HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-01, Page 8DTN' ON° NEW ERA, JAIWAN, JULY 1, ;$87,, �•-� ; ate--„�.-.-- -°-� -�-�-- ;, 74QQ4 L 404 '• gthie In Rantvnooki,, Rubber and ',Pane 'POW a0,140.100.1413 Bookstore. 154.Per dot. for 5.000 doz. 400S;in trade Of sr� '' WI,TORRIL'S, �,linton.. .d tarrJe aeeo9'tment of Top Shirts foe+ Boys 4at4 Len atQkLNTO WOOL TX 1l1ILLS 2,500, '.Bu*ched , •Nigh ..Land Pine and CollarQ.LE , tit front 35cts. per bunch a Je TOHE.L1.'S . ,estt* led casirai 1 . shades for e boxes Wool Shawlsevening , goocl Vane.. very at eav BEESLEY d::CO'S. •73EL'$LEY dG CO., in ,males r000 m Jnr tir Fiat stud of RIRBO,IVS to fall ones, having BUeaySaura Nig at Ray Usa Cash ual Prices. Sown Septcp. The Wingham Advance has taken the 'hint we gave it about Clinton market*, and now publishes them somewhat more reliably; `SOME•HONEY.-=A few days since 'Mr -Isaac Dodd extracted from a bee hive be- longing -to Mr D. C. Carr, at one extract, no'less `than forty-one pounds of honey.' BIHOOMPA TION KILLED. --A few days since Mr Will Webb, tinsmith, late of this town, and a companion, were at work on the roof of a six story building, in New York, when'the companion_ fell and was Instantly killed. STILL` THEY GO.- Mr. W. Core and sister sail on Saturday next for Liver- pool via White Star Steamship Arabic, and Miss McGarva on the same date, for Glasgow. per steamship Carnessia, of the Anchor Line. HAYING. -Just a few farmers have commenced haying in Huron county. As het the sound of the mower has not been eard much. The bay,crop will not be heavy, but farmers say that a fair crop will be harvested. CATTLE -Mr Morgan, of Oshawa, ship- ped two car loads of good cattle from here on Tuesday; among them were a number bought from Messrs. Fair, Plumsteel, Cornish, and other swell -known farmers; they easily average, 1450 lbs each. THE Seaforth Sun has never been able vet to explain its previous statement that Seaforth had two or three hundred more of a population than Clinton. In order to refresh its memory we give the figures again -Clinton, 2800, Seaf'ortb, 2530. COMPLIMENTARY. -The Mitchell Re- corder says: -Tho Mitchell baseballers were entertained at the Grand Union while in Clinton on Tuesday. They speak very flatteringly of the manner in which the hotel is run and the courtesy and attention shown them by the pro- prietor, Mr. Carson. PROPERTY CHANGES. -Mr TIJoa Hol- loway has-bougbt of Mr Ferris the small house and two lots on Ontario St. east (near the manse) paying therefor the sum of $500. Mr Jas Smith has bought of Mr C. Mason, two quarter -acre lots on.. the eastern limit of High street; we did not learn the price. TELEGRAPu-LINE—The-eon struction gang that is erecting the poles and wires for this line has struck town and are busy getting the line in shape. We understand that the office will be lo- cated in Jackson Bros. store, and will be open for the transaction of business in about three week's time. ON THE BRINY DEEP. -As announced last week, Messrs. Fair, Dickson, and Manning left on Saturday for the ohl country, and are now on the briny deep. No doubt these lines will apply to each of them: - The man who's on the ocean And seasick in his berth, Amid the storm's commotion,,, Is the man who wants the earth: ^Acmu:s N.T.-On Tuesday, -Mr W Kiteb en, of Stanley,. brought a bull here which he had sold to Mr Morgan. As it weigh- ed 2350 it was brought in a waggon. While unloading it the horses started be- fore everything was in readiness, and the bull, with Mr Kitchen, who was in the waggon by it, were both thrown out, the bull striking Mr Kitchen on the leg, severely sprainingeit; he was fortunate that he was not more severely .hurt. CONVICTIONS. -The list of cases by magistrates in the county, for the quarter ending Juno 14th number 110. 01 these no less than 55 were for violation of the Scat Act -anstitb,2..of .these_tt_con- yiction was secured -a very large pre- -centage-the fines amounting to $2606; of course some of these fines .bave been paid, but as several of the cases are under appeal, the rest have not. There were only four cbarges.of "drunk and dia- orderly.” Taking the Scott Act cases out of the list the balance certainly shows a diminution in crime in this county. PARLIAMRNTARIANS.