HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-08, Page 2t f. • . ,np�.4p, M+Nxwru,y w. �_M L+1tIUAY, JULY 9, 1887. _.__.. ; -. _- -^- - I jlilu to impress upon tUfl jury not ,Go all, '_ - - • , - - --- - I:M� �.L ' .., U �- N __ -_ whop the ]tubonel. s earnestness had banded to Dl Dalncoult. n-- Y _-_- --_- --� low any hilae soutintdnt to cause th,•m Constipation ` AA n produced, He said that in the oil-- 'The nine of hearts' said the doctor. ` -- If`� HONOR'S A71] j1 r. to swervo frau) lila straight , ath of , ' t FRU1T AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, ICOR, cunistauces of the case his speech woul.i r The pard, said the lawyer, that was Is a nuiversal nn,i ,n, tronhle:,onx' dit;. WAY 13PIiUCE, SCOTUI.I AND --- ae be briefer than it otherwise would have duty, They Must been re the evi- found in I,,ayton's ulster pocket.' order. It cuus(•s Ile:; ache, mental De- ASTRACIiAN PINE, dunce which hats been presented to CONTINUED. been. He had a duty to perform and l 'Is this your tan,ibh link ?' asked Dr pression, itupairs tit(! � : ;ht auQ Hearing, THE LATTER or it'1t1CH B�E A[A10E .\ SPECIALTY � Prisoner• -And you beard m wife he would perform it without be hoped them, and it was with it feeling the re- Daiucourt turning the card over in his .atstroys the Appetit,.. and, \vhen long -- Y , I ! , velse of'satisfactoly that he pointed out 1 o continuod, causes Eu! r,geinent of tilt: LARGE STOCK ON HAND , when I loft the, room, call after me the any undue severity or harshness. U•t- I thein th.it this ovidence could lead to baud.' — 1 , I.lt•t•r, InNuu,ulatiwp of Ilio 13uwe18, a,xl words. you leave already •given in evi- happily the evidence was only too clear It is -may tangible link, replied the but one result. , riles, Coluitipatiun i- spec•dilp etired The aboyalornamental trees and shrubbery will beeold Renee, to tho:effeet that she believed I against the prisoner, and unhappily the „r g lawyer•. at very low prices, and thoaa wanting anything Ill The $trnitrtilrb tip Of GLO Karned Lt' e1�er'e I'ilts• thia connection will nave money by purchasing dere, wished her dead; but that slw would prisoner had strengthened the cast- Dr Daineourt shrugged his shoulders. . not din et unless, I killed her against himself. This was not a matter ala s speech, w with tun attorney uglgaper- °YUI] iva, adding mystery to mystery. tra!nLle,ia \N itll (1o,1(iven;li,� Il�iu collhe- Orders by _314Il -it-ill begprowiptly alleuded to yet, o ill s speech, will be fyund fully reported ` , , , Witness -I heard her say be. of sentiment; it was a matter Of justice, I think not, Said the lawyer. You (juBnl•e of tt•}tieh I sufrt•rell trout Loss of Addras,;3, Prisoner -And that she called after and 'u,tice must be done. With slight ( in other culuul.is) wits a masterly an- I were not in the court when the nine of + PP`tjte, "I'st"'t'slat' and it disordere(t N. J r3 Clysis of the evidence which bad been , liver. Aly eye:+ alio troubled tali,. I wit,, J€]iiN STEWABT, ..-t - .-ililjr. pile what I was a villain $ limit t ons, art un 1 wLi )b the prisoner poen adduced, He -int assail till= ILE hearts was produced ? cuuipt:Ut•d w t•; tar a a,t;:,do over thein, _ _ _ __ -- . Witness-I'hwird her say so. threw a,veil of silence, contenting him- Wf No. 1 - alt tillIVA, t,as uutll�l;• to hour es- y , gVise Xxisur;�nOla. i ury the necessity of auto deliberation, lttwurl• to Ihr lid I... I tt, ; eutirul; Prisoner- to' t,hede$eription you gave self to cast suspicion upon tlleut .by ( That and the latch 'key of, Laytttn's riven of your movements on the night snare kind of mysterious implication ,and of absolute conviction hufuro they . Street door were the only articles• found CURED BY USING A kind., of prol,brty insured at lowest tariff rates b y g y ] u0nouoeed their verdict. Cireurnstal]- Y Ltayt•gtu acoDrl,antea, I I In the pockets of the ulster. When thrr,• Jinx- of .