HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-08, Page 6I ,� F ,. - _ = -- Eddie Go - a t l ,-,�••-.-...r_, •�• AlihTk'URSALE-- THAT SPLENDi.AFARM F$ID X, JULY 8,1$87• .uld, the young 804 of Jay It is reported that no such dronil, as F of 10Q sores, being Lot $7, con. % L. R S.,,pf Gould, who recently. lett college, .has nary prevaala haa, existed to lii[loie and T1tRIFeremith, is offered for Sato on reasonable ].'ER'C$ PiF WS. Created guile a sensation at the consoli- Arkansas for many years. terms, with good buildings, frame barn, 40x60, ° dated stock and petroleum exchange, , stable 24x86, sheep and carriage house- 10x46, New York, flaring the poet week el mak. Bradstreet '@ weekly review says : There good 114 story, 24x* frame house and kitchou. were about 10,000 industrial employees 70 acres under cultivation, 20 acres opleared but ]lir Thos W.aldie, on the St. Marys :cad ;a lar a sums in stock s eculation. Sig not broken; 10 sores good hhebest bash. Downie, has just completed a lino brick g iz p who struck during June, against 78,000 in w(+ti w tiaras, having ]tree of the boat Waite in profits amount to at least $190,000. May and -1-9.000 in June, 1886. Huron county. Good bearing erebaro. oltuated . residence' No, G Beaver Hall8� n re Montreal, Mar 2% mites tram qho Village of Bru eileld, and Mr obtR Jackaoa,of Tullarton, disposed The tra$tc receipts of Grand Trunk a from the Tawny ut canton 1>ad �eafnrFl►, re• year aid prize winner, 22nd, 1887, Matters, rulfor.Ado Co., Brook ,allway for the week endipg June 25th sAentivety,tlrerelsaaplondidgravetroad passed of 1}je, fine five vllle, Ont.; Dear Sire,--1?leaee send me two were $53,168, an increase of $19,146 the front of the premises. Particulars and 'f'Youngg�Lord HaddD 11 to a , . flint an barrios of Nasal Balm. Ifiave pearly finiebed � tonne given on applioatton to, APPLETON EL, I111nois'buyer; for the cum of $T000. the small battle sent. It haedooe t>iy catarrh compared with the corresponding week COAT, . P.Oefleid P, o., or SAIi11JE C AV41) CIL ton, P. O„ or Nlaw Esc OFFIeE. DAVID Mr W Elliott, head master of the blit- more good the rem@dies I ever used, and I •last year. ELCOAT, Ontario P. O., California, rhell high school. has been appointed by feel confident of a permanent cure. YOars A horrible accident happened at Stirl- v g truly. W R Barber. in near Belleville on Thursday, John I die county council a member of the board g' of examiners for model school examine- , Neat tali Queen Viotoria,the woman most or his foundry,db4m was rwhenatthe wheel burst] SUNDRIES. liana And high school entrance. tacked about to EnKland in these jubileeYRSHIRE BULL FOR SERVICE. - THE One piece struck him in the abdomen kill- subscriber keeps for servi4o at his premia West's Conrh Syrup cures wbonping.cough .times is Bliss Agnata Ramsay, the winner in im almost instantly. � ea Huron Road, Goderlt'h Township neat asthma, br(+nc�iitie, consumpption and' eU throat of the first place in the Cambridge olaseiCal g Clinton, swell -bred Ayrshire Grade Bull. Hai andlungdiffieultiee. 250., 50c., $1. All drug- exelminstion. Mies Ramsay., who is only A whisker dye mast be convenient to use, proved himself a sure breeder. Terms, $1 a filets, twenty years old, has d5stapced all of the easy to apply, impossible to rub off,elegant fa time of service, with the privilege of roturniu, Another old resident passed awn last a earance,andohea in ilea. Bnck]ngham'e if necessary. ALBERT MAY. Y Malo students, although she has studied PP P p. Greek only four years. Dye for the Whiskers unites in itself all these week in the person of Mr John Cook,who merits. Try it. MUSIC TEACHING —THE U people of GNTI intol died at the residence of his nephew, Mr A McD. Wilson, _a wholesale mer- wishes to intimate to the people ROBIN'S NEM Wm Thompson.Mitebell road, Blanshard, chant of Atlanta, Ga , who does business Mrs R D Bell, wife of a civil servant, that she Ie pr ETH to teueh C, eith NEN has taken