-Mr Robt. Port- er, M. P., West Huron, made a visit here on Saturday last,' and was cordially re- ceived by his supporters. In the of er- noon a meeting of thelocal Railway Com• mittee was held, when Mr. Porter briefly outlined what bad transpired at Ottawa in connection with the proposed lines of railway through this county, assuring the committee that the probabilities of Clin- ton receiying additional railway accom- niodellert . were pt the most encouraging nature -On Monday Mr John McMillan, M. P., South Huron, was in town, being on his way to Guelph to attend a meeting of the Advisory Board of the Ontario Agricultural College, of which he is a member. KILLING THE GOOSE, &C. -During re- cent years a great many Sunday school scholars and teachers here have enjoyed an annnal outing at Goderich by having their picnic there, the railway usually accommodating the public with a fare of 25 and 10 cents, for adults and children respectively, at which figure the' rail- way made money with little inconven- ience or extra train service. This year several of the town Sabbath schools made their arrangements for the pie -nig, as us nal e-spectlug they would have the same railway rate as heretofore, but the Gener• al Passenger Agent writes that the lowest figures that will be allowed -are 80 and 15 cents. As Many think the latter too high for little children, it is not likely that it willbe accepted by the Sabbath schools. The agent, Mr. Pattison, is try- ing his best to get a better rate, and un- less he secures it the railway will cer- tainly lose what bas hitherto been a prof- itable part of its buslneap, and the public will be derived of what has been a pleasure, enjoyed at Moderate el:pence. • TIP WAf IQ USIN.g9S.- -Ql4 .M00 - day bast Mr. • A. entre . parlor snit to a gentleman ;a: Wfnghacn. bet , T. $olmes delivered it on' Tues- day, and received orders for two more suites,, the- same to be ebipped at sines,. How is that for the Red Rooker Furni• ture ,attire. OpprELLQwe.--Tho semi-annual els- tion;of ofhcera for Clinton Lodge No. 83, I. 0. O. F., took place Tuesday evening, as followa:-G. 1'. G}, I. Taylor; N. G., W. McRowen; V. G., R. Fox; R. S., Geo A. Sharman; P. (3., Robt. Logan; Treas.. J. H. Worsen. The delegate to the Grand Lodge meeting, to . be held at Peterboro, on Wedneddsy, Aug. 10tb, is Mr, Thomas Lavin, A NEW. HQItsE.-Our esteemed friend of the 13eafartb Expotiitor is advertising his present residence for sale, which means that he is Poing to move into th handsome, palatial house that he has erected on the Huron road. Friend Mc- Lean is about.the only newspaper man in the county that can afford a fine reef• deuce; the rest of the poor duffers have to be satisfied to live on the principle ,of "love in a cottage," and McLean should give us the chance of seeing inside a good housbonce it a while. Now Mac. send out your invitations for a house warming, never mind if it is the month of July. A CLOSE CALL.—The wife of Mr John Miller, who resides on Mary street, bad a remarkably narrow escape from what would probably have been a fatal acci- dent. On Saturday last while engaged in her household duties she was startled by the whiz of a bullet as it grazed the back of her neck, and striking the wall bounded back on the table. Her huse• band being home picked up the bullet and found out that a neighbor, wishing to frigt ten some birds that were picking cherries, had thoughtlessly used a gun loaded with ball cartridge; it happened that when the ball passed Mrs Miller she had just bent forward to pick up a eup, otherwise we might have had to chronicle the demise of a most estimable lady, and a respected citizen of our town might have been held for manslaughter. Such carelessness is culpable. LOCAL BRrars.