\" r'.: t'1I1,. I hm no of this fatal day; you say that, aeon which no person could understand, Nnd i heatlll r th0 StrOst CIOOr open and Close, not venturing to give them a distinct lull Cvld0I1C0 was, of all Cl�tdUllCH, LiIC� the evitlouce relittin GO t11HBH articles I', ,,t'tt,',,, ,'t I,lun, ti',, r' ' i'" ,'" ilii to �ICIiE1'fi ]'IA N. R'. T. CO. LINE L'OA1'S 1'0 1.b n,q,t perplexut„ and d tivre ou . It g t„ t,:• Ito• t. •:,r ,: IL:,.r, I. „•; u:u -- rl gvu Came• Out of 'your bedroom, and ,arid iudignant denial -with slight llmi- ! wits beillg given, I Closely observed °it'n1 •.. Iso, Iv: , I',:;:,•) I, ' WINNIPEG AND ALL LAKE POIN]S, ALSO - - . .ha,} In SOIDP info 111�tNI10e3 el'I'Cd' gilt, , �`� ra I a over tile U t ND "'HUNK K a C NA. Gy all i IFI t , URo 1 UN ud A leaning over 'the balustrade, lookod tations, then, the prisoner had admitted I ' '. +, J.lat ti�j> 1 I Wkew, but hodid not., l st:!I,,, i trip:.: ";r..1,•;;.','n.:uf1Lr•.1,. UA PACIFIC to any i,nhic or, that title, Winnipeg, hesa exce ptious were, happily, few an♦ll ec. I:!; , iru: 1 ',, ;1 I i„! i,,, . Ilrandon, &c., Dakut'u, Liuuaas, tr un whit reuehe(t l down into the hall ? iho truthfulness of iho 0videnoo brought I that rtle`sfwti `ai ficins were Hit that + i'" y 1 111 +� 'inti I-I!,•.,,;r: ten:,-. .it%,:'-, I'ill...whit:t by orforuign- ftrp bot+t'cen. It ]lad, Oln 91 UthUt were discovered in the pockets Of thA 1 tv A, t'tl:: ,"G n•-,iuu' :' a 1': h-Ild, haat Come and ace one before you but' ticket n,iyyt'herr Witness-" Yes, that i true. against pitta. As the prisoner hill not hand, led to the detection Of gi`6at ct iln' Prisoner -And that you seen ine directly referred t0 thoso doubtful points incrituinitint� coat, When the latch hit,';, rl,' I,: ' " 'i •:• ' • • ,,:n,.•n,,',1 U,al3, tiled ++'1 plant ICS aid malls Le[n- penin„ t lei.. r.. n.. ", tt: -n ; r "its IR(n. 1U),i r• — — putting out the gas imthe hall. in the evidence, be would hints -']f du so key was held up lie smiled faintly; h1' aur not, rr,•' f. t', ;,:,,+ ,tint,, the ,,•- nus a,g,grossors a,gaiust the law would wits not sur prised. But when the nine n,„Cal of t' 11 1;'1• ,;if'1r I loo (,t.h,•r f l , p Witness -Yes. arid endeavor to clew away any latent slip through the hands of justice. HO I JMS' 1 110111 SON (Ailltbll. Prisoner -You aro oortain it was 1 ? dontpt if sfach oxistHd in the minds of h, -arts was producer] there flaslied in- I 1:'” ""` to ,i ;'•'''' ' :• 1'I • ', : tl�' inI- - e ° ' di•inlsied the jelly to their duty, and I'rl.ve1 my v -'.,v:';1! 1..•al•lt.- \V. Krrl,•r, ! Witness --Yes. You had your ulster of thejury. First, with respect to the to hitt eyes at startler! look --a look of Alulur>: ?1•• :,. Ij pravod that wisdom might rtttc.nd choir, b-w,,ldernient and astonishment; indeed +� Ol), al]d"e$ sole I1Nd GO Stand Oil tip-top I11SteC, The prisoner did not deny that , , r i; , a ;,, :,: (';; , tiicrlh,o, ttl,it'h deliberation, to pat, out the ga�your fPce was turned he wore this nlscer on til whole of the there was somethink of horror in hi. »;au,l"•.I :;1., !1 u.:1 "1„t:,i:nt• torn, I hitt f I °At�`30 o'clock. the jury retired, find iOilr',•tl it %'.,,:pill (alts•• It :,loll,»;;,' ui 11u` ThosStevensol -!' to the light, and I sale it plainly day arid evauing hie coachman, John face. I, need no further sign to make l,,,tc;•;:,. h,•.: , or \t(i , I'iu; cur, ,l it w„$ the general inipltission drat the ! Prisoner -'lion saw my face plainly ? Alobrhouse, Was driving him to various ane positive thitt he had no prtiviotis uic, ,-r,m,11., i, .- . I1. 1;H::..•.:;:u-", :llt± wise would be ended with;n the hou,'. . 11 Witness -As plaigly as I see it now, places, and it was ouly upon his arrival l " knowledge of the card, and that it wits 1 f I�. ;10 ' 't M L The prisoner sat in the duck shading Prisoner -..(with a movement of im- home at midnight that he endeavored to his eyes with his hand. Not once dial the first time he had sAen it. 7 1 Y #* l•r't);,rl•,I i j 1 "•. 