an action for over $600 against AMERICAN METHOD limited OF MUSIC, either fol " on the 23rd of June, at the age Of 71 years. with many people in the remotest parts of I Organ ,or Piano. A limited cumber of pupil: A young lad, son of Mr EVm Brown, Sir Charles Tupper for detective services Ii taught, either at their own h --rues or otherwise ( ) Georgia, received a mortgage for a debt on rendered along the line of thelntorcolonial. Terms modera5e, Further particulars on a1p employed 1n Messrs White & Co's store, ' a negro man a few days ago from a cuato- Railway In 1881 when Sir Charles was plication. �115s JOYNEr., Victoria St., soutL St. lilaryg, was fooling with firecrackers Inter in Count The maker of the Clinton. 411) . ', g Y• - Minister of Railways. The suit will•be and owder, on Friday last, when the mortgage ivas 'evidengy not aware that THOROUGHBRED DURHAM IIULL FOf g lisp Contested. 1 SERVICE.—The subscriber bas for service leiter idas accidently ignited and went off slavery had been abolished., Joseph i'fiom'sa�IS, an assistant in the � a thnr6ughbted Durham hue . on lot 2e. coo. to Brown with a terrific explosion. Master Bro West's World's Wonder or Tamily Linnneut, , Kingston Whig of11Ge, wits killed on Wed- Hallett. The sandal is of dant rod color,weighi of . was frightfully- burned about the Chest, a superior remedy for neuralgia. rheumatism, between 7,000 suet pedigree lbs, and is 2 years old face and head. latae back, sprains, bruises, cuts, burns or nesday night during a fireworks display He tial a tJrat-ohne pedigree and registered it wounds. Cheaper, goes further, lasts longer in the cricket field. A rocket whit ; had the dew DemiDion herd book. TERAIS, .1 will I Mr B DempsV, of Logan. }those barn than an other. All dru cats, been set rose a short distance then shot I trio pprivilege of returnluy, if accessary. A y ggi + JAM ESON, Londeaboro. was wtick by !-iglltning, on Wednesday off Toronto. Telegram: "The feeling of the dolvnwards and struck Thomson in the • . . last week, and burned to tLe. ground, had great bulk of our people is in favor of neck, inflicting a fatal wound. He was j oust; AND LOTS FOR SALE. - A FRAM an insurance of$600 in the Perth Mutual. ,maim ' n the resent politicalrelations carried off the field dead. I Clouse, with two tots on victoria street, nes 21st f= P P Lnne'sold lintel, belonging to the estate of the lat He teat a horse, 40 bushels Ot wheat, 10 with Great Britain while at thesame time A man at Ge nosee,Ill ,took sick the other John Stephenson, Is offered for sale. The house i bushels of oats, 10 of peas, 2 tuna of bay extending our commercial relations with night and sent hii nephew out for some little. comparatively new, with nine rooms and steno renal and a lot of implements, Mr Dempsy is the United States. Annexation is only a The young man, finding the drug storea all bn the lots are hard and soft water, stable, ,k c. Th CO rebuild at once. closed anti one solitary grocery o I an, entered property 6 advantageously situated, and will be Bob bogey held up to frighten timid people. on reasonable term9. Apply to either J. STEPHEN and procured a handful of smull white beans, SON, Clinton, or(;. SWINBANK, London Road. Any case of lame back cured by a„few appli- Nobody asked for antiftatiou afid nobody When be got home he filled a pill box in his I cations of West's World's Wonder ; also cures wantQ it. room with beans and took them to his ancle I .IMPORTANT NOTICE oprains, bruises, cuts and burns. Cheapest and It is not surprising that Sir Cbarles The beans were, and roved trite eflf• ieeDBt. Alldruggiete. P cl RAGS, BONES, OLD RUBBERS, IRON (STC. - Tupper prefers the high co•amissionship caeioas, as the man recovered the following lit+ To all this concerns. Thous due subscriber las Miss Lizzie Wilson, teacher of the Har- to the portfolio of minister of finance. As day•I years accounts, are requested to prepare their true after this notice, to pay up when he.calls, withou