TON. FROM NOW' 4 TILL TEEN UNTIL the 1st of AUGUST 1 WE (Nei EbID 'r0 GIVE THE PEOPLE SOME CHEAP GOODS. WE ARE LIKE ALL THE REST OF TFiE DRY GOAD TRADE, WE WANT TO REDUCE OUR STOCK .BEFORE OUR FALL AND WIN-TEIt GOODS COME IN. Do you Do you Do you Do you Do you Do you I)o you Do you Do you Do you Do you want CHEAP PARASOLS ? We've got them want CHEAP, EMBROIDERIES? -We've got them want CHEAP SEERSUCKERS ? We've got them want CHEAP CORSETS ? • W e've. got them want CHEAP GLOVES ? We've got they want CHEAP MUSLINS '! We've got them want CHEAP COTTONS ? We've got • them want CHEAP GINGHAMS ? We've got them want CHEAP PRINTS ? We've got them want CHEAP TABLE LINENS '? We've got them want CHEAP TOWELS ? We've got them Remember, we mean what wo say. We never advertise for fun, and we always have what we say we .have. GEO. E. PAY & CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. 4 - Closing .Season " We are now drawingta. a close, the largest season's trade in the history of our. establishment, and we claim to have done tins by, selling the Cheapest Clothing in the County, quality and make considered. We are now mapping out things for next fall's trade, Mr.T. Jackson, jr., being at New York in the interest of our Boy's Clothing Department, and by the 1st of September we hope to show such a stock' that will not be equalled in this section. Li the mean tithe we aro closing out odes lines of goods at wonderfully low prices, and anybody wanting something light for the hot weather should come ahcl see the Great Bargains we offer. 000 - JACKSON BROS., CLINP()N.