1•, ('. ,l) or \ i'. „ •crit, \Lie,:. . patience) -I have no orber questions to sllnke the coachman s evidenob as GU buia Ly a:i 1):. �gl„ce a:.J lhoi.,a 1,1 Medietue. ' ho look ill) to the court. He seemed to Never open Yunr MotlU 1t1(��� t+1kC'%' ask you. • - whether, when lie entered the carriage' he ,re lerin himself for his impending f • �Cill�lill° `�J l Thecout-Liben adjourned. upon Laving Prevo;L's restaurant, and I ] g 1 R Except to net something to eat into it is all t' fate. But 4 o'clock, a o'.Glock 6 o'clock ,:aerlieut motto for the gossip and the sufferer,ROBERT r 1 v upon his issuing from the carriagm when passed and the sal:, pense pew painful. 'tam catarrh, But while tbb go. sip is praoti ROBER ! DO WN5 CEIE±~PTER VI. the coachman draw tip at his house, lie 1 I g ] :illy innurable,there is no excuse anyone's C T_jILIN rj.�Q7 TV. t It was clear -that there wits not that I DFSCRIPTION* OF THE -L-AST DAY'S Pao- still bad his ulster• on. What It's Die- suft'eling longer from catarrh. Dr. Sage's CLINTON, - t ahre0utent between the ur which a'll CEEDINGS—EXT1tGCTED FIIOM A - tive was in endeavorin t0 shake the Y L acarrh Ilbmbdy is an uufalling cure for that Alnnutanturor and Proprietor for the host Few MI11 1 , : g the court, including evon the prisoner, .ffensive disease. It, heals the dull and de- 1►"g In also. Agent for the sale and application of Antieeptie Embalming fluid kept f AAIhY.IAPEIt• cnnchutan's testimony illron till$ point It r ,110 I IallElt PATENT AUTn11ATIe BOILER CLEANER. had CXpCC[Cd, At 6:'20 the furernatl of p assail asneations which always attend ea. STEAM F1TfINGS furnished and applied on sh'irt on'band, "The trial of Ed�yard Layton for the was impossible to say. Iia (tae learn- the jury cantered the cunt t, and told the tarrh. A short trial of this valuable prepare notice, nlutder of ilia wife, came to a Singular ed counsml) had most carefully consider- iou will mike the duffdrer feel like a new be. judge that thore was no chance of the ,,, Bottlers. ravorines. nntl nil mistlu of Nria --x---- tend ' unsatisfactory' 'tcrmuyation last ed the mamler, and the only conclusion g' ellinery repnlred e-p«dit•1••uNly nod night.. That iho ,lfbliC fnterest in the he could arrive was that the prisoner Jury agroeing upon a verdict. in n anllNutetory m,uurer' Aly Funeral Dir(,ctor, J, C. Steveh- g ! `Thr JudgO—Is there any point of tr r /,�• , ease bird reaclle•I an almostmnpreceden.t- was anxious to instil a doubt into^ the 'haw upon which you desire information? ff rofeoalp11111 111111 p#lltt \9111' A- RanntmplenrentsmAnufacturedandrepaired, Steam son, hits tr0nded lhv School of Eui od beight was- proved by the large minds of the jury, that it was not he 'The Foreman of the' Jlar None and water Pipes furnished and put in position. Dry balining, ill Toronto to make himself 11 r y , Kilns fitted upon application. Ch„rges tnoderatc. number of pOrSons Who wire tivablo to w n left the restuirant at 11:u0 nail oil- my lol,(1 MANNING & ,SCOTT -- pr„llci('r,t in the art of elnbalmiug. obtain admission to the coilil. toyed his earria re, and that it was not The Jtldge- tI1�le nil disown )encu - C `�T t,Qn the previous evening tLo evi- he who alighted• frons the carriage and in the eviduuco which the ju1•y l,iSh - t' ' '` + • )'' er �f ®l�'1 dencAfor alt© {prosecution had closed, olrenedthesticotdoor. Biitsalppr)sing ash I)tllI'l�t�lpili coticlto s 1 I ' cleared t GENERAL DEALER iN TINWARE oto,. and tliifre wus;tl pttintul and eager ex for instance, that this argument had it , uovvEYaxcERs 0. , ht E::E3teE1: 'rtrl•: PLACE, 'The Foreman Of the Jury—RSO, lily HUIION STliEET, CLINTON. OPPOSITE T1fE T011'N HALL. pectancy in' the nlirids of all 1)"Osent its foundation in fact, was it not easy fur lord.. It is sirtlply that WE can t itgree. CotnmissionerVfur