mono school, was arraigned in the Strat- high commissioner be draws $10 000 a Delicate females, old people and children are pressure. I having been under the doctor's hand; 'ford police court, on Saturday, for thrash- year, with $3,000 or $4.000 for expenses, always pleased with West's Liver Pills, Mild, I need all dues to meet liabilities, and will take all soft In B, pupil. The evidence oho ved that effective, and they always cure. 30 sugarcoated I of truck to Nottle, as well as ail oatables for man an. '; p p and has a palace to live in, whereas as Q horse. WAI MARTIN, Peder, Clinton, June 14, 188 the pupil was as much to blame as thA finance minister he would ieceiveoply $8,- pills 25c. All druggists. teacher, and had acted in an impudent 000 a year, without any incidentals. Sir' Nearly thirty County Fanners Inati• CENTRAL BAK�iY, and disobedient manner. His Worship, Charles can be trusted to look after Lutes in this Province have pronounced in in summing up, said that his sympathies umber one, favor of unrestricted reciprocity with the ALBERT STREET - - CLINTON were generally with the "teacherbut-fn Purify your blood and regulate your liver and United Staten. Only one has gone against —o— this case the beatinghad been a little too the resolution adapted by the Central In- Tlto sthatheh would Intimate w the people c digestive orgarne before the heat of summer, I Clinton that he has opened out iu the premises lapel severe, considering that the victim was and thus save a doctor's bill by the timely use stitute-that of the county of Dundas,and occupied by AIrT'Stanbury,wherelie will keepon lean but a little girl. He accordingly inflicted of West's Liver fills. All druggists. it qualified its opposition with the admin- and deliver to any part of the tQwn, plaip and lane •o Bread, CnkeN, dr.c. Anything not w stock, made 0 t',e smallest fine pos9ible-a dollar and The Dominion Railway' Commission i9 scan loaf greater freedom of trade N16h the shortest notlee. WEDDING CAKES A SP601AI costa. an expensive luxury. it casts the tax- the United States would be desirable, and TY, Patronage respectfully solicited T D NLo John Robinson, etraine driver on G. T. R. payers of Canada $200 a day, not includ- lit some respects ill the interests of China - --.-..--- says he took fifteen (15) hottlre of Berkwpll'e ing the payment of witnesses. If any. NEW ERA BAKERY Sure Corn cure over to Windsor at different thing very beneficial were to come out of J J Baudinot, U. S vice-consul at — times for customers and heard every one of its deliberations, serious objection to the Nowchwan Y China • sends to the Slate The subscriher would Intimate to the peopl them speak in the highest terms of this cele., Coat mi ht not be taken but it is doubtful �' ' of Clinton•ehat lie has bought out ibe bakin g , Department a harrowing account of a trip business lately carrier] on by AL•. Dunin }), an brated discovery. They all claim that itis a if; when a report is submitted to Parlia- made by him through the flooded district will continue the same itt thA old stave . 11 core for corns for corns, Warta and bubions of Ment, any information will be revealed 1, R had a fongpractical experlenee, and.by gip all kinds. e,f China. Hewas diatributine food and ing Close personal attention to the business I that was not in the possession of the re- the necessarities of life to the starving peo- all its branches. hopes to merit and receiv 0,.9 • resentatives a rs ago. a share of phblic patronage. Bread delivere P Y >} g plc and relieved 396 pe lite. Hu -says leo HUMOR. In a recent after•dinuer speech ilia or found the people enerull living on bran at usual prices. A .align atnck lee Crakes u _ speech, Y P P g Y t, Confectionery ulwayt. on hand: Ido Cre:un and Hewitt, of New York, gave this .interest- or the chaff of a large grass 'town furfeed. llert for parties. J Y E1'ANS. He -'Dear Alice, give me a kiss just ing bit of personal reminiscence: "It is ing cattle. Some were reduced to eating ------ - . - - one?' She -'I dare not; I have never within my personal knowledge that th • chopped grass either moistened with hot SEED CORN. . kiss d a man.' He -'Neither have I. I (Queen Victoria) was asked to juin with water or baked in cakes. In eotue of the i swear it.' tete French Government in the recognition villages half of the dwelling places had ---_ er r of the Southern Confederacy, and that she been washed awe and the inhabitants Pcr m„ ' I feel so miserable again this moruin�, Y• Y uoltsr. TOOTH cu1tN - - .1 1 c said w complaining wife. 