-Messrs W Spooner and T Palterman took tickets this week for Winnipeg, via C P R all rail route. A wag states that a young man from Albert street is seen perambulating James street in the evening; we speer that John -son knows something about this. Mr W Cooper, builder, hasjust completed a very handsome brick house for Mr Jas Keys,in Stanley, (about three miles below Varna;) Mr Keys is unmarried, but they say he has a peck of girls in view -we can certify that it is a pretty good peck too. Mayor Whitehead has returned from his visit to Ottawa,Montreal,and other eastern points. Miss Mary Jackson is visiting friends in Wingham. Mr John Irwin (son of R Irwin, Esq,) who holds an important position on a southern line of railway, is home on a visit; he looks as if the south agreed with. A ^ certain young mat,, of toter] takes an occasional 'constitutional' walk out the base line;. perhaps he's cullen the crowd. In Stevenson's furniture store may be seen a life-size photograph of the late Robert Callander it is an excellent picture,and- was got up by that unequalled phntoist, Mr H Foster. Bidd!eeombe's jewellery store is adorned with a psir of handsome window blinds. Regular meeting of council will be held next Mon- day evening Mr S Wilson, merchant, was laid up for a few days with a slight attack of inflammation of the bowels, but is out again. Mr J R Jliller, license in• specter, East Huron,was in town on Wed- nesdas,and laid. information against three hotels in his inspegtorate, for viola- tion of the Scott Act, The steamer Baltic upon which MrT White crosses to Liver- pool, arrived on Monday. To -day being the 1st of July it will be observed as a general holiday. ;Alex ,Milan has gone to Montreal this week in charge of a car of stock for T -McLean. S Andrews ship- ped one car of stock for export this week. The Clinton foundry is making business boom at present, shipping threshers and repairs almost daily. Mr Wre Stanley, 01 Holmesville, is receiving large shipments of agricultural implements which he is distributing through ,the country in his usual successful manner. Mr D A For- rester shipped two cars of tow to Paterson. N J, this week. Messrs Jos Watsen .and wife, of Chillicothe; MO.,' and R WAt'son and wife, of Walkerville,are visiting the parental roof; "Jo" looks as if western life agreed well with him,and we are clad to learn is doing well. Mr T Tipling's trotter Was in the races at Listowel last week. Mr Will Robinson, of the Huron road, sold a three year old gelding the other day to Mr E Butt, for $195, and bought a mare from some one near Kin - burn for $200. Clinton base ball club go to Mitchell to day (Friday) to play a game there. Messrs ON Smith and H Stanbury go to Toronto, next Wednesday, to play base ball with the employees of Cox & Co. against the insurance men. A horse tied in front of Jackson Bros. store, fell down on Wednesday, breaking the shaft of the buggy ; the big bargains inside must have startled it. " Where are you going to spend your holidays?" asked one pedes- trian of another the other clay ; 0 suppose it tvill be summer round," was the reply ; the man who got off that pun was beading for Goderich when last seen. Brussels grain market leads the van and has done so for some time.esBrussels Post --stein ton excepted, of course. Exeter is going to put a town clock op its new town hall ; if a village like ]?•ceter can afford a clock, surely Clinton cal. Mr John Riduut,who has been on the > iek list for some time, has recovered sufficient to be out again. Mr James Biggins, alsofor some time confined to the house, we are pleased to see is able to be out. Mr S Phipps, of Goderich townahip,delivered 'he first load of new hay here this week. Farmers will commence cutting fall wheat in two weeks; it is somewhat affected by rust, but not net to its injury. ALA recent meeting .of the 33rd Battalion officers, field here, it was decided that the companies would not perform annual drill this year, A son of Mr W Sloman, who recently left town without letting his parents know of his intention, and thus causing them consider- able anxiety, returned on Wednesday. Mr E A