HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-08, Page 5BOUTS SHOES Our stock of Boots and Shoes for spring and summer have been selected with great care, and will be found very complete in all lines. We are agents for DAM( & SON'S FAR FAMED FINE HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. EGGS TAIi.EN IN EXCHANGE. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. W. TAYLOR & SO Clinton and Blyth. MOQI 'xAX,LQB,. Manager ler BJytht IMPORTED Direct From Liverpool. 10 CAR LOADS OF GOODS, COMPRISING. EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINE, SUCH AS Canada, ]Pinta, Tits l?latte, Window 4a1ass, Ga,lvnnized Ironn Are.. and Nails from., Montreal. WE HAVE ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF I3arvest Tools, Stc►ves, Lainpi, Tilts• ware. Shelf 11ardware, faints, Gar- den 'Tools, Are., Are.. Agent for theCelebrated Harris not AirFurnace S. DAMS, - - - (ILIN'T'C THE MAMMOTH HARDWARE AND S COVE HOUSE. CLEARING SALE 000TS& SHOES, During Idly & Auguct 10 per cent Discount for Cash POLISH off everything in stock. FOR LADIES', MISSES' k-orraDREN'S US>v: __ EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Tay IT. Carr on C. Ci'iiiekshilisk, the • Boot 'Maker, - ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON • Some are Asking —$2.00 (1109e — Market -- $1.75 Price Oar reduced Price J. JAOKSON'S T HERMOMET ER FOR. SHARP BUYERS. VHS TIME IT IS Ladies: Button : Boots THAT ARE. DOWN. These goods fu'o got up iu good style with WORKED BcrTONIIOLES, No more stylish and serviceable footwear was ever offered. All sizes in stock. YouWary Bargain H unters di = GLANCE Al OUR THERMOMETER AND sfyr . THE TRENIEND(iUS DROP. $1•5 Old Day Prices J.dCliSO BES .AND HONEY FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIBER having a very large number of Colonies for sale. Good honey producers, and gentle to handle. Will deliver them to any parties In Clinton, and will be sold at roasonnble rates. Send for prices. He aslo has an immense quantity IA first-class honey, both linden and clover, at the very lowest prices. J, HINCIILEY, °onstane° P. 0. .41 SUFFOLK BOAR FOR SERVICE—SUBSCRIBER has a thorobred Suffolk Boar, which he will keep fo• service on Int 14, lSth con., Oodericli township. orms $1 at One of sevIeo, with privilege of returning 4 l necessary. TIIOROBRED 1N'RIIAM BULL. FOR SERVICE - 'Subscriber also keeps for service a flrat-olnav Durham Ball, of gond pedigree. Terms $1, at -time of service, with privilege of returning 11 necessary, 11 CARTER ' ALWAYS AT S Bargain Shoe How OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, CLINTON, ON EY 1,000 lbs PURE HONEY for sale, Clover and Linden, will guarantee it pure, as I have bees of my own. I now have n Choice CORN MEAL FLOUR for making Bread or Pancakes, ROLLER FLOUR alld OATMEAL ENQUIRE FOR JAS. STEEP'S SEED -STORE Estate of the late John llodgens 0 .ARE SHOWING FOR THE .HOT WEATHER - NEW LAWNS IN WHITE AND CREAM, NEW MUSL.INS, NEW PRINTS IN LIGHT GROUNDS, NEW SEERSUCKERS, BLACK AND COLORED LACE BUNTINGS. We are offering BiggBargains in Remnants and Odds and Ends in order to clear thein out Our stock of Staples and Small Wares is always complete. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR . CASH. JOIN 'tai 'ISEMAN Manager. Estate J. IOCENB. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, July 7, 1887. Wheat, spring • . 0 75 a 0 79 White and red . 0 75 a 0 79 Oats • 0'28 a 0 30 Barley - 0 40 a 0 50 Peas - 0 48 a 0 50 Flour, per cwt 2 00 a 2 25 Potatoes ' 0 65 a 0 70 Butter • 0 12 a 0 13 Eggs 0 12 a 0 14 Pok 5 50 a 6 00 Hay - 800 a800 Wool - 0 24 a 0 25 Sheep pelts • 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins 0 CO a 0 80 Clover, per bush. - 5 00 a 5 50 'BLYTH 1'IARIiETS. (Reported specially for the NNw ERA every Thursda) I Blyth, July 7, 1887. Fall wheat; red, per bush. . 73 a 78 Spring" . . 73 a 7S Oats 27 a 30 Barley . - . 40 -a 48 Peas . 4S a 50 Apples per bag . . 40 a 50 Potatoes " . 50 a 55 Eggs per dor . 