'Yes,' replied refused to do so. I know this, because I m re huddled touether in the remainil'g ylkiva IOTIII SWEET Ri' cbo„.r fron,ats. r per i .her husband, 'you wouldn't be happy`it personally c irried the messagef�om 111ipis• ansa, T lin deaths front start'atiou had hero Seven kinks of TURNIP SEEDS at . - ”-3c per 1 + ter Da tin to Minister Adams. ver numerons. you weren't miserable all the time. Y Y — The demonstration on the Ist at Du f- Why will you suffer when one bottle of TON TO and CIBBAGE PL ITR, Crown by 11 Sam Jones Bays: 'Next to a pretty ferin Lake, near Orangeville, in honour West's World's Won'dor• will relieve, and twoI Joyner, Gardner, at 15 (cute per dezon. woman, I love a fast horse. We don't. Of Mr Eratitus W iman, of New York, (a to three bottles cure any case of rheumatism, 25e. ,. . When we are next to -a pretty woman we former township of Peel bo was a eat and 50c. Your duggista sell it. - I OIL CALF - =2 no per cwt P Y) g UAT AIEAL, STANDARD 1-2 25 per Ctvt want a slow horse -one of the kind you success, being largely attended by the. � .- `---' .. e HOWE ROLLER FLOUR er, 4,er Ca,t have to build a fire under to start him. farmers of'the County of Duflerin. In- Civc Trliclli .A 4 trunee! I — terectina s eeches in favor of Commercial • — i ENQUIRE Fol; . ' Excuses all,in� vain. —Me been a swim- I Union with the United States were de. That is to say your lungs. .Us') all your JAS, STEEP'S SEED STDFI� - min ? Oh no, mother; I dassent without li (red b Mr Wiman illi Butterworth breathing mnohinery. Very wonderful ma _ - your consent. bly hair wet? Uh yes, of Uhio, by others, and at the close of chine,y'it ip. \otonl,y the ]stoat air•paseaQes, that Tom Slither he pumped on me, by but #lie thousands of little tubes and.eavities l THE MhRG9�iAIH'TS accident. how'd my coat get that muddy the meeting a resolution was unanimously leading from them, e J ((11 II t dirt? Oh, that's from playin' in the adopted endorsing Commercial Union on When these are clogged and choked with P(otectiud and Uolhctia0 Assceiatioi ditch. What! Me got on Tom Sother's I terms not derogatory to our connection matter which uught not to be there,your lnnp s b with the Mother Country, cannot half iso their work. And what they shirt ? You're get me now, wa ! Gft • ---- OF CANADA — the switch ! _ _ _ _ Nest's Pain King should be kept. in every do, they cannot do well. lady'. _l t slimmer resort •'lmir§U'for sudden attacksof cramps, colic, paint. Call it cold, cough, croup, pueutnonin,P,atm rh, Ilead Office, Ifanrrlton, (hit. . _- . _ throat y - g o a cr's colic, cholera morbus, flux and dysentery, conFumption or any of the fanlil'y of t t 1:5T.tn4IhIICD IM4. __ .-Was-anno ed by -the- )vt°for Only25e..-Only---.� - - and-noeeam 11ead-and-l+nr{-ob34tuctiou�,. all. i.