Tyndall, Professor of elocution, (son of Mrs Tyndall, base line,) who has been in a Philadelphia college for some, ime, is spending his holidays herr ;he has been offered a $2000 situation on the other side,but prefers to remain in Canada, and will likely locate in Toronto. Mr Frank J e' r oyi has taken a situation at Barrie. Mr J Wiseman and bis sister-in-law, Mrs Fierriott, leave on a holiday trip to Chicago this week. EAT -DISCOUNT-SALE FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS, AT DICKSON'S : BOOKSTORE, CLINTON. On POCKET BOOKS wo will give a discount JEWELLERY SILVERW ! rSCELLANEOUS BOOKS BIBLES PHOTO ALBUMS AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS TESTAMENTS CUPS and SAUCERS SPECTACLES PIPES VASES and CHINA GOODS VIOLINS and FIXINGS CONCERTINES and AUCORDEONS WALL PAPER [[ [[ .4 „ [: of 23 per cent. 25 lb 20- 26 225 25 20 •25 90 e5 25 20 20 BERLIN WOOLS, FINGERING YARN, Sc 20 10 a discount of 25 .DAY Books Journals Ledgers, kc MOUTH ORGANS, we will give BABY CARRIAGES " Ladies HAND SATCHELSit [f ., Combs, Writings Desks and Workboxes " VELVET FRAMES and DOLLS [: BASKETS 15 30 20 25 15 all other goods at proportionately low prices. c. [[ Y[ [[ [[ [L [[ [: [[ 14 [[ This is the greatest opportunity ever afforded, to secure goods below wholesale prices. Out' entire stock amounting to nearly $20,000, must be reduced to 8I0,000 within the next 60 days. Come and see our stock, and get our prices, -whether you buy o: not. No trouble to show you- the Great Bargains we .are offering. Terms Cash, or 3 months' credit to responsible parties. CHIIISI DICKSON, - CLINTON. 9 OM NOW TILL THEN UNTIL the 1st of AIJQTJST WE INTEND TO GIVE THE PEOPLE SOME CHEAP GOODS. WE ARE LIKE ALL THE REST OF TRE DRY GOOD TRADE, WE WANT Td REDUCE OUR STOCK I EFORE OUR FALL AND WINTER GOODS COME IN. Do you want CHEAP P,ARASOLS ? We've got then* Do you want --CHEAP EMBROIDERIES? We've got then CHEAP SEERSUCKERS ? We've got them Do you want Do you want Do you. want Do you want Do you want Do you want-- Do ant"Do you want Do you want Do you want CHEAP CORSETS ? CHEAP GLOVES? CHEAP MUSLINS ? We've got them We've got then We've got them CHEAP COTTONS ? We've got thew. -CHEAP GINGHAMS ? We've got them CHEAP. PRINTS ? We've got them CHEAP TABLE LINENS.? We've got then* CHEAP TOWELS ? We've got• then Remember, wo mean what we say. We never, advertise for fun, an we always have what we say we have. J• GEO. E. PAY & CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. AP tri OTHINGE1 Closing Season —.1 0 .11.. _ q.1.L I,,_ • WEATHER A'I C. RANCE & CO'S WHO HAVE ALWAYS THE RIGHT KIND OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT THE RIGHT PRICES, TRY TO .PLEASE EVERYBODY. DO PLEASE AND -SATISFY THEIR• PATRONS. • Any person in need of a nobby Spring Suit now is the time to purchase. Stock • . 211.1,11 and Assortment Croat. Our is dine Merchant Tailori A.ncl as we give our whole time and attention to that alone, we are enabled to meet the wants of the most fastidious. Wo also manufacture our own Buttons from the same material as the Suit, nd as we are THE ONLY HOUSE IN THE TRADE who do so, we are bettor enabled to turn out a more nobby and artistic garment. A11 in need of a Suit will find it to their advantage to look through our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ---- co -----•- a C. RANCE & CO., J'INE M J CH.ALNT TAILOIi.S tCI AILN9P4ON-. We are now drawing to a close, the largest season's trade in the history of' our establishment, and we claim to have done this by selling the Cheapest Clothing in the County, quality and make considered. We are now mapping out'things for next fall's trade, Mr.T. Jackson, jr., being. at New York in the interest of our Boy's Clothing Department, and by the 1st of September we hope to show such a stock that will not be equalled in this section. In the mean time we are closing out odd lines of goods at wonderfully low prces, and anybody wanting something light for the hot weather should come and see the Great Bargains we offer. 000 -- • JACKSON BROS., CUNTO1NT. r