Ontari( and trani,toba. to the line of defence which the prison- the prisoner to prove what lie lied dune ueFtcE NExr uuutt NE E[I:�, CLINTON c or intended t0 adopt. This line of de- with bituself between 11;00 oil the night 1'ho luarued j.0+Jge then iutiurttt+d aepait»g of all kinds promptly attended Loll! reason that after at'tui' SO ltlpg alUl patient a Ll'lalhe L'p LUaN. AfURTt;AGES BOhGEI'P. epic raCos. Atrial so!;rite((' THOS, STEVENSON fence- if indeed it conln b0 bulled a de- ofthe 20th of AIarch and i ti CloAk on c"old nut lightly disr11i id the jury trout JN � Y ' _ g g ri Y J Y n u or I-J..uKCeu4lG)r,, •Uo.rt S UUtr, Utiir;o 1 , tet a -was as sul'I>risiva rig It was l)1'iC', the morning of the 26th ? Surely some their duties uud lie bNdu i hes furemau "The prisoner nfl�lrHs$ing the judge liel'COta or persons mt,.t, have seen Lira, „gain retire to a fail th(r consideration otr�linit��rAt'K-=�'17 E'NSE:T: -APPLY TO TILE 11(11 ] ( f 1 and 'ur ,.lntlnla,ecl that it was not ITIS and had he ,1'Ol1llUed t110Se 1)el'SOns allele, er:igned at the Library ltoUnls, Smitll'a C0owtifl a Rdximol a J Y I Elim oast). Iheconrt, hu s,id, wotild sit ,Clock, Si, JASIES dCUTT. �� X60 000 To LOAN al 6 per Cont. il!itention to call witnesses on his behalf. would have been a reasonable alibi set late to receives the verdict. T_- --••----•- + Most of the witnesses for , tli'e,-prosecu-" up, and it would be the duty of every' , ,. uNEY r I I,E-41) I,N LAItUE, u11 SMALL ��Iltl III � L I1,Y ,5111 H ty tion, he sai 1, had given ilIobt evidence one engaged in this case serit•usly to seven, 8, 9 o'clock l,tssHd, and then ! 6 a y, luoderate HURON STREET, CLINTON, �i sal all . ala "putt u,urt a o auUUl'1C the learned jud.,e sent for the furcillau alt' 'Ge of :neap neer a. ilii 1 G, L iiuw.' fairly, and if they, bad; committed them- -onside,. Lndeed, ho , would go so file - - '- ------ - The aubscribor hate, tVIIY Pay others i, 8, 9 slid 10 per cent; the jury aild enquired whether any p1 u- i )R. ,1P1'LUT(jN.--Uk'1''10E-AT 1t F,SIDENCE g purcli'med the bustnesa lately when sail can got luau@ from usat Ur C. selves to mista.'ementg. or discrepancies, ai to say that, admitting such evidPnco un Uutar,u dcreuc, Cliucuu,u „alai HFSI ENCBd i. grecs had beeti made toward ;in agree 1 I he will on by Mrs. t the oiek, de -boa co inlimato rh,it Y P a o ,urun• mucrauco b •ltd he will c ntinue it at the old stand, in all it.s branches, First-class loans per it was'more hecauso they were either Eo be brought forward and established, y ebwte. 5_ P cent. I,tirge loans melt, _ ire will keep on hand a ehulco stock of CONFEC'r[UN• Jr per cent. -#- misled or mistaken -in the case Ofone there could not b'e found a jury who ( r B. YNUUUFUUr, CLVII. ENGCNEEt:, L•'I(Y of tali kinds, TERMS,made to suit burrower, regarding The Foreman of the Jury -Done, (-i• , 'witness, Ida White, beeanse she was would convict the pritionov of the t coV, eCia,Au,l uo uunuu "audserVeyoe' BISI;UITS, FRUITS AND CIGARS. payment and period of loan. my lord. Thel'o is uO possible efiducO ucaltOCt laud t)l'aa.fIlLSWAll,P&awx BLucic, 1 strangely prejudiced agairst him- -than charge brought agaitist, him. It would of the juryugroeiug upon a verdict. 0 iutuu. that they lead a desire to make the case then have b •en proved that th0 prison- r He has ,also isltled thereto a th:,t-ala If assortment of Apply to 1G will I'eu,at'ked LbaG IIU person 11I lt. '40FVE.