-:T-A.,,,tiati•:+n-of-bc„ine.a--an,l-.,r„-.,,',., Y b9 al atrbns rif� 1 l r<. n rl mli fellow behind, and when the conductor A writ his been issued fora new election are batt. Ail ought to he got rid t;f, There having for it. object the entered, she drew tip her dress and asked; for the House of Commons in D gby coun- is Just one sure way to get•rtd of then,, That ° 'Co'nductor, have you uot'any rule in re- ty, Nada Scotia, to fill the vacancy caused is to take, li,ecbec's Merman Syrnp, which any COLLi?C'•TION ill' DELTS, and to spitting in the car?' b the death of Mr. JuhnCampbell. The drnsgf;t %rill sell you at 05 cents a 1potlie. Awl to prcvont its 111Qmber, making bad dobts b g P g The genial Y 1 ticket -puncher smiled on leer, and re- nomination of candidates tapes place oil mtty o uT,:ry upon else has,failj. you, you Mori.bin:_ U,am wblt 112% ,if p tic, ,,n.,do ,Ort I•ap rosy depeu�l noon this for ca:'tain. P you can spit. P g Y 1 M hl,ant, amt others h it ur3 'uh uwt, to collect nn a oaf ed: `No; ---warm, ths'Jth and ollin nn the 161h July: the - -_ _... _ - tri b'„g lu bcoowc member+, by l•c,nittiuq r,•7 tomi around anywhere you like. candidates in the field are MessrsRobichaa , Nlana;cra, (tamilton, Ont„ will reve,ce by return ni,i �z.w%�� A i �I �' fall ru•tionitu•+, Ccrt!I!catc of muubci',hi , Rc. Sam Jones paused in a discourse on (TPosifiun, and Junes, ministerialist, Thu -- t� 1, patience at Omaha, Neb., the other ni ht government rely upon their grant of half a+ Trains leave Clinton as follows:- p� and shid if there was one man present million dollars to the Digby and Annapolis CRAND TRUNN RAILWAY. 1 J. BAJiLLS LY. Cu.,llaun gars, Hamilton., who had never spoken a cross word to his railway to carry their man through, and it (icing liilst, Going Wee.t. I Or to J:I-, TilnitP,o�, agent', (7linton wife, he would eek him to rise. By and is stated that Messrs Thompson and 91c 7.30 a. m. cxpi'esa • 10.15 a.m. mixcii' I .--- - __-_-.- -_. by a round faced, good natured man •Lelan will stump the county. 1,15 p.m. mixed I 2.20p.m, express . I MONEY T� LOAN Stood ,up. 'Thank God,' said Sam, 'there 1Vonderful tales are told of the perform- 4.15 p.m, mixed I 0 20 p.nu, express 1468 1 . 1 onEAT 1t'Es'11:t1N nniLwet1' i Il L(I {►•ES7' R d 7W.5 of IN TERES is one wan who never spoke a cross word 'antes of the' Mite Proleasor Hermann, Gning;\orth, Going Sout,,. to his wife. Everybody took a good brother of the conjurer well known in this 10.18 a.m. express I x.00 a, tit. express Look at tk o paragon, when�be broke the country. ID Portugal he performed the 11,85 p.m. (•apress 4.10 t).nt,cxpress I �lilsll�lillScetic _ �$�ete(1 . silence with the remark: I haven't any following trick before Dom Fernando: �� __ __'___ . wife. I'M a bachelor.' He handed the King a loaded six -barrel- - FARMS FOR SALE. -1 X_ The beat, regglittors I'm, the etynlaeh and ed revolver, and requested His Majestv to , �iIon IN and plLOP roll SALE.—LQT 34, FIRST CLASS CUlIP:1 CIES. be vole, the best cane for biliousness', sick head• fire at him. The king did so, and Her. 1' (on. G. -Gond hletce, gond buildings, and gond ache, idered itver. are all affeotloue arising front plain CtlUght fire bn110tS 1❑ BUCCe9alen locality. Come and ace it. IV!Ii bo sold cheap. W• - Several final farm, for Sate, Apply to a disordered it ver. aro without exceptiou John. r N. AICNSICHAEL, Cme it- ' e P. O. 4i • eon's Tonle Liver Pills. Small in size, sugar with his hands. The sixth missed its aim - ��,Srg,C®,g,�. � ������� . 'oaten, mild, yeteff"etive. 2ne. pet* bottle,sold and struck a large look-ing-grass, which it I o'r FOR htLl;,- Ome•ci:;hlh of nu acre, part of by Worthfngton•a druggist. J iotlilO, ou 8:,iith Side of Rattcuburyst., wiampird static with innumerable cracks. Then P. t•:ALE t:ae Ae:Fx7:,, Exe'rFR, ON'r. --r►--- h}• subscrlbur,-t+•ith two -store• Nhnp, 3t•3G., ani] stable, Hermann him,elf fired at the glass, a,inIle exchan;;edfnrpropm•ty'a(ItaccuttoAcampower. NEWS \TOTES. which at onee became whole and faultless s"Id en{ etltct•,or the i hr lops 'I to be ntuvud nlF. ('so ba - M' u changed into a hone. I°nr tu•n,s, ;t 1 dy to I CI'ItT19S • The only reliable cure for catarrh is Dr, seals 1'ou ire the devil in person," STEVENSON. t 1 A Creaking Hinge yago'a Catarrh Remedy, exclaime(l the king. So I ani, ” re.plied -----.-=--.--- -� Hermann but a poor devil. FARM FOR SM.E.