14 a 15 Butter,rolls . . . , . 11 a 12 Cheese . 15 a 15 Lard . . . 10 a 12 Flour per cwt. 2"'00 2 10 Hogs, . . 5 50 0 00 Hay, .. - E10a 2512 00 Straw. Wool . 2 300 !Montreal Lite Stock Market The supply of butchers' cattle was rather large, quality not so good as formorly. Best steers sell at 4gc to 41c per lb, Not much demand for veal. A lot of calves were sbipp• ed to the United States. Sheep and lambs plentiful and declining. Small sheep sell at from 10 tnl5,per cent. less than a week ago. Sheep sold tit from ?z3 to •55 00, and lambs at from 52 to; 3.50, Hogs not so plentiful, prices about 5.1.c. Horse trade quiet. HOUSE TO LET.—THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS to rent. A conveniently situated house on Rat- teubury St., hard and soft water, gond fruit, lawn and shade trees thereon. J. C. GILROY, Clinton. `TORE TO RENT. — THF. PREMISES R}:• 1-Y-CesTr.Y occupied by Mr Simpson, on. the cor- ner of Albert Street, is offered to rent. It is one of .the beet stands iu town. Apply to JON 1YIIITEHEAD, Clinton. 1IOTTAGE FOR SALE—THAT COTTAGE AND L' tdo-Tots,'o8mekly bee -0 ied'by Neil Matherson, nest, east of the residence of W. Doherty, Esq., eon - mining half an acre of let.d, and the most eligible dwell• ling in Clinton. Very liberal terms given and posses- sion at May next. W, W. FAR1tAN. FARM FOR SALE—THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS for sale that most eligibly situated farm on the 2nd con of Hullett, formerly belonging to the McMullen estate. It consists of 10 acres, nearly all cleared and in a splendid state of cultivation. Fine brick house, barn with stone stable beneath, good orchard, never failing wells,and In every respect a good farm. Situate only S (riles from Clinton. Will bo sold on reason- able terms, with or without the crop. Full particulars on application to ARTHUR COUCH, Clinton. VOTERS' LIST 1887, MUNICIPALITY OF THE TO WNSHI•P OFS'TANLEY,COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or de• livered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of "The Voters' List Act," the copies required by the said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing. by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said municipality, atelections for members of the Leg• illative Assembly, and at municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office, Varna, on the 27th day of June,1887, and remains there for ins! ec- tion. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors aro_,fouad therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 27th day of June, 1887. GEO. STEWART, Clerk esateMICOr DETLOR.& CO'S Monster SurnrnerSaie • ��IS NOW GOING ON- • .l - DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, EMBROIDERIES, LACE CURTAINS TABLE LINTENS, TOWELS, TIOKINGS; WHITE QUILTS, GLOVES, - HOSIERY, COTTONADES AND SHIRTING S, AT SLAUGHTER PRICES. 1 t JOB — IN — TWEEJJSS' LADIES and GENTS HATS BOUGHT AT A SACRIFICE, WHICH THEY OFFER AT NEARLY HALF PRICE. e C. BETLOR & Go., Clilltoll . . uta resSalo i til � , >�r���, [S DOING 'WONDERS FOB ITS, ;? ONLY Dayn- regi on;, and in that time our st.o k:must Lo greatly reduced, regardless of prices. SeasonableGoods a the very lowest prices. SAML. WILSON, CHEAPSIDE NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER & SON'S. GROCER Y, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. And] women of keen judgment and economical instincts will tint it to their interests to buy from us. As itis time that has ILt141:D Many a stock of Dry Goods, by rendering them shop-worn and unseasonable ; we itwan to keep ours fresh by selling off what we have on hand. We offer IN THE Dress department 15c Goods for Sc., 40c. Cashmeres for 25c. In Cotton we will give you 33} yards for $L Surely such prices will CRUS ¢T. Out tiro clamor about hard tinges, and will cause your careworn face to bear its usual smile. We wish you to save money while the special sale lasts At fltn: Groat Nip Cull Stora, Clinton