-UFFWE tlATTENL'U1ZY ST- agains him cven.wdrso than it was. It er had not seen his wife from 11 o'clock court 1plrcure:d to bO murO surprised y GENERAL GROCERIES. bad happened before, and would doubt on tho morning of the 20111 of Alaroh t c�oeu itesileuce. two `lilt, emperaucoaHuell-ll, np� r . ,111111 Lhe 10-iS0Ilel' inti Whonl tit(,- ill• flurec �trOOt, ),tonin. utHaehuurs,du.ni.tof3p.au. �,������ �" r.i'1�,vAI L less I))t )pen n ain that a m•tn found until h o'clock on the nwrniu of tho I '' J Y ___ Al or which he will sen at tit(, very lowest I i g' r n . were CIAllt-d in atilt disuti,sud tay the, All,:7 lrO,\dUN, LWSV.iBu---(;�1� _ Prices fur cash, Clow) person,,i attention will BANKERS, CLINTON-. biirrself thrust -into ,just such. -.un un. 26th; and as it a'uti dnriDp tbenighm of eri io,NEslt bogivoutntlie business,audali nNersn"trust• jildgO ft'0up thud' dLILle$ E lwpard L;tytun, for ,tic c.unty of Huron, aAlus.yttcudud unyu'I,eru ed to him will receive promrtlat[ention. Lapps position as he himself stood i❑ rho5e d+y$ the uilhflpl,y lady ,net her belor0 ho was rewovetl tlulu the duel. by ac uci uu,iiou.t,ru,,,,i..uluctwe. Itd.,idu,iec,Athert ... t y __ � `--T tbroii-h no f.tult of his own, and that, death,, it would be iwpoisiblO to bring tile j,lilor$, lertlicd cagelly ful'+1, L.d to _ A Tnrvt, REsrECT,'Utr,r S01,ICI'rF,D. 11O wits unablO to ,s:ly ot,'clo anythin;� to the prisoner ill guilty. Iiut', easy as D( (, )) e r1 -i L� HO LSA � 8 RA N K. Srrtn 6h011' CULL LICbUatlCeS, ,t. dl'ANUIJ ti Y, U,aAUUAl'L Ut' 1'11L Al N;11- ,V• L�O11 Ht It I\� \l. \ rove his innocence. 8ometinlos it was Ellis Lvidel,ce const have been ;o pro , , ' !U . �. lel l Il! bit [ucorporatcd by Act of Parliament, 1SbS. c 1 cat.Ue "ittmm; ,f VicturiuUuivvrstty',Toronto,for 1? • I 1�Ulhttg furtht:r tratnspn•ed, ALlll this 1St ,net;,y of that .:capitula uud uanpuueariea, t\ew knit -'--- - - ---- , _- .h-s1]clr a rn,i:r a miltt(sr.-of !ponce duce 1.here is not onl 10 atter] pt 'to p ..__...� _.__ �--+ 3 l tinl•Ylp(,ct(,q chapter ill the Ly ton 11) b_;oroue,foralit,Uuuutyofuuron,,layaiold,uut. 1 1 CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. -;30tmdGialles.a-n).tLtt,C'.el•__Q6..Qou'cience..-.- all,. pl'Od1ICP, it hut. ill ]Its TlliicutFlG-1-• .I .1 u. - _.-.,-_ _.Y____ -..j.... —�- -- — Y '-v -- -- --- u__ . tL'!_y was CIUStpd, __ -_ IIS tVHITr TEACIILIt OF !,iUSIC. 1tES1-kili �G����iVr1r AThis CiIso it sl)rung from bo h Ills honor potent yu)Othtbi: irrtduner does not`even �-t �.- O(�� .b�reg ac nnY. I� Yr: ice ld s; ctirtl6'r , J W_ L l� O�. � FIEA_Iz OL and his conscience that his lips w,crii refer to it. In his mind thein, and in i PART 111E SECOND, Orange streets, tit ilLima aiiil` 6 .._-,_ __ o, THOMAS wURKAYA3l,.;,r.,::Presideiit: - - serilO,i and the utmost that he could say the . iniuds of all reasonaltle n)en, tLefC ' -- _ '-" _- --.. _ -_..- _ J. 13. It. MUL$0 , '... Vice -Pros 1! W. ,VILLIAAIS, B.A., Al.B., GRADUATE OF F. WOLFEItS'rAN THOMAS, General Manager for himself wits that lie, was ,An inn0' could not he, a. doubt that this teas the THE.CABLE i, ESSAGE FRO3I A3IERI('_\. Lb•T0, 11tC,0nivtireit�;memberultbo,;olleg0afI?h After the severest test at the late fair in — lie launred iargeuna,,)nt. U,•rloEat dtEsrnE»cE the ' Notes discounted, Collections:, made. Draf i Cent elan with so dark an arra • of (.vi- case Of 011e who, in despair, waSCdtCbing At 10 oclock on the ui„ Olintoo, it. was universally admitted that 3 �ht following tiuusetorrawh Iteupted by Dr. league. albeit itroet issued, Sterling and Antericaa exc4Tnge dente agi(insti him a$ to NltltUst incol'1• at a straw to save hims'1f. The learul this exciting die Air-Baiuhrid r(+ Linton, FOR PERFECT AND EASY ACTION, BEAUTY , a o Y b , Q. C•, •- OF FINlbH,' AND SWEETNP.913 OF O -IF, the' LOtG�/al a)icl hold at lUioCel testathly, j)roto .him to be' guilty.. All ''d cu'lnael touched briefly but incisive- and ills friend-, Air D ,iticourt were hat- ll. YO UVI11NUTUA PfirdlCllAN, jUatth.oN . , current rntee, i J U' EXCELSIOR was awe ahead of fill oth• Interest ata per cent allowed on de osit9, d Irl ' Iy tl ton ever point in the evidence Colli (r g•, Acconchcqr,LiceuttaltuftileUuuu„,ofphyaician, y P p . that he co(. do wits to. t,rclare most I Y I ting tuaethmr in •the dining'room of the and iurgoonsot l,owei-oanada,and ProviuoielLi,uu-' ore, and destined to he I. tie popular instru — > , olein Nnd•Ouronorf;or-thecountlofHuron. Ulticinnd meat of the'�fay: ” This, alms:( with-t}ii, fr(Cm' E-A 1t Al uIis [ CCrl,lp r tubicle flim prisouor Karl Ill •ill]- IilwyUl's bu114C. They Il,d ruet bV aN residouco, .-The ouilding formerll oocnpieu by Mr, Motley advanced W farmers on their own .yoleupnly t{pat CLO accusation n won which h notes wittl he was iwing tfnod, wits false, tllld- that tale d tlileuce and had made no cwhcavor• pUintnlOut, arid wer•U now c,onve.l•slllg rClinton wi itoea, Huron ,treat. M a that A special prize was awarded it, certain , ne or inoreendorsera. No mortcNigc required as . • li.a stood heforo_ them as sustained by to confut". Fur instance, there.•was the Over the strange incidents of the Layton I n n, 71111:10, IR71. ly spea" vofnmlts for the instruments, and urit3•. Criule as theywere thamselyes Wplat lately whoiu t,O met in hluomabury trial. •' - parties larehatsiu<� should see the EXCEL- •- H.•C, 111tr.t,alt Manager, January lbs Clinton ( ( fLINTON AfEUrIANLCS' [NTITUT LIBR• ' slot, before bu ing elsewhere. could be sflid LI'llly ]til' his f'a\'O1 W;+$ Sgnal'e, +1'het]p IIC t001i GO 11'CVOit'i lips lis termination, said IJ f. Uailicenl'}, AKY at1(t RUNaI»; L{t,uws, PUrrin btu k, down buy that his character, and t0 Some extelit tituriallt, whon1 lie retr,aled-with a supl,lel' lis In Larniony with the Whole Ut the staiall rs. Leading 1,70 V o alura n t e bind Oy-a d GEU. F. 01KE:, PROFRI ETUR, j that neither he fact• Sl]b touched-:). d:s• proceedings. iLayton the atay ou the t'010 p tor, `+ • •B I D ,)] L Fi L�♦ :U •��' 3lewhnrshi M B E •- j his blainelesR life, was a refutation of I am aft std when p ticknta3l Tor aauum• Open farm 2 to 5 p.m„ itod from 7 Lu Factory three floors west of Mulloy's Pump the .charge. Evidence of .uhnriteter tvuy tinct proof that IhO•y were otherwise is put again upon his trial, that there o P m. Applioatious for meaulorehep reetved fid,\ RIllittonhnry St., Clinton, L'dp psrec• - r n]On,O11tO11Sl Occupied. Tho evidence will be no further disagreement on the by the Librarian in tit_ttlt•,r,Lt1yp p' � Watch and Clock iltak�ir generally called )n mitlga won of iru- Y ! pending Pnnishmeut. HH did not in with respect to this Judy is irtefriloable• (pate o£ the jury, and that his conviction rlJll� S@IAVIf+aG PARLOR JEWELLER, ate., tend to call such evidence, becatise, •'Silo was no shadow, no myth, n•) crea- is certain.' . by so doing, it would 11 be a half admin- tion of the Imagination; she Was a •vbr- °�Vitb the evidencO as it stands at A A. -Bennett U111POA1Trt T1SE TRANKET,C1.1NT'ON ittthlo heing,of flesh anti bl oil. All tho, sHAvrlvc, uArlc evrrixc AND sunAl- $loll LlL•(t he htOOd there A guilty ln$tPad n prosent,' said ,3I, Bainbridge, Lbought. FOU1NG duce very Ueat and to suit Where -he keeps a select assortment of Of an innocent wan. He know pet feet- m$'o, s of'the prosecution had failed to fully, 'you It b right iu your conclusion. ovary persue, n:aco her, and tho just deduction -was JOHN E.1oE�l, Ntmlth"el Blnelc WATCHES, CLOCKS, J£WFLLERY, S/LYER- ly well how IatnO and impotent ti1P,Se ,' J lint there is Lore a mystery t0 60 - • —TtiE LEADING— words roust sound in the oars of theism that she was somewher0 in hiding, a61tid brought to li:ht which discovered mri WARE a , , J (BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS AT COST.MEL Which we will eau at reaeonablerates. Who were sitting injudgment upon hien; w corns forward lest she alight ho in- lead to a differoi,t result. Almost un- - Tho lin11 �.:out this he could not help. It was but Crimrnated and ]placed elide by sido Will fathomable as this mystery now appears DR. WOR I'llINUrU.Y'S IDaLT(; 8VOR13,i for Albertli al i' Repairing of every flescr•iption promptly a part o► the fatal woh iu which lie will the prisoner in the dock, The Prisonor to be, its unravelrnent may, after all, a fico assurcmeut of Btblua and Teatnmunta. ' + ■ DENTS ce6ded to, and all work warranted. • nil i w (lid not den hot, existence, nor that she depend TE:4'r4J1t:NT,+ from J. BIDDLECONUE. entangled. That he a his wife had Y j pail u pop a vow dlendor thread- om t3rtH. Ul'WAKDt3 °' ti l Y and lie were for sovocal hours m com_ BIUI,GF front 45cts. UPW uiDn. Clinton. Nov 1882. lived uhhapp'tty together wits lite t0 be FOCLUItatUly, LriytOh's $eCuttd trial can. coatE AND SEE. D1t. WoRTHING.ON, Depositary ' —: AND :— disputed; trot even in this most serious Pa11y with each uthor. Were he inno- not take place for a u,onth. Before f . P l I 1T'rt rr)n ui' FRONT _,". crisis of his life he dvInied-the right u1= vent what pus4ble doubt could exii6 the month ex pees k hello to be able to _Uf grit 1 1 / l3 r� 1LO t g l i M O N EY. its ,p -� - O'N EY < N.e . T hat be world bring or forward to os `'i"'�]�'T'� �...> 'r . A._ ...�._, _ , . h Fv ata t l o a few good loaoa from PRIVATE ' 1 . 1�1 15 � � t A .:r� _ rogate'l by the legal profession to rill g 1ty my hand upon evidence which will .IJ1 J.1.J..l�L.l��1��...111 f G[IOICE KwED oAmd nna t;I,ovLlt nail tdhlish his innnCenCO? �lTel'0 both tri- FUNns, at low rates and thoderate ex,eude, i' ' .'I1tI0T1IX r1EhU FOR •nt.lrt. .open Il man's priva'te'afftirsand expose pr0vo hire innocent of the ch.,ge. t I to the vulgar gaze what lie desir d innocent, would not she of her own ac- ! `Tu ju Ige from his attitude,' said Dr. Terms rustle to snit burrowers. cord sta p £ot warrl to )1'ove it ? Thal i a �1AVNING dt; 'SCOTT, sh'.nld be hidden from it, The Iasi l [ Luincuurt, be is indifferent as t0 the --- Clinton I )I f' C� 111 [,f),11. Parties wanting such should call early, I ora also thing he would do even if he had i,ei'n i�risoner iii-liis address made certain al- result.' - 1 prepared to pay highest market price in ca -4h for Po - J• T. WILKIE _ fatties. Ile Is still to be found at the old stand, in ten imes the peril in which h-- then hisions to honor and conscience, by 'Yon are mistakon,' said thb lawyer•; .11ltl:1411P OCN I11 VT,� - -' HURON ST. CL1NTOA. stood wall to drag other persons into whi.•h he would make ftxppefu til at, bH 'it is vol that ha will not 0tve his re It„Idcho oxeh,sive rightfortnecounty forme [turd Tho BXST of EGYPTIAN y 1 + I? ] , Y process of admh,isterng ehemieally pure Vitmgen , with afull line of the case, and to allow thein to he b.Nck wits guided by his honor and hiS Con• ,OaSe t0 Cel'ttlin means wbic4 I believe M„n•xtdb, which Is tile Nafest and bestsyatem yet die. FLUIDS Used in EMBALMING _ science. in the singular metbod of his coveredfor the paiulesnextractiunofteeth. Clear ea FLOUR, FEED &VEGETABLES enHd nail �'1 11'IAd SIB he had poen. I o 16 t0 bO LU hl$ p Wel' GO diROIU$e, Iia$ moderate, dat,afaction uarauteed. OFFICE, EL- ea,n searettly doubt,' said the priso, of- defence; and it may Je that there exist. it not occurred to you that he has been L10 rs HLO 1K, over ltanee's tailor Shop, Huron A larg,' asROrtlnent Of evetyching ♦ ed in hlttlROme mlAfakCn St+Use Of CbIV• „ street, ellnton. Of the best u,llties,^which be will sell at the lowest what vour verdict will be. Were I in anxious all through to ktiep something _ in the Undertaking litre. remunerative rrlcoRcnau wit(, May favor nun with a Yom, place I should most likely decide all•V which induced•him to do all in his 1 in the background,' call His stock includes FLOUR, CHOP, SHORTS, i as you Will decide; but none the 1p,ss Power to screen the partner. in his 'Yes' re`died Dr Daineourt (that has 14 E N T I S T • 111"N. OATS PEAS, LiEN FEED, ORE, ,ASI ► , t r FLOUR, CR tckrr) wilE•t f GRANULATED RUL, will it be a solemn fact that, tbotlgh criltle. 7t would have been better for been ill, itilpre8sioo; but it may be COATS @LOCH Red Rocker Store Clinton ',EK, land dr %NDA1tD OATMEAL and CORNMIRAhl OU alio 1 aII right, sole ate merallV 1)la, hada 110 hrO111;11G his hDller and $Omething that mit more fir int iX his ' , Heallkindsof wf I Veil for cash far coarse grains. SHORTS Y Y g Y y-rT-�'t��� ORANGE ST. g k Wrong. I must be content to apt the Ills consolenc0 to boar in the unhappy guilt. Is ft your intention to follow up RESIDENCE,�1.,C,1 and FLOUit by the ton or cwt., and overythiug sold i cage rest as itltaa been presented to you, engagement into which he ente,ed with the case?' � I NEAR METHODIST 011URUB at mill prlaoa All artlelaa delivered trop of unarge i within the car ,,ration. Ills motto will be Good' and to abide the issue, though it may the nnformnate Lady who afterwards 'To the last link in the chain.' 4111111 CHARGES MODERATE I goods, juitweight and one price.” • , I e(st file my life.' becaate his wife; but it had been RmPly 'The chain, if thorn be 0110, is safely C L I N 1' U N . al..rN•rs.)N TIiQS. WATSON, Huron Street Cling'. � -Neter in a criminal court, in the proved that the marriage was not, on bidden, and I cannot for iho Life of me r ---- ti- ' ' case of a luau Arraigned upon so grave his solo at least, a mut nage of of%eGlun. see a s nc;lu link.' M US I V , I PLANING MILL A , a charge, has there been heard a defense Distinctly be mairie'I Ler for her Mr Bainoridge, leaning back in his ; so we('k and strange; but it is neverthe. money, land distinctly he wonld bo it chair, did not reply for a few moments, ,iiner b her death. Thais then there m -AND- T - f less A fine that the prisoners eatrest g Y , , and then ho said: lloherty's ,yu�ia liuuk - $1.501 ' ex a ed t motive and not a novel ono- 'I have two links to commence with. and, to NII appeiat•ance,lnt;eniuus manner ILichardsvn'd New Method for •1 1 •,iod11ced a dee,Ira tlsai0n n fon al! who fit `Clip, tragedy bad been played many One of thrse iA'sbadow the other is Pianntr,rte _ D R Y K Y L N I i h,'nrd him, ;end when lie Ceased speak• tine's in the history Of critire--for his certain and tangible.' And then, with Getz Parlor Organ . ,. . $1 S0 1`1111E SUBS;:RIBER HAVING! JUST COMPLETED , 1•- 4 i',Lr there was, in the mutmtos of ast.nn• getting rid of }lel`. IT.- (thp connsR) of the air of a mart whose thoughts were ,Jou-se Musical CateclliSmR - - 20c, andf"rmxhed Ilia new Pinning mill ,tith mnchin• � ri Of' the n'OReCIItlOn did ItOt wish t0 ,TOR$ r• Sheet M11.+1 C. Arl ices not in stock r0- cry of the latest improved patternn, is now prepared , l� DbueLc tnritTMeNr, Is ,np nt thrit followed, an unmistak"bre I ) I engaged upon un important snhject, 110 Y p r p to attend m all orders in his lino in the moat pry»nit SOUTTHERN IN tACH PAb Raatt n ,t fat s 'm lathy. . nan,t ardly upon the ]prisoner, who was at t•xvlaimed, 'If I could oLl discover its cured off the RburtHst notice. and ld al aea,ry retriturn thanks t n,a l whin vitt rate,.. 1 0 'ASTHMA �A A CU b 3 ] Y would alae return thnnka to all who pntrvaNn'd the 11/1 /'1 R 'AfGei1 H ON, atisn the attorne I an of Ciiltnre and refinement, tin, liteanin r?' � old 'Iran before tho, were hurned ,tut, atter now being p Y Picnics ,upplied with Prizes very Cheap. in a hotter pni,tinn to execute orlemoxpo(IfunuRiv, IN.TRNT t,CLICr rOR gels -1-I rota• to 1411111 up the CNSn ag;4il,RG tier] keenly the position in Which 'Tilt! mennin'gg"nf what,' foelsenn8do»tlie can k,•iv. Rathfaet.iontn Rt!. ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS f the pri�ofaor, and his incisive udieial he Stood, wliate\er might b" his out- Tho lawyor took it rtelc ofeards from W Cooper. � PAC'Tf)NY-Near flip Trtink Rail DV MAIL ON RECEIPT OK PRICE j ] 1/1/ iii. `iO� lei i pit SAMPLES, 2Se.• RtaulJ►R SIZE. $1.00 Iltter,alices Iti09n dcal:011ed the lm1prt,smoi) ' "a I'll ,ieme:anov. But It devolved ippon I a drawer Und Seiected at C)ird, /lhich he BERVI.it BLUCK uooiC J1'OIt E. way, (''ilinion. HpooRtn6 FULFORD a CO.,i EIFlOCKVILLE,ONr. . THOMAS hichEV%Ii; VL.na 1.„C.'flE 110.