--FOR SALT:, LLT so, CON Furnters in Rock Leland, II!.,.sectimi aro cr:sstox 2, L.R.S,'I'ucl:ersmith, amtnimn :,0 scree I; tlry ;alai tna u, hni 1, tuflil nil i+ 31,plir,l, in desperate straits for lack of rain, Craig.l'olivet whose death has caused a of which 4 - aro ulem-ed, wellfvnecd, well underdrained vrtrr N%m,!r it tnnvv� Pn�ily. 11'1(•11 the C1V11 Wal' O11 a stllall SCaIC in Warren And in a high elnteof cultiyntbm, There is n gond rllll:, , cin_";, r: The only Sun fay paper issaed in Cana , 1 f th •hotly urP stilll•n'el V county, Kentucky, %%'eutd have made a framehouso,bAn,n,dst;ililes,andanorehar(lof dam, )' . dais the Vows pilblisl:ed in Vanennver n apple• chorry and ]:car trees. There la a never -failing 1111:1 iull:l:,n,l 1'•; lthrunl,tti,m they c:ci• magnificent s6ldier, but as it wits he be- well. It is within fold mile, of Cilntun, and throe of ' the Baby City of the Pacific Province, liniccael(1, pv,l,h a 400e1 grovel toad Icndin;; to each In.! h” 1umv:1 wilhout. vntl-in,:; ills 111".1 came a desperado incl 'ruflfan. Ile was 1: �. Baird, the usurper of (queen's iasaitl to six feetttll, weighed nearly 00 pounds, Ilncr.. For Fiu•th4+!.. D. C loss y nine Il,nn-cy 1 t r.t ,n; i, i 11 1, i :I •sift: , q have resie P . nr to elision P. U J, D. t'Itosso�. ned Mr, Ki I,,,' Ulu ttt(:k and was as strong r 1'i 11: Ilvt n:ll 1,11 illlila•.:, i, 1' 'i:•t I111+ as a taut. s sot H ___ _ a , e ha( ' b la e In t'nr :ilii1.­J,,1-­ I it 'ni ', a ^, a, cv� to hold on till he, got his 'opponent's, cast-iron consti!ution, could bear any P� :i.ttAt P,>R S:It:L - 1'ut: 1;HDr.RS(cNI';u I ,I n, I ;. , t 1hI,OCO. amount of fatigil-, and was the roost r'CCk- ` e'fl'e.1:9 fol' Sulo his farm, being lot67.ltaitlwld workin':; ord(,I . Cnnceasiou, Uoderlch ttnvnshfp, containing 73 \cur': Rnr<;t,t 1Vest's Pain Ki'tn•-the Lunar remedy,<11tan a less Clare -devil tlt"ht ever frightened the acres. About n5 nee cleared unit nearly free 1 rills tut rlllvlr,l• in aur useful, Never fa[3s to cure cholera nlorbn , People of IcentnCky. His influence over from snoops, lit good stato of cultivation. The ;,it ninny nu,st rnut:n hnhlc rotes, a uuol- pains in stomach or bowels, er m ), colic chills men was something wonderful, lie won balance 1s good hardwood hnsh, mostly beech bur u1' tchich bnllh•,I the cflnrts. (tf ow I and mn.p e. On tae prenilses are a frame house inoa experienccd ph}'sirians. +1 ere it or summer complaint. 255. All druggists. their admiration , by means of strep gth nearly now, a bank bane, a good supply of wa nocP., ;u'a', I could ;;•ice. the muncs of many James Pritchard, one of the most prom• which made thrm n,eYrn like children lit ter, „ud ,Iso an orchard. Tlie twoperty is sitit- i„1ii+'ieitntl, tvllo b;n P bean cured by hticin;; comparison, and had 60 Ivan ated alx mtles from (Tinton. her full parf lea • ilii, mvelfPiuP. Inlay own vnsc it, has car- inent Liverpool cattle dealers died in that P , y harrow lars apply on the promises, or WAL BAKER, tninh wet9u'd \uudPr,, tenicide, me nt city. on Sunday. IIe was one of the pr's- escapes and carried in his body so many cuntou P.O. t, cipal dealers in Canadian cattle. He did bullets that he appeared to them to bear MARKET (iAIt1)EN FOR FA I.E.—Nr)RTIi- R it a G ill at i S 111, more, perhaps, than any Old Country a chained life. The pistol and Winchester west part of Lot 7, concession 14, fruron after hoing tronbh'd w!'' •r \ver- . Titblyer to develop the Canadian Cattle rifle w'er'e his tools of trade, and he knew Road, (iodorlelt Towns ip, fonafsting of ton this, anti till Otho. di. ;:• , :., 1,iu:; front scree. t 1s within 2 n I os o Clinton, an 1 1,- fol ilro blood, there, is nn rcnlvdv with lea( e. bow to use them both, On one occasion, inlles of Holmescille, with a good gravel read I The total number of Chinese who arriv- when he was under guard of sixteen men, lending to each place. On the tot thorn is a which I nut ne(putiuted, that 1111'61-414 sneh now Ptamoheuae 20 x 2n, with steno cellar un_ relief nn Aycr's Stn snparilln.-• it. ][. ed in the Dominion between Januar IsF he v-atched his opportunity, snatched a relief Lawrence, A r BSars nttc ltd. Y , derneath; also a good barn nn(1 outbnildin rs.- , , , 1886, and March 31st, 1887, was 707. Of gun and cowpelled the whole ease to e P Plenty of good hard water. To bo sold on Pen- theae 787 landed at throw down their arms and surrender. sonablo terms: The 1p+ace, is ander crop with `\`Pi's Sarsaparilla ct"'oil m6 of (lout Victoria, B C. The I! 1d* Ithennatttsnl, when nothing else duty collected under the Chineso Immfgrn- MtirdLr wits his pastime, and he killed a small fruits, cc , this vena+. Ap %on Lilo pro f1.,ntiQ. It has erndiratcd ever trach nt Mises, or to AIRS. V. CARTER, Clinton I ,O. Y tion Act during that time was $6,360. l7f man with as little compunction as he (lfscase front env system. ---R. 11. Short, which the ProvincialGrovernment received would a dog. Only 35 years of age, ho 7� ARA FUR SALE. - THAT WELL-I:NOWN Manager I[otPl Ilclunnrt, Lowen, �f:esa. 912,626. find committed crimes enough to fill a JL whitely farm, belog Idt 15, con, 17, Goderich T w'n-.:' •''r" m:inv inonibF. a spilerer l3i 0U the, et elephant e dozen dime novels. At fait, however,his tnwnahip, P,ayoline, Summerhill,fnurnil lesfromClin• frol:t ( I:tr, ow:li'nr, Tho diveasa J p p nut w lib has for two ton on good gravol toad. Tho farm contains SO acres, DlM,,I(ii e . ,•t au•I-N. i,l y,ito of all the own time came. An ounce of lead crashed 70*iared anti in goo(i statootcultivation, theremuln• .Penwibv, I ,.,•;';;+i fillet, until I counneneed years been on exhibition in Boston, was through his ribs and Craig TOliver's reign killed b OlaOq On . a Urday night.' This dorgood hardwood ; e;tharoa etaerc%of fall ellsandwheat an �' P ' and all fall leughen done; there aro two H ells and an iiihit, .\)cr'., tiat'sa hist i i took snN'M'al g Of terror came t0 an ignominious and ever -flowing spring, good orchard, frame barn 35 x f,5, bottles 6f Ilns pt ipso;ll!nn, and was S 1eee1- animal was older and had been in captiv- tragic end. stable 16 x 35, new frame house 1S x 26 with ave ily restorcel t6 bealill.-J. ]•'renin, Litdc- I'tylongerthananq other elephant ever rooms up stairs and •1roomsdown stairs,and akitchen pendrnee,Va. on exhibition. I:ID had been fn America The care effects of Ayer's Sareapat ills are 14x23; there are tW0 eh11rVllc9, sehool and grocery, all r for sixty years, and was known A America 75 thorough and pnrmanent, If there is a Ito k• withln ave ni!nutes walk, PORSession given at any Ayers S a rs s p r i I I a, yy ing taint of scrofula about you, Ayor's $area• time to salt 1porchmer. rnr pnrtieularN ongnlro at -yeam old at least, Illecellily 1pe irAd =Ufa stills will dis16r1 eft and a i!. NI,W ERA Ctllcenrof frSIMS.itANNiNG &SCOTT, rrpparpd bynr.,T•(', A •er C ('o.,T,owetl,\rnee. 3eYtid gr?ntiv1ebM,(11Y1 m e; p fi + ilial from ynnt' or of the proprict,w, na the prewkvc . T„ NTAN1,INO, Sold hl 1,11 1)r1'g,:;.t,. Price $1 j six bottles, $5. syit6m, e9intan P.O. ' I.. I IV Ro '1&, R_ACJL!Jy9 . - Troy c Hardware Merchant 1. -A i• I . . Hnving b"-ta ht the "AI Y�W,A�.1 I3r.ock .,f .J. Ii..%AwratMeld, -will sell "it ilt'�,t reduced pricet-63. Now ilii the tiMO t0 pleocuive Shelfflardware,BuildersSupplies, Glass, . Paints and Linseed . Oil's ' TO ADVANTAGE AT r, • W R M RAC�'Y'S Hard)Vare" Store, .Clinton. Great CLEARIM SALE-_ � 0 1 SulVliVIER GOODS - . We want to catch your eye and bring to your notice our latest and greatest offer in t1I' oney Saving Bargains. A woman's judgment is part of her fortune; we will prove this to every visitormith gnods and prices. To convince the jndgment that dollars brought to as wilt save you dollars. That you can save money and yet secure the beet, i3 demonstiated in om splendid stock of LADIES & CHILDRENS STRAW HA'T'S, .E11I-` - BROIDERIES, ORIENTAL LACES, GLOVES, HOSIERY,JERSEYS,CORSETS &,-PA.RASOLS WI'IICH ',VE WILL CLEAR OUT AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, BidBargalms. inIu� Don't forget o-ir CASH SALE OP RIBBONS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT, at half the --- usual pric-, on that night only, in order to reduce ourstock; I, —'--- . 1 Beesleys Millinery Emporiums, NE 1Ar FURNITURE STOCK ., Opened out in ELLIOTTS EL003M. NEXT • DOOR TO THE CITY LOOK STORE, CLINTON. 1 BEDROOM SETS, .PARLOR SEWS, LOUNGES, . SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, �&c., .. ------- _ - _ --- __ ._-, . _ _ ___ . ANT) A C,rNIFVAL ASSORTMENT or Tfir vrRY P;r,T ai n1-FTTI tTTTGRI?" a - "- RRARO ABLE PRiCELS•. .g(,�. C"11 "11,. lE�'". the , , .• ,What �.. 1. � . Twenty eialit'IThoitsaud Dollars paid at auction',for trio renow•ncA trotting hot•st Ptincoust, Proved his exelence, ;idol so the , Lemint; C;lothino House, of H'St IER'S Opposite the Post Office, truly proves its superiority over all opposition, in stylt; j and Fit it beats them all, and I [ � �/�y pe � F S�d���i/ �`er•'•A�f�d01 SUITS Aro worn from one end of th1. e county to the other. The Spring Stock has arriv- ed, and is one of tho finest in the' town and vicinity. A discount of 10 per cent . front tho 15th of Feb, till the 1501 of March, will bo givon for c,oih. Pvicep lore and workmanship unstn•passed. Terms ('ash. FISHERS LENDING CLOTHING HOUSE V1i11�ort i � .. - - - - --'- - --- - .. - - -- - ------- ,;6--` 7i -E r L r FIRATE- D � , 1� �ro ® ti o ® a ' ri , ,� wa 1 f�+ .; ^ 1• .. .'+� r�TC1®FLA ff � w I, .„D ! ••.i, ,: + e : I c� � � c n. , r fA 9 r '.1 EN t "I 1a�i 9. E will i -,y tho ,:hove r,c•,v, r:l fo; any , t. t•.. vV r. case ci' il)sps-paiz, I:v. t' Complaint, ,,�.'. I'll :; Sick' Ileadacho, Indigestion or Costiveness ?"- a we cannot Cure with WEST'S LIVER ' I PILLS, when the Directions are strictly 5l' complied with. Large Boxes, containing ' 'd' 3 Pills, 25 Cents; 5 Boxes $1,00,. Bold FOR LIVER AND KIDNEY DISEASES b�i1 Druggists: , " 1171e,t an intelligent man tcants to p1w. - -------- chase, he lot sfrom parties whose standinr/ 'ire HEALTH � S W E A L T FI • " fhrfr ,vcvcra eallinfts is ea guarantee for the gN(rtitiloftitelrwc(res. This°sterlingmottois Noav anALU ddoubtyy true fn reggard to patent medicines, buy only t.ipnso made M1y practical professional mon. A,� C'W�$ Dr. CHARY is too well and favorably known by 0 hti receipt ]rooks to require any rocommonda• tion. - Ili(. C nARR'a Livor Cure has a receipt book wrapped ,wound every bottle which is worth its tvelghtIli kold. . Inc. CnAyr'a Liver Caro is anarnntoed to cure ...-m all diseases nrJsing front a torpid or innctivo TIiEA 6NT. 1 liver soeh as Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. -- Indigesthnr, itillOusness, Jainuliee, head- Dr. Py. C. /Vest's Nerre And Drain Treatmeflt, a gnnrran 11614',L1verSp0t1, Sallow COmpteclmr,elr„ teed 9peellicforhysteria, eonvn191on9;lltn,nevvonddearalggto THE KIDNEYS THE K 1 DN E YS headnalin, narynus prostration pnnaed by the atle of nlcobn or tobneco, wakel'ntness, hneutnl depremion, aoftening of the ]pet. C1f.lf4a;,F; Li%Or Vitro la e• Cortain cure for brain, resulting in initaWy, loading to ,msery, decay and all d6rangrntrttts of the hlilnoys,H11C11 a9 sin illdeatb, preinntilTe Old age, harrenne99, luso of power ineither the back 1,nin in n lower portioof tho ah(loutml, 9e:, tmroinntaryy losses and sia,minturrlima canned by oyer von+aUrit c wire to pass ur!nc„ red and white exertion ni'thehrn+n, Sell' Ilia. 50 or over hndnhgenep, Rack F;"lintvilts, shooting pains lit passage, Bright'$ hox ronf1hns one inenth'strentntentr-4HQ ,it *;i,or siAboxee d; •.t") and all n rinary trembles, ote. for ase, Sent by mail pryPpald oil receipt of prtep. Yr,, it• t i :n n"other, it will euro you. gold %VU UVARrtANTER SIX Books i To care any ease. wltb each order respired by Tie tor Sia" 1e h: :,.1 dP.T.vrs at $1.00 per bnttl.,• I,OxOS, nceompnnled with $0, we twill 9rod the purebaser•6nr T. I -.0X1 AX90N & Co., writteng,larnntee to refund the mOnpy, If the treahne6t dopa :OLE AGENTS FOR CAH:DA, • RRADrORD Pat affoet a 111T1. Sold by alldrnpq'sts ori. C. WSest